
The most expensive currency of Europe. The most expensive currency. Where to buy rare types of currency

The popularity of the American dollar is very high, but it is in any case not the most dear currency in the world. The money of some Asian states, in the territory of which there are huge oil reserves, are valued significantly higher. There are bills from other corners of the planet, superior to the dollar in terms of cost.

In order to familiarize yourself, we suggest to consider the Ten most expensive currencies, which are appreciated as high as much as possible on the whole globe. It should be understood that the cost of money and their liquidity are completely different concepts.

Kuwaiti dinar

Many could not even imagine that the most expensive currency in the world is a dinar that is in Kuwait. There are huge oil deposits on the territory of this country, therefore Kuwait's national money and are very valuable today.

As statistics show, in the state the number of millionaires is in proportion 1:15. As for the total population, this indicator reaches 3 million people. Leading positions cash Kuwait took back in 1961, but a significant rise in price occurred in 2006-2007.

Interesting: The indicators are much higher than in many other countries of the world, while the influx of immigrants remains at a very high level.

Bahrainsky dinar

The second place is the monetary unit of Bahrain, which is a small Arab state located on the island. The national currency of the country from 1966 to 1973 was used as the main in the emirate of Abu Dhabi, until he was completely changed to Dirham.

Bahrainsky Dinar takes the second line for the same reason. The country has small sizes with well developed oil industry. Cash bills have a fairly interesting design. They are clearly depicted monuments of culture with an attractive ornament.

Omansky Rial

In the third position, the currency of Oman is located before the high cost. This state is located in the southeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula and has a small size. Oman Rial came to the change of Indian rupee in 1974 in the 1: 1 ratio. It should be noted that it is not much inferior to the previous contender.

The exchangeless monetary unit is the bayza, which is equal to one thousandth rial. On banknotes there are inscriptions and numbers. On one side, they are written in English, and on the other - in Arabic.

For your information: Not everyone is capable, but interesting ideas allow to receive high income in the first stages of their implementation under the right approach.

Jordanian dinar

It is enough difficult to explain what reasons national currency Jordan ranks fourth. Despite not very well developed economic system, as well as the availability of budget deficit, Jordanian Dinar continues to be one of the fairly expensive monetary signs in the world.

Banknotes are distinguished by the original design. On one side depicts portraits of kings who rules in different periodsAnd on the other - the main architectural monuments related to a particular historical era. On the bill in 1 dinar, the rebels of the riding camels are captured, carrying a national flag.

Pound sterling

The fifth line is fixed behind the supersensible currency, which from the end of the XVII century is one of the leaders in the global market. This is a pound sterling. He did not lose his past positions even at that time when the American dollar was able to absorb almost the entire currency market.

The pound sterling is one of the main currencies in the Forex market. Banks of some territorial units that are part of the UK produce bills with their own design. This refers to the financial institutions of Scotland and Northern Ireland.


The sixth place is occupied by the official currency of the European Union, which is also recognized by the national monetary unit of some other countries. However, these states are not able to influence the monetary activities of the European Central Bank. They also cannot direct representatives to the governing bodies.

Cashless payments began to be carried out in the euro since the beginning of 1999, and cash banknotes were introduced into appeal since 2002. A special graphic symbol was selected by polls. From the very beginning it was proposed to consider two main options out of ten possible.

On a note: There is information that in lately Several grew. To make sure that you can get acquainted with statistical data.

Dollar Cayman Islands

Not the most expensive currency in the world, but one of enough significant is the dollar of the Cayman Islands. Money entered the turnover in 1972, when a British currency board was formed. Financial institutions of international levels are localized in the islands.

First released four banknotes of 1, 5, 10 and 25 dollars. However, in 1981, two more borrowings were added. In the turn appeared 100 and 40 (now 50) dollars. De La Rue is engaged in printing money signs.

Swiss frank

At eighth place, a currency is located, which is used for calculations on the territory of Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Frank first appeared in 1798, when there was still an Helvetic Republic. However, simultaneously with the elimination of an independent territorial unit was derived from turnover and a monetary sign.

Switzerland money possess a very unusual design. Images on them are not horizontally, but vertically. This immediately strides when considering bills. The banknotes displays portraits of well-known Swiss figures.

American dollar

It becomes clear that the US monetary unit is not the most expensive currency in the world. It takes only a ninth position in the represented ranking. However, with the help of the American dollar, it is possible to pay for various goods and services in almost any country of our planet.

US cash bills are official payments in some other countries. There is an approximate statistics according to which you can see that 80% of settlements around the world are carried out in American dollars. The banknotes depict portraits of US presidents.

Tip: Today, Bitcoin is particularly popular, which is cryptocurrency. Its cost is very high. If necessary, you can use.

Libyan Dinar

At the tenth position is Libyan Dinar, introduced into the official appeal in 1971. Covers are presented in several versions issued in different years. Absolutely all banknotes on the front side have an iridity strip, passing from top to bottom.

Until 2002 all cash bills Hang a gray-blue gamut. However, some of them could see the yellowish and greenish shades. As for new samples, they are distinguished by bright colors. The text on both sides of the banknote is written in Arabic.

Let's sum up

It should be understood that the currency rate depends on many economic factors. Every year it changes significantly, therefore the most expensive currency in the world after a while can take less than high positions. Everything will depend on the adoption economic decisions within states.

Despite the presence of many Asian currencies, money is best kept in stable units. For such such, for example, are American dollars and euros. They are the most liquid.

What do you think, what currency is the most expensive in the world today?

The majority believes that the British pound is the most expensive currency, however, as it turned out, it is not.

Especially for blog readers, we have compiled a list of the strongest currencies in the world (as of January 20, 2020).

So, the most expensive currency in the world ...

# 1 - Kuwait Dinar ($ 3.29)

Currency code - Kwd..

Course of Kuwaitsky Dinar:
1 kwd \u003d 3.29 USD (Kuwaiti Dinar to the dollar).
1 kwd \u003d 202.94 RUB (Kuwaiti dinar to ruble).

The most expensive currency in the world - Kuwaiti Dinar (in relation to the dollar and Russian ruble).

Kuwait is a small country with a huge wealth. The high cost of its currency is explained by the significant export of petroleum products into the world market.

Thanks to the stable economy, the highly developed industry of oil production and exports, Kuwait is considered one of the richest countries of the world.

More than 80% of the country's income comes from the oil industry, as the mining of black gold here is the easiest and, accordingly, the cheapest compared with other countries.

Until 2003, Kuwaiti Dinar was tied to the dollar, but in 2007 the government decided to bind it to a multicurrency basket.

In addition to a very stable economy, Kuwait is a country where there are almost no taxes and very low level Unemployment.

# 2 - Bahrain Dinar (Bahrain Dinar) ($ 2.66)

Currency code - BHD..

Course of the Bahrain dinar:
1 BHD \u003d 2.66 USD (Bahrainsky Dinar to the dollar).
1 BHD \u003d 163.78 RUB (Bahrainsky Dinar to the ruble).

Bahrainsky dinar is the second value of the currency in the world.

Bahrain is an island state in the Persian bay with a population of just over 1 million people. As in the first case, the main article of the income of this country is the export of black gold.

Interestingly, the Bahrainsky Dinar is tied to the dollar rate, and for the past 14 years its value is not changed regarding the dollar.

# 3 - Oman Rial (Oman Rial) ($ 2.60)

Currency code - OMR..

Course of the Oman Rial:
1 OMR \u003d 2.60 USD (Oman Rial to the dollar).
1 OMR \u003d 160.17 RUB (Omani Rial to the ruble).

Oman is a country on the Arabian Peninsula. Thanks to its strategic location, it has a developed economy and a high standard of living.

Omansky Rial, like Bahrainsky Dinar, is tied to the dollar.

Interestingly, the purchasing power of this currency is so high that the government has to produce paper bills with a denomination of 1/2 and 1/4 of the rial. In the picture from above, you can see 1/2 rial.

# 4 - Jordan Dinar (Jordan Dinar) ($ 1.41)

Currency code - Jod..

The course of the Jordanian dinar:
1 JOD \u003d 1.41 USD (Jordanian dinar to the dollar).
1 jod \u003d 86.86 RUB (Jordanian dinar to the ruble).

It is quite difficult to explain the high cost of Jordanian dinar, as the country is not particularly developed economically, and it lacks important resources such as oil. Nevertheless, 1 Jordanian dinar costs about $ 1.41, which makes it one of 10 most expensive currencies in the world.

# 5 - British pound (British Pound) ($ 1.32)

Currency code - GBP..

The course of the British pound:
1 GBP \u003d 1.32 USD (british pound to the dollar).
1 GBP \u003d 80.18 RUB (British pound to ruble).

It was the British pound that everyone considers the most expensive currency in the world, but, as it turns out - it is only on the 5th place.

By the way, British colonies produce their bills, which visually differ from the bill issued by the Bank of England, but are quoted 1 to 1.

So, there are still: Scottish, Northerland, Maneski, Jersey, Guernysk, Gibraltar pounds, as well as a pound of the Isle of St. Helena and a pound of Falkland Islands.

Funny, but the indigenous Britons do not always want to take "other" pounds as payment.

# 6 - Dollar Cayman Islands (Cayman Islands Dollar) ($ 1.22)

Currency code - Kyd..

Cayman Islands dollar exchange rate.
1 KYD \u003d 1.22 USD (dollar of the Cayman Islands to the US dollar).
1 KYD \u003d 75.01 RUB (dollar of the Cayman Islands to the ruble).

Cayman Islands are one of the world's best tax shelters. These islands provided power to hundreds of banks, hedge funds and insurance companies.

In particular, thanks to its leadership among tax shelters, the dollar of Cayman Islands costs about 1.22 US dollars.

# 7 - European Euro (European EURO) ($ 1.11)

Currency code - EUR.

Euro Course:
1 EUR \u003d 1.11 USD (Euro to the dollar).
1 EUR \u003d 68.31 RUB (Euro to ruble).

Even considering that the euro currency over the past year has lost about 20% of its value, it is still one of the strongest in the world.

Partially its strength is explained by the fact that it is an official currency in 17 European countries, among which several economic "heavyweights".

In addition, the world is the second backup currency, covering 22.2% of all world savings (in the dollar - 62.3%).

# 8 - Swiss Franc (SWISS FRANC) ($ 1.01)

Currency code - CHF..

Swiss franca course:
1 CHF \u003d 1.01 USD (Swiss franc to the dollar).
1 CHF \u003d 63.61 RUB (Swiss franc to the ruble).

Switzerland is not only one of the richest countries in the world, but also one of the most stable. Her banking system Known due to its unshakable "banking secrecy".

In addition, their high-tech goods are valued worldwide.

Pay attention to the original appearance of this bill. This is the only currency, from those that I saw, which "looks" vertically.

# 9 - US Dollar (US Dollar)

Currency code - USD..

Dollar Course:
1 USD \u003d 0.90 EUR (dollar for euro).
1 USD \u003d 61.58 RUB (dollar to ruble).

Due to the leading of America on the world arena, its currency has achieved the title "World Reserve Currency". In other words, you can pay dollars in any corner of the world.

# 10 - Canadian Dollar (CANADIAN DOLLAR) ($ 0.75)

Currency code - CAD.

The course of the Canadian dollar:
1 CAD \u003d 0.75 USD (Canadian dollar to US dollar).
1 CAD \u003d 47.14 RUB (Canadian dollar to ruble).

The Canadian dollar is the fifth largest backup world currency. It is often referred to as the "Luni" in honor of the bird shown on a coin worth 1 dollar.

Filled out of dozens

Due to the dynamically changing economic and political situation in the world, the currency is difficult to remain in this ranking, so here is the list of currencies that came out of the top ten for previous periods.

Australian Dollar (Australian Dollar)($0.68)

Currency code - AUD..

The course of the Australian dollar:
1 AUD \u003d 0.68 USD (Australian dollar to US dollar).
1 AUD \u003d 42.35 RUB (Autraral dollar to ruble).

Interesting is the fact that the new series of Australian banknotes, as in the picture above, will have a tactile function (Braille font) to help the community of visually impaired determining the nominal bills.

Azerbaijani Manat (Azerbaijani MANAT)($0.59)

Currency code - AZN..

The course of the Azerbaijani manat:
1 AZN \u003d 0.59 USD (Azerbaijan manat to the dollar).
1 AZN \u003d 36.30 RUB (Azerbaijan manat to ruble).

To see Azerbaijani manat on this list, of course, amazing, but the currency of this Middle Eastern country is just a little bit cheaper than the US dollar.

It should be noted that the local economy is actually quite strong, and the unemployment rate in the country is low.

Seborg Laigino?

Have you ever heard of currency called Seborgan Luigino?

This currency belongs to the Virtual State of Seborg's Principality, which is located on the border of Italy and France. Luijino circulates mainly at the local level and is not considered a payment tool in any other country.

But what is interesting, the local course of Luijino is 1 SPL \u003d 6 USDThat could make this currency the most expensive in the world if it were officially recognized outside the principality.

Thus, despite the huge value of SPL, Liuijino can not take first place in our list of the most expensive currencies in the world.

High cost currency Sign of a strong economy?

It is known that currencies are not particularly successful states tend to reduce cost. However, when everything is in order with the economy, we can hardly see the opposite effect.

Indeed, in practice there were very few cases when the currency cost was constantly increased. The reasons may be different, but mostly, the state itself is not profitable to strengthen the currency, since The population begins to actively postpone the funds, instead of spending.

Thus, the high cost of the currency speaks only that inflation processes in the country are under control.

In the context of this article, it should also be mentioned about Japan and its one of the strongest economies in the world. At the same time, the cost of Japanese yen is very small, $ 1 \u003d ¥ 108.74.

Information about the greatest value of currencies is unlikely to be used by investors for making any investment solutions. In this case, it is better to consider the most stable currencies.

By the way, you knew that it was impossible to use the images of banknotes without inscription "Specimen"? Learning to comply with laws, comrades!

Each country has its own national monetary unit in circulation. The list of currencies of the countries of the world is very wide. However, it can be divided into several basic groups. So, for example, there exists a currency of European countries, African, countries of Northern and South America, as well as Asian countries, Australia and Oceania. In addition, the list of currencies of the world can be divided into two categories: the most expensive and cheapest cash units.

What affects the cost of the currency

One of the most important indicators affecting the cost of the currency is the presence of a strong and well-developed economy. It should cause confidence in partners and investors who will be invested in state securities. In addition, great impact has minerals and their exports of the country.

If you carefully examine the rating list of the currency countries of the world, then you can see that the strongest and expensive are monetary signs Arab Peninsula. But despite this, this currency is little interested in the rest of the countries. This is due to the fact that it directly depends on oil. And this natural resource It may run into a certain time. Accordingly, the income of the exporting country will also fall.

Why does the price of currency fall

Vietnam currency is Dong. The name of this monetary unit is translated as "copper" or "bronze". But, despite this name, the banknotes themselves are made of special water repellent paper. This makes them more wear-resistant.

The third place of this list of currencies of the world should be placed. Good is a monetary unit used in circulation in the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe. The economy of this state is kept on the tourist business and growing coffee and cocoa.

On the fourth position is a familiar to many belarusian ruble. Often it is called the "bunny".

The fifth position of the list of the cheapest currencies of the world occupies Rupee, which is used in Indonesia. On the local dialect, the monetary unit is called "Perak". But her official name was taken from

Freely convertible currencies

Some of the most popular currencies that are accepted for handling around the world are dollar and euros. But despite all its popularity, these monetary units are approximately in the middle of the list of the most expensive bills of the world. At the same time, the euro is slightly ahead of his fellow conversion.

These currencies are reserve for the whole world, thanks to the most stable and developed economy of their countries.

Full list of currency names of the world can be found on the official websites of companies that are engaged in buying / selling, as well as currency exchange.

Have you ever wondered what currency is the most expensive in the world today? Many of us incorrectly assumed that pound sterling. But as it turned out that there is no.

Leader In the ranking of the most valuable global units is the missing "black gold" kuwaiti dinarRoven 1091, 33 tenge or $3,34 . The high cost of its currency is explained by the enormous export of petroleum products to the world market.

the site presents to your attention the selection of the most expensive currencies in the world, which you will certainly be surprised.

Second line ranking bahrainsky dinar.
1 BDD \u003d 873, 22 tenge or $ 2.65

Bahrain is a small island state in Southwestern Asia. The basis of the country's economy is allowed mining and processing of petroleum products, the provision of financial services and construction. In 1966-1973, this money was the national currency of the United Arab Emirates. After they changed the dirham of the UAE. Bahrainsky dinar appeared on the market in 1965 and then replaced Rupee of the Persian Gulf. There are no restrictions on the export and import currency. The position of the currency is so stable in the country that residents prefer to pay only to dinars, ignoring dollars and euros.

On the third Place is located omansky Rial.
1 Omr \u003d 854,84 tenge or $ 2,60

Today, the Oman currency is quite expensive and very freely convertible monetary unit. In many respects, this is due to the fact that the Sultanate is among the non-oil exporter countries along with other oil-producing countries of the Persian Gulf, among which Saudi ArabiaUnited United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait.

On the fourth Place is located pound sterling.
1GBP \u003d 468, 96 tenge \u003d $ 1.43

The pound sterling is a monetary unit, which is the national currency of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Great Britain), including England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The pound sterling was the main reserve currency in most countries in the world in XVIII and XIX centuries. The heavy economic situation in the UK after World War II and the strengthening of the domination of the United States of America in the global economy led to the loss of pounds of the status of the most significant currency.

In mid-2006, he became the third most widespread reserve currency, having received a splash of popularity in last years. In addition, London remains second largest in the largest financial center of the world, which establishes some world prices. In particular, for example, most of the world works under gold contracts, the price of which is established in London Fixing, and especially this concerns the physical delivery contracts.

The monetary and credit markets, especially European oriented at the LIBOR rate, which is also installed in London. Often the British stock market is the only good alternative to American stock market For attraction joint Stock Capitalbecause it has more liberal legislation and lower accommodation costs valuable papers on the exchange.

Fifth Place occupies jordan dinar
1 jod \u003d 465,06 tenge or $ 1,41

Jordanian Dinar is another expensive and demanded world unit, which in 1949 displaced the Palestinian pound and began to be actively used when conducting international trade operations. The influence of the American dollar is spreading to Jordanian dinar, and this can be explained by its high cost, despite the fact that the Jordan's economy is developed less than Oman, Bahrain and Kuwait.

Sixth The line of the rating occupies gibraltar Pound.
1 Gip \u003d 451, 54 tenge or $ 1, 43

It is sometimes called a straw. This currency is used mainly in Gibraltar, where the Spanish and British currency was originally used. It should be emphasized that Gibraltar is the overseas Territory of Great Britain, disputed by Spain, located in the south of the Pyrenean Peninsula. The course of the Gibraltar pound is tied to pound sterling in a ratio of 1: 1- Hence and the high cost of the currency.

On the seventh place - euro.
1 EUR \u003d 403.71 tenge \u003d $ 1.23

This is a monetary unit of more than 340 million Europeans. The euro was introduced into a cashless circulation on January 1, 1999, and in 2002, banknotes and coins were introduced into cash. One of the most important advantages of the euro is to reduce risks associated with currency exchange courses, which makes it easy to invest in countries. The creation of the eurozone is much increasing the field for investment, free from the risks associated with the exchange rate. With the introduction of the euro, the banks charged by banks for the transfer of funds from one currency to another, which were previously charged with individuals and with commercial organizations. Although the savings from this with each operation is small, taking into account many thousands of operations performed, it gives a significant increase to the means rotating in the European economy.

Eighth The place is firmly fixed for dollar Cayman Islands.
1 Ci $ \u003d 401,25 tenge or 1.2 US dollars

In other words, this is the monetary unit of the Oil Territory of Great Britain in West Indies (Caribbean Sea). The dollar of the Cayman Islands was introduced into appeal on May 1, 1972, replacing the Jamaican Dollar. From April 1, 1974, the dollar of Cayman Islands is tied to the US dollar at the rate of 1 Ci $ \u003d 1, $ 2. This monetary unit is highly quoted in the global foreign exchange market. It should be noted that the Offshore Financial Services sector is one of the main components of the Cayman Islands economy, which are a famous offshore. The economy of this country is based on the tax structure, which provides investors and foreign citizens A wide range of opportunities to invest and protect assets.

Ninth place It went swiss franc.
1 chf \u003d 342, 07 tenge or 1, 04 $

Swiss franc is a currency and a legitimate payroll of Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Swiss Frank traditionally refers to the tax harvesting currencies or offshore zones, with zero inflation and legislatively fixed gold mining reserves at least 40%.

Switzerland uses free floating mode currency rate. From mid-2003, the Swiss franc rate in relation to the euro stabilized at 1.55 CHF for the euro, so the Swiss franc, as well as the euro, rose, and then fell in relation to the US dollar.

On the 10 Place is located u.S. dollar.
1 $ \u003d 327,29 tenge

US $ - the dollar is one of the reserve currencies in the world. Experts explain this to the dominant role of the dollar as a means of international settlements.

Over the past decade, more than 50% of the total ZVL of the countries of the world were in US dollars. The US dollar also has the status of a national currency in some other countries (for example, Marshall Islands, Salvador). It is the US dollar is often an additional currency in those countries where the national currency is not the only legitimate method of payment, including cases where its own currency is actually not used in cash and / or non-cash circulation (as, for example, in Zimbabwe).

It is believed that more than 80% of world trade turnover is calculated in American dollars.

Currency is a commodity expressed in foreign money (cash, non-cash). For the money that we are holding daily every day, you can buy a lot: food, clothing, tickets, services.

For a simple ordinary man, happiness in money is not, but they bring stability. So for the state: the more expensive and more stable currency, the more positive solutions for the economic situation. Let's talk about the impact on the cost of money and present the rating of the most expensive currencies.

Factors affecting the world value of currencies

Economists separate the concept of "currency" from "Money", since the last term can be applied to the goods, if they are allowed to pay.

Mix three types of currencies:

  • foreign;
  • collective;
  • national.

Collective currency is the one that is used simultaneously by several states as national. The best modern example is the euro.

Many citizens follow the financial news from magazines, newspapers, currency courses. The cost of goods imported into Russia increases if foreign currencies grow relative to the ruble. Today everyone knows about it. But what affects the increase in the price?

The first system of currency relations was still in antiquity. They are based on:

  • issuance of national payments;
  • convertibility;
  • systems monetary monitoring;
  • gold reserve size;
  • rules of international calculations.

The main reason for changing the course is a decline or an increase in demand. Additional impact has an offer. These complex mechanisms work under the influence of the following factors:

Not a small role in changing the course plays political stability, economic development of the country. We present the top 10 most expensive currencies in relation to the dollar and other monetary units.

Rating of the most expensive currencies

To find out how stability affects the price of the payment element, we learn what currency is the most expensive.

10th place - Singapore dollar

Singapore began to produce his own money in 1967, they were tied to the pound of the UK. Country, being one of the poorest and dependent in Southeast Asia, today occupies the first lines in the ranking economic freedom. The welfare of citizens is growing, they allow themselves dear cars, real estate.

Interesting fact: Can replace the Brunei dollar at a ratio of 1 to 1. This agreement acts unchanged dozens of years.

The inflationary indicator is 1.2%. Bank of Russia daily establishes the Singapore currency rate.

9th place - Brunese dollar

Banknote in 500 Brunese dollars is equivalent to 21,000 rubles

The official name is ringgit, but this word is almost not used, and the currency icon is often replaced with $ symbol. Being the main partner of Singapore, Brunei tied his currency to the Singapore dollar. To date, citizens have the right to exchange 1: 1, as well as dozens of years ago.

Ringgit Brunei is the most expensive currency of Southeast Asia. It is noteworthy that both Singapore and Brunei are tiny states. The country has a developed economy based on the extraction and processing of expensive natural fossils.

8th place - Australian dollar

Australian dollars are printed on thin plastic

Despite the remoteness of Australia from major continents, the dollar is among the strong currencies of the world. They are not printed on paper, but on plastic, which makes them expensive and recognizable. Modern banknotes Have the highest degree of protection, convex signs for the blind.

Stably occupies one of the lines of dozens of the most traded monetary units of the global economy. Australia is a stable and rich state. By parity purchasing power Citizens exceed the inhabitants of Germany and the United Kingdom. The basic principle of stability is freedom of doing business.

7th place - US dollar

Banknote at $ 10,000 is valid to this day, is considered a payment facility.

Is a monetary unit of states:

  • Salvador;
  • Zimbabwe;
  • Marshall Islands.

Additional feature - reserve. According to the largest economic agencies, the proportion of dollar operations between the banks of the world is 41%. Today, the backup currency is not provided. Role Central Bank Performs a federal backup system (Fed). It does not work on the basis of the laws of the country, but as an independent agency. Under its roof, it unites twelve federal banks. The Fed issues loans to national banks of other countries under 1% (the last rate of the rates occurred in March 2017).

SAMI large bill It has a nominal value of 100 dollars. Every day 35 million banknotes are manufactured in the country.

6th place - Swiss franc

Time flows, the world is experiencing war, revolution, and Franks of Switzerland are still highly appreciated. They are in circulation on the territory of Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

Switzerland adhered to the last gold parity. After the global crisis of 1932 (great depression) occurred, Frank fell by 30%. After the end of World War II, he was tied to American, but this measure was canceled in 1973. Since then, the American currency rate fell in relation to Swiss more than 4 times.

Used as a payment means of banks less often than the Russian ruble, but the stability and stability of the economy allows the use of Franc as an expensive backup currency. The inflation rate is so insignificant that it is accepted for zero.

5th place - Euro

ECB stopped the issue of banknotes with a face value of 500 euros, but they will remain a payment tool

EU countries decided to introduce a single currency unit in 1999. Since then, it has shown stability, the inflationary indicator is 2%. As a national is in circulation in 28 countries, only 19 of them are included in the Eurozone.

The European Union is the territory of a stable earnings of citizens, economic growth. The introduction of a single payment means made it possible to reduce the risks associated with convertibility. Due to the fact that the share of operations with the euro between the banks of the world exceeds 30%, it is one of the reserve. However, the euro is not the most expensive currency in Europe.

4th place - British pound

British pound - the strongest currency of Europe

Despite the widespread myth, the British pound sterling is not the most expensive monetary unity in the world. He holds the palm of the championship in Europe. Used as national banknotes in the entire kingdom and its maritime territories.

Stability of the country's economy and low inflation ( last time The report was published in the spring of 2018, it was 1.2%) makes it possible to maintain significance in the system of international calculations.

The pound sterling was the main reserve currency for several centuries. His popularity dropped sharply after World War II, when the era of the dollar came. Currency pair The pound sterling - the euro is exchanged in the 1: 1,11 ratio.

3rd place - Oman Rial

The course of Rial Oman is not free. It is tied to American currency and varies depending on changes in world markets.

Oman is a rich state on the shores of the Arabian Sea. It exports expensive oil, gas, metals. The population is small, lives stably, receives benefits. Currently, the tourist sector is paying attention to the economy in Oman. Rich Oman can take a loan for the construction of the hotel under a small percentage.

2nd place - Bahrainsky Dinar

In the late 50s of the last century, Indian rupee went to the Persian Gulf countries. She kept his position for a long time. Bahrain released his own money only in 1965.

Based on monetary policies Most of the monarchy of the East lies a binding to the US dollar, which makes money stable. For them, there is no concept of "the most expensive course". If the US currency is growing, the dinar seeks up.

Interesting fact: Jordanian dinar is actually tied to the dollar, but to the unit of the International Monetary Fund, special borrowing rights. These money goes in circulation only inside the IMF, banknotes are not printed.

Bahrain actively develops offshore sector, since oil reserves come to an end.

1st place - Kuwaiti Dinar

Banknote in 1 Kuwaiti Dinar is approximately $ 3.3 US dollars

The most expensive currency in the world for 2020 - Dinar of the state of Kuwait. The average course to the ruble: 1: 220. He is 3 times stronger than the American dollar.

Kuwait for a long time led the war with Iraq, then releasing new banknotes, then announcing them invalid. Currently in terms of GDP Country Located in 7th place in the world. Cause of rapid recovery - oil exports. Kuwait took the US dollar as a binding, but after his two devaluations refused this policy.

Dinar is tied to monetary units of a multicurrency basket. It includes monetary units of Kuwait partner states. Financial policy allows you to maintain dinar leadership.

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