
Application for insurance fees on CTP. Application for the payment of insurance compensation

Determines the insured case as a raised event provided for by the contract or law, with the onset of which the insurer's obligation arises to pay the policyholder to pay the insured person, the beneficiary or other third parties.

At the same time, the size of the maximum payment, its deadlines, the methods of accrual are also defined by the insurance contract. According to the OSAgo, the insurance case is the commissioning of an accident with one of the drivers, inscribed in Polis, or any driver, if the policy is decorated without limiting the number admitted to the management, as a result of which the harm of life, health or property of third parties is harmful.

Beneficients under the AUTRITECTANGE Treaty, that is, those who have the right to get paid from the insurance company, become victims as a result of the accident.

What documents are needed for registration?

Proper paperwork when making - the key to the fact that the victim receives compensation for damage in a timely manner and in full, and the perpetrator does not have to pay for the repair of someone else's car from his pocket.

It is recommended to carry a special reminder with, it can be obtained at the office of the insurance company when buying a policy or independently download on the Internet, for example, on the RS website, and print.

For registration crashes on the CTP and receiving payment will be required:

Besides, for a victim, an individual will be necessary:

  • the passport of the owner or other person who appeals for the payment - in this case it will still need notarized power of attorney from the owner of the car to represent his interests in the insurance company and receiving the payment;
  • certificate of registration of the vehicle, in its absence of PTS;
  • driving license of one who was driving at the time of the accident;
  • requisites bank account To enumerate compensation.

For a victim, a legal entity will require:

  • charter: First, last pages and page with the authority of the head;
  • certificate O. state registration legal entity;
  • certificate of tax accounting;
  • order on the appointment of the head;
  • the passport of the representative who will contact the person of the company in insurance company, and power of attorney;
  • travel sheet and driver's license of that employee who drove at the time of the accident;
  • certificate of car registration and TCP;
  • extract from the register;
  • details of the current account.

If the harm of life and health is applied, it will take:

  • passport of the victim;
  • passport of the legal representative and a document confirming its powers to act on behalf of the victim;
  • bank details for translation;
  • documents OT. medical organizationwhich was delivered or independently addressed the victim confirming the nature of the injured and injury, diagnosis and period of disability;
  • documents confirming: costs associated with the purchase of drugs and treatment, lost earnings, prosthetics, care with the help of unauthorized persons, the cost of a special vehicle upon receipt of disability due to accidents, loss of the breadwinner, funeral costs.

About the procedure for compensation for harm to health with an accident on the CCAMAGE read.

Attention!In addition, in all cases the victim or his legal representative will have to provide an application for the receipt of insurance payments. It can be written directly in the office of the company when submitting documents or independently before.

Step-by-step instruction

If these conditions are performed, then you can make an accident on a simplified scheme. For this you need:

  1. Make detailed pictures of the scene of the incident: overall planWhere the locality, detail debris and car location relative to each other, a close-up of damage and registration numbers of machines.
  2. Release the roadway.
  3. fill out an accident notification form. Each of the drivers should remain their instance.
  4. Within 5 business days, each of the participants addresses its insurance company.

If the use of Europrotokol is impossible, it is necessary to make photos of the accident site and go to the traffic police department for documenting documents, or cause an employee to place an accident. In this case, only the victim is also drawn to the insurance company, the term is also 5 working days.

More information about the procedure for action in case of accident For receipt of payments on the CTP you will find in.

We offer to watch a video with a detailed analysis of the design of an accident in Europrotokol:

How to write a statement?

Statement of insurance payment is possible to fill in the office of the company with the help of employees or independently, the form can be downloaded on the website of your insurer. The following data must be specified:

Terms and expenses

Take advantage of ours online calculator To calculate OSAGO online - compare prices in various insurance companies. Save from 1,498 to 3 980 rubles, as the base rate may differ by 20%. No need to go to the office - you will receive an insurance policy on your e-mail

In addition, paragraph 15.2 of the same article establishes that it should be made on time not more than 30 business days from the date of the vehicle delivery to the selected service station. If the victim did the failure, the payment is underestimated or the insurer delays, there are 10 working days to referred a claim for a pre-trial settlement.

Usually, the design of the necessary documentation for the receipt of insurance payments does not require any costs, with the exception of the situation when the victim resorted to the help of the emergency commissioner or the Saviorist. In this case, expenses are not compensated.

Attention! If, as a result of the accident, the services of the tow truck or payment of the parking for a damaged vehicle were required, then if there are confirming documents, these expenses will be included in the insurance payment.

The insured case on CTP is always stress, spending time and nerves. However, if during the commissioning of an accident, it is necessary to make all the necessary documents and comply with the deadlines for their submission to the insurance company, the payment will be made on time and in full. If the insurer violates its obligations, there is an effective tool - a pre-trial.

Application for receipt insurance compensation You can send by mail by registered letter with the notice. This will avoid time loss and queues in the insurance company.

The application must be applied to the decree (definition) in the case of an administrative offense, the conclusion about the cost of repair and all receipts on incurred costs.

In connection with the entry into force of the new administrative regulations of the traffic police, from October 20, 2017, the certificates about the accident are no longer issued, therefore, before the formation of a package of documents in the insurance, it is necessary to pay attention to the availability of information about the participants in the road accident in the decision or the definition of the case Because according to the provisions of the Federal Security Service of OSAGO, the provision of such information is required.

Address: 394030, Voronezh,
ul. Revolution of 1905, D.66

Ivanova Ivan Ivanovich
Address: 394000, Voronezh, ul. Krasnaya, d.33.
Contact phone: +712345678999


10.24.2016 at 14 o'clock. 10 min near the house number 16 on the street of the Minsk city of Voronezh Voronezh region there was a traffic accident with the participation of the Chevrolet Aveo G / N X111x136 and the Opel Astra car, which belongs to Petrova Olga Ivanovna belonging to me.
According to the decision on the case of an administrative offense No. 18810036150004099000 of 10/24/2016, the driver of the car was recognized as the driver of the car Opel Astra - Petrova Karina Mikhailovna. The driver's responsibility was insured at Rosgosstrakh LLC, Her Insurance Polis No. 03470000000.
As a result of a road accident, a car Chevrolet Aveo G / N X111XC136 was caused by mechanical damage, which is confirmed by the certificate of 36 AA No. 347000 on the road accident of 10/24/2016. In particular, it was damaged: the front left wing, the front bumper, front Left door, front left wheel.
25.10.2016 I sent a notice of the offensive insurance case With the help of the site www.rgs.ru. According to SMS, my business was registered for №0012345678.
10.26.2016 I turned to a car independent examination to determine the amount of damage from the accident, as well as the loss values commodity value Car as a result of damage and subsequent repairs.
10/30/2016 An inspection of the Chevrolet Car Aveo g / n x111xc136 took place. About the place and time of inspection LLC Rosgosstrakh was notified. Your representative was invited to inspection by telegram dated October 26, 2016, which is confirmed by the corresponding postal notice.
According to expert opinion No. 111 / K-16 of 30.10.2016, the cost of the restoration repair of Chevrolet Aveo car, taking into account the wear of the replaceable parts amounted to 34,755 rubles. 82 kopecks.
According to concluding No. 111 / K * 16, the magnitude of the loss of the commodity value of October 30, 2016 was 6684 rubles. 00 cop.
The cost of assessing the damage from accidents and the calculation of the CTS amounted to 5600 rubles. 00 kopecks, which is confirmed by the receipt of October 30, 2016
Postal expenses amounted to 343 rubles. 40 kopecks, which is confirmed by the Chekki FSUE "Mail of Russia" of October 26, 2016
Thus, the amount of damage from the accident, subject to insurance compensation on the basis of the Civil Code of the Civil Code and the Federal Summary of the OSAGO, is: 34755.82 + 6684 + 5600 + 343.40 \u003d 47383 rubles. 22 kopecks
Based on the above, in accordance with Art. 13 of the Law "On mandatory insurance Civil liability of vehicle owners "I ask for 30 days to list the insurance payment in the amount of 47383 rubles for the provisional account. 22 kopecks

"___" _______ 201__

Ivanov I.I.

In justifying their requirements, I apply the following documents:
1. Resolution in the case of an administrative offense - 1 sheet.
2. Information about the participants in the road accident - 1 sheet.
3. Expert conclusion No. 111 / K-16 of 30.10.2016 (including: receipts on payment of services for determining the amount of damage, postal expenses, telegram in LLC Rosgosstrakh, a notice of a presentation, a conclusion about the value of the TCB) - 22 sheets.
4. Notice of accidents - 1 sheet.
5. Bank details for ruble translations - 1 sheet.
6. Copy of PTS 77NT 400071 on a / m Chevrolet Aveo g / n x111xc136 - 1 sheet.
7. A copy of the registration certificate of TS 3622 No. 902345 on Chevrolet Aveo g / n x111xc136 - 1 sheet.
8. A copy of the driver's license of 36 s. 000001 in the name Ivanova I.I. - 1 sheet.
9. Copy insurance Polisa. Her series №00000000 at a / m Chevrolet Aveo g / n x111xc136 - 1 sheet.
10. Screenshot of SMS-messages from the site rgs.ru - 1 sheet.
11. Copy of the passport owner of A / m Chevrolet Aveo g / n x111xc136 - 1 sheet.
12. A copy of this application.

Under insurance compensation on the CTP, a certain amount of money is understood as the basis of compulsory transport insurance contract is obliged to pay the insurer to the victim in the occurrence of risk. This money amount Must cover caused damage to life, health and property of the victim.

Important! The law on OSAA restricts. For damage, the property is maximally paid 400 thousand rubles, for damage to life and health - 500 thousand rubles, each victim (?).

Cases when you want to send an insurer

The application for the receipt of insurance payments under the AUTOGRATION Agreement is always applied when an insured event occurs.

In fact, the application is the official notification of the insurance company that it should produce damages received by the victim in a traffic accident. About whether it is possible to get paid if the car burned down or was born, read.

Procedure for drawing

To begin with, you need to understand that each Insurance Company uses his application form To receive compensation under the OSAGO Agreement. You can get this form either in the territorial office of the insurer, or download on the official website of the insurance company.

At the same time, all forms of statements have the same completion graphs and in fact, only design differs. Below is presented step-by-step instruction to fill such a statement in the general case.

What documents do you need to attach?

According to clause No. 3.10 of the rules of insurance of cars in obligatory, the following package of documents must be applied to the application for insurance compensation:

  1. The original passport of the driver who was driving the car during an accident.
  2. Documents on the insured car: STS or PTS. If the machine is in long-term lease or leasing, then a copy of the contract confirming this fact.
  3. A4 S. bank detailsTo which compensation must be listed, certified by the applicant's signature.
  4. A certificate of a traffic accident, if the accident was issued by the traffic police officers.
  5. Notice of a traffic accident, if the participants in the accident independently issued it. It must be signed by all participants in the accident.
  6. A copy of the decision on the initiation of the case on the fact of an administrative offense.
  7. A copy of the refusal to initiate a criminal case by law enforcement officers.

If the application is applied by proxy, the original document is added to the document package (as?).

In addition to the above documents, with damage to the health of the victim, it is necessary to additionally complete the statement by the following documents:

  1. Help from the ambulance brigade, which provided the first medical assistance to the victim in place.
  2. Help from the hospital, if the victim itself applied for medical care.

Also, if the victim temporarily lost ability to work, then it should be attached to a set of documents a certificate with the conclusion of a medical commission, as well as a certificate from the place of all-income.

A package of documents on the most unpleasant outcome of the road accident is a mansion: when the victim died. In this case, the set of documents should be supplemented as follows:

  1. Copy of death certificate.
  2. Help on the composition of the family of the deceased.
  3. Certificates of the birth of minor children.
  4. Certificates from social protection bodies.
  5. Documents confirming the cost of the burial procedure of the deceased.

From all the originals of documents, an insurer employee must remove copies, independently assure them and return the originals to the applicant.

Read more about what documents should be provided to obtain insurance payments on the CTP, you can find out.

Where should I contact?

The question in the title of this section of the article does not have a direct response, as it all depends on the circumstances of the incident.

Only people suffered

Passengers and pedestrians for the receipt of insurance payments should apply to the insurance company of the culprit of the road accident. More nuances about how the payment on the CTP will be paid, you can learn in.

Suffered a car

In this embodiment, two developments are possible:

  • if 2 or more vehicles participated in the traffic accident, all participants in the accidents are insurance of the OSAGO and the accident itself occurred as a result of the collision of vehicles, the victim should apply to its insurance company;
  • if at least one of the conditions described above is not met, the victim should apply to the insurance company of the culprit of the accident.

At the conclusion of the OSAJO Agreement, the insurer, together with the policy, gives the car owner the insurance rules, which indicates the procedure for the insured person when the insurance event occurs. In the case of an accident, it is necessary to clearly adhere to the requirements and contact the insurance company in a timely manner.

When is it necessary to apply for an insurance case on the OSAGO? The deadline for submission

Mandatory insurance of civil liability of car owners is fully regulated by law. The main regulatory legal acts are the law of April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ and the position of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of September 19, 2014 No. 431-P, in accordance with which the insurance rules are established, the procedure for the action of the accident participants to receive compensation on the CTP policy.

In the policy of Osago is insured civil responsibility The driver in front of the third parties, respectively, to receive compensation when an insurance event occurred can only be affected by the party. For this, the car owner recognized as the affected member of the accident should appeal to the insurer with the relevant statement.

In accordance with the rules, the car owner must report an incident and provide a package of documents to the insurance company as soon as possible, but no later than 5 working days from the moment of the accident (paragraph 3.8 of provisions No. 431-P).

In the presence of good reasons that have a confirmation (treatment in the hospital after an accident, etc.), the insurance company can go to the autowner meeting and extend the appeal.

In other cases, if the insured person violates the deadline for submission of the application, the issue of obtaining compensation is solved in court.

Dates of the longitudency

The limitation of the OSAGO is limited to a certain period of time. Under the claim itself, the period is understood during which the person whose rights are violated may be defended its position in court.

Consideration of CTP Insurance Affairs belongs to the general procedural process, which means the term of limitation It is 3 years (Art. 196, paragraph 2 of Art. 966 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The countdown of the period begins with the date when the car owner learned or could find out:

  • on refusal to compensation for damage by the insurer;
  • about violation of the timing of the consideration of the statement of payment;
  • on compensation for damage in the underestimated amount (Resolution of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of January 29, 2015 No. 2).

Insurance cases - what applies to them

Compensation of damage to the policy of the CTP is provided only in a number of specific cases:

  • the insured driver hit the pedestrian, moving on the car indicated in the policy, as a result of which the affected face was injured or died;
  • a car owner who has a policy of CTP, when driving a car, a collision has collided with another TC, as a result of which the passenger and / or the driver of another car suffered;
  • the insured car owner made a collision with another TC, thereby harming the property of a third party;
  • the accident suffered another property (fence, building, etc.).

Upon the occurrence of one of the above cases, the insurance company will obliged to pay compensation to the parties affected by the accident.

Grounds for refusal

In the insurance contract, the rights and obligations of the parties of the transaction are prescribed. In addition to the list of insurance cases, when damage compensation is relying, a number of situations are also indicated in the contract in which the insurer has the right to refuse the applicant to pay on legal grounds. The basis for refusal may be the following circumstances:

  • the culprit of the accident is not inscribed in the policy of Osago;
  • the dates of appeal to the insurance company are violated with a statement of damage to the injured person;
  • the term of the policy has expired at the time of the incident;
  • the car was damaged as a result of racing competitions;
  • TC received damage as a result of the carriage of large or incorrectly fixed cargo;
  • the affected accident participant during the incident fulfilled his official duties and should have had an individual insurance policy;
  • intentional collision in order to obtain compensation from the insurer.

The policy of OSAGO covers only the damage caused during an accident property, life and health of the affected participant. Compensation for moral damage The insurance company is not obliged to pay.

The bankruptcy of the insurer is not a basis for refusing to pay. In this case, the car owner needs to be applied to the compensation in the Russian Union of motorways (RSA).

How to make an application for the occurrence of the insured event and compensation for damage? What data must be specified?

The application form, as a rule, can be obtained in the insurer's office, the staff will provide a sample to fill it. The statement necessarily indicates the following information:

  • the name of the insurance company, where the appeal is addressed;
  • data of the affected member of the accident (FULL NAME, address, passport data);
  • information about the vehicle of the culprit of the accident (brand and model of the car, license plates, information about the driver, which ruled the car at the time of the accident);
  • information about the car of the affected participant of the incident (brand and model of the machine, wine code, series and number of the CTC, registration signs);
  • accurate description of the scene of the incident with the time and address;
  • the details of the accident, including the list of damage received by the car and / or damage caused by the affected side of the affected side;
  • series and number insurance contract OSAGO as the affected party and the culprit of the accident;
  • the list of additional costs associated with the incident (call a tow truck, payment of parking and other).

The statement indicates a list of all documents that the car owner reports to the representative of the insurer, together with the application for damages.

Download a sample and a form of statements about insurance compensation on the CTP

What documents do you need to attach

In addition to the application of the victim member of an accident Additionally provides the insurer a package of documents. Depending on the damage obtained, the list of necessary papers will be different.

To compensation for damage to property

The package includes:

  • civil owner civilian passport;
  • passport TS, certificate of registration of the vehicle, insurance policy OSAGO;
  • power of Attorney and Passport of the Trustee, if an avtowel is not drawn in the insurance;
  • notification if the accident was issued without the participation of traffic police officers (Europrotokol);
  • the protocol of the accident, if the traffic police officers were called to the scene;
  • a copy of the decree on an administrative offense.

In some cases, other documents at the request of the insurer can also include other documents. For example, a decision on the initiation of a criminal case or, on the contrary, a certificate of refusal to initiate a case, conclusion of an independent examination.

For compensation for harm to life or health

If people suffered as a result of the accident, the following documents are added to the above documents:

  • certificate of provision medical care victims on the site of an accident;
  • cONCLUSION OF THE MEDICAL COMMISSION, if injuries received during an accident served as a basis for disability.

If people died as a result of an accident, it will be necessary to provide such papers:

  • a copy of death certificate;
  • certificate of family composition, indicating incapable and minors;
  • certificates of the birth of children under 18 years and certificates from educational institutions;
  • documents from guardianship and guardianship bodies;
  • confirmation of expenses for ritual services.

Where to feed paper

The full package of documents The victim of the accident submits to the insurance company issued to him the policy of the CTP, if only property was inflicted in the incident, and both participants have acting insurance (clause 1, Art. 14.1. Note No. 40-FZ). If people suffered in an accident, it is necessary to contact the insurer of the culprit of the accident.

The packet of documents can be provided in the following ways:

  • with a personal visit to the office of the company;
  • mail departure.

With a personal hand, the statement must be prepared in two copies or make a copy. On the second instance, an insurance company employee must put a mark on receiving documents.

By mail, documents should be sent by registered letter with the description of the investment and the notice of the presentation. The insurer is obliged for 20 calendar days from the date of receipt of a full package of documents to consider the application of the car owner victim in an accident, make a document on compensation of a loss with an indication of the compensation size and make payment. If the refund is carried out in the form of payment of the restoration repair, the insurer must organize this procedure within 30 days (clause 4.22 provisions No. 431-P).

Where to complain if the SC is not paying? How to act?

There are situations where the insurance company without legal grounds refuses to the applicant in the payment or underestimates the amount of compensation. In such cases, it is necessary to act as follows:

  1. Write a claim to the superior management of the insurance company, having previously received a conclusion about the amount of damage from independent experts. Within 10 calendar days (clause 1, Article 16.1 of Law No. 40-FZ) The Insurer is obliged to respond to the claim.
  2. If the claim did not give the result, the next step will be the appeal to the RSA with a complaint about the unfair insurer.
  3. If the insurer's actions contradict the legislation, the car owner can send a complaint to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  4. The most effective way to resolve the dispute is to appeal to the court. When submitting a claim, it will be necessary to prevent proof pre-trial consideration Cases (claim insurer).


Insurance companies are very demanding of the applicants on the OSAGO. Even the slightest violation of the insurance rules can be caused to refuse payments. First of all, the affected car owner must clearly adhere to the timing of the appeal and comply with the requirements for documents.

By law on compulsory insurance, every car owner must have existing insurance. In this case, when an insured event occurs, the victim can count on compensation for material damage from the insurance company.

In which cases is applied to insurance?

To obtain compensation, you must send an application to the insurance company. However, before drawing up the application, it should be understood in what cases may be obtained material payment For damage, and when it is denied.

By law on CTP, payment of insurance compensation is carried out in the following cases:

  • the damage is caused by a vehicle, which is not indicated in insurance;
  • in case of compensation for moral damage;
  • with causing harm during competitions, educational or test drive;
  • if the accident was damaged environment vehicle;
  • if damage caused by the burden, which should be insured individually;
  • during the accident was damaged to third parties;
  • if the driver is guilty;
  • when applying harm during loading and unloading;
  • in case of damage to antique items.

How to make a statement?

To obtain timely compensation, it is necessary to create a statement correctly, otherwise the time of its consideration increases and the risk of its deviation is caused if it is incorrect.

  • Specifying the insurance company in which the statement is submitted;
  • Information about the affected side (passport details);
  • The exact time and place of the incident, indicating the address;
  • Description of the damage gained. Material damage - the car applied, the physical - participant of the accident;
  • Description of the circumstances of the accident;
  • O. Information vehicles Participants of the accident (culprit and affected). Model of car, brand, license plates, etc. There must be indicated data of insurance policies of both parties;
  • The way to deliver the injured car for examination;
  • Additional costs (evacuator pay, etc.);
  • The method of receiving payment for insurance.

The document form for making the necessary data for the application must be obtained in the insurance company.

At accident

After registration of the statement of reimbursement of expenses at an accident, it is necessary to follow the following steps:

  • Providing a car for inspection. After sending a statement to the insurance company about the payment money A day is prescribed for the inspection of the vehicle;
  • Obtaining a direction for expertise. The direction is issued by the insurance company, however, if it delays the direction, there is an opportunity to independently choose an organization to evaluate;
  • Examination. In assessing the damage not in the direction, it is necessary to notify the insurers;
  • Choosing a way to get insurance compensation: money or repair;
  • When the repair is selected, it is necessary to pass the car for the repair to the service station at the specified period;
  • Pick up the car after repair and sign an act of work.

List of necessary documents

The following documents are attached to the statement of insurance compensation:

  • a copy of the victim's passport;
  • power of attorney if a trustee is engaged in receipt of compensation;
  • TCP, registration certificate and other documents of the car;
  • The protocol from the scene, compiled by the traffic police representative;
  • Announcement of an accident if Europrotokol was compiled;
  • A copy of the decree on an administrative offense.

If during the accident, road users were injured, then the documents listed must add:

  • Medical certificate on the provision of first aid at the accident site and in a medical institution;
  • Conclusion of the medical commission, in the event of the loss of the participant of the accident due to the injuries caused by injuries.

If one of its participants died at the accident, then the following documents must be applied to obtain compensation:

  • A copy of the death certificate of the participant of the accident;
  • Certificate of family composition, indicating incapable and minor members;
  • Certificates of the birth of minors and certificates from their educational institutions;
  • Documents from guardianship and guardianship bodies;
  • Confirmation of funeral expenses.

If the victim wants to receive compensation for the lost earnings, as a result of temporary incapacity due to the accident, it should be provided to the insurance company:

  • Medical conclusion to confirm the loss of labor capacity;
  • Certificate from the place of income;
  • Checks confirming the costs of buying drugs, treatment and so on.

The deadline for submission

Depending on the form of fixing an accident, the application is submitted to the following instances:

  • in the insurance company of the culprit of the accidentIf the protocol was compiled by the traffic police inspector and the damage was caused not only to the car, but also the driver.
  • in the insurance companyWith which a mandatory insurance agreement is concluded if Europrotokol was compiled in the incident.

Application to the insurance company about the payment of insurance compensation must be sent within 7 days From the moment of the occurrence of the insured event. This can be done in one of the following ways:

  • personally contacting the company's office;
  • via a phone call;
  • by filling out a special form on the website of the insurance agency.

After the insurer was notified of the road accident, the victim has time for collecting and preparing necessary documents:

  • 5 days if the accident occurred within the city:
  • 15 days if the accident occurred in the district remote from the city;

If the documents are not submitted on time, the insurance company may refuse to pay.

Consideration of the application

After receiving all the necessary documents, the insurance organization considers them and within 20 days Appoints time and place for expertise on damage assessment. After confirming the damage done, The company is obliged for 20 calendar days to carry out insurance payments to the victim.

If the victim does not suit the amount paid, it is entitled to appeal to re-evaluate the damage to an independent organization, which will be carried out by further execution of insurance payments.

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