
The best summary of the sample. How to Create Summary - Rules and Examples of Successful Summary

Summary - one of the most effective tools in the hands of a person who is looking for a job. There is a version that a competently compiled resume can be replaced with an interview, and therefore can become a kind of guarantor of successful employment.

Unified standards defining how to write a summary, now in Russia, nor in the world is not accepted. But there are recommendations supported by experienced HR specialists and experts. We will pay special attention to them.

Types of resume in modern classification

Some HR experts believe that the summary is the type of document that can be classified by several species. In particular, there are researchers dividing these types of summaries for documents adapted to a specific vacancy or a general nature, as well as divided into their intended purpose on chronological and functional.

The choice of any one (or combination of several) will affect how to write a summary will prefer a specific candidate.

Summary - only under the vacancy

Many HR experts advise to direct the employer with exceptionally targeted summaries - those that talk about the desire of a candidate to apply for any particular vacancy. Companies, as experts believe, are not particularly like to deal with people who have decided to simply declare themselves without a certain goal and do not know how to write a resume, claiming a suitable position.

Summary - for any work

The opposite point of view - can and you need to send a summary in which a person reflects the readiness to work in principle. The company must "appoint" a candidate for that opening to which it considers it necessary.

Chronological type of resume

In such documents, the career path of the candidate in binding to the sequence in time (direct or inverse) is set. Now it is the most common type of resume. Its main advantage - the employer sees a fairly detailed picture of the labor biography of the candidate. The main disadvantage is that it is not easy to allocate a particularly important HR-manager for the inspective summary of the HR-manager, and not at all the fact that he will be able to see it himself.

Functional type of summary

This type of document reflects the qualifications of the candidate, its professionalism, the experience achieved. The sequence of facts reflecting the labor biography, tends, as a rule, to the background. Some HR specialists belong to this type of resume with pronounced distrust, believing that a person could state the facts not quite correctly (somewhere to assign other people's achievements somewhere, somewhere to give the desired for the actual).

There is, of course, the combined type of resume, combining signs of functional and chronological. You only need to be able to state the facts in the desired structure. To determine how it should look, our small instruction can help (and after reading it we can see an example of how to write a resume, a sample of its compilation).

Optimal resume structure

HR specialists believe that the following resume resume structure may be typical:

1. Title (phio candidate).
2. The purpose of filing the document.
3. Basic information about the candidate.
4. Education.
5. Experience and other activities.
6. Additional data.
7. Conclusion.

This is a relatively universal scheme, it will suit people who want to understand how to write a summary of the educator, engineer, manager, can be said for any professions.

What we write in the title

It is recommended to write only the full name, as well as the name of the document "Summary" (so as not to get lost on the working tables of the personnel service). The title should be distributed over the entire width of the sheet, and the word "summary" is in the middle.

What do I specify goal

It all depends on one of the two strategies, which are described above - the desire to work on a particular position or intent to work in principle. If the first option is written in the goal of "Jobs such a vacancy" (for example, "designer", "programmer", "engineer"). If the second is writing in the goal of "Employment for a profile of such something" (for example, "sales", "research", "marketing").

In the same section, many HR specialists recommend to prescribe the desired wage conditions (if possible, we prescribe the average figures in the market), the Employment form (which can be complete, partial or temporary). It can be noted that there is a readiness for remote work, to business trips, flexible graphics.

Candidate Basic Information

These include:

  • Full name, date of birth.
  • Registration address (actual residence).
  • Marital status, whether children are.
  • Contacts - Phones, E-Mail, VoIP, profiles in social networks.
  • Common work experience (in years).


How to write education in a resume? We indicate the name of the university (or the average professional educational institution), its full form (that is, for example, not FG, but the "federal state". We write the year of receipt, endings and specialty (qualifications). We indicate the number of the diploma. And so - for each institution where studied.

If there are professional certificates received outside the university (for example, advanced courses for the advanced knowledge of programming languages) - indicate below (the name of the course, place and timing of the training).

work experience

Experts advise to write what is stated in labor book Over the past ten years. If the work was in several segments, then you can somehow allocate them.

Here is an exemplary option.

In 2005-2007 - sales activities:

  • Position: manager (company such), 2005
  • Position: Sales Representative (such a company), 2006-2007

In 2008-2014 - activities in the field of entertainment:

  • Position: Leading TV program (such a channel), 2008-2010
  • Position: cEO (TV channel such something), 2010-2014

How to write a summary if there is no work experience? In this case, it can be included in this document on activities that will give an employer more or less tangible idea of \u200b\u200bthe qualifications of the candidate.

Examples may be such (in particular, they will help to understand how to write a resume to the student):

In 2011 - Logistics activities:

  • position: Assistant general director (such a company) within the framework of labor practice.

In 2012 - public service activities:

  • position: Chairman of the election commission (number such) in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation

Additional Information

It makes sense to indicate the skills that can help in work: knowledge of computer programs, foreign languages, personal qualities (but not too tick themselves, and indicate only those that can be relevant vacancies or the sphere in which the company is operating).

In the same section, contacts of persons who can give a recommendation. This, according to HR experts, is very impressed by employers. The presence of recommendations will especially help those who have no workshop experience.

TO for more information Professional and other achievements are also ranked. For example, if there were certificates or awards on previous work - you need to specify it (and explain why).

Final part

Here HR specialists recommend settling the rationale for their contact with the company with a resume. You need to specify why a person chooses a particular employer, and not some other (but without a palate phrase of the form "I just dreamed about getting to you"). You can, as an option, indicate that this company has all the conditions in which you can reveal your professional potential.

The specified structure of how to write a summary is correct, the sample is completely theoretical. A little later we will come to the practical component. But still - other important nuances.

How to make summaries

We looked at how to write a resume to work in terms of content. The next moment - registration. It is best to create a document on a sheet A4. Formatting settings (basically it concerns field sizes) You can leave those that are set by default in the Word editor or analog it. If there are some unusual - set the field width 3 cm on the left, 1.5 cm - right. The optimal font size is 12, the interval between the strings is single. The text is better to align in width, set the transfers.

HR specialists will not even recommend use in summary exclamation marks, capital letters without abbreviation, fatty font (as well as italics or underscore).

The tables insert in the summary are not always appropriate - they can only occupy space and do not carry the necessary information in themselves.

By photography (place or not post), the opinion of HR experts is divided. Opponents of accommodation say that a summary of the photo is hardly a sign of bad tone, supporters say that this is the world trend, and to him the Russians must be joined.

Summary should not be too big. Ideal if this is one page.

Basic errors in working with resume

Experts allocate three types of basic errors that candidates are allowed by making up a summary.

  1. Too summary Facts.

    The thing is that the interview is usually caused by people who were able to provide information about themselves so much that the HR manager remained except for additional questions. The main facts are already outlined.

  2. Too very verbose.

    Summary, emphasize experts, should not be autobiography. Employers are not interesting facts that do not have a direct attitude to work: a hobby or, for example, philosophical and political views. And those that have, it is possible to set out on one page. About the hobby and the like HR-manager will ask if it considers it necessary, at the interview.

  3. When one resume is sent to several different vacancies.

    Above we noted that there are two optimal strategies: "Work on vacancies" and "work in principle." If a person chose several vacancies, then it seems that it interferes with the applied some combined version of the summary? But HR experts say that the intention to claim immediately several vacancies may indicate that the candidate himself does not know what he wants from work. If there are several vacancies, then you need to make several summaries (each of which is adapted by experience, by education) for a specific position. Quite another matter - if a person makes it clear to the manager, which really claims several vacancies through separate summaries in which the legality of such an intention is clearly and argued. In which it is written that there is both experience and qualifications for each post.

Does the accompanying letter?

HR managers advise him to compile and apply to the summary. The main purpose of this document is to show than the candidate differs from others with a similar summary at the level of presentation of thoughts, internal beliefs and installations that are well read in the accompanying letters. Many HR specialists evaluate the resume only in conjunction with the accompanying letter.

The requirements for this document are a bit - this is just another A4 sheet, placed before which the summary content is set out (that is, it is necessary that the employer first read the accompanying letter first). On this leaf - several proposals on why a person decided to qualify for a vacancy. What is different from the "Purpose" section? The presentation of the motive. In the accompanying letter, a person reveals what drives them to look for work. In "Goals" - what he is waiting for from the search.

What can not be done when making a summary

HR specialists warned against the commission of a number of actions that almost certainly will provide a failure at the interview or refusal to further considerse the personality of the compiler of the summary as a challenger for the position.

The first is to write fictional name, which does not correspond to the real date of birth. Absolute Movetona - to issue himself for another person (which perhaps has the necessary experience and qualifications) so that they cause an interview. The identification of the candidate must be unequivocal.

The second is to give incorrect information on experience (it is especially important to write the truthful deadlines for the implementation of activities) and education. As a rule, employers check this by calling for contact data (or their channels).

Third - neglected key facts, speaking about the fact that a person is suitable for a vacancy. Including those may be, for example, official duties. The ability to avoid this is especially important to people who want to learn to understand how to write a resume in the bank and other financial organizations. It is in these segments that there is not so much experience as the content of previous work. For example, an accountant who worked in a sports club and accrued salaries to foreigners, and an accountant who worked in the state service and accrued salaries to officials - in the eyes of the HR-manager - various specialists, despite the fact that the position sounds the same (and, that is quite possible, both accountants Studied at the next party in the university).

Sample of good resume

Let's go from the theory to practice. Let's see how to write a summary, a sample of which can be highly appreciated by modern HR specialists. Take such a vacancy as "Marketing Director." This, of course, is just an approximate summary form - how to write this document in fact, the candidate itself determines.


Here everything is extremely simple. "Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich. Summary". We place in the center of the page. We do not forget to highlight the title of larger font (you can 14-16).


In this case, we are talking about the course of a particular vacancy - we have already marked the above how to write a resume to work in the framework of the desired posts. Citizen Ivanov will set out such a goal: "Employment to the position of Marketing Director" (We also point out in which company).

Here we prescribe the conditions for the salary. "The desired level of income is 90 thousand rubles per month." HR specialists do not recommend writing "by agreement" - especially if we are talking about management position.

Basic information

FULL NAME - Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.

The city of residence is Samara. It is useful to indicate - "Ready for business trips."

Education: Higher Engineering.

Marital status: married, three children.

Experience: since 2000 (14 years).


National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow): 2001-2006

Specialty: Enterprise Management.

Diploma number: Such something.

Additional education

  • course "Technique of Belief" (Moscow, Academy national economy, May-June 2003);
  • the course "Sales of American" (Vladivostok, Russian-American business center, January-February 2005).

work experience

2000-2002 - High-tech activities:

  • position: IT Consultant (2000) in this company;
  • position: Microsoft Sales Director (2001-2002).

2003-2014 - Sales activities:

  • position: Deputy General Director (2003-2007) in this company;
  • position: General Director (2008-2014).

additional information

  • Owning foreign languages: English (Upper-InderMediate level).
  • Knowledge office programs Word, Excel, Access, Front Page.
  • Knowledge of graphic programs Corel Draw, Photoshop.
  • Publishing packages 1C.


You can write like that. "Having received the necessary experience in russian companies, I consider it necessary to move in the direction of international business. In this regard, I see myself as director of sales in the company. " This is something about how to write a resume correctly, an example of a more or less attractive sample document for a modern employer.

Personnel recruitment industry in Russia is actively developing. There are a few more useful recommendations Regarding how to write a summary. Russian HR specialists advise - no need to state absolutely all the facts about themselves. It is necessary to be limited to experience and learning, which directly relate to the future vacancy and, importantly, relevant to the profile of the company's company.

In the section on experience, information should be issued, not only reflecting the essence of the activity and its duration at a particular position. It is important to remember before writing a summary, an example of any achievements. It will be great if their essence is that no one else can achieve similar results. HR managers are important to the desire of candidates to reach new heights.

Similarly, in the section on education, it is desirable to reflect something capable of producing an impression on the employer. For example, writing some scientific work According to the most important problem or the invention of something in the conditions of the university laboratory. It can be indicated that there were victories in the Olympics, contests, nominal scholarships are appointed.

If the candidate has no experience and understanding of how to write a resume - you can always download the sample from specialized sites. But it is desirable, of course, master the methods of drawing up such documents on their own.

The most important recommendation of HR specialists is to re-read the summary several times. And ideally, to ask someone else to do it. It will be completely great if this person is HR-manager with experience. It is very important how to properly write a summary not only from the point of view of invoice, but also in terms of spelling, stylistics and grammar. This factor is of great importance for employers.

24 Sep 2012.

A person who is seriously engaged in searching work, awaits a call with an invitation to an interview to demonstrate their skills and knowledge. However, in order for you to be called to a meeting, your resume should be interested in the employer. To do this, the applicant needs to correctly and correctly fill out all items.

As a rule, the item "Basic Achievements" in the summary causes a lot of questions from applicants. Candidates are lost, afraid to seem immodest. As a result, at best, one line will be indicated at this point, the worst will stand a dummy. Let's wonder what to write in your achievements and why it is necessary.

Why should the employer know about your achievements?

To begin, it is worth noting that if the employer is interested in this, it means that it is important and this item should not remain empty. Of course, your experience and skills play a major role in your resume. However, it is impossible to understand how the initiative worker is impossible to understand how successful you coped with your duties and are you able to assess your progress.

Under the word of achievement, it is understood by the formulation of a clear goal and obtaining the final result. This item will tell how much you are targeting the target and realize it. If yours professional achievements The manuals were noted, please specify this information in the summary. Make an emphasis on what you noticed you, you were able to stand out among our colleagues.

Evaluate your achievements in work is helpful and for the candidates. From time to time, evaluate your experience and think that you really did for the company, for your professional development. This will help you determine the further path in your career.

So, the main responsibilities of the "Achievements in the Summary" function are as follows:

As far as you raise your skills as a professional during your career activities;

Are you able to take responsibility;

Can you estimate your progress;

Are you a purposeful man.

It is desirable that your answers correspond to the specified items.

How and what advances to specify?

Getting Started by completing this item, answer the following questions:

What benefit did you bring companies from the beginning of their work?

What interesting experience did you bring from this?

Think of what significant project was performed by you?

Do you trust the work that goes beyond your duties?

Why did you praise at work?

What are your success noted?

Even in the routine work, significant events may occur. Demonstrate your willingness to solve all tasks before the final result. For example, using the effective words and expressions: not "I did successfully reports on working with clients," and "I made work on creating reports on working with customers as efficient as possible," did not "implemented". In other words, describing the finished process.

Also, employers are more effective assessed the results presented in numbers. For example, 100% increased the number of transactions, led 20% of new customers to the company, spent 50 trainings for new staff, etc.

Do not write blurry. The "Achievements" section in the summary should be clearly structured, as well as other items. For example:

I trained 10 new sales managers;

Ordered (a) life support from scratch. Conclusion of contracts for the supply of water, dinners, as well as with a cleaning company.

Created a database for incoming and outgoing mail, where recipients and senders could track the status of their writing and documentation. As achievements, I can note that no document was lost during my work.

Please note if your achievements are a commercial secret, and you cannot specify indicators and numbers, then it costs to specify information more blurry without violating your agreement with the past employer. Trying to impress the recruiter, do not break the law. And even on the interview you should not say "In general, it is a mystery, but I will tell you." How will you be trusted after that?

If you want to get a position at the level of your current one, in other words, you want your career to grow vertically, make accents on the following:

Independent decision making;

Replacement of the manager at the time of his business trips / vacation / diseases;

Experience planning, developing strategy and managing staff in the amount of ___ person.

If you would like to horizontally develop your career, expand and change responsibilities and functions, then you should specify the following:

Solved the tasks leaving for my duties;

During the time it was studying programs (name the skills and knowledge you received).

Phrases that should not be indicated in achievements

Raised the efficiency of the department. If this is your merit, describe in more detail how you did, using the numbers. This wording is blurred;

Set up work from scratch;

Qualitatively performed his work. This is not an achievement, but your labor duty;

At the time of work I did not receive a single reprimand. This, of course, can be proud of this, but this information is not exactly for a potential employer;

Providing sales. All related to sales must be represented by numbers.

Such wording says that you just went to work and fulfilled your duties, even if without recovery and desets. In their achievements, you must highlight the most bright moments and describe them.

What are the achievements to write a retail worker, sample

Retained customers in the crisis period by developing an individual system of discounts and proposals;

20% increased the company's profit by expanding the network on the market;

Increased sales by 30%;

Four times became the "best seller of the month";

Per last year He led to the company 50 new customers of our products.

Of course, what exactly write to solve only you, appreciating the result of your work. Our tips will help you correctly formulate your thoughts. After you make a list of achievements, look at the eyes of the recruiter, will you please such an employee? Or you have questions, and something will not be understood. Then you will understand which items need to be changed to attract the attention of the potential employer.

Dear friends! Writes Denis Cow. I decided to prepare a post for job seekers. Although I advise you, and on this to build a career. But there are readers who choose a profession in the specialty, and are looking for a resume to get a job.

I often got comfortable and dismissed from work to work. And he was always puzzled, as competently submit to choose me. I think you have a situation similar ...

Gradually, began to understand that at no work, I can not make a lot of money. And one day, completely devoted himself to the Internet business. I work from home on yourself, publishing articles on this blog.

Before, get acquainted. My name is Denis Cow. And you are on my blog site

And below there is a complete list, and summary examples. And you can download any, and will only have to enter your name, fill out the necessary fields, and send to the employer. But first, I recommend to see a comic video clip, how to behave in the interview:

12 ways, how to get a job?

Of course, this is a comic video from YouTube.

And below you can download real summary to work.

For convenience, the sieve every profession. And let the recommendation, as you can. And you already take the information you need)) and if questions arise, ask in the comments below. I hope the review will help you!

So. We begin.

Why do you need a resume when working to work?

Not everywhere, the employer provides such an opportunity to produce a summary. But self-respecting companies - choose this method. And first, the preliminary interview goes among those who filled the blanks. It can be direct contact with the company, or you can send the questionnaire by email. In some cases, the resume goes on the company's template. That is, there are those questions that are interested in the employer, and on how correctly you fill in the form, the more likely that you will work with them. In theory, 70% of success may depend on the competently filled summary.

Imagine that the company is looking for an accountant, but the competition in place is too big. Those who wish so much that more than 100 people are addressed on the day. But the employer does not need everything in a row, but only the accountant that best can cope with the tasks. Choose the best. And to the rescue, in the selection - and serves your resume.

How to make and write the right summary?

And here is more interesting. If you are given the opportunity to fill it in email, then do not be afraid that it will not remain not read. Another thing is when you send it, you can additionally call the company and clarify or report that I have such that, such that sent you my questionnaire for the selected profession.

That is, on the one hand call, can raise you higher than others This time. And the second - sent through email, and additionally confirmed that you exist))

It turns out, you can stand out among other candidates.

Do not be afraid in the questionnaire to tell more if there are additional fields. But about the salary, where the desired, you can not write a big one. Choose middle. Let, this amount will seem to you not so big, but the chances that you will choose you - increase. After all, you are very comfortable, and already in the course of the case - the salary and social will be provided. package. Of course, if any))

As for education. Write those that are actually available. But again, you can bring about the fact that there is an unfinished second higher on such a topic. And plus additional courses - specify those that can allocate you in the heads of the head.

Write and honestly, but where there is an opportunity to embellish - do not be afraid to write more. Since the main selection will go on the questionnaire. That is, the checking may not see you beautiful in the face, and how beautiful you write a resume, and the success will depend.

Through this, in detail, the item is fill in the field. Below will be examples, as well as ready templates for different professions.

note that before the main resume, you can send the accompanying. Especially if you do through the email. There is an option to create a resume in physical form. That is, print. And when applying to work, not ashamed to tell more about yourself, giving everything into a couple of sheets. With a personal meeting, if you compete to the question, you will not only like it, but after the interview, leave on the desk of the manager, personal resume, with contact details. 90% - what will choose you!

The main thing to draw up seriously.

The accompanying letter to the summary - what is and why you need?

And this thing will help provide the main resume. Will not immediately immediately send your profile to email. Much more efficient, write an accompanying letter, in which a couple of lines write, who you and how to respond to a vacancy (from where they came from where they found out).

Just information, kind - I am so, and learned about your vacancy from the announcement in the newspaper "Work" or from the site "Avito". After all, the company can give several sources of advertising, and thereby reporting from where they learned about the profession, help them determine the working channels.

This is one of the advantages of the accompanying summary. And most importantly, the role of the letter is to introduce the reader on the side, with your main resume.

In general, it is necessary to compile in the event that you send a sample by email, and it is not necessary if you give a resume at a personal meeting. Just at a personal meeting or by phone - you can explain in words who you are, what vacancy interests and from where I learned about her ...

Example of the accompanying summary:


My name is Ivanova Anna. Let me attach your resume on the vacancy - "Accountant". I learned about the profession to announce from the site " Avito". Ready to provide any additional informationnecessary to consider my candidacy.

Ivanova Anna, tel. 8-977-777-77-77

Thanks in advance!

p.S. Summary Attach a separate file

Universal sample resume (for any profession) + example

In case you need a standard form, download it for free. It consists of 2 pages. First sheet needed information about you, and on the second additional skills. Convenient and simple template. Nothing extra. And can be attributed to any profession. But still, if a certain specialty is selected, then look at the templates below. You may choose the best option.

As for download. Then the PDF format in in electronic format. In this format I write all my own. Opens on all devices. But you can't edit the text in it. On this, it is only under the printout, and then neatly the handle fill. It is suitable if you need to quickly print and fill in place.

And the second option already completed an example. It can be edited in the Word text editor. Use this option to quickly edit. And by the way, after you can save the correct option in PDF format, and then send this option by the mail to the employer.

Empty - (in PDF format)

Filled - (in DOC format)

Samples for work by profession in format.doc (Word)

So we came to the section where all resumes are divided by profession. Also, let you give you several recommendations for each specialty. How can you use your knowledge and skills on the Internet to work not at the employer, but on yourself.

About everything in order!

Sample summary of accountant

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- I will start with what, since you want such work, then you are a specialist in it. Much more efficient, and profitable in perspective, start doing books on accounting. And after the blog is beginning to attend people, place advertising banners - either their services or partner services. For example, to fill declarations.

This is built quite profitable business through the Internet. And if you do not know, ask me and download my book for free!

Sample Summary of the Lawyer or Economist

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- Choose those keywords in search engines that belong to your topic. And during the main work or in the evening, paying 1-2 hours, write 1 useful article per day. After 3-6 months, your blog will bring more than the main job.! It is better to sell yourself and your knowledge to other people via the Internet, rather than do it in offline. Believe me, if you understand the subject of legal services and the economy - then quickly achieve success!

Sample Summary of the Director, Head

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- Take out other people with personal growth, and how to succeed in a career. How to manage staff, lead, etc. Write about your knowledge of your blog of 1-2 article one, three days. It will take time, and the blog will bring more than you earn director, working for someone!

Packaging knowledge and sell.

Sample resume chief

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- The same as in the senior position, read the recommendations above. Start the way with blogging on the WordPress Free Platform. This blog management system, on which my blog is being conducted. First of all, and secondly profitable! And you can choose the topic that you like. Whether your hobby. What is it?

Sample Summary Sales Manager

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- My God, if you have the Seller Skills)). It's time to apply them on the Internet trading. Start blogging, and create your products selling them. What to do if there is no one? Everything is easier than it seems - recommend affiliate. If you are really a cool manager, then you will succeed.

Take the first step today!

Sample summary of the secretary

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- Oh, if you like working with papers, and mess around in the documents ... It's time all your knowledge and skills to disclose on the blog. That is, in fact, you will also work on the computer, only on yourself. Get a personal blog and just publish articles under keywords from search engines. Just make articles for people, not robots! And everything will work out. And if not, ask me ... After all, he leads the blog))

Sample resume Bank employee

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- A class profession on the one hand, to be a bank employee. But in fact, everything just seems beautiful. One way or another - you will have the boss, and you have to get up early, go to work. What are you, I do not discharge - a good job. Especially when people are driven by loans, and additional services. Probably it's great to deceive the same people, and get for it?

And it is not easier to make a blog on the topic of banks, and to give people advice how not to be deceived, how to get rid of credits, how to pay off a mortgage. That is, really help people in banking issues, Only through the blog. You can combine both text management and video format. Believe me, this is a profitable direction, and promising.

Sample summary of administrator

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- The administrator, in my opinion, has time to devote yourself to more creative classes. Yes, again about the site)). After all, believe me - more interesting, and profitable. The topic can be chosen any. And on publications, literally 3-5 articles per week. After 3 months, you can forget about the work of the administrator, and become the director for yourself!

Sample Cassira Summary

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- You know how to conduct cash business, and the expense of money? Then it is possible to become a blogger according to the financial topic, and simply write articles for requests from the search. Do not like this topic? Choose any, what the soul lies. Read this blog, I write a lot about how to get a job from home ...

Sample resume Seller consultant

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- Depending on what you sell, you can make reviews for goods via the Internet. For instance, lately In 2016 and will gain momentum in 2017 - reviews on goods, and reviews. You can make them in video format or text version. And in addition to this comparison of one and other goods. And the profit will go with advertising. Start blogging today!

Sample resume designer

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- Designer? Yes, also own graphic programs? Yes, there are no prices. The Internet lacks specialists who competently teach all the design secrets. Application of such a program as photoshop, and the ability to process images ... as well as drawing - all this is cool, believe me! You will not only become the leader in this topic, but also recommend the courses of others and earn. All this is done through your personal blog.

Sample resume PC operator

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- I remember how I kept the newspaper and chose the vacancies of the PC operator. Called different numbers, in search best conditions. But you know, I confess - this is not a serious profession. Better publish your knowledge of the blog, how to quickly type texts, or how to work in the Word, Excel program, etc. I will tell you the secret that the courses on the Word and Eksel enjoy good popularity. Guess what you can take money for them and make money on it?))

Sample summary of the waiter

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- Waiter, good work for students. It's time when there is a desire to devote yourself to professions and build a career. But there are no promising directions in it, and even more larger profits. And if after a working day or on weekends, you will have a couple of hours of free time, then start doing more serious things. You will need a computer and the Internet. Publish your diary online. And you will not remain not seen. Use texts and photos. If desired and video. Tell me about what you know and simply pick up your thoughts on finding. In order not to just call the articles as inventing, namely, as people are looking for. You will succeed!

Sample resume nanny

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- And nanny simply "sin", to be without a website)) it is possible to find a few hours a day. This is not about what will have to work constantly on the blog in the feet. Not! The main start. And at the first stage, yes, you will need to pay more attention to your brain. But do not notice how to create an additional income via the Internet. For example, the topic about children, or cooking ... or what is your hobby?

Sample programmer's resume

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- At the expense of the programmer it is difficult to say, since these people are usually with their heads, and either already work on their project on the network, or work with the team, or as a last resort, for big money in a good company. I mean salary from 500,000 thousand rubles or more. But in any case, it is correct to become the owner itself, and develop your project in the topic of infomar package. Just do not need to learn programming, as the market segment in this topic is narrow. And moreover general topics Take, in which you understand better than others ... Why not?!

Sample driver resume

(in Doc | 2 p.)

-We, he says ... I work a taxi driver and like)) And I heard about the taxi driver, which was created by the site for 3 months with an income of 80,000 thousand rubles. And this, when medium salary Driver in his city 12,000. Do you think he still works as a driver? You also think about your leisure. Or ask below ...

Sample resume engineer

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- Read below ...

Sample resume builder

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- Construction, this is a separate topic. There are so many specialists that a pond of a pride. Some tile, other electricians, third welders, decorates. And each in its field is better than others. Well, look, in my book I described how to create a blog Pope, and he just published an articles on electricians?)) Today attending his project 2400 visitors per day. Are you still in doubt that your knowledge can be useful to someone? Then look at the statistics of the keywords "Yandex Wordstat" ... that people are looking for your topic. And how much for example, people are looking for a particular request. To refine, use quotes and exclamation mark in front of a keyword. Like this: «! here is the keyword » . Further, the obtained number of shots per month (upper), share for 30 days and learn the average number of demand per day.

Sample Teacher Summary, Teacher

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- And for teachers I want to say that a new era of learning has come. That is, if in the class you learn 20 people at the same time, then on the Internet you can collect 1000 people at the same time, and teach them. A teacher in a university or school, you are in the salary, for example, and in the Internet sector - payment from each student. It can be both 1 thousand rubles for the training course and 30,000 rubles. For training. How much do you get a class out of 100 people?)) Start with a blog, right today!

Sample Summary of the Children's Garden

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- About children you can lead the project, public several records per week. Using search tips - start working on attracting visitors. After time, the summary will no longer need))

Sample resume doctor

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- I can't say anything about the doctors. After all, it all depends on the person and specialty of the doctor. It's one thing when you know from A to Z about the spine, and you can ban the project on the topic of the treatment of the spine or how to get rid of the pain in the back ... and quite another thing when you are a surgeon. Here, before you download the resume, you can ask in the comments below, and I will give a recommendation for your situation

Sample resume Cooking

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- Those who do not like to cook, it is difficult to conduct a culinary site. But Cooks, with the desire and passion for the profession, just need to start publishing your recipes. There are already a lot of bloggers on YouTube, and there are many sites on this topic. But everyone can stand out among competitors. Depends on the desire, and love for this case. Good cooks ... to recalculate them on the fingers). And to make the project more profitable, try to choose a niche in cooking. That is, it is not about all the dishes, but those that are for healthy nutrition and weight loss. Or see themselves, on blogs and about all dishes, traffic can be collected a lot and unscrew advertising well enough ...

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- Honestly I confess, I do not know how this business can be transferred to the Internet. Unless more general, write about trade, layout of goods. Or the topic is more generally taken. It is necessary to watch statistics and repel from it. After all, you can like another direction, and already on the basis of it choose the topic ... Ask below, I will tell you!

Sample resume Supervisor

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- There is the same as above ...

Sample resume translator

(in Doc | 2 p.)

- And modern translators do so - blog lead and publish the records of the species - how to learn English for 3 months, how to understand English, etc. That is, cover keywords from your niche, and then write a blog. The blog attracts visitors who fall into the subscription sheets and the sale of information products. The infobusiness is built through your project. Recommend!

Download free All Blanks Summary. Updated 2018.

Well, at the end, I decided to pack all the forms, in one archive in ZIP format, so that you can choose the appropriate template and change, for one vacancy that are looking for.

I wish you to get a good job in life, and most importantly - have a high s \\ n.

(Archive Zip | 419 KB.)

Yours faithfully,
Denis Kovaga

Proper search approach new work Consists of several stages:

  • Defining a goal. It can be a job search in the previously occupied area or mastering a completely new niche.
  • Preparation of self-presentation. This aspect includes resumes, accompanying letters and preparations for a potential interview.
  • Use of all possible sources of search. It should start specialized sites and end calls to friends and acquaintances.

Competent compilation of a summary is one of the key stages that requires the time and knowledge of some documents for paperwork. In order to make a successful summary, you can use ready-made samples. Such documents must be modern, deprived of unnecessary cliches and inappropriate information.

Sample competently composed of the resume

A sample of how correctly and competently compile a resume to work is presented using the following table.

Full Name


Wage level

Date of Birth

Family status

work experience

(We paint experience in various companies, the total number is not more than 4. Better to choose the last or most significant stages of the career path)

The name of the company (Enter the name of the company in which they worked)
Work period (It is advisable to specify not only years, but months in which you started and finished work)
Position (Accurate title of position)
Professional duties (List of all responsibilities you do)
Professional achievements (It is very important to paint in detail the benefits that the employer received from the implementation professional activity As part of its enterprise)
the name of the institution (Specify the official name of the educational institution)
Period of study (You can only specify years)
Faculty and specialty (If the educational institution is narrow-profile, it is enough to specify the specialty)
Differences, scientific achievements (In this graph, you can indicate the availability of a diploma with honors, write an average score, the availability of scientific papers (without names) or scientific degrees)
(There should be only the information that is directly related to the vacancy)
Professional skills (List of your professional skills. Must meet the requirements of the employer)
Additional Information (In this column indicate knowledge of languages, the presence of a driver's license, a foreign passport, the possibility of travel or moving, as well as hobbies that will show you from the best side)
Recommendations (Do not specify the contents of the recommender, it is better to write "Let's give on request").

Sections that characterize experience and education can be extended or vice versa narrowed. It all depends on the career path passed and study time. For a person who is looking for work for the first time, it is necessary to emphasize on education and skills that it can offer to the employer. For people who have a certain professional experience, the most priorities are career achievements. Recruitor It is important to know which way you brought in the previous work and what can be expected from you in the future.

How to write a competent summary. Sample

A practical pattern of how to properly compile a resume to work can be considered by the example of the administrator of the restaurant and marketer.

Solovyova Anna Vladimirovna

Restaurant manager

Wage: from 30 000 rubles

Phone: +70976547711

E-mail: [Email Protected]

Relationship status: Single

work experience
1. Company name Pub "Junior Jack"
Work period 08.2013-11.2014
Position Administrator
Professional duties

- control of the work of the waiters;

- control of the work of bartenders;

- Inventory of host. goods.

Professional achievements - Getting rid of the constant shortage of the bar, by weekly inventory and the introduction of the fines system.
2. Company name Restaurant "Malta"
Work period 01.2015-02.2017
Position Administrator
Professional duties - meeting and placement of visitors;

- receiving orders;

- work when ordering banquets and design booking tables;

- carrying out the calculation of visitors;

- control of staff;

- training.

Professional achievements - Improving service through staff training standards;

- an increase in the total number of customers;

- increasing number permanent customers By introducing a flexible system of discounts.

the name of the institution Russian Academy of National Economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation
Period of study 2008-2013
Faculty and specialty Hotel and restaurant
Marks of Excellence Diploma with honors
Vedomosti on advanced training, courses or trainings Online course on restaurant business from the International Academy of Business.
Professional skills - knowledge of service standards;

- knowledge of the specifics of European dishes;

- Program 1C (level of a confident user);

- the ability to carry out an inventory of goods;

- skills management team (more than 10 people);

Additional Information Foreign languages: English - average level; German - beginner.

Schedule: Ready to non-ruled workers day.

Recommendations I will give on request.
Andreev Mikhail


Salary: from 50 000 rubles

Phone: +70897765121

E-mail: [Email Protected]

Marital status: married, there is a child

work experience
1. Company name LLC "Clover" (building materials)
Work period 06.2012-03.2017
Position Marketer
Professional duties - Overview of the building materials market;

- analysis of the competitive environment;

- formation of competitive pricing policy;

- Maintaining monthly reporting.

Professional achievements - the transition to an unemployed niche of building materials due to the quality analysis of the market (transition period is 1 year);

- increase in sales by 50%;

- Attracting new customers thanks to effective advertising policies.

the name of the institution Moscow Polytechnic University
Period of study 2005-2010
Faculty and specialty Economy
Vedomosti on advanced training, courses or trainings Training Andrei Livanova "Promotion of goods and services on the Internet"
Professional skills - analysis of markets of suppliers and markets;

- Promotion of goods and services via the Internet: Optimization of sites, targeting advertising, social networks;

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