
Where they change rubles on tenge. What currency to go to Kazakhstan? Visa, customs and passport control, customs information

Trips to Kazakhstan are increasingly becoming the destination of many businessmen. And this is quite logical - today the Kazakhstan economy is one of the most developing in the post-Soviet space. Having a sufficient amount of minerals, Kazakhstan is a full participant in global relations. When planning a business trip to this country, it is necessary to take into account its features. You can translate tenge to rubles in Russia, and in Kazakhstan it will be possible to do only with the help of a passport. In the Central Asian country there are serious control over monetary operations and currencies in other countries.

It itself is beneficial to change the tenge in rubles directly in Kazakhstan itself. Before this, it is better to check the courses of many banks and choose the most attractive. In Russia, the Kazakh currency is not appreciated high, therefore it is beneficial to exchange it will not work out. There is another way of sharing - to change the dollar on rubles. And after they are translated in tenge. It is important to remember that the more currency exchange operations will be, the more commissions and less money Will stay on your hands. Dollars will be appreciated in any country, but in this caseIt's easier to change them directly there if they are available. The course between the ruble and tenge sets daily Central banks Two countries. And they can insignificantly, but differ. Therefore, before the exchange is better to clarify.

To transfer yuan to rubles, it is better to contact the bank. On the territory of the European part of Russia, Yuan is not a very popular currency. Although it felt that a gradually the Chinese market rises to the feet and begins to capture the world. In the Far East, Yuan is quietly accepted in any exchanger. As for the translating of yuan in tenge, then the Chinese currency remains in the presence, the easiest way to change it is there. When translating rubles in a penny, Kazakhstan banks do not take into account this, therefore it is best to change the currency with whole ruble, without kopecks. The little thing is best to leave yourself. In general, in no country in the world will not take petty money: banks simply do not always have information about smaller variants of the currency.

Belarus is one of the countries that signed an agreement on the Customs Union. Credit and foreign exchange transactions between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan have increased several times. The Belarusian ruble looks one of the weakest among all three currencies of the Customs Union, but, as you know, the Republic of Belarus is now experiencing not the best economic times. Belarus needs time to get out of the crisis. After that, the Belarusian ruble will easily return to the lost positions. And no matter how the world experts speak, but the Customs Union has the right to exist. In the West, the union of strong economies in one, as it was in recent times. Wait and see

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We bring to your attention information that can be useful when traveling to Kazakhstan.


No transition to winter and summer time. Local time is different from Moscow by winter time - plus 3 hours, in summertime - plus 2 hours.

Visa, customs and passport control, customs information

The state with a visa system favorable for travelers is especially true of Russian citizens. For citizens Russian Federation Visa is not required, you can come unhindered by foreign or civil passportYou will only need to register at the place of residence. From tourists it is required to receive a receipt from the side of the hotel with a seal and an indication of the period of stay, usually the hotels do it themselves.
At the entrance to the country, an immigration card is issued, on which the stamp with the date of entry into Kazakhstan is affixed. On the road this card Related by the staff of the border service. On the same card, marks of accounting bodies and registration at the place of stay are made. When stopping in the hotel, employees of hotels take the registration of those who stopped against themselves, and in the hands give out the appropriate receipt.
Foreign citizens temporarily staying in the Republic of Kazakhstan are obliged to register for five calendar days From the date of intersection of the state border of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the place of its permanent or temporary residence. check in foreign citizens It is carried out according to the identity documents and the immigration cards obtained at the entrance.
Citizens 27 States entering Kazakhstan disabled from registration with a visa: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malayshia, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway , Portugal, Singapore, USA, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, France, Germany, Japan and the Republic of Korea.
Violation of registration rules can lead to imposition administrative finecorresponding to the sum from 10 to 20 conditional rates.
Import and removal of local currency for foreigners is prohibited. Import foreign currency limited to the amount of 500 USD (the amount must be made to the declaration and maintain a declaration before departure). Export of foreign currency is limited by the number specified in the Declaration.
A duty-free import of 1000 cigarettes is allowed, or 1000 grams. Tobacco, 2 liters of alcoholic beverages.
You can import the goods worth not more than 500 USD into the country. It is advisable to keep checks from shops where goods were bought to avoid difficulties at customs during the departure from the country.
The importation of weapons and ammunition, drugs and drug-containing drugs, literature, photo and video products, contrary to the norms of Islam or aimed at undermining and discrediting state authorities.
It is prohibited by the removal of gold, precious stones and rare minerals, rare species animals and hunting birds.

Security conditions

We ask you to strictly comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and transit countries, all the rules and conditions of personal safety, fireproof, hygiene and sanitary-epidemiological rules somehow: all the rules of location in airports; All flight rules (moving) and baggage provisions specified in your ticket; All rules of travel on auto-transport, land and underground transport, country and international trains and strictly follow the instructions and guidelines; All rules and safety conditions stay in public places. In hotels, restaurants, cafes, clubs, sports centers, pools, museums, theaters, at exhibitions, when visiting cultural and architecture monuments and strictly follow the instructions and instructions of the staff. Do not leave your belongings and values \u200b\u200bwithout supervision, if possible. Use safes in rooms, hotels. Don't carry large sums Money, hold the photo and video technique in your hands.

Currency exchange money

National currency Kazakhstan is tenge (T.). One tenge is 100 tiynov. IN appeals are banknotes in dignity in 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 tenge, as well as 1, 10, and 50 Tyin. Coins in the country are not in the go. Tengener is the only legitimate payment Tool on thethe territory of Kazakhstan, although in practice the US dollars and the euro take to pay.Russian rubles and currencies of neighboring Central Asian republics are accepted in the markets.

Kazakhstan has the most advanced banking system In Central Asia. Banks work from 9.30 to 17.30, from Monday to Friday. Lunch break is usually from 13.00 to 14.00, but many banks work without breaks. Saturday and Sunday - weekends.
US dollars can easily exchange on tenge, the euro is also accepted by almost all banks and exchange offices. Most banks take bills of only a new sample. In the markets (especially in the northern regions) you can pay a ruble.
The main European and international and international credit cards. They are easily accepted in large hotels, shops and restaurants of Alma-Ata. Tourist checks are better to take with them in American dollars to avoid additional exchange operations. ATMs can be found in banks, hotels and shopping centers.

Local cuisine in Kazakhstan is cheap and abundant. Food is usually served by cakes and tea in kettles, green or black. In the first days it should be careful, because in traditional cuisine, oily and heavy food prevails, unusual for Europeans.

Kitchen Kazakhstan, like any Central Asian cuisine, is based on a wide use of meat. IN Kazakhstan, many of the national drinks have a peculiar, unusual taste. In the bazaar you can always buy fresh vegetables and fruits for the season.
In Kazakhstan, you can use cold water for drinking. However, a good tradition is to boil cold water from a crane for brewing tea (green or black), which is used during meals. Hot water from the crane cannot be used for drinking.

In Kazakhstan for good service it is customary to leave tips - 5-10% of the amount of the account.

Rule of clothing

No special rules In clothes for every day, especially in Alma-Ata and Astana and other major cities, where people are mostly young, have complete freedom in clothes. You can meet women in a traditional Islamic dress, but this more often depends on personal choice than from some duties. When visiting religious places it is not recommended to wear shorts, as well as things with open shoulders.

National currency of Kazakhstan - tenge. It is not officially possible to pay ruble, but they are tested mainly in the markets, in small stores, in private taxi. Most easily melted by rubles in the northern regions of the country close to the Russian border.

Among the cities of Northern Kazakhstan are known mainly:

  • Pavlodar
  • Kostanay
  • Petropavlovsk
  • Kokshetau

IN local banks Customers can often refuse to receive old ribbons and threaded bills, so when exchanging money, ask newly new banknotes.

It is not necessary to change rubles for dollars or euros, and then it is not necessary on the tenge, in all exchange offices, tourists will change rubles on tenge without problems.

How much money to take to Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is one of the most expensive countries in Central Asia. Prices in the country are comparable to Russian.

  • Gasoline in Kazakhstan is more expensive, about 150 tenge (40 rubles). When traveling on its own car is better to refuel in Russia.
  • Food purchased in the markets is usually cheaper. Prices in grocery stores are almost the same.
  • There is better in small cafes located away from tourist places or expensive areas of the city.

Approximate prices in Kazakhstan

  • Lunch at the cafe: from 2500 tenge (about 480 rubles)
  • Cup of coffee: 900 tenge (170 rubles)
  • Beer Bank: from 120 tenge (about 25 rubles)
  • Buckka bread: from 50 tenge (about 10 rubles)
  • Bottle of water: 100 tenge (20 rubles)
  • Tutu cigarette: from 270 tenge (50 rubles)
  • Gasoline liter: about 120 tenge (about 23 rubles)
  • Taxi trip: 240 tenge per 1 km. (about 45 rubles)
  • Movie ticket: from 1800 tenge (about 350 rubles)

Currency exchange in Kazakhstan

Exchange currency in Kazakhstan is quite easy - there are almost everywhere exchange points or branches of banks. At railway and bus stations, in the markets and in other crowded places, you can meet and the streets changed offering "the most profitable" course.

The country appeared in the country's new samples, which, along with the old, are used in payments. In the exchanger, ask for new banknotes, because Often, with reverse exchange, tourists denied the reception of old money.

The mode of operation of exchange points in Kazakhstan: 09: 00-19: 00, breaks are usually from 13:00 to 14:00. It does not work out the weekend from exchange points, but in crowded most of the exchangers work without days off.

Bank cards in Kazakhstan

Bank cards in Kazakhstan are accepted in almost any city, it concerns this mostly large shops and shopping centers, also a part of the local gas station takes to pay for a credit card. Accept bank cards And almost all hotels. But it is almost impossible to pay a credit card in a small cafe or shop.

IN countryside And the small villages will not pay the card, they will not be taken almost anywhere.

The main credit cards that are accepted in Kazakhstan are Visa and MasterCard, also accept cards and other payment systems, but much less often.

Banks of Kazakhstan

The mode of operation of banks of Kazakhstan: 09:30 - 17:30, a break for lunch from 13:00 to 14:00, Saturday and Sunday - a day off. In large cities there are branches serving customers seven days a week.

The main banks of Kazakhstan are "Kazkommertsbank", "People's Bank of Kazakhstan", "Btabank", "Bank CenterCredit". In total, several dozen local and foreign banks work in Kazakhstan.

In the departments of banks, you can change rubles on tenge or other currency, commit remittance Or rent money from the card.

Shopping in Kazakhstan

Shopping in Kazakhstan is quite convenient enough, in big cities there are shopping centers. There is no point in the country for Shopping, there are no exclusive things or low prices here.

It is not accepted to bargain in stores in Kazakhstan, it is permissible only in the markets and private traders.

Tips in Kazakhstan

Tips in Kazakhstan in most cases are included in the account and amount to 10-15% of total amount. Cafe, in which tips are not included in the amount of the check and are left at the discretion of visitors are significantly less.

Additional tips left over the percentage of service are also welcome because they constitute the bulk of the income of the waiters.

Travel checks in Kazakhstan

Travel checks in Kazakhstan are accepted in most banks, in addition to them, it is impossible to cash off travelers. Mostly banks work with American Express travelers, visible for the cashing commission in 1-2%.

It cannot be said that Kazakhstan is a popular tourist destination, but if you decide to go there, you should know that the national currency of this country is tenge. Officially, they are officially paid by Russian rubles and any other currency on the territory of the country is prohibited, but in a number of small stores and in the markets such calculations are practiced. Such calculations are mainly practiced in areas border with Russia. If you have rubles, then you do not need to change them for dollars or euros and with this currency to go to Kazakhstan. Here, without much difficulty, you can change rubles on the tenge, and on a satisfied good course. When exchanging money, pay attention to the fact that you were given banknotes in good condition, since dirty, fears and simply worn banknotes do not take almost anywhere.

With the exchange of currency in Kazakhstan, no problems will arise, but in order not to become victims of scammers and not lose a decent amount of money, you need to abandon the exchange of money in small exchange offices and has a private change. As in Russia, street variables are widespread in Kazakhstan, which are very popular with the local population, as they offer the most profitable course, but one thing is local residents, and completely different tourists. No need to chase some kind of benefit there, it is better to go to the bank and calmly (legally) to change the money to be sure that you were given genuine bills and in the appropriate quantity. Most often, street variables are found in the markets and stations, and they do not need to look for, they themselves find tourists and intrusive offering their services.

Banks in Kazakhstan work from 9.30 to 17.30 with lunch from 13 to 14 hours. Weekends Saturday and Sunday, but in large cities there are offices that work without days off. In addition to local banks, often meet foreign banks. Exchange points Work a little longer - until 19 o'clock. Many exchangers on weekends are closed, but there are those who work without days off. ATM network is constantly increasing, but this moment They are most often found in hotels, banks and shopping centers. Kazakhstan banknotes have such a feature that their appearance It often changes, so before the trip you should see how they look like not to get confused (many bills of different rates have a certain external similarity).

Bank cards are widely distributed in Kazakhstan, they can be paid in most hotels, shops and even at gas stations, but the farther you will drive away from large cities. The more difficult it will be done. If you plan to take with you credit cards, I should not rely solely on them, with you should always be enough cash.

Ave. Gagarin, 135zh ul. Bayseite, 49 (New Square, Corner St. Satpayev)
+7 (727) 258-54-35 (Reception)
ul. Rosybakiyeva, d. 281 (corner st. Al - Farabi)
8 (727) 330-00-15 (separation) ...
ul. Masanchi, d. 99 (corner st. Satpayev)
8 (727) 244-22-17 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
mKR. 4, d. 10a (Ave. Abaya, angle st. Altynsarin, in the building TD RASH)
8 (727) 258-80-57 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
ul. Rosybakiyeva, d. 247 (Corner st. Al - Farabi (MEGA shopping center))
8 (727)258-51-45 ...
abaya Prospect, d. 44a (corner st. Baitursova (TD "Promenade"))
8 (727)258-51-45 ...
mKR. Aksai-1, d. 18 (ul. Tole Bi, corner st. Momshulla)
8 (727) 330-00-16 (separation) ...
abaya Prospect, d. 127 / 99a (corner st. Zharokova)
8 (727) 259-99-28 (separation); Interior number: 58-100 (Head of Department-Yur.Litz) ...
pR-KT DOSTOK, 48 (corner st. Shevchenko)
8 (727)258-54-99 ...
pR-KT DOSTOK, D. 107 (corner st. Haji Mukana)
8 (727) 244-22-09 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
ul. Tolstoy, d. 8a
8 (727) 244-22-02 (separation); Service accounting operator individuals 58232 ...
ul. Maulina, d. 1 (in the airport building)
8 (727) 244-22-01 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
ul. Kazybek Bi, d. 53 (Corner Ul.Tulebayev)
8 (727) 272-43-32 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
ul. Makataeva, 88a (corner st. Panfilova)
8 (727) 244-22-14 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
ul. Zhibek Zholy, d. 60 (corner st. Pushkin)
8 (727) 244-22-12 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
ul. Nauren Batyr, d. 7b (corner of Ryimbek Ave, in the building TD Ramstor)
8 (727) 330-00-20 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
ul. Furmanova, 226 (corner st. Zholdasbekova, in the building TD Ramstor Samal)
8 (727)2585-145 ...
mKR. Zholdasbekova, d. 97 (Mendiculov angle)
8 (727) 330-00-06 (separation); Internal number: 58 724 (Head of the Department) ...
ul. Akhmetova, 4 (corner st. Maulina, airport district)
8 (727) 244-22-16 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
mKR. Zhetisu 4, d. 13a (Abaya Ave., corner st. Momshulla)
8 (727) 244-22-03 (separation) ...
mKR. Ainabulak 2, d. 71d (opposite TD "Ramstor Ainabulak")
8 (727) 330-00-21 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
ul. Tole Bi, d. 155a (corner st. Zhumaliev, in the building BC Grand Asia)
8 (727) 330-00-13 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
ul. Abylai Khan, d. 147 (Angle Ave.
8 (727)258-51-45 ...
ul. Tole Bi, d. 83 (corner st. Seifullina)
8 (727)244-22-36 ...
prospect Abylai Khan, d. 92 (corner st. Cabanbai Batyr)
8 (727) 244-22-11 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
ul. Furmanova, d. 88 (corner st. Ictech bi)
8 (727) (separation); 258-51-45 ...
ul. Tole Bi, d. 159 (corner st. Mirzoyan)
8 (727) 244-22-10 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
mKR. Orbit 1, d. 6 (ul. Navoi, corner st. Birzhan)
8 (727) 258-80-56 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
ul. Tole Bi, d. 71 (corner st. Naurevabba Batyr)
8 (727) 258-80-46 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
ul. Tole Bi, d. 229 (corner st. T.OSala, in the building TD Ramstor Tastak)
8 (727)258-18-34 ...
pR-KT Gagarin, d. 135zh (corner st. Zhandosova)
8 (727) 258-53-60 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
ul. Bayseite, d. 49 (corner st. Satpayev)
8 (727)258-51-22 ...
ul. Zhandosova, 25 (corner of Gagarin Ave)
8 (727) 258-53-88 (separation) ...
ul. Zhibek Zholy, d. 63 (corner st. Kunayev)
8 (727) 258-51-47 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
ul. Furmanova, d. 240g
8(727)2585-145 ...
ul. Al-Farabi, d. 34 (corner st. World)
8 (727) 244-22-44 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
ul. Vasnetsova, d. 23-27 / 92
8 (727) 330-00-07 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
pR-KT TOLL BY, D. 101 (corner st. Baitursova)
8 (727) 258-52-71 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
mKR. Orbit 2, 28g (ul. Mustafina, Al. Al - Farabi Angle)
8 (727) 330-00-14 (separation) ...
ul. Panfilova, Ug.ul. Gogol, d. 111/87, room 77
8 (727) 330-00-18 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
ul. Abylai Khan, d. 3a (TER Altyn Taraz, railway station Almaty 2)
8 (727) 244-22-05 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
ul. Timiryazeva, d. 42 (TC Gallery)
8 (727) 330-00-19 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
al-Farabi pr-KT, 77/8 (ESENTAI Mall)
8 (727) 330-00-09 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
al-Farabi Prospect, 77/7 (Hotel "The Ritz Carlton, Almaty" on the 30th floor of the Energy Tower Building)
head of Department - Tel 57391 Deputy Head -57391
mKR. 8, d. 9 (on ul. Altynsarina)
8 (727) 330-00-17 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
ul. Auezova, 69 (Corner Str. Kurmangazi)
8 (727) 244-22-45 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
pos. Irgeli, ul. Highway Almaty Bishkek (TC Mall Aport)
8 (727) 224-22-13 (separation); 258-51-45 ...
pos. Segen Batyr, ul. Zhanzugurova, 1
8 (727)258-88-88 ...
more 48 on the map 8 months 2 minutes 2 months 4 months

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