
The most expensive banknotes in modern Russia. The most expensive banknotes in modern Russia Description of a 50 ruble note

Why the price of an ordinary modern banknote may depend. Which ones are rare and expensive? For which banknotes are collectors willing to pay tens of times more than indicated in the denomination figure? To answer these questions, let's consider the main points that affect the value of banknotes.

5 rubles of 1997, although not officially withdrawn from circulation, are no longer found. Cost - 600 rubles

Rare denominations of Russian banknotes

With denominations, everything is simple, you just need to know that 5 ruble banknotes were no longer printed back in 1999. Therefore, at present, they practically do not occur, although they are officially considered to be a valid means of payment. The collectible price of five-ruble bills in good condition is 250 rubles. And in exceptional safety, without the slightest traces of circulation and any, even the slightest bends (such a degree of preservation of banknotes is called "press") more than 500 rubles.

2. Modifications of modern banknotes, their impact on the price

An important point that you need to pay attention to when determining the value of a banknote is the date of "modification", it is indicated in the lower left corner (see figure).

What does it mean? As we can see, the design of Russian banknotes, at its core, has remained unchanged since 1997. But, to increase wear resistance and improve protective properties, some changes are periodically made to banknotes. Their appearance changes accordingly. For cash settlements, this is not important, but for collectors, these are completely new bills, some of them can be very rare and expensive.

In 2001, the first modification of all issued banknotes was made. As a result of the improvement of means of protection, the banknotes acquired luminescent properties - the numbers indicating the denomination in the lower left corner began to have a yellow-green glow in ultraviolet rays. To distinguish the updated banknotes, in their lower left part, on the front side, a small text "modification - 2001" was applied. - with the height of letters and numbers of the text less than half a millimeter.

Place of the inscription "modification" in 2001, 2004 and 2010.

In 2004, the second change in the properties of banknotes was carried out. Almost all 10, 50 and 100 ruble bills currently in circulation are of this particular modification. One of the main innovations was the appearance in banknotes of a metallized diving security thread, 2 millimeters wide. On the reverse side of the banknotes, this thread comes out to the surface in five visible areas. Also, security fibers were introduced into the new banknotes: gray, red, light green and two-color, which glow in ultraviolet light. The designating text began to look like "modification of 2004"

In 2010, there was a modification of notes with denominations of 500, 1000 rubles and a new note of 5000 rubles, issued since 2006. Banknotes of this modification contain a special set of machine-readable security features designed for authentication, which can be read by automatic devices.

Visual differences (fragment) of the 500 ruble banknote: 1997 issue, 2001, 2004 and 2010 modifications.

Prices for banknotes of the 1997 sample (by modifications)

\ RUB 5 10 rbl 50 rbl 100 rbl RUB 500 1000 rub
without inscription 250 350 1000 1000 1500 1500
2001 --- 200 800 800 1000 ---
2004 --- 10 50 100 550 1050
2010 --- --- --- --- 500 1000

The table shows the price for banknotes in good condition out of circulation. For banknotes in safety "press", without the smallest blots and bends, it is about 2-3 times higher. As you can see, depending on the time of issue of the note, i.e. modifications, price even modern money in circulation can be tens of times higher than the nominal value. So, having found a long-term "stash", do not rush to take it to the store, first check the small text - "modification". And it’s very good, if it’s not there at all, then you have in your hands a rare and rather expensive bill (without any modifications), which can be profitably sold to collectors.

Remark: All of the above can be reduced to one, albeit simplified, but easy to remember feature - bills without a visible protective tape are much more expensive than face value. Banknotes in denominations from 5 to 100 rubles at least ten times, and higher denominations, on average, twice.

3. The most expensive banknotes in Russia by letter series

Each bill has an individual number, and every 10 million has its own series. The series is designated by two letters preceding the seven-digit bill number. There are three points that affect pricing.

First- series with letters AA... Such a combination of letters is affixed to the banknotes at the very beginning of their production. AA banknotes, that is, those that were printed at the very beginning of the issue of a new banknote, are more attractive to collectors. Their cost can be three times more (minus the face value) than in the above table. The 500-ruble bill of the 2001 modification of the series is very rare and in demand aA, its price is more - 3000 rubles.

Series banknotes - AA.

Second- special series, which are assigned to experimental banknotes periodically produced by the Goznak factory. This happens when a new paper or ink is tested to improve the durability of banknotes. Experimental banknotes are “marked” with a special series and put into circulation in one region. After six months or a year of being in money turnover, they are withdrawn (using identification by series) and the effectiveness of a new technological solution used in the production of banknotes is analyzed.

The first such prototypes produced in money turnover, there were 50 rubles with the AB series and 100 rubles for the AL series of the 2001 modification. They were printed on experimental paper and coated with a special water-repellent varnish. Now the collection value of each of these banknotes that have escaped being returned to the Goznak laboratory is more than 4,000 rubles in good condition. Moderately shabby, they are valued at 1,500 rubles.

Experimental banknotes: 50 rubles of the AB series and 100 rubles of the AL series. The cost is 3000 rubles.

We are not even talking about the assessment in the “press” state, since all of them have already come to collectors from circulation and are practically never found in perfect preservation. Due to the lack of information, the huckster dealers simply did not have time to "intercept" them at the right time and in the right place.

It is also known about the issue of 100 rubles with the AB series, but these banknotes are extremely rare. It can be assumed that in the event of a sale, their cost will be in the tens of thousands of rubles.

The second experimental batch of experimental banknotes was released into test circulation in 2006. These are 10 rubles of the 2004 modification with the FF and TsTs series. New paper was tested on the FF series of ten-ruble banknotes, and paint was tested on the CC series. These banknotes are very rare today. The cost of a dozen that have been in circulation with FF is 1,500 rubles, with a central center of 1,200 rubles.

Experimental banknotes: 10 rubles of the TsTs series, + a fragment of a banknote with the FF number. The cost is 1200 - 1500 rubles.

For testing the lacquer coating, banknotes of 100 rubles of the 2004 modification, the UU, FF and TsTs series, were intended. On banknotes with the UU and FF series, different paper and varnish were used, TsTs were printed on standard paper and served as a standard, a reference point, in determining the degree of deterioration of the withdrawn banknotes. The cost of all these banknotes is approximately the same and much higher than the face value: 300 rubles if the banknote is out of circulation and 600 if the “press” is safe.

The benefits of such experiments are obvious. Average life expectancy of one hundred rubles, in last years, increased by one and a half to two times. Today, protected by watermarks, metallized thread and special marks, 100-ruble banknotes become unusable in only 1.5 - 2 years. Some paper money live longer, some less. Banknotes of 10 rubles. wear out in just six to eight months, 1000-ruble bills - in two and a half years, five-thousandth - in four and a half.

Experimental banknotes: 100 rubles of the UU series + fragments of the banknote with the numbers FF and TsTs. The cost is 600 rubles.

The fourth experiment, "for dilapidation", began to be carried out in August 2016, also on 100 ruble banknotes. The goal is still the same - testing the lacquer coating, obviously, to prepare for the release of new denominations of 200 and 2000 rubles. This time, the bills were "marked" by 11 different series, they all have in common that they all begin with a large letter "U" - UA, UB, UE, UK, UL, UN, US, UX, UCh, UU, UO. All of them are subdivided into 5 experimental lots with numbers from 1 to 4 (the lot number is the first digit in the seven-digit banknote numbering) and the fifth "K". The higher the test number, the thicker the varnish is applied to the banknote. Collectors who have them note that for lots number 3 and 4 a stronger smell of paint is characteristic, and in lot “K” the banknotes are matte, that is, without varnish (K - control). This time the dealers prepared well. And from banks such bills are withdrawn by them at once in bricks. In the jargon of numismatists, "brick" is a plastic Goznakov package containing 10 packs, i.e. 1000 bills. Then they go "backs" (packs of 100 bills) to smaller dealers; and from them already - to "simple" collectors, at retail, at a price of 130 - 150 rubles, the state is naturally only "press". There is no time for Goznak's experiments, so to speak, "Nothing personal - just business."

Experimental 2016 banknotes. The cost is 130 rubles.

Third- replacement series. The next reason for the appearance of banknotes with rare (expensive) series, the so-called replacement series. In Russia, they first appeared in the production of Sochi 2014 commemorative banknotes and have letters Aa(namely "A" is large and behind it "a" is small). Their circulation is about 100 - 150 times less than the main one and they are intended to replace rejected banknotes in bundles of the main issue. The cost of such bills is 250 rubles.

In the manufacture of Crimean banknotes, "substitution" was needed less and such banknotes (series - ks) cost much more - up to 400 rubles.

4. Bill number - its influence on the price of a banknote

And finally, the fourth thing that you need to pay attention to when identifying banknotes that are much more expensive than face value in your pocket is a beautiful number. The most exclusive is when all seven digits of the number are the same 2222222 or 8888888, the cost of such banknotes is three to five thousand over par... The next "beauty" - bills with numbers running in a row 1234567 or in the opposite direction 8765432. Their price is already lower, but all the same, a thousand rubles is added to the face value. The so-called radars are also in demand, i.e. numbers that are read the same from left to right and from right to left - 1239321 or 3451543, or in the opposite direction - radar detectors 7654567, etc. (however, we are talking here "only" about a few hundred rubles, which increases the cost of the banknote).

Banknotes with "nice numbers" from the same numbers. The cost is more than 3000 rubles.

But the most expensive banknotes with numbers (as elsewhere in life) are 0000001; any bill with No. 0000001 can be sold for more than 25,000 rubles. So do not forget to check your change, maybe you will be lucky and have a chance to improve your financial situation by simply glancing into your wallet.

Banknote with unique number 0000001. The cost of any denomination, any series is more than 25,000 rubles.

In conclusion. Oddly enough, but sometimes banknotes - "samples", printed for official use and not intended for monetary circulation, get into circulation. In digital numbering, they only have zeros. The cost of such rarities is about 40 thousand rubles.

GOOD LUCK to everyone, more often look at your wallets and piggy banks: maybe you are lucky, and there is a banknote with a rare modification, an "amazing" series or a beautiful number, which you will want to keep or sell.

Banknotes with numbers for official use that have fallen into circulation by mistake. The cost is 40 thousand rubles.

The reverse side of the banknote of the Bank of Russia of 1997

denomination of 50 rubles

Image of the reverse side of a banknote of the Bank of Russia of a sample of 1997 with a denomination of 50 rubles in the infrared range of the spectrum

Image of the luminescence of the front side of the Bank of Russia banknote of the 1997 model with a denomination of 50 rubles under the influence of ultraviolet radiation

Image of the luminescence of the reverse side of the Bank of Russia banknote of the 1997 model with a denomination of 50 rubles under the influence of ultraviolet radiation

1. The emblem of the Bank of Russia, printed in dark blue paint.

2. Large number 50, printed with dark blue ink.

3. An engraving depicting a sculpture at the base of the Rostral Column in St. Petersburg on the embankment of the Neva River.

4. In the background, engravings - a view of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

5. Text "BANK OF RUSSIA TICKET" with high relief.

6. Left narrow coupon field.

7. Series and number of the banknote, printed with red-brown ink (Series consists of letters, number - of seven digits).

8. Large number 50, printed with non-metallic silver ink.


10. Conditional relief signs for visually impaired people.

11. Vertical multicolor ornamental stripe

12. The stylized image of the ribbon.

13. Text "FIFTY RUBLES".

14. Patterned rosette of gray color with a light designation of denomination 50 in the left and right parts and the number 50, executed in green-blue paint, in the center.

15. Right wide coupon field.

16. Series and number of the banknote, printed with dark green ink (Series consists of letters, number - of seven digits).

1. Number 50 in a patterned rosette, printed in blue ink.

2. An engraving depicting a building former stock exchange and the Rostral Column in St. Petersburg.

3. Metallized diving security thread.

4. Vertical multicolor ornamental stripe.

5. Number 50 in a patterned rosette, printed in blue ink.


7. Image of a decorative shield with the text "St. Petersburg".

8. Large number 50, printed in dark blue ink.

9. 1997, the year of the sample, printed in purple ink.

1. Red, light green and two-color fibers are randomly embedded in the paper. Bicolor protective fibers are perceived to the naked eye as violet, and when enlarged, they show an alternation of red and blue areas. Red and light green fibers have a red and yellow-green glow in ultraviolet rays, respectively. On two-color security fibers, the red glow in ultraviolet rays has red areas.

1. There are rhombuses in the vertically arranged multicolor ornament.

Uncolored elements of rhombuses on the front side of the banknote are filled in yellow when viewed through the light. Unpainted elements of rhombuses on the reverse side of the banknote are filled in pink when the ticket is viewed through the light. Thus, the color visible to light corresponds to the color of these elements on the other side of the banknote.

2. A local watermark, placed on the right in the wide coupon field, depicting the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

3. Local watermark, placed on the left narrow coupon field, with the image of the number 50.

4. Latent image (kipp effect) - The letters "PP" visible when viewing the stylized ribbon on the face of the banknote in oblique light. The letters can be light or dark, depending on the orientation of the banknote towards the light source.

5. Metallized diving security thread, sections of which come out to the surface of the paper from the reverse side of the banknote. When the banknote is viewed through the light, the security thread looks like a solid, dark strip with smooth edges, on which there is a repeating text "CBR 50" in upright and inverted images printed in black ink.

6. Field with hidden rainbow stripes. When viewing the banknote perpendicular to the direction of view, the field looks monochromatic. When the banknote is tilted, multicolored (rainbow) stripes appear on the field.

7. Fragments of the photographic image of the reverse side of banknotes, printed with yellow ink, have a yellow-green glow in ultraviolet rays.

8. Horizontal lines of microtext 50 on the reverse side of the banknote, printed in blue ink.

9. Horizontal dark stripes with repeating light microtext "CRB 50" on the reverse side of the banknote.

10. Section of the coupon field of the reverse side of the banknote with moiré-forming patterns.

The banknote is made according to the design of the 1995 banknote of the Bank of Russia in denomination of 100,000 rubles. The banknote is made on light pink paper with dimensions 150 * 65 mm. Four types of security fibers are randomly embedded in the paper: red, light green, two-color and gray. Bicolor protective fibers are perceived to the naked eye as violet, and when enlarged, they show an alternation of red and blue areas. Red and light green protective fibers have a red and yellow-green glow in ultraviolet rays, respectively. On two-color security fibers, red areas have red areas. The gray protective fibers do not glow in UV rays.

The banknote paper has local watermarks located on the left and right on the coupon fields. On the wide coupon field - the image of the building of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, and on the narrow coupon field - the number 100. A metallized diving security thread is embedded in the paper, located vertically and visible to the light. Five sections of the security thread of a rectangular shape come out to the surface of the paper from the reverse side of the banknote. When the security thread is viewed through the light, it is seen as a solid, dark strip with smooth edges, on which there is a repeating text "CRB 100" in a straight and inverted image, printed in black ink.

The front side of the banknote shows: at the top - the emblem of the Bank of Russia and large number 100, printed in brown ink, and the text "BANK OF RUSSIA TICKET" with increased relief. In the center - an engraving of a sculptural group (quadriga) on the portico of the Bolshoi Theater building in Moscow. To the left of the image of the Apollo quadriga at the Bolshoi Theater is a field with hidden rainbow stripes. When viewing the banknote perpendicular to the direction of view, the field looks monochromatic. When the banknote is tilted, multicolored (rainbow) stripes appear on the field.

On the left, at the bottom of the front side of the banknote, there is a large number 100, printed with silver non-metallic paint, the text “FORGIVING TICKETS OF THE BANK OF RUSSIA IS PROCESSED BY THE LAW” and relief symbols for visually impaired people, a stylized image of a ribbon and the text “HUNDRED RUBLES”. The tape contains a latent image (kipp-effect) - the letters "PP", visible when viewing the banknote in oblique light, light or dark, depending on the orientation of the banknote to the light source.

Below, on the right coupon field of the front side of the banknote, there is a patterned gray rosette with a light denomination of 100 in the left and right parts and the number 100 in dark orange paint in the center. On the left side of the ticket there is a vertical multicolored ornamental stripe. On the left narrow coupon field in the center there are the series and number of the banknote, printed in red-brown paint, on the right wide coupon field at the top - the series and number of the dark green color. The series consists of two letters, the number consists of seven digits.

In the upper right part of the front side of the banknote there is a digital designation of the denomination, made by microperforation. When the banknote is viewed through the light, the number 100, formed by small-diameter holes, becomes visible.

On the reverse side of the banknote: at the top left and right - the numbers 100 in patterned rosettes, between them - horizontal lines from the repeating microtext "100", printed with red-brown paint; In the center - an engraving depicting the building of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, under the engraving - an image of a decorative shield with the text "Moscow", five double horizontal lines red-brown color with repeating light microtext "CBR 100" and a large number 100, made with red-brown paint; at the bottom, on the left, the text - "STO RUBLES", on the right - the number 1997, indicating the year of the sample, printed in green paint.

On the right in the central part of the reverse side of the banknote there is a vertical ornamental stripe. The ornament has rhombuses, the unpainted triangular elements of which are filled with light blue when the ticket is viewed through the light. In ultraviolet rays, fragments of the background image of the reverse side of banknotes, printed with yellow-green paint, have a yellow glow.

The background image of the banknote is made by offset printing. The front side background grid, including the vertical stripe of a multicolor ornamental pattern, is printed with the Orlov effect, which creates a sharp color transition without breaking the lines of the image. The back side background mesh is printed with iris roll, creating a smooth transition of color from left to right. On the coupon fields of the reverse side of the banknote there are sections with moiré-forming patterns.

More on the topic Description of the Bank of Russia banknote of the 1997 model with a denomination of 50 rubles:

  1. Description of the banknote of the Bank of Russia of the sample of 1997 with a denomination of 10 rubles
  2. Description of the Bank of Russia banknote of the 1997 model with a denomination of 50 rubles
  3. Description of the Bank of Russia banknote of the 1997 model with a denomination of 100 rubles
  4. Description of the Bank of Russia banknote of the 1997 model with a denomination of 500 rubles
  5. Description of the Bank of Russia banknote of the 1997 model with a denomination of 1000 rubles
  6. General description of the Bank of Russia banknote of the 1997 model with a denomination of 5000 rubles
  7. Description of the Bank of Russia banknote of the 1997 model with a denomination of 5000 rubles
  8. § 2. Organization of non-cash payments in the system of functions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as a body of state regulation of banking and its legal basis.

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50 rubles of the 1961 sample were in circulation for almost thirty years, from January 1961 to January 1991, when they were withdrawn from the population with the help of the confiscation reform, popularly called "Pavlovskaya".

On January 22, 1991, the President of the USSR Gorbachev issued a decree on the exchange within three days of 50 and l00 rubles State Bank tickets of the 1961 model and on the freezing of citizens' deposits in savings banks. The confiscation reform hit millions of Russians, who became significantly impoverished at one point and for several years after that completely lost confidence in the state. And the "reform" carried out in this way did not bring much benefit to the state itself, the main problems remained unresolved. Only about 14 billion rubles were removed from the population. of the estimated 51.5 billion for confiscation out of the 133 billion rubles in circulation at that time.

Paper 50 rubles 1961, cost table

* press - a state of absolute safety, without the slightest traces of circulation (as soon as from a pack).

The letter designations of the series on 50 ruble bills begin with AA and end with the ZX series. To replace defective banknotes, the YaA and YaV series were used.

When printing fifty ruble banknotes, only one type of font was used. All series with letters АА - АЯ are printed on type 1 paper. The collection price for such banknotes in “press” condition can reach 6 thousand rubles. Subsequent series are printed on paper of the second type. To print the front side of the banknotes, intaglio printing on a two-color typographic substrate grid was used. On the reverse side, intaglio printing was used on the Oryol substrate mesh in five colors.

The first AA series is in great demand among collectors and costs a little more than the others. Also, the series of replacement YaA and YaV is in high demand: prices for them start from 5,000 rubles in good condition and go up to 10,000 for banknotes in perfect safety.

Substitution series. Photo mamona78 from bonistika.net

All 50-ruble banknotes used ultraviolet protection in the form of small multi-colored "dust particles" randomly printed on the ticket. Also, a local watermark in the form of a portrait of V.I.Lenin served as protection against falsification.

100 rubles 1961 - samples

Before the introduction of new banknotes into monetary circulation, in financial institutions countries to get acquainted with new banknotes, samples were sent. They were printed in the form of one-sided demonstration copies, series AA and with a numbering consisting of only zeros and with the inscription "SAMPLE" applied diagonally. The collection value of such samples is 50 rubles, more than 15,000 rubles, for a set of face value, front side plus turnover.

People are faced with money every day, paying for services and goods in a store, cafe, gas station, have an idea of appearance means of payment. Design modern banknotes RF implies the image of a certain city on each denomination, but few people will be able to answer which city is located on a 50-ruble bill or any other.

History of the fifty-ruble bill

The prototype of the modern fifty-ruble bill was a banknote with a denomination of 50,000 rubles of the 1995 model. After the denomination that took place in 1997, three zeros were removed from all money, so a bank of Russia ticket worth 50,000 rubles turned into 50 rubles. Officially, the banknote went into circulation in 1998, slightly modified, which in to a greater extent touched on the degrees of protection. After that, the questions that are depicted on the 50-ruble bill of Russia did not become relevant, because the city remained the same - St. Petersburg.

After that, the banknote was modernized several times - in 2001 and 2004, but the appearance and the city did not change, like the rest of the banknotes. Only the anti-counterfeiting features have been improved.

What, besides the city, is depicted on the 50 ruble note

The color of the banknote is blue. This ticket of the Bank of Russia can be described in detail as follows:

  • local watermarks are placed on the left edges;
  • the central part is occupied by the image of the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg;
  • on the reverse side, the central field is occupied by a sculpture at the Rostral Column in St. Petersburg, which is located on the banks of the Neva;
  • on both sides there is a digital and letter designation of the denomination;
  • the presence of signs for tactile recognition of a banknote for visually impaired people, as well as other security elements observed in ultraviolet light using special equipment, as well as when a banknote is refracted at a certain angle.

Without going into details, you can easily distinguish what is depicted on the 50 ruble bill, since this is a well-known sculpture on one side and the Peter and Paul Cathedral on the other. In addition, the distinctive blue-blue color of the bank of Russia ticket gives a certain understanding of the denomination.

Protection levels 50 rubles

All bills of the Russian Federation have a certain degree of protection, which makes it possible to almost completely exclude the introduction of counterfeits into circulation. If most people do not pay attention to which city is on the 50-ruble bill, then it is recommended to pay close attention to the protective functions. The following methods will help to distinguish a counterfeit banknote from an original one:

  • touch test- often a counterfeit does not have protective properties that should be recognized by tactile contact. This is due to the high cost of execution and the small denomination of the bill;
  • water marks have a certain shade, which is expressed in a non-uniform color scheme, close to a dark shade;
  • small font on both sides it is almost impossible to counterfeit, so it is worth paying attention to its presence.

Despite all the degrees of protection, money should be checked for authenticity using special equipment. This will allow you to avoid being deceived by almost 100%.

Professional collectors note some feature of the depicted sculpture at 50 rubles. This is manifested in the alleged presence of six toes, which can be seen on the banknote. On a detailed study of the bank of Russia ticket, this seems plausible, since the number of fingers really exceeds the required number. It should be noted that there are as many fingers on the original sculpture in St. Petersburg as a normal person should. There is an opinion that this "oversight" on the bill also refers to one of the degrees of protection.

Banknote of Belarus 50 rubles 2000 was put into circulation as a result of the denomination of the Belarusian currency on January 1, 2000. The appearance of this banknote is based on a radically redesigned appearance. On the front side there is the Kholmsk Gate of the Brest Fortress, on the back - the entrance to the monument "Brest Fortress - Hero". The main color of the banknote is red. Size 150 × 69 mm. Withdrawn from circulation on July 1, 2015, canceled on July 1, 2016.

There is also a banknote of 50 rubles of the 2000 model of the 2010 modification, which is distinguished by the absence of a polymer tape and a new spelling.

Front side: in the center is the Kholmsk gate of the Brest fortress. Under the image there is a signature “BRESTSKAYA KREPASTS-HERO HOLMSKII VAROTA. In the upper part there is an ornamental ribbon, in which there is an inscription "БІЛЕТ NATSYYANALNAGA BANK RESPUBLIKI BELARUS", in the upper right part of the banknote field there is an abbreviation "NBRB". Under the central image, there is a denomination “FIFTH RUBLES Ў ". On the sides of the image of the Kholmsk Gate there are graphic protection elements and a digital designation of the denomination. In the lower right part, inside the vignette, the designation of the year "2000" is placed.

Downside: image of the entrance to the memorial "Brest Hero-Fortress". Under the image there is a signature “BRESTSKAYA KREPASTS-HERO CARE AT MEMARYYAL”. Even below there is a large figure "50", which denotes the denomination. The banknote series and number are marked at the bottom left and top right. In the upper left part, the denomination is duplicated with the words "PYATSESYAT RUBLES". In the upper left corner there is an inscription: “PARROBKA BILETAЎ NATSYYANALNAGA BANK RESPUBLIKI BELARUS PRASLEDUETSTSA PA ZAKONU”.


In 2010, a modified banknote of 50 rubles of the 2000 sample was issued. It was put into circulation on December 29, 2010. The reason for the introduction of the modification of the banknote was that after the adoption of the new spelling of the Belarusian language, some service inscriptions on the banknote began to contain spelling errors. In particular, a spelling error appeared in the denomination designation. The word "pyatsdz" e syat "was replaced by the word" pyatsdz I am sit down. " Images, colors, size of banknotes remained the same. In addition to the change in the writing of the denomination, the protective polymer thread was removed.


50 rubles of the 2000 sample were produced in 40 series: Lz, Lk, LL, Lm, Ln, Lo, Ka, Kb, Kv, Kg, Gk, Gl, Hm, Ce, Sz, Sk, Yes, DB, Dv, Hk, Hl, Hm, Ps, Pt, Px, Pch, Ba, Bb, Bv, Tx, Tch, Th, Va, Vb, Vb, Nb, Hb, Ng, Not, Nk. Series Ka, Kb, Kv, Kg entered direct circulation in 2001; series Gk, Gl, Hm - in 2003; Se, Sz, Sk - in 2005; Yes, DB, DV - in 2006; Khk, Khl, Khm - in 2008; Ps, Fri, Px, Pch - in 2009; Ba, Bb, Bv - in 2010; Тх, Тч, Ть - in 2011; Wa, Vb, Vv, Nb, Nv, Ng, He, Nk - in 2013.

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