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Now Elena Georgievna has 9 sons and 11 daughters. Although many years ago, immediately after her marriage, doctors assumed that young people could have a problem with children. Helena, and her spouse is positive, which is not very good for prosperous maternity, especially more familiar. But God gave. And Elena and her husband Alexander never refused.

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As a result, Elena not only won the Golden Star "Mother Heroine": together with her husband Alexander, they fell into the book of Records of Russia as the largest family in the country.

Believe me, we didn't seek to such a record, but every child was very happy, - smiles Elena Georgievna. - Of course, surprised, learning what was entered into history. We also promised to give a computer, but apparently forgotten. Our computer, by the way, is still not, although some tasks at school are asked to perform on it. But the diploma was given. A pleasant such reminder of merit to the homeland.

As a large family, the local authorities gave the "Gazelle" shishkin, but they sold a dear car with an expensive car, they said that they found a car cheaper and more importantly. They complained to them and 15 acres of land. True, such a plot for 20 children turned out to be not enough, so I had to buy the land. Now parents help grown children than they can. After all, many people went to different cities, someone lives on removable apartmentsSomeone is built, and who learns ... Now the older son is 34 years old, and the youngest daughter is 9 years old.

Four schoolchildren left with us, four students and two adult girls, "explains the mother heroine. - But with ten children are not easy. We have a house of 11 rooms, so we only give more than 10 thousand rubles for the communal. But my husband and I have already pensioners.

Elena Georgievna came out in 50 years. Now she is 54, her spouse, Alexander Vasilyevich, for many years that worked as a fire truck driver, - 57. A large help to a pension - a garden, from which Shishkins simply do not get out, and their farm: cow, pig, chickens ... otherwise you will not survive. And in the farm there is a small tractor - both for yourself, and sometimes work out.

Oh neither twist, and the main spending - food and communal, - sighs a large mother. - With clothes even easier. In a large family, children are difficult to spawn, they all move away with each other, so they try to be careful. We recently laughed, looking at the Senius Son's Pelains, who "lived" to the youngest daughter.

Elena Georgievna counts family budget: A guide on a child - 212 rubles. For five minors who live with their parents, it comes out "Already" 1060! It happened that businessmen helped the shishkin. Here "Euroset" presented a children's playground, she still stands in the yard. Due to the same company, the children of Shishkina trembled their teeth, dressed everyone before school and even once taken out the whole family to roll on a steamer in the Moscow River. Here it is - happiness ...

My halves

How did we meet my husband? - Laughing woman.

Yes, we all turned out simply, we are neighbors, long to each other looked after - it was time, and only then began to communicate. When Sasha went to the army, he asked him to wait. Well, I waited, then painted and healed the soul into the soul.

Happy mother and wife confessed that I have never regretted your choice:

My husband is very attentive, loving, there is trust between us, and I know that I have one. He loves children very much. It will come, it happened, from work, the tired of the floor will fall apart, and they will climb it, they caress on it, they play. I ask him to go to another room, relax, and my husband refuses, says he rests with children. He is kind, but when necessary, strict. What should be the father.

At the footsteps of their parents, the eldest son Alexey went, he is a large father, growing five children. Now in Shcherbinka builds his home. It is necessary necessary, but the family helps: the other day four of his younger brothers went from Voronezh to the Moscow region to help with a construction site. That neither say - family bonds in shishkins are really strong. Every friend help each other: the daughters take care of the mother, they ask for a garden not to work, they will do a cow themselves, they cope with another farm. So shishkina do not get used to you, from early childhood they do everything together: who washes the dishes, who cleans, and who follows the younger children. And no one is hiding behind someone else's back, because they know - in a big family all in sight.

Waiting for a miracle

The feeling of elbow and responsibility is very important, "Elena Shishkin is sure. "The child must definitely understand that he is very loved and waiting for the same love from him. And even children need our attention. Somehow at school, the teacher told us that in writing on the topic "For whom I wanted to be like" one schoolboy from a very prosperous and secured family wrote: "I want to be like a TV, because it all loves and parents spend it with him A lot of time "... Probably, with children of any age need to be together as much as possible together, have common interests. We, for example, do the lessons collectively. We have a big hall where there are tables with lamps, as in the present school class. So learn ...

However, a big family is a big job. Understanding this, many people today deliberately refuse not only from large families, but in general from children, considering that with them trying above the roof. And find a lot of arguments in defense of their position.

I know, I saw, "Elena Georgievna agrees. - Several years ago we were invited to Moscow to transfer about large families. So there was one woman who claimed that he would not give birth for anything, and fell out that was free and independent. And it was very sorry for it, because people who do not know and do not want to know the happiness of maternity, you can only sympathize. What did they live in life for? Who will give the gift received from God and their mother? It seems to me that the meaning of life is in the life itself, which is necessary to leave behind. Children are constant joy. When we all travel around and silence comes into the house, and my husband and I immediately go to call children, find out how things are all right.

... of course, and bumps have difficulties and problems. But the spouses always calm themselves like this: everything is bad, most importantly - we are from each other. We just need to live, love and honestly work ...

I can't complain about anything, God gave the most important thing - love and family, - recognized a large mother. - It is a pity, of course, that the years flee the fast-ro. After all, we have long been a grandmother with my grandfather, we have 20 grandchildren, and three more should be about to be born. We are happy - all the time we live in anticipation of the miracle ...

IN modern Russia Families in which three and more children, many are surprising, bewilderment and even sympathy. But the most famous Russians are Russian.

Most large family in history

So, let's begin. To date, the most famous large family is Jim Bob Daggar and his spouse Michelle. They produced 19 children. Curious fact that the names of all children begin with the letter J. The family lives away from large cities, does not use the services of kindergartens and schools. Children get home education. The house has clear terms: the father is a list of cases, distributes them between children. Each fulfills their duties and is given a certain time. Daggars are a family-team team.

On one of the American TV channels, there is even a transfer dedicated to the family of Daggar "19 Kids and Counting".

Another famous large family is the family of Irish brewer Arthur Gienesse. Arthur and his wife Olivia Whitmore was 21 children, three of whom were brewers, and continued the father's case. All over the world, the brand of beer "Giness"

Most large family in Russia

Let's return from foreign travel to their native land, because in Russia the largest family in the world, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, is the Cishkin Family from the Voronezh region. Alexander and Elena have 20 native children, 9 sons and 11 daughters. Although, many years ago, doctors said that with the advent of children there may be problems. Elena has a negative rhesus factor, and Alexandra has a positive, which is not very promoted by motherhood, even more so much.

The family lives in a big house, which built many years ago on their own. The house is always impeccable purity and order. Older children help parents on household and engaged with kids. Now 10 children left with their parents, the rest grew and drove in different cities. The younger daughter is 10 years old, and the oldest son is 35. He is a father of five children, and there are already 23 grandson in Cishkina.

The most large father in the world

And now let's talk about the most prolific fathers, famous to humanity. The most important father in the world lives today in the UAE. Daad Mohammed Al-Bulisha is approaching the goal of his life - have 100 children.

In 2012, he had a ninety-fourth child. For the first time Dad married in 1967 in 19 years, since he had 18 satellites of life. According to the laws of Sharia, a man can be married at the same time on four women than Dad successfully and used. A man is proud that he could adequately provide all his wives and offspring. Each of his wives has a house, a car and financial assistance. This is largely possible thanks to the help of local sheikhs, which support the "super-dad", how Daada was doused out, in his desire to become a father hundreds of children.

"Super-Dad" also wants to enter the Guinness Book of Records. Today, Sultan Morocco Milai Ismail is considered the most largest father in world history, the Sultan of the first half of the XVIII century. If you believe the Guinness Book of Records, he gave life, at least 342 girls and 700 boys.

But all the same, a large number of children in countries where polygamy is allowed, does not affect our imagination, as in monogamous families. So, for example, a peasant Yakov Kirillov was recognized in the history of Russia in the history of Russia. The first wife gave birth to him 57 children, the second one more 15. Total, he was the father of 72 children from two consecutive marriages. In this regard, at the age of 60, he was represented by the court.

Most large mother in the world

Of course, we cannot bypass the most heroic women - large mothers. So, England, XVII century. Elizabeth Greenhill gave birth to 39 children. It gave birth to a record number of times: 37 genera for one child and twins once. Elizabeth assured that if her husband William Greenhill had not died, she would give birth to two or three children. The woman had 32 daughters and 7 sons. In the history of mankind, Elizabeth is an unconditional "champion" in the number of childbirth.

Another large mother is Chilean Leontin Albina. She made 55 children, and as a result of the first five pregnancies, she gave birth to triple and only boys.

Samoa itself large mother In history is our compatriot, the peasant Vasilyeva from the Shui County. Unfortunately, the name of the mother heroine is not preserved in history. It is known that she gave birth to 69 children, all pregnancies were multiply. Vasilyeva 16 times produced twin, 7 times triple and 4 times the fourth. It is a record holder on multiple pregnancies. Amazing fact For that time it was that only two children died in infancy, 67 lived to mature age.

At different times, in different countries There are families who are not afraid to give life to a large number of children. And do not look at external circumstances and vital difficulties.

And here the youngest moms Do not always become more familiar. According to the site, in China there is a girl who gave birth at 9, but there are mothers who gave birth even earlier.
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The family is a cell of society, its basis. Everything that happens inside her is reflected in society, since the latter is formed by hundreds of thousands, millions of such cells. This article will make an unusual list of the most prolific marital unions and learn about the most large families in the world (and in history). I wonder who was not afraid of a large number of descendants and a large-scale continuation of a kind? Let's start our top ten "biggest families in the world."

Vasilyev from Russia

In the XVIII century, this family has installed a world record. He still has no one yet broke. The huge genus of Vasiliev from the Shuisian County opens our top list of "The largest families in the world." The wife of the peasant Vasilyeva gave birth to him 69 children! And such a number of descendants appeared on the light of all years for 40 livelihoods. How is it possible?! This is explained by several multiple pregnancies of the peasantics: 4 times was born by 4 children, the triple appeared 7 times, 16 cases, when twins came to this family. After the death of his first wife, the peasant Vasilyev married the second time - 18 children were born from this marriage. As a result, I turned out to be the father of 87 children.

Leontins from Chile

Our list of "The largest families in the world" presents the next Chilean couple of the prolved parents of Leontin. At the beginning of the 20th century, the 64th child was born in a friendly and large family. However, only 55 children were officially registered. This is not an amazing or suspicious, since a similar situation with the "unofficial" siblings is quite common in Chile.

Gravate from Italy

At about the same time, in the twenties of the 20th century, the 62nd kid appeared in Palermo family in Palermo. In all his life, Mom Rosa made one gear, five, fourth and twice triples, the rest of the birth brought one child at a time.

Kirillov from Russia

And again a large couple from Russia! In the XVIII century, in the territory of our country, the peasant genus Yakova Kirillova lived in the village of Vvedensky. He continues our list of "the most large families in the world." In total, the peasant had a 72 child in their 60 years. The first wife gave birth to him 57 children, and 15 - the second. It was for these successes that Yakov Kirillov was noted at the courtyard of Catherine II.

Pomegranate from Italy

Italy does not lag behind! Another large-scale foreign family by the grenade last name continues our top list. In 1832, they had the 52nd Chado on their account.

Mott from United Kingdom

The British Elizabeth and John Mott concluded a marriage union in 1676. They did not have to regret it with his decision. As a result of their family life, 42 healthy children were born.

Grindhyl from the UK

Another English couple of Grinchil's spouse, who lived in the UK in the XVII century, produced 39 children. And therefore fell into our unusual prolific list.

Diad Mohamed Al-Bulisha from the UAE

In united Arab Emirates In 2012, the 94th child was born in a huge family of Daad Mohamed Al-Balushi. Despite such a number of children, this prolific father is not in the first place due to the fact that this largeness was provided by 18 wives, successively replacing each other after a divorce. According to the laws of Sharia, a man could have 4 official wives at the same time. However, because of the big offspring, he continues our top list of the "biggest families in the world."

Khan from Indonesia

Nowadays, in the Indian village, such views of Daad Mohamed al-Bulushi divide Khan is the founder of a sect that, according to the laws of its religious cell, may have an unlimited quantity of the wives. His numerous family lives in the stock amrous modest house: There are 38 women of cion, who gave birth to her husband a total of 94 children. At this large father does not stop and intends to continue its genus further.

Moulay from Morocco

In the 18th century in Morocco, the cruel Sultan Mulai Ismail was in power, the owner of hundreds of wives and concubines. The Guinness Records Book reflected on its pages the following figures: Sultan gave life to 700 boys and 342 girls. However, according to historical notes, half of the born children from the concubine were not registered officially. The information reflect that every 4 days in the life of Mulai Ismail his child was born. Be that as it may, he is the most largest father in the world, and his many thousands of kinship with wives and children is the largest largest family in the world in the whole story, albeit in an unusual value of this word (for us a marriage is a monosooyu ).

Large families in the past

Long ago it was believed that the family should be big and large - together easier to live in big world. When everyone performs their duties, things are faster and more handy. Craft (and this is training) and doing business in the world (society) passed from grandfathers and father to sons and grandchildren, and homemaking and all female life wisdoms naocked from grandmothers and mothers - to daughters and granddaughters. So there was a transfer of knowledge, skills and skills, culture absorbed. The upbringing and learning of the younger (work, by their example, mutual assistance, through communication with each other) was interactively, right in front of her eyes. It did not depend on the layer of the population. Who had the opportunity to receive education from other teachers and professionals, those undoubtedly received it, but it was an additional, developing, expanding the boundaries of those knowledge that was already. The development of generations went about in this way.

Multifier today

Over time, everything has changed: social conditions, public installations and demographic worldview. Now in Russia a large family is considered to be the family in which they grow up from three children and more. Not everyone is solved on such a number of children. It will be more correct to say, few people are solved. Large families in Russia are only 7-9 percent of all existing ones. Such a situation is the reflection of many social factors: This is the insufficient amount of financed finances, and the deterioration of ecology, which affects the health status of women and men in reproductive age, and working on a par with men, instead of doing household houses and education, as well as the emergence of a negative attitude towards large families.

With regard to our topic, it is probably a little more details on the last factor. For what reason in society formed a negative attitude towards large families? The fact is that in recent decades such "cells of society" are mistakenly associated with disadvantaged. This happened because of the loss by some representatives of moral and moral appearance and due to the lack of education. Such couples, giving birth to children, are not engaged in their upbringing and development (often turn out to be late without participation and helping the second parent). Sometimes a large number of children can even be explained existing benefits (The state for support allocates special subsidies to large families). Such a child is understandable, having a dysfunctional example before his eyes, as a rule, repeats it in his life.

However, mistakenly judge the whole category large families According to individual disadvantaged representatives. But in order for the shift in the perception of society, it is necessary again successful examples In the upbringing and overcoming joint everyday difficulties with large families, and this is not a quick thing, the case of a whole era.

IN modern world It is considered a lot of one family, where three or a little more children grow. Modern couples rarely think about the birth of the second and even more than a third child, how would you respond to having learned that nineteen children are brought up in the family?! Meet the most large couples in the history of mankind.

1 children: 69

Living in the 18th century, the peasant family of Vasiliev was noted by the book of records as the largest family. Fyodor Vasilyev with his first wife gave birth and raised 69 children. In total, a woman whose name has not been preserved in the archives, gave birth 27 times since 1725 to 1765. Noteworthy: After the death of Spouse Vasilyev led the second wife to the house, who gave birth to him by 18 more children. If you consider children from two marriages Fyodor Vasilyeva, then he has already had 87 children. According to the most modest estimates of Vasilyev, about 70 thousand descendants appeared to our days.

2 children: 58

A resident of San Antonio (Chile), Leontin Albino gave birth for 58 children for his life. His 58th child she gave birth at the age of 55. However, the lives of eleven children were carried by an earthquake. According to unverified data, after that, the couple appeared on the light of nine children. Interesting is the fact that she married she came out in 12 years for a 30-year-old man. This woman was famous for giving birth to three times in a row of triples, and all the boys.

3 children: 57

In third place among the most large families is the peasant woman Kirillov. The family lived in the 18th century. This woman gave birth to 57 children for her life, and she took birth only 21 times. Of these, 4 times she gave birth to 4 children at once. This family was known very little, it was even believed that the story was embedded, but for one court session Documents were raised that did confirmed that the Kirill family had 57 children.

4 children: 53

This woman was born in 1448, and became a famous fact that 53 children had time to give birth to 50 years. In total, she gave birth 29 times, and 7 children gave birth at once. Unfortunately, out of 53 children at birth 19, perhaps, for the 15th century it was the norm, but the remaining 36 children successfully increased and reached the age of majority.

5 children: 39

Spouses from England, William and Elizabeth Greenhill, who lived in the 17th century, was brought up 39 children. The woman herself is a record holder in the number of successfully giving birth: 37 times she brought one child and once drove twins. The 39th child was born when Elizabeth turned 54 years old, and her spouse was gone shortly before childbirth.

6 children: 21

The 18th century turned out to be rich in large seams. It was during this period that the junior 21st child was born at the world's famous brewer from Ireland - Arthur Guinness. Ten descendants of this man managed to live to mature years, and three became successors of a family business.

7 children: 21

Living Currently in America, the Crocker family brings up 21 children. Wilson and Anna Crockers still dreamed of a big family from the first day of dating.

8 children: 21

In Ukraine, the Nazna family itself is officially recognized as the largest pair. This couple, raising a twenty-one child, lives in the village of Ostrien (Chernivtsi region).

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