
How to get the translation of "Western Union" in Russia? How can I get the translation of "Western Union" in Sberbank and "Privatbank"? How to get a translation of Western Union online on Sberbank Card Western Union System in Sberbank

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World payment system Western Union has a long history of existence of monetary transfers between countries for more than 150 years. In addition to the classical method of transferring finances, it is possible to obtain a translation of Western Union in Sberbank. Before you get money, you should know certain nuances of the process and the procedure.


The international payment system has a set of advantages compared with similar organizations. To execute remittance Through Western Union, there is no need to open either have any personal account in a financial and credit institution.

The rest of the advantages are:

  • high-speed money transfers, allowing to receive funds already fifteen minutes after an urgent transaction;
  • low rate for commission fee - the less the amount of shipment, the higher the percentage of deduction;
  • you do not need to fill in a variety of recipient data.

Standard time waiting for money - twelve hours. When placing the order, it is enough to specify the name, the address of the receiving party and the magnitude of the transaction.

The procedure for sending money through the bank office

To transfer the money to the Sberbank client, the sender should perform a list of actions:

  • visit the department credit organizationsupporting this translation method;
  • present documentation identifying personality;
  • specify the name, surname, the patronymic of the receiving party, address, state affiliation, the size of the listing;
  • pay the operation through the bank's cashier;
  • get the transaction number in the hands to transfer to the recipient.

The addressee will not be able to take money without presenting a control number. To cancel the operation, it suffices to repeat the same data specified when sending. Translation will return in full magnitude Minus Commission. The operation control number is desirable to maintain before receiving cash with the address.

Is it possible to get a translation online?

Western Union cooperates with a lot of credit and financial organizations. Certain institutions allow to obtain the funds sent by the remote method. Sberbank customers will not be able to receive cash via Internet banking. The recipient will be required to personally visit the branch of the credit institution. When sending money, you should consider the impossibility of online translation.

Remote way you can only send tools. Without visiting a saving required:

  • register by official page Sberbank;
  • enter the name of the settlement, the name of the addressee;
  • write the value of the transaction;
  • get a control number of operations on the phone;
  • send receiving party required information.

List from Sberbank Card

The owner of Sberbank plastic can be transferred to money through Western Union using the official website of the international organization. After entering the page, the sender is required to fill the necessary data, write the map number, mobile, full name. The procedure passes without registration.

Commission collection

The Commission is formed inversely proportional to the transfer amount. The final fee is formed on the basis of:

  • transaction values;
  • currencies;
  • the remoteness of the receiving state from the shipping country;
  • names of settlement.

Translation paid only for the sender. The larger the translation size, the less interest rate. The commission varies from one to ten percent of the transaction amount.

Limits, restrictions

Western Union establishes a limit on the magnitude of the transfer at a standard twelve-hour tariff. For one transaction, you can list one hundred thousand rubles or three thousand. foreign currency. Restrictions at urgent dispatch are not installed.

A remote method can be sent to one hundred thousand rubles. And for the month - no more than six hundred thousand. During the day, it is permissible to translate five thousand in dollars. A week is allowed to make no more than five operations, and for the month - seven.

Receiving funds in Sberbank

The receiving side in addition to the control number of the listing requires the following steps:

  • visit the Sberbank office, collaborating with Western Union;
  • give a passport employee;
  • provide the data of the sending person;
  • take money at the checkout.

If, when receiving a money transfer through Sberbank, the addressee calls an incorrect transaction number, the funds are not freezed. You can get money at the next faithful attempt. Funds should be expected from fifteen minutes to twelve hours.

Read 6 min. Views 1.6K. Published 01/18/2019

With such a remittance system like Western Union, many Russians are familiar. This is one of the oldest international Systemsintended for remittances. And she is one of the first to appear in Russia. With it, it is possible to send finances and in the Russian Federation, but WU is mainly used for international transactions.

Despite the emergence of other money transfers services, Western Union does not lose relevance and popularity. This is associated with an increased level of reliability of enumerations and the speed of receiving money. Many Russians are interested in how to get the translation of Western Union on the Sberbank card, because this method is much more convenient than the search for the Wu branch and the loss of time on a hike.

In the office of Sberbank, you can arrange and get a translation from Western Union

Advantages of remittances through Western Union

This payment system is successfully operating on the market. financial products For more than 150 years. Created service in the United States completely justified the expectations of the creators, in a short time becoming the most popular among customers. On the this moment WU collaborates with more than 200 countries and this indicator is constantly increasing.

The Western Union Monetary Transaction System does not reach the leading position and is leading the number of perfect financial transactions.

One of the essential advantages of this service is a fairly large number of branches where you can order a translation. In our country, their number exceeds 20,000. The service has a largest developed network of branches around the world (about 500,000), where you can send and get funds.

Western Union in Sberbank

Many Russians, holders of Sberbank Plastic, are actively interested in the possibility of obtaining money transfer Western Union in the local Sberbank. This is possible, but not everywhere. When receiving the listing it should be borne in mind that not all structural units Sberbank work with this financial corporation.

Cooperation Agreement was canceled due to the creation of a Sberbank of its own monetary transmission system

Is it possible to get a translation in the office of Sberbank

Therefore, before sending money to the Sberbank branch for receiving money, it is worth clarifying whether such a visit will not be an empty time loss. To do this, call hot line banking structure (8-800-555-55-50) and refine all the necessary information on this issue. Call employees will provide comprehensive information on the possibility of obtaining funds in a particular city.

After the visit to the desired department, several nuances should also know to receive translation. Namely:

  1. Accurate amount for receipt.
  2. The country from which the translation was produced.
  3. Personal data of the sender (FI.) This information is obliged to accurately coincide with the data specified in the translation author's passport (when the sender issues the translation, it indicates them for subsequent reconciliation upon receipt of money).
  4. Code or an identification number. This is a unique translation code that is assigned to each transaction and must communicate the sender to the recipient. With this information, the issuance of money will not be made.

In addition to obtaining the translation of Western Union, Sberbank branches that have the right to provide such services can and issue a Wu monetary transaction. This event is simple and takes a very little time from the client.

Before you go to the office of Sberbank for the translation, you should clarify whether this department cooperates with Western Union

Translation procedure

It should be known that the algorithm of action upon receipt of the translation and during its design somewhat varies. To send the required amount of money to the addressee, you should study the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Apply a visit to the Sberbank branch, which collaborates with WU.
  2. Provide a bank employee passport (or other other document confirming the identity of the sender).
  3. Report all the necessary information about the recipient (FF, citizenship, currency and the amount of departure, the city, where the destination is located, and will receive money). Sometimes the address of the recipient can also be requested.
  4. Make the need monetary sum.
  5. Get an identifier code from the operator. It should be reported to the addressee. It is with his provision and receives enumerations.

Commission size

Each client, planning a monetary transfer with Western Union, should be aware that it may encounter additional challenges. Commission size varies and depends on some factors:

  • distance to which money is poisoned;
  • the currency used to conduct and receive payment;
  • the size of the final finance;
  • transaction type.

Commission fees are charged when placing a transaction, that is, from the sender. It is also worth knowing that Sberbank can offer and select the type of departure. At the Wu financial corporation there are two types of transfers:

  1. Urgent. When it makes money come to the recipient after a few minutes later.
  2. Twelve-hour. Such a transfer will cost cheaper by the size of the commission, but also to get the received funds the recipient will be able only after 12 hours from the date of departure.

What does the blank for filling out the money transfer of Western Union

Is it possible to get a translation of Western Union online on a Sberbank card

Unfortunately, this service is currently possible and can not be ordered. Although the agreement between the leading Russian bank and financial corporation Western Union was issued and is already ready for signing, the leadership of the Sberbank has canceled it. It is explained by this presence in the Sberbank of its own blitz translation, known as Hummingbird.

Send translation Western Union on Sberbank card is not possible, the banking structure does not provide customers with such a service.

How to transfer to Sberbank Online

Sberbank-Online is a popular and widely known service, with which the Sberbank Card holder may remote control over the state of its banking plastic, as well as carry out all the necessary transactions. In addition to the transfers of Western Union. You can send money through Western Union only in some departments of Sberbank, in other ways to do this will not work.

But it is worthwing to know that Sberbank is not the only bank, some branches of which provide the service of sending and receiving Wu translations. With the world's largest money transfer corporation actively cooperate and such banking organizations, as:

  • MDM Bank;
  • Gazprombank;
  • Revival;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • Vneshtorgbank.

You can find the nearest Western Union Branch on an online map posted on the Corporation website

Installed limits and restrictions

Many Russians refer to the essential minus Western Union rather impressive sizes of the Commission. But it is also worth knowing and take into account that this structure has a number of restrictions on cashing. The limits are installed on the basis of the American dollar and amount to $ 5,000 per day ($ 7,500 for non-residents).

Restrictions on the remaining currency species are calculated based on the current course. But, if necessary, sending more large amountOperators go to meet the client. True, B. this case The sender requires the provision of documents confirming the urgency and the need for large sending money.


Sberbank is not included in the list of organizations, fruitful and actively cooperating with Western Union and supporting such a way of making money transfers. From bank departments russian bank You can only make a listing and get it to the addressee (and far from all). This is due to the presence of own blitz service in the jar itself - Hummingbird. And this service should be considered primarily, because the transaction with it will cost it at times cheaper and becomes more simple in design and receipt.

Transfer money online - it is as convenient how to check the mail or find something on the Internet. Send money online 24/7 with Western Union® without leaving the house - it is fast, convenient and reliable.

Send money online

Simple I. convenient way Send money online.

If you already have an account:

  • Select "Send Money";
  • Enter B. personal Areausing your mobile number;
  • Fill in the recipient information;
  • Select payment method. Mys send you an identification code on a mobile phone number;

If you do not have an account:

  • Select "Send Money";
  • Register;
  • Fill in the required form fields - the country and the amount you would like to send;
  • Select payment method. Mys will send an identification code to your number mobile phone;
  • Check the translation information and send the form;
  • Save the identification number (MTCN) and send to your recipient.

You can send online until:

  • 100.000 rubles per transaction
  • 600.000 rubles per month
  • 5 operations per week
  • 7 operations per month

Ways of payment

You can make a translation from any plastic card issued in Russia.

Check profile

Before making money transfer, you will be prompted to confirm your identity.


Translation Western Union in Sberbank Online

As statistics shows, such a common and well-known system as Western Union uses extremely popular. Recall that using its services, individual It receives a unique opportunity without unnecessary paper red tier to transfer money to almost any point of the globe. We will tell you how to organize the translation of Western Union in Sberbank, and what advantages are in itself this kind of operation.

Translations for Western Union through Sberbank

It is no secret that the main majority of activities regarding the financial sector are moving into virtual regime. Naturally, a variety of electronic wallets, as well as electronic money, increase its level of popularity almost every day. In essence, these are the same financial resourceswhich can be calculated for the goods or service, but they are not in the pocket, but on electronic account. The worldwide Internet network helps us carry out money transfers to friends or relatives with lightning speed.

To make a translation of Western Union through Sberbank, the client needs to personally visit the Financial Institution office. As a rule, it is necessary to stand a little queue and clarify the operator, what service you want to get. As soon as a specialist checks all the data provided, a specific package of documents will be prepared, then follow on the cashier and transfer the required amount of the cashier.

How to send money on the Western Union system

Consider the most basic steps to help perform the departure of own finance:

  • Go to the bank office of the bank engaged in cash;
  • Immediately, let's say that far from all offices there is an opportunity for transfers, and therefore, before going to the selected department, you must call and clarify the operator with the possibility of providing this service;
  • How your turn is suitable, explain to the specialist where and what amount are you going to send. Also specify the type of currency;
  • It will be necessary to submit a passport with a permanent registration, or another document capable of certifying your personality;
  • It is very important to correctly provide the specialist all the data requested data. The list includes a surname, name, as well as patronymic, and exactly as indicated in the passport of the recipient;
  • As soon as payment order Fully ready, go to the cashier to make funds to the future translation.

Get or send a translation, you can not in all branches of the bank. It is recommended to clarify information from the operator, before visiting.

After receipt of the receipt, you will be given a statement of the established sample to implement the procedure for sending money, where the secret control number will be, as well as other confidential information. This kind of information should be sent to the recipient with email, SMS messages or dictating on the phone.

How to get money transfer

After the recipient's disposal will find all information about the translation made, he must find out which Sberbank branch can be used by the service under consideration. So:

  • Take a passport with you, and also do not forget the secret code and other information necessary for the funds;
  • Contact your Sberbank Unit employee;
  • Introduce the current passport by a specialist, otherwise another document for identification certificate;
  • Inform the received data on who is the sender, namely FULL NAME;
  • Next, provide information about the control number, as well as the exact amount of the transfer made, and the place of dispatch;
  • If everything comes down, will remain, only go to the cashier and receive money.

One of the advantages of translations through Western Union is the possibility of sending money throughout ground Shar.

Money Translation Western Union through Sberbank Online

Sometimes, people simply do not have free time to personally go to the bank's separation and there, having a queue to organize an event for the transfer of money. What to do in this case? For help come high techbecause developers offer to transfer money through

Western Union through Sberbank online, without leaving his own home or working office. So let's subject to consider the procedure for the action of how it is possible to translate some amount of funds by online banking:

  • To begin with, enter the official Sberbank website, and then pass a simple registration;
  • In a special section, select the service you need and click on the appropriate icon to enter the main menu;
  • In the case of transferring money on the Western Union system, you need to specify the area, city and locality, as well as a complete full name of the recipient;
  • Whether the amount you are going to send;
  • As soon as the system processes the data, a short message will come to the mobile phone with secrecy data;
  • They need to convey to the addressee;

Make a translation online on WU website you can use any card released in Russia, including Sberbank

Human factor, as well as technical failures in the system, no one has canceled, so in obligatory Save the obtained individual number of the transferred translation, in order to further, in the event of controversial situations, provide it to employees of the bank.

Advantages of departure

The main advantages of such a system of cash transfers, as Western Union, can be safely attributed:

  • The thoughtfulness of the scheme, as well as its highest reliability and protection against various fraudulent action by intruders;
  • A huge coverage area around the globe;
  • Excellent translation rate.

Also, the advantages of service must be attributed additional features, including online translations.


What do not say, and the translation of Western Union in Sberbank gives the client indeed excellent opportunity Operatively, as well as without a headache, make the transaction of the required amount of money. The most important thing in this system is the presence of a really huge number of offices that operate in each country of the world.


Cash on account

Want your loved ones or business partners to receive money transfers without leaving home? Send them money transfer directly to the bank account.

Fill in a brief form to send translation and specify bank details Recipient accounts3:

  • Bank's name
  • Bank Code Beach (BIC / SWIFT)
  • Account number (IBAN)
  • Phoe Recipient

Pass the operator to the filled form and the transfer fee, as well as a certification document.

The sent translation will be credited to the recipient's bank account within 1-3 working days.

The amount of translation in rubles

100,01 - 50.000,00

Over 50.000.00

Payment fee.

Deposit amount in US dollars

Over 2.000.00

Payment fee.

Andorra, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Hungary, Vietnam, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Egypt, Indonesia, Ireland, Spain, Italy, China, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Morocco, Nigeria, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, United United Arab Emirates (UAE), Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, USA, Thailand, Turkey, Finland, Philippines, France, Czech Republic, Chile, Switzerland, Sweden, Sri Lanka, Estonia, Japan.

Where to send "Cash to account" detailed information about the service


In comparison with the payment of cash, the transfer of significant amounts to the recipient does not need to be feared for the safety of funds.


Money is credited directly to the recipient's bank account. The fee for the service is charged only from the sender, the transfer amount remains unchanged when enrolling in the account.


As a rule, in most countries enrollment takes place within 1 working day2.

Member of the My WUSM loyalty program saves time for placing the transfer, it has the ability to earn points and receive remuneration from Western Union - discounts up to 50% for the transfer fee. Read more at www.mywu.com.

For more more detailed information About the service Call the Customer Service Center 8 800 200 2232 (around the clock, a free call in Russia) or contact the nearest Western Union branch.

¹ Tariffs are valid from December 1, 2016 to June 28, 2017. In accordance with the terms of the provision of services, the payment of translations may be detained or services may not be available in connection with the features of the provision of services, including a specific amount of translation, the country of destination, the presence of a currency, applicable legislation, Requirements for identification, opening hours of the point of payment, the time difference between time zones, terms of tariffs with postponement of translation payments or other applicable restrictions. Refer to Wu.com to get for more information.

Russian citizens have a way to send a translation of Western Union through Sberbank online, but since the procedure concerns the exchange of means with other states, must be observed important rules and nuances. First of all, you need to remember that Western Union has become one of the first financial companieswhich made international money transfers available.

At the same time, a number of significant advantages of working with this service can be distinguished. Including the possibility of sharing money between citizens who do not have bank cards or accounts B. financial institutions. But, given that 90% of the working-age population of the Russian Federation are customers of Sberbank, sending and receiving translations with its help are very comfortable and appropriate.

Sending translation through Sberbank online

Make a transfer of money using Western Union through Sberbank is very simple. But for this, it will be necessary to apply to the bank's office. Perform the online procedure will not work.

Further algorithm requires the implementation of such actions:

Important! Upon completion of the selection of sending, the person will be handed an individual translation code that must be transferred to the recipient of the means. Without this issue, finance will fail.


You can send money to an urgent or standard translation. In the case of instant references of funds, the procedure is performed within 15-20 minutes, but the Commission for such an option will be appropriate. As a rule, money reach the addressee within 12 hours. And this time is quite enough in order to transfer the selection code to the recipient. But there are cases when after completing the procedure, a citizen has changed his mind to translate savings. And at such a case, there is a function of canceling translation, but it must be initiated as early as possible before the money is received by the hands of the addressee.

To perform the procedure you need:

  • to contact the branch of the bank, which was carried out by transferring money;
  • present a civilian passport of the person who were transferred to finance;
  • specify the data on the potential recipient;
  • provide a personal parcel number.

As a rule, with the implementation of the procedure no difficulties arise, but only if the cash has not yet been received. Otherwise, it will not be possible to return them. Also, when performing the procedure, you must remember that the client receives only the amount of funds that was repaired. The commission collecting for the work of the bank is not refundable, regardless of how much time has passed from the initiation of forwarding.

Get a money transfer through Western Union in Sberbank online, alas, will not work. This is due to the fact that receiving payments is possible only in the department financial organization. And, at the same time, it is necessary to remember that not all branches of the bank are authorized to work with the translations of Western Union. Therefore, it is preliminarily to call the telephone reference Sberbank and clarify the translation status, as well as the available compartments for it.

In order to identify the recipient of funds when sending money to Russia, you need to specify the minimum amount of recipient information.

Namely, such data will be:

  • settlement of residence, as well as citizenship (sometimes it may be necessary for the full postal address);
  • the amount of transaction.

This affects the fact that only civilian passport of the client and knowledge of the approximate amount of translation will be required to obtain the final finance. And also be sure to provide the translation code, without which you can not send money.

When using Sberbank and Western Union, both sides may arise small difficulties associated with the loss secret Code.. If the recipient arrived at the company's separation, but could not name the parcel number, then this is not a problem. Cash Will be on the account and it is possible to clarify the required combination from the sender of savings. If the second of the participants lost the desired set of numbers, then to contact Sberbank to refine the ship number. But this will require a civil passport and detailed information about the shipment.

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