
What is the refinancing of debt in the bank. What does credit refinancing for an individual and how does it go? How to make a credit refinancing

The purpose of refinancing is to improve credit conditions and the reduction of several loans in one. Most often, consumer loans, credit cards and car loans are accepted for refinancing.

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Loading, delay, outstanding obligations, the need to make payments on several loans to several organizations, unfavorable conditions under contracts and other factors causing non-food borrowers - this is a reason to think about refinancing.

Refinancing service is a real opportunity to reduce the financial load, change the terms of the loan agreement for the better.

Refinancing it is also so also called refinancing).

What it is?

Refinancing is target Creditwhich is designed to pay off active loans already available at the borrower.

The obligations to which the amount of refinancing can be sent, both in the bank provided by the service of interacting and other lenders. Although the second option is most often found.

In the event that the loans are redeemed issued with secure, then the pledge is reissued to the new lender.

It is important not to confin the refinancing and debt restructuring. If the first is the issuance of funds in order to repay existing debts, then the second is only a change in the terms of the loan. And in the first case, the lender may change, in the second - no.

The appearance and distribution of refinancing is caused by objective reasons:

  • first, it is a competition between banking structures in the struggle for a conscientious borrower.

    Since in most cases, only non-phase loans come to refinancing, with timely repayment in the past, but there are exceptions.

    Then in this way, offering more favorable conditions, banks lure customers to themselves;

  • secondly, it is a decrease in the level of delay in borrowers, as refinancing helps to avoid unpleasant consequences of slaughterism. And it is profitable and to banks and their customers.

In what cases should you resort to overcast?

Banks, attracting borrowers to refinance the loans existing ones, increase their profits.

So the creditor's motivation is transparent here and understandable. The borrower also has several reasons for interacting.

Desire to reduce loan payments

Loan rates are like a living organism. They are constantly changing depending on external factors. But recently, the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation up to 11% was recently reduced.

And this automatically led to the reduction of credit products. Plus, the borrower can find a bank with more favorable conditions.

Or change salary project. And, as you know, for "your" banks always offer better conditions. All this encourages the creditor to change, which means to resort to refinancing.

Another reason to reduce several loans in one. Payment of each obligation is additional expenses that are submitted when several payments are made to different recipients.

Commissions, visiting places for payment - all this extra, unwanted financial and temporary losses.

Whatever the reason for the possibility of getting and repaying a loan for more favorable conditionsSo, save your money, it needs to take advantage. To achieve this goal, refinancing is issued.

Desire to increase the body of the loan

Depending on the refinancing conditions, the borrower can get the amount within the loans redeemed, and maybe more.

This means that if there is a need for additional funds, then chopping will help "kill two hares with one shot."

To reduce some unfavorable loans to one favorable and get additional financing.

Avoiding debts, overdue and outstanding loans

Banks are differently suitable for requirements for refinancing obligations. In some credit structures, a restriction is introduced for the presence of overdue and debts, in others it is allowed to repay loans with problems.

But in any case, if the borrower implies problems or they already exist, timely refinancing will help to avoid them.

Extension of the loan agreement

A new refinancing loan is completely new conditions. And therefore the possibility of changing not only the amount and places of repayment, but also the deadlines of the loan agreement.

Usually, due to an increase in the duration, the size of the monthly payment is reduced.

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Change of credit currency

This is especially true until the moment of devaluation. national currency Or if the borrower has changed the income currency.

But in the process of inflation, the currency change helps to reduce the financial pressure.

How to make a credit refinancing?

Regulations for refinancing individual for each individual bank. But still the general moments that unite all lenders are.

If you designate a bank (s) in which there are open loans, as a bank 1, and a bank in which it is planned to refinance, as bank 2, then the transfer procedure will enter the following algorithm:

1. It is necessary to visit Bank 2 in order to:

  • clarify the procedure for interacting;
  • required documents;
  • lending terms;
  • get preliminary agreement;
  • learn the deadline for making a final decision.

2. Collect the package necessary documents. And provide it to the bank.

Usually the list of documentation includes:

  • loan agreements with bank 1 and repayment schedules;
  • documents for mortgage property (if available): A contract of collateral, ownership, evaluation;
  • certificate from the bank about the state of debt at the time of refinancing;
  • receipts about the payment of obligations;
  • documents of the borrower: passport, income certificates.

The list in each particular jar can be supplemented and expanded.

3. Getting a response from bank 2 on the possibility of refinancing debt.

4. Warning in the writing of the bank 1 about desire early repayment loan.

At the same time, the Bank 1 does not have the right to impede and its consent is optional.

5. Registration of a loan agreement with Bank 2, obtaining a new debt repayment schedule.

6. Transferred amounts to repunned loans. As a rule, it is cashless payment On the credit account in the bank 1, but the amount on the hands of the borrower can be issued.

7. Obtaining a certificate of repayment of debt to Bank 1 and presenting it to the Bank 2. This will prove the targeted use of funds for credit refinancing.

8. If necessary, signing a pledge agreement with the bank 2. And arrest overlay mortgaged property.


By deciding on the refinancing of a loan or several loans, it should be borne in mind that not every bank is taken into disregard in its own obligations. In addition, there are restrictions on refinancing loans.

Starting from their quantity, for example, in Sberbank of them 5, and ending with the quality:

  • a period of successful repayment. Usually check that overdue is absent during the last half of the year. Not to mention the presence of open outstanding payments;
  • the term of the loan agreement may be within 12 months until refinancing. And no less block until the end of action;
  • the total amount issued by the Bank depends not only on the terms of the loan product, but also on the solvency of the borrower, its credit history and the amount of obligations redeemed;
  • the currency of the refinanced loan can be both the Russian ruble and foreign.

The variability is determined by the terms of the banking offer.

Usually to refinancing are allowed:

  • consumer loans;
  • car loans;
  • overdrafts;
  • credit cards;
  • mortgage.

With regard to borrowers who want to refinance, the requirements are similar to consumer loans.

As a rule, this is:

  • russian citizenship;
  • availability of permanent registration;
  • the level of income that allows one timely execution of their debt obligations;
  • pure credit history.

Actual bank offers

Loans issued issued banks issued russian banks With credit refinancing rail.


Refinancing ruble loans of third-party banks that are not less than a quarter. The second condition applied to the obligations is the minimum debt upon the obligation not less than 30 000 rubles.

In addition, there must be no prosecution in the last 3 months.

Loan approval can get borrowers from clean ki, aged from 21 to 65, subject to sufficient solvency.


In this bank, it is possible to intersect in several third-party loans, but each of them is refinanced separately.

That is, to combine several commitments in one will not come out, but it is quite possible to improve the conditions.

Registration of a loan in the office of the bank at the place of residence of the borrower. Insurance of the life and health of the borrower is not necessarily, but its absence entails an increase in the rate of 2 pp.

Borrowers must have a sufficient level of income to maintain a loan and clean ki, as well as an experience of at least a year.

Bank of Moscow

Without collateral, consumer loans from other banks refinance and makes it possible to combine them in one.

At the request, the borrower can attract the guarantor or provide a deposit, there is also an option to issue insurance.

Perhaps this will reduce the bet. The loan is available to individuals (including students), IP, lawyers and notaries aged 21 to 70 years. Be sure to have experience from 3 months and constant income.


Refinancing up to 5 loans taken in other banks. The program allows you to combine several different commitments in one.

This significantly simplifies the task of the borrower: reduces the amount, one payment remains, one bank.

In addition, within the offer, it is possible to obtain additional funds for any purpose. Registration occurs in the office.

There are two options in the package of documents:

  • with income confirmation;
  • no reference to O. financial condition Customer, that is, with a simplified package.

Accordingly, in the second case, the rate is higher.

City Bank

Offers money in debt "On the repayment of loans from other banks" (credit card, consumer credit, car loans and others) under one of the most profitable rates.

True, it is necessary to provide evidence of closing loans in third-party banks, otherwise the rate will grow by 10 pp.


Refin-silent crev

Possibility to get refinancing with delay


Method of issue

in third-party banks, no less than a quarter

enumeration to a third-party credit account

Rossel Hozbank

for a period of more than six months

at the account of the bank-lender

Bank of Moscow

terms of validity of loans are not limited, currency: ruble.

from 1 to 3 days

part of the funds on the expense of an expert bank, part cashless translation At the expense of the borrower


life term of the loan from 6 months., until the repayment of no less than a quarter,


from 2 days, after receiving a full package of documents

according to the borrower, either at the expense of a third-party bank to pay off loans, or to the account (card) of the borrower.

City Bank

ruble loans in third-party banks

at the discretion of the bank

within 1 working day

at the expense of the borrower

Online application

There is nothing to think to make a credit for refinancing online. But to submit an online application is possible.

Such a service is offered, for example, in the bank of Moscow. The results of consideration of the client will notify the SMS.

After that, with the package of documents, it is necessary to go to the bank branch and fully arrange a loan.

A similar offer to submit an online application is in the City Bank. Sberbank considers online applications Only from "their" customers.

The active scale of interest rates of banks

The most profitable refinancing loan offers Sberbank. It was cleared of 17.5% per annum. True, traditionally, the threshold for approval of applications in Sberbank is difficult.

A somewhat loyal attitude towards "their" borrowers who receive a salary or retirement in this bank.

How much to count on?

The size of the refinanted loan depends on the purpose of its design. If the goal is only to repay active obligations, then the size will limit themselves to their sum.

If the borrower wants to get more and the bank will approve it to him, then the amount will be higher.

In any case, it will remain as part of a loan offer.

Terms of granting

Dates for refinancing are comparable with terms for consumer loans. At the same time, the borrower always remains the right of complete or partial early repayment.

Methods for obtaining a loan

Credit money on refinancing is issued in several ways, which depend on the condition of the loan agreement and the needs of the borrower:

  • at the expense, map or cash borrower. In this case, the client requires confirmation of the target use of funds.

    Otherwise, sanctions may be imposed in the form of a raising rate or fine;

  • at the expense of a bank in which the loan is refinanced. This method is more convenient, since, firstly, that the borrower does not need to prove to where and how the money was spent. Secondly, some banks carry out such a translation without commissions, and this is an additional economy;
  • partial distribution of the loan: to the account of a third-party bank and personally a borrower (on credit card, cash or account).

    This method is convenient in cases where a loan for refinancing exceeds the amount of current obligations to other banks, and some of the funds do not have the target and can be used by the borrower at its own discretion.

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How to repay?

Repayment of a loan for refinancing by any features in comparison with the repayment of other loans does not possess.

Also, the borrower has the ability to choose at least one free (that is, without a commission of option). This is usually a cash bank creditor.

As well as several repayment channels, depending on the possibilities of the bank:

  • cash registers of any Russian bank;
  • internet services, by type Client-Bank or Sberbank online;
  • electronic wallets: Yandex, Kiwi, webmoney;
  • systems money transfers Contact, Golden Crown, Unistribute, Rapid;
  • Post office;
  • aTMs;
  • terminals of banks or intermediaries.

Most of the maturity methods includes mandatory payment Commission. The amount of the Commission depends on the terms of service of the efficiency or other intermediary.

It may be fixed payment From 50 rubles, and maybe the percentage of the amount is from 0.5% and higher.

When making a refinanted loan payment, it is worth considering that the date of repayment is the date of receipt of funds to the creditor account.

Thus, if the time is required to take time to several days, it is better not to roll back the implementation of this procedure at the last moment. Otherwise, the risk of getting delay and, as a result, fines.

Video: What to do if a loan took in your name?

Advantages and disadvantages

Refinancing a loan helps the borrower:

  • reduce interest rate and total loan payments;
  • reduction of costs that are serviced by several loans;
  • change of payment schedule for a more convenient borrower;
  • combine several payments on active obligations into a single payment;
  • translate debt B. foreign currency to ruble equivalent or vice versa;
  • implement mortgage property under the current loan agreement.

By cons refinancing can be attributed to the loss of time that goes to the collection of documents, the proof of their solvency and targeted use of money. In addition, all the refinancing goals are not always achieved.

For example, the borrower may be able to extend the term credit Agreement, But to reduce the overpayment - no.

Or worse in the total result it will increase. If the loan is collateled, then the new lender may require additional assessment of the collateral, the change of the insurance company (if it is a mortgage, and the insurer does not meet the conditions of the bank). All these are extra expenses that fall on the borrower.

Refinancing is a challenging procedure, but with the right choice of a loan offer - profitable.

Ideally, the borrower reduces the overall overpayment, prolongs the credit period, is limited to one payment instead of several.

Unfortunately, to achieve all the integrity purposes does not always come out. But even a slight reflection is already plus.

So, it will be a mistake and short-sighted refinancing if such an opportunity is provided.

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In this publication, I will tell you about refinancing credit. You will learn what refinancing is to whom and for which it is necessary, as happens, that the borrower wins from this, and whether to refinance the debt at all. Let's start first, about everything in order.

What is credit refinancing?

The refinancing of the loan is to dedify the borrower in another bank, that is, in fact, the issuance of a loan to repay the other existing loan. If the borrower has a mortgage loan, then when refinancing, the pledge is transferred to a new creditor bank.

Many confused or identify refinancing and restructuring, but these are completely different concepts, since it is only a change in the current conditions of the loan agreement in the same bank, and refinancing is the issuance of a completely new loan in a new bank.

Refinancing of loans from other banks has been widely distributed relatively recently as a result of a competitive struggle between financial institutions. In the struggle for customers, the banks began to lure each other borrowers, first - high-quality, then even with a bad one.

Who needs a credit refinancing?

It is clear that the refinancing of debt is another program of bank lending, allowing the bank to attract new customers, and therefore - increase its income. At the same time, a borrower can be extracted certain from refinancing. You can highlight 3 main categories of borrowers who most often wish to refinance the loan in another bank:

1. Those who want to reduce their loan payments. It happens that getting a loan, a person chose not the most, and already realized that he could pay significantly less on its obligations. The bank in which he took a loan is unlikely to reduce the interest rate and the amount of the commission, so you can refinance the debt in another bank on more favorable terms.

2. Those who want to increase the amount of the loan. This option refers to mortgage loans. Suppose a person took on the purchase of real estate, already paid, say, half of the debt, but then he needed money for some other goals. If the lender bank does not want to increase the amount of the loan, then this can make a competitor bank, conducting debt refinancing and providing a larger loan amount that covers the existing deposit.

3. Response from overdue. In some cases, borrowers who occur also to refinancing are in a hurry, and problems with redemption occur. Not all banks will be sent to such refinancing, however, it may be necessary for both those who agree to convert overdue debt if the borrower can prove that it is solvent.

Initially, refinancing of debt was more often used for, but later gained widespread and on the credit lending programs: Mortgage ,.

Documents for refinancing loan.

To refinance from the loan of other banks, you should collect a standard package of documents provided for credit programs New banking institution, as well as documents confirming the availability and quality of service of existing debt:

- loan agreement and repayment schedule;

- contract of collateral (mortgages), the act of coordination of the value of the pledge, if the loan is collateled;

- certificate of the current state of debt on the loan, the presence of either the absence of overdue;

- receipts confirming the repayment of existing debt.

Different banks may have different requirements for documents to refinance the loan, therefore, of course, this issue is better to clarify individually in a particular bank.

Credit refinancing procedure.

The credit refinancing procedure is also governed by the internal provisions of each specific bank, but as a whole, the following key stages of debt refinancing can be determined (we denote the bank in which there is a loan - Bank 1, and the bank in which the borrower wants to be dedicated - Bank 2):

1. The borrower is addressed for advice on the refinancing of a loan to Bank 2, it receives a preliminary agreement for the consideration of its application;

2. The borrower collects the established documents for refinancing a loan and submits to Bank 2;

3. Bank 2 is considering an application and accepts a decision on a loan committee on the possibility of refinancing the debt on the loan;

4. The borrower warns the Bank 1 on its intention to hold (in this case, the principal agreement of the Bank 1 is not required);

5. On the day of the transaction, the borrower signs with the bank 2 credit contract and a new repayment schedule;

6. Bank 2 issues a loan, in most cases - by transferring the amount to pay off the debt to the Bank 1. If the amount of the new loan is larger, then the amount is transferred to the repayment, and the rest is issued by another way agreed with the borrower;

7. The borrower receives in a bank 1 certificate that the loan is completely repaid and the debt on it is absent, and provides it with Bank 2 as a confirmation of the targeted use of a loan for refinancing;

8. If the loan was a collateral - Bank 1 removes the arrest from the mortgage property;

9. The borrower signs with the Bank 2 of the contract of collateral (mortgages);

10. Bank 2 imposes its arrest on the mortgage property.

All, the credit refinancing procedure is fully completed, and then the borrower is repaid already in a new bank, according to signed agreements and graphs.

Now you know how to refinance the loans from other banks, who can be beneficial, and what documents should be provided for this.

Raise your own financial literacy On the site: here you will find many useful practical recommendations On how to systematize and maximize the use of personal finances, to properly cooperate with banks, master new ways to earn money and investment. All questions of interest you can always ask in the comments or discuss on the forum. See you in new publications!

It happens that the client who took bank loan, understands - the load on making monthly payments is too big for him.

To avoid the occurrence of debts and overdue, you can use the refinancing service that many banks offer, and which allows you to improve lending conditions.

Let's try to explain simple wordsWhat is bank refinancing loans, cash loans and microloans, how to understand what is its essence and meaning.

What it is

What does credit refinancing mean? The essence of refinancing services in obtaining a new loan aimed at repaying the old one.

It may be necessary if it is not possible to pay off the debt in a timely manner or just want to improve the terms of payments.

Removing allows you to reduce payments at the rate, reduce the commission, delay the payment. And you can also increase the duration of debt repayment. More mandatory payment can be changed.

Usually banks offerAccording to which debt is paid every month equal amounts during the entire period until its full repayment.

In the absence of the possibility of making a certain agreed amount, the principle of payments can be changed to the differential scheme.

In this case, the percentage is accrued only to the balance of the body size. Each month the payment amount will decrease.

What is refinancing loans and why it is profitable:

Principle of operation in famous banks of the Russian Federation

Refinancing scheme is about the same in all banks..

The principle is quite simple: you are submitted, and if the organization approves it, then it gives you funds aimed at repaying the previous debt.

The bank can list the money to the account of the primary lender itself. But there are options when you have to pay off debt, and after providing a credit institution documents that confirm this.

Refinancing loan - how it works:

Pros and Cons Offers

Advantages from the lending program quite a lot. These include the following:

But it is worth allocating and some disadvantages:

  • In the case of small loans, the service may be disadvantageous. Then the savings will be quite insignificant, while you will spend extra time for registration.
  • It is necessary to take into account the possibility of additional expenses. It can be various commissions, and if they are significant, the benefit may be absent even with a decrease in the bet.
  • The number of loans that can be combined into one, banks are usually limited.
  • Additionally, in some cases, permission is required for dedication from your initial creditor.

Conditions and Refunning Requirements

Refinancing can be debt for credit card, car loan. At the same time, companies are presented with respect to the borrower a number of requirements.

These include the following:

Different banks may differ. So, certain companies agree to shut off the debt only those who have salary card Either an active deposit.

A number of requirements are presented with respect to the current loan:

  • The client must make more than 6-12 payments by debt.
  • Until the end of the lending period, no less than 3-6 months should remain.
  • Duty should not be restructured or prolonged.
  • No delay is not allowed.

Refit conditions differ in many banks.

If we take the average consumer loan criteria, the rate is usually starting from 10%, the timing is up to 5 years, and the amount can reach 1-3 million in different institutions.

In the case of mortgage loans, the deadlines increase. They can reach 25-30 years. And there will also be more lending, while it should not exceed 80-85% of the value of the real estate object.

In the case of mortgage, banks can also make certain requirements relative to the housing itself. It should be in good condition. It may still be necessary to assess the object, and note that these are additional waste.

There is an opportunity. This usually occurs in a similar way. You take a new loan, which is sent to the closing of the credit card limit.

At the same time, the card itself is also blocked. Two options are possible: get a regular loan and obtaining a new credit card, with which funds are translated into old.

It is also possible to refinance microloans.Although they offer not all banks offer it. But you can always take the usual loan and send it to the closure of the debt in the microfinance organization.

Stages of the procedure

The algorithm for dedication is about the same in all financial institutions.

It usually includes such steps:

  • First you need to program. Many lenders allow it online. If it is approved, then you need to prepare a full package and transfer their banking organization.
  • After approval, the client signs with financial institution Treaty. New Bank At the same time, it assumes obligations to repay old debt.
  • If there is a deposit, then it is re-registration for a new institution.
  • Upon completion of the transaction, the client begins to pay a new loan in accordance with the terms of the contract. Debt before the previous lender is annulled.

How to calculate benefits

To this end, it is convenient to use special calculators that can be found on the websites of most banks providing this service.

The calculator expects savings based on the data you entered. Before refinancing a loan, you usually need to introduce a lending period., view of calculation and its currency, rate value and monthly payment, debt balance.

The existing conditions will be compared with those that offers a new credit institution, and you can find out how much will save for the entire period.

Thus, credit refinancing can help significantly save, although not in all cases.

In contact with

Many borrowers who have just started using bank services are asked what it means to deprive or refinance their credit, what advantages it gives. There are situations where current loan payments are not under power when so many loans accumulates, which is already difficult to mention all repayment dates. Solving these problems is just and lies in dedication.

The basic definition of refinancing sounds like this: Taking a new loan on more favorable terms, which will be aimed at repaying the current debt to another lender. Such a service also allows you to reorder a loan and within one bank.

It often happens that at the time of the registration of a consumer loan, car loan or mortgage rates are not the most pleasant. However, over time, when they decline, the dedication is just by the way.

The service uses those who wish to reduce monthly debt payments. Change of work, illness and other circumstances can cause a person who cannot be calculated from the debt before.

Refinancing is available to citizens of the Russian Federation, which has a permanent source of income and a good credit history. If the payer earlier admitted a delay, then he will most likely refuse, so if you see that next month you cannot make money on payment schedule, then it is better to seek offering in banks to reissue loan, while your credit history is not yet " Spotnana. "

The reference process looks like this..

  1. The applicant addresses the Bank with all the necessary documents.
  2. It goes to your lender and lets the amount for early repayment and whether the moratorium is not provided for this action.
  3. It makes an application in a new bank.
  4. After approval, the money is transferred to the repayment of debt.
  5. The borrower pays a new lender on new conditions, more profitable, otherwise the whole process would not make sense.

Often new loan issued in the amount greater than the previous debt. As a rule, additional funds client can use for any purpose at its discretion.

Refinancing provides the following possibilities.:

  • Reduce interest rate
  • Increase time
  • Change currency
  • Reduce monthly payment
  • Minimize several loans in one.

Refinance the loan is very convenient when mortgage when it comes to large sums, because even the decline in the rate is 2-3% already a lot means for a young family

If you want to know how to get a loan without fail? Then go through this link. If you have a bad credit story, and banks refuse you, then you must read this

Taking consumer loan, mortgage and any other product, we can not always objectively evaluate our own financial opportunities Either look forward to the increase to s / n. Unfortunately, the awareness of which debt pit We are mired, it comes late. Then the borrower faces such issues as high interest rates. And you can come to terms with the conditions, but there is another option that we will consider, answering the question, what is a loan dedication.

What is the loan dedication: highlights

Many do not understand what it means to refinance the bank loan. And therefore do not use this opportunity. Today we will raise the curtain and deal with this intricate concept. Removing, which can still be called refinancing is a service provided by the Bank by the Borrower, which consists in a new borrowing in order to repay the debt under the current loan. If we talk simple words - this is obtaining a new loan in the same or other bank to pay the old one.

Refinancing is offered on more favorable terms (a reduced% rate), therefore the client can use it to adjust the size and period of the past loan. From a legal point of view, considering what loan dedication can be said: "This is a target credit Productissued by the banking structure to repay the debt in another financial and credit organization. " These conditions are prescribed in the relevant contract.

Recovery registration in the same bank is rarely offered. Other banking institutions are usually addressed for such a service. The dedication is provided to those citizens who have no credit history by delay or fines. It is impossible to agree on refinancing immediately after the credit takes. As a rule, the service is provided after committing 5-6 payments on the current loan. Now you know what to refinance credit. Let us turn to the advantages of dedication.

Advantages and disadvantages of refinancing loans

Each borrower facing returns credit funds, wondered, and when to refinance a loan profitable? It is advisable to resort to this product if:

  • you need to reduce the bet;
  • change the amount of payments that are paid monthly;
  • extend the term of the contract (use the so-called);
  • change currency in which lending originally occurred;
  • it is necessary to replace one loan somewhat earlier.

Thus, it becomes clear what is the benefit of refinancing. Participation in this program will allow you to save on costs aimed at repayment, and improve the conditions of past lending. What is the benefit for banks during refinancing? Credit organisation It does not remain in the loss. First, it will acquire a new client. Secondly, it makes a profit that is generated from%. Often, the bank after dedication offers other products, and the client agrees.

The question is subject to, and what is the credit refinancing catch?

Removing in any case is associated with expenses. The most elementary is the payment of the Commission for issuing a new loan. If this is not provided for by the contract, it may be necessary to pay the Bank for the consideration of the application. If the loan in the first structure occurred with collateral, the removal of the deposit and the provision of the new will also lead to a loss of some amount (evaluation, preparation of documents and other).

Refinancing the current mortgage loan - what is it

Separately, you need to say about mortgage loan. His dedication is harder. The borrower will need to re-prepare the requested documentation for a third-party bank. Requirements for real estate, assessment results. Insurance is also reissued. check in real Estate He will entail additional spending.

Time will leave more than with the renewal of other types of loans. However, the troubles will be not useless, as the client will be able to significantly reduce the cost of paying mortgages. The main thing is reasonably approaching the choice of the refinancing program. Not all the products offered will be beneficial in your case. Therefore, carefully learn all points of the loan agreement.

What is the dedication of consumer loan: procedure procedure

The refinancing procedure is similar to the design of ordinary lending. Therefore, many do not see the difference between the features of the services, bewildered, the difference between the refinancing from the loan. The difference lies in the package in the latter case it will be more. When placing, except for standard papers, you will have to still collect references regarding the first loan.

The consumer loan repayment program makes it possible to "overlap" such varieties of banking products:

  • target / non-target;
  • loans issued to buy a car;
  • overdrafts.

So, the borrower is determined with the bank where refinancing intends to arrange, analyzes its conditions. He then documented his identity and solvency, provides an agreement signed earlier with the first organization, an extract on how many times and in what amount payments were made, what amount remained to pay.

The dedication procedure ends with the conclusion of a transaction with a refinancing bank. Money is transferred to the primary to the lender. Please note that no one will give out a borrower with a borrower if the program does not provide for this. BUT B. lately An increasing number of lenders gives additional money for personal needs.

Restructuring and credit refinancing - what's the difference

Since we have already touched on this issue from all sides, let's decide what the refinancing against the loan restructuring is different. The mentioned concepts are two different things, and mistakenly confused them. We mentioned about refinancing, which means, find out what is meant by restructuring.

This is a measure used by a credit and financial institution at the request of the client, about changing the conditions of the current loan. Restructuring credit can only be the bank that issued it.

That is, with this service, a person go on concessions and reduce the load assigned to him. A payment schedule can be changed, the return period will increase the currency. Apply for the issuance of the product of the person who have no overdue yet, but there is a documentary confirmation that they have nothing to pay at this stage. Evidence of this is a certificate of loss of work, lowering s / n and the like.

Banks refinancing loans

So, we figured out what the loan dedication is. Now we give for example several banks ready to help you repay the past loan. Here they are:

  1. Tinkoff Bank. He proposes to take a credit card platinum with the limit you need, repay the existing loan, and for 4 months. Do not pay for it%.
  2. SKB-BANK. It allows you to pay up to 10 loans (including car loans) decorated in third-party financial structures, under a low fixed rate. To increase the limit, you can attract the coacher, including persons of the retirement age.
  3. Uralsib. Similarly, the previous one makes it possible to reduce the number of loans in other banks, reduce the amount of mandatory payments and so on.

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Favorable sentence Alpha Bank has. Therefore, we were deservedly allocated among others. In 2018, the Alpha Bank's dedication program is considered a priority for the following reasons:

  • attractive rate (from 11.99%);
  • a long term for granting the product is 1-7 years;
  • increased limit - up to 4 million rubles;
  • micro loans taken from MFIs are subject to refinancing, mortgage loans, car loans.

It is noteworthy to shift in the alpha bank to a simplified scheme of concluding a contract (without guarantors and pledge).

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