
How to take a settlement account through a Sberbank ATM. How to find out the billing account of a bank card. Details Sberbank-Download PDF

Estimated and personal accounts are used to commit banking operations with movement and storage money. From the article we learn what is the difference between them, how to open the estimated and personal account in Sberbank, how to find out your account number.

What is a settlement account of the Sberbank card

Settlement account (P / C) is a personal number that is assigned to the Bank's customer. Designed to store funds, for committing money transfers and payments.

P / C is not used to obtain interest on deposits or for savings. Its goal is a safe and quick access to finance on the first request of the client. Such accounts are called "to demand", and money can be made and shoot at any convenient time.

Individual entrepreneurs with the help of P / C are carried out commercial activity. Receal from sales, and also pay for the necessary payments: wages to employees, payments to the budget and tax contributions.

The p / s for an individual is more often called "current" or "facial". It is used to store their own money, which are not involved in business activities.

What does the current account need

Opening P / C gives the owner the opportunity:

  • transfer profits to the bank for the purpose of storage on non-cash account
  • carry out non-cash payments between partners and customers
  • calculate for goods, services
  • pay wages employees of the organization
  • pay insurance contributions in PFR and taxes.

Limited Liability Company, Ltd. is prohibited to work without a current account, and IP open it at its discretion.

How to find out the account number of the Sberbank Card

Plastic card - banking tool for storage and use of money. Each released card is tied to the P / C number to which the additional cards can be opened.

In Sberbank online

Checking account bank card You can find in your personal account in Sberbank online. For this you need:

  1. go to the official website of Sberbank
  2. select item Sberbank Online
  3. enter the login (identifier) \u200b\u200band the password that the client receives when receiving a plastic card or independently in an ATM.
  4. go to the menu Cards and choose an interesting card
  5. select tab Information on a map

In the information on the map, specify general client data, the name and number of the card account, and the account status. If you click on the button Details for translation to the card account You will receive all the information on the payment instrument that you can print, save or send by email.

In mobile application

The algorithm of action is the same as through the Bank's website.

  1. enter personal Area using login and password
  2. in point Cards Click on the desired card
  3. open Detailed information Or press the button Show details.


This is the easiest way to get data without contacting the office and without Internet access. There are two algorithm for receiving record details.

The first algorithm:

  1. enter PIN ()
  2. select section My bills
  3. select a map that you need to know the account number
  4. press Print details.

The second algorithm:

  1. insert the card into the terminal or ATM
  2. enter PIN code
  3. select section Regional services (In the Terminal "Information and Services" - "Regional Services")
  4. select item Search for organizations organizations, my services
  5. press Printing record details
  6. after receipt of the receipt, do not forget to pick up the map by clicking on the option. Complete service

In the documents received

The account number can be viewed in the service agreement, which is between the bank and the client upon receipt. It is indicated on the last page of the contract, under the row with the date and signature of the client.

If you received a card with a pin-envelope, then it also prescribes the plastic card account number. It is listed next to the client name.

Through the bank's call center

In case of lost documents on the Bank's products, you can contact the Bank's customer support service for the free number 8-800-555 55 50 or 900 . For calls from Moscow there is a number +7-495-500-55-50 . Free room hot line works around the clock.

To provide confidential information on customer accounts, an employee of the support service will task a number of issues to clarify and identify the holder. The client must provide:

  • the code word is a protective word that the client creates when making a map
  • passport details

After the data received, the specialist will inform the number of the current account.

In the Sberbank branch

To obtain data on the R / C, you must contact the department of the credit institution. This method will require more time than the rest. To appeal to the department, take with you plastic card and passport.

An employee of a credit institution will print details where OGRN, TIN, BIC, the address of the bank's separation and the number of the R / s will be indicated.

How to open a bill account in Sberbank

Before opening p / s, decide on the currency and account type. It can be card, current and deposit.

Current account - for storing funds and conducting operations in the national and foreign currency. It is recommended to use for operations with large sums. The current accounts do not provide for passive receipt of income from interest accrual to the residue. For transactions for such a type R / C, a bank institution is needed.

How to check the balance

You can check the balance in Sberbank online, in mobile applicationBy contacting the bank branch or by calling a call center.

To obtain data through Sberbank-online, you must pass authorization in the system and select the desired product. The amount available to use is balance.

When you call a support personnel, you must provide code word or passport data. After identifying the client, the employee will announce the available balance.

What is the personal account of the bank card Sberbank

  • 1 The digit is the payment system to which the map belongs: Visa - Number 4, MasterCard - 5, Maestro - 3, 5 or 6, World - 2.
  • 1-6 numbers - unique number The branch in which the map was released
  • 7-15 Figures - shows information by type of map: credit or debit, currency, as well as a region in which a card has been released.
  • 16 The digit is the control and serves to verify the correctness of the specified number.

4 ways to find out the card number

Payment tools can be:

  • on the front side of the plastic card. The number is applied by a way of an Ident printing or laser engraving, also squeeze with volumetric numbers - the method of embossing.
  • in the personal office Sberbank-online. The "Maps tab" contains all the necessary information, including the number in abbreviated form - the last 4 digits.
  • in case of personal contact with the bank with a passport. Employee, verifying passport data, will provide the necessary information.
  • in a contract issued when making a card.

On a call to the Customer Support Center, you cannot find out the card number. A specialist will only be able to name the account number to which the card is tied. Information by the map number is not disclosed to third parties, so you can get data only in your product.

How to find out the card holder

You can not find out the full name of the cardholder, as the information is confidential and is not subject to disclosure. But there is a way - through the Sberbank-online service. For this you need:

  1. authorized in the system using login and password
  2. select tab Payments and translations
  3. select item Transfer to private lich
  4. on a new page Translation of Sberbank Client. Enter the full number of the bank card in the corresponding field
  5. press the button Translate
  6. on the page to confirm the transfer in the graph Recipient The map holder will be displayed on which the translation is translated.

All other ways to find out the name of the card holder are illegal.

As a number and account of the card learn the bank

In the number and account of the bank card is encrypted information. It contains data:

  • o, released a card
  • about currency,
  • about payment system,
  • status and type map.

Ways to identify the issuer bank by map number:

With the help of online services: bindb or binlist. To do this, specify the first 6 digits of the card - this is an individual bin that encodes information about the payment system and the Issuer Bank. The ownership of the card to Sberbank reflects such bin: 4276 , 67758 , 4279 , 63900 , 54693 .

You can get information about the bank that has released a product can be used by the 20-digit account number to which the map is tied. Such information contains the digits of the calculated or personal account. from 10 to 13.

3 ways to find out the Sberbank branch that released the card

Using an account and card number, you can get information about the compartment, which issued a payment instrument.

On the official Sberbank website

The required information contains the number on the front side of the card for the full name of the holder specified by the fraction.

  1. go to the site and open the tab Departments and ATMs
  2. in the search bar, enter the first digits through the fraction

After entering information, the full address of the department will be shown.

In a personal office

  1. authorized in the system
  2. select a map for which you need to get information
  3. click on obtaining detailed information.
  4. in the window that opens, details will be displayed for the payment order, and the address of the department that has released a card will be specified at the bottom.

With ATM

  1. insert the card into an ATM and enter the PIN code
  2. select tab My bills
  3. select a map and print props.

The received check contains the necessary information.


For security purposes, it is necessary to remember that reporting data on the P / C or card number to unauthorized people is prohibited. The information obtained can be used. The payment instrument number is allowed to communicate only if the client will be made money transfer. Any other information, for example, or PIN code - exceptionally personal information. It is impossible to report them to anyone, including bank employees.

Often holders of debit or credit cards Sberbank need to find out the number itself bank account (Personal account of the Sberbank card). Do not confuse the map number and the account number in the bank. The card number can be seen on the front of the plastic. It consists of 16 digits,

4 numbers in the block: 0000 0000 0000 0000 . Consumer account consists of 20 digits. You can see it when you conclude a contract banking service (DBO).

When performing online purchases, replenish the balance of the cellular operator, operations using self-service terminals, ATMs, etc., Sberbank cards are enough. But, if you need to transfer money to you to your account from another bank, then the details of your account need to know. The current account of the bank usually does not indulge in publicity, it will not be possible to see it on the map.


And so, to find out the account number of the Sberbank card, you need to find an envelope with the Card Issue Treaty and PIN code. If it is not, do entrance to your office Sberbank online . In the "Maps" section, follow the link "Show Requisites".

Here you will see the account number of the Sberbank card tied to a debit or credit card, a bik of the bank, correspondent. Account, Inn Branch of the Bank, PPC.

Also to find out the account number of the card in the bank, use the Sberbank Call.

After serving in the Sberbank customer support service, be prepared to pass identification, calling F.I.O., date of your birthday, card number, control response to the question. Sometimes ask the place of registration by passport.

After successful identification in the support service, you will be answered all the questions you are interested in.

If you have a loan in Sberbank or Mortgage, the bank usually sends an empty of debt every month, a bank account of the card can also be indicated.

If not one way does not suit you, the easiest - go to the nearest branch of Sberbank with a passport.

Organization's current account is a combination of 20 digits assigned to legal entities. It is applied to speed up financial operations. An example, when it may be necessary to learn the current account of any organization on the TIN, are remittances and debt recovery.

Settlement account structure

A set of numbers from which a combination is formed is not accidental. Each part of the room consists of information indicating the type of deposit. Consider as an example combination of 40802810456987236548.

Deposits of organizations opened in foreign banksmay have another structure. She is like russian standards or built on completely different principles. The most often found iban format. It is not yet available on the territory of the Russian Federation, but in the near foreign countries, such as Belarus and Kazakhstan, have already been adopted.

Together with the number of P / s details consist of the following names:

  • correspondent account;
  • address of separation of the bank;

It is not very difficult to find out the billing account on the Inn, in contrast to the clarification of the relevance of details. The latter may be lost due to blocking cases in cases provided by law.

How to find out the company's settlement account on TIN?

To clarify the R / s of Jurlitsa, the Inn should first contact the founders of the company or leadership. Legislation does not undertake entrepreneurs to provide details for public access. However, it is possible to find out the information that interests is in several ways:

  1. Through court. There must be objective reasons for circulation.
  2. With the help of public sources. Many companies provide on their website all details.
  3. In the payment services interface and the employees of bank branches. Actual for those LLC, which are suppliers of well-known services or goods.

Attention! If the second or third methods are selected, the INN will greatly simplify the search, since the user can verify that the details really belong to the company you need. However, this is relevant only if the company consists in bank list suppliers.

Data acquisition by foreign organization Different with its features, as all actions should take into account legislative norms another state.

Is it possible to find out the account number on the FTS website?

It is wrong to believe that you can find out the organization's account number on the INN tax Service. When entering tax number Ltd. either IP user gets free extract. However, P / C numbers there. The document contains only registration information and OGRN.

How to find out the account of the counterparty on the INN with the help of the contract?

If an agreement was signed earlier with the organization, then it is possible to obtain information in the section "Details of the Parties". In this case, attention should be paid to the indication of several P / s. This is practiced by companies that draw up deposits in several currencies. Typically, payment transactions with residents of the Russian Federation are held in rubles.

How to find out the settlement account of LLC on TIN through payments

To find out the requisites of interest is also available through payment documents issued as a result of payment for services or goods. P / s numbers are prescribed from top of the receipt. Usually, the combination is presented in the section "Sample Filling". Additionally, the name of the bank, where the deposit was issued.

How to find out the settlement account of the organization on the INN on the company online?

Another way to clarify the number of P / C - via the Internet. Many companies have their own sites where all data is placed, including details. Instead of a resource, groups are sometimes created on social networks.

How to find out the billing account of the counterparty on the INN through state bodies

This method is different from the rest of its complexity. This is explained by the fact that the information is specified using judicial bodies By filing of the statementwhere objective reasons are indicated to provide the required data.

If a positive decision is made, the applicant receives an executive list.

Important! The document is notarized in obligatory. The paper is then provided in the PFR or the FNS branch when the request for obtaining information about JUR. Persons.

Available obtaining the following information:

  • the number of Open Organization P / C;
  • names of bank branches where deposits were issued;
  • r / s numbers and the amount of money on them.

The applicant is also entitled to learn the dynamics of the movement of funds.

How to find out the account number after 1C accounting?

In the case of using the specified program, the algorithm will consist of several stages:

  1. Entrance to the utility.
  2. Search for a section with a list of counterparties.
  3. Filtering organizations by name.
  4. Finding the desired Jurlitz.

The last step is to obtain the required information.

How to find out the account number through Sberbank online?

This search method is available to registered Internet banking users. The account creation procedure is carried out only if the Sberbank plastic card is available.

  1. Log in your personal account.
  2. Click the "Payments and Translations" tab of the toolbars.
  3. In a special search box, enter the INN of interest to you.

The system will issue results that are suitable for querying conditions. The option is relevant only if the organization is in the list of service providers or goods used in the bank.

How to find out the counting account of IP on the Inn?

For search, the same algorithm is used as in the case of LLC.

Checking the settlement account of the organization

Clarification P / s legal entities Usually required in several situations:

  1. The presence of a debt of one organization in front of a different company. Usually it happens in the event of a debt payment problem.
  2. Violations by the counterparty on the fulfillment of the obligations specified in the signed agreements.
  3. The desire to check LLC before the start of cooperation.

The account number may also be required in the case of loss of contacts of representatives of the company.


To clarify information relative to legal entities, legitimate and illegal methods are practiced, such as selling extracts. Do not resort to the second option, as it will turn the loss of finance and time. In the case of debtors, it is better to seek help to government agencies.

If you have a need to know your accounting account of Sberbank, then there are several ways for this. Choose the one that best suits you. A little refinement so that you know what to look for: the current account consists of twenty-digits.

Upon receipt of the Sberbank plastic card, you must sign the contract with the bank. One copy of the document should be in your hands. Find it - in the "Requisites" paragraph, which is located at the end of the contract, is specified that you are interested in. The account can also be viewed in the pin-envelope that you were issued when receiving a bank card. There, too, a twenty-digit number should be written, at the end of which the currency is specified in which the account opened (RUR - rubles, EUR - euro or USD - dollars). Suddenly the contract was lost, it is possible that the receipts are preserved at the payment of any services through Sberbank. In the payment you can find the account number from which the money was written off.

You can call the free room of the Sberbank hotline and, following the tips of the autoinformer, get the answer to the question you are interested in. Phone hotline: 8-800-555-555-0. Keep in mind that the operator that will serve you will request information about your passport data. Before the call, remember the secret code word you called in a bank when opening an account. This is usually the maiden name of your mother. You will also ask this information a bank employee.

Being a confident user of the Internet, you can easily find out your account. Go to the official Sberbank website, register and go to the "Requisites" section. There, fill out the form you need and get your account number. If you already use the Sberbank online system, then you only need to enter your username and password - and on the first page you will display your account.

It did not work out to find documents, could not reach and do not "be friends" with the Internet, go to the Sberbank branch yourself, do not forget your passport. There you will definitely help and prey the bill that you really want to know.

When you learned your account, then definitely write these cherished twenty digits in a notebook. If the account dictated the operator by telephone or employee of the bank with a personal visiting department, then recheck the information. Ask to dictate your account for the second time to verify that you recorded. Error in just one digit will lead to what you will go "in a circle" again.

Receiving a bank card in the bank, do not be mistaken and think that beautiful numbers embarrassed on its surface, and there is a counting number on which your money is stored. Money is stored not on the card, but on the account in the bank, to which it is tied payment card. In parallel with the design of the Card, the Bank's employees addresses a bank account to which they subsequently arrive - scholarships, pensions, salaries, translations. The same situation with the receipt of a loan ( credit card) or savings books - all operations occur with bank accountwhich has its own number. What it is, as it decryls, where it is used, and how to find out the account number - read the article.

Card account number. What is it?

The card's bank account is used by the Bank for all sorts of operations related to the flow of money and their consumption for the first requirement of the Client. It may be withdrawing cash, replenishment or translating to another account, payment communal services, shopping through shops and the Internet, repayment of loans, and the whole range of services provided by the Bank.

Bank account (it is also calculated, card, cardsch, current or demand for demand) - a record consisting of a strictly of 20 digits used by the bank in order to keep accounting of all monetary operations client.

The client is free to replenish its bank account and make money for as many times as he falls around - it is created with the goal of his frequent demand. One person may have several bank accounts in one or different banks, as in different currencies.

Bank card account number - This is the current account of an individual who opens with a bank in the Russian Federation (rubles) or in foreign currency on the basis of a bank account agreement to which a bank card is attached.

What is the card account number. Decoding

The view and composition of the number of the calculated account is governed by Appendix 1 to the position of the Bank of Russia of July 16, 2012 N 385-P "On the rules of reference accounting In the credit institutions located in the territory of the Russian Federation, "and is a twenty-digit number, which for clarity can be represented as follows:

AAA BB VVD G DDDD Eyeeeee, where:

AAA (figures with the 1st to 3rd) - the first-order balance sheet number (for example: 408, 423, 426);

BB (numbers 4th and 5th) - the second order book account number (for example: 17, 20, 01);

BBB (numbers with the 6th to 8th) - account currency code, according to All-Russian Classifier Currency OKV. Examples of currency code:

for ruble accounts - 810, for US dollar bills - 840, for accounts in Euro - 978;

G (digit 9th) - the control number (calculated by the bank);

DDDD (figures with the 10th pharmaceuticals) -code of the Bank's four-digit division;

Eyeeeeeee (14-20th numbers) - the internal seven-digit account number (personal account), which is assigned to the client. Each client has an individual account number.

Examples of accounts in various currencies:

  • Ruble - 4081781050000000022.
  • Dollar - 40817840601500000013.
  • In euro - 40817978001250000014

Note: An invoice number of an individual to which is attached usually begins with numbers of 40817 (accounting of money individualsnot related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities.), 40820 (similar to 40817, but for non-resident individuals), 42301 (deposits and other attracted funds of individuals), 42601 (similarly to 42301, but for non-resident individuals).

The score opens in the currency of the Russian Federation or in foreign currency on the basis of a bank account agreement. Accounts can be opened in any jar working with Piz. faces, and the procedure for registration is established by each credit Organizationtaking into account the requirements Central Bank (TSB RF. When filling in B. payment documents Counts with the account number All 20 digits go solid nearby, extraneous dividing signs (dot, comma, dash) between numbers are not allowed.

How to find out the account number?

Very often there is a situation where you need to find out the card account number (or savings, or account for repaying the loan) to transfer money to it. It can happen at work or in pension Fundwhere accounting staff request him to transfer wages (pensions), but you never know where it may need.

If we are talking about the card account number, it has nothing to do with a 16-digit number, knocked out on the glossy surface of the plastic card. The card is engraved, and if its validity period is ends, then a completely different number can be standing on a re-card. The number of the account to which the map is tied is always unchanged.

So, how to find out the account number of the bank card?

1. When designing card account Bank employees make up contract for its opening and maintenance In 2 copies, where the 20-digit account number will be required. When receiving a credit card or loan, a questionnaire is usually issued (or credit contract), which will also contain this information.

2. The following way to find out the account number is Dark from the inside secret envelopewhich contains a plastic card - it gives it an employee of the bank with the card.

3. In the case when an old account, and the envelope is long lost (thrown out, burned), there is another loophole. If online services exist in the bank (for example, internet bank or mobile Bank) And on its website you can register, then when entering your personal account, the client will be available all information about the bank card and its account number.

4. Using aTM For money, on its screen you can see the account number from which the cash is requested, this is a plastic card account. It remains only to write it quickly and continue the operation of the removal of money, otherwise, after the set time is expired, the ATM can "eat" the card and will have to "challenge" employees of the bank. It should be noted that the card account number contains 20 (twenty) digits, and in no way differently.
A risky way, but "who does not risk ..." - the rest is known to everyone!

5. The most boring method - call a branch of the bankwhere the map was received, report myself all the subtandal (i.e., to pass the identification) - a secret code word (you report it yourself when making a map), date of birth (and so ...) and get the desired information.

6. The method is still boring - go to the bank personally And, having presenting a plastic card and passport, find out your account number.

Where the card account number is applied

The account account number is required to send money to it - transfers from relatives, wages, pensions, scholarships, children's benefits, helping the unemployed and other types of assistance from the state.

When carrying out various payments to legal entities, it is also needed (for example, payment of utilities or fines).

The number of his account must also be reported to receive remittances from another state, in this case the complete data may be needed.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state