
Rosgosstrakh Casco Damage plus theft Reviews. Office programs Casco. What protects the policy of Casco Rosgosstrakh

Today we offer an article on the topic: "CASCO COMPANY CONDITIONS OF ANYTHING ON ROSGOSSTRAH", written by a simple and affordable language. All questions ask in the comments after the article or our duty lawyer.

  • Rosgosstrakh offers flexible and understandable insurance programs Casco for your car. Select the insurance program and calculate the cost of your policy:

    Franchise is part of the damage that the insurer does not reimburse.

    It is measured in rubles or% of the sum insured (car cost). For example, if the machine costs 120 thousand rubles, then the franchise is 10% will be 12 thousand rubles.

    As a rule, the inclusion of the franchise in the CASCO conditions, as well as its size is your choice.

    The inclusion of franchise into insurance is significantly reduces the cost Casco.

    There are several types of franchises that can be used in our CASCO programs.

    Used in some programs "Rosgosstrakh". With the complete or structural death of the car, a complete damage compensation is made in accordance with the CASCO insurance contract.

    This is the most popular option: with the insurance case, Rosgosstrakh pays for the damage to the deduction specified in your CASCO Franchise. Franchise is set as a percentage of the sum insured or in a fixed amount in rubles.

    This is a flexible franchise: for the first insured event you get full payment, and for the subsequent - payment less established by the contract of size of the franchise.

    No video

    Used in the program "Economy". The insurer performs payments on the CASCO only under the condition that total amount Losses for the occurrence of insurance cases exceeded the size of the aggregate franchise.

    What is the difference between the aggregate and non-aggregate insurance amount

    In some CASCO programs, you can choose an aggregate or unagnowable insurance amount. Aggregate can reduce cost Polis, but not beneficial for repeated appeals. Ungregate does not change all over the insurance period.

    Some programs of Rosgosstrakh applies GAP.

    GAP ( Guaranteed Asset Protection.) You can translate as "guaranteed preservation of property value". GAP is to ensure the coverage in the amount of the sum insured during the period of the agreement. GAP applies only in the case of the complete death and car hijacking.

    Example: You issued a CASCO insurance policy for the car, whose conditions imply an insurance amount of 500 thousand rubles. By the time of the hijack, it decreased due to depreciation wear, that is, the payment will be less than with the initial cost of the car. The difference between the initial and current insurance sum is compensated by the payment of GAP, that is, for a sobcan car, you will result in the same 500 thousand rubles.

    Appeal without reference

    Appeal without references is a service available in most CASCO programs "Rosgosstrakh". The amount of damage is limited to the insurance sum under the contract. Appeal without references possible when damaged the following elements of the car:

    In the insurance policy, you can add a variety of options that depend on the allocated budget and personal needs. The main thing is to understand that the greater the set, the more price will be.

    Possible risks include insurance:

    1. Damage. Recovery work is paid during damage to 75%. If defined larger percentage, reimbursed the cost of a car within the sum insured.
    2. Full death
    3. From theft, embarrassment
    4. Additional equipment
    5. Civil responsibility
    6. Full value
    7. From an accident

    Some risks are designed for convenience in an unforeseen situation. This applies to the departure of the emergency commissioner to the scene, calling the evacuator, taxis, technical assistance on the road. You can also make the desire of many insurers to repair without the need to collect certificates about the incident, including from the traffic police, which primarily concerns glazing.

    Insurance company RGS offers several interesting programs:

    1. DTP protection. This species Protection includes reimbursement of possible expenses and provides for several conditions: the cost of the policy does not depend on the experience and number of drivers; The design procedure takes only 15 minutes; an unlimited number of insured claims; Repair of the car is carried out faster than at the CCOS.
    2. "Anti-crisis Casco." This proposal is an additional agreement on the CTP policy, which guarantees the mandatory reimbursement of the costs associated with major risks, for example, hijacking vehicle or "death" machine.
    3. 50/50. The peculiarity of this proposal is that the client pays 50% of the cost of the policy only when insurance case.
    4. " Nothing extra ". This species is a fully individual product. The client itself chooses the conditions, risks, the amount of the coating, etc.
    5. "RGS-auto protection". This is a comprehensive insurance policy, which includes all possible risks: the complete destruction of the vehicle; hijacking; Possible damage at a traffic accident.

    With the insured machine, anything can happen. To date insurance Company takes responsibility and makes payments for the following cases:

    • Clash with vehicles (due to the wine owner of the insured car or the fault of another driver).
    • Having hitting various objects in case of loss of vehicle management due to technical problems or due to bad weather conditions.
    • Tipping the car with an accident.
    • Falling objects on the vehicle. It can be branches, trees, snow, ice, various cargo.
    • Emission of items from under the wheels of other machines: stones, fragments, garbage, etc.
    • Fires and explosions. The uncontrolled combustion process has a destructive effect, deriving a vehicle. The exception is the fire that has arisen with the technical fault of the vehicle or the transport of explosive substances, if it is not provided for by the contract.
    • Intentional or intimidated actions of unauthorized persons: abduction, hijacking.

  • which will allow you to be guaranteed by risks that are not provided for in the Insurance Treaty on the OSAGO. I remove the extra obligations from the insurance rules, the Insurer Rosgosstrakh went to meet its customers, providing an anti-crisis program. After all, due to its peculiarities, the insured when buying the policy pays several times less than the standard CASCO policy. At the same time, all possible risks coverage are fully maintained.

    Casco Rules in Rosgosstrakh - Basic Provisions

    Casco in Rosgosstrakh is the perfect version of the protection of your vehicle. Features of Casco Polis in Rosgosstrakh's company Various options for Casco Polis: "Nothing Extension", "Economy 50/50", "Anti-Crisis Casco", "Protection of Accidents". Franchise - part of the damage that the insurance company does not reimburse. Franchiz makes the cost of the policy less: with her the insurance company reimburses only significant damage.

    Casco Insurance Programs

    When you receive money for the purchase of a car, the bank - the lender undertakes to acquire the CASCO policy as an additional protection against the risk of non-return. Because the cost insurance Polisa. Such quite high, banks go for some concessions, offering to buy a policy on certain conditions. Insurance companies together with enterprises - manufacturers of motor vehicles.

    Casco Conditions from Rosgosstrakh

    Divisions and more than 400 loss settlement centers. The company operating on the basis of a state license No. 0977-50 (12/07/2009) occupies the leading position on the value of the received insurance premium for several recent years. The main components of the portfolio of the organization are the policy of the OSAGO (more than 40%) and the car (about 30%). According to the national rating, based on feedback from the visitors to the site banki.ru on the quality of services and service level, the SK entered the highest league (43 place).

    The first year was the full Casco policy and I turned in connection with the fall of the icicles on the roof. For the second year, the full Casco policy was calculated at 130,000. I asked me to pick me up in cheaper insurance, then I was offered a policy of "nothing superfluous", explaining that I could not contact the little things that I could not contact me that I was satisfied, because I went carefully. There remained a loan around 580000, insured for the cost of repair close to this amount.

    Casco Insurance Rules in Rosgosstrakh

    For this type of insurance, a foreign car is suitable, which have no more than seven years old and cars, which have Russian production, not more than five years. This type of insurance provides only a complete contribution. B. B. this type Insurance can be included in foreign cars from three years old, but no more than twelve and Russian-made cars in the same age interval.

    Casco Non-Even Rosgosstrakh Conditions

    Insurance Consultant: How much does the apartment be insure?

    How much does it cost to insure an apartment comprehensively? What risks covers insurance? Can I choose only the risks you need? Whether there is a special programs, in which you can get bonuses or discounts? The head of the department of mass types of insurance of the branch of Rosgosstrakh Evgenia Shevtsova is responsible: you can insure the causing structures of the apartment (walls, overlappings), internal decoration (repair), homemade property (furniture, appliances, Clothing) and responsibility to neighbors.

    Rosgosstrakh: customer reviews about the insurance company

    When an insured event occurs, the company will compensate for damage.

    True, to trust only proven organizations that work more than one year and show good results. One of these is the company "Rosgosstrakh". Customer reviews about it can only be heard positive. Information about Rosgosstrakh is one of the largest companies in Russia providing insurance services physical I. legal entities.

    Casco Non-Even Rosgosstrakh Conditions

    For example, you want to insure your car for a certain amount that can be installed on your own (usually up to 150,000 rubles), as a result, get protection from the insurance company within the amount of the amount for each insurance event, while paying for insurance much less than You would cost full Casco insurance. 1. Offer from Rosgosstrakh Company "CASCO NOTE LESION": the amount of insurance coverage for each insurance event, rub. * Tariffs are calculated for customers with experience of 10 years, age from 33 years old with a minimum franchise. The presented tariffs are basic and may differ depending on the coefficient age. Size franchise in the program: 9000/15000/25000 rub.

    We offer to use quick navigation on the page:

    Casco for all

    You can buy online without preliminary car inspection The following policies:

    We also offer several autocascular insurance programs available in our offices:

    What documents are needed for making CASCO
    1. Passport or military ID (for military personnel);
    2. Vehicle passport (TCP);
    3. Certificate of registration of the vehicle;
    4. Driving licenses of persons admitted to the control of the vehicle;
    5. If the vehicle is credit / collateral - relevant documents;
    6. Purchase and sale agreement (if available).

    To change Casco conditions, it is enough to issue an additional agreement to the contract with our company.

    How to save on a cup

    How to meet the budget

    Take advantage of installments! You can insure the car today, but to pay for six months.

    Payments are carried out strictly according to the schedule, even if the insured event comes.
    If you detained the next installment in the car, you will need to re-present a clean car to the inspection. Insurance will resume after another contribution and inspection of the car.

    What protects the policy of Casco Rosgosstrakh

    Examples of insurance cases that are protected by CASCO:
    1. Road traffic accident (accident).
    2. Hitting (blow) on fixed or moving items (structures, obstacles, animals, birds).
    3. Falling on a car of any objects (trees, snow, ice, etc.).
    4. Emission of gravel, stones and other vehicles from under vehicles and subsequent damage.
    5. Falling the car into the water.
    6. Disaster.
    7. Fire (including as a result of an accident).
    8. Explosion.
    9. Unlawful actions of third parties.

    PJSC CASCO PJSC Rosgosstrakh also protects against the risk of loss of the car and additional equipment as a result of theft, robbery or scan.

    In more detail with all insurance risks and insurance payments can be found in.

    Insurance payments for CASCO

    In cases of insured, depending on the terms of the concluded agreement, partial damage, hijacking, full destruction and so on.

    Casco damage compensation methods

    There are two ways to compensate for CASCO damage after an accident:

    • repair of a damaged vehicle for a hundred;
    • cash payment to the owner of a damaged vehicle.
    Proper design Insurance case

    To obtain insurance payments On the Casco with an accident, it is necessary to observe all the rules for registration of the insured event.

    At the scene of the incident. Immediately after the accident, you need to call law enforcement officials in cases where the payment without information from the police is not provided for by the insurance contract. In no case should you move the car. Also undesirable to touch it after an accident in order not to accidentally delete characteristic damage. Do not try to negotiate with the opponent yourself. Carefully read the protocol before signing it. If the section of the road on which the accident happened is in the field of view of the surveillance cameras, it should be noted in the protocol with an indication of the model and the chamber number.

    After the incident. After registration of all documents, contact your representative of your insurance company and report on the occurrence of the insured event. Then collate a package of documents about this incident and direct its insurer. You will also need to bring a car to inspect and fix damage by the representative of the insurance company. When you pass all the documents to the insurer, specify the date of registration, the number and timeline to which your case will be considered.

    What is formed by the amount of insurance payments on the CASCO

    Insurance option. There is a partial (damage) and full (from damage and hijacking) insurance. Casco from damage will be much cheaper - the cost of the policy on such a program may be lower by 20-40% than the price of full insurance policy.

    Insurance amount. Reduced (aggregate) and inexperienced (non-aggregate). When choosing an aggregate amount, you should consider that each subsequent insurance payment will reduce the size of the entire sum insured. A loose insured amount after the repair of the car will not change.

    Wear. Payments can be made both taking into account this factor and without it. If the contract states that the amount of payment will be calculated taking into account the wear, then the car enthusiast needs to be remembered that the more wear, the result will be the amount of insurance payments.

    What depends on the price of the CASCO policy

    The experience and age of the driver. The younger driver and the less his experience, the more expensive it will cost him the insurance policy.

    Term of insurance. The shorter the term of the insurance policy, the more expensive will be released every month if it is recalculated. Therefore, for many motorists, it is advantageous for insurance for a long period of time.

    Installment payment. Installment can increase the cost of the Casco Polis. This is a sought-after service, but since it laid certain risks, installments with installments will be more expensive than those providing for a one-time payment of the insurance premium.

    Insurance story. If the vehicle owner has a break-interest-free housing history on CASCO or OSAGO, then the price of the policy will be less.

    Availability of anti-theft system. When signing the contract, it is required to indicate whether the car protection system is installed on the car. If so, it is necessary to register the model name and manufacturer's company. Than reliable systemThe cheaper the policy will cost you.

    The coverage provided for by the contract. If you want to protect your car at the maximum, and when purchasing the policy, you specify that you need the maximum coating (hijacking, damage in all cases, etc.), then insurance will cost more. But at the same time, CASCO compensation will completely cover your costs.

    The presence of franchise. If when purchasing the policy you decide to include a franchise in it, then in the end it will cost you cheaper. But if accidents happen, then the final payment will be equal to the amount of damage to the deduction of the franchise.

    If the insurance company responds with refusal to appeal to the CASCO, then there are several reasons. Perhaps the insureders misunderstood the terms of the contract, began to act independently from the best motives - all this often leads to a negative result. Why can an insurance company refuse to pay?

    Causes of refusal to pay

    Violation of traffic rules. In a number of insurance contracts, it may be indicated that the accident, which occurred due to the fault of the Insured person, is not an insured event. Such traffic accidents may include those due to significant exceeding speed, driving in a state of narcotic or alcoholic intoxication, travel to the prohibitive signal of the traffic light, intersection of double solid and departure on the counter movement. According to traffic rules, drivers are allowed to leave on the road only on a good car.

    Incorrect actions when an insured event occurs. It often happens so that people lose the opportunity to receive insurance payments on the CASCO due to a number of errors. Below are the most common.

    • Independent full or partial repairs TC. Many motorists prefer to repair their car on their own, so as not to ride on a broken car. Then they provide an insurance company check or photos of repaired damage and believe that such measures are enough. But this is not like this: when inspecting the car, the expert will not be able to assess the degree of damage. As a result, payment will be denied. Therefore, do not repair the car yourself before the estimated expertise will be conducted by the representative of the insurance company.
    • Incompretation of the police. Casco damage can not be made if not to declare the damage to the car immediately after their detection. If you left the scene, the police will not be able to restore the course of events and the process of damage. Consequently, the protocol will not reflect the reason for their appearance. As a result, in obtaining insurance payments, it will most likely be denied. That is why it is necessary to call representatives of the law enforcement agencies immediately after an accident or detect damage by car.

    Questions and Answers about Casco

    We have collected for you answers to frequently asked questions about car insurance for Casco.

    Conclusion of the Treaty

    Are there any discount on casco for a satellite anti-theft system, is it necessary a garage, guarded parking?

    According to the terms of insurance, you can choose any vehicle in the car in our company. We do not require a paid protected parking, and our company does not provide discounts for the installation of a satellite anti-theft system. Nevertheless, we have some mandatory conditions At the time of acceptance for insurance for some car models. You can find out more detail by producing a correct calculation on our website or in the sales office.

    If the car is not yet registered, does the risk of "embarrassment"?

    Yes, acts. However, by law, you must register a car in the traffic police within 10 business days after purchase.

    Is it possible to conclude an agreement on an electric car or a right-hand drive car?

    There are no general restrictions on the type of engine insmentia, however, their restrictions can be introduced in your region.

    Should I provide 2 sets of keys and keyfobs?

    You place as much as you have, it is fixed in the inspection certificate.

    What belongs to the external body items?
    • Bumpers (front and rear, including overlays),
    • bumper grille,
    • radiator grille,
    • front wings,
    • thresholds of left / right sidewalls,
    • wings rear,
    • salon / Cab Doors (including opening handles),
    • motor hood,
    • cover / trunk door,
    • roof (including metal hatch),
    • plugs on body parts,
    • lining on the headlights (if included or insured as an additional equipment).
    When should I provide a car for inspection when insuring CASCO? Inspection is not required if you renew the CASCO insurance contract under the same conditions as what year, while you did not have insured cases over the past year. Is it possible to place CASCO for half a year on a credit car?

    No, you can insure a car for 1 year.

    Is it possible to insure the CASCO if there are some damage by car?

    Yes, we can accept such a car for insurance, but damaged parts will not be insured until you repaired them and do not provide a car to inspection, where we will fix that with them now everything is in order.

    Can I be a policyholder when only my father will be allowed to manage? Yes, you can be a policyholder, but the insured event applies only to people who are insured under the CASCO Agreement, that is, they are inscribed in this policy (or the contract is concluded with the condition "without restrictions of persons admitted to the management of the vehicle").

    Calculation of value

    Why did the cost of CASCO increased, I was not a culprit of an accident? According to the CASCO insurance contract, your car is insured, and not the driver's responsibility before the victim in an accident, so we reimburse the damage regardless of whether you are a culprit or victim, respectively, when calculating the cost of the CASCO policy for the next year, every insured event occurred during Actions of the previous contract. Why did my car become cheaper, and did CASCO become more expensive?

    Every year the car loses a certain percentage of its value, so the insurance amount under the contract is annually decreased. But, if you want the depreciation wear to be taken into account, it is possible to place a GAP (non-informed insurance amount).

    On the site my car was estimated at 1 million rubles. I can increase the cost of up to 1.5 million rubles.?

    The average market value of the vehicle is possible or to increase, or reduce only by 5%.

    Do you have discounts on family position, disability? No, there are no such discounts, but we have discounts for age, driver experience, trouble-free driving on CTP or at CASCO in our company.

    Insurance case

    If the driver is not part of the CASCO policy, will the compensation be upon the occurrence of the insured event?

    Only those drivers who are inscribed in the Casco Policy are insured. But you can always make a policy without restrictions on the number of drivers.

    Does PJSC "Rosgosstrakh" pays the costs associated with the car rental during the repair of my car?

    In accordance with the rules of voluntary insurance, the TS PJSC SC "Rosgosstrakh" compensates for the expenses of the car rental of the car for a limited period during the location of the insured TC in repair. The order, conditions and deadlines for the provision of a car are established by the insurance contract.

    What is% wear per year?

    The insurance contract was established unconditional franchise on the risks "Theft" and "Damage", for cases of the full actual and constructive death of the vehicle, in the following sizes, in% of the sum insured: in relation to the TC 1 year of operation - 20% per year; Regarding the TC 2nd and the next years of operation - 12% per year.

    What is Total and how much does it make?

    The complete death of the car - causing the vehicle of such damage, in which its repair turns out to be economically inexpedient. This means that the cost of reducing repair is equal to or exceeds 65% valid value The insured TC at the date of the conclusion of the insurance contract, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

    If the TC credit and policy is drawn up for the loan balance, when the insured event occurs in what size will payments be made?

    Payments will be made in proportion to the sum insured.

    Is there possible payments with money, not to repair?

    The priority form of compensation is the repair of the vehicle. At the same time insurance compensation (payment in cash or repair at the station maintenance) It may depend on the conditions of the prisoner of the insurance contract, the risk in which the appeal and other features of the settlement process provided for in the insurance rules are carried out.

    Do I need to show a car renovated after an insured event if the action policy continues?

    No need if the insured repairs the car in our direction. If a payment was received as a compensation in monetary form, then in accordance with the rules: "After restoring (repair), the TC The Insured is obliged to provide the CU for inspection of the insurer. In case of failure of the vehicle for inspection upon the occurrence of the following insured event at the risk of "damage" (in case of damage to the vehicle), damage is not reimbursed in damage to the same parts, nodes, TC units, and at risk of "embarrassment" and the risk of "damage" in the case of complete The actual or constructive death of the insurance payment defined in the manner prescribed by the Rules decreases to the amount of insurance payments made by the insurer for the previous occurrence. "

    24-hour customer support

    With the insurance case, we will advise you by phone at any time of the day and night without breaks and weekends. Remember our free short number (for calls with mobile phones) or call 8-800-200-99-77 . Specialists of Rosgosstrach will tell how to insure a car on Casco, and will answer all the questions you are interested in.

    What does Rosgosstrakh company on the Mini Casco Insurance Program? Consider the features of such a policy, advantages and disadvantages. insurance product, and the rules for its design in 2020.

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    We list, from what risks is protected, what conditions should be performed in order to insure the machine. We describe the main features that are characterized by insurance.

    Thanks to the insurance of road transport, you can protect yourself from excess spending and legal disagreements with legislative standards Russia.

    A citizen when buying a car should figure out what is the policy of CCAMA and CASCO, as well as choose an insurance company where the contract will be concluded.

    What are the features of insurance Mini Casco in Rosgosstrakh? To protect yourself from financial spending that the driver expects in the event of an unexpected situation, it is worth insure your car.

    Therefore, it is advisable to acquire a policy that will protect against a number of risks. Rosgosstrakh's company has enough customers who insure their cars, and find out why.

    The company is the leader in the state institution. The company has many branches that offer many insurance services (more than 55 insurance products).

    Thanks to such multidimensions, products have become available and in demand in any region Russian Federation.

    The main directions of Rosgosstrakh:

    • OSAGO;
    • Casco;
    • Dsago;
    • accident Insurance;
    • life insurance;
    • medical policy, etc.

    Company insurance market It works for a long time, and has good experience, colossal assets and insurance reserves.

    Such excellent indicators arose due to the fact that the company is the direct successor to the Statestrate.

    Important moments

    If Osago is mandatory species Vehicle insurance, then CASCO is voluntary insurance From damage, hijacking and embezzlement.

    What it is

    Mini Casco is a new term that has become used since 2006. Provides for insurance only at risk of damage, and the cost of such a policy is lower than CASCO.

    What are the features of such insurance, consider further on the example of the program, which is offered by Rosgosstrakh.

    Pros and cons

    Pluses Mini Casco:

    • you can insure cars from the hijacking, accident, other force majeure;
    • it is possible to obtain partial payment of tow trucks;
    • the term of depreciation (wear) is not taken into account when transferring money on insurance is carried out;
      Insurance amount static indicators;
    • you can compensate up to 75% of the price of transport;
    • there are no difficulties in making an insurance policy;
    • do not take into account the age and experience of the driver, as well as auto indicators;
    • it is possible to choose additional insurance;
    • requirements regarding the storage of the vehicle are not established;
      Insurance fee can be made in;
    • rosgosstrakh company has a wide range of car dealerships of machines throughout the Russian Federation.

    Disadvantages of the policy:

    Regulatory regulation

    CASCO insurance rules are prescribed in the legislative, which was adopted by the authorities of the Russian Federation on November 27, 1992. But each insurance company makes applements and changes.

    Auto Casco Protection in Rosgosstrakh

    Insurers offer customers such insurance options:

    • compensation is paid at the hijacking or in the event that the death of the machine is recorded;
    • insurance by cases of accidentin which the owner of the car is guilty;
    • it offers repair of the body part of the machine or replacing certain parts;
    • other cases.

    It is worth knowing these features of the policy in Rosgosstrakh:

    1. You can get it compensation payment On separate risk - or at risk of damage to the machine, or insurance of specific nodes of the car is carried out.
    2. It is possible to select 1 of 3 program options.
    This is "anti-crisis" In which only transport is insured, which is not mortgaged and is not issued on credit. Compensation will be paid if the culprit of an accident is not a client of the company
    The second option is "mini" The essence of the program is that the person who issued the policy makes an insurance sum in the amount of 50%. If during the period established by the Agreement does not occur the insured event, the second part of the insurance amount is not entered. Otherwise, the condition for obtaining a risk payment is to pay for the remaining part of the Insurance amount.
    Program "Protection" is represented by 3 options They insure only foreign cars that are not more than 7 years old, as well as domestic machines by age up to 5 years; insure the TS of foreign and domestic production, the age of which is from 3 to 12 years; insure the same cars, but offering other conditions under the contract

    We will deal with what exactly the insurance of mini casco in Rosgosstrakh is attracted. The essence of the insurance program is that with minimal waste, motorists can get polishes.

    Feature - Insurance is carried out only by some risks, which will be talked later.

    The innovation - the company carries out the payment of insurance if the car is damaged by the fault of the person with whom the contract is issued.

    List of necessary documents

    To buy a mini Casco, a citizen must prepare some documents. It:

    • passport;
    • certificate of registration of vehicles;
    • machine documentation, which includes a vehicle passport, a car purchase agreement, certificates from customs, etc.;
    • old sample policy, if there is;
    • design documentation (if relevant);
    • documentation on the anti-theft system.

    It is also necessary to hold, the specialist will make the necessary act, on the basis of which the insurance amount will be determined.

    Order order

    The insurance contract must be written. A number of information is prescribed to it:

    • data on insurance firm;
    • information about the person who wishes to purchase a policy;
    • data on the owner of transport;
    • conference data;
    • indicate which transport insure (describe all characteristics);
    • prescribed, within the limits of which territorial district the policy is valid;
    • schedu over each insurance risk;
    • reflect the cost and period during which insurance will act;
    • information about each driver who has the right to drive a car;
    • other conditions that will be agreed by the insurer and the insured.

    The second part of the agreement should reflect the rights and obligations of the Parties, the requirements for the insurance facility, the rules that parties should adhere to when terminating the contract.

    Video: Casco Rosgosstrakh

    Actions are described when an insured event occurs. The contract should be drawn up on the form that is developed and approved by the insurance organization.

    What risks protect

    We list the risks from which you can insure:

    • from hijacking;
    • from the risk of getting into an accident, in which 2 or more machines participate;
    • from fire;
    • from natural force majeure;
    • from falling under the ice;
    • from vehicle tipping;
    • from damage to the machine fallen object;
    • from intentional damage to third parties.

    But the insurance fee will not be paid in this case:

    • it was recorded that the driver at an accident was drunk;
    • damage to the vehicle was deliberate;
    • if it is found that the car was faulty;
    • the car was driven by a person who did not fit into insurance;
    • The vehicle was used to teach a third party to driving, or participated in auto racing;
    • happened in the territory where the policy did not act;
    • the car has failed the part that had a factory marriage, or she was worn;
    • TC is used in a situation that is illegal;
    • a car is vigorous because of the guilt of the driver;
    • with a small scratch, damage or theft, which is not specified.

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