
Euro euro for the next week. Forecast euro for the week. The average value of Euro

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September began to pair EURUSD from a powerful fall, which formed a long-term downward trend, laughing until the end of the month. It was provoked by the market expectations regarding the fact that the ECB at his next meeting will report on the unfolding QE program - quantitative easing - to support exporters and stimulating the economy.

At the same time, the ruble received support against the background of the increased value of oil, which allowed him to win all the positions lost by him since the beginning of August 2019, and approaches powerful support at 70.4. What to expect from EURUSD in the new month? The answer to this question is trying to give experts in their forecasts by euros for October 2019.

Alexander Osin, analysts investment company "Freeda Finance," expects the euro in October will fluctuate in the range of 70.4-71.4 rubles. The expert is based on his opinion on the fact that the euro and the ruble are now in similar situations and the question is only in which the currencies will fall faster.

Alexander Osin, analysts IR Freeda Finance

In its latest report, the European Central Bank has published figures for the development of the economy of the EU countries, which showed - 90% of all European states are almost trapped in place. You cannot ignore a similar fact in the ECB, so the expert is confident - soon the regulator will begin to press the leverage of the European currency to stimulate the development of the economy in the EU.

Forecast of the International Financial Center

Vladimir Rozhankovsky, an expert of the International Financial Center, draws attention to the fact that the ruble in October will be extremely weak. The expert calls two reasons for such an event development:

  • the need to pay external debts;
  • weakening the course of oil, from which the ruble received support all September.

Vladimir Rozhankovsky, Expert of the International Financial Center

Rozhankovsky believes that in October the ruble will fall faster than the euro, since the weakening of the European currency was expected, and the market has already digested this news. Therefore, the analyst predicts that the euro will bargain in the range of 72-74 rubles.

Alpari forecast

Anna Bodrov, Analyst Alpari, predicts that in October EURUSD will be bargain in the range of 70-71 rubles. According to the expert and the euro, and the ruble are now in a losing position. Euro is artificially weaken, and the ruble is no longer in demand foreign investorswho because of the confrontation of the United States and China are afraid of assets developing countries.

Anna Bodrov, Alpari Analyst

Therefore, Bodrov believes that below 70-70.4 euros will not fall, since it is a strong technical level, but does not rise. It is likely that the accumulation will occur in October, after which the euro will go up in November.

Experts agree on the fact that the euro is now very cheap and the further fall of the European currency will be unlikely to take place. In many respects, the politician of the Trump, aimed at mitigating the dollar, is facilitated, which does not allow the EURUSD pair to reach parity and provides support for European currency.

The Russian national currency entered the traditionally stressful period of the end of the year. The factors playing against the ruble, in November-December, even positive (such as a record oil price of the world for 2017). The ruble is cheaper both relatively and relatively unified European currency. Let's look at the forecast of the euro for the week from 13 to 19 November, which will happen with the ruble and euros in the coming days.

Euro euro on November 11-13

On Friday, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation established the official euro rate in Russia until Monday, November 13, at the level 68,9791 rubles for euro.

European currency did not reach 69 rubles a bit. Recall that above this euro marker was quoted in Russia quite recently - at the end of September. In total, over the past week, the euro went up to the ruble by 90 kopecks, and with such growth rates of the European currency, the conquest of 70 rubles per euro in the coming days is quite real.

Recall that the main factor that plays against the ruble at the end of each year is the need for business to pay on external borrowing.

Closer to the end of the year, Russian business begins to stock exchange currency, and although it is done in the tradition smoothly, so as not to collapse the course of the national currency sharply, yet the overall decline in the ruble exchange rate is always very significant. The restoration of the position of the ruble begins in January.

Now the euro course in December of the previous one, 2016, it seems rather modest - 65.5 rubles. But since January, the euro began quite rapidly cheaper, by April dropping to 60.5 rubles. The current course is 69 rubles - a consequence of the strengthening of the euro to the dollar. If at the beginning of the year between these currencies was practically parity, and the cross-course was only 1.05, then by September it reached 1.19.

Forecast euro for the week from 13 to 19 November

Let us turn to the forecasts of the euro's course for the next week from the experts of the Analytical Agency Agency, who are not afraid to give expressed in specific prediction figures on various economic indicators. The forecast version of the euro's course for the week from 13 to 19 November from the analysts of the APECON is:

  • the 13th of November, Monday - the euro will step over 69 rubles, the course on Tuesday can be 69.11 rubles.
  • November 14, Tuesday - the course on Wednesday will be even higher, 69.47 rubles.
  • 15th of November, Wednesday - Small Course Correction, up 69.30 rubles.
  • November 16., Thursday - the course on Friday will be equal 70.52 rubles.
  • November 17th, Friday - for the weekend euro can be 70.24 rubles.

Thus, experts expect that in the second half of the upcoming week the euro will return to the course above 70 rubles.

What is the forecast for the Bitcoin course for October and November 2017? Is it worthwhile to make a sharp drop in the price of cryptocurrency?

Bitcoin Volatility Threatens Investors

Opinion on the dynamics of Cryptovalut Currency exchanges with shared financial Consultant TeleTrade Zhanna Kulakova:

Predicting Bitcoin's course, like any other cryptocurrency, is now very difficult. The fact is that this market is still very small, and the volume of trading on it is small. In such conditions, any little-old major transactions or statements regarding the status of cryptocurrency can lead to serious fluctuations in one direction or another.

See, China's Central Bank has banned ICO - and immediately the market reacted painfully: Bitcoin in less than two weeks asked for 2 thousand dollars. China is an important player in the world crypto industry: there are several largest global exchange farms trading markets and large mining farms, as well as the Great of ICO.

I can confidently say that the dollar will not fall at 30% tomorrow - it is almost impossible. But to argue that tomorrow, 30% will not fall or will not grow bitcoin, I will not become.

If still try to make a forecast, then, from my point of view, in the long run, the future cryptocurrency looks quite favorable. I believe that after 5-10-15 years, Bitcoin and other popular cryptocurrencies will cost much more expensive than now, since price ceiling they have not yet reached.

Expert: Course Bitcoin can fall sharply

But this forecast does not exclude the possibility of the so-called coursewood in the near future. This market has long appeared signs of the occurrence of the exchange bubble. Since the beginning of the year, Bitcoin has risen in price by 4-5 times, ether - almost 30, other cryptocurrency - hundreds and thousands of percent. And often in the markets such periods of explosive growth are replaced by falling periods. Therefore, I do not exclude that there will be cryptocurrency courses in the near future.

But in the long run, this is a very interesting investment tool, and my forecasts are favorable. We see that the interest in cryptocurrency increases, the community of people who use it for various purposes will grow, are improved approaches to legislation.

Keep in mind that the established central Bank Currency courses do not change on weekends! In the table below you can watch the dollar and the euro for today, tomorrow and a week ahead. If you are interested in the further fate of currencies, follow the news and track the updates of quotes.

Course dollarEuroRuble's exchange rate
Will be the official course on
03/17/2020 (find out through 1 day 16 hours)
? ? ?
Current official course on 03/14/2020
the most favorable courses in banks
-84 kopecks.
1 rub. 80 cop.
higher routinely
+ 1.62%
Register and trade for forex without investments - start-up capital you get as a gift!
With successful trading, the money earned can be taken away!
Since the definition of the last official course on 03/14/2020 significantly decreased
-74 kopecks.
strongly decreased
-1 rub. 38 cop.
higher routinely

(oil during this time:
+1.51% )

Over the last hour did not change without changes without changes

Current exchange rate on the InstaForex exchange

Forecast of the dollar and euro for a month

Currency Forecast for March
dateDay of the weekCourseMax.Min.CourseMax.Min.
10.03.2020 tuesday 71.65 72.72 70.58 83.70 84.96 82.44
11.03.2020 wednesday 73.14 74.24 72.04 86.19 87.48 84.90
12.03.2020 thursday 73.13 74.23 72.03 85.87 87.16 84.58
13.03.2020 friday 72.99 74.08 71.90 85.95 87.24 84.66
16.03.2020 monday 72.56 73.65 71.47 86.32 87.61 85.03
17.03.2020 tuesday 72.97 74.06 71.88 86.98 88.28 85.68
18.03.2020 wednesday 73.93 75.04 72.82 89.15 90.49 87.81
19.03.2020 thursday 74.13 75.24 73.02 89.41 90.75 88.07
20.03.2020 friday 74.05 75.16 72.94 89.53 90.87 88.19
23.03.2020 monday 75.58 76.71 74.45 91.37 92.74 90.00
24.03.2020 tuesday 75.44 76.57 74.31 91.78 93.16 90.40
25.03.2020 wednesday 76.18 77.32 75.04 92.50 93.89 91.11
26.03.2020 thursday 75.83 76.97 74.69 92.21 93.59 90.83
27.03.2020 friday 75.95 77.09 74.81 91.99 93.37 90.61
30.03.2020 monday 76.19 77.33 75.05 92.33 93.71 90.95
31.03.2020 tuesday 76.06 77.20 74.92 92.10 93.48 90.72
Forecast for currencies for AprilForecast of the dollar for the week and monthForecast euro for the week and month
dateDay of the weekCourseMax.Min.CourseMax.Min.
01.04.2020 wednesday 76.57 77.72 75.42 92.45 93.84 91.06
02.04.2020 thursday 76.41 77.56 75.26 91.85 93.23 90.47
03.04.2020 friday 75.55 76.68 74.42 90.87 92.23 89.51
06.04.2020 monday 75.47 76.60 74.34 90.50 91.86 89.14
07.04.2020 tuesday 76.50 77.65 75.35 91.44 92.81 90.07
08.04.2020 wednesday 77.01 78.17 75.85 91.87 93.25 90.49
09.04.2020 thursday 76.91 78.06 75.76 91.38 92.75 90.01
10.04.2020 friday 76.04 77.18 74.90 90.21 91.56 88.86

What depends on the dollar rate, factors affecting currency courses

If you are interested in buying or selling euro or dollar, the currency rate is for you an important indicator everyday. Today both cash units Demonstrate significant volatility. This is due primarily with political factors.

What affects the US dollar and euros:

  • decisions made by diplomats within international cooperation. Yesterday, Angela Merkel declared his readiness to make an agreement with Russia - the euro fell a little in relation to the ruble. Tomorrow Donald Trump will release new package Sanctions - the dollar rate will jum up to heaven. Therefore, if you want to play on currency exchange or earn money on buying / selling currency, you need to follow political news;
  • economic situation in the country and in the world. Yes, even economic shifts within Russia affect the position of the ruble, respectively, and on the course foreign currencies to him;
  • solutions of the Central Bank. It is known that at the beginning of the exacerbation of relations with Europe and the United States, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation tried to balance the races of currency rates to the ruble with their own resources. Today, the dollar and the euro's volatility decreased slightly, and a considerable role in this was played by the containment system of the Russian banking network.

Previous forecasts of courses

We all remember times when the dollar's exchange rate did not exceed 35 rubles, and the euro held at 39-45 rubles. Unfortunately or fortunately, these courses have not appeared on the board in banks for several years exchange points. Below is our forecast for currency rates a few days before the start of the rapid fall of the ruble. This information is simply presented to the memory ...

Dear visitors of the site "Forecast course of currencies for tomorrow", we draw your attention that the forecast of the dollar and the euro course is given only for informational purposes and cannot be regarded as a guide to action! We are not responsible for the accuracy of prediction data, because Currency courses depend on a huge number of factors and even the most experienced trader, a broker, a financier (yes, in general, anyone) will not be able to predict a currency rate for tomorrow, for a week or a month with an accuracy of 100%!

Those who trade on the stock exchange, it is necessary to constantly be aware of the current situation with prices. But no less important for traders have prognostic data that are derived from the basis of the inkanalysis and other analytical instruments. The greatest interest is natural causes. However, relying only for one currency is extremely short-sighted. In the investment portfolio You should keep at least one euro. Therefore, traders will have to pay attention to the forecast of the euro for the week and tomorrow, as well as for longer periods, including by the end of the year.

Where to find the forecast euro for a week

Prognostic data are posted on thematic Internet resources and official portals of the stock exchange and financial institutions. The greatest trust, naturally, causes the forecast of the euro for a week from the Central Bank - the nearest and future. On the official website of departments can be found. These predictions have plenty of advantages.

  • First, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has its own team of professional, competent and high-class analysts. They use a variety of analysis tools, including innovative and often have access to insider information.
  • Secondly, the specialists of the Central Bank give the most accurate forecasts about where the euro course will move - forward to raise or forward to a decrease.
  • Thirdly, prognostic data is given in the form of a table in which it is convenient to find indicators for spent period - per day, week, for a month.
  • Fourth, forecasts Central Bank Reflect the market situation in Russia and help to obtain a presentation, which will be the ratio of values \u200b\u200bin a pair of ruble euros.

The average value of Euro

About how the European currency behaves today and what will be its price tomorrow and in the coming days, traders need to know to implement short-term trade strategies. Many many are engaged in such types of trading - constantly monitor quotes and sell or buy currency at the slightest changes in quotes. But in a similar way, it is possible to get a solid profit very rarely, only if you are lucky and after buying the price of the euro jump up. The schedule and forecast of the euro's course for a week in the near future allows you to judge that stability reigns on the market. Although generally there is an oscillation of exchange rates in the direction of decrease. According to the specialists of the Central Bank, over the next week the euro will retain the average value of 71.33 rubles, but it can also fall to the maximum minimum - 70.33, and grow a maximum of 72.33 rubles. That is, in relation to the current value, the price will drop by 0.95 rubles.

Euro growth prospects

Next week, an euro growth is possible, although insignificant, with periodic rollbacks in the direction of decrease. And this trend, according to experts, is characteristic of the current year. According to the specialists of the agency Reuters, economic growth over the euro will go at a reduced pace and will be approximately 1.5%. And we are already observing this in the dynamics of stock quotes for the week, which became the basis for forecasts for the nearest sevenneve.

Analysts are confident that existing growth rates are insufficient, they are constrained by foreign economic factors: uncertainty in the global trade sector, the action of sanctions against Russia, complexity in trade and economic relations between the participants of the European Union.

Also on the course of the euro and in the short-term, and in the long run, inflation is influenced - 1%, which equalizes growth rates. And this factor is necessarily taken into account when the weekly forecast of the euro course is out. Another analysts take into account the application European bankwho is not going to change until the end of the year credit Policy What will contribute to maintaining the stability of the euro in the global market.

Video: dollar and euro rate in Russia

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