
Learn debts on the passport for individuals faces. How to check the taxes of individual by last name: Step-by-step instructions and recommendations

And their debts.

Being on the Personal Account page, fill in all fields. Be sure to enter the Inn taxpayer, his last name, name and patronymic. In the right field, enter CAPTCHA (numbers to verify what you are not a robot and are not a computer program). By filling out all the fields, click on the "Find" button. After a few seconds your request is processed, and you will have full data on whether you have or not. The received report can be. To enter new data, press the "Clear" button in the lower left corner, then again fill out the data of the next taxpayer you would like to check.


  • Tax Service
  • how to find out what kind of tax

Modern technologies offer us a bunch of online services. For interactive services commercial organizations People are already accustomed to, but do not lag behind the merchants and public services. Now, in order to test your debt to tax authorities, it is enough to just go to the page of the Federal tax Service RF.

You will need

  • computer or communicator;
  • Internet connection.


Go to the official website of the Federal Tax Service Russian Federation. In the drop-down menu "Electronic services", select "Personal Account". Debt data is provided under land, property and transport taxes. As well as on the income tax of individuals - citizens of the Russian Federation.

Read the conditions for the protection of the information provided. If you agree to use the service on these conditions, click on the "Yes, I agree" button. If not, refuse to receive this online service.

Fill in all fields of the output form: you will need to introduce your INN and FULL NAME. The data on the region, the system is likely to put on your Inn. Check that these data is correct. Do not forget to enter the check digital code - Captcha. After, click on the "Find" button. If you are mistaken when entering data, click on the "Clear" button and enter the data again. (How to clarify your INN, see below)

Wait until your request is processed. If everything is in order with the connection, then the expectation will last a few seconds. Results you will see on the monitor of your computer. If you have arrears in you, you can immediately print yourself a payment receipt for the form N PD to repay it.
If there is no connection with your FNS regional representation, the corresponding message will appear on the monitor. In this case, repeat your attempt a little later.

Specify your Inn, if you do not remember it, but there is no testimony at hand, right there on the website of the FTS of Russia. To do this, select the appropriate menu item and go to the service page.

Fill in all the options you need: Passport details, date and place of your birth and the values \u200b\u200bof the check code.

Find the result of the query at the bottom of the page under the verification code. To do this, use the scroll bar of your browser.

Video on the topic


  • Official website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation in 2019

The illustrations awaken the unconscious part of our "I", therefore, carefully looking at what the person draws, it can be said about his character and mood. Especially valuable in terms of research on the image made by a person involuntarily, for example, during a telephone conversation, on a boring lecture or a working assembly.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - Color pencils, paints or pen.


Pay attention to the composition itself - is it related plot or several separate drawings? What is the push with which they were performed? If he is strong, and the lines are clear, then the person most likely was in a state of some tension. Light strokes, weakly pronounced contours testify to the relaxed state of the author.

Pay attention to the color of the pattern. Bright and saturated - man is excited and active, dark - indifference or depressed mood. The composition is rich in shades, it means that the head of a person is filled with different thoughts, or he cannot decide on something.

Placing the picture also has. Visually divide the sheet with a four-part illustration. Which one is the image or most of it? If it is located at the bottom of the sheet, it may indicate an underestimated self-esteem and the author's insecurity. If it is located at the top of the page, its author is quite satisfied with himself. The image in the upper left corner talks about the rational warehouse of his mind, in the upper right - the author has a figurative type of thinking.

What lines prevail in the picture? Circles talk about a calm, balanced condition of man; Square indicates a hardness and stability of nature; The abundance of sharp corners, figures, where more than four angles, indicate that the author of the drawing is something annoyed, can not decide whether it bothers something. Straight unlocked lines - a man is stubborn and independent. The house shown in the figure shows that his author is engaged in thoughts about the family, life. If the family nest is crooked and inaccurated, then our atmosphere in the house and household problems are tightened.

Video on the topic


Important moment - An image of a person who is hanging in the air or has a support. If he stands on something, the author feels the soil under his feet. If there are no supports, that is, internal uncertainty or fear of something.

Helpful advice

If the parts are well drawn, it is important for the author of the picture to receive information, find out something new. If some part is shown clearer other or distinguished by a large size, this suggests that a person receives information from heard or seen.

Citizens of the Russian Federation are obliged to pay tax on individuals in the budget to the budget. Some also formed obligations on taxes such as land, transport and property. Some of them are paid for by the employer, and the second one. As a result, a certain debt can be formed, which can be found in the IFTS.

In this article we learn how to learn tax debts individual. We will deal with whether the abroad will release in debt and consider which taxes should pay a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The tax control of an individual carries out the territorial separation of the IFTS, located at the place of registration of the payer. Inspectorate makes accrual of facial taxes, notice of obligations, payment control. The taxpayer is assigned a unique personal account for consolidating information. To learn about the status of settlements, the taxpayer may be in the Department of the IFTS or using electronic portals.

Basic taxes levied with individuals

The obligation of individuals to pay taxes is formed in connection with the receipt of income and the presence of property subject to state registration. Revenues received in the territory of the Russian Federation or over its binding are subject to taxation. If income occurs, the person pays NFFL formed in connection with obtaining:

  • Remuneration in the performance of labor contracts and contracts concluded with individuals.
  • Dividend OT. financial investments, including participation in business.
  • Revenues from the sale of own real estate, vehicle.
  • Remunerations from the use of copyright.
  • Revenues from leaving real estate or vehicle For rent.
  • Amounts derived from implementation valuable papers and other types of income.

Dates of payments of major taxes of individuals

The dates of tax payments are established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Terms for regional payments may vary by legislation of subjects with the preservation of the limit date defined by federal legislation.

Payment property taxes It is carried out on the basis of the notice written by the IFNS. Newsletter is made no later than 1 month before the date of payment. Example of tax payment

Citizen K. owns real estate property, the amount of tax on which is determined in the amount of 2,730 rubles. The notice on the value of the tax was sent by K. November 15, an error was identified in the base of the base, as a result of the elimination of which a person should produce a surcharge of 150 rubles. On November 16, the FTS Inspectorate sent notice to K. On payment of an additional amount of the tax. Citizen K. must pay:

  1. Sum in the amount of 2,730 rubles for a term of December 1;
  2. Dop pay in the amount of 150 rubles for a term of December 16.

In violation of the period of payment specified in the notification of the IFNS, the authority may apply to the court to recover the debt. Holding from individuals is carried out only on the basis of a court order.

Responsibility arising from non-payment of taxes

For payment of taxes in violation of terms, several types of sentences established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are envisaged. Within the framework of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the payers are appointed a one-time penalty and penalties accrued for every day. The size and procedure for charging depend on the violation.

Violation Punishment Base
Presentation of a declaration with a passage5% of the amount to payment, not more than 30% and at least 1,000 rublesArt. 119 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation
Late paymentPenches in the amount of 1/300 refinancing rates calculated for every day payment of paymentArt. 75 NK RF
Non-payment of tax due to a decrease or incorrect indication of the baseFine in the amount of 20% of the total amount of arrears or 40% in the presence of intentArt. 122 NK RF
Evasion from paying tax (refusal to submit a declaration or an indication of incorrect information) in large sizesPenalty from 100 to 300 thousand rubles or in the amount of earnings accrued during the year or 2 yearsArt. 198 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Similar violationForced work up to 1 year, arrest up to 6 months, imprisonment up to 1 yearArt. 198 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
A similar violation committed in particularly large sizesFine from 200 to 500 thousand rubles, keeping the earned earnings of up to 3 years, forced work or imprisonment under 3 yearsArt. 198 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Persons who have not previously had misconduct can be exempt from punishment established by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The condition of liberation is full repayment Unreleased and penalties accrued.

When determining the punishment, the criteria for the assignment of arrears are established:

  • The large size of non-payment is considered the value of 900 thousand rubles, calculated within 3 years or fixed amount Over 2 million 700 thousand rubles;
  • Particularly large - the amount of over 4 million 500 thousand rubles, formed during the period 3 years and component of 20% of the total tax to pay or a fixed value of more than 13 million 500 rubles.

The criteria for assigning the magnitude of arrears are established in Art. 198 of the Criminal Code.

How to learn the debts on the taxes of the individual through the Internet

Timely calculations with the budget exclude the likelihood of obtaining fine or penalties. Monitoring the status of calculations is carried out via the Internet. The Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation provides an opportunity to use the official website for information on the availability of the person:

  • Property objects of taxation belonging to persons under property rights;
  • Accrued and paid taxes;
  • Debt on calculations and accrued sanctions;
  • Spailed to the budget amounts.

For entry B. personal Area You can also use an electronic signature, the design of which certifying centers are engaged. Storage of a qualified key certificate is carried out on one of the user-friendly carrier - electronic map, disk and others.

The advantages of obtaining information through the official website of the IFTS are the efficiency, the ability to exchange information and data availability at any point in the presence of the Internet. The minus is the need to receive a password in the inspection.

Obtaining information about the status of settlements through the portal of the State Service

The service provides complete information about the taxes of individuals and calculations in convenient access. Prepares access to the data registration, which takes a slight time. The table indicates the procedure for obtaining information:

With the help of the face portal have the opportunity to receive information about availability:

  • Tax debts.
  • Information on fines.
  • Debts transferred to the court.
  • Previous payments made through the portal.

The site allows you to refer to the appeal of information in the support service or print the notice of the tax payment and make a payment. To create a payment document, you need to have information about the recipient, appointment of payment, tax. All the required fields of the document must be filled.

The advantages of accessing the portal includes simplicity of registration and receipt of information at any convenient time, the efficiency of information flow. The minuses include the absence of reference to the source of storage of information - IFTS.

How to Check Tax Debt without Registration Cabinet

There are several services providing information to taxpayers without additional registration. Data is provided on the basis of the INN. The unique registration number of the INN is provided to every physical person after contacting the territorial office of the IFTS. The room is unique, assigned to persons once.

Data without additional registration is provided on a paid basis. Payment methods define services. The source of information is state system. The advantage of handling third-party sites is the lack of need for registration. The minuses include a likely delay in updating information and the lack of printing notification.

Obtaining information about taxes in the absence of TIN

You can get information about the status of settlements without INN, when contacting the bailiff site. The FSSP portal contains a section " Information Systems"Providing data to users. The request is carried out by filling in a special form. For information, you must enter data from the names, the initials of the person, the region of residence and the code specified on the page.

As part of the information will be provided with the amount of debt and the document, on the basis of which the taxpayer's case was transferred to the bailiff. In the absence of data about the face, the search can be made by executive document In the presence of data. In the absence of debt, the person receives the appropriate notification.

The FSSP portal provides an opportunity to obtain data on payment details and make a payment to the budget using electronic wallets and cards. TO positive moments Information on the site includes ease of access without additional registration or receipt of a certified key.

Departure abroad with debt

When crossing the border and passage customs control The debt check is carried out from those traveling abroad. The presence of debt before the budget prevents the departure for the territory of the country. In rare cases, the ban on the departure is emergency without payment under the special bases of the trip, for example, the direction for treatment. In the absence of grounds for urgent departure, the face will not be able to cross the border without paying debt.

Information enters the customs service from FSSP. To prevent debt to departure abroad, you need to learn about debts and pay. The removal of the prohibition is carried out within 10 days after the direction of information from the FSSP.

Common questions

Question # 1.. Can IFST send a notification and make a requirement to pay the obligations accrued earlier than 3 years?

Answer: Repayment of obligations whose calculation period exceeds of limitation, not produced.

Question # 2.. What time is the deadline for recovery of debt from individuals?

Answer: The right to recover the amounts of taxes from individuals is provided judicial authority. In the presence of debt up to 6 months from the occurrence of the period of payment, the IFNS can sue the amount and imposition of sanctions.

Question number 3.. What to do with the loss of registration codes of access to the personal account received in the IFTS?

Answer: With the loss of access codes, the restoration is made in any territorial department of the IFNS on the basis of the presented passport.

Question number 4.. What to do in case of loss of tax notice?

Answer: A person who is responsible for paying the tax has the opportunity to get a duplicate of notice in the IFTS personally, through the official website of the institution or print a document through the Public Services portal.

Question number 5.. How to do if the debt is redeemed, but is reflected on the site of bailiffs.

Answer: If a long time has passed since the payment, it is necessary to contact the attachment service. To remove the amount of debt, you will need to present a passport and payment document.

Call in one click

As everyone knows, jokes with tax inspection are bad. Therefore, the accrual and payment of taxes are particularly carefully at each enterprise. Not an exception are individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter - IP).

Tax law is quite complex, it contains a huge number of rules that are closely interrelated. It is not easy to figure them out, so you can turn out to be a tax defense person, sincerely consider that I paid all the necessary fees. Proper and timely payment of taxes is the key to the normal and smooth functioning of any company. To avoid calculating possible penalties, you need to carefully monitor the appearance of tax debt.

How to do this, while saving precious time, using the ability of the Internet and SMS, we will tell you in our article.

What taxes can you find out your debt?

Knowing your INN, you can learn all the necessary information that concerns such taxes as property tax, transport and land taxes and income tax of individuals.

According to statistics, most of the requests fall on the transport tax, it is with him different misunderstandings and errors - sometimes comes notice of debt on the sold car. Difficulties arise with land tax, it is associated with a change in value land plot Or cancel any benefits. The cost is determined by local governments. Therefore, it is important to control the process of paying taxes and follow your debts.

On special Internet services that provide access to data on taxation, you can not only find out the size of your debt, but also to form a payment and even pay online. We will talk about these services further.

True, online payment is possible only through those banks that have an agreement with the Federal Tax Service.

Individuals via the Internet

The simplest, cheaper and fast way Check your debt - online via the Internet, because now it is spent almost in every home.

To do this, go to the site of the FNS of the Russian Federation. Here you choose a section dedicated to individuals and go to your personal account. The entrance to the personal account is available if you know your inn, it is login, as well as a password. Click on the header "Learn your debt", the message will be displayed in the window, about what you agree with the transfer personal information. Do not be scared, it is a common formality.

To date, all citizens of the Russian Federation have access to this resource. Foreign citizens And stateless persons does not concern.

However, there are several nuances. Let's look at them in order:

  1. First - you need to know your inn. If you do not know it, you can also find out on this site. There is a special section - "learn the Inn" by entering passport data there, you will receive your number.
  2. With a password a little more difficult, you can recognize it only personally by contacting tax inspection. The password and login will be indicated in the registration card, which can be obtained in any tax inspection of the Russian Federation, except specialized. In addition to the passport and the Inn, no other documents are required.
    It would seem why to come to the tax and wait in the password in the queue, if it is easier to get it via the Internet. Such a procedure is designed to protect personal taxpayer data. After receiving the initial password, you must change it to another at your discretion. The main requirement - no one should know your password except you.
  3. In the case of the loss of password and login, contact any tax inspection, there will be new data.

There is another way to go to the personal account - universal electronic map. or electronic signature . They are issued by a specialized authority on various media and require special software. Without this method of registration, learn any data will not work.

With this site, individuals will be able to find out the following information:

  • data on property facilities and vehicles;
  • amounts of tax payments such as accrued and paid;
  • tax debt to the budget.

Functions like filling in real time, tracking in the Personal Account cameral check This Declaration, the appeal for advice in the tax authorities. You can also create payment document And immediately pay him.

More information about this process can be viewed on this video:

Legal entities via the Internet

Just as individuals, Jurlitsa have their personal Inn. On the site you need to go to the "Legal entities" section and enter your personal account by specifying the login (INN) and password.

Using this site, legal entities Can learn:

  • the size of its debt to the budget;
  • accrued and paid amounts of payments;
  • overlaced tax amounts (size), such amounts are credited or returned;
  • debt collection measures in compulsory, etc.

They can also make such actions as:

  • direction of the request and receipt of the appropriate certificate of the status of tax calculations and acts of accusation of calculations;
  • sending a request for the need for reference that tax obligations executed;
  • communicate with tax authorities in case of issues or errors in information;
  • initiate reconciliation checks.

Directly in tax

If you do not have access to the Internet or you cannot enter your personal account, then you need to go directly to the tax inspection to find out the amount of debt. Sometimes it is necessary for reconciliation, for example, in case of detection of errors in the information posted on the site. Despite all the convenience of the Internet service, specialists are recommended sometimes appearing in the tax and reconcile in place.

You can write a statement, and you will provide information about debt. True, you have to stand in the queue. If you have access to the site, you can contact the printed data into the tax inspection and verify the available data.

Another point to pay attention - in organizations the right to demand an act of reconciliation or an extract has a director or chief Accountant. At other persons should be a power of attorney.

You need to decide in advance what you need: extract from the personal account or act of reconciliation. The act of reconciliation has a full legal force, the statement is not. Extract is more internal information. For government agencies or court sessions Only the act is suitable.

Via sms

Another option is to know your debt via SMS. Please note that this service is paid, the amount of payment is installed by the mobile operator. Usually, the cost of low. You can find out the number for which SMS from Inn is sent in the local tax inspection. In the response message you will see total Debt.

it convenient way, But it is limited only with a total debt, you will not be able to find out what exactly your debt has any tax. You can find more detailed information on the website or in the tax itself.

The consequences of tax arrears for IP and organizations

If you still have not treced taxes, and you have an outstanding debt, then tax legislation Prepared penalties. Non-payment or partial tax payment entails fine in this amount:

  • 20% of the unpaid amount in case of unintentional action. For example, errors or a short violation established period payment;
  • 40% of the unpaid amount in case of intentional actions.

First, the Tax Inspectorate notifies the IP or the Organization for Debt. If it is not paid on time, then in addition to the tax itself, it will be necessary to pay a fine. If the taxpayer does not pay it voluntarily, apply forced measures for recovery. For example, arrest bank account And write-off from it to those funds that were to be paid to the budget. Or property arrest, ban individual entrepreneur Return abroad.

Therefore, the faster the debt will be repaid, the less its size will be - after all penalty is charged for every day. The criminal liability of Yurlitz for debt is also envisaged:

  • in a major amount - more than 2 million rubles for 3 years in a row or more than 6 million rubles, the share of unpaid taxes exceeds 10% of taxes payable;
  • in particularly large amount - more than 10 million rubles for 3 years in a row or more than 30 million rubles with a share of unpaid taxes 20%.

As for individuals, the amounts are slightly less:

  • large size - over 600 thousand rubles for 3 years, unpaid share - 10% or 1.8 million rubles;
  • particularly large - over 3 million rubles for 3 years, unpaid proportion - 20% or more than 9 million rubles.

Thus, you got acquainted with how in various ways to get all the necessary information about tax debthaving a minimum of documents in his arsenal. If you detect the debt in time, then avoid sanctions and extra money costs. Watch out for payment and tax charges with the help of the Internet, and you will not fall into an unpleasant situation.

In Russia, individuals not involved commercial activities, Pay five types of taxes and fees:

  • Transport tax;
  • Property tax of individuals;
  • Land tax;
  • State duty.

Income tax Citizens of the Russian Federation shall be paid from income that are subject to taxation. Most often that wage Or other payments received from the employer or revenue from the sale of property.

If the physically receives income at work, then the obligation to retention and transfer to the NDFL budget lies on tax agent. on the employer. If income is received independently, for example, from the sale of property, the citizen must declare himself and pay to the budget.

Charges from all vehicle owners, and its size directly depends on the number of horsepower of the car. Transport tax Citizes accrue FTS, and paid on notifications that the tax inspectorate sends.

The property tax is paid by all owners of any real estate, the calculation also produces the inspection itself and notify the taxpayers in writing about the existing debt. Similarly, payment is controlled. land tax.

Public duty is a collection that pays individuals for committing any legally significant action by employees government agencies. For example, it may be for registering actions for registration of the vehicle.

Why need to know about tax arrears

Tax payment is a direct constitutional duty of each citizen of the Russian Federation. If a person crossed the payment, because he did not know about the existing debt to the budget, it does not relieve it from accrualing penalties and penalties. In addition, a state may take forced measures to recover tax debts.

If the individual has an arrears of tax platesThis may violate plans for a foreign trip, as debtors from the country are not released before the repayment of all overdue commitments. Also to the measures forced recovery of debt referred bailiffs Performers of the amount of debt from personal accounts of citizens in banks. So that such a situation has not become an unpleasant surprise, the tax debt needs to know.

How to check individual taxes online

Check taxes on the Inn citizen may in the tax inspectorate at the place of its registration. However, this method does not fit busy people, as it takes a lot of time.

A more convenient way is to check the tax on the Inn individual through Internet resources. IN this moment Check taxes through Internet portals:

  • Official website of the FTS RF;
  • Site of public services;
  • Sberbank website;
  • Service Yandex Money.

Checking for tax debts and fines requires registration on the Internet resource that you are selected for this operation. The most complete information is a citizen can get on the tax service website. For information about tax accruals, Listed to the budget, as well as the presence of arrears, you need to enter the personal account of the taxpayer.

Sign up to access Tax Information, you can in several ways:

  1. Visit the Tax Inspectorate and go through the procedure for obtaining a password from the Tax Inspector;
  2. Register on the site with a reinforced electron-digital signature;
  3. Get access through the Public Services portal.

Personal account of the taxpayer allows not only to learn taxes on the Inn individual, but also to apply written appeals and applications; send tax Declarations; monitor the processing of sent documents; receive answers tax author to requests.

This service also allows you to track the presence or absence of registered tax objects and prepare tax notifications For payment for the previous year.

In order to find out information about tax accruals and payment required:

  1. On the main page Select the section "Accrued";
  2. In the list of you who are interested in the notification of interest;
  3. The View button allows you to open a printed option for payment.
  4. If the notification was paid, in front of it the green inscription "paid" and the date of payment is burning.

Learn Tax Taxes also allows the site of public services. You can see the necessary information only after registering on the service. To obtain data on the login and password, you need to introduce your personal data on your own and then confirming your registration through Sberbank, Russian Post or some other banks.

By confirming my account on the Public Services portal, you can find out whether I have a tax as follows:

  1. On the main page, choose the section "Taxes and Finance" and go to the list to bookmark "Tax Debt";
  2. After clicking the "Get Service" button, the site will open, the site offers to learn your taxes on personal data or by the receipt number;
  3. After entering the necessary information, the data on the presence or absence of debt will appear on the screen.

Payment of taxes on the Inn individual

When the existing debt arrears appears on the screen, the service allows you to pay for the debt, through the "Pay" button. You can pay online taxes using a bank card. The site will ask for payment data and information about payment card. After repaying the debt, the user comes a notice of payment of tax pay.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state