
The main goal of the antimonopoly policy. Antimonopoly policy. State antitrust policy

Monopoly is conjugate with a whole bouquet of sharply negative consequences for the country's economy. Inadequance, overestimated prices, ineffective production make up only the vertex of iceberg monopolistic abuse. The same reasons that forced the client of the monopolist to put up with high prices, make him agree with poor product quality, its outdated (slowdown in technical progress), the lack of service and other manifestations of neglect of the consumer's interests, since there is no choice.

All the monopolist, due to the insurmountability of barriers to the branch in the industry, nothing threatens even in a long time. Independently, the market is unable to resolve this problem. Under these conditions, only the state can improve the situation, which conducts conscious antitrust policies. It is not by chance that in our time there is not a single developed country (and Russia in this sense does not constitute an exception), where there were no special antimonopoly legislation and there would be no special authority for supervision of its execution.

The first law, forbidden monopolous agreements, was adopted in Canada in 1889, then in the United States - the Sherman law, which is widely known as the "Charter of Economic Freedom" (1890). In accordance with this law, the creation of a monopoly is a crime that entails criminal punishment: a fine up to $ 5,000 (subsequently it was up to $ 50,000) and imprisonment for up to one year. Soon, according to this sample, laws in Australia and New Zealand were adopted. Sherman's law was complemented in 1914, 1936, 1959. Antitrust laws of European countries were adopted by laws in the 1930s (Belgium - 1935; Netherlands 1935; Denmark 1937).

The monopolization of the local or national market of the United States is usually considered to be a share equal to either exceeding 60%. The market share is 90-100%, is considered a complete monopoly in the United States. A monopolist corporation with such a share is subject to either unconditional liquidation, or is placed under tight control of the state.

The high economic efficiency of natural monopolies makes absolutely invalid crushing. This, however, does not mean that the state can refrain from regulating natural monopolies. After all, their uncontrolled activity can bring significant harm.

As monopolists, these structures are trying to solve their problems, first of all by increasing tariffs and prices. The consequences of this for the country's economy are the most destroying. The costs of production in other industries increase, defaults are growing, interregional connections are paralyzed.

The entire Russian business press of recent years is full complaints of industrial enterprises on swollen railway tariffs, over rapidly growing energy prices, etc.

At the same time, the natural nature of the monopoly position, although it creates opportunities for efficient work, does not guarantee that these opportunities will be implemented in practice.

The main way to combat the negative parties of natural monopolies is the state control over pricing on natural-monopoly products and / or for the volume of their production (for example, by determining the circle of consumer to be mandatory).

In addition to regulating prices, certain benefits - especially in our country - can also bring the structure of the structure of natural monopolies. In Russia, within the framework of a single corporation, both the production of natural monopoly benefits and the production of such goods that are more efficient to be manufactured in competitive conditions are often combined. This union is usually the nature of vertical integration. As a result, a monopolist of a giant representing a whole scope of the national economy is formed.

RAO Gazprom, RAO "EU of Russia", the Ministry of Railways of the Communication is three whales "Monopolism in Russian", the brightest examples of such associations. In the composition of RAO Gazprom, along with a single gas supply system of Russia (i.e., naturally by a monopoly element) include geological exploration, mining, instrument-making enterprises, design and technological structures, social facilities (i.e. potentially competitive elements). The infrastructure of the railway, railway stations, information system, and nonmonopoly activities - contracting and repair organizations, catering companies, catering enterprises are under maintaining the IPU. The balance of the ministry is whole villages and cities. RAO EU of Russia unites and power plants and power plants.

The essence of the reforms intensively discussed in our country is to develop competition in those activities of natural monopolies, where it can be achieved.

Unlike natural artificial (or entrepreneurial) monopoly It consists in those sectors where the only manufacturer does not have increased efficiency compared to several competing firms. The establishment of a monopolistic type of market is not inevitable for such an industry, although in practice it can both be formed if the future monopolist can eliminate competitors.

The main thing the purpose of any antimonopoly policy It is suppression of monopolistic abuse. In relation to natural monopolies, these goals are achieved by direct state intervention in their activities, in particular, by compulsory prices.

In the case of artificial monopolism, the main direction of regulation is to counter the formation of such monopolies, and sometimes the permission has already been established. For this, the state uses a wide range of sanctions: it is preventive action (for example, the ban of merging large firms), and a variety of, and often very large penalties for improper behavior in the market (for example, for an attempt to collusion with competitors), and straight demonopolization, i.e., the forced fragmentation of the monopolist into several independent firms.

The basis for actuating the antimonopoly policy is the presence of any of their two main signs of market monopolization, namely:

1. Either the concentration of a very large market share in the hands of one company;

2. Either weave the leading firm with competitors (creation of cartels, participation systems, personal significance (when the same persons manage different competitors companies)).

A high level of monopolization and its sharply negative impact on the economy makes it necessary to conduct antimonopoly policies in our country. Moreover, Russia needs demonopolization, i.e. Radical reduction in the number of sectors of the economy, where monopoly was established.

The main problem and at the same time difficulty is the specificity of the monopolism inherited from the socialist era: Russian monopolists for the most part cannot be demonopolized by disagreement.

Russian monopolists were immediately built as a single factory or technological complex, which fundamentally cannot be divided into separate parts without complete destruction.

You can highlight three principal the possibility of lowering the degree of monopolization:

1) direct separation of monopoly structures;

2) foreign competition;

3) the creation of new enterprises.

The possibilities of the first path in the Russian reality are strongly limited. The single plant is not divided into parts, but the cases where the monopolist manufacturer consists of several plants of one profile, almost do not occur.

The second way is foreign competition - appeared probably the most effective and effective blow to domestic monopoly. Nevertheless, imported goods are undoubtedly to be present in the Russian market, being a real threat to our monopolists, but should not turn into the cause of the mass liquidation of domestic enterprises.

The third way is to create new enterprises competing with monopolists - preferable in all respects. He eliminates a monopoly, without destroying the monopolist itself as an enterprise. In addition, new enterprises are always an increase in production and new jobs.

The main body carrying out antitrust policy in Russia is the Ministry of Antimonopoly Policy and Support for Entrepreneurship. His rights and opportunities are wide enough, and the status corresponds to the provision of similar bodies in other developed market economies. The basic laws regulating monopolies are the law "On competition and restriction of monopolistic activities in commodity markets" and the Law "On Natural Monopolies".

State regulatory activities in Russia focused on regulation of monopolistic prices. The state establishes prices or their limiting levels on natural monopolies.

Russian laws require public policy preventing new monopolies. The Ministry of Antimonopoly Policy is entrusted with the tasks of monitoring the mergers of large enterprises, suppress the various forms of conspiracy, preventing the system of participation and personal union.

In general, the anti-monopoly regulation system in Russia is still in the formation stage and requires radical perfection.

Monopoly - the market situation on which one firm is operating in the absence of significant competitors, producing goods and / or providing services that do not have close substitutes. Antimonopoly policies are a system of measures directed to strengthening and protecting competition by limiting the monopoly authority of firms.

Allocate 2 types of antitrust policy methods:

The direct method includes measures eliminating, limiting or preventing the monopoly position of individual subjects in the market. These include:

- "Ceiling of prices" - the upper and lower level of prices for products (no more than such, no less than this); - marginal price increase; - the limit level of profit rate.

The indirect method uses financial and credit measures to prevent and overcoming monopolistic phenomena in the economy. These include:

Encouraging the creation of substitute goods; - Support for new firms, secondary and small businesses (simplifying the procedure for creating new firms, tax breaks, granting subsidies, loans); - providing state orders to the Middle and Small Business; - the opening of foreign trade boundaries (free international trade strengthens competition in the domestic market); - attraction of foreign investment, institution of joint ventures, free trade zones; - State financing of R & D (research and development work).

There are 2 types of antimonopoly policies: antitrust policy with respect to natural monopolies and antitrust policy against artificial monopolies. Antitrust policy with respect to natural monopolies The high economic efficiency of natural monopolies makes absolutely invalid crushing. Antitrust policy for artificial monopolies, unlike natural, artificial monopoly adds shapes in those areas where the only manufacturer does not have increased efficiency compared to several competing firms.

More on the subject of antitrust policy: species, methods of exposure:

  1. 3.2. State business regulation methods in the crisis situation
  2. Industrial, Scientific and Technical and Innovation Policy: Theoretical Aspect
  3. Socio-psychological conditions of industrial policy
  4. Properties of economic growth and stimulating economic policy
  5. Question 9. Financial policy. Goals, objectives and types of financial policy. Modern financial policy of the Russian Federation
  6. 16.4. State regulation of the economy and economic policy of the basis of the methodology and. methods of regulating the economy; State functions in a mixed economy; System of state regulation of the economy

Antimonopoly regulation - These are the targeted activities of state bodies of management, opposing unlimited power of monopolies, unhealthy and unfair rivalry and aimed at creating and maintaining fair competition.

Antimonopoly regulation provides compliance installed "Rules of the game"on the market, protection is rightconsumer and manufacturer, implemented through a complex of economic, administrative and legislative measures. Objectives and directions of antimonopoly regulation are common in most countries of the world:

    ensuring and maintaining competition;

    control over economic monopolist entities;

    control over the processes of capital concentration (fusion, absorption, etc.);

    protection of the interests of the consumer;

    protection and maintenance of small and medium businesses.

Antimonopoly regulation measures depending on the situation that develops in the market may be emergency or everyday, prohibitive or restrictive, incentive and others. Major measures antimonopoly regulation :

    Market research. The determination of the Gelfindel index, which shows the concentration of the market and the degree of power over the price. The share of firm in the market is estimated (share in total sales in% \u003d s) is estimated, the number of firms in the industry is determined; The indicator of each company is raised to the square and all these data are summed up. If the overall rate is less than 20%, then there is no monopoly. For Russia, this indicator is less than 36%. If the guilt index is more than 60% - the presence of a monopoly.

    A differentiated approach is used. It remains only that it is profitable, i.e. Natural monopolies.

    Hard control over the process of merging by the method of administrative control of price and quality.

    The combination of the antitrust policy of legal norms and the organizational mechanism through the privatization committees and antitrust commissions.

    Demonopolization and liberalization of prices.

    Development and strengthening of a market structure that can resist monopoly: reduced customs duties, support for small enterprises, licensing simplification.

    Divorce - denationalization, privatization, reduction of budget subsidies, cancellation of benefits.

    The adoption of a special law "On the restriction of monopolistic activities on commodity rays."

The purpose of the antimonopoly policy is fight not with a monopoly as such, and with attempts monopolization and abuses of monopoly position, those. With illegal actions leading to unreasonable behavior on the market and weakened competition.

Antitrust regulation in various countries has its differences and accents, which is associated with the peculiarities of the development and operation of national economies.

Antitrust policy is a legal form of antitrust regulation of relations in the market at the state level. The legislation in this field is a set of regulations, by the implementation of which the reproduction and support of fair competition is carried out, as well as prevention, suppression and restriction of monopolistic activities.

Basics of antitrust policy in Russia

Market relations in Russia still at the stage of their active formation. The government is constantly facing a large number of difficulties, with obstacles and contradictions that impose a negative imprint on the effectiveness of antitrust laws. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Antimonopoly Policy has been operating - the structure of antitrust regulation that is systematically upgraded and improved. Due to the fact that monopolies constantly show an active desire to economic power, from the state, it is necessary to often take permanent measures.

Over the past few years, antitrust policy has changed radically in Russia. If there were previously practiced interventions in the activities of individual structures that have carried a certain threat to the economy, today one-time events were transformed into a stable function of the state.

Methods of impact on monopoly

Despite the diversity of the impact options on monopolies by the Government of the Russian Federation, the most effective levers can be distinguished. The effective methods of antimonopoly policy are:

  • High taxeswhich reduce the yield of monopolies.
  • In order to deter inflation, as well as for the formation of artificial pressure on the price policy of highly concentrated industries is carried out tightened price control.
  • On monopolies are established state ownership.
  • Industry regulation held at the state level. This allows not only to clearly monitor the price level, but also to control the volume of production, entry and output of companies from industries that are regulated.
  • Antitrust policy includes active antitrust policies.

Russia on the way to combat monopolies

The legislation of the Russian Federation on competition and monopolies is a new phenomenon in the state economy, in its legal life. For the first time, the decision on the creation of legislation to regulate the activities of trusts and syndicates was taken in the twentieth century. At that time, everything was limited to government lawyers. I prevented the development of the Trend of the First World War. After the formation of the Soviet power, the idea of \u200b\u200bcombating monopolies has completely lost all meaning. Due to the integrated elimination of private entrepreneurship and adopting a planning and command economic policy of a centralized type, the state has acquired an unprecedented power in history and power. By and large, it itself turned into a monopolist, which embraced almost all areas of activity: the economy, ideology and politics.

The first steps

After conducting economic reforms in Russia, concomitant to the formation of market relations, as well as the failure of the state from totalitarian methods of managing the economy, the monopoly again began to show themselves. There was a need to create a specialized section of Russian legislation.

Antitrust policy in Russia began with the adoption of a number of acts in 1990, which were aimed at controlling entrepreneurial activities. In 1995, the "Law On Markets and Restriction of Monopolistic Activities" was approved, which, despite the fundamental changes, even today remains the bones of the entire domestic market system. Legislative norms not only prevent the emergence of private monopolies, they control the associations that are formed due to the manipulations of state power.

Exposure options for monopoly

Antimonopoly policy is not limited to the impact on monopoly structures only by the legislation. Both in Russia and in other mills of the world, the government has a wide range of solutions to curb the activities of such structures.

For states with the market type of the economy, to which Russia relates, the following areas are characterized:

  • Activation of market structures that have a high level of competitive ability and which are able to provide global countering monopolies. A certain list of measures for market liberalization is embodied.
  • Integrated and direct prevention of monopoly activities, suppressing its work through legislation by implementing active actions.
  • Hard control is not only over the company's price policy, but also over the level of its profitability.

Antimonopoly policy - the guarantor of balance in the Russian economy

Despite the widespread and efficient use of antitrust events in the territory of many countries, they cannot serve as a scheme and a role model. For each format of the market economy, it is necessary to select an individual regulatory plan. The antimonopoly policy of the state, despite its cardinal character, has never treated the category of systems of denying nature. It is not aimed at the transformation of the current economy system. The main objectives of the antimonopoly policy are supporting the balance between competition and monopolies on the optimal level for the Russian Federation.

Why do the government of Russia deal with monopolies?

In Russia, monopolistic activities are accompanied by a fairly large list of difficulties and negative consequences for the country's economy as a whole. These are not only insufficient production volumes, but also overestimated prices, low efficiency of enterprises. Customers of monopolist companies are forced to take high cost of goods or services. Without alternative, there is a consent to the low quality of products or with its obsolence.

It is impossible not to note the slowdown in technical progress, the lack of high service and other factors that indicate neglecting the needs and interests of the consumer. Against the background of a huge bouquet of negative moments, a complete blocking of the monopolies of market self-regulation mechanisms remains the most essential. Monopolists are to some extent omnisciminary. Other participants of the roar cannot affect the situation. Only the conscious antitrust policy of the Russian Federation and direct interference in the government situation may arrange priorities.

Difficulties in the fight against monopolies

In the fight against monopolists and in attempts to limit the abuse of leadership, the government of Russia is facing certain difficulties. This is associated with large size enterprises. The minimum values \u200b\u200bof medium long-term costs can be achieved only with large volumes of production. Small production is not effective. Let's say, create a worthy competition of such a company as AvtoVAZ, even by opening artificial small firms throughout the country, is unlikely to succeed, as they will be non-competitive, especially in the context of the world market.

The antitrust policy of the state based on crushing giants is not just ineffective, but also impossible. High efficiency becomes a fairly large obstacle. If the company has difficulties related to the sanctions from the government, they are solved by raising prices for goods or services. For the state economy, this means not only an increase in costs in other branches of activity, but also a sharp increase in the number of non-payment, the complete closure of interregional ties.

What is a monopoly in Russia and what authority does it control it?

The antimonopoly policy of the state is supported by the main authority, determined by law. This is the Ministry of Antimonopoly Policy and Support for Entrepreneurial Activities. The rights and possibilities of the body are wide. The status is identical to such similar bodies in other countries. Under the category of monopolies, companies that are controlled by 65% \u200b\u200bof the commodity market. The company can be recognized as a monopoly if it controls from 35 to 65% of the market, and if the ministry succeeds in proving the dominant status of the economic entity after studying the market situation.

The appearance of the first monopolies in Russia occurs at the end of the 19th century. Such a union of rail manufacturers and other associations can be attributed. It is interesting to note that these monopolies were created by the state themselves in such industries as: technique, transport, metallurgy, oil I.D. and gradually monopoly also captured other important industries. They were created by the form of cartels and syndicates, where economic and financial independence remained. In 1908, in the then Russian Empire, there was an attempt to form antimonopoly legislation based on the Sherman Law, which was adopted in the United States. But on the coating of certain circumstances was not adopted, the assistance of this was the organization of Russian entrepreneurs. Monopolies exist in all countries of the world, but the feature of monopolies of Russia is that they appeared on the basis of the state monopolism of the administrative and command economy. After the collapse of the USSR, Russian competition legislation was introduced under large monopolies and at the beginning of the formation of market relations. That is why for Russia it was necessary not only to limit monopolization and abuse of the dominant position, but also to create conditions for free competition.

The formation of the antitrust policy of modern Russia begins in 1991, when the law "On competition and restriction of monopolistic activities in commodity markets entered into force on March 22. This law describes the main tasks of the state competitive policy: assistance in the formation of market relations by developing competition and entrepreneurship, control, regulation, restriction of monopolistic activities and imperfect competition, state control over compliance with antitrust laws.

The executive authority that performs functions on the adoption of regulatory legal acts, (see Figure 1) control and oversight of compliance with the legislation in the field of competition in commodity markets, the protection of competition in the financial services market, activities of subjects of natural monopolies, advertising.

The main functions of the FAS are:

Picture. 1. Functions of the antimonopoly authority

Basic laws and regulations, monitoring which is entrusted to the FAS systematized in the following Figure 2:

Picture. 2. Basic laws and regulations

In its activities, the FAS is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, orders and decrees of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation. FAS also operates through its territorial bodies that work in all subjects of the country. Their activities are aimed at preserving the United Economic Space of Russia and have centralized subordination of the FAS. All business entities: Commercial and non-profit organizations, Phys. Persons, as well as IPs, must at the request of the FAS to provide all the necessary documents, information and other information that is needed for the implementation of the FAS of its legal activity. The information component of the commercial secret, obtained by the FAS in the exercise of its activities, is not subject to disclosure, the exception is the cases established by FZ. For the disclosure of this information, the FAS employees carry administrative and criminal liability, and the damage caused to be reimbursed from the treasury of the Russian Federation. There is a competition of competition generates the emergence of monopolies that lead to completely reverse processes. A complex of measures and actions of states that are aimed at restricting monopoly activities and ensuring free competition is called the antitrust policy of the state. Antimonopoly policies are the main activity of the state in the formation of competitive market structures. It is aimed at promoting the development of commodity markets and competition, to prevent, restriction and suppression of monopolistic activities and unscrupulous competition, to protect the rights of consumers. Antitrust policy is a special complex of economic, administrative and legislative measures carried out

state and aimed at ensuring the conditions for the market

competition and prevent excessive monopolization of the market threatening

normal functioning of the market mechanism.

The main directions of antitrust policy are:

Ensuring and developing competition;

Control over economic monopolies;

Control over the process of capital concentration;

Protection of consumer interests;

Protection and maintenance of small and medium businesses.

The main objectives of the antimonopoly policy are presented in Figure 3, are:

Figure 3. Economic Objectives of Antimonopoly Policy

The main tasks of the antitrust policy of the state:

Ensuring favorable conditions and incentives for the development of competition and entrepreneurship in the national economy.

The removal of all obstacles in the way of enhancing competition on a legal basis, which makes it possible to exclude monopoly actions of market entities, central authorities and management, dictate of economic entities.

Determination of the legal regime for regulating responsibility for monopoly actions and violations of the rules of fair competition.

Protection of the interests of small and medium-sized businesses from the arbitrariness of a large business.

Creating conditions for the development of the national economy.

The state anti-monopoly policy generally covers the range of tasks that are aimed at developing the economy, the development of the competitiveness of goods and services, ensuring effective employment. Also supported the participation of antimonopoly authorities in the selection of economic policies of the state, methods and directions, which should have a significant impact on the competitive structure of the market and the financial and economic activities of market subjects. Chargenopol policy is valid in almost many countries of the world. Despite the fact that the nature and content of antitrust policies of different countries have their own characteristics, the general foundations for all countries are: protection and promotion of competition, controlling the activities of firms in the market, price control, protection of the interests of consumers of goods and services, protection of interests and Assistance to the development of medium and small business. The design of antitrust policies in some countries is explained by different factors. For example: such countries cannot afford such a program due to extensive costs and efforts. Antitrust policy is most often absent in small economies. It can be assumed that such small economies, unlike large, are not able to counteract the emergence of large-scale farms. These are main countries in Africa and the Middle East.

Speaking about the evolution of antitrust policy, it can be noted that the assessment of the utility of both competition and monopolies changed. 2 stages are distinguished: the time of the domination of a particularly cruel attitude towards monopolistic phenomena, and the time associated with the tendency of understanding and considering the relationship between monopoly and competition in terms of improving the efficiency of the economy. That is, it takes into account the ability of corporations existing there to ensure timely updating of products, its high competitiveness in the world market, high quality, the elasticity of prices. If these requirements are unattainable, the market is recognized as monopolized, and the structures currently operating on it are subject to demonopolization. In connection with the issue under consideration, the problem of restricting competition or state support for monopolistic structures is interesting. First, the state often stimulates the development of certain types of activities that limit competition. Secondly, it provides direct support for monopolistic structures if the monopoly is considered as economically appropriate. To implement these areas, the state takes various legislative acts regulating prices in a certain industry, interferes with retail trade in order to fix uniform retail prices for certain goods and uses world experience to solve the tasks. Demonopolization is a constant function and the main activity of the state in a market economy. The government bodies use various ways and methods for combating monopoly. The main techniques aimed at the demonopolization are: control of mergers of firms that work in the same industry.

The merger of companies is the situation in the market, when one subject of the market acquires shares or a fraction of another. As a result, the second enterprise becomes an integral part of the first. Horizontal merger - a conspiracy of competing companies about unified fixed prices, the division of the market. Vertical merger represents the association of phase-related industries. The merger of former suppliers and consumers deprives other firms to sell their goods to the buyer. Hard punishment because of participation in the horizontal or vertical merger is to disband the company. Conglomerate mergers are an association of enterprises from different industries. Such a fusion is usually allowed. For example: if the company's metallurgy or oil company is purchasing a firm for the production of dairy products, their condition as a result of a merger in the respective industries is practically not changed. Most often, large companies occupy a large share in the market, close to the state-controlled concentration. In Russia, the merger permits gives the Ministry of Antimonopoly Policy and Entrepreneurship Support, after analyzing possible changes in the market. Check the territorial and commodity borders of the market, change the concentration before and after the merger, price changes. To justify the merger of the company must provide calculations that show lower prices or fixation. But there is no guarantee in price increase after a while.

Protection of competition at competitive bidding. Competitive trading make it possible to exclude favoritism, corruption, dishonest transactions. Competitive trading in the public allocation of contracts and transactions for supply or work are an important way to protect the interests of society. Falsification of applications leads to direct violation of thenfeederal and local authorities, subjects of subjects or local governments prohibited to limit the creation of new business entities, to establish prohibitions for activities, the creation of goods, except cases defined by Russian legislation. It is forbidden to establish prohibitions for the movement of goods between the regions of the Russian Federation or otherwise limit the rights of economic entities. Preparation of benefits to business entities that advantages compared to other entities in one industry requires coordination with federal antimonopoly authorities.

It is not allowed to participate in the entrepreneurial activities of officials, government bodies and government.

The demonopolization of the Russian economy has its own principles:

1. Analysis of markets, the allocation of competitive and monopoly among them. To clarify the degree of market monopolization, it is necessary to find out the share of the company's products in the total volume. If the indicator above 60% this market is monopolized, if below 20%, not monopolized.

2. Different approach to monopoly markets. It assumes that antitrust policy should not be directed against all monopolies.

3. Detection of the industry of the natural monopoly, which in principle is not subject to demonopolization.

4. Determination of monopolies against which the state uses tough measures. The state controls the mergers of companies and not every one of them is recognized as legal and permissible. The antimonopoly policy is primarily directed against such monopolies.

5. The combination of antitrust policy, legal norms (anti-monopoly legislation) and the organizational mechanism ensuring their implementation. Such a form in developed countries has been valid long ago, and in Russia it is still in the formation stage.

6. Simultaneous conducting demonstration and price liberalization, because one price liberalization leads to the consolidation of monopolies that can freely assign their prices.

7. Improvement and strengthening market structures that oppose monopolies.

The goal of the antimonopoly policy is that only the zone of natural monopoly across the economy. However, in the conditions of the market economy, many monopole sectors are characterized by the features of a natural monopoly. According to the functional purpose, natural monopolies can be divided into technological oligopolies, scientific and technical and state monopolies. Specifications of technologies in some industries naturally leads to technological oligopoly. Based on acquired patents and licenses, a natural scientific and technical monopoly is formed.

As mentioned above, the natural monopoly is formed in the market, when one company can produce goods with low costs than a few smaller firms. With an increase in the volume of production of a natural monopoly there is a decrease in the average production costs.

The firms that have reached the situation of the natural monopoly in the industry can set prices higher costs and limit the number of goods compared to the optimal for society. Thus, there is a need for state regulation of natural monopolies. To this end, in 1995, a law on the regulation of natural monopolies was adopted in Russia.

Methods for regulating the subjects of natural monopolies:

Price regulation carried out by determining prices or their limit level;

Defining consumers subject to mandatory maintenance and establishing the minimum level of them to ensure that it is impossible to satisfy the full need for the product produced by the subject of a natural monopoly.

Violations for which natural monopolies are punished with fines are:

Settlement of prices, above the level of the established organ of the regulation of natural monopolies. Fine up to 15 thousand. Mrots;

Failure to solve issued by the control body of natural monopolies in accordance. Penalty up to 10 thousand minimum wages;

Providing unreliable information to organs of regulating natural monopolies. Fine 1000 minimum

- untimely provision of documents and other information necessary for its activities. Penalty up to 500 minimum

The pricing system in the market of a natural monopolist, which would ensure the establishment of an optimal price level, which includes fair profits, when the price coincides with the average total costs. Pricing regulation can simultaneously reduce prices and increase production volume and lead to a decrease in the economic profits of natural monopolies. In a difficult situation, there are industries that are aimed at the country's defense serving the state as a monopoly consumer. Such enterprises do not have independence in terms of determining the volume and structure of production, properties and characteristics of products, prices, choosing suppliers. Requirements for them are very varying and depend on the military-political situation and state strategy. In order to compensate for the losses associated with an open market, enterprises need to be provided with material, information and other resources, carry out long-term planning of state orders, etc.

In addition to regulating prices, the state has the ability to limit the yields of natural monopolies through fiscal, customs, credit policy; regulate property relationship based on a controlling stake, nationalization, changes in legal form activities; Implementing competition to the market of a natural monopoly, if it is economically justified. For example: in the natural gas industry by a monopoly activity is gas transmission. Production and sale of natural gas is a market with sufficiently high competition. On railway transport, the monopoly type of activity is the carriage itself, and the installation of pathways, the operation of the road remains quite competitive. Therefore, the state's task is to stimulate new companies in the development of new sectors of the market; The decline in market entry barriers, because the benefits of production efficiency provided by the only manufacturer does not compensate for the losses of society on the abuse of monopoly power. Monopolis are a huge problem for the economy of any country. Russia's monopolies differ in many ways from other countries, because they are inherited from the socialist era of monopoly. Consequently, the conduct of antimonopoly policy in our country requires an individual approach and double efforts. In the early 1990s, monopolization along with other state issues has become in the path of economic development of Russia. It was clear that without the adoption of appropriate measures against monopolism, a transition to a market economy is not possible, where the availability of competition is one of the main aspects. This problem was not only a purely economic nature, it evenly became a political and public threat. In the creation of favorable conditions for competition and stabilization of the destroyed economy, the decisive role was played by the antimonopoly policy of the state. In modern conditions of the market economy, the role and importance of the antimonopoly policy of the state of economic development of the state is very large. It should also be noted that the welfare and life of ordinary citizens of the country depends on the efficiency and correctness of this policy, since the main line of the consequences affects them. Currently, antitrust policy is actively developing both Russia and around the world. This fact determines the importance of state regulation of market entities. Recently, tremendous efforts are aimed at improving the regulatory framework of antimonopoly regulation. But we must admit that not depending on the availability of the right field and the state legal authority, Russian anti-monopoly policies need a serious adjustment. In a broad sense, the state antitrust policy, examines without a small whole range of decisions aimed at economic development, increase competitiveness in the market of products and services of national manufacturers, ensuring efficient employment. The special place in the economy of Russia is occupied by natural monopolies. Because we have large areas of territories, different climatic conditions, a variety of natural resources, population. Recently, as we have all already noticed, the Russian and regional press are increasingly the facts of the struggle of monopolists and consumers. Main industries are electricity, gas supply and refineries. Accordingly, the antitrust policy should be improved both in relation to artificial monopolies and in natural ones.

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