
Taking inventory. How to take inventory correctly: practical recommendations

Inventory refers to the assessment of the presence and condition of the organization's property as of a certain date by comparing actual data with accounting data. Inventory is the main way to control the safety of enterprise property.

Types of inventories

The inventory is divided into types according to purpose, volume and method of carrying out.

By appointment, there are planned, repeated, unscheduled and control; by volume - full and partial; according to the degree of coverage - selective and continuous; by compulsory conduct - obligatory and proactive; by the method of carrying out - natural and documentary inventory.

Inventory by purpose:

  • planned - it is carried out in the terms planned according to the schedule, which was approved by the head of the organization. The timing of the inventory was not disclosed;
  • unscheduled - occurs when special events occur (theft, transfer of affairs by a financially responsible person, natural disasters);
  • repeated - carried out in case of doubts about the quality, reliability and objectivity of the inventory already carried out;
  • control - is carried out to control the correctness of the inventory carried out earlier. It is carried out in places where an inventory has already taken place, necessarily before the opening of the premises.

Inventory by volume:

  • full - carried out before the formation of the annual accounting report, when audit and revisions. Held against material values, cash and settlement relationships with other individuals and businesses. In the case of a complete inventory, values ​​that do not belong to the organization are also subject to it (for example, received for processing, accepted for safekeeping, leased);
  • partial - covers only part of the organization's values. An example of a partial inventory can be an inventory of material assets related only to a specific materially responsible person (for example, when changing him), a checkout audit.

Inventory by coverage:

  • selective - carried out when it is necessary to check only some of the values ​​assigned to a specific financially responsible person. Usually carried out at enterprises with a large range of products;
  • solid - produced simultaneously at all enterprises and in all structural units organizations.

Compulsory inventory:

  • mandatory - it is made necessarily in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • proactive - carried out by decision of the head.

Inventory by the method of conducting:

  • natural direct assessment of quantitative and quality characteristics valuables by weighing, counting, measuring, etc.,
  • documentary - search for documentary evidence of the presence of values.

The concept and meaning of inventory

Inventory is a method of accounting, in which the mechanism of periodic inspection and documentary confirmation of the condition, availability and assessment of property and liabilities of enterprises is regulated. The task of the inventory is to confirm the "truthfulness" of the accounting data and financial statements.

The objectives of the inventory are:

  • identification of shortages and surpluses of property,
  • an estimate of the recorded debt,
  • equalization of accounting,
  • streamlining of property relations,
  • analysis of the potential for cost reduction,
  • establishing the actual state of the property.

Inventory Act

The basic document that determines the procedure for carrying out the inventory (except regulatory documents on the conduct accounting), is the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 49 dated 06/13/1995 "On approval Methodical instructions inventory of property and financial commitments"(As amended on 08.11.2010).

Also, the obligation to conduct an inventory is enshrined in the Federal Law No. 402-FZ dated 06.12.2011 "On Accounting". Inventory at the enterprise is mandatory:

  • before the formation of annual financial statements,
  • when the financially responsible person changes,
  • upon detection of the facts of damage, abuse or theft of valuables,
  • upon liquidation or reorganization of an enterprise,
  • in the sale, redemption, transfer of property for rent,
  • when transforming a municipal unitary or state enterprise,
  • in the event of a fire, natural disaster or other emergency caused by extreme conditions,
  • in other cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation (see Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 34n dated July 29, 1998 "On approval of the Russian Federation"(As amended on 12/24/2010, as amended on 07/08/2016)).

Who is taking inventory in the organization

The inventory is carried out by a permanent commission. The list of members of the inventory commission is approved by the head of the organization.

The members of the inventory commission include:

  • representatives of the organization's management;
  • accounting staff;
  • employees of legal, engineering, financial and other services.

The staff of the service may also be included in the commission. internal audit or representatives of an independent auditing company.

The task for conducting an inventory at the enterprise is prescribed in the order (decree, decree) on conducting an inventory (in the form of form No. INV-22). The assignment includes the order, deadline and scope of inventory work.

Documents compiled during the inventory process

In the course of the inventory, acts or inventory lists are formed. Each document is drawn up in at least two copies. List of possible forms of documents:

Type of document The form
Inventory list of fixed assets INV-1
Inventory label INV-2
Inventory list of inventory items INV-3
Inventory act of goods shipped INV-4
Inventory list of inventory items accepted (handed over) for safekeeping INV-5
The act of inventory of materials and goods in transit INV-6
Inventory report of unfinished fixed assets INV-10
Inventory statement of deferred expenses INV-11
Cash Inventory Act INV-15
Inventory list valuable papers and forms of strict reporting documents INV-16
Inventory statement of settlements with buyers, suppliers and other debtors and creditors INV-17
Collation of fixed asset inventory results INV-18
Comparison sheet of inventory results INV-19
Statement of Inventory Results INV-26

To reflect the results of checks on the correctness of the inventory, an act is drawn up (

An inventory of assets and liabilities is a periodic check of their availability, condition and valuation. The property owned by the organization may not correspond to the accounting data. For example, material values ​​are exposed to natural influences - evaporation, shrinkage, deterioration, etc. As a result, their quantity and cost are significantly reduced. The enterprise can reveal abuses committed during accounting - theft, measurements, body kits, etc. Inventory, therefore, allows you to check the observance of the rules and conditions for the storage of material assets, cash, warehouse management and the reality of accounting data, maintenance and operation of machinery, equipment, other objects of the organization's fixed assets, and also prevents such negative phenomena as theft of property by employees enterprises.

Also, when documenting facts economic activity organizations and when they are reflected in the accounting, various errors, omissions, inaccuracies and corrections are made. Therefore, it is necessary to check the completeness and accuracy of accounting - only in the course of a complete inventory can it be established how much the content of accounting data and primary documents corresponds to the actual volume and value of the organization's property.

How to take inventory property and financial obligations, and will be discussed in this article.

The duty of the organization to conduct an inventory Federal Law No. 129-FZ, and Regulations for the maintenance of accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation it is established that organizations are required to conduct an inventory of:

- when property is leased, redeemed or sold;

- upon reorganization or liquidation of an organization;

- when transforming a state or municipal unitary enterprise;

- before drawing up the annual financial statements (except for property, the inventory of which was carried out not earlier than October 1 of the reporting year);

- when changing financially responsible persons (on the day of acceptance and transfer of cases);

- upon revealing the facts of theft, abuse or damage to property (immediately upon establishment of such facts);

- if there was a natural disaster, fire or other emergencies caused by extreme conditions (immediately after the end of the fire or natural disaster);

- in other cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In case of collective or brigade financial responsibility, an inventory must be carried out in the following cases:

- when changing the team leader or team leader;

- when more than 50% of employees leave the team or brigade;

- at the request of one or more members of the team or team.

The order and timing of inventories in other cases is established by the head of the organization. He determines how many times in the reporting year and when the inventory should be carried out, approves the list of inventoried property and liabilities, and also decides whether to conduct a spot check. The order of the inventory taking established by the head should be fixed in accounting policies organizations.

Current legislation does not prohibit taking inventory on any day convenient for the organization, for example, October 3 or December 25. However, it is most advisable to assign an inventory on the 1st day of the month, since it is on this date, according to the generally established procedure, that the balance is displayed for all synthetic and analytical accounting accounts - data is generated for compiling collation statements and identifying inventory results. But if not the 1st day of the month is chosen, but, for example, December 3, then it becomes necessary to calculate, on this date, the interim totals of turnovers and account balances, which take into account the property or financial liabilities being inventoried in a particular case.

In addition to planned inventories carried out according to a pre-approved schedule, the organization can also carry out unscheduled continuous inventories of inventory items (TMC). Such inventories are called sudden and allow you to catch negligent financially responsible persons by surprise. They are carried out according to a schedule drawn up by the head of the enterprise and kept by the head or chief (senior) accountant. Sudden checks should be carried out in the first place:

- for newly hired financially responsible persons;

- with the formation and growth of excess stocks of inventories;

- when establishing the facts of violations of the rules for acceptance, storage, sale of values.

What is being inventoried? In the course of the inventory, the presence of property and liabilities, their condition and assessment is checked and documented. All property of the organization and all types of financial obligations are subject to inventory. At the same time, it is necessary to check the property that belongs to the organization on the basis of ownership rights, is in custody, leased property received for processing, as well as unaccounted property. This inventory is called solid .

The property includes fixed assets, intangible assets, financial investments, productive reserves, finished products, goods, other stocks, cash and other financial assets.

Financial liabilities include accounts payable, bank loans, loans and reserves. They must be formalized by loan agreements, credit agreements and agreements concluded on a commodity and commercial loan.

By the decision of the head, selective inventory, during which any part of the property is checked. These can be inventory items related to one financially responsible person or located in one place (in a warehouse or in an office).

Inventory Commission To conduct an inventory in the organization, a permanent inventory commission, which, firstly, conducts preventive work to ensure the safety of valuables, if necessary, hears at its meetings the heads of departments and sections on the storage of goods and materials. She checks the documentary registration of facts (when the received property does not comply with the terms of the contract in terms of quantity, quality or range), determines the reasons for writing off the property and the possibility of using waste.

Secondly, the commission prepares and provides an inventory, instructs the members of the working inventory commissions, conducts control checks the correctness of the inventories, as well as selective inventories of inventory items at the storage and processing sites during the inter-inventory period.

In addition, she checks the correctness of the output of the results of the inventories, the validity of the proposed offsets for the misgrading of values ​​at bases, in warehouses, storerooms, workshops, on construction sites and in other storage places. If necessary (for example, when serious violations of the rules for conducting an inventory are established), the commission (on behalf of the head of the enterprise) conducts repeated continuous inventories and makes proposals on the procedure for resolving the identified shortages and losses from damage to goods and materials.

If available in the organization audit commission and a small amount of inventory work can be entrusted to this commission. If the volume of work is large, then for the simultaneous inventory of the entire enterprise, working inventory commissions ... They are justified if the organization has separate subdivisions(branches and representative offices) or carries out its activities on a vast territory (in construction organizations, at agricultural enterprises).

The head of the organization, by his order, approves the personal composition of the permanent and working inventory commissions. This order must be registered in Log book of control over the execution of orders (resolutions, orders) on the inventory(f. No. INV-23).

In the course of the inventory, it is necessary not only to recalculate the number and total cost of goods and materials and funds, but also to check the correctness of their assessment, that is, the validity of determining the specified value in accounting. In addition, the correctness and validity of the accounting of the financial obligations of the organization should be checked, the debt, the repayment of which is unlikely, as well as debts that are hopeless to be collected, should be identified.

Given the importance of such a check, it is advisable to include specialists in the inventory commission who have the necessary qualifications to analyze the correctness of the assessment of the property and financial obligations of the organization (for example, able to distinguish one type of wood from another; by measuring, determine the mass of metal depending on its brand or the amount of grain of a certain varieties in granaries, etc.). The participation of such specialists will help to avoid mistakes, concealment of the facts of mis-grading of products, as well as theft and abuse.

Members of the inventory commissions who enter in the inventories deliberately incorrect data on the actual balances of values ​​in order to hide the shortages and waste or surplus of goods, materials and other values, are brought to justice in accordance with the procedure established by law.

The sequence of the inventory How to carry out the inventory and how to draw up its results is described in detail in Guidelines for the inventory of property and financial obligations... The results of the inventory will be recognized as valid only if the procedure for conducting it is followed.

Inventory of property is carried out at its location and materially responsible person. It is important to remember that if at least one member of the commission is absent during it, the results of the inventory will be invalidated. In addition, another a prerequisite is the presence when checking the actual availability of property of materially responsible persons.

In case of collective (brigade) material responsibility, the inventory is carried out with the obligatory participation of the foreman or his deputy and the members of the team working at the time of the beginning of the inventory.

The inventory procedure consists of several stages. Stage first - preparatory... It includes the following activities:

- preparation of an order for an inventory;

- formation of an inventory commission;

- determination of the timing and types of inventory property;

- Receipt of receipts from financially responsible persons, etc.

Second phase- weighing, measuring, counting, identifying and checking the actual availability of property and liabilities, as well as drawing up inventories. Stage Three Is data mapping inventory records with accounting data: discrepancies are identified, collation statements are drawn up and the reasons for discrepancies are determined.

And finally, the final stage is the registration of the results of the inventory. At this stage, the accounting data is brought in line with inventory results, persons guilty of incorrect accounting of property are brought to administrative responsibility.

Retail and wholesale and retail trade, as well as warehouses (bases) are allowed to close for an inventory of fixed assets, inventory, cash and settlements for a period of not more than three days.

Preparatory measures Before the start of the inventory, the members of the working inventory commissions are given an order to conduct an inventory, and the chairmen of the commissions - a control seal. The order must indicate the content, volume, procedure and timing of the inventory, as well as the personnel of the inventory commission. It may contain as an attachment a plan for conducting an inventory, which determines the end date of the inventory, delimits responsibilities between members of the working commissions. In addition, at the stage of preparing for the inventory, the organization can develop appropriate internal documents, for example:

- rules with detailed description actions of members of working commissions when checking the presence and condition of the property of the enterprise;

- the procedure for settling claims to the work of the inventory commissions;

- forms of primary documents for registration of inventory results.

Before proceeding with the verification of the actual availability of property, the working inventory commission is obliged to seal the utility rooms, basements and other places of storage of valuables that have separate entrances and exits, check the serviceability of all weighing devices and compliance deadlines their branding. The balance is checked for stability, sensitivity and weighing accuracy.

Before the start of the inventory, it is necessary to make the appropriate entries in the cards (books) analytical accounting and withdraw the balances on the day of the inventory. The commission must receive the latest receipts and expenditures or reports on the movement of material assets and funds at the time of the inventory. The Chairman of the Inventory Commission endorses all incoming and outgoing documents attached to the registers (reports) with the indication "before the inventory on" __________ "(date)", which serves as the basis for the accounting department to determine the balance of property by the beginning of the inventory according to the accounting data.

During the inventory, all operations for the receipt and release of material values ​​should be stopped. Valuables actually received after the start of the inventory are capitalized after the date of the inventory.

Financially responsible persons give receipts in which they indicate that by the beginning of the inventory, all expenditure and receipt documents for the property have been handed over to the accounting department or transferred to the commission and all values ​​received under their responsibility are capitalized, and those retired are written off at expense. Similar receipts are given by persons who have accountable amounts for the acquisition or powers of attorney for the receipt of property.

If later it turns out that some of the inventory of documents associated with the movement of goods and materials, cash and other property and financial obligations was not transferred to the accounting department and, therefore, was not taken into account when calculating the balances of inventory values ​​and obligations from the accounting data, written explanations about the reasons for the violations must be taken from the perpetrators and also carefully checked the authenticity of the submitted documents. Documents with explanatory documents attached to them are attached to the inventory materials and are taken into account when justifying its results on a general basis. The current legislation does not establish any special sanctions for such violations. At the same time, the administration can apply to the guilty persons general measures of responsibility established for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their labor duties.

In case of sudden inventories, all inventory items are prepared for inventory in the presence of an inventory commission, in other cases - in advance. They should be grouped, sorted and arranged by name, grade, size in a certain order so that it is convenient to count their number.

Inventory of property At the second stage, members of the inventory commission recount, weigh, measure and describe the property actually held by the organization. As a rule, verification is carried out by a continuous method, that is, absolutely all goods and values ​​are recounted. The actual availability of property is checked with the obligatory participation of financially responsible persons.

During the inventory, inventory records or acts , in which information is entered on the actual availability of property and the reality of recorded financial obligations. Inventories and acts are drawn up in duplicate. Separate inventories are drawn up for property in safe custody, rented or received for processing.

Inventory lists and acts are primary accounting documents for accounting. Therefore, the task of the inventory commission at this stage is to most fully and accurately enter data on actual property and financial obligations, and then correctly and in a timely manner to issue the inventory materials. Inventories can be filled in by hand with ink or ballpoint pen, or using computer technology. In any case, there should be no blots or erasures in them.

In the course of the inventory, financially responsible persons may find errors in the inventories. In this case, they must immediately (before the opening of the warehouse, storeroom, section, etc.) notify the chairman of the inventory committee. The Inventory Commission must check this fact and, if confirmed, eliminate the identified errors.

Erroneous entries are corrected in all copies of the inventory in accordance with the accounting rules - incorrect entries are crossed out, and the correct entry is placed above them. Corrections must be agreed and signed by all members of the inventory committee and financially responsible persons. Unfilled lines should be crossed out. The names of property and individual objects are indicated in the inventories according to the nomenclature adopted in the organization. The number of goods and materials is determined in the established units of measurement.

Inventories are entered in the inventory for each individual item indicating the type, group, quantity and other necessary data (article, grade, etc.). An inventory of valuables should be carried out in the order of their location in a given room.

If the inventory list or act is drawn up on several pages, then they must be numbered and fastened in such a way as to exclude the possibility of replacing one or more of them. At the end of each page of the inventory, indicate in words:

- the number of serial numbers of material values;

- the grand total of the quantity in physical terms recorded on this page, regardless of what units of measurement (pieces, kilograms, meters, etc.) these values ​​are shown in.

Such a record makes it possible to exclude the possibility of making unauthorized changes to the compiled document after it is signed by members of the inventory commission and financially responsible persons.

On the last page of the inventory, a note should be made on the verification of prices, taxation and counting of totals signed by the persons who carried out this verification, after which all members of the inventory commission and financially responsible persons are signed. In addition, at the end of the inventory, the financially responsible persons give a receipt confirming the check by the commission of the property in their presence, about the absence of any claims to the members of the commission and the acceptance of the property listed in the inventory for safekeeping. If the inventory of property takes place in connection with the change of financially responsible persons, the employee who accepted the property signs in the inventory on receipt, and the employee who handed over this property - in its delivery.

To confirm the actual availability of property in the warehouses of third-party organizations, it is necessary to receive receipts from them during the inventory. This requirement is explained by the fact that the main purpose of the inventory is to verify the actual availability of property. Documents drawn up, for example, a year ago, in fact, are weak confirmation that at the time of the inventory the property is safe and sound at the person to whom it was transferred under a lease or storage agreement, in trust management or business management. For example, an organization to which property was transferred could be liquidated, property destroyed in an accident or lost due to illegal actions of third parties, etc. If in the course of the inventory the facts of the impossibility of obtaining property located in another organization are revealed, it is necessary to take measures to recover its value from the guilty persons through the court or out of court.

I would like to re-emphasize the importance of correct design documents - in the future, this will avoid both minor misunderstandings and major troubles.

Comparison of inventory data with accounting data The next stage of the inventory is to compare the actual balances of tangible and intangible assets identified during verification with the balances recorded in the accounting accounts. The inventory list is transferred to the accounting department, which compares the actual balances of the property with the accounting data. Before compiling collation statements and determining the results of the inventory, the accounting department of the organization should carefully check the correctness of all calculations given in the inventory lists.

Separate collation statements are drawn up for values ​​that do not belong, but are listed in accounting (held in custody or leased, received for processing). The owners of goods and materials are provided with a certificate of the results of the inventory with an attached copy of the inventory list. The collation sheet is drawn up by the accountant in two copies, one of which is kept in the accounting department, and the other is transferred to the financially responsible person.

The identified amounts of surplus and shortage of inventory in the collating statements are indicated in accordance with their assessment in accounting.

When compiling collation statements, it is necessary to take into account the mis-grading of goods and materials, when one type of product is incorrectly taken into account in the composition of another grade, as well as the sum differences resulting from mis-grading. In addition, losses should be written off within the limits of the rate of natural loss.

At the same time with inventory of goods and materials the accounting department of the enterprise must check the entries for all relevant accounts, comparing them with the corresponding accounts. For example, for fixed assets, it is necessary to establish whether all objects taken into operation are recorded; for goods and materials - whether all the received values ​​are capitalized, and the retired ones are written off and reflected in the accounting; for work in progress - are all costs written off for manufactured products, etc.

Electricity consumption without a contract: how to avoid negative legal consequences. Organizer: Higher School of State Audit of Moscow State University

1. The concept of inventory, its purpose.

2. Types of inventory.

3. Timing and objects of the inventory.

4. The order of the inventory.

5. Documentary registration of the inventory.

6. Reflection of the results of the inventory in the accounting.

    The concept of inventory, its purpose

To ensure control over the safety of property and for full compliance of accounting data with actual balances, an inventory is used.

Inventory is the establishment of the actual availability of funds, their sources by recalculating, measuring, weighing balances in kind and comparing them with accounting data.

The main objectives of the inventory are:

    Checking the correctness of the current accounting data and identifying errors made.

    Reflection of unrecorded business and financial transactions.

    Control over the safety of property.

    Control over the completeness and timeliness of settlements for business contracts and obligations, for the payment of taxes and fees.

    Checking the conditions and order of storage of material values.

    Identification of stale, slow-moving, obsolete material values.

    Verification of compliance with the principle of material responsibility.

    Checking the status of accounting and organization of the movement of stocks.

  1. Inventory types

Various types of inventories are classified according to several criteria:

    by volume, complete and partial inventories are distinguished;

    by the method of conducting - selective and continuous;

    by appointment - planned, sudden, repeated, control.

Complete inventory - it is an inventory that covers all material assets, cash and settlements with other organizations and individuals. It is carried out before the preparation of the annual report, during an audit or revision. With a full inventory, all types of funds are checked that do not even belong to the organization, but are used in its work. These are, for example, leased fixed assets, inventory items accepted for safekeeping, materials accepted for processing.

Partial inventory - it is an inventory that covers a portion of the organization's assets. This is, for example, an inventory of the cash register, an inventory of materials associated with the change of materially responsible persons.

Selective inventory - it is an inventory of a specific financially responsible person, when only some of the values ​​to choose from are checked. Selective inventory is carried out at choice with a large range of values.

Continuous inventory - this is an inventory that is carried out simultaneously in all structural divisions of the enterprise.

Planned inventory- This is an inventory, which is carried out according to the schedule at the specified time, approved by the head of the enterprise.

Unscheduled inventory - this is an inventory, which is not carried out according to plan, but due to the prevailing circumstances. This, for example, when transferring cases from one financially responsible person to another, after a natural disaster, theft.

Re-inventory - this is an inventory, which is carried out if there are doubts about the reliability, objectivity, quality of the inventory.

Control inventory- This is an inventory that is repeated in order to check the correctness of the inventory. These inventories are also carried out with the participation of members of the inventory commissions and materially responsible persons before the opening of the warehouse, the section where the inventory was carried out for the first time.

The procedure for conducting inventories at the enterprise involves the creation of permanent inventory commissions composed of: the head of the enterprise or his deputy (chairman of the commission); chief accountant; heads of structural divisions (services); members of the public. For the direct inventory of property, working commissions are created consisting of: a representative of the head of the enterprise who appointed the inventory (chairman of the commission); specialists (economist, accounting service worker, engineer, technologist, commodity specialist, storekeeper, etc.). The commission should include experienced workers who are well aware of the property being inventoried, the procedure for setting prices, and primary accounting.

In the inter-inventory period, enterprises (organizations) should conduct systematic checks and sample inventories of inventory items in the places of their storage and processing. These inspections and inventories are carried out by order of the head of the employees of the inventory groups that are on the staff of the enterprise, or special commissions, which include officials who are well aware of inventory items, accounting and reporting, as well as members of the public.

The personal composition of permanent inventory commissions, working inventory commissions and commissions carrying out inspections and selective inventories is approved by order of the head of the enterprise (organization).

Working inventory commissions:

    carry out an inventory of valuables and funds in places of storage and production;

    Together with the accounting department of the enterprise, they participate in determining the results of the inventory and develop proposals for offsetting shortages and surpluses by re-grading, as well as writing off shortages within the limits of natural loss rates;

    make proposals on the issues of streamlining the reception, storage and release of inventory, improving accounting and control over their safety, as well as the implementation of excess and unused values;

    are responsible: a) for the timeliness and compliance with the order of the inventory in accordance with the order of the head; b) for the completeness and accuracy of entering in the inventory data on the actual balances of the checked fixed assets, inventories, cash and funds in the calculations; c) for the correctness of the indication in the inventory of the distinctive features of inventory items (type, grade, brand, size, as well as prices, etc.); d) for the correctness and timeliness of the inventory materials in the prescribed manner.

Members of the inventory commissions for entering in the inventory deliberately incorrect data on the actual balances of values ​​with a chain of concealment of shortages and waste or surplus of goods, materials and other values ​​are subject to prosecution in accordance with the procedure established by law.

The main task of inspections and sample inventories in the inter-inventory period is to monitor the safety of inventory, compliance with the rules for their storage, compliance with financially responsible persons established order primary accounting.

Before the start of the inventory, the members of the working inventory commissions are given an order, and the chairmen are given a control seal. The order sets forth the start and end dates for the inventory taking. By the day of the beginning of the withdrawal of the actual balances, the processing of all documents on the capitalization and consumption of valuables must be completed, the corresponding entries in the cards (books) of analytical accounting must be made and the balances on the day of the inventories must be displayed.

At the time of the inventory, the accountant draws up an inventory list.

Warehouse operations are not performed during the inventory period; the warehouse manager in this inventory gives a receipt that all warehouse documents are recorded in the warehouse inventory card of materials and handed over to the accounting department of the organization.

Before proceeding with the verification of the actual availability of inventory items, the working inventory group is obliged to: seal the back rooms, basements and other storage places with separate entrances and exits; check the serviceability of all weighing devices and compliance with the established terms for their branding; receive the latest at the time of inventory registers of receipts and expense documents or statements of the movement of material assets and cash.

In case of sudden inventories, all inventory items are prepared for inventory in the presence of an inventory commission, and in other cases - in advance.

An inventory of fixed assets, raw materials, materials, finished products, goods, cash and other values ​​is carried out for each location and the responsible person in whose custody these values ​​are.

Verification of actual balances is carried out with the obligatory participation of financially responsible persons (cashiers, heads of farms, storerooms, sections, trade enterprises, etc.).

The presence of valuables in the inventory is determined by compulsory recount, weighing, measurement.

The names of the inventoried values ​​and objects and their quantity are shown in the inventories by the item and in the units of measurement adopted in the accounting.

The completed inventory lists are handed over to the accounting department, where they are checked, then the actual availability of funds is compared with the accounting data. The comparison results are recorded in a collation sheet. It indicates the actual availability of funds according to the inventory data (quantity and amount), the availability of funds according to the accounting data and the comparison results - surplus or shortage. Only those values ​​for which surpluses and shortages have been identified are recorded in the collation sheet, and the steel values ​​are shown in the statement as a total. The sums of surplus and shortage of inventory items in collation statements are indicated in accordance with their assessment in accounting.

The inventory commission is obliged to identify the reasons for the shortages or surpluses found during the inventory. The conclusions and decisions of the commission are drawn up in a protocol approved by the head of the enterprise, after which the results of the inventory are reflected in the accounting.

The results of the inventory are reflected in the accounting and reporting of the month in which it was completed, and the results of the annual inventory are reflected in the annual accounting report.

Accounting and reporting may be correct on paper, but their reliability can only be identified through inventory. This article will help you remember the essential points and prevent or correct possible errors.

Webinars for accountants at Kontur.School: changes in legislation, features of accounting and tax accounting, reporting, salary and personnel, cash transactions.

Inventory is a mandatory annual procedure for all enterprises without exception. the main objective- checking the compliance of accounting data with the actual situation. But not all organizations understand the importance of taking an inventory, making it a formality. However, only in the course of this procedure it is possible to identify surplus or shortage of property, establish the actual state of objects, streamline property relations, assess the validity of the debt recorded in the accounting, identify the possibility of reducing costs, adjust accounting, and, most importantly, minimize tax risks.

Cases when an inventory is required:

  • when transferring property for rent, redemption, sale, as well as when transforming a state or municipal unitary enterprise;
  • before drawing up;
  • when changing financially responsible persons;
  • when revealing the facts of theft, abuse or damage to property;
  • in case of natural disaster, fire or other emergencies caused by extreme conditions;
  • upon reorganization or liquidation of an organization;
  • in other cases stipulated by law.

If the inventory was carried out no earlier than October 1 of the reporting year, then there is no need to repeat this procedure before drawing up the annual balance sheet.

Fixed assets must be checked every three years (clause 27 of the Regulation on accounting and reporting in the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n.)

In addition, the head of the organization has the right to independently appoint an inventory. To do this, he needs to determine the number of these activities in the reporting year, their dates, the list of the property to be checked and financial obligations for each of them (clause 2.1, clause 2 of the Inventory Guidelines).

What should be checked during inventory?

All property and all types of financial obligations are subject to inventory, regardless of its location, that is, not only for the parent enterprise, but also for its divisions.

V mandatory you need to check:

  • intangible assets;
  • fixed assets;
  • financial investments;
  • inventory items;
  • work in progress and prepaid expenses;
  • cash, monetary documents and forms of documents of strict accountability;
  • settlements with suppliers, buyers, tax office and funds, settlements with other debtors (creditors);
  • reserves for future expenses and payments, estimated reserves;
  • assets and liabilities of the company.

Please note that you need to check not only the property that belongs to the company. Inventory is also subject to values ​​recorded on off-balance sheet accounts, the ownership of which the company does not have (for example, leased fixed assets; goods received for safekeeping; materials accepted for processing, etc.).

Inventory procedure

The procedure for taking an inventory of the organization's property and obligations must be spelled out in the accounting policy (clause 3 of article 6 of Federal Law No. 402-FZ).

Yulia Busygina, Head of Accounting Training, Kontur.School comments:"Not mandatory cases the inventory is recorded in the accounting policy. Indicate the cases, terms, composition of the inventory commission. Cases when inventory is required by law do not need to be recorded in the accounting policy. "

The main stages of the inventory:

1. Preparatory stage:

  • preparation of an order for an inventory;
  • formation of an inventory commission;
  • determination of the timing and types of inventoried property;
  • receiving receipts from financially responsible persons, etc.
  • printout of inventories of inventory items (form No. INV-3) separately for each financially responsible person.

The main document that determines the procedure for conducting an inventory is the Methodological Instructions for the Inventory of Property and Financial Liabilities, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 13, 1995 No. 49. They also contain forms for recording the results of the inventory, which are approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated August 18, 1998 No. 88 (as amended on 03/27/2000).

2. Weighing, measuring, counting, identifying and checking the actual availability of property and obligations, as well as drawing up inventories.

3. Comparison of inventory data with accounting data: discrepancies are identified, collation statements are compiled and the reasons for discrepancies are determined.

4. Registration of inventory results. At this stage, the accounting data are brought into line with the results of the inventory, the persons guilty of incorrect accounting of property are brought to administrative responsibility.

When correcting errors based on the results of the inventory, you need to follow two rules:

  • First, the inventory must be completed before signing the reports and submitting them to the tax office.
  • Second, error correction records date from the end of the inventory or December 31 of the reporting year.

Changes to approved and submitted accounting statements you cannot make. In such a situation, all mistakes are corrected in the current year.

Surplus property identified

Often, the inventory reveals "excess" inventories and, oddly enough, even fixed assets. The reasons may be mistakes made in the process of previously conducted control and accounting activities.

In accounting, surplus property is accounted for by market value(excluding VAT and excise taxes), which affects the amount of taxation. They are credited on the date of the inventory and the corresponding amount is reflected in other income (clause 29 of the Inventory Guidelines).

The identified surpluses are subject to reflection on the following accounting accounts: on the debit of the corresponding account of material assets (01 "Fixed assets", 10 "Materials", 41 "Goods", 43 " Finished products") And the credit of account 91-1" Other income ".

During the inventory surplus goods were identified at a market value of 15,000 rubles.

The accountant makes the following entry:

Debit 41 Credit 91-1- 15,000 - the cost of surplus goods is included in non-operating income

The organization, during the annual inventory, identified surplus building materials. The market value of these materials is 20,000 rubles. Based on the decision of the inventory commission, the accountant made the following entry:

Debit 10 Credit 91-1- 20,000 - surplus building materials taken into account

In addition, it is necessary to establish the reasons for the occurrence of surpluses and perpetrators (clause 5.1 of the Inventory Guidelines).

If the materials or goods identified during the inventory are illiquid, or, in other words, damaged, or there are other reasons that prevent them from being sold, for example, spare parts for equipment that are no longer produced, goods that are out of fashion, etc., then they should also be written off, reflecting in the accounting accounting record: Debit 91 Credit 10.

In tax accounting, income in the form of the cost of surplus inventories and other property that are identified as a result of inventory is recognized as non-operating income (clause 20 of article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Surplus is also accounted for at market value (excluding VAT and excise taxes) (clauses 5 and 6 of article 274 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Responsibility for not taking inventory

The legislation does not provide for liability for failure to conduct an inventory. However, the inspectorate may fine you for inaccurate accounting and reporting data (Article 120 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation; Article 15.11 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). True, for this she will have to find the discrepancy between the credentials and the real ones herself. Although it is not easy to do for previous periods, but nothing is impossible.

We advise you to watch the recording of the webinar "". The lecturer will use practical examples to show how to make adjustments in accounting, if surplus or shortage is revealed during the inventory. He will also analyze the most controversial and difficult issues that arise during the inventory.

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