
Banks with 100 foreign capital. "Daughters" of foreign banks in Russia: how are you? Are there any foreign organizations in Russia

Banks S. foreign participation - Foreign credit organizations that operate in Russia. There is only one form of such participation - through the subsidiaries of the Russian bank. The Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities" does not allow foreign credit institutions to discover offices and branches in the territory of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the law requires notifying the Bank of Russia when buying a foreign legal or individual share in a credit institution from 1% to 10%. And for a larger package it is necessary to obtain permission from the Central Bank.

The arrival of foreign banks to Russia began to gain momentum since the beginning of the 2000s, when stabilization was planned in the economy. In 2003, the share of foreign capital in the Russian banking system was about 5%. By 2006. foreign banks They had their interest in 149 credit institutions, while 51 banks fully belonged to foreigners. The share of foreign capital in the Russian banking system exceeded 11%.

Peak expansion international financial organizations In Russia, came to the pre-crisis 2008, when 28.5% of the aggregate equity banks accounted for foreigners. However, the beginning of international phyncrisis led to the general closure investment projects. At the end of 2010, the share of foreigners in the domestic banking system decreased to 28%, and by mid-2011 - up to 27%. For autumn 2011 assets credit organizationsbelonging to foreign investors make up no more than 18% of total assets. In total, about 200 organizations with foreign participation have a license to carry out banking operations. 142 of them are located in Moscow, 13 - in St. Petersburg.

Analysts allocate two reasons for reducing the activity of foreign banks in Russia: first, the problems of maternal credit institutions related to the crisis in the economy developed countriesAnd secondly, tough competition in the Russian market, primarily with banks with state participation.

Such credit organizations like the Dutch Rabobank Groep NV, one of the world leaders in car loans, Morgan Stanley left the Russian market in general. To sell subsidiaries in the Russian Federation, Scandinavian Swedbank, British Banking Group Barclays and Belgian KBC Group. One of the largest European banks HSBC refused retail business in Russia, preference to work with corporate clients.

At the same time, a number of credit institutions with foreign participation successfully develop their Russian business. The most famous subsidiaries of foreign financial institutions - Citibank, Raiffeisenbank, UniCredit Bank, OTP Bank, etc.

As a rule, tariffs and packages of services offered approximately correspond to the proposals of fully Russian banks.

In July, withdrew the license at the finachery. Meanwhile, the practice shows that such judicial claims are no good for the former owners of credit institutions and the chances of winning are equal to Nol. However, this time is not so simple. The fact is that the lawsuit filed David Gaon - a representative of a fairly famous family Gaon, which became famous for many years of hard with Russia due to a contract for the supply of food in exchange for oil. News.ru was understood, which of the top 50 Russian banks are related to foreign financial structures.

It is important to understand that credit organizations with foreign capital Completely obey russian legislation. Foreign participation suggests that a certain package of shares of the bank belongs to the overseas owner. Direct foreign banks to open their branches in Russia can not be owned by the Russian legal entity and function in the format of the "subsidiary" organization.

UniCredit Bank is the largest bank in Russia with foreign capital. All voting shares of the bank belong to the Austrian division of the Italian financial group UniCredit. Works in the Russian Federation since 1989. Initially, he was called the International Moscow Bank (MMB). It is noteworthy that this was the first Russian credit and financial organization with Western capital. Its founders were five foreign banks: Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank (HVB), Creditanstalt-Bankverein, Bancacommercialeitaliana, Creditlyonnais and Kansallis-Osaki-Pankki. Currently, a credit institution is actively developing a branch network and retail business. One of the main directions of the Bank's work is also the service of companies. It has 13 branches, 12 representative offices in Russia and one in Belarus, as well as more than 60 additional and 16 operating offices. The number of employees as of July 1, 2017 was 4,540 people. The Bank serves more than 27.8 thousand corporate and about 1.9 million private clients.

Global Look Press / Zumapress.com / Jaap Arriens

Raiffeisenbank occupies a second line in the list of the largest banks with foreign owners. At present, the sole shareholder of the Bank is "Raiffeisen Bank of International AG" (share of 100%). Raiffeisenbank was established in 1996 as a bank with a fully Austrian capital called Raiffeisenbank Austria. The organization consists of five branches: in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Krasnodar; More than 120 additional offices, two operating cash desks outside the cash node and 54 operating offices. It serves more than 80 thousand legal entities. At the disposal of plastic card owners there are 1,300 ATMs, as well as a partner ATM network (Gazprombank, Moscow Credit Bank, Rosbank, Rosselkhozbank, Uralsib, Energotransbank, UniCredit Bank). In addition, in June 2016, the Bank combined the network of its ATMs with the Network of Binbank ATMs. As of July 1, 2017, 7,843 employees worked in the bank.

News.ru/Sergey Bulkin

On the third line - Rosbank. It was founded in 1993 and was called "independence." During the 1998 crisis, it was bought by an industrial and financial group Interros. Today, the holder of 99.95% of the shares is the French banking group Societe Generale. The remaining 0.05% belong to minority shareholders. In 2017, his network numbered 365 sales offices. The Bank provides all types of services to private clients and organizations in the 70 regions of the Russian Federation. Here today is 10 thousand people (excluding subsidiaries and companies). Total 4 million are serviced individuals and 80 thousand corporate clients.

News.ru/Sergey Bulkin

Citibank, which is in the penisterous place in the top 5 banks of Russia with foreign owners, originated in 1993 initially as a bank with fully foreign capital. Citibank is a "daughter" of American Citigroup. In Russia, he has 11 departments in Moscow, three - in St. Petersburg and one in several Milionnik cities, such as, for example, Ufa, Volgograd, Ekaterinburg and others. In recent years, the Bank has reduced its presence in Russia and reduced approximately half of its offices. In 2017, more than 3100 employees worked here. The credit institution serves more than 600 thousand physicals and over 3,000 companies. For "physicists" the bank offers the following services: accumulative and savings accounts, deposits, loans, debit and credit cards, money transfers other. For companies - services for operations with securities, collection, letters of credit, lending, etc.

AGN "Moscow" / Andrey Nikomichev

East Bank

The Eastern Bank is closed. It was founded in 1991 in the city of Blagoveshchensk Amur region. Currently, the shares of financial institutions belong to the foreign holders. So, 51.62% of the bank's shares owns the Baring Vostok Foundation. In addition to the head office in Blagoveshchensk, the Bank has eight branches in Russian cities, 129 Dopofis, several operating cash desks and about 500 operating offices. The number of employees in 2017 amounted to over 9 thousand people. For legal entities, the bank offers services: lending, corporate deposits, bank guarantees, salary projects etc. For private clients - plastic cards, deposits, electronic services, money transfers and others.

Summing up, add that now in Russia there are several dozen banks with partial or full foreign capital. Among them there are both small and quite large. Some have a rather narrow specialization, in particular, provide car loans services (for example,

Foreign banks in Russia manage to work more efficiently than Russian credit organizations. The profitability of foreign banks is higher than that of domestic. This is largely due to a more rigid policies to control the bank's expenses. Also, many subsidiaries can be focused on the main bank, which allows them to work more sustainably in the banking market.

This state of affairs does not suit the state. Therefore, to maintain and develop the Russian banking system, the government has been submitted to the draft law on the ban on the opening of foreign departure in Russia banking organizations. The adoption of such a bill can reduce the inflow of foreign investment in the banking sphere. Consider foreign banks with 100% participation of foreign capital, which are noticeable representatives in the Russian banking market.

Foreign Banks and Representative Offices in Russia with Foreign Capital

One of the oldest foreign banks in the country is considered "Yaps Credit Bank Moscow". In it, 99, 843% of the shares belong to the main bank in Turkey. His story begins since 1988, when Turkish bank has opened its representative office in Moscow. Since 1993, the Bank has entered the number of twelve banks who have licensed banking in Russia. He firmly took its place in the banking system of Russia and still offers many services in the banking sector, both corporate clients and individuals. It was not affected by the 1998 crisis, rather, on the contrary, the bank made a reliable partnership partner, which allowed only to strengthen its position in the market.

Deutsche Bank is one of the largest banks in Germany. In Russia, has its own representation in Moscow. In it, 40% of the Shares of CJSC "OFG Invest" belongs to Deutsche Bank. However, it does not provide services to private clients, except for managing major capital. The main area of \u200b\u200bactivity is to provide banking services Corporate clients and large capital management. At the same time, in addition to all banking services, individual counseling is carried out.

Since 2004, GE Money Bank is operating in Russia. Bank represents consumer lending services. Entering the insurance system of the contributions of Russia, the Bank meets all the requirements of the Central Bank of Russia. Combining modern foreign tools and Russian realities, the bank is attractive to consumers not only by their suggestions, but also very popular around the world.

Most popular banks with 100% of foreign capital

Raiffeisen Bank is one of the representatives with 100% participation of foreign capital. This is a subsidiary of the Austrian banking group Raiffeisen. The Bank has been operating in Russia since 1996 and provides a full range of services to corporate and private clients, both in foreign currency and in Russian rubles. In 2006, the Austrian Group Raiffeisen acquired one hundred percent of the shares of OJSC "Impeksbank". To date, Raiffeisen Bank is one of the most reliable banks in the country. This is confirmed by many factors, for example, the Bank has been assigned a high credit rating and reliability rating.

Unicredit Bank offers its services in the Russian market since 1989 with 100% participation of foreign capital in the person of the shareholder of the Austrian Bank UniCredit Bank Austria AG. It is one of the leaders in the domestic banking market. It offers customers a large selection of banking services. Serves private and corporate clients. Attracts customers with an individual and respectful approach, as well as high quality services.

Sucking Generala Bank is a 100% foreign bank represented by the main shareholder of the Societe Generale group. It occupies a solid position in the Russian market. It was founded in 1993, and, today, has offices in the eleven regions of the country. The bank offers potential customers a large selection of banking proposals and services. Serves both private clients and corporate. The bank suggests bank cards To enroll wages, as well as business cards to simplify the calculations abroad and in Russia. Also offered different types loans for private clients and financing programs for corporate clients. The Bank has various awards and titles obtained at various years for quality service provision. The Bank occupies a firm position in the Russian market, offering its customers quality services. Bank representative offices are open in Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Ufa, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and in a number of major cities in Russia.

Which bank to choose

Deciding to use the banking service, the question of choosing a bank arises. Many private clients do not have a question about what kind of bank, Russian or foreign. The first place comes to study offers and maintenance conditions. Usually, russian banks More adapted to the realities of the domestic market, but at the same time, there can be a smaller amount of banking services, while representative offices of foreign banks relying on the support of the parent bank and its experience can offer more qualitative services. Choosing between foreign and domestic banks, it should be remembered that most domestic banks work in limited regions, which reduces consumer opportunities when traveling around the country and even more so.

When choosing a foreign bank, not only its history of activity in Russia, but also the history of the main bank, which is abroad. This will help draw up an objective view of the quality of the services offered and the reliability of the bank. Corresponding to its reputation, foreign banks very carefully control the activities of their representative offices in Russia. At the same time, the level of services offered by customers must comply with the level of a foreign bank. All this leads to the provision of better services. Thus, foreign banks try to attract customers and keep them, trying to consolidate their position in the market. However, it must be remembered that choosing foreign bankYou give your money that begin to work for a foreign state.

Since the magazine Magazine is a blog about money, we decided to pay attention to the topic of banks with foreign capital, which still work in Russia. Why still? Yes, just because recently too many innovations are in the financial sector. We recently mentioned new US sanctions.

You also probably know about the bankruptcy series of the largest Russian banks from the top 50. All on the lips still have stories with a bin-bank and opening corporation. In this regard, there are increasing attention to banks with foreign capital, as they are more stable and tend to preserve the reliability above all. Therefore, today we will consider a list of foreign banks working in Russia.

Full list of banks with foreign capital in Russia for 2019

First of all, we will pay attention to the largest foreign banks that are opening accounts to the Russians. These are financial institutions that work in our country no longer the first decades and their reliability are not inferior to the largest state banks of the Russian Federation. All these foreign banks work in Moscow with individuals.

The largest foreign banks in Russia:

  1. UniCredit Bank (Italy)
  2. Raiffeisenbank (Austria)
  3. ROSBANK (France)
  4. Deutsche Bank (Germany)
  5. Sitibank (USA)
  6. Eastern Express Bank (International Group of Investors)
  7. HomeCredit Bank (Czech Republic)
  8. ING Bank (Netherlands)
  9. Europa Bank Bank (Turkey)
  10. OTP Bank (Hungary)

The first ten banks that are subsidiary enterprises of foreign financial groups, mainly contains banks from Europe. Historically, it happened that territorial proximity and economic ties Continental Europe leads to the penetration of European capital. Therefore, among banks with foreign participation, the overwhelming number falls on European countries. Almost all of these foreign banks give loans to Russians. But there are other banks of European financial corporations working in the Russian Federation.

European banks And NGOs in Russia:

  • Nordea Bank (Sweden);
  • Deltacredit (France);
  • Rusfinance Bank (France);
  • HSBC bank or EIC-ESB-SI Bank (United Kingdom);
  • Inteza Bank (Italy);
  • BNP Paris Bank (France);
  • Credit Agrikol Kib (France);
  • Mercedes-Benz-Bank Rus (Germany);
  • Commerce (Eurasia) (Germany);
  • Volkswagen-Bank Rus (Germany);
  • BMW Bank (Germany);
  • SEB Bank (Sweden);
  • Dansk Bank (Denmark);
  • Natikis Bank (France);
  • Bank Credit Swiss (Switzerland);
  • Yu bi es bank (Switzerland);
  • Jay Endi Bank (Slovakia);
  • PSA Bank Finance Rus (France);
  • IR Bank (Bulgaria);
  • Si di bi bank (Cyprus);
  • Global Excechool (Spain).

Under Russian legislation, the only permitted form of a bank with foreign participation is carried out through a subsidiary of a Russian credit institution, in which a foreign financial organization has a fraction (usually 100%). Here are the largest banks from the United States have branches in Russia.

American banks in Russia:

  • Morgan Stanley Bank (USA);
  • Goldman Sax Bank (USA);
  • Western Union DP East (USA);
  • Paypal Ru (USA);
  • Amerikhan Express Bank (USA);
  • J.P. Morgan Bank (USA).

Japanese and Korean banks in Russia:

  • Toyota Bank (Japan);
  • Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi (Japan);
  • Sumito Mitsui (Japan);
  • Uri Bank (Korea);
  • Solid Bank (Japan);
  • Keb Eikengby Bank (Korea);
  • MS Bank Rus (Japan);
  • Mizho Bank (Japan)

Today in Russia there are the following "daughters" of Chinese banks:

  • China Construction Bank (Chinas Construction Bank);
  • Bank of China or Bank of China (Elos);
  • ICBC - Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Iligor-Industrial Bank of China;
  • Chain Agriculturalbank - Sturbank Sturbank Agricultural Bank of China.

Another list of banks with foreign capital in Russia:

  • World Business Bank (Iran);
  • Plus Bank (Kazakhstan);
  • Moskommertsbank (Kazakhstan);
  • MBA-Moscow (Azerbaijan);
  • Denizbank Moscow (Turkey);
  • Ishbank (Turkey);
  • Yapov Credit Bank Moscow (Turkey);
  • Asia-Invest Bank (Uzbekistan);
  • Commercial Indo Bank (India);
  • NBK-Bank (Kazakhstan);
  • Ziraate Bank (Turkey);
  • Eurasian Bank (Kazakhstan);
  • Payiu (South Africa).

According to Russian legislation, foreign banks in Russia cannot open their branches, but they can have shares in Russian banks. In other words, foreign banks can open subsidiaries in Russia, which are inherently Russian banks, only the founders of them completely or partially foreigners.

Foreign banks in Russia

Such banks operate on Russian laws:

  • checked, obey and report Central Bank Russia,
  • make obligatory deductions to the reserve fund.

That is, in an equal position with Russian banks, therefore it will be more correct to say not foreign banks, but banks with foreign participation.

List of major banks in Russia with foreign participation

UniCredit Bank

100% of the shares belong to UniCredit S.P.A. (Italy)

Basic facts about the bank:

  • The bank was created in the USSR in 1989 on October 19.
  • Initial name - International Moscow Bank.
  • Became the first Russian bank with foreign capital.
  • Registration number of the General Banking License - 1.
  • Until October 2016, the only shareholder was UniCredit Bank Austria AG, now the Bank is directly directly by UniCredit S.P.A.
  • Included in the list of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation systemically significant banks.
  • He is the largest Russian bank.

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Rosbank / Deltacredit / Rusfinance Bank

Banks are included in the Societe Generale group (France).

  • Rosbank is the largest and systematic significant Bank Russia.
  • Deltacredit is engaged only by mortgage loans.
  • Rusfinance Bank specializes in issuing consumer loans.


99,96718% belongs to Raiffeisen Bank International AG (Austria)

Facts about the bank:

  • Raiffeisenbank was established in Russia in 1996, Impeksbank was attached to him.
  • Systemically significant bank.

Interesting bank products:

  • Map 110 days from Raiffeisenbank - a long long period, conditionally free service.


100% belong to American Citigroup.

East Bank

51.62% - Evison Holdings Limited (Cyprus), 32.02% - FinVision Holdings Limited (Cyprus).

Home Credit and Finance Bank

  • It is a leader of retail lending.
  • Offers the installment card - analogue of conscience and halva, but unlike them, installments are provided in any store, and not just in partner stores.

Included in OTP Group (Hungary).

OTP Bank is interesting as the creator of the online bank TOUCH BANK. Touch Bank has no offices, the service is remotely. Touch Bank is working on the bank's license.

The most popular product is the debit card Touch Bank with Cashbank and the accrual of income to the residue. The card has two tariffs: Limited with free maintenance And Daily 2.0 with convention-free maintenance and advanced feature.

The Bank also offers online credit Touch bank and a credit card with very loyal conditions for the borrower.

Setelem Bank

79.2% of the shares belong to Sberbank, 20.8% - BNP Paribas S. A group A (France)

The bank specializes in consumer lending in retail stores and autodiets.

Credit Europe Bank

99,99931973% of shares belongs to Credit Europe Bank N. V. (Holland)

These banks are the largest among Russian banks, the proportion of participation in their foreign companies is significant.

Foreign banks in Russia cause the greatest confidence in investors, after banks with state participation.

What foreign banks went from the Russian market

Today, the share of banks involving foreign capital is less than 10% and continues to decline. We will list only the most famous cases in chronological order.

  • 2008: Swedish SEB Bank has stopped servicing individuals;
  • 2010: Spanish Banko Santander sold its Russian "daughter";
  • In the same 2010 American giant Morgan Stanley sold in Russia "City Mortgage Bank"
  • 2011: I left the British Barclays from the Russian market, and HSBC turned retail operations;
  • 2012: Belgian KBC sold Absolut Bank;
  • 2013: Swiss UBS left only an office for financial advisers in Moscow;
  • 2014: The Russian financial unit General Electric "Ji Mani Bank" is eliminated;
  • 2015: The number of offices of the Swedish Nordea and Austrian Raiffeisen and Austrian RAIFFEISEN have sharply reduced, the British RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) has left the market;
  • In the same 2015: The Dutch sold forussa Bank (licensed licenses in 2016), Bank of Cyprus got rid of Uniastrum Bank;
  • 2016: Swiss Credit Suisse stopped serving Russian wealthy customers;
  • 2017: Immediately several Turkish banks left the Russian market;
  • 2018: German Deg Foundation sold Sovcombank Rosurobank shares.

In the care of business in Russia, the main role was played not sanctions and non-anti -pade moods. The main role was played by the worsening of the general economic prospects of the Russian economy, in particular, the fall in oil prices. The Russian market remains major players who have a large amount of lending and a wide network of offices. In other words, those who have something to lose. Subsidiary banks remaining in Russia feel relatively well and successfully attract customers. At the same time, the share of foreign banks in the Russian market is steadily reduced. Negative factors for the "daughters" is a restriction on servicing strategically important state corporations, primarily defense.

List of foreign banks in Russia

Foreigners are ready to invest solid amounts in the development of such subsidiaries, often exceeding the authorized capital of the Russian financial institution itself, and, consequently, confidence in such agencies is higher than both among citizens and legal entities.

For this it is impossible to reproach Russian citizens, as everyone seeks to preserve their honestly earned cash And certainly no one is ready to lose them.

When choosing foreign institution In St. Petersburg and Moscow should be very attentive and selective, since on how carefully the analysis of the work of a foreign bank depends on the fate of the contribution.

Lazakes in the legislation of Russia allow every year to strengthen financial market All new foreign banks, to provide huge competition to Russian and offer more favorable credit conditions and accumulative programs.

Among the majority of foreign structures in St. Petersburg and Moscow should highlight a small list of banks, most active, gaining increasing popularity among the population.

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As it becomes clear from the very name, the organization belongs to a major German concern. It has the following features:

  • The main activity is aimed at investing and providing commercial services exclusively to enterprises in Russia.
  • Does not provide services to individuals, provides support only to large private capital.

Small enterprises I. individual entrepreneurs They do not have the opportunity to use the services of this financial organization. However, this does not prevent it from strengthening among Russian banks, and the introduction of innovative products often contributes to the transition of large capital under its jurisdiction.


This subsidiary belongs to the largest Austrian Holding "Raiffeisen" and is considered one of the most reliable financial institutions in our country. The following features can be distinguished:

  • The organization provides a full range of services for legal entities and citizens in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
  • Customers of this bank can be not only resident residents, but also foreign citizensWho are on a business trip or business.
  • The presence of a huge number of branches allows you to cover the whole russian market, speaking by counterweight to Russian banks.


It is a full-fledged institution registered on the territory of the Russian Federation for a long period of time. However, the lion's share authorized capital Make up foreign investment.

The consumer is presented a huge amount of products, and deposit making is allowed on individual conditions, with the more deposit amount, the more attractive percentage.

Customer service both the private sector and legal entities allowed the Bank for many years to consolidate its leading position among other foreign banks in our country.

Credit Suisse Bank.

Private foreign bank, positioning itself as an investment institution with a fixed income from companies. A distinctive feature is:

  • Availability of license financial activities in Russia. The government issued him a license among the first foreign organizationsofficially entrusted with the Russian financial services market.
  • He has many awards and premiums, is popular among individuals.

See also: How to open an offshore company?

Barclinees Bank

Mostly occupies a niche of retail commercial offers in St. Petersburg and Moscow. The list of services is very extensive:

Of course, a list of foreign banks in our country can be continued indefinitely, but they have less popularity than presented banks in this article.

It is not necessary to talk about the reliability of foreign banks, since each year their number is growing steadily, and cases of bankruptcy are practically excluded.

How to choose a foreign bank

Having decided to use banking services should not forget that this is primarily a financial institution that is subject to risk of bankruptcy.

In addition, before making contribution or use the service international Translation Funds, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis and compare foreign banks presented on the territory of our country in quality and reliability.

At first, the quality of service is unconditionally, as well as the conditions for providing a certain type of service.

The rules for all banks are installed on the territory of our country are almost uniform, so they compete most often in the field of commission, interest on deposits, as well as the speed of provision of services.

We should not forget that in a number of regions, foreign banks are not serviced, so having a map of this or that bank in their hands should be remembered for its capabilities and territories of service.

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  2. The history of the development of banks and the definition of their concept
  3. Employment of enterprises
  4. Credit system in Russia

(17 estimates, average: 4.65 of 5)

Banks with foreign participation: list

Place in ranking Bank Country Place in assets among banks of the Russian Federation
1 UniCredit Bank Italy 12
2 Raiffeisenbank Austria 13
3 Rosbank France 14
4 Citibank USA 22
5 Eastern Express Bank foreign investment funds 31
6 Houm Credit Czech Republic 37
7 Nordea Bank Sweden 38
8 Ing Bank Netherlands 43
9 Deltacredit France 49
10 OTP Bank Hungary 54
11 Credit Europe Bank Turkey 59
12 Rusfinance Bank France 64
13 Center-Invest. foreign investment funds 66
14 RN Bank France, Italy 77
15 EIC-ESB-SI Bank Great Britain 80
16 Credit Agrikol Kib France 81
17 Bank Intesa Italy 83
18 BNP Paris Bank France 84
19 Deutsche Bank Germany 85
20 Toyota Bank Japan 92
21 World business bank Iran 99
22 Icybishi Bank China 103
23 Sumito Mitsui Japan 105
24 Commercial Bank (Eurasia) Germany 109
25 Plus Bank Kazakhstan 110
26 Volkswagen Bank Rus. Germany 115
27 Bank of Chuba China 116
28 Chain Construction China 130
29 BMW Bank Germany 133
30 MBA-Moscow Azerbaijan 142
31 SEB Bank Sweden 145
32 Mercedes-Benz Bank Rus Germany 149
33 Moskommertsbank Kazakhstan 150
34 Dansk Bank Denmark 154
35 Bank Credit Swiss Switzerland 157
36 Jay Endi Bank Slovakia 162
37 Natikis Bank France 164
38 Denizbank Moscow Turkey 179
39 Ishbank Turkey 189
40 Uri Bank Korea 205
41 Solid Bank Japan 207
42 Keb Eikengi Bank Korea 213
43 MS Bank Rus. Japan 217
44 Morgan Stanley Bank USA 240
45 Yapov Credit Bank Moscow Turkey 243
46 Asia-Invest Bank Uzbekistan 250
47 Yu bi es bank Switzerland 255
48 Commercial Indo Bank India 258
49 NBK-Bank Kazakhstan 267
50 Bank PSA Finance Rus France 286
51 Goldman Sax Bank USA 291
52 Zirata Bank Turkey 298
53 Chinaselhozbank China 302
54 Eurasian Bank Kazakhstan 312
55 Oney Bank France, Turkey 365
56 Western Union DP East USA 371
57 Paypal Ru USA 405
58 Amerikhan Express Bank USA 421
59 Ikano Bank Sweden, Turkey 450
60 IR Bank Bulgaria 453
61 Moscow Clearing Center foreign investment funds 463
62 Si di bi bank Cyprus 510
63 Anelik Ru. Lebanon 515
64 Combined settlement system France 551
65 Global Excocrd Spain 568
66 Tokyo Mitsubishi Bank Japan -
67 J.P. Morgan Bank USA -
68 Mizho Bank Japan -
69 PAYY South Africa -

List of foreign banks in Russia

Below is a list of the most famous twenty foreign banks in Russia, which have proven well-established in the domestic credit services market.

Bank's name Country Place in assets among the banking structures of Russia
UniCredit Italy 12
Rosbank France 13
Raiffeisenbank Austria 14
Sitibank USA 23
Houm Credit Czech Republic 38
Ing Bank Netherlands 40
Nordia Sweden 46
Deltacredit France 48
OTP Bank Hungary 52
Credit Europe Bank Turkey 58
Rusfinans France 63
EIC-ESBI Great Britain 72
RN Bank France, Italy 78
Inteza Italy 85
Deutsche Bank Germany 87
BNP Pariba France 88
Toyota Japan 92
Aysibisibank China 95
Midzukhobank Japan 103
Credit Agrikol Kib France 105

How do Russians make a loan in a foreign bank?

If a Russian decided to take a loan in a foreign bank in the hope of a lower interest rate, it is waiting for disappointment - the amount of interest will not differ significantly from the rates in Russian banks. However, the place in terms of assets among the banking structures of Russia in such companies is several times higher, so deciding to issue a loan in a foreign bank an individual in any case is not giving.

It is necessary to act according to the standard scheme:

You can also use the standard way to submit an application for a loan, namely personally to come to the nearest branch of the company and fill out the proposed form of the questionnaire. When submitting an application, a potential borrower is enough to have a passport with him. Next, in the case of approval, it will be invited to the bank again to provide the necessary package of documents (the list of the required acts will be issued when filling out a blank form).

Required documents

To get a consumer loan in one of the subsidiaries of international financial organizations, you need to collect standard package documents. This list is not much different from the same package requested in the domestic credit institution. It includes these documents:

  • Application form for a loan;
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Act confirming the applicant's solvency;
  • Certificate of average earnings from a permanent job;
  • Labor book (copy of all pages).

The listed list in each specific organization can be both reduced and supplemented.

Profitable offer

For this period the most reliable foreign companies In Russia are such banks:

UniCredit (Italy) - Provides consumer loans Russians without collateral and guarantors on the terms:

  • annual overpayment percentage - from 13.9%;
  • loan volume - up to 3 million rubles;
  • lending period - 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84 months.

Rosbank (France) - a "big money" program under standard conditions:

  • interest rate - 14% - 21%;
  • the amount is 300 thousand - 3 million rubles;
  • the maturity of 13 months is 5 years.

Raiffeisenbank (Austria) - Project "Personal Credit":

  • annual fixed bet - 11.99%;
  • loan size - up to 2 million rubles;
  • for the period - from 12 to 60 months.

Sitibank (USA) - Non-Eastern Consumer Loan:

  • overpayment percentage - from 14% per year;
  • the greatest size of the loan is 2.5 million rubles;
  • repayment period - up to 60 months.

Home Credit (Czech Republic) - "Cash on credit":

  • interest rate - from 14.9%;
  • credit amount:
  • 10 000 - 850,000 for customers of the company (owners of deposits, salary accounts),
  • 30 000 - 500,000 - new consumers;
  • the term of granting is 1 - 7 years.

All of the above loans can be issued in rubles. The preliminary application is permissible to submit to the official Russian resources of banks.

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It is well known that the degree of systemic significance of the institute is determined by the specific weighing of its contribution to the level of system-wide risk. For a long time, the following provisions have become axioms:

  1. Increasing the bank's exposure to common risk factors in the field of risk sector increases its systemic significance.
  2. The interaction between different sources of systemic risk increases the systemic importance of a credit and financial institution (for example, of two banks with the same probability of default, the system is more significant that larger).

The paper reflects and analyzes the selective data of official published statistics on a number of indicators for 2009-2016. (degree of concentration of banking services market, structure dynamics).

Analysis of the dynamics of individual indicators of the largest banks G7 plus Russia

The analysis showed that the impact of the international financial crisis had a negative impact on all system banks in all countries of the world. Only individual banks managed to maintain their rating positions.

Bank's name Rating, 2016 Assets, million dollars. The rate of assets,% Note
Moody's. Fitch. 2013 2014 2015 2016
Sberbank of Russia BA1 (ST) BBB- (NEG) 417,08 28,2 19,0 33,2 6,8
VTB BA1 (ST) BB (NEG) 166,40 3,5 22,4 56,0 13,0
Gazprombank BA2 (ST) BB (NEG) 90,76 14,5 28,7 30,0 10,2
VTB 24 BA1 (ST) B (ST) 52,21 24,9 38,5 36,5 3,7
Rosselkhozbank BA2 (ST) BB (NEG) 47,00 14,5 15,4 13,1 22,3
Great Britain
HSBC. AA (ST) BBB (NEG) 2500 -2,3 4,5 0,5 -5,1 5th place *
Barclays. A (ST) BBB (NEG) 1882 -11,1 1,0 -17,5 34,4 12th place *
Royalbankofscotland A (ST) BB (NEG) 1517 -21,7 2,2 24,5 -7,3 20th place *
Lloydsbankinggroup BBB (NEG) A (ST) 1022,2 -9,7 1,5 -5,6 1,4 23 place *
StandartCharted A (ST) AA (NEG) 808,37 6,0 7,6 -11,8 1,0 44 place *
BNP Paribas. A1 (ST) A + (ST) 2 190 103,28 96,90 116,07 98,90 7th place *
Creditargicolegroup. A1 (ST) A (POS) 1 817 101,12 109,15 115,56 101,54 10th place *
Societegenerale. A2 (ST) A (ST) 1454 98,57 105,82 85,75 126,89 19th place *
Creditargicole SA. A1 (ST) A (POS) 1 602 101,91 108,95 115,71 103,68
Calyon A2 (NEG) A (POS) 596,0 119,42 110,34 104,24 130,70
Jpmorganchase A3 (ST) A + (ST) 2466 0,886 1,2577 1,0586 0,9505 Top 15.
Bankofamerica. Baa1 (POS) A (ST) 2186 0,8163 1,1562 0,9833 1,0349 Top 15.
Citigroup BAA1 (ST) A (ST) 1818 0,875 1,0725 1,0083 0,9842 Top 15.
WellsFargo. A2 (POS) AA- (POS) 1890 1,020 1,3542 0,9889 1,111 Top 15.
Mitsubishi UFJ FinancialGroup A1 (ST) A (ST) 2800 -5% -10% 11% 8%
JAPAN POST BANK. A1 (ST) A + (ST) 2022 8% 14% 25% -5% Top 15.
Sumitomo Mitsui FINANCIAL GROUP A1 (ST) A (NEG) 1764 -14% 3% 11% 4%
Mizuho FINANCIAL GROUP. A1 (ST) A- (NEG) 1625 -31% 9% 3% 1% Top 15.
ROYAL BANK OF CANADA (RBC) A3 (NEG) AA (NEG) 1 180 35,70 80,90 133,40 106,00 Top 50.
Toronto Dominion Bank. AA1 (NEG) AA- (ST) 1 177 50,90 98,50 143,50 73,00 Top 50.
Scotiabank. AA3 (NEG) AA- (ST) 896,2 75,40 62,10 50,80 39,77
BankOfmontreal (BMO) AA3 (NEG) AA (ST) 687,9 11,60 51,62 53,22 46,05
Deutchebank AG Va1 (ST) A- (ST) 1 901 116,85 109,38 109,29 100,02 11 place *
COMMERZBANK AG. A2 (ST) A- (ST) 628,9 110,69 111,77 107,71 100,11 50 place *
DZ Bank AG BAA3 (NEG) B (ST) 462,3 104,20 97,69 104,31 101,51
LANDESBANKBADEN-WUERTTEMBERG (LBBW) BAA2 (NEG) BB + (NEG) 302,4 106,33 97,48 104,85 102,09
UniCredit. BAA2 (ST) BBB- (NEG) 982,0 99,19 95,12 104,54 100,02 27th place *
Cassadepositi E Prestiti. BAA2 (NEG) BB + (NEG) 461,8 102,82 98,03 105,65 100,13 40 place *
Banca Monte Deipaschi Di Siena B3 (NEG) B- (NEG) 219,6 100,31 100,44 100,95 100,62

* In the top 50 banks in Mirast - Stableneg - NegativePos - Positive

The average value of the growth rate of the most assets of the largest banks for the period under study (2012-016) varied quite significantly. Only Russian system banks showed a stable increase of 123.48%. The positive trend of the growth of assets, but the largest banks of the United States, Canada and Japan showed a lower pace. So. WELLS FARGO & CO (USA) - Asset growth 7.93%, U.S. Bancorp (USA) - 5.99%, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) (Canada) - 9.46%, Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) - 8.17%, Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) (Canada) - 5.52%; Oita Bank (Japan) - 10.79%, Nanto Bank (Japan) - 18.63%.

The opposite situation develops in banking systems of Great Britain, Germany and Italy. Thus, the increase in the assets of UniCredit (Italy) for the specified period was -1.8%, a significant reduction in assets showed Banca Popolare Di Milano (Italy) - by 20.8%, the leaders of the fall of assets in Germany were Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank and NRW.Bank . And the UK outsiders of the growth were Royal Bank of Scotland and CO-Operative Financial.

Figure 1 - Dynamics of the growth rate of the assets of the largest banks G-7 + Russia (%)

Analysis of the dynamics of the development of Russian system-significant banks

The unstability of the general economic and political situation has influenced the Russian banking system. It is important to note that the Russian banking market market is characterized by a significant level of concentration. Comparing the obligations of the SBS with the indicators of the sector, it can be seen that the system-significant banks account for the main share of debt, which reflects Table 2. Thus, the share of systemically significant banks accounts for 63.3% of all loans issued (of which two banks - PJSC Sberbank and PJSC VTB account for over 50%), including 69.2% of loans to individuals, 61.2% loans to legal entities. At the same time, system banks accumulate 49.9% of all overdue debts of individuals and 43.7% of the debt of legal entities. Thus, our banking system is rather three-level: the highest level, of course, belongs to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the second - is represented by the kartel-shaped union of two banks with significant state participation (the share of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) in the capital of PJSC Sberbank 52.32%; The share of the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency of the Federal Property Management Agency (Russia) in PJSC VTB 60.9%) and the third - other mass of banking and non-bank credit institutions.

Table 2 - Place of system-significant banks in the market of borrowed funds

Share in the total amount of loans issued to individuals,% Share in the total amount of loans issued to legal entities,% Share of debt on loans of individuals,% Share of debt on loans of legal entities,% Share in the total amount of loans issued,%
PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" 40,33 32,03 18,91 12,50 34,11
PJSC VTB 14,86 0,79 11,60 1,64 4,31
JSC "Rosselkhoz-Bank" 2,97 4,38 1,56 9,84 4,03
Bank GPB (JSC) 2,84 9,95 0,83 3,52 8,17
JSC UniCredit 1,110 5,159 3,578 4,899 4,144
Raiffeisenbank JSC 1,72 1,06 0,98 0,76 1,23
PJSC Rosbank 1,29 0,76 2,51 0,62 0,89
Alfa Bank JSC 2,15 3,49 6,52 5,05 3,15
PJSC Bank "FC Opening"
PJSC "Promsvyazbank" 0,81 1,93 1,66 3,33

Generally, modern market Banking services of various countries in the structure are precisely monopolistic competition with the Lerner index, varying from 0.2 to 0.4. Russian banking services market for the degree of competition is similar to the markets of some countries with transition economy - Belorussia, Hungary, Poland, markets of the BRICS member countries (with the exception of China, the market of which is even more monopolized).

Year Value Standard deviation
2010 0,3159 0,1274
2011 0,2137 0,1337
2012 0,2285 0,1341
2013 0,3027 0,1405
2014 0,3124 0,1401
2015 0,3167 0,1356
2016 0,3216 0,1489

The high degree of monopolization can be explained by the fact that the limiting costs of medium and small banks are generally above the limiting costs of large banks, which is explained, in turn, the lower cost of external funding available credit banks, as well as lower levels of reservation. If we consider, the fact that prices for bank products in large banks are lower than that of small and medium (about 2 percent), it becomes clear that more reliable borrowers are naturally going for loans to exactly large banks, due to which in the latter there is more low level risk.

And it is that these banks account for the main amount of loans issued and attracted on the interbank market (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 - Dynamics of attracted and issued MBC in 2009-2016.

In addition, two more specific features can be distinguished containing a systemic risk:

1) essential market segmentation. A significant part of the operations in the interbank market is made between banks related to each other with common business interests, however it becomes a catalyst that accelerates the development of negative phenomena in the event of problems (IBC loans are provided only by a limited group of counterparties, for other credit institutions, this source of funding becomes unavailable );

2) The largest Russian banks are borrowers in the global market. On the one hand, it gives them new sources of capital, on the other, it creates dependence on such sources of financing and thereby increases the vulnerability of the Russian banking sector to the effects of global economic shocks, which was observed in 2008 and in 2014-2015.

Comparing the SBB obligations with the sector indicators, it can be seen that the systemically significant banks account for the main share of urgent and current customer funds, which reflects Fig. 3.

Figure 3 - Dynamics of urgent and current funds in 2009-2016, thousand rubles.

The absolute value of the capital of the SBS is growing, but the share of capital in the assets of banks is reduced, since the placement of funds occurs in a faster pace, which increases risks in the sector. At the same time, the indicator of the adequacy of the cumulative capital as a whole banking sector During the year declined and tends to reduce, the cause of which is the leading growth of assets weighted by risk.


The analysis carried out allows the following conclusions:

  1. There are significant structural differences in lending markets and individuals and legal entities;
  2. These structural differences are increasingly removing system banks from other banks.
  3. There was a tendency of differentiation and in the group of system banks themselves, which in essence leads to the formation of a three-level banking system: the Central Bank, as a megaregulator; Sberbank, like a megacredient and many other banks.
  4. The high level of concentration in the banking market will undoubtedly strengthen the introduction of universal and basic banking licenses

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Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state