
Labor productivity by enterprise. How to calculate productivity - one of the most important indicators

- This is a factor defining its effectiveness. It is determined by the amount of production produced per unit of time.

On the contrary - the amount of time required for the manufacture of one unit of products is called labor intensity.

Usually, the actual indicator is distinguished under performance, but economicalcybernetics Introduces Terms cash and potentialperformance.

In this way, rising labor productivity - This is a reduction in its costs, during this period of time for the manufacture of a unit of products or an increase in the production of this product per unit of time. This direct leads to an increase in production efficiency.

Algorithm of calculation

The calculated productivity can be compared with the same indicator of the last period and allows us to conclude on the trends in the development of the enterprise.

Trends can be as objective factors (seasonal), the introduction of a new tool and subjective - incidence, miscalculations in the organization of the process and other.

Formulas for calculating actual performance

The calculation is made from the observed actual results of the production process.

It looks like this:

  • Fri Fact \u003d Oh Pr: T Fact
  1. About pr -volume of released products;
  2. T Fact -the time required for production.

Cash productivity- This is the estimated indicator that talks about the possibility of producing in the established conditions (available equipment, cash materials and applied tools) some amount of products.

This indicator is calculated from the ratio:

  • PR Max \u003d O Max: m min
  1. O Max- the maximum possible amount of production in the units of their accounting;
  2. T min- Minimum labor costs for the release of such volumes in units of time.

Potential productivity- Estimated production rate when using advanced technologies in the world, advanced equipment in theoretically achievable ideal working conditions.

It is expressed by the ratio:

  • PR sweat \u003d about the ID: m min
  1. About ID- production volume of products in ideal production conditions;
  2. T. min. - minimum labor costs in the form of time.

Labor productivity of one employee

Fri \u003d (o x (1 - K PR)) / t 1.

ABOUT - volume of products manufactured;

To Pr.


The productivity of the balance is calculated by the formula:

Fri \u003d (2130 Row x (1 - K PR)) / (T 1 * h).

Performance with class attitude

For the target investment analysis, the application of labor productivity indicator with the classification of costs has a decisive value.

From the position of assessing the effectiveness of investment costs, not so much the volume of products produced is important than the amount of costs for its release.

In investment of caps, it is fundamentally important to take into account economic efficiency.Otherwise, it is possible to reduce the profitability of caps and as a result, in return for capital gains, it is possible to obtain a result in the form of its decline.

Performance regarding costs - This is the amount of products obtained on the ruble of the funds spent. Cost costs are the proportion of costs that are given to this volume of products that are accounted for by one employee per unit of time.

The performance formula, taking into account costs, will look:

  1. PZ.- performance taking into account costs, units / ruble;
  2. ABOUT- production volume, units. accounting / ruble;
  3. Z.- costs incurred, hours / pcs.;
  4. T1. - the labor costs of one worker (part of the time spent on the production of the amount of products per desktop, clock);
  5. C.- the full number of employees, regular units;
  6. To Pr. - coefficient, taking into account the downtime (from 1 to 0);
  7. KZ.- incurred capital expenses, rubles / hour x pcs.
  8. EZ. - related to operating costs, rubles / hour x pcs.;
  9. R - incurred repair costs, rubles / hour x pcs.;
  10. FROM - costs for taxes, rubles / hour x pcs.
  11. N. - attributed taxes, rubles / hour x pcs.
  12. Dr. - Other expenses, rubles / hour xpcs


Need analysis
in the production management process - Objective need to select funds and determine the directions of impact on it.

Such an impact on production can introduce a new, more progressive cutting tool.

Already a comparison of the 10-day "before" and "after" performance implementation will give primary information about the positive or negative effect of innovation.

More accurate statistical analysis data can be obtained later, comparing longer periods.

Analysis of only labor productivity factor cannot give complete confidence to make a final decision.

This requires an analysis of cost, an analysis of labor productivity with related expenses, analysis economic efficiency. Considering all the results in aggregate, you can be confident in the correctness of the decision.

Costs taking into account costs

Costs with accepted costs - Indicator Inverse labor productivity, that is, this is the value of one unit of products.

  • C \u003d 1 / PZ \u003d s / n, where
  1. C - cost, taking into account costs, rubles / units;
  2. PZ - productivity of labor, taking into account the costs incurred, units / ruble;
  3. P - performance, units / hour x pcs.
  4. S - classified costs, rub / hour x pcs

Example of calculating performance taking into account costs

The capacity of 500 "Garny Loveton" on the digging of trenches along the Russian border is 60m 3 / hour, at the bulldozer - 75m 3 / hour. But simple performance is not important, namely performance, taking into account costs. Compare productivity taking into account the costs of the excavators and the same bulldozer indicator.

The cost of one hour of operation of the farms is 90 UAH / hour, the cost of the wheelbarrow and shovel 5000 and 250,000 UAH, the cost of the bulldozer 3.58 UAH, the cost of diesel fuel for the bulldozer 588 UAH per hour of work, the salary of the bulldozer 360 UAH per hour of work. The normative life of the shovel and the wheelbarrow - 1 year, the bulldozer - 5 years. During this time, the cost of operation will be 100,000 UAH.

Calculate profitability based on the rates for the recess 25 UAH / m 3:

  1. Calculation of land productivity: PRD \u003d 60 x (1 - 0) / 500 \u003d 0.12m 3 / hour x pcs
  2. Calculation of the performance of the bulldozer: (0,667 - the coefficient of use of the working time of the bulldozer - the cost of travel time): P BL \u003d 255 / (1 - 0,667) / 1 x 1 \u003d 75m 3 / hour x pcs
  3. The ratio of the performance of the farmer and the bulldozer: P Bul / n Earth \u003d 75 / 0.12 \u003d 625 times.

The productivity of one farmer taking into account costs:

  • Cost expected: Z \u003d 90 + (5000 \u003d 250000) / 42 weeks x 5 days x 8 hours / 500 pcs. \u003d 90.3 UAH / h. PZ ZERE \u003d 0.12 / 90.3 \u003d 0.0012289 m 3 / UAH.
  • Costs with expenditures for the recess of 1 cube of soil farmers: 1 / PZ ZERE \u003d 752.5 UAH.
  • Profitability of farmer \u003d payment per cube / cost of removal 1M 3 \u003d (25/725.5 - 1) x 100% = -96,68%

Performance, taking into account the cost of bulldozer:

  • Cost expected:Z \u003d 360 + 558 + (3580000 + 1000000) / 5 years X (38 weeks x 5 days. X 8 hour. / 1 \u200b\u200bpcs. \u003d 1550.63 UAH / h.
  1. PZ Bull \u003d 75 / 1550.63 \u003d 0.0484 m 3 / UAH.
  2. Cost, taking into account the cost of the bulldozer will be 1 / 0.0484 \u003d 20.66 UAH / m 3.
  3. Profitability of bulldozer: Payment of removal 1M 3 / Cost of removal \u003d (25 / 20.66 - 1) x 100% = 21%.
  4. PZ Bull / PZ ZERE \u003d 0.0484 / 0.000796 \u003d 60.8.

On the ruble costs, the bulldozer produces products by 60.8 times more excavation.

Middle performance

A certain amount of products for a fixed period of time is divided into time spent for this - SCHP \u003d O / TWhere about the development for the time period in the unit. Accounting, T - spent time.

There are several levels of performance indicator:

  • middle hour performance.

for example: 132 blanks were released for a full working shift - 8 hours, score \u003d 132/8 \u003d 16.5 pcs / h;

  • middle day performance.

For example: For the month, 2780 blanks were produced, the working time foundation was 21 working day ADD \u003d 2780/21 \u003d 132.4 pcs / day;

This is how performance is calculated for any period on the basis of actual data and conduct an objective analysis of the influence of various factors on the state of production.

Russian economy in the system of international labor productivity

High performance - The main condition for the sustainable growth rates of the economy.

In Russia, productivity is at the level of about 26% of its size in the US.

The Russian government puts the task of ensuring productivity growth of about 6% per year, so that by 2022, the growth of income per capita revenues has doubled.

Three most important factors affecting Russia's lagging in performance:

  1. Low labor organization efficiency.

In different industries, this factor determines from 30% to 80% of the backlog.

  1. Moral and physical wear of the equipment and the use of ineffective technologies.

In the old equipment, almost 40% of thermal power plants operate, 16% of steel are produced in Martenovsky furnaces. In general, by industry, this factor determines 20-60% of the backlog.

  1. Features of the current economy structure.

This factor determines 5-15% lag. The low level of income determines the low level of lending, reducing the level internal investment. The absence of technologies and equipment in metallurgy for obtaining a high-quality product determines the low quality and efficiency of goods of this industry.

Essence of improving labor productivity in Russia

Labor market studies show that in Russia, the trend of traditional orientation on the labor process prevails.

  • This is a desire for a calm, measured rhythm of labor and there is no desire, by increasing its intensity to get higher incomes to meet their urgent needs.
  • It is preferable to smooth quiet relationships in the team and regular payout.

The reason is the low preparation of management personnel, which does not speak the skills of improving the efficiency of production and the disinterest of it as such.

Paradox - russia does not develop small and medium business, which is an engine for improving labor productivity around the world.

Explained by the following reasons:

  • low business security from the arbitrariness of officials;
  • high cost and low availability credit resources;
  • severe consequences In case of unsuccessful outcome of business undertakings.

It is known that many American magnates have started a business at first, Fiasco's victims.

Labor productivity in non-production sectors of the economy

Unproductive part of the economy - This is a part that does not produce commodity resources. As a rule, it takes part in the distribution process (wholesale and retail), maintenance of the population (tourism, medicine), the creation of cultural values \u200b\u200b(cinema, theater, museums, etc.).

In a word - the scope of services that ensures the production process and the process of reproduction of the population.

The main possibilities for improving productivity lie in the following planes:

  • simplify regulatory factors in the field commercial real estate. Here you just need to ensure the fulfillment of existing laws, partially revise the SNIVA, reduce the number of coordination;
  • improving the quality of the communal and road infrastructure will enable easier access to commercial real estate objects, improving logistics and reduce residues in warehouse objects. This will contribute to the acceleration of turnover current means, that is, to enhance economic efficiency;
  • improving operating efficiency. A significant increase in performance can be obtained, strengthening the centralization of administrative functions, optimizing the number of personnel, improving the quality planning of supply and demand.

Strategy of productivity management managers

The main strategic directions for solving the task:

  1. Improve material - technical base of the enterprise. Automation of the functioning of business processes is the basis for increasing productivity.
  2. Modern methods for managing productionBased on continuously learning mid-level management.
  3. Minimization of expenditures per unit of production is achievable by reducing unproductive costs. Conducting regular audits of business processes will contribute to the timely identification of the formation points of such costs.
  4. Special organization regulatory framework Allows you to develop an optimal duty circle for each manager.
  5. One of the main points is the optimal organization of the employment process, including the ethical component - equipment for recreation rooms and the creation of optimal sanitary and hygienic conditions.
  6. An important factor Increased performance is from oral orientation of enterprise policyaimed at the employee.
  7. Effective personnel loyalty policy In relation to the company by attracting it when considering the prospects for the management and development of the enterprise.
  8. No performance effects will be effective without a developed system. Its estimates and the evaluation system of the results obtained.

The considered indicator is universal for analyzing the state of production.

Labor productivity is characterized as one of basic indicatorsreflecting the real performance of the functioning of the company's personnel.

Being a relative indicator, labor productivity allows you to compare efficiency different groups employed in the manufacturing process and plan numerical values \u200b\u200bfor subsequent periods.

The concept of labor productivity

Labor productivity characterizes the effectiveness of labor cost per unit of time. For example, shows how many products will produce a worker in an hour.

At the enterprise, performance is determined through two basic indicators:

  • development;
  • labor consumption.

It is them most appropriate when evaluating the degree of efficiency of labor cost per unit of time. Improving productivity leads to an increase in production and savings on wages.

Algorithm of calculation

In essence, labor productivity reflects the ratio of the volumes of manufactured and / or sold products to the number of employees.

Indicators of the number of employees are based on the list of numbers. Each employee is taken into account only once every working day.

Power costs and time costs for the production of products are also taken into account in the reporting documentation.


Indicators of labor productivity at the enterprise include production, labor intensity and labor productivity index.

Developing (B) Determines the volume of products per unit of paid working time by one list employee. The indicator can be found depending on two factors - the time spent and the average number of employees.

B \u003d Q / T.

B \u003d Q / h.

Labor intensity (TR) expresses the volume of the necessary expended labor with one employee for the production of a product unit. The complexity rate is reverse with respect to the production indicator.

Calculation depending on the time spent:

Tr \u003d T / Q.

Calculation depending on the average personnel:

Tr \u003d h / q

  • In - development;
  • Tr - labor intensity;
  • Q- volume of products in natural units (pieces);
  • T - the cost of paid working time on the production of this product;
  • H - average number of personnel.

There is a more detailed method for calculating performance:

PT \u003d (Q * (1 - to P)) / (T 1 * h),

  • where PT is labor productivity;
  • To P - downtime coefficient;
  • T 1 - Employee labor costs.

If it is necessary to calculate the productivity of one employee, then the value of the indicator the average number will be equal to one. Annual development per employee not only characterizes the effectiveness of a separate person, but also allows the plan for the next period.

When calculating the work out of the spent hours, there are no downtime in operation.

The volume of products sold can be expressed in any units - pieces, monetary or labor units.

Formula for calculating labor productivity

Based on the calculation of indicators of performance of the functioning of employees in the enterprise is calculated labor productivity index.

This indicator reflects the growth rate of productivity and is as follows:

upload: ΔPT \u003d [(in o - in b) / in b] * 100%

by labor intensity: ΔPT \u003d [(Tr o - tru b) / tr b] * 100%

  • where in about - production production in the reporting period;
  • In b - production of products in the base period;
  • Tr about - labor-intensity of products in the reporting period;
  • Tr b - labor complexity of products in the basic period;
  • PT - labor productivity index in percent.

Changing productivity can be found through the planned economy savings on the following formula:

ΔPT \u003d [e h / (h p -e h)] * 100%,

  • where e h is the planned savings of the number of personnel;
  • H R - the number of workers (employees employed in the production process).

Indicator average labor productivity We are needed in the case of a large number of products produced with different labor intensity.

Formula for calculating average labor productivity:

WRC \u003d ΣQ I * K I,

  • where WRV is the average labor productivity;
  • Q i is the volume of each type of product produced;
  • K I is the coefficient of complexity of each type of product produced.

To determine this coefficient, a position with minimal labor intensity is distinguished. It is equal to one.

To find the coefficients for other products, the complexity of each is divided into the rate of minimum laboriousness.

For calculation work productivity of one employee The following formula is used:

Fri \u003d (Q * (1 - to P)) / t 1.

To calculate the performance indicators of labor, the company's balance sheet uses, in particular, the volume of manufactured products. This indicator is reflected in the second section of the documentation in line 2130.

The formula for calculating productivity on the balance sheet is as follows:

Fri \u003d (line 2130 * (1 - to n)) / (t 1 * h).


The calculated indicators allow for a comprehensive analysis of labor productivity in the enterprise.

The development and labor intensity is assessed by the real work of the staff, according to the results of the analysis, you can identify resources for the development and growth of productivity, as well as for saving work time and reduce the number of employees.

The performance index reflects the change in performance in the current period compared to the previous one. It is extremely important to assess the performance of work.

The level of performance depends not only on the competence and ability of employees, but also on the level of material equipment, financial flows and other factors.

In general, labor productivity must be constantly raised. This can be achieved through the introduction of new equipment, training for employees and a competent organization of production.

Video - How can I use new technologies to increase productivity:

Discussion (12)

    How to calculate the average number of employees in planned year If labor productivity increased by 9%. The current year of the workers in the reporting year 280 people and the cost of commercial products in the reporting year is 650 billion rubles?

    Two brigades of workers handle the same type of details. Daily express details of details of individual workers are characterized by the following data.

    Working Room (1 Brigade) Daytime Development 1 Brigade, Pieces. Working room (2 brigade) Daytime production of working 2 brigade, pcs.

    Determine the average daytime number of parts treated with one working every brigade and in general two brigades. Duty the solution will help?

    Hope. Try to focus on the definition of productivity of labor. Not so, as we were imposed in institutes, but according to K. Marx: - "labor productivity is a minimum of the cost of living work with a maximum of product production" and understand why we in the Union had the giants and the proven number of workers, but Capitalists automated lines and minimum workers in the production of the same product volumes.

    Labor productivity, its growth at any enterprise is the basis of the growth of the wage fund and, accordingly, the growth of the wage of specific workers.

    For the proper business of business, labor productivity indicators are very important. With the help of them not only analyzed the efficiency of working force use, but also at what level there is a mechanization and automation of labor. There will be no ancient instrument and performance equipment.

    With such calculations usually bother large companieswhere there is an economist, and the whole economic department. Small enterprises in practice are all easier. For example: I know what minimum revenue should be in my month so as not to go into minus. All that above is my profit. My personal opinion, how much and how not count, but no longer will be. It is better to work, sell more - and it will be what to count.

    I understand that a person is taken into account only as labor and consumption for this labor force. But various forcemage situations are not included in the formula. As befits, in the absence of people, the overall performance should not fall any ways, that is, the rest of the workers must perform all the work of missing. In general, there are many disadvantages in the workers, they need to pay awards, for them taxes, leave and much more. Therefore, the installation of robots and machines is the perfect option for production.

    The knowledge of the theory is, of course, well ... But in fact I came across that no business plan was still so positive as planned ... well, at least with me. There is always an action of some uncertain strength that confuses all the cards. In any case, one thing is clear - if there is a sales market, and good marketThat will not let and pay for the goods (or services) on time, then the business can be built ... if the sales market is not adjacent - even by counting. I have a business based on sales of parts and accessories. There are no problems with providers - they are always ready to supply goods - and immediately, and under the order, but there are not always customers in the right amount, since these are not essential products. Plus competition.))) Plus periodic crises ...))) How does it all calculate?

    In fact, this is not so difficult as it may seem at first glance. When I was trained at the University of Economic Specialties, we literally forced us to learn the performance indicators, so that the teeth scorched. But we did not want to eat it very much. But now I have to admit that in vain. After I was lucky enough to open my workshop on tailoring and repairing clothes, I was just faced with such important indicators of labor productivity as development and complexity. Orders were a lot, workers were 2 people. There were difficulties with the task of orders, so I had to plan work, calculate these indicators to get the result I need, i.e. So that my workers perform at least 2 orders per day, working 8 hours. I had to motivate employees to improve the speed and quality of work. For example, for every 3 completed orders for tailoring products to issue awards, then the speed of work will increase. It's still all for what I was enough, but I am sure that there are other ways that can help in this case and in this moment I am looking for ways to solve this problem.

    In fact, the calculations of all sorts of a huge bunch and can be considered infinitely. But I always go from the opposite. From the result I need. If I want to get from the retail point, let's say 1000 rubles arrived per day, then the goods should be implemented by 9,000 rubles, if an hour on average I have (from experience) sells 700 rubles, then it is necessary to work 11000/700 \u003d 12.9 hours. In fact, from 8 am to 9 pm. To reduce this time, invent different "shares" and increase the revenue of the hour, as a result, the productivity of the seller can make up to 100 rubles of revenue per hour. Over its increase and work.

For managers at the enterprise it is extremely important to calculate various indicators that characterize the efficiency of the production of goods or providing services to constantly monitor its financial state. It is very important to evaluate because the well-being of the company depends on this.

One of the "fundamental" indicators, which allows not only to assess the current state of production, but to identify reserves, is an indicator of labor productivity. Briefly, under it is understood by the volume of products, which 1 employee releases for 1 unit of time.

Characteristics and main performance performance indicators

Labor productivity can be easily confused with the intensity of labor, but still it is necessary to distinguish them: with increasing labor intensity, workers increase their physical and mental costs, while the change in labor productivity may be due to introduction of new production technology.

In addition, labor productivity should be understood as two important indicators. First, it is productivity labor activity . In this case, the ratio of quantity is meant. finished products and spent resources spent. Secondly, it resource use efficiency. Here they mean the ratio of the volume of finished products and units of labor costs.

The main indicators that characterize labor productivity are developing (characterizes directly) and labor intensity (characterizes back). They are absolute, are calculated for a certain point, which means they cannot answer the question whether an enterprise is more effectively compared to previous periods.

Development is the volume of production, made per unit of time or one average employee.

That is, this is the ratio of the amount of manufactured products and the cost of working time or.

Thoughtfulness is the time spent on the production of a unit of products, in other words, this is the ratio of labor costs to the volume of manufactured products.

This value is reverse performance, so when dividing the unit to it, you can get the value of the productivity indicator.

Methods of calculation

Usually labor productivity learn on several levelsIt depends on the measurement of labor costs.

So, allocate:

  • mid-hour working - the ratio of the volume of products to the number of man-hours in the period of time;
  • average day formation - the ratio of the volume of products to the number of man-days of all employees of the enterprise;
  • middle monthly generation - The ratio of the volume of products to the medium-list of industrial and production personnel.

As can be seen from the principles and formulas for calculating these indicators, there is a connection among them: the development of one employee is the product of the average hour of development, the duration of the working day, the length of the working period and the share of workers in the number of industrial and production personnel.

In addition, the method of calculating productivity depends on measurements of the volume of released products. Thus, 4 methods are distinguished:

  • natural - the ratio of natural measurement of the volume of manufactured products to the average number of personnel;
  • conditionally natural - the ratio of natural measurement of the volume of different goods given to one meter;
  • labor - the ratio of regulatory and actual labor costs;
  • value - The ratio of value measurement of the volume of manufactured products to the average number of personnel.

It is worth noting that the most accurate methods are labor and natural (or conditionally natural). In other words, the most unreliable is cost, because in this case the change in labor productivity depends on the price changes. It is especially important to consider when analyzing this indicator in the dynamics.

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Sequence and calculation example of the indicator

So, determine the productivity of labor At the enterprise for the year at each level.

Let the volume of manufactured products per year equal to 500,000 pcs., The price of each unit is 20 rubles. Industrial and manufacturing staff are represented by 100 employees, and the working day lasts 9 hours.

Middle hour production \u003d 500 000 pcs / (360 days x 9 h / dn x 100 people) \u003d 1,543 pcs / h

Medium daytime production \u003d 500 000 pcs / (360 days x 100 people) \u003d 13,889 pcs / H-DN

Average monthly production \u003d 500 000 pcs / (12 months x 100 people) \u003d 416,667 pcs / h-months

Check availability Between them:

Development for 1 employee \u003d 1,543 pcs / h-hour x 9 h / dn x 360 days x 1/100 \u003d 4999,32 pcs / person

We can also find and general output of products:

Production volume \u003d 4 999,32 pcs / person x 100 people \u003d 499 932 pcs

Missing 67 pcs. Products - calculation error when rounding indicators.

The above calculations presents natural method Definitions of labor productivity, since the measurement of products produced natural (quantitative) in the manner.

Several otherwise you can determine the productivity of labor at each level. by value method. For this, the calculations use the value of production (500,000 pcs x 20 rubles).

Conditional Natural Method
It implies the bringing of various products to one meter: products can be expressed through the introduction of coefficients to recalculate in the costs necessary for the implementation of one conventional product, which requires the actual product produced by the enterprise. Labor method Calculation of labor productivity requires the use of normo hours. Calculation of labor productivity in these two methods occurs in a similar way to the one that is presented above.

What is the productivity of labor, the order of its calculation and the ways of increasing, told in the next video of the plot:

Method for calculating accounting balance

Labor productivity can actually determine according to financial statements, namely, by. The difference of this method from the above is that the volume of work performed in the balance sheet is taken for calculations, instead of the volume of products. Further, its attitude to the average number of personnel is determined. The resulting value is the actual productivity, and the planned is reflected in the balance or corporate statistics.

Analysis of the data obtained

It is now obvious that labor productivity speaks of very much. Its analysis can help identify the reasons for the low efficiency of the enterprise (for example, a small number of labor-days - long weekend or employee leave). In addition, it seems possible to identify reserves of efficiency detailed Analysis Results of work.

Analysis of the indicator in the dynamics allows you to reveal the trend and make adequate and objective plans for future periods.

The main task of the leader is that it must compile a complete picture of the structure of the enterprise. It must understand the relationship within this structure and assume how its elements affect each other.

Indicator of labor productivity is an important economic index that helps assess the effectiveness of the work of a whole enterprise, a labor collective, or one employee.

Together with other factors, this indicator can help the head to determine the overall business development rate.

Determination of labor productivity

Speaking simple language, labor productivity is the number of products produced per unit of time: the worker makes 5 parts per hour, the plaster brigade paints 200 square meters of the area for shift.

The general formula for calculating performance (P) looks like this:

An important indicator is also the development (c) - work made by one employee per unit of time:

Methods for measuring labor productivity

There are several measurement methods, and in each case, depending on the conditions, one method may be more accurate and objective than the other.


The value method is named as the productivity in this case is measured in monetary units.

This method of calculation allows you to compare, for example, the performance of workers of different qualifications. The engineer of the highest category gives for a shift to the production of 100 drawings of structures, a total value of 5 million rubles, and the engineer of the second category is only 300,000.


The natural method is good where the result of labor can be measured quantity: in tons, pieces, liters, meters, etc.

If the products manufactured by the company is rather diverse, and differs in both the cost and complexity of manufacture, the natural method of calculation will not be able to reflect the real situation objectively.

Conditional and natural

The situation-natural method differs from the natural method in that the calculations use not real units of products, but conditional. Suppose the manufacturer produces washing powder, air conditioning for linen and soap.

We take soap as a conditional unit, then 1 t of washing powder \u003d 2 tons of soap, and 1 ton air conditioner \u003d 1.7 tons of soap. These numbers 2 and 1.7 are translated coefficients.

They are accepted for considerations of the cost or complexity of the production of this product relative to soap. Thus, calculate the performance of the factory's work shift will not be difficult.


When calculating performance, the labor method is applied standard time making unit products or sale.

If a value of 15 minutes is installed on the manufacture of 1 details, and the worker made 65 such parts for shifting, calculate its performance (in minutes) is easy:

So the worker makes 2 details per minute.

The method is convenient when the standards are installed on a certain type of work.

Examples of calculations

  1. Cost method for calculation

A task. Number of workers - 865. In reporting period It was produced by finished products for 1,300,000 rubles. In the planned period, the volume of products should grow by 10%. How much will the performance indicator change?


For convenience, first find the development:

Production volume will increase by 10% and will amount to 1430,000 rubles.

Let's calculate the workout for the planning period:

An increase in productivity will be equal to the difference:

That is. Performance will increase by 10%.

  1. Natural method of calculation

A task. Weaving factory produces 500,000 meters of linen fabric for one work shift. Determine the productivity of the factory.


  1. Conditionally natural calculation method

A task. The typography makes business cards, brochures and catalogs. An order consisting of 1000 business cards, 500 brochures and 300 catalogs, was performed for the working week. Estimate productivity if 1 brochure \u003d 20 business cards, and 1 catalog \u003d 100 business cards.


First of all, you must use transitional coefficients to translate all products into the same units: 500 brochures \u003d 10,000 business cards, 300 catalogs \u003d 30,000 business cards.

Application of performance indicator

The laborious indicator is the value, the inverse performance indicator. It demonstrates time spent on the production of one unit of products.

The time required for the manufacture of one detail - factordirectly affecting the cost of this part.

Accordingly, reducing the complexity, you can get a competitive advantage in the market.

For this, there are many methods: improving technology, production automation, advanced training of workers.

Compliance with certain requirements when calculating labor productivity

When calculating performance, it should be very carefully taken to the input data.

For example, when calculating the labor method, you need to make sure that the standards for different types works are relevant, since modern development Technologies are changing very quickly.

When calculating the natural method, it is impossible to take into account the goods of different types, the work of a different level of complexity, and with a conditionally natural calculation, the weak point may cause transitional coefficients.

Transitional coefficients can be selected depending on the cost or complexity of the work being performed.

When calculating performance, it should be borne in mind that these coefficients give some error, and the real picture can be distorted.

Cost method more common because it is quite simple, understandable, allows you to consider not only different kinds Products, but also the complexity of manufacture.

Noscova Elena

In the profession of an accountant for 15 years. He worked as chief accountant in the group of companies. I have experience in passing checks, receiving loans. Familiar with the spheres of production, trade, services, construction.

To find out how efficiently the company or team is working, it is necessary to holdanalysis of labor productivity. Knowing this relative indicator can be estimated how successfully employees (departments, workshops, groups) are working, as well as planning various values \u200b\u200bfor the future in numerical form.

Introductory information

Labor Productivity (PT) shows the efficiency of employee labor costs for a specific / specified time unit. For example, one mechanic per hour can sharpen 5 parts. It helps plan - you can count that for 8 hours of operation, the worker will make 40 blanks, and 10 workers - 400.

Formula for calculating labor productivity will help determine the performance of a group or workshop

This indicator can be determined by two principles:

  1. Labor consumption.
  2. Development.

The higher this indicator, the greater the volume of production. That is why the head must understand thatsuch productivity And how to achieve the highest possible PT. Ultimately, this will lead to a solid savings of the enterprise and the cheapening of products.

How to calculate

In order to calculate productivity, you need to know the two values: the number of employees and the amount of products manufactured. Roughly speaking, the ratio of the volume of produced goods to the number of workers engaged in the process and is labor productivity. It is necessary to take into account all employees involved in one working day. Then the number of workers is developing and divided into the calculated number of days. In order to make the right calculation, you have enough standard accounting reporting. You need revenue figures and labor.

PT indicators

Three main labor productivity indicators:

  1. Productivity index.
  2. Labor consumption.
  3. Development.

Let's wonder what they differ.

Development shows how many products can make one worker per unit time. The following factors affect the production: the average number of employees in the department / workshop and time spent by them.

Development and complexity - the most important performance indicators

The labor-intensity factor shows how much labor should be done by the work for the production of the part. With such calculation, PT will be inversely proportional to the development. It is possible to calculate it according to the formula TR \u003d T / Q, where Tr - labor intensity, T - the spent time and q - the volume of products in units. Second version: Tr \u003d h / q, where h is the average number of personnel.

The performance index is considered by the formula (Q * (1 - KP)) / (T1 * H), where q is the volume of sales, KP is the average ratio of downtime, and T1 is the common labor costs of the employee. This method is considered the most effective and detailed.

Note:when PT count for one employee, it is necessary to take an average number of per unit.

Knowing the efficiency of labor for one person, the entire workshop or department, you can find enough to calculate the amount of products manufactured.

How to calculate PT.

Formula for calculating labor productivity let you find the performance index. You can do this in two ways:

  1. By labor intensity ΔPT \u003d [(TRO - TRB) / TRB] * 100%.
  2. Upload ΔPT \u003d [(VB) / WB] * 100%.

In these formulas, PT- productivity in percentage, TRO is the laboriousness reporting, the TRB is the complexity of the basic, WB - the basis of the basic.

Using the formula ΔPT \u003d [EC / (CZ-ECH)] * 100% can be found as far as labor productivity due to saving the number of workers. Here the Czech Republic is the number of workers, and EC is an indicator of economy savings.

If the company produces many different products with different laboriousness, then it is necessary to determine the average PT according to the Formula of WRV \u003d ΣQi * ki. Here, HRV is the average productivity, the amount of production produced (more precisely, each of the types of products), and the KI-coefficient of consideration. To find it, select products with the smallest laboriousness and take it as a basis (equate to one). For the rest of the goods, divide their laboriousness to the basis and you will receive this coefficient.

Labor productivity formula for one working:PT \u003d (Q * (1 - KP)) / T1.

The performance coefficient will help you optimize the workflow and reduce costs.

Why all this is needed

Having learned the performance indicators, you can analyze the effectiveness of the enterprise's work. Thanks to the laboriousness and work out, the work of employees is estimated. Having studied PT performance, in most cases you can find how to optimize the process, save working time and reduce the number of employees by reducing the salary fund.

Considering the performance index, you can compare how much the performance of the department, workshop or company as a whole for a certain period of time has changed.

Note: Labor productivity is not only the qualifications of employees, but the overall performance performance.

It must be understood and aware beforehow to calculate productivity . That is, one worker per shift can make 10 parts if it does not distract anything. In the event that he has to constantly run into another workshop for raw materials, and then you attach the processed product to the warehouse, then it makes 7 parts. Your task will be to make the most effectively organize a process with such accounting so that the staff does not have downtime and they did not need anything. Low efficiency may be due to old equipment, poor equipment or working conditions, uncomfortable routine, etc.

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