
Kanovich olga nikolaevna who is the husband. Three are competing for a seat on the board of directors of the international system. Sberbank will switch to paperless technology for accepting utility bills by autumn - member of the bank's board Olga Kanovich

Sberbank to autumn will pass on paperless technology for accepting utility bills - member of the bank's board Olga Kanovich

Olga Kanovich came to Sberbank from VTB 24 as part of the "first draft" of top managers appointed after the change of the CEO credit institution at the end of 2007. German Gref instructed her to supervise the operating unit of Sberbank. Olga Kanovich, board member, senior vice president of Sberbank, spoke about the progress of the reform in this area, the creation of customer operations support centers, as well as the functioning of the "credit factory" and innovations in the work with public utilities payments in an interview with Interfax-AFI "- Following the results of 5 months of 2009, Sberbank improved the cost / income ratio to 32.5% compared to 47% in the same period last year. Are you also cutting operating costs? - We have not only reduced operating expenses - we are changing, or rather, building an efficient operating unit in Sberbank, which will significantly reduce the bank's expenses and improve service for the bank's clients - both individuals and legal entities... In accordance with the Development Strategy of Sberbank until 2014, adopted at the end of 2008, this project is highlighted as one of the priorities and is named the transformation of the operational function (TOF). -What is the meaning of this transformation?- V banking business it is extremely important not only to provide quality service to the client when he arrives. The main thing is to ensure the functioning or provision of a particular service over a long period of time in accordance with specified and defined quality standards. This is the task of the operating unit. After all, people come to the bank for a certain service, which should "work well" at any time when they have a corresponding need: pay bills, make any transaction, receive money on time or accrue interest on a deposit (and in full) and etc. Behind all this is a set of processes, which we called the operational function for ourselves. You need to clearly understand that there are no trifles. Everything is decomposed into people, processes, technologies, resources and management of this entire mechanism. Therefore, the transformation of the operational function means a transition from the state in which we are now, to a state corresponding to the strategic objectives of the bank - to enter the top 10 banks in the world. When I came to Sberbank, I had no illusions. The operational function in the modern sense in the bank simply did not exist, as well as the corresponding management system and the necessary information: about the number of transactions, the quality of their execution and compliance with accepted standards (since such rules did not exist), etc. The consequence of this is the lack of work standards, the inability to measure the degree of deviation from them in current activities bank and understand why the client is not satisfied with us, and where there is potential for development. Therefore, for me, the essence of the transformation of the operational function is to build a management system that would translate or translate business tasks into operational terms in order to launch continuous monitoring of the quality of operational activities and, accordingly, a system for improving the quality of the operational module. This is stage number one. The second step is to make this operating model better than the competition. - At what stage of transformation is Sberbank now?- Completed the first stage - at the level The central office approved organizational structure... It clearly separates the business block (front office) and the operational block (back and middle office - BMO). Their functionality is spelled out and fixed. Previously, the vertical management scheme looked like this: there were heads of territorial banks, branches and internal structural units(VSP), who were responsible for everything - both for "business" and for "operating systems". In such a model, there is a constant threat that personal interests will be more important than the professionalism of the manager. Accordingly, no uniform standards of service can operate in this state of affairs, as well as a single quality of service. So it turns out that there seems to be one bank, but the processes, technologies, standards and quality differ depending on the region and the leader. All this is a consequence of the lack of a clear and well-thought-out vertical of management. With the separation of the business block and the BMO, such a vertical is just created, since these functions are allocated at each management level (TB, department and GSP). As a result, risks are minimized, and decision-making efficiency and transparency are increased. It becomes possible to introduce uniform standards of work (technologies, processes, quality of service, etc.), i.e. a single "standardized" customer service is being created throughout the bank. - And what exactly is changing within the framework of the transformation of the operational function, can you lead illustrative example? - Now a large-scale project is being implemented to create Customer Operations Support Centers (CSCOs), where, in fact, all the main operational functions will be transferred. Take credits for example Money in the currency of the Russian Federation to the accounts of legal entities opened in OSB Moscow and OPERA. Even now, when the CSKO in the South Port has not yet started operating "at full capacity", we have managed to significantly increase the efficiency of our work. So, before the implementation of the project, 38 employees were engaged in these operations, now the same amount is provided by 16 people. And in terms of crediting funds to the accounts of legal and individuals- the number of employees decreased from 32 to 5. But even greater results were achieved in terms of crediting funds to the accounts of individuals in the currency of the Russian Federation by social benefits- pensions: instead of 99 employees, 7 people are now responsible for this process! Another example is the change in the approach to satisfying applications for loans to individuals. Previously, many people participated in this process, and the processing time for one appeal was at least two weeks. Now in Moscow, in consumer lending, absolutely new technology issuing loans, the so-called "Credit Factory". As a result, the processing of the application takes 1.5 hours, and the processing of the application takes about 1.5 days. I'm not even talking about the fact that in fact this factory is a key element of the risk management system. With its creation, we improve the quality of risk assessment, which is important for a bank by definition, and in a situation of crisis and growth of overdue debt, moreover, it completely eliminates corruption risks. - All this you do in Moscow. But what about the regions? In general, how significant is Moscow's share in Sberbank's business?- On next week We will start launching the "credit factory" in the North-West, and by the end of the year another 7 territorial banks will be actively involved in this process. Thus, the bank is moving from a manufacturing organization of labor to an industrial one. Answering your second question, I can say that business in Moscow is very significant for Sberbank. The capital accounts for about 30% of the volume of transactions. - Many people use the services of Sberbank to make utility payments. Are you changing the technology of these operations? - Let's start from July and until the fall of this year we will switch to paperless technology. Now every payment of each client is drawn up on paper. These are colossal costs. We will switch to end-to-end technology - paid money, and they immediately "electronically" left. Manual technology measured everything for hours, and sometimes for days and weeks, and with the implementation of the project to transform the operational function, the count will go to minutes. - Do you keep your plans to cut operating expenses by 30% in 2009?- We are already achieving the result of reducing operating costs for most operations by 50% at the end of the year. This means that the bank has a lot of untapped opportunities. In addition, one of the priorities of the bank's development strategy is to involve employees in the processes of change. First of all, we motivate and "ignite" our employees by giving them the opportunity to realize themselves - to grow professionally and personally at the same time. - Several years ago, Sberbank's market share was declining, now it has begun to grow again. What is the bank doing to attract new customers? - This is a synergistic effect. By improving all processes - and there are hundreds of them in Sberbank - we are achieving strategic success. It is very difficult to give an unequivocal answer - our market share is growing due to a combination of factors. That's the problem. And the operating unit plays an important role here. - How is the process of creating customer operations support centers going?- CSKOs are now being created in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and since last week, a start has been made in another 7 terbanks. As for the CSKO "Yuzhny Port", now only two of the 14 floors work in it. It will be fully staffed by the end of the year. There will be 17 such centers in total - according to the number of TB. It is important that the example of "Yuzhny Port" clearly demonstrates the attainability and feasibility of our plans. Now we can transfer the technologies developed in the process of its creation further to the regions. By the way, the migration of labor resources is natural here. Recruitment to the "Yuzhny Port" is carried out on the basis of an open competition among bank employees - from Moscow to Kamchatka. The competition has already - five people per seat. As in a prestigious university. At the same time, we received a huge economic effect from capital cost savings. Back in the summer of last year, there was a question about buying new buildings (naturally extremely expensive buildings) for the Central Office of Sberbank and Moscow branches. In the process of working on the operating model, it matured and already in August last year it was decided to buy only one building for CSKO in the Yuzhny port with cost savings 4-5 times, which made it possible to free up jobs in the central office at 19 Vavilova and in Moscow and refuse to buy a new building. Note that the building was purchased in September last year, that is, there can be no question of using the funds of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation received to maintain liquidity, this was much later.

March 16, 2020 12:22 pm 28 January 2020 11:17 January 21, 2020 14:52

The diamond market in 2019 experienced a crisis accompanied by a drop in demand, sales and prices, as well as a correction in the production programs of the largest players. Despite some positive signals, it is too early to talk about recovery. What measures to maintain the sustainability of your budget does ...

More than half of men are ready to work under the leadership of a woman. Although business is considered a neutral territory, free from gender prejudices, a sphere where there are no ladies and gentlemen, but there are only "people of business", partners, competitors, etc., in practice, there is still a division into "women" and "men" profession is still relevant.

Every year there are more and more women leaders in our country. At the same time, experts note that in business this tendency is more pronounced than, for example, in public administration, and in humanitarian areas it is stronger than in technical ones. This is confirmed by a recent study by HeadHunter, which surveyed more than 7000 working women, according to which women are considered valuable employees primarily in the field of procurement, insurance, science and education, the HoReCa industry and tourism, construction and real estate. And in the leaders of professional fields, where the fair sex is valued least of all - civil service, transport, information technology, telecom.

According to the observations of "Ko", mostly business women represent the financial and banking sectors, personnel, legal and marketing areas. In addition, you can often find representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. Our observations are confirmed by the practice of Russian headhunters.

Speaking about the spheres of activity in which it is easier for a woman to make a successful career, I would put human resource management in the first place, - says Mikhail Bogdanov, chairman of the board of Consort Group. - And this is confirmed by statistics: among HR employees, women are the overwhelming majority. Women's careers are also developing successfully in marketing, public relations and, of course, in the financial sphere. Now you can often meet a lady - a financial director large company or bank. But they get to the first position - the CEO - much less often. To move to the very top requires a solid experience in sales, and in this area, we still have more successful men.

Meanwhile, it is worth noting that the business acumen, knowledge of the industry and experience of working within it, inherent in a businesswoman, make excellent leaders more and more in demand in the field of public administration. This trend was especially noticeable last year, when several leaders of Russian business left at once to the highest bodies of state power, both at the federal and city levels, including participants in the previous ratings "Ko": member VTB Board and the chairman of the board VTB directors(Kazakhstan) Olga Dergunova and the head of the Soglasie IC Olga Golodets.

The increase in the number of women among leaders can be explained not only by "feminist sentiments" that have become so popular in recent years, but also by more objective reasons. A poll conducted on the ko.ru website showed that almost half of the respondents are ready to accept a lady as a leader. “For women leaders, psychological and behavioral aspects are more important, for them the compatibility of employees in the team is important,” explains Mikhail Bogdanov. behavioral characteristics of the candidate, his impression of the person, assess the prospects of working with the existing team, whether he will be accepted new employee team. Leading the team, women in to a greater extent tend to take into account psychological aspects, are more often ready to "enter into the position" of an employee, to analyze the situation in a team, more often they are ready to patronize employees.

Therefore, teams led by women leaders tend to be more harmonious and therefore more resilient. "

At the same time, headhunters emphasize, women-bosses are mostly characterized by increased emotionality. However, it is impossible to unambiguously attribute this quality to advantages or disadvantages - depending on the situation, it can turn into both a plus and a minus.

TOP-50 most powerful women in business
A place Participant Status Company Final score
1 Olga Pleshakova General manager "Transaero" 99,8
2 Natalya Kasperskaya General manager InfoWatch 97
3 Gulzhan Moldazhanova General manager "Basic element" 95,3
4 Olga Uskova The president Cognitive Technologies 92,1
5 Bella Zlatkis Deputy Chairman of the Board Sberbank of Russia 87,7
6 Elena Andreeva Holding of security companies
"Agency" Bastion "
7 Galina Tsvetkova Chairman of the Board of Directors Imperial Porcelain Factory 84,1
8 Olga Turischeva Vice President of Marketing and Business Development VimpelCom 82,9
9 Tatiana Paramonova General manager ZHASO 81,5
10 Anastasia Ositis The president ASVT 80
11 Elena Vasilieva Deputy Chairman of the Board - Chief Accountant "Gazprom" 79,3
12 Anna Artamonova Vice President for Strategic Projects Mail.Ru Group 78,4
13 Lyudmila Sapegina Chairman of the Board CB "Russian Trade Bank" 78
14 Juliana Slashcheva The president Mikhailov & Partners. Management
strategic communications "
15 Sirma Gotovats General manager SG "Uralsib" 76,8
16 Tatiana Shahnes Communications Director Lg electronics 76
17 Larisa Kalanda Vice President NK "Rosneft" 75,1
18 Olga Slutsker President of the Russian Fitness Group, President of the World Class and FizKult fitness clubs Russian fitness group 74,5
19 Nadezhda Martyanova Member of the Board of Directors, general manager CJSC "MAKS" and CJSC "MAKS-M" 73,5
20 Elena Smirnova Director Audi russia 73
21 Anna Serebryannikova Director of Legal Affairs "Megaphone" 72,4
22 Natalia Sindeeva General manager TV channel "Rain" 71,9
23 Anna Goldin Vice President, Head of the Complex for Legal Affairs,
board member
AFK "Sistema" 71,2
24 Irina Bakhtina Director of Corporate Relations in the North. Africa,
Bl. East, Turkey, Israel, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus
Unilever 70,7
25-26 Ekaterina Gorokhova CEO, Vice President Kelly Services 70
25-26 Irina Kolikova Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, Finance
"Home Credit and Finance Bank" 70
27 Marina Levina Director of Corporate Responsibility, PR and Communications Microsoft (Russia) 69
28 Ekaterina Petelina Deputy President - Chairman of the Management Board, Director
retail business department
VTB 24 68,4
29 Marina Tarnopolskaya Managing partner agency "Contact" 68,1
30 Larisa Zelkova General Director of the V. Potanin Charitable Foundation,
Member of the Board of Interros
Interros 67,7
31 Galina Maloshenko Partner, Business Risk Consulting Department Ernst-and-Young (CIS) 67,3
32 Valentina Stanovova First vice president Capital Group 67
33 Ekaterina Trofimova First Vice President, Member of the Board Gazprombank 66,4
34 Agnes Guyon-Nikitsky Deputy General Director for Sales, Member of the Board SG "Uralsib" 65,9
35 Irina Razumova Chairman of the Board of Directors "Planet Fitness" 65
36 Olga Degtyareva Chief executive officer ChB "Uralsib" ("Bank 121") 64,2
37-38 Anna Kozlovskaya Coca-Cola 63,7
37-38 Galina Yashchuk Marketing director supermarket chain "Azbuka Vkusa" 63,7
39 Olga Kanovich Member of the Management Board, Senior Vice President Sberbank of Russia 62,3
40 Kira Plastinina Designer, chain store owner Kira plastinina 61,5
41 Olga Dashevskaya Senior Partner, Company Founder PR Inc / DDB 60,4
42 Zoya Kaika Public Relations Director Sollers 60
43 Elena Karpel Head of the Department of Economic Expertise
and pricing, member of the board of directors
"Gazprom" 58,9
44 Anna Ryzhova Director of Human Resources and Corporate
relations, board member
GK "Renova" 58,1
45 Tatiana Dolyakova General manager Penny lane personnel 57,3
46 Veronika Borovik-Khilchevskaya The president holding "Top Secret" 56
47 Yulia Zedina Chairman of the Coordination Council bank holding "Finholkom-group" 55,7
48 Elena Matveeva Communications Policy Director "Russian cars" 54
49 Svetlana Balanova General manager IBS 53,2
50 Ksenia Grishina Deputy General Director, Sales Director "Sberbank Insurance" 51,9

Mikhail Bogdanov, Chairman of the Board of Consort Group:
The female potential in Russian business is still far from being exhausted. But you should also take into account the pitfalls. Not all men, for example, are ready to work under the guidance of the fairer sex. In addition, excessive female emotionality can sometimes even slow down business: it is uncomfortable for the men around the leading lady to “pressure” her, even if the interests of the business clearly require it. Often women are good negotiators: gently, without external pressure, using a psychological approach to the opponent, they can achieve excellent results. "

Yuri Virovets, President of HeadHunter:
The growth in the number of female leaders is a good thing, as it makes the corporate world more unpredictable, wonderful and not boring.

Anatoly Aksakov, President of the Association of Regional Banks of Russia, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market:
"V modern world women are taking an increasingly active position in management processes, both state, political and corporate. Russia was affected by this trend later than most developed countries, at the moment when it has already become global: today we see that in many developing countries In countries with more traditionalist structures, the role of women has increased by an order of magnitude. In our country, so far this feminist "" tendency is more evident in business than in public administration. The trend, in my opinion, is more than positive: a woman's view of business makes it more social, more thoughtful, more adaptable to the life of society. One can only welcome the increased involvement of Russian women in active business life "". "

Dmitry Zelenin, President of the Russian Managers Association:
According to studies, regardless of age and marital status, women are more focused on unleashing their professional potential, and this fact has a positive effect on the work of any organization. The increase in the number of women who have their own businesses and women leaders who occupy key positions in the company (CEO, CFO, etc.) are becoming an indicator of the development of our society. The fair sex in the rating of the top-1000 Russian managers ", which is annually compiled by the Association, in 2012 took 25%."

Jan Art, editor-in-chief news agency Bankir.Ru, Vice President of the Association of Regional Banks of Russia:
“Unfortunately, I cannot unequivocally welcome the increase in the proportion of women in business life. Modern women often both disgust and admire at the same time. They admire, for example, the ability to get behind the wheel and drive a car no worse than a man. They admire their responsibility and the ability to think not about themselves - much more than men. They repulse with their excessive responsibility and inability to give others the opportunity to take care of them. They turn away the desire to do it as if in front of you is not a woman, but a man in a square "". "

They delight - with graceful shoes. They repulse them - with their boots and the unique Russian ability to walk in these boots for six months round the clock, both in offices and in restaurants, roaring like recruits of Frederick the Great on a Potsdam parade ground.

They admire - the ability to run a bank. They repulse it - when a banker talks about her child in a blog, and at this time her employee throws a mother with many children who missed a loan payment: "No money - there was no need to give birth" (a real story).

In the modern world, you have to be strong women, - complain some representatives of the class of business women. There is a fair amount of guile in this statement. There are no strong women. There are only weak men. And if a woman becomes strong, it means that "something is rotten in the Danish kingdom."

The top-list is compiled on the basis of the expert assessment method. The research was carried out in two stages. At the first stage, the magazine "Ko" formed a list of more than three hundred women - heads and heads of departments of domestic and foreign companies having representative offices in Russia. After numerous consultations with representatives of the business community, a final list of 170 participants was drawn up.

a1 Personal fame

a2 Business reputation

a3 Ability to create a team / work in a team

a4 Ability to generate new ideas

a5 Adaptability (the ability to correspond modern trends and requirements), responsiveness to changes in the market situation

a6 Activity of lobbying the interests of the company

a7 Company awareness

a8 The effectiveness of the company's strategy

a9 Dynamics of company development

a10 Information transparency of the company

a11 Social responsibility of the company

All participants received marks according to the specified criteria. In order to make the study more correct, after a meeting with experts, a number of correction factors were introduced. The following assessment criteria are recognized as the most significant: a2, a3, a5, a8, a9 (k = 1,2), for other criteria k = 1. For each of the indicators, an average score was calculated for each participant. The final result was calculated as the sum of the obtained averages.

The position of the participants in the summary table was determined by the number of points scored.

The final table shows the participants with the maximum number of points.


The top list does not include representatives of public, political, charitable and other organizations. Membership status data provided by companies. If the company's employees refused to provide the relevant information, we reserved the right to indicate data taken from open sources. The information on the status of the participants is indicated as of the end of 2012 - the beginning of 2013. The experts evaluated the participants based on the results achieved in the indicated positions. In the course of their work, the experts refrained from assessing the representatives of affiliated structures.

Company - business weekly magazine
Text by Natalia Klimenko, Andrey Moskalenko. Photo by Shutterstock.

(1 Voice)

June 30, 2014, Moscow - OJSC "Sberbank of Russia" announces that Olga Kanovich, member of the Management Board, Senior Vice President of Sberbank of Russia, is leaving the position of head of the bank's operational block. This decision is related to the personal circumstances of Ms. Kanovich.

Olga Kanovich will continue cooperation with Sberbank in the position of Adviser to the President, Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank of Russia Herman Gref, within which she will represent the bank's interests in international, state and public organizations, including SWIFT and CLS.

Natalia Dirks has been appointed as the head of the operating unit. Natalya has been working at Sberbank since 2010 and has gone from director of CSKO (Customer Operations Support Center) Yuzhny Port to Director of Operations Department, head of the network of all Sberbank customer operations support centers. She has more than twenty years of experience in the banking industry and before joining the bank held the position of First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Director of the operating group of CJSC Banca Intesa. Herman Gref, President and Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank of Russia, said: “On behalf of Sberbank, I would like to thank Olga for her many years of fruitful work in the position of the head of the operational block. When she came to the bank in 2008, she, together with a team of managers, immediately began solving the most pressing problems. she was faced with the difficult task of modernizing the operation of the operating unit, bringing it into line with the leading international standards and practices to ultimately increase the speed of transactions and make our services more convenient for our clients. Thanks to the professionalism of Olga and her colleagues, this goal was successfully achieved. On the international stage, Olga Kanovich's efforts to consolidate and develop the Russian community of SWIFT shareholders contributed to the improvement of the Russian financial market and strengthening its integration into the world financial system... Today I am glad that our cooperation with Olga will continue in a new role. I would also like to wish Natalia Dirks success in her new position and I am glad that this position will be taken by a person from the bank's personnel reserve. "

Olga Kanovich said: “I would like to thank the management of the bank and my team for the colossal support and strong feeling of commitment. There are many interesting and intensive projects behind me, and new strategic tasks lie ahead.”

Olga Kanovich in 2012 was elected the chairman of the Russian community of SWIFT shareholders and users - the Russian National SWIFT Association (ROSSWIFT). According to the results of the last two years, Russia and, in particular, Sberbank came out on top in the world in terms of growth rates in the international SWIFT community. In addition, with the active participation of Ms Kanovich as a representative from Sberbank, negotiations are underway to include Russian ruble into the number of settlement currencies of the CLS system, which is one of the important stages on the way to creating an international financial center in Russia.

Future representation of Russia in the management international system the transmission of financial messages by SWIFT is taking on concrete shape. Now the Russian Federation is not represented in any way on the SWIFT board of directors. Last year the main sanctions threat. According to Kommersant's information, two advisers to the president of Sberbank and a lobbyist for the payment industry in the National Payment System are competing for a seat on the council.

Kommersant has learned the details of the process of discussing candidates for the position of the Russian representative on the SWIFT board of directors. According to three sources of Kommersant close to Rossvift, the most likely candidate is Olga Kanovich, chairman of the Rosswift committee (in charge of the association's activities). She has held this position since 2012 and until July 2013 combined it with the management of the operating unit of Sberbank. Currently, Ms. Kanovich retains the post of adviser to the head of Sberbank, German Gref, to represent the bank's interests in international organizations, including SWIFT. "Olga Kanovich's candidacy as a representative of Sberbank, the largest in terms of the volume of Russian traffic transmitted via SWIFT, is on the surface," one of Kommersant's interlocutors notes.

The fact that Russia will enter the supreme governing body of SWIFT in 2015, gaining the necessary 1.5% of the total SWIFT turnover in 2013, Kommersant reported last summer, when the question of a possible disconnection of Russia from this systems. On March 9, SWIFT officially published a new list of countries that have gained access to the board of directors, where Russia appeared. The approval of its staff is scheduled for June, before that the Russian National Association of SWIFT ("Rosswift") must submit its candidate to SWIFT, which is planned to be selected for general meeting in Russia on April 16.

In Russian banks - SWIFT shareholders, the question may arise as to how logical it is for Mrs. Kanovich, who currently lives in Canada, who has imposed sanctions against Russia, to represent Russia in SWIFT, says one of Kommersant's sources. In such conditions, the possibility of nominating two more candidates is not excluded: Stepan Kuznetsov, another adviser to German Gref, and Alma Obaeva, head of the National Payments Council (NP NPS). Stepan Kuznetsov was previously the Managing Director of Rosswift and is now in charge of interaction with SWIFT at Sberbank.

However, it is unclear whether SWIFT participants will support this candidate, taking into account the "sanctioned" status of Sberbank. None of the banks that are members of the Rosswift committee yesterday began to comment on their position on this issue or did not respond at all to Kommersant's inquiry. Olga Kanovich and Stepan Kuznetsov themselves also declined to comment (via the press service of Sberbank).

Before joining the NPS NPS, Alma Obaeva was engaged, in particular, in interaction with SWIFT at the Central Bank as deputy director of the settlement regulation department. Kommersant's sources suggest that both the Bank of Russia and the National Bank of Belgium, where the headquarters of SWIFT are located, can propose her candidacy. Alma Obaeva learned about her nomination for the SWIFT board of directors from Kommersant. She confirmed that she had indeed repeatedly communicated with representatives of the Belgian Central Bank during the preparation of contracts and holding conferences. At the same time, the candidacy of Mrs. Obayeva may turn out to be undesirable for SWIFT, Kommersant's interlocutors note. "During the discussion of options for action in the event that Russia is disconnected from SWIFT, Alma Obaeva supported the use of the Russian alternative to SWIFT, a similar service from CyberPlat," says a Kommersant source in the payment market.

However, one of the banks participating in SWIFT reminds that its representation on the board of directors cannot influence the decision to disconnect any country from SWIFT: such decisions are made at the EU level.

Sberbank is ready, as the senior vice president of the bank Olga Kanovich aptly put it, to overcome the "thirty-year technological gap" and lag behind modern world financial institutions... He changes the operating model and ideology of service, launches Customer Operations Support Centers throughout the country. These and other innovations should radically change the perception of the Russian financial giant.

A press conference was held in Krasnoyarsk dedicated to the preparation of the opening of the territorial Customer Operations Support Center (CSCO) and the new operating model of Sberbank. Senior Vice President of the Bank answered questions from journalists Olga Kanovich and Vice President, Chairman of the East Siberian Bank Alexey Loginov.

According to the participants of the press conference, the creation of CSOs throughout Russia (there will be 15 of them in total) is intended to change the bank's document management system, which will be centralized, which will give a qualitative leap in the speed of processing customer requests.

The Bank also plans to increase its internal efficiency by launching centers, to free up forces that are supposed to be directed to improve service.

Two years ago, the supervisory board approved new strategy development of Sberbank for five years, and all recent changes are associated with the implementation of this strategy.

“As a result, Sberbank should turn from the largest financial institution in the Russian Federation into one of the best and most efficient financial institutions in the world,” says Olga Kanovich. - Let's leave the financial indicators outside the brackets, the most important thing is to deploy Sberbank facing the client.

The bank will celebrate its 170th anniversary next year. Years and traditions sometimes turn out to be a plus, but often they hold back progress.

“Objectively, not long ago Sberbank did not meet the modern requirement,” says Olga Kanovich. - The management honestly admitted that the bank should change so as not to associate people with queues and the psychology of "Soviet trade", when a saleswoman shouts to customers "there are many of you, but I am alone."

“The world practice is such that the competitive advantage of a bank in the modern world begins with how the technologies and support processes are organized in the bank,” continues Olga Kanovich. - Now the structure of Sberbank is being transformed to another platform. As part of this, there is a centralization of technological resources, the public embodiment of this transformation is a new subdivision in the structure of Sberbank - CSKO ”.

Support centers, according to the speakers, are fundamentally different from all divisions that previously existed in the bank. The client simply will not see all the ins and outs of the innovations, for him the changes should be manifested in a reduction in the timing of all operations, in an increase in the speed of the payment generated by this operation, and, ultimately, in a decrease in queues.

The bank will reduce all departments that dealt with different stages of information processing and were distributed among additional offices - accounting, planning and economic departments, accounting and control departments. All their functions are transferred to CSKO. From a technological and logical point of view, the changes are also large - the software and hardware platform is being replaced, new computing power, additional communication lines will appear, and an access system through remote channels will be developed.

The CSKO Vostochno-Siberian Bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation will employ 850 people. The volume of investments at the entrance is more than 250 million rubles. The project will pay off, according to the bank's employees, quickly, by 2011. Such centers are now operating in Moscow and St. Petersburg, next week CSKO opens in Perm.

Yesterday there were two more events in which Sberbank became a participant in Krasnoyarsk. At the "Forum of Business Services", which is completing its work today, an agreement was signed on mutual actions for non-financial support of small and medium-sized businesses between the East Siberian Bank and the "Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Krasnoyarsk Territory". The document was signed by Alexey Loginov and the chairman of the SPPKK Mikhail Vasiliev.

Sberbank is currently preparing a number of new programs to finance small and medium-sized businesses

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