
Rosselkhozbank official page. All about the bank of Rosselkhozbank: History, Owner, Shareholders, income and expenses. Domestic documents of the bank

Registration number: 3349

Date of registration by the Bank of Russia: 24.04.2000

Beach: 044525111

Main State Registration Number: 1027700342890 (22.10.2002)

Authorized capital: 424 848,000,000 rubles.

License (issue of issuance / last replacement) Banks with a basic license are banks that have a license in which the name "basic" is present. All other existing banks are banks with a universal license:
License to attract into deposits and placement of precious metals (12.08.2015)
General License for Banking Operations (12.08.2015)

Participation in the Deposit Insurance System: Yes

Rosselkhozbank - "Russian Agricultural Bank" - occupies a confident position in the first half of the list of the largest banks of Russia, was founded in 2000. The purpose of his education was the dissection of the credit and financial structure of the agro-industrial sector of the Russian Federation. The control over the activities of the Bank belongs to the Federal State Property Management Agency, and the main authority of the leadership is the annual general meeting of all shareholders, which elects the Supervisory Board for management activities and monitoring the decision of strategic decisions.

The products and services of the bank are:

  • cash, target ,;
  • Supply deposits, urgent;
  • Debit and credit cards;
  • Remote control - .

Rosselkhozbank has a developed on the territory of the Russian Federation and 6 representative offices outside the Russian Federation, more than a thousand additional offices and 178 operating rooms.

The client base of this institution by 2015 exceeded 15 million, of which:

  • The total number of physicals in it exceeded 40%;
  • A little less than 57% in the customer's base are small businesses;
  • 3% - corporate clients and individual entrepreneurs.

Rosselkhozbank is a leading universal credit society with profiling in the agro-industrial field.

The Supervisory Board of Rosselkhozbank is headed by Chairman Denis Morozov. It also includes Artem Avetisyan, Andrei Ivanov, Oleg Bogomolov, Mukhadin Eskandarov, Dmitry Patrushev, Dmitry Yuriev.

Board: Dmitry Patrushev (Chairman), Dmitry Sergeev, Boris Sheets, Evgeny Kryukov, Victoria Kirin, Alexey Zhdanov, Kirill Levin, Irina Zhachkina, Eduard Medopov.

reference Information

OJSC "Russian Agricultural Bank"

OJSC "Russian Agricultural Bank" ("RSKB", "Rosselkhozbank") is one of the largest banks of the Russian Federation. His specialization is the financing of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex.

100% of the shares are the ownership of the state represented by the Agency "Rosim Property Management Agency".

Chairman of the Board: Dmitry Patrushev.

History of the creation and development of the bank

Rosselkhozbank was registered in 2000. The initiator of its creation was the Government of the Russian Federation. An Arco (agency for restructuring credit institutions) acted as the founder of the Bank.

In the plans of the financial and credit institution - to 20 15 years to increase the authorized capital of the "RSHB" by attracting investors' funds, while maintaining a controlling stake in the state.

Activities "Rosselkhozbank" today

The Mission "Rosselkhozbank" is the available and efficient satisfaction of the needs of agricultural producers and the rural population of Russia in banking services, the implementation of rural areas and agro-industry complex, as well as assistance in the formation and work of the financial and credit system of the agro-industrial sector of the Russian Federation.

RSKB clients include the following companies: OJSC Rosagroleasing, Zadonskaya Poultry Farm, Group Optifood, OJSC Cavelektromontazh, Poultry Farm Primorskaya OJSC, SK Remstroytorg LLC.

Rosselkhozbank develops a retail direction. Prices have the opportunity to accommodate free funds into deposits, the implementation of remittances and payments, lease of individual safe chains, loan design, including credit cards "Visa" and "MasterCard". In addition, the bank is made by emissions and acquiring debit cards of their own payment system and international systems. Holders 650 thousand Cards "RSKB" can use the services of more than 3 thousand "their" ATMs. You can also remove cash on the "Visa" and MasterCard cards without commissions in devices "and" ".

Assets / liabilities

The foundation asset:

  • 66% - loan portfolio (about 75 - loans issued to non-governmental organizations);
  • 15% - in the IBC.

The foundation passives:

  • 40% - funds on deposits of non-state customer companies;
  • 15% - loans attracted from foreign banks;
  • 10% - deposits of private clients;
  • 9% - issued bonds.

In the market of interbank loans, Rosselkhozbank more often acts as a net lender.

reference Information

Registration number: 3349

Date of registration by the Bank of Russia: 24.04.2000

Beach: 044525111

Main State Registration Number: 1027700342890 (22.10.2002)

Authorized capital: 424 848,000,000.00 rubles.

License (issue of issuance / last replacement) Banks with a basic license are banks that have a license in which the name "basic" is present. All other existing banks are banks with a universal license:
License to attract into deposits and placement of precious metals (12.08.2015)
General License for Banking Operations (12.08.2015)

Participation in the Deposit Insurance System: Yes

About Rosselkhozbank

OJSC "Rosselkhozbank" - a bank, founded in 2000, the main purpose of which has become an agro-industrial complex, agriculture. Despite the relative short period of existence, more than 500 thousand farms have already become clients of the bank. All stocks of Rosselkhozbank holds Rosimushchestvo, that is, the Bank is fully controlled by the state. At the beginning of the year, the loan portfolio amounted to about 1.5 trillion rubles.

Rosselkhozbank is 77 branches throughout Russia, 5 representative offices abroad and more. It should be noted that the Bank is in the hundreds of the most reliable banks according to the Journal of Forbes, in 2014 Rosselkhozbank was awarded for contribution to the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

Rosselkhozbank takes part in many organizations as a national scale and international (cooperation with PRC, USA, Eurasian Economic Union).

For individuals, Rosselkhozbank provides loans, the ability to place contributions, various types of bank cards, and much more. For legal entities, lending opportunities are still wider. For 2017, the volume of deposits of Rosselkhozbank rose by 40.4% (more than 2.19 trillion rubles).

License Central Bank of the Russian Federation: №3349

About Bank

The Bank Rosselkhozbank received a license on April 24, 2000. Rosselkhozbank is a member of the system necessarily insurance deposits. The Organization Foundation is created at the expense of physical / legal entities and borrowing from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The head office in Moscow is located at Moscow, Gagarinsky Lane, 3. The Bank's contact phone number: 8 800 100-01-00.

During the work of the bank, its representation was opened in different cities of Russia, 23 branches were opened in Moscow, in the region of 44 ATMs.

Bank Rosselkhozbank provides the following services:

28 deposit proposals, the maximum rate among which is 8.60. The most popular offers: profitable-online (interest payments at the end of the term), profitable (monthly payment of interest on the counting / capitalization of interest), cumulative account.

Rosselkhozbank carries out mortgage lending. To date, 28 mortgage products are available, the minimum rate is 5.17. Most often draw a loan for the mortgage programs from the developer in the LCD "Theater Park", mortgage from the developer in the LCD "Sovereign House", mortgage housing lending

The organization offers car loan service. Total programs 2, the minimum rate on which is 12.25. Some of the most sought-after programs: a used car, a new car.

Rosselkhozbank provides consumer lending services. Total loans programs 22. The minimum interest rate is 6.00. Among the most popular offers are consumer programs without providing for salaries of the budget sector, on the development of LPH (with the provision), the gardener is secured by property.

In Roselkhozbank, you can issue a credit card by choosing the most profitable one among 11. The minimum rate is 20.00. Bank customers often choose the following programs: Amur tiger, master map, instant.

In the bank you can make a debit card. Among the 51 are the most in demand by UnionPay Classic, Rosselkhozbank-Word, personal MasterCard Black Edition / Visa Signature. The maximum rate on the residue is 7.00.

Today, the exchange rate of the dollar in Rosselkhozbank is 62.95, sales - 64.15. The course of the euro when buying is 70.75, and at work 71.95.

Rosselkhozbank entered a number of ratings:
Rosselkhozbank occupies 4 line in the assets rating with the amount of 3,337,330 million rubles.
The Bank is located on 4 lines in the loan rating with the amount of 409,45 million rubles. On the 3th place in the deposit rating with the amount of 984,387 million rubles.

Moody's agency assigned BA2 bank in his ranking.

Rosselkhozbank (RSKB) was created on the initiative of the government approved by the President of the Russian Federation in 2000. The founder was a state agency for restructuring credit institutions (ARKO). Since July 2001, 100% of the Bank's shares belongs to the Government of the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Fund of Property (now the Federal Agency for State Property Management - Rosimushchestvo).

Rosselkhozbank ranks second in Russia in the number of open divisions - currently there are 78 branches and over 1.5 thousand offices in the regions of the country. The Bank also has offices in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Armenia. The total number of employees of the organization exceeds 33 thousand people.

The Mission of Rosselkhozbank is an affordable, high-quality and effective satisfaction of the needs of agricultural producers and the rural population of the Russian Federation in banking products and services, facilitating the formation and functioning of the modern national credit and financial system of the agro-industrial sector of Russia, support for the development of the agro-industrial complex and rural territories.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state