
Policy Oms extension of the validity period. The validity period of the old and new compulsory health insurance policies. Old samples of the compulsory medical insurance policy and new indefinite ones

Insurance organizations issuing CHI policies are required to be registered in the system of the CHI Fund of Russia. Sometimes this does not happen and a person seeks medical help and is refused. In addition, when changing work or place of residence insurance certificate may also undergo changes, therefore it is necessary to check its validity. Not to mention situations when you simply need to give a number in a medical institution, but there is no form at hand.

Sample policies

To check if your policy is valid, you can:

  1. Look at the form itself - its validity period and the start and end date of the insurance period are printed directly on the form or on a card (depending on the form of the document).
  2. Contact your insurance company. To do this, you need to call, or use online resources (like personal account), and give your full name and number on the card for verification.
  3. Come to a medical institution and present a document.

How to find out by name the OMS policy number online

It is impossible to find out the OMS number solely by the last name- on state level does not exist yet common base insurance certificates, from which this information would be provided to the public freely. However, there are territorial CHI registers where such a possibility is realized.

Unfortunately, one last name may not be enough - government resources may require additional information(date of birth, residential address, etc.)

There are many third-party sites where you can find your insurance certificate number by first and last name. However, do not forget that their use may lead to the theft of personal data, this should be taken into account, if you use a third-party service that is not recommended by us, then be extremely careful. The most popular and proven service is available by clicking the "Check" button.

The algorithm is the same everywhere:

  1. Choose a tab.
  2. Type in the information you have in the required window.
  3. Click "Search".

You can use other online resources of regional CHI funds. Usually, it is enough just to enter the document number in the appropriate box for verification and all the necessary information will be on the screen.

Also, some insurance companies implement a similar search for their clients (if a person simply forgot the number) on their websites.

How to find out the insurance company by the number of the OMS policy

Information about which company the policy is registered with is stored in the Federal MHI Funds. This is where you should look if you need to learn about the UK.

This can be done through the standard checkout form:


  1. Choose what kind of document - new or old.
  2. Enter a 16-digit number or a series and number.
  3. Click "Check".
  4. All available information about the policy will be displayed on the screen.

Check OMS policy online

Important! The name of the insurance company may not be in it, since only the regional MHI funds themselves determine which data can be accessed by the population.

Not everyone knows what a compulsory medical insurance policy is, and what is the need for it. Also, how to draw up this agreement, what documents will be required for this. What rights does the insured person begin to possess from the moment of imprisonment? insurance contract.

The compulsory medical insurance policy is a contract for the provision of medical care between applicants and insurance companies. The specified services in the contract are provided upon the occurrence of the insured events described in the policy. Also, the OMC policy contains a list of rights, obligations, responsibilities of the parties, methods of compensation. The state directs the program compulsory insurance to provide timely assistance in the event of a disease.

Medical legislation obliges to conclude a health insurance contract:

  • citizens of Russia;
  • a foreigner who has issued a residence permit and permanent residence in the country;
  • persons who do not have citizenship;
  • refugees who have the right to receive medical assistance.

In accordance with the statutory regulations governing legal position foreign persons, highly qualified specialists are exempted from the obligation to have a compulsory medical insurance policy and car insurance.

The applicant needs to visit an insurance company that provides such services and conclude a contract with it. On this moment more than fifty-eight companies operate. To attract customers, companies come up with various promotions and bonuses. Often, an organization is selected based on its place of residence. Some citizens opt for those companies that are time-tested.

To conclude a contract, persons who have not reached the age of fourteen must submit following documents:

  • birth certificate;
  • passport of the mother (father) or other official representative;
  • SNILS.

Adults and children over the age of 14 provide a passport.

Foreign persons staying legally on the territory of Russia, provide the following papers:

  • identity document;
  • SNILS.

If a representative will conclude a contract, he must have a notarized power of attorney, as well as a passport. It is recommended to insure health from companies that are part of the CHI fund.

It is allowed to independently issue a policy to persons who have reached the age of majority. In other cases, parents or legal guardians must fulfill these obligations. In certain situations, a temporary policy is concluded (change of surname). This agreement is concluded for a period not exceeding 1 month. It comes into effect from the moment of signing.

Sample compulsory medical insurance policy contains such information:

  • personal data of the person who draws up the document (full name);
  • Date of Birth;
  • policy number;
  • the period of time during which the policy is valid;
  • hologram.

The other side of the document contains the phone number and other contacts of the insurance company.

Newborn children must be insured for ninety days from the date of birth. Before signing the contract, it is recommended to find out through a special portal which companies provide such a service. Before the expiration of the allotted time for the registration of the policy, the child is provided with assistance under the contract concluded for the mother. The policy must be issued at the place of registration of one of the parents. Parents or legal representatives have the priority right to choose an insurance company.

In the case of temporary residence in the territory of the country, people are issued policies with the duration of their legal stay in the state.

In case of loss of the compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to act in the following order:

  1. Inform the insurer about the loss of the document.
  2. Visit an organization to submit a duplicate.
  3. Get a temporary policy. Within thirty days of its action, it is made new policy.
  4. Get a new version of the compulsory medical insurance policy.

In certain cases, the insured person is obliged to inform about the occurrence of changes.

Such cases include:

  • change of personal data;
  • change of passport;
  • change of place of registration (moving).

The occurrence of such changes must be reported within thirty days.

Insurance companies provide services for issuing a policy at a convenient address for a person. This is possible when a person with limited physical capabilities... The schedule for the provision of such services can be found on the organization's website. To order such a service, you need to call the company's call center.

Since 2015, Russian citizens have the opportunity to receive an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy. To obtain an electronic policy, the client needs to visit the insurance company and submit an application.

No one will be able to use the issued policy except for its owner. The issued policy will not be the basis for the termination of the old one that was received earlier. This means that those who do not want to issue an electronic policy are not required to do so. Electronic policy more secure.

It has a built-in plastic chip that contains a signature and a photo of the owner of the contract. This makes it impossible for other people to use the personal data of the carrier. The owner of this type of policy can make an appointment to the hospital through electronic terminal... He can also do it through the website. government agencies MFC providing similar services.

An electronic policy contains the following information about its owner:

  • personal information about the person (full name);
  • female Male;
  • Date of Birth;
  • the period during which the contract is valid;
  • list of the insured person;
  • Photo.

On the reverse side, the number of the OMS policy is indicated. The contract may contain a photograph of persons who have reached the age of fourteen.

Authentication may be required in case of doubt about this medical institution. A person can carry out the check independently. The most common way to find out if the policy is valid by its number.

This is possible by performing the following actions:

  1. Search for the site of the organization.
  2. In the check box, enter the policy number.
  3. See the result on the screen.

The validity of the contract can be checked by the name of the insured person. You can also do this using the number indicated in the citizen's passport. In addition, the insured person has the opportunity to contact the company's call center and find out the information of interest. If necessary, the consultant will explain what document needs to be prepared to replace or extend the MS contract.

The passport or other identity document of the person applying to the hospital must be with him. You also need to have an insurance policy and a medical card with you. If a situation has arisen in which you need to contact a medical institution, but you do not have an insurance contract with you, you must inform the hospital representative of the information about the insurer. So the employee medical center it will be possible to check the registration of a person with this insurance company.

V legislation in the field of health care, diseases are listed, with the onset of which medical care is provided.

Medical services will be provided:

  • women who have begun childbirth;
  • pregnant women;
  • people suffering from diseases of the endocrine system;
  • persons with infectious diseases;
  • people with acquired diseases of the skin;
  • women who visit the hospital to terminate a pregnancy;
  • persons who have been injured;
  • patients with diseases of the hearing and visual apparatus;
  • people suffering from diseases of the nervous system;
  • patients with a violation of the process of assimilation of food;
  • people who have received poisoning for various reasons;
  • patients with diseases of the subcutaneous tissue.

Budget funds can be spent on treating people who suffer from diseases such as:

  • mental disorders;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • tuberculosis.

What rights does a medical policy give? When a compulsory medical insurance policy is issued, you can get medical help if, after taking medications of psychoactive action, a change in behavior (disorder) has occurred. The identification of addiction in persons who have not reached the age of majority is included in the obligatory procedure for a preventive medical examination.

Why else do you need a compulsory medical insurance policy?

What rights does the compulsory health insurance policy give? The current legislation determines that the compulsory health insurance policy gives the right to receive medical assistance free of charge.

Such assistance includes:

  • dentist services;
  • outpatient;
  • first medical aid on call.

These types of assistance should be provided in any settlement where the person is. The compulsory medical insurance policy must be with you and given to the representative at the time of contacting the hospital, to the dentist and when receiving sick leave. Also valid policy should be at the time of calling an ambulance and during the implementation of measures aimed at identifying and preventing mass diseases in the inhabitants of the country.

Cosmetology services in dentistry, as well as prosthetics services, are not included in the list of assistance provided under the compulsory medical insurance policy. In addition to these services, the insurance policy does not cover the costs of contacting a psychologist. Under the contract, you cannot go to a medical institution for an artificial insemination procedure.

This document makes it possible to receive medical care at a high technological level, but this happens only within the limits of quotas set by the state.

The MHIF defines the following circle of people who are eligible to receive an MHI policy:

  • a Russian who officially labor activity;
  • unemployed citizen;
  • child;
  • retiree.

A person has the opportunity to conclude an OMI contract with any insurance company. The main requirement for a company is a government permit to provide such services. The main requirement for an applicant is a personal application and a passport. If Insurance Company does not fulfill his obligations, the insured person has the right to apply to the court to resolve the dispute that has arisen. A person has the same right in relation to a medical institution. The plaintiff may demand compensation for material and moral damage received by representatives of these organizations.

Case studies

Citizen Karanda A.N. was observed during pregnancy in the state city hospital. Childbirth took place in the maternity ward this institution... A contract for the provision of health insurance services has been concluded between the citizen and the SOGAZ insurance company. The hospital provided assistance appropriately. At the same time, the account was not transferred cash from the insurance company. As a solution to the issue at the pre-trial level, a letter was sent on the voluntary transfer of funds. There was no answer. Further, it was prepared statement of claim to the court, with the requirement to make a payment. The judge, who considered the appeals, satisfied the requirements put forward.

Mandatory health insurance(Compulsory medical insurance) is part of state health insurance and provides all citizens of the Russian Federation with the opportunity to provide the minimum necessary medical services.

Compulsory health insurance policy is a document that guarantees citizens the provision of free medical services.

How long is the standard compulsory medical insurance policy valid?

Is it possible to find out the expiration date if it is not explicitly indicated on the document?

Do I need to renew my paper policy and how can I renew it?

Do I need to change it?

Does its validity depend on the format: plastic of a new sample or paper of an old one?

The answers to all these questions are in our article.

Types of compulsory medical insurance policies

Until 2011, each insurance company had the right to choose itself appearance of the issued document. Later, three formats were established that all organizations must follow:

Paper document (old)

Produced on light blue A5 sheet.

This is the most common option.

The main disadvantage of this format is plain paper and it is easy to spoil it. Not the most convenient size A5, many people try to fold, and because of this, it can also quickly deteriorate. Some information becomes unreadable or hard to distinguish over time.

At the very beginning, it was issued for a period of one year.

Now the policy is unlimited.

Do I need to renew my paper policy?
No, it does not need to be extended either in a year or at other intervals.

Information on many sites on the Internet can confuse people.

The date stamp of the insurance company representative on the back of the policy is not the expiration date of the policy. This is the date you were registered as a client of this insurance company. The policy is valid despite the fact that it has a mark for 2013, 2014, 2015.

If there are several marks, as in the photo, this indicates that the policyholder changed the insurance one. Changed the company, but did not renew it.

Doubt and want to check the relevance of the policy by number or passport data? This can not be done in all regions.
How - .

Plastic card (new sample)

Smaller than paper document.

On the front side there is an electronic chip with a contact pad, which makes it look like a bank card. All Additional Information about the policyholder is in in electronic format on the chip.

Expiration date on the reverse side (where - seen in the photo)

Plastic wears out much more slowly, and therefore the information on it remains for a long time, and you will not have to change it due to its unusability.

Electronic policies are not issued in all regions of the Russian Federation. Such documents require new equipment to read information from them.

Sometimes plastic policies of the compulsory medical insurance of a new type are issued without specifying the validity period, since they are indefinite and valid throughout the life of the owner.

Universal electronic card (UEC)

The main advantages of UEC is that it has a format that is already familiar to everyone bank card and the fact that it is difficult to damage or spoil it.

The card is valid for 5 years. Now they are no longer issued, but those issued earlier continue to operate.

It was assumed that it would only be changed when personal data, for example, surname, as well as passport, were changed, as well as after the expiration of a 5-year period of validity.

Not in all medical institutions there is equipment for reading information from electronic media. This led to the fact that the introduction of UEC was initially delayed, and later was stopped.

Basic policy

Even if the policy is expired, according to the law, you cannot be denied medical care, especially emergency. However, in this case, it will most likely be paid.

If emergency assistance is denied, you have the right to complain to the regulatory authorities, as it is illegal.

You can find out the expiration time of the document simply by having the policy in your hands. The expiration date of the plastic one is clearly indicated on the back of the document. If not specified, the insurance is unlimited.
We have described in detail above the validity period of the paper one.

The validity period can be checked on the Internet, both by the policy number and by the owner's surname. You only need to know exactly the region of issue of the policy.

Often, owners start to worry about the validity and relevance of the policy after they have damaged part or all of the document: they have washed it, accidentally washed it out with water, filled it with paints or ink.

It must be remembered that if you come to the doctor or the registrar of the polyclinic with a damaged policy, there is a high probability that you will be denied a free admission.

You have the right to replace a document that has become unusable and you need to take care of this in advance. This is a free procedure, the details of which you can find out in our article.

Temporary policy

For citizens of the Russian Federation

If this is your first time getting or replacing insurance at the insurance company's office, you will be given a temporary policy.

The validity period of the temporary policy (for a citizen of the Russian Federation) is 30 days. During this time, you will be made the main one.

The temporary document, despite the limited period of validity, in all other respects has equal force with the main one.

For refugees and persons with a temporary residence permit

A temporary compulsory medical insurance policy is also issued if a person is not permanently in our country. When issuing temporary insurance, the period of their validity is equal to the period of stay of a person in the territory of Russia.

These can be refugees or persons with a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation. These groups include foreigners who do business with us, study, or simply come to visit relatives for a long time.

Usually, for all these categories of persons, a period is assigned until the end of the calendar year, if it does not exceed the time of their stay in the country. At the end of the validity period, foreign citizens can renew the policy.

Do I need to change the old policy

Every citizen of the Russian Federation should have a compulsory medical insurance policy, since this document throughout the country, within state program OMS.

It must be issued for foreigners permanently staying in the territory Russian Federation.

If you received the document before 2011, then it is still valid. You cannot be denied medical services.

The policy received before 2007 is valid, but it is recommended to obtain a new document. To do this, you should contact the MHIF or any health insurance company, regardless of where you received the previous one. You will need two documents: a passport and SNILS.

The temporary policy is valid for 30 days. This period is usually sufficient for the insurance company to issue a permanent document.

The prospects for the development of the CHI system are directly related to the Russian economy. GDP growth at a level above the world average will allow consistently increasing the range and quality free services and eventually reach the level social security leading countries in this area.

For creating a single base data, which greatly simplifies the service of insured persons in medical institutions outside the place of residence, since 2011, a transition to uniform form policy of a new sample. A modern policy is a personalized document with a high degree of protection and the presence of a barcode, by which you can get access to all information about the owner stored in electronic form. For citizens of the Russian Federation, the validity period of the compulsory medical insurance policy of a single sample is unlimited.

Today, several forms of the compulsory medical insurance policy are allowed:

  • On paper in A5 format with a special barcode. It is used due to the lack of modern reading devices in medical institutions. It can be issued in parallel with a plastic card.
  • An electronic health insurance policy in the form of a plastic card with a chip, on which basic information about the owner is recorded (full name, date of birth, and others). The policy in this form is not issued in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It depends on the readiness of the region and by agreement of the regional government and the Territorial MHI Fund.

Depending on the date and form of issue, the policy can be temporary or indefinite. A new policy is issued upon the initial registration of a document, for a newborn child, upon replacement in the event of a change in the full name, if important parts of the documents are worn out and unsuitable for reading, as well as for voluntary basis... The document is personalized and does not imply receiving a new one when changing jobs, status or moving. The latter option is especially convenient when traveling in the Russian Federation, as it allows you to get the necessary services under the policy throughout the country. A citizen has the right to independently choose an insurance medical organization, which will defend the rights of the insured and pay bills for medical care provided under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

The period of validity of the compulsory medical insurance policy is unlimited, with the exception of policies issued to persons staying and residing in the Russian Federation on a temporary basis.

Features of the validity period of the compulsory medical insurance policy, depending on the owner

  1. Permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation foreign citizens and stateless persons are issued a paper policy valid until the end of the calendar year.
  2. Persons who have the right to receive medical care in accordance with the Federal Law "On Refugees" are issued a paper policy valid until the end of the calendar year, but no longer than the period of stay established in the documents permitting stay on the territory of the Russian Federation
  3. Foreign citizens and stateless persons temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation are issued a paper policy valid until the end of the calendar year, but no longer than the validity period of a temporary residence permit.
  4. Workers of the EAEU member states temporarily staying in the Russian Federation are issued a paper policy valid until the end of the calendar year, but no longer than the term of the labor contract concluded with the worker of the EAEU member state.
  5. Foreign citizens temporarily staying in the Russian Federation who belong to the category of members of the Board of the Commission, officials and employees of the EAEU bodies, a paper policy is issued with a validity period until the end of the calendar year, but no longer than the term of their respective powers.

On the day of filing an application for choosing (replacing) an insurance medical organization, an insurance medical organization issues a policy or a temporary certificate to the insured person, confirming the execution of the policy and certifying the right to free medical care by medical organizations upon the occurrence of insured event(hereinafter - temporary certificate). A temporary certificate with a limited period of validity is issued upon loss of the original policy or during the procedure for issuing a permanent one. Its validity is terminated at the moment of issuing a permanent policy within a period not exceeding 45 working days.

In January, the media reported that the compulsory health insurance policies from January 1, 2014 are not valid and they need to be changed. AiF.ru found out if this is so.

Are compulsory medical insurance policies really no longer valid?

In fact, the old samples of compulsory medical insurance policies are valid in 2014, there is no need to replace them in urgent order... The replacement of the old-style compulsory medical insurance policies with the new-style policies takes place in stages, there are no restrictions on the timing of their replacement. You need to hurry to get a new policy if:

The old policy has a mark - valid until January 1, 2011;
- you changed your surname, for example, when you got married;
- you wish to be serviced by another insurance company (the insurer can be changed once a year).

According to Federal law 326-FZ "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation", compulsory medical insurance policies issued before January 1, 2011 are valid throughout the Russian Federation. “All old-style policies continue to operate in 2014, and the policies will be in the same way health care as in 2013 ", - said the head Federal Fund compulsory health insurance (MHIF) Natalya Stadchenko.

What is the purpose of replacing the policy?

A new policy was introduced in order to exclude refusals to citizens in receiving medical care outside the constituent entity of the Russian Federation where they are insured. The new policy allows the insured to receive free medical care in any region of the country, regardless of registration, as well as to independently choose the institution and the attending physician.

The new compulsory medical insurance policy is the same for all insurance companies in the regions and contains an identification number for each insured person. Previously, each insurance company had its own policy form, which had a specific size and color. It was not easy for a citizen who moved to another region to get services in a medical facility in another city.

What does the new compulsory medical insurance policy look like?

A new compulsory medical insurance policy of a single sample can be obtained in one of three forms: paper form, in the form of a plastic card or as part of a universal e-card(UEC). When applying for the issuance of an OMI policy, you must indicate in what form you want to receive the policy.

What documents are required to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy?

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to submit an application to an insurance medical organization, as well as the following documents or their certified copies:

Citizen's identity document;
- insurance certificate of the state pension insurance- SNILS (if available).

When receiving a policy for children:

Child's birth certificate;
- a document proving the identity of the legal representative of the child;
- SNILS (if available).

On the day of submission of the application, the insurance company issues a temporary certificate confirming the execution of the compulsory medical insurance policy. It is valid for 30 working days from the date of issue. Then a uniform policy is issued.

Where can you exchange the old-style compulsory medical insurance policy?

You can exchange an old-style compulsory medical insurance policy for a single-sample document at any insurance company that deals with health insurance, as well as at the MFC.

Where to go in case of refusal to receive medical care under the old compulsory medical insurance policy?

When applying for medical care, insured persons are required to present a compulsory health insurance policy, except in cases of emergency medical care. If you received a refusal to provide medical care due to the expiration of the old policy, contact the administration of the medical institution (chief physician, deputy chief physician), as well as the medical insurance organization whose phone number is indicated on the compulsory medical insurance policy, or the Territorial Mandatory Fund health insurance.

In fact, the validity period of old-style policies is not limited, medical assistance under this policy must be provided.

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