
Conspiracies and signs for good trade in the market or in the store. The better to trade

How to successfully trade on stock Exchange and forex itself simple way and become independent

Teimuraz Safarov

© Teimraz Safarov, 2016

Created in the Intellectual Publishing System Ridero


In this book, I describe the technical analysis tools and the strategy that applies myself. The essence of her - in the next trend and the conclusion of transactions only in the direction of the Global Trend - after corrections. It is based on a deep understanding of the market. When we do not sell the sidewall in the market. At such moments it is better to stay aside and wait. Trading in trend methods in the sidewall, you will inevitably receive one unprofitable deal for the other depending on the duration of the sidewall. There are, of course, lateral movements with a very large range and durable in time. In this case, the input must be from the borders of the sidewall

Mostly people love to complicate and think that the more difficult the system, the more efficient. In this vein, I always remember the parable of the enlightenment, which heard many years ago. One student who wanted to achieve enlightenment came to the guru and asked "dear, I want to achieve enlightenment. What should I do for this? "

Guru replied: "very little. Only every morning you need to approach the mirror and repeat: I want to achieve enlightenment, I want to achieve enlightenment "

The student came home, thought and decided that everything could not be so simple and decided to go to another guru. This guru told him that enlightenment requires enormous labor, you need to get up every morning, clean the stables, clean up the horses and work in the sweat of the face before sunset. The student heard what he wanted to hear - it coincided with his internal convictions about enlightenment. He worked hard from sunrise to sunset and never complained, as he demanded enlightenment. So five long years have passed. Finally, he decided to ask the Guru, when, finally, he will receive this most enlightenment, because for five years it has passed. Guru answers him:

"Now, every morning, come to the mirror and repeat: I want to achieve enlightenment, I want to achieve enlightenment ..."

"Teacher! After all, the same thing I told me another guru five years ago! " - exclaimed the student.

"Well, yes, he was right," answered Guru.

I am a supporter of a brief and compressed presentation of the main material aimed at the very essence. Many authors write on hundreds of pages, but in this book I only outlined what I am applied and what really works is "without excess water." Anyone can mask the principles and strategies set out below. The simplest tools are both effective.

Trading and his myths

This is the perfect business without disgruntled customers, subscribers, spoiled products, without the concept "you don't own business, and you", here you are all entirely controlled by yourself, you are a bugger, manager, performer, boss in one person, you have no bad, screaming chiefs, forever dissatisfied customers, there is no danger to be dismissed, the need to behave as they need others, to be subordinate to people who are more stupid, worse, less formed to you, and if you have a business and you yourself, the head, then unscrupulous subordinates, dishonest Accountants and companions, arrogance clients and the need to control everything and all. It is no secret that many businessmen die young or excitement or from ruin.

Long live his majesty market! Here you are for yourself and fully and completely your results depend on you. This is freedom. Many this freedom scares. No one else to tell you what and how to do. There is no stable salary at the beginning or end of each month. You can earn up both much more and less than your fixed salary at hired work.

There are a lot of myths regarding stock trading.

Myth 1. In absolutely not predicting. On the contrary - there are details for which you note and which will show you that the market, in the overwhelming majority of cases, quite easily predicting (resistance levels, support, medium) These simple and clear tools can be used on any market where the price is formed Natural market method - wave-like.

Myth 2. You can earn a fixed% profit every month. Not. Your results can differ significantly from each other every month. Be more or less. But this number will rarely be constantly. Our task is that by choosing the right strategy, to maximize the fact that the market gives us.

Myth 3. If you will take 100-200% consistently. Not. If it were, then the methods allowing to achieve such a result would have been known for a long time and everyone would be traders. But this does not happen.

Myth 4. Having small capital, you can live consistently on the trading of it and increase it in 1000 times. Not. Only, of course, if you are not a genius of trading and do not close each transaction with profit. And every time you buy at the bottom of the market, and sell on top. Once again I want to say if such methods existed, they would very soon become known and all would have earned on the stock exchange. The truth is that the more your deposit, the greater the likelihood that you can live on the profits received on it. The newcomer, coming to the market and having a maximum of $ 1,000 in the account, dreams of a stable profit every month, which will allow him to exist without anything and even get away from the hired work. Frustrated, many go after the first unsuccessful deals.

Myth 5. The minimum yield per month or the increase in your trading account must be from 20%. Not. The yield from 4-5% even among professional traders is considered satisfactory. Imagine you have an account of 10,000 dollars. Then the monthly yield of 4% will allow you to earn $ 400 per month, concluding on the medium term technique (which I use) 4-8 transactions per month. Not tightening a lot, getting money for which people are running for all day or night at work. Or think about the fact that people acquire, for example, real estate for $ 60,000 and rent it for 300 dollars. A simple calculation shows that the profit from renting this apartment is only 0.5% per month from the initial investment. So think, could you create any business with an initial contribution of $ 5-10000 and hope to live at his expense?

Myth 6. To earn, you need to risk hard. On the contrary. To consistently take profits need to risk just less. The maximum risk that I recommend this is 1.5%. In this case, even a sequence from a large series of unprofitable transactions will not significantly empty your deposit.

Myth 7. 1st Task It's a lot on the market. Not. The first task of a professional trader, not a player, to keep it, survive on the market. The second is stable (you can gradually increase your trading deposit. And only the third task is to earn a lot. Newbies coming to the market immediately put the third task as the main and lose the whole deposit.

Myth 8.The Mortar is a difficult matter. Not. Trade is not a simple matter. But not complicated.

Myth 9. The market is absolutely predicting. Wrong. Sometimes on the market you will see such structures and formations that will absolutely won't understand. In such cases, it is better to stay aside.

Myth 10. It is possible in two weeks or for a month to learn to understand the market without any problems and immediately earn a living with exclusively by trading. Not. But you can immediately, with an experienced teacher, try to understand the market in the right key and significantly reduce the learning time. Your training costs will pay off. Practice has proven that the highest return investments are investment in their own education.

Most of the time, the trader spends waiting (with the exception of scalpers, which I do not use). Trading is looking for fishing. I threw the fishing rod and wait. You can expect for a very long time, but the case of Pokesev - a couple of seconds, during which you need to catch fish and pull it out, and make a deal to the trader.

Remember, if you decide to make trading the main income, you must have a solid deposit to live percentage of trade on it. Obviously, 10% of 10,000 differs from the same 10% of 1000.

When conclosing deals, the more advantages in favor of its commit, the better (even more so it has a chance to close in a plus) but still, I recommend skeptically to each potential deal and open only when there are reasons for opening it and not one against . Moreover, when you look at a potential deal, you must not be asked about whether there are reasons for opening a deal, and there is at least one reason to not open it. And if you do not open it. If it is not, then consider the reasons for the opening and if everything converges, open. The more reasons for opening the transaction, the better. Only this, together with tough methods of capital loss (no more than 1.5% in each transaction), will allow you not only to keep the market, but also to increase the deposit. Yes, it is more conservative and the process of increasing capital can take longer, but I treat trading as work and serious business, and not roulette. So if you are a lover of sharp sensations, love to play and dream one hour becomes a millionaire, you can continue to read further. If you want to understand the structure of the market, as it works, the principles and make money on it, almost minimizing the ability to lose everything, read on. And these principles can be applied everywhere where the price is formed by a natural market manner. There is no excess material here. There are many indicators, oscillators in trade, all kinds of analysis methods. I have nothing against them, but apply the most simple. It makes no sense to complicate. Of course, for self-education, you can read them or apply them, but a lot to know - absolutely does not mean a lot. Moreover, if in normal work, the more you work, the more you earn (basically), then in trading, almost always, the opposite happens. Decide, to achieve a percentage of profits you will stop. You can make a 30% account, but the next deal may be unprofitable and then your total result will already be 28.5%! (at risk of 1.5%). Many trade does not mean more. The most important effectiveness!

These prayers should be carried out every time you leave home to the market to successfully trade.

The affairs of the Lord, the rivers ECU with the usters with their own, Yako without me there is no choice. Lord My, Lord, faithfully the volume of our soul, Pomping me sinner, Slava God(name), here our life is trading,in the purchase, sale and changing and in everything.

You, Lordo, Lord, commit her in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

Saint Archangel Mikhail! In your holy name, trading, save, save and bless your saints Slave of God(name) starting and committingshati happy and prosperous trading!

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Now and are dreaming, and in the eyelids, Amen!

I go to trade! Well done to meet! Good well done will betray and my product will take! Without a loss, at the arrival, on the threshold! God will help me!

Lord, bless! Hody this tree for money: on goldo, silver and honey! Money in the ground is hidden, soiled silver, cruel, sophisticated, from potion is cleaned seventh.

You, Lord, preserve, observed from the genus of this and in the age of centuries! Amen!

Rules for trade:

IN New Year First buyer give the goods as low as possible, the main thing is not to Nava, and the prick!

First buyer Do not let go for anything! Otherwise, trade will not. If in the morning the first buyer is a man, all day will be successful trade.

If anyone you do, we'll lose more three times!

If the goods "got together" should be told on honey:

How the bees are pioneering on the honey, it would be for me to buy the goods. People converged.

This honey must wash the seller.

If any product from the regiment fell - to be sold first.

Money, reversed from the first sale, spend on the goods - will sell faster.

The cow is sold with the subsidence, and the horse with a halter.

For good luck in tradeit should go to the church for 3 days in a row for 15-20 minutes to noon and put there on a wax candle in front of the non-Picolate coality with the words:

Harbor God! Give me(own name) in De.lah shopping righteous! Amen!

For a successful purchase.On the growing moon, take the money personally earned and talk on them the following text: Money from fate, fate- from God. No one will deceive me from buying to the threshold. Amen!Repeat the plot as many times as you have fulfilled full years at this moment. After each pronunciation of the conspiracy, put on the left side from myself one coin of any dignity (it is better to prepare them in advance in the appropriate quantity in order not to be mistaken when reading the conspiracy). Then these coins, which will be as many years old, decompose on the threshold and go to bed.

The ritual can be repeated at the beginning of the new day. In the morning, if all coins lie there, where you left them, a broom to sleep in a linen fabric and say:

Fate with me, do not deceive, at least howl! May it be so!

These coins are reliably hidden, leaving until the time is to be handed over with responsible purchases. But the ruble (hryvnia) immediately after gathered from the threshold of the coin, put in a special branch of the wallet, it is possible in his pocket, and constantly carry it with you, without buying it, otherwise the fate will turn away from you.

On the fast sale of every product.

Self large billThat you get from the first sale of your product (just not borrowed), to tie a red wool thread on the top of the wrist right, and if you are left-handed, after saying it: Primy!

To attract money during trade.

In trade, the most powerful magic property has the money reversed for the goods first. These money attract new money and call on other buyers to make a purchase.

For this purpose, it is necessary to take the first money reversed from the sale, in the right hand and three times to say ours "Father", while the kreat of goods, and then such conspiracies:

I am the seller, and you are a buyer,

I'm well done, and you are a prospector.

Try, come

My product acquire!

Amen! Amen! Amen!

The shopper, not joker! My sufficiency is a guide! The goods bought yes left, and after him the other came! My soul and heart cute so that I always had it! Buyer to the buyer, and money towards money! May be so always, forever and infinite. Buyer to the buyer

and the money to the money!

On the ambulance at home.Each time before the arrival of buyers read "Our Father" and the following spell:

The thresholds are golden, windows of silver, mathitz yahontovy, diamond walls, malachite floors. Hut admire, yes by the mind trample, it is better not to find, even where to go!

On a successful sale of the house,dacha, if for a long time is not for sale. So soon and successfully sell the house, you should do this: in any environment on the growing moon at sunrise, take 3 small nails and take all 3 in the first threshold (entrance doors) of the house sold with such words:

Watch! Watch! Watch! Purchase I call!

Then he burn the wax candle bought in the church, and throw out three drops of melted wax three times on every hat, while speaking:

Seal this house at ambulance sale!

Who spends this threshold,

That this house will buy!

Now write ads for sale on the windows, on the doors, on the fence! Buyer will come!

To quickly and successfully sell your home,which is not forbidden for a long time, you must go down the street and find the most beautiful, in which people live and the house is not going to sell, and repeat three times, looking at this beautiful home:

As in this house, people live and enjoy their house, so let me like it!

On successful trading.At sunrise three times, read the prayer "Our Father", and then take the minor money you cook for the buyer. Before entering the place of trading, speak 7 times on the coins of the following spell: Small growing with considerable, considerable grow big, today, tomorrow, always! May it be so!

Then, on the exhalation, the smallest coin left hand over the threshold of your home, while saying: Myself went, he led to him!

Get quietly, go to trading. Keep the remaining money in the left pocket. When the first purchase, not looking, get out of his pocket one sparkled coin and imperceptibly throw it under his feet, uttered to myself: He herself went with him. And B.children!After that mentally imagine the next buyer who will buy your product. And so do after each sale.

To quickly sell things,in the left pocket there must be a pile! Find anyone plenty of old release, any year - the older, the better! Speech on it 12 times: Pyat Pyatakovich! Give you to me(own name) good luck without passing! Layerin! Teeth! Lock!

Always in the left pocket, keep the spoken pylene. Let him be in your pocket, in a bag, in a wallet. Do not give it to anyone and never shown.

Tips for seller:

When the buyer is suitable, the big finger of the left hand should be hidden in the fist and tell the buyer, smiling: Hello! Here is exactly whatwhat are you looking for!

If you sell for the first time or if the thing is from your home, it is better to do this on a decreasing moon.

If you decide to become a professional seller, come out for the first time to trade on the growing moon. Immediately before selling and no more than an hour tell the things that you want to sell, repeating 7 times, such words: Semacoi say, semacoi speak, Siela sell, I do not give it this! How these words said, so this product sold!Be sure to fulfill!

After you have read this spell 7 times, burn the wax candle and from a burning candle to things on three drops of melted wax, choosing a secluded, inconspicable place on the product. Put the candle to trample in the eastern corner of the house. Introduce the goods and prepared for sale. As soon as a knot candle, go to trade! The Lord will help you!

To successfully sell your goods,see affectionately on passing, smile, see, without blinking your potential buyer in the eyes and mentally pronounce: My take,give your best! May it be so!At the same time, mentally assure yourself that this is your buyer and what exactly he will surely buy your goods!

To trade was successful,come to your trading place on Wednesdays early, at sunrise, take a table salt in the left hand and read any prayer for successful trading from those that I offer you in this book.

Tips to the buyer:

To buy cheaper.Trading with the seller when buying, speak to myself:

Otlomi, merchant, from his piece, you and half enough!

The price will definitely refuse! Checked by experience.

For a successful purchase.If you are going to make a big expensive purchase and want to bring down the price, at the moment when the seller (cars or cottages, at home, etc.) calls the "final" price of the goods you are interested in, do the following. Having hoped his breath, spit on her palms three times and put your hair from the eyebrows three times, mentally sentenced:

I am a merchant - well done,

I am merchant for all merchants,

All young well done,

Bargaining non-scrap

My bargaining with the mind

Your word sewn,


How to say, so it will be!

Boldly call your price! Get the goods at your price.

To help when buying.

If you hesitate during the purchase, not knowing what item to buy, stop on the first (the one we considered, approximately, assessed by the first). In this case, it will serve you longer, and will be faithful.

When the thing brings home, then if it's clothes, put on yourself in the eastern corner of the house, the apartment, falling at the same time cross sign And uttering:

Wear, do not demolit! Amen!

In all other cases, also in the eastern corner three times cross the purchase, repeating:

Here you have to live here! Amen!

To successfully buy goods,so necessary to you, take money in the right hand, intended for purchase, and tell them such words on them:

Buy- do not drink!

Call to help you!

You, you fly everywhere,

Good people buy help

This time and help me. "!

If the product is industrial, speak 6 times, if the product is food - 7 times. After purchasing the goods you need from the remaining money, take a few coins and at any intersection "Lose" them with these words: For the service to be satisfied to always be full!

Turn through the left shoulder and go on your affairs.

Note: Fly - Spirit that helps in trade affairs when buying and selling.

To achieve success in trade, you need to know its basic rules. Otherwise, it is easy to lose concentration. No one is a secret fact that the market at best earns only 10% of traders. Does this mean that they do not know the basic rules of trade, or their way of thinking is not used to follow the rules? In this article, we will consider the trade rules that all traders should follow.

  1. Your Capital Management Rules

Calipal Management Rules are one of the basic principles that traders must include in their own trade plan. Only in this case, they can effectively protect their own in each specific transaction. One aspect of this rule is the risk relationship. No need to say that it is the most important element Market management. If you have a formation with a risk / profit ratio 1: 3, this means that your earnings are 3 times the amount you risk in profitable transactions.

Consider a hypothetical example in which the risk in the transaction is $ 100, and profit can be three times more, i.e. $ 300. If you open a real account by $ 5000, then stop loss in the amount of $ 100 will be 2% of your balance. This risk rule is 2% recommended by many trade specialists and is applied by many traders in practice.

If during the trading week you made 25 transactions, then what can be your profit or your loss in the case when 16 transactions were unsuccessful, and 9 - successful? 16 unprofitable 100 $ transactions are $ 1,600, and 9 profitable 300 $ transactions are $ 2,700.

Thus, by making 25 transactions for a week, you will receive a profit (Gross) $ 1100. From here it is necessary to further subtract the broker commissions, let's say - $ 150. As a result, your balance will be replenished by $ 950. In short, take short losses when they occur, and try again. But when the positions go to your side, do not take profits too early, and let them grow. You can translate all your positive transactions into a break-consuming or use the tracking stop to fix profits. If you use a strategy based exclusively on the price movement, you need to be able to recognize the depletion candle to exit the transaction on time.

  1. The size of your positions

The term "position-size management" means changing the number of shares or lots in the transaction in order to bring them in line with the sum of the risk that you installed for yourself and with a stop-loss length. For example, the amount of your risk at $ 5,000 is $ 100. This means that you need to trade two mini-lots with stop loss at 50 points. One lot gives $ 1 per item, two lots - $ 2 per point x 50 points. Stop loss 100 $ matches your risk.

  1. Your personal trading plan

One of the distinguishing features of successful traders is that they create a trading system that correspond to their personality. What works for them may not work for you. But this does not mean that you cannot learn their trade strategies. Find out that their strategies work in their favor, and then try to create a strategy that will correspond to your personality and lifestyle.

For example, some traders want to buy at support levels and sell at resistance levels. Others prefer to buy and sell on breakdowns.

Some use indicators, such as the intersection of sliding medium or oscillators. Find what works in your case and accept this trade strategy, specify the formation parameters, add a release strategy here and apply reasonable capital management strategies. Having received its own technique, it is important to constantly test it to make sure that it consistently gives you the desired result. When she stops working, you may have to develop another strategy. Professional traders take what works for them, and are not afraid to abandon the system when she stops doing it. This gives them an advantage.

  1. Your ability to cope with emotions

The biggest enemy of the trader - emotions: fear and greed. Success in trade can be achieved if overcome their emotions. But it is easier to say than to do. The presence of a trade plan will help you develop an image of thinking, allowing you to follow your trading technique. But emotions will always be present. The best thing you can do is learn to control situations in which fear of failures, the fear of losing or fear lose control over the uncertainty of the market is reproached to your ability to think logically. You can achieve success when you radiate confidence, cope with your fears and make losses as part of trading.

Greed is another emotional challenge in the trade process. It manifests itself when the price moves into your direction. The best way Control greed - do not intend to earn a specific amount of profit in the first month of trade. Beginning traders often think that they will be able to profit $ 5,000 in the first month of trading, starting $ 5,000 from capital. Another common opinion suggests that, during the trade of larger lots, you will immediately have a profitable deal. A more reliable expensive to success is the acquisition of self-discipline in order to follow the trade plan, which you have developed for yourself.

  1. Continue to learn

Trading in financial markets as the main source of income is similar to any other. It is probably necessary for several years before you can master the art of profitable and stable trading. Consider her as any other profession that requires a high level of knowledge. It is necessary to continuously study and dedicate considerable time to study various trade strategies, applying those that correspond to your personality. You also need to keep up with the market.

Do not think that trade in other assets will provide you with a profitable system. Some assets are traded more ordered than others. For example, working on the market, you will find that japanese yenis usually more volatile during the Asian session. It is logical because most of the yen transactions occur during the working day in Japan. Some strategies, such as trade in the Range or in the channel, provide profitable systems when testing with cross-country currency pairs - EUR / AUD, EUR / GBP, EUR / CHF and CHF / JPY. Therefore, it is important to test your trading system on several tools to determine which of them is better for it.

  1. Your goals in trade

It is useful to establish for yourself the goal, because it makes you stay concentrated and not to be knocked out from the planned course. But make sure your goals are realistic. Success from failure may differ precisely for the goals.

Suppose you have capital $ 5000, and you have set yourself a goal earn $ 12,000. Such a goal is concrete and measurable. But is she achievable? If it can be achieved, then the term of its achievement can be divided into steps - by day, weeks and months, up to the outlined date. This means that you are setting a day for a day of $ 50, for a week (5 days) - $ 250, for a month - $ 1000, and $ 12,000 goes for a year. Working goals to more short-term will help you more seriously treat trading, but at the same time, it can lead to disappointment. Sometimes what seems to be achievable on paper may be unreal. It may be necessary to go through the path of trial and errors. It is best to start with a small amount and understand how it works before establishing goals for yourself.

  1. Your personality

What type of trader are you? Are you -, deitheder, a sweeper, position trader or some other? All these types of traders traded in different ways, but even within one category there are no two similar traders. Trade is an individual profession. It is impossible to imitate another trader. For example, if your mentor is a successful swine trader, it does not mean that you can also become a successful sweer trader. You must first understand your trader individuality, and then find a technique of trading that corresponds to it. Communicate with other traders, read as much as possible about other traders, watch something from their approaches you personally. This is the starting point to start developing your trading plan defining the rules of entry and exit from transactions.

Your market approach is closely related to your trading style. It is useful to apply the descending analysis method. There are various approaches to trade. To analyze the market, you need to have some knowledge of micro and macroeconomics before you can master. Applying, it is best to start with the consideration of a more general picture, for example, with long-term trends or cycles. You can also apply an analysis based on your own sensations, trying to determine the general mood of market participants - bullie or bearish. This analysis is based on a common opinion, expressed by traders.

Understanding these different approaches will allow you to formulate your trading strategy. For example, scalpers and deithetters can choose a news trading method. If you want to trade on the basis of these factors, then you need to know when such reports will be published.

  1. Your Magazine Trade

The need to maintain trade magazine is that you can constantly independently assess your performance, making the necessary adjustments. It is useful to create a table in Excel to enter it into it with the date, tool, input and exit prices, position size, stop loss, targeted profit, profit size or loss, formation and countdown.

Looking through this data, you will know how much you followed our rules of trading, and you can identify opportunities to improve. Some examples of what you can identify, viewing your log data: Your stop loss is too short or too long, you take partial profits too early, the positions of the positions are too large or too small, etc. The better your magazine is organized, the easier it is to view past transactions.

Everything depends on you

You are the only one who can develop your trading potential. Therefore, you need to improve your psychology in such a way that you can become a profitable trader. You need to configure your way of thinking to overcome your weaknesses. This will require time, efforts and the power of will, therefore it is best to use a structural approach to trade, and not to be like a crowd, which believes that trading is a rapid enrichment scheme.

10 principles of successful trading that we looked at this article are aimed at disclosing your abilities in trade. You need to be open to teaching and knowing yourself and be able to take those challenges that the market throws you. , one of the largest masters of the market, once said that the approach to the market, as a mathematical formula, does not work. He found what works in his case, and earned a trade of millions of dollars.

What kind of types of traders did you treat, it is important to follow the developed plan and adhere to discipline during the trade process. Do not stop learning to trading, spending, time and effort to eventually become a successful trader.

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In this article, I would like to bring to your attention some small but very important nuances capable of influence the results of trade in binary options. If you perceive correctly and follow these ordinary tips, you will probably seriously improve the results of your binary options trading. Well, we will not rage long and make long entry, but we turn directly to the matter ...

The first advice sounds like this: If you like to trade binary options at very short time intervals, you should abandon this bad habit and go to longer transactions at larger time intervals..

Among the merchants binary options there is a false opinion that the shorter the lifetime of the option is, the easier it is to control the situation. But this is a sense of control - just an illusion that has nothing to do with reality. In practice, the opposite is different. Trading binary options at short time intervals, traders face a huge number of chaotic and difficult predicted price movements. Naturally, they need to be avoided, and an increase in the life of a binary option to a binary with the transition to the older timeframes is intended to partially solve this problem. Some brokers are beneficial for you to work at short time intervals, increasing the number of transactions per day and, accordingly, increasing chances of losing, because a large number of transactions are usually associated with poor analysis and surface trading decisions. Therefore, traded binary options on senior timeframes, avoiding the purchase of expiration options after 5-10 and even 15-30 minutes, while taking into account the fundamental factors before making a trading decision.

Next advice It concerns directly trade on the news. It is worth refraining from trade in binary options on the news, as well as right before and immediately after the newslet. IN lately Market volatility at the news has grown significantly and continues to grow. It means that to predict the price behavior at this point becomes very difficult, almost a game is a gambling game, and this reduces profitability at the distance, if you consider how many brokers are paying for options in money and, accordingly, how many percent of binary options should expire In the money so that trade is profitable. Always take weighted trading decisions, taking into account the medium and long-term trend, do not need to rush.

Third Council It concerns the use of technical indicators. When trading binary options should not be very much relying on technical indicatorsespecially on bearing indicators. Moreover, financial markets They are in the process of constant evolution, which means that most standard indicators developed many years ago are no longer working as needed by needing optimization. Remember that on this moment Nuances affecting the market too much so that all of them can be formalized. Therefore, only on the indicators should not be relying. In the trade of binary options it is necessary to combine technical analysis With fundamental for taking suspended solutions.

From the foregoing it follows another moment: In trade, binary options should not be neglected! This is important notice. When we say that you should not trade binary options with a short period of life on the basis of market noise, which is plentious of younger timeframes, we also mean that there are larger / global market trends (both in technical and fundamental Format), which is definitely not worth neglected, otherwise it can lead to major losses. In other words, if you buy binary options (Put or Call, it does not matter), based on medium-term and long-term trends and, accordingly, exposing the expiration period of options for a longer time, you naturally reduce the degree of influence of various random factors, thereby increasing Chances of success and increasing the reliability of their trading positions. But the vast majority of traders in the binary options market do not make it only because they lack patience and / or they are scary to keep open positions for a long time. As you can see, the root of the problem in insufficient psycho-emotional training of the trader. But if you step over through your own fears and impatience, alone, discovering more fundamental trends that manage markets in the framework of long-term and medium-term trends, the effectiveness of your trading decisions will clearly increase, giving you the opportunity to rejoice in the growing percentage of binary options that expire in money. But this is the ultimate goal of any merchant binary options - to ensure that as many options can be expired in money and bring their profits. But many brokers pay more attention to short-term trading, popularizing 60-second binary options. It is beneficial to them that you make as many transactions as possible, and it goes against trading on the basis of long-term trends. Remember that as the time period increases, it becomes less and less than the so-called market noise, and if you also add a fundamental analysis here, the percentage of profitable transactions will explicitly increase.

The next point may seem strange but your shopping capital should be sufficient, and not too small, and not too large. If you trade for too little amounts, being already a fairly experienced trader binary options, it will be akin to your poke at a demo account for you, and soon you can lose patience and start simply "take the fortress" by the growing number of positions, which is why quality will suffer . There are no too large deposits too. You need to choose such a deposit, which is enough to withstand deep drawdowns, as well as that the profit from trade does something mean for you in the material plan, at the same time forcing you to keep the brand, without giving gambling, but not forcing you You are very nervous every time you open a deal, afraid to lose an impressive amount of money for you. The principle of the golden middle will fit here.

Last Councilwhich already mentioned in other articles dedicated to binary optionsRegarding bonuses that offer binary brokers. Once again I repeat that you should not take bonus proposals that may look enough tempting. The fact is that to get this (seemingly) a significant bonus, you will have to trade hard enough to free it. You will not be able to make money if you do not complete the conditions of the bonus, so your money will be frozen to output. Moreover, you can easily lose your own capital In an attempt, quickly play the bonus. Be prudent, and success will come to you!

Ideal conditions for the seller is a cheap, unique product that does not have competitors in the market. Alas, it is an absolute rarity or dream. In fact, trade is the sphere of permanent hostilities for the buyer, or rather, for his wallet. Is it possible to win without deception and fraud? Everything depends on you. And your desire to take advantage of at least a few of the 10 secrets of successful sales:

1. Your product is unique. How many pears traded? Sure. Imagine the situation when the party comes to the warehouse with small dark dots on the peel. Catastrophe?! But if you think logically, this external defect is only evidence that the fruits have not passed all stages of processing chemicals during growing and not processed by all sorts of ways for long storage. If you know this, so why not to act about this and potential buyers, most of which are healthy nutrition adherents and get about the ecological safety of products.

Singing the Pear Party with a letter-recommendation explaining this "disadvantage". Tell your partners running in the retail network that you will be ready to pick up unrealized goods, if your information does not find confirmation.

8. Being ready to give way. Business is unpredictable item. Do not sprinkle the head ashes, making a mistake. The main thing is to take into account her and consider it as far as possible with a sense of humor. In the early 60s, when color TVs were a thing extremely rare and expensive. In one of the European countries, television drivers reported that if you pull several pairs of colored nylon stockings on the screen, the image will be colored. After that, people have stormed the departments selling stockings and pantyhose. And the next day a huge crowd of indignant consumers gathered at the television center. Deceived fellow citizens hardly managed to calm down, declaring that it was a joke. Nevertheless, colored stockings and tights to buyers had to be used for their intended purpose, and soon this accessory entered the fashion.

9. Know everything and even more about the product. The buyer perfectly understands the difference between the simple praise of the goods and the truthful information about him. Therefore, the success is often achieved by those sellers who know their business from and to. This merchant, even becoming the owner of several major supermarkets, was supposed to start his way with the position of a simple seller. The one who trades tea must reread the ton of literature about this drink and taste all its possible varieties. And the one who specializes in fur should, at a minimum, visit the speed workshop.

10. Remember about buyers. Each seller at some point turns into the buyer. In order to master the skill of sales, you just need to remember and analyze who from the sellers with whom we had to communicate, left the best impressions and why? Manners, voice timbre, Mimica of these people - all this must be adopted.

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