
Terms of release and maintenance. Rules for servicing a debit bank card Tariffs for acquiring operations

General conditions for the issuance, maintenance and use of bank cards

Ufa 2011


1.1. These General Conditions for the Issuance and Maintenance of Bank Cards (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") determine the terms and conditions under which (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank") offers its customers bank debit cards, bank debit cards with credit limits, as well as other related services and products detailed below. Conditions, Tariffs for issuance and maintenance of plastic cards (hereinafter referred to as the "Tariffs") and each Application-Questionnaire for issuing a bank card, duly completed and signed by the client, whose name is indicated in the Application-Questionnaire (hereinafter referred to as the "Client"), and the Bank , collectively constitute an agreement on the issuance and maintenance of bank cards between the Client and the Bank (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement").

1.2. The Conditions govern the opening and maintenance by the Bank of a special card account(hereinafter referred to as the "SCS") opened in the name of the Client for carrying out transactions on it using bank cards (hereinafter referred to as the "Card"), as well as providing a credit line to the Client, providing all related services and products offered by the Bank to the Client. Certain types of related services and products may be offered by the Bank to the Client on the basis of a separate agreement(s) or service rules and procedures that may be established by the Bank from time to time. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of such separate agreements, rules or service procedures and the provisions of these Terms, the provisions of the relevant separate agreements, rules and service procedures shall prevail.

1.3. Any lending in the form of opening a credit line to the Client's SCA in accordance with the Agreement is carried out solely at the discretion of the Bank without any obligations on its part in relation to the provision or continuation of any type of lending. The Bank may credit the Client in the manner determined by the Bank.

1.4. The place of performance of the Agreement is the location of the Bank, branch, additional office of the Bank acting on behalf of the Bank upon conclusion of the Agreement. These Conditions apply to all Subdivisions of the Bank.

1.5. Issue and maintenance of the Card and all Additional Cards is carried out in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and the Tariffs of the Bank.

1.6. The card is the property of the Bank.

1.7. Use of the Card by other than its Holder is not allowed. The Client is responsible for the use of the Card. All transactions made with the use of the Supplementary Card, by the person in whose name it is issued, are carried out at the expense of the Client's funds held on the SCS.

1.8. The card is issued for a period of 2 years.

1.9. In case of termination of the Agreement and additional agreements, all Cards issued under the Agreement and additional agreements shall be declared invalid and shall be returned to the Bank.

1.10. In case of suspension or termination of the validity of the Card issued under the Agreement, the settlement of financial obligations between the Bank and the Client for transactions carried out using the Card, the expiration of 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of transfer of the Card to the Bank or its expiration or the date of submission to the Bank of an application for the loss of the Card.

Additional terms

Authorization- the permission granted by the Bank for carrying out a Card Transaction and the resulting obligation to execute the submitted documents drawn up using the Card or its number. In some cases, established by the Payment Systems, Card Transactions can be performed without Authorization (hereinafter referred to as Non-Authorized Transactions), which does not eliminate the need for mandatory execution of the submitted documents drawn up using the Card or its number; the procedure, as a result of which the Client's rights are certified, his instructions to the Bank to perform transactions are confirmed, and as a result of which the Bank's obligations to perform transactions arise.

An analogue of a handwritten signature (HSA) - requisite of the Electronic Document, designed to protect it from forgery, unambiguously compared to this document, allowing to uniquely identify the person who signed the document (authorship confirmation), as well as to establish the absence of distortion of information in the Electronic Document (confirmation of the integrity of the Electronic Document).

Bank -.

Bank card (Card)– a payment card issued by the Bank, which is a personalized/non-personalized means intended for paying for goods, services and receiving cash Money on the territory of Russia and abroad at the expense of the Client's funds (if there are sufficient funds for SCA, or at the expense of a loan in the form credit line provided by the Bank to the Client in the manner provided by the Terms lending).

Card blocking - prohibition by the Bank of using the Bank Card for transactions (including such a prohibition that entails the withdrawal of the Bank Card when trying to use it).

Bank card holder– an individual in whose name the Bank has issued the Main Bank Card and/or the Additional Bank Card.

Additional Map– Card issued to the Client's SCS in the name of the individual indicated by the Client, and which is not the Primary Card.

Credit limit– the maximum allowable amount of the Client's debt under the Loan.

Grace period - period of interest-free use of the Credit.

MEP- minimum monthly payment.

Main Map– the first non-personalized/personalized Card issued in the name of the Client to the Client's SCS.

PIN (Personal An identification number) - a digital code assigned to the Card and used for the purpose of remote Identification for making Transactions.

Payment period (from the 1st to the 20th day of each month) - the period of time following the Settlement Period, during which the Client must ensure that the Account has an amount in the amount of at least the Minimum Monthly Payment, as well as, if any, penalties and commissions in accordance with the Tariffs.

Full cost of the loan- expressed as a percentage of the Client's costs for obtaining, servicing the Loan and repaying the debt under the Loan, provided for by the Agreement and the Tariffs, which the Client is aware of at the time of the conclusion of the Agreement or changes in the conditions under the Agreement. The full cost of the loan is calculated subject to the monthly repayment by the Client of the amount of debt under the Loan in the amount of Minimum payment and in accordance with clause 3.10 of these Terms.

Card payment limit– the amount of available funds on the Client's Card, within which the Cardholder can conduct transactions using it.

Special card account(further - SCS) - a current account of an individual with the Bank to record transactions made using payment cards issued to this account.

revolving loan- multiple credit, renewable after each respective repayment. It is provided within the established debt limit and repayment terms automatically without additional negotiations between the parties to the Loan Agreement.

Tariffs - documents establishing the amount of remuneration charged by the Bank from the Clients, applicable interest rates, penalties (penalties, fines), other information. Special Tariffs (for example, tariffs for specific transactions, tariffs for certain groups of Clients, tariffs set for individual Bank Subdivisions) have priority over general (standard) Tariffs.

Regardless of the date of conclusion of the Agreement between the Client and the Bank, the Tariffs and conditions in force on the date of the transaction are applied to the Client, unless otherwise provided by the General Terms, the Agreement, the Tariffs or the Rules for the use of cards.

Tariffs are integral part Agreements.

Trade and service enterprise (TSP) - A legal or natural person - an individual entrepreneur, accepting documents drawn up using the Cards as payment for the goods provided (services, works, results of intellectual activity).

Notice of individual lending conditions- a document generated by the Bank based on the results of consideration of the Application-Questionnaire and containing the Bank's proposal on individual conditions for lending to the Client. If the Bank refuses to conclude the Agreement, the Client will not be provided with a Notice of individual lending conditions.

Notice of opening a credit line- informational message in written / verbal form or by means of an SMS message or by means of a message by e-mail, sent by the Bank to the Client in case of acceptance by the Bank of the credit limit .

Other capitalized terms used in the General Conditions for the Issuance, Maintenance and Use of Cards have the same meaning as in the Agreement.

2. Service of SCS with the possibility of using the Card

2.1. Account Mode

2.1.1. The provisions of this Section apply to SCS, to which are issued Bank cards, unless otherwise follows from this Section, other provisions of the Terms or the Agreement.

2.1.2. The Bank conducts SCA Transactions and Card Transactions in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, Bank of Russia regulations and the Agreement.

2.1.3. The funds held on the SCA are used for settlements on transactions with Cards (transactions for payment for goods and services, operations for receiving cash).

2.1.4. The Client has the right to deposit cash in the SCA currency to the SCA, in a non-cash manner, funds received in compliance with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation can be credited to the SCA.

2.1.5. The Bank conducts SCA transactions, issues certificates and statements to the Client upon presentation of a passport or other identification document.

2.1.6. The transfer of funds from the SCA is carried out solely on the basis of the Client's Application, and the settlement documents required for the specified banking operation are drawn up and signed by the Bank.

2.1.7. The Bank accrues interest on the balance of funds on SCA in the amount stipulated by the Tariff on a monthly basis, no later than the 5th business day of the month following the reporting one.

2.1.8. Debiting (crediting) of funds from the SCA as a result of using the Card or the Card number in the Payment System and in the Bank's Devices is carried out on the basis of electronic data coming from the Payment System and from the Bank's Devices. The specified electronic data are recognized by the Bank and the Client as cash orders on the Client's SCS, given by an authorized person.

2.1.9. The Client instructs the Bank to write off the amounts specified in paragraph 5.3 of these conditions from his SCA without acceptance.

2.1.10. If the currency of the Card Transaction differs from the currency of the Account, the amount of the Card Transaction is converted into the currency of the Account as follows:

If the currency of the Card Transaction differs from the currency of settlements between the Bank and the Payment System (hereinafter referred to as the "Currency of Settlements"), the Payment System converts the amount of the Card Transaction into the Currency of Settlements at the rate set by the Payment System, taking into account the commission for conducting a non-cash transaction in the currency, other than the Account currency charged by the Bank in accordance with the Tariffs. If the Settlement Currency differs from the currency of the Account, then the Bank shall perform the conversion into the currency of the Account at the Bank's internal rate on the day of the Card Transaction;

If the currency of the Card Transaction coincides with the Settlement Currency, but differs from the Account currency, the Bank shall perform the conversion into the Account currency at the Bank's internal exchange rate on the day of the Card Transaction.

2.1.11. Operations on the Card are carried out by the Client within the limits of the Available Balance on the Card. The Client is obliged to independently receive information about the change in the Available Balance on the Card before performing each Transaction on the Card and to perform Transactions on the Card only within the limits of the Available Balance on the Card.

2.1.12. Annual commission for the maintenance of the Bank Card is charged at the time of submission of the Application-Questionnaire for the issuance of the Bank Card in accordance with the Tariffs in force on the date of submission and further on last month each year of service for the next year of service in accordance with the Tariffs in force at that time.

2.1.13. Re-issuance of the Bank Card at the end of the validity period, or for the purpose of early re-issuance of the Bank Card if it is necessary to replace the plastic, in case of loss, loss or theft of the Bank Card for new term actions are carried out by the Bank only upon personal application of the Client to the Bank on the basis of a relevant application.

2.1.14. If the Bank Card was reissued during its validity period (for example, in case of loss or theft of the Bank Card), then in this case the annual fee for servicing the Bank Card will be charged annually in the month corresponding to the month of the Bank Card reissue in accordance with the Tariffs in force at that time .

2.1.15. The Client undertakes to receive a new or re-issued Bank Card for a new validity period from the Bank within 6 months from the date of applying to the Bank with an application for issue, or within 6 months from the date of expiration of the previous card, while the Bank Card is assigned a new Pin.

2.1.16. The commission for reissuing a Bank Card (if any) is charged at the time of submitting an application for reissuing in accordance with the Tariffs in force at that time.

2.1.17. Upon the expiration of the above periods, during which the Client undertakes to receive the Bank Card, the Bank destroys the unclaimed Bank Card, while the commission charged for the annual maintenance of the Bank Card is not returned.

2.1.18. In the event that the Bank terminates the issuance of a Bank Card of the corresponding type, the Client may, at his request, issue a Bank Card of a different type, for which the Client must personally contact the relevant Subdivision of the Bank.

2.1.19. If the Client wishes to refuse servicing with the Bank Card next year, the Client is obliged to return the Main and Additional cards to the Bank upon expiration of their validity.

2.1.20. The Bank is not responsible for the impossibility of using the Card in situations beyond its control, for refusals to accept the Card by trade (service) enterprises, as well as for errors resulting from the action / inaction of third parties.

2.1.21. The card may be withdrawn by an ATM upon the Bank's order if:

The allowed number of attempts to enter an incorrect PIN code has been exceeded;

the Card is forgotten by the Cardholder in the magnetic stripe reader;

The ATM has experienced a software or hardware failure.

2.1.22. The card must be returned to the Bank:

Upon termination of the Agreement simultaneously with the submission of an application for termination of the Agreement (closing of the SCA), unless otherwise established by the Bank, at least 30 days before the expected date of closing the Account. The annual fee for servicing the Bank Card is charged for each full and partial year;

Upon expiration of the Card, unless otherwise established by the Bank;

Upon detection by the Client of the Card, the loss of which the Client declared earlier;

At the request of the Bank, if the Bank has information about probable or actual illegal Card Transactions;

When the Card is reissued (except for the cases when the Card was reissued due to loss or theft);

2.1.23. Upon termination of the Agreement, the balance of funds on the Account, minus the amounts of all obligations of the Client arising from the performance of Card Transactions, the amounts of the Bank's commission according to the Tariffs, and other debts of the Client to the Bank, shall be transferred to the details specified by the Client or issued to the Client in cash through the Bank's cash desk.

2.1.24. The Card is the property of the Bank, may be withdrawn by the Bank without giving reasons, or upon first request must be immediately returned to the Bank.

2.1.25. The Bank has the right to set Cash Withdrawal Limits.


3.1. After reviewing the Application and other documents, the provision of which may be required from the Client by the Bank, the Bank determines whether the Client meets the credit criteria established by the Bank from time to time. If the Bank, in its sole discretion, determines that the Client meets these lending criteria, the Bank will set a limit for the Client in the form of a credit line (i.e. the limit up to which the Client can be granted a loan) and open a Loan Account. The Client agrees that the credit limit is set at the sole discretion of the Bank and that the Bank has the right to reduce, increase or cancel the credit limit at any time. The Bank informs the Client in writing (SMS notification, e-mail, fax and other available methods) about the established credit limit and about the opening of a credit line to SCA.

3.2. In the absence or insufficiency own funds to the Client's SCS to perform transactions, the Bank provides the Client with Credit within the Credit Limit, by crediting funds to the SCS, without any additional written instructions from the Client

3.3. The day of the loan is considered the day the Bank credits funds to the Client's SCS

3.4. The Client can use the loan within the limit of the loan by carrying out operations with SCA and a Bank card (including operations for withdrawing cash through ATMs, paying for goods, works and services using a bank card, receiving cash without using a Card, as well as transfers to other accounts of the Client and accounts of third parties). The Client is notified that certain transactions performed by the Client using a bank card (for example, transactions in different currencies or transactions carried out through ATMs and various payment systems, as well as a number of other transactions) may lead to an additional reduction in the amount of the available limit as a result of the applicable foreign exchange rates and / or commissions and fees established by the Bank, other banks, financial institutions and / or payment systems through which the corresponding operations are carried out.

3.5. Taking into account the peculiarities reflected in these Terms, the Bank calculates interest for the use of the Credit on a daily basis in the amount established in the Tariffs or in the Offer. Interest on the amount of the Loan is accrued by the Bank on the balance of the debt on the principal debt (from the day following the day the Loan is granted, and until the date full repayment Credit (inclusive)). When calculating interest, the actual number of calendar days in a month and a year is taken into account.

3.6. When calculating interest on the amount of the Loan, the Grace period(period of interest-free use of the Loan), which begins on the 1st day of the month and ends 20 day of the month following the month in which the loan was granted.

3.7. When repaying the debt on the Loan in full during the Grace Period, the interest for using the Loan by the Client is not paid.

3.8. In case of non-repayment of the debt on the principal debt in full during the Grace Period, interest for the use of the Credit is accrued starting from the day following the day the Credit is granted, and is paid in the manner and within the terms established by the Offer and the Tariffs of the Bank.

3.9. If the end date of the grace period falls on a non-working day, then this date is transferred to the previous business day.

3.10. The loan limit is renewable, i.e. the funds received to repay the loan restore available Limit loan for the amount of the repaid Loan no later than the day following the day of repayment.

3.11. On a monthly basis, no later than the 20th day, the Client is obliged to repay the Mandatory Amount Due – Minimum monthly payment(MEP). MEP consists of Minimum principal repayment amount(10% of the debt on the main debt of the Client), the amount of interest accrued for reporting period, as well as other obligations, if any - overdue commissions; commissions; fines; penalties accrued on overdue debts; amounts of accrued overdue interest; amounts of unresolved debt; amounts of arrears.

3.12. If the MEP date falls on a non-working day, then the loan payment term is determined as follows:

    if after this date there are working days before the end of the month, then the MEP is transferred to the next working day; otherwise, the last business day of the month.

3.13. Any payment, transfer or cash deposit incoming to the SCA is used to repay the Client's obligations under the Loan in the following order:

· accounts receivable;

penalties for overdue interest;

penalties for overdue loans;

overdue interest;

an overdue loan

interest on current credit;

current loan.

3.14. If the Client has not repaid the MEP in full within the terms specified in clause 3.11 of these Terms, the Minimum principal repayment amount, or a part thereof, the amount of outstanding accrued interest on the Loan and the amount of the outstanding commission shall be considered overdue debt.

3.15. When granting a Credit or changing the conditions for crediting, the Bank informs the Client about the amount of the Total Credit Cost. The calculation of the total cost of the loan is carried out by the Bank in accordance with the Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated 01.01.01 "On the procedure for calculating and communicating to the borrower - an individual of the total cost of the loan" according to the formula:

The total cost of the loan is calculated:

For a card issued in accordance with the Application/Loan offer based on the maximum debt in the amount of the established Lending Limit, the crediting period equal to the validity period of the card, the interest rate for using the Credit (except for the interest-free period for using the Credit), the commission for the annual maintenance of the card provided for by the Tariffs , fees for servicing the Card Account provided for by the Tariffs;

For a card issued in accordance with the Offer on individual conditions for issuing a card, based on the maximum debt in the amount of the established Credit Limit, the crediting period equal to the validity period of the card, the interest rate for using the Credit (except for the interest-free period of using the Credit) provided for in the Offer on individual the conditions for issuing the card, the fee for the annual maintenance of the card, provided for by the Tariffs, the fee for servicing the Card Account, provided for by the Tariffs;

The calculation of the Total cost of the loan includes cash flows (payments), the amount and payment term of which are known at the time of conclusion of the Agreement. The calculation of the Total cost of the loan is made by the Bank, taking into account the monthly repayment of the Minimum payment in the manner prescribed by the Agreement.

multidirectional cash flows(payments) (crediting and debiting funds under the SCA) are included in the calculation with opposite mathematical signs, namely: the provision of a Loan to the Client on the date of its issuance is included in the calculation with a minus sign, the return of funds by the Client in payment of the Minimum payment is included in the calculation with a plus sign.

The calculation of the Total cost of the loan does not include:

– Client's payments, the obligation of which the borrower does not follow from the Agreement, but from the requirements of the law;

– payments of the Client stipulated by the Agreement, payments of the Client, the amount and (or) term of payment of which depend on the decision of the Client and (or) the variant of his behavior, including:

– penalty for late repayment of debt under the Agreement;

– a penalty for the formation of overdue debt under the Agreement;

– commission for issuing a new bank card in case of loss/damage of a bank card or PIN-code to it;

– fee for annual maintenance of the Supplementary Card;

– commission for issuing/receiving cash from/to SCS;

– commission for the “Information service” service;

– commission for the provision of settlement documents and duplicate documents for transactions made with SCA;

– commission for carrying out operations with a bank card in a currency other than the SCS currency;

– other commissions of the Bank, the possibility of payment of which cannot be foreseen when concluding the Agreement.


4.1. The non-personalized/personalized Card is issued on the basis of the Application Questionnaire for issuing the Card issued by the Client:

When applying to the Bank Branch (in accordance with the selected Service Package);

When contacting the Point of Sale (in accordance with the selected Service Package).

The card can only be issued in the name of the Client himself.

4.2. The card is issued to current account the Client within the Service Package chosen by the Client.

4.3. Upon receipt of the Card, the Cardholder is obliged to immediately sign the Card in a place specially designated on the Card. The absence or inconsistency of the signature on the Card with the signature affixed by the Cardholder on the document on transactions using the Card is the basis for refusing to accept the Card and withdrawing such a Card from circulation, without any compensation payments from the Ministry of Railways VISA Inc. and Bank.

4.4. Each Card is individually assigned a PIN code. The specified PIN is required when using the Card at retail outlets when paying for goods and/or services (POS-terminals) and at ATMs. PIN is set after the corresponding inscription appears on the display of the terminal and ATM. After three successive attempts to dial an incorrect PIN, the Card is blocked and confiscated by the point of sale and ATM (transactions using the Card become impossible). The counter of the number of incorrectly dialed PIN is reset in case of correct PIN dialing, provided that the PIN was dialed incorrectly in the amount from 1 (one) to 2 (two) times inclusive. The Bank is not responsible for the actions of employees of merchants/banks who seized the Card.

4.5. Payment for goods/services and withdrawal of cash are carried out on the terms and in accordance with the procedure in force in the Merchant/bank accepting the Card and included in the VISA Inc. system.

4.6. When paying for purchases (services) or receiving cash using the Card, it is necessary to pay special attention to the operation being performed. The operation must be carried out only if the Cardholder is confident in making a purchase, receiving a service or receiving cash, because during the Authorization in the authorization database of the Bank, the Card Payment Limit is reduced by the amount of the transaction (including the commission in accordance with current Tariffs of the Bank), i.e. the amount of the transaction, taking into account the relevant commission, is blocked (reserved) on the Card. If the Cardholder refuses a purchase/service/cash withdrawal on the day of payment for the purchase/service or cash withdrawal, or the Merchant settles with the client for car rental/hotel reservations and other transactions for which Authorization was previously made for the amount of the collateral reservation, the Merchant or the bank issuing cash must cancel the Authorization by issuing and providing the Cardholder with a document confirming the cancellation of the Authorization. Otherwise, all subsequent authorizations in the next 14 days will be carried out within the Card Payment Limit, minus the blocked amount. Thus, a situation may arise when, if there are funds on the SCS, the Cardholder cannot use them. If the Bank does not receive the documents within 14 days (within in electronic format) confirming the completion of the operation, the amount of the operation is automatically unblocked.

4.7. After receiving confirmation of the transaction using the Card, the Bank has the right to write off the funds in accordance with the terms of the Agreement with SCA.

4.8. When making a payment or receiving cash using the Card, the Cardholder must sign a check or an imprint from the Card (slip), making sure that the amount indicated on these documents corresponds to the amount of the actual payment or cash issued.

4.9. It is not allowed to sign the specified check (slip), in which the transaction amount is not indicated. The cashier of the merchant/bank accepting the Card checks the signature on the check (slip) and on the Card. In case of discrepancy between signatures, the cashier has the right to withdraw the Card without prior warning.

4.10. The Bank shall under no circumstances be liable for commercial disputes between the Cardholder and the Merchant/bank accepting the Card, in particular, for disputes due to low quality of goods or services. The Bank is not responsible for goods and services provided to the Cardholder by the relevant Merchant.

4.11. If the purchase is returned in whole or in part, then the Cardholder may demand a refund from the Merchant only by wire transfer to the SCS. Refunds for the purchase/service are carried out by the TSP by issuing a slip/receipt.

4.12. In order to resolve disputes over non-return of funds to SCS after the return of a purchase or refusal of services, the Cardholder must provide the Bank with a return slip / receipt issued by the Merchant or a letter from the Merchant indicating all the parameters of the original operation.

5.2.11. Apply for a bank statement at least once a month.

5.3. Rights of the Bank

5.3.1. The Bank has the right to Block the Card:

· if the Client has an overdue debt on SCA in the Bank or any other debt to the Bank;

in case of non-compliance by the Client with the terms of the Agreement, Conditions, Tariffs;

· upon detection of unreliability of the information specified in the Application-Questionnaire/Client's Applications;

· in other cases of non-performance (improper performance) by the Client of its obligations to the Bank without explanation;

· if the Bank has information about probable or actual illegal transactions in connection with the Card or when the Bank receives information about the death of the Client;

if the Client's SCS and/or the Client's funds on the SCS for which the Card is issued is seized at the request of authorized government agencies (officials);

· if executive (settlement) documents on the recovery of funds from the Client are presented to the Bank and these documents have not yet been executed by the Bank.

5.3.2. The Bank has the right to refuse to issue a Card to the Client, re-issue a previously issued Card with the same validity period, or re-issue a previously issued Card with a new validity period without specifying reasons.

5.3.3. The Bank has the right to refuse Authorization if the amount of the Card Transaction exceeds the Available Card Balance, or if the Bank has reason to believe that the Card Transaction may be illegal or fraudulent.

5.3.4. The Bank has the right to make a direct debit of funds from the Client's SCS for transactions using Cards (both Primary and Additional), fees in accordance with the Tariffs, debt to the Bank, including the amount of interest, penalties charged by the Bank in accordance with the Tariffs, as well as the Bank’s actual expenses incurred for obtaining documents confirming transactions using the Card, the unfoundedness of the Holder’s claim for which will be documented, fees for services rendered under other agreements to which the Bank and the Client are parties, the Bank’s claims on loans not repaid on time, the amounts tax payments calculated and held by the Bank in accordance with the current legislation, erroneously credited to SCA.

5.3.5. In the event of overspending on the SCA, take measures starting from the day the relevant debt arises: send a notice to the Client with a request to repay the debt, suspend or terminate the Cards, send a notification to the Client with a request to return the Cards to the Bank, accrue interest/penalties on the amounts owed for the period from the date of occurrence to the date of actual repayment of the debt in the amount established by the Tariff.

5.4. Rights of the Client

5.4.1. The Client has the right to make SCA transactions using the Card/Cards.

5.4.2. In case of disagreement with the amount of debits / credits reflected in the SCA statement, the Client has the right to protest the disputed Transactions within 45 days from the date the SCA transaction was recorded. Absence written objections of the Client on transactions reflected in the statement before the specified period means acceptance of the SCA transactions and the amounts debited from the SCA / credited to the SCA.

6. Payment for bank services

6.1. The Client undertakes to pay to the Bank all applicable Fees for servicing the Bank Card, SCA in accordance with the Tariffs. The Client agrees that all Commissions will be debited by the Bank from SCA (including with an increase in loan debt) on the relevant dates without any instruction or order from the Client, and the Client authorizes the Bank to carry out such debits of funds from SCA, even if they the amount exceeds the available limit.

6.2. Upon termination of the Agreement during the period of validity of the Cards not given to the Bank, for the termination of the validity of these Cards, the Bank withholds a commission in accordance with the current Tariff

6.3. Upon termination of the Agreement before the expiration of the Cards, the commissions previously paid to the Bank shall not be refunded.

7. Set-off of counterclaims

7.1. The Client agrees that the Bank has the right to use any positive balance of funds on the Client's accounts with the Bank (regardless of the currency in which this or that account is maintained) to offset any monetary obligations of the Client to the Bank that have not been fulfilled by the Client in accordance with the terms Agreements or other agreements or agreements on the basis of which such financial obligations of the Client to the Bank arose. For these purposes, the Client authorizes the Bank to convert funds held on the Client's accounts in one or another currency into the currency of the Client's unfulfilled monetary obligation to the Bank at the non-cash rate established by the Bank on the date of the conversion.

7.2. The Client agrees that all securities, financial instruments and other assets of the Client held or held by the Bank (acting on behalf of the Client as a depository, broker, agent or in any other capacity) serve as collateral for any obligations of the Client to the Bank. The Client authorizes the Bank to sell (or otherwise dispose of) any of the above assets of the Client at their fair market price (and in the absence of a fair market price, at a price that the Bank considers reasonable) and use the proceeds to settle the Client's obligations to the Bank that are not were performed by the Client.

8. Information verification, observation and recording

8.1. The Client confirms that all information provided by him to the Bank in connection with the Agreement is accurate and reliable in all respects, and undertakes to immediately notify the Bank of any changes in the information provided by him to the Bank. The Client agrees that the Bank has the right to check the information provided by the Client to the Bank and authorizes the Bank to carry out any such checks.

8.2. The Client agrees that the Bank has the right to carry out video surveillance, electronic surveillance or telephone recording in its premises in order to ensure the security and proper quality of service to the Client without additional notice to the Client or its authorized representatives (in this case, the Client must notify its authorized representatives that the Bank may carry out such observation and recording). The Client agrees that telephone, video, electronic or computer recordings may be used as evidence in any legal proceedings.

8.3. The Client agrees that all conversations and communication between the Client and the Bank's representative through the Call Center will be recorded by the Bank in order to ensure the security and proper quality of services, and that such recordings can be used as evidence in any legal proceedings.

9. Compliance

9.1. The Client is notified that all transactions and services provided by the Bank to the Client are governed by the applicable laws and regulations. regulations Russian Federation. (Some types of transactions may also be subject to the laws of those foreign states in which they are held, initiated or processed.). In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, the Bank may be entrusted with a number of control functions in relation to certain types of transactions of the Client (for example, foreign exchange transactions, cash transactions, as well as transactions that may be classified as suspicious) and the obligation provide various government and law enforcement agencies with information about the accounts and operations of the Client. For these purposes, the Bank may periodically request from the Client various documents and/or written explanations, and the Client agrees to provide them at the request of the Bank.

9.2. The Client agrees that if, in the opinion of the Bank, the performance of any operation on the Client's SCS may entail a violation of the current legislation, the Bank has the right to refuse or suspend such an operation until the moment when the Client provides the Bank with documents or other information that satisfies the Bank, which may be requested by the Bank in connection with the execution of a particular operation of the Client.

10. Dispute Resolution Procedure

10.1. Despite the fact that the Bank will strive to conduct all transactions in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement, due to various reasons (for example, the Client's communication of inaccurate or incomplete information to the Bank or errors in data processing), disputes and disagreements may arise, which the parties undertake to resolve through friendly negotiations .

10.2. If the Client discovers any disputable situation related to SCA, the Client must notify the Bank in writing within 45 days from the date of the transaction.

10.3. The Parties agreed to consider electronic documents, printouts from a computer database, documents received from the Processing Center and / or payment system via facsimile, electronic and other communications, as well as documents signed electronic signature or any other equivalent of a handwritten signature, as written evidence in resolving disputes.

10.4. The Bank takes all possible measures to resolve the disputable situation that has arisen and notifies the Client of the results of consideration of his application. In order to resolve a dispute that has arisen, the Bank may invite the Client to a personal meeting. If necessary, in order to resolve a disputable situation, the Bank may engage a special expert (either who is or is not an employee of the Bank), who has the necessary experience and knowledge in the relevant field.

11. Validity and termination of the Agreement

11.1. The Agreement shall enter into force from the moment the Card is issued to the Client. The contract is valid for an indefinite period of time. Upon expiration of the Card and the availability of the Client's Application for reissuing the Card, the Agreement is automatically extended for a new term, unless the Bank sends the Client a prior written notice of termination of the Agreement.

11.2. The Bank has the right to terminate the Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

11.3. The Client has the right to terminate the Agreement at any time by personally visiting the Bank's office and submitting an application for termination of the Agreement, indicating the method of obtaining a positive balance on the SCA,

11.4. The Agreement does not terminate in case of cancellation by the Bank credit limit set for the Client. In this case, the Bank sends the Client a notice of cancellation of the credit limit by written notice, e-mail or SMS notification, or in any other available way in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.

11.5. In the event of termination of the Agreement for any reason:

(a) the SCS is subject to closure;

(b) the bank card issued to the Client (as well as additional cards) are blocked and returned to the Bank;

(c) all debts/obligations of the Client to the Bank are subject to immediate repayment;

11.6. The Bank shall return to the Client any positive balance on the Account (minus the amounts owed by the Client to the Bank) by:

(a) transfer of funds to an account within the Bank (if any) or outside the Bank in accordance with the Client's Application;

(b) disbursement of cash through the Bank's cash desk.

The Client agrees that the implementation by the Bank of one of the above methods of issuing funds will be the proper fulfillment of the Bank's obligation to return the Client's funds at the end of the Agreement. (The Bank has the right to withhold the amounts of expenses related to the transfers in accordance with the Tariffs).

11.7. Except as specifically provided in the Agreement, termination of the Agreement for any reason does not change or affect the Client's obligations to the Bank that arose before the date of termination of the Agreement and remain unfulfilled by the Client as of the date of termination, and does not change or affect rights and remedies granted to the Bank in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement in respect of any obligations of the Client that arose before the date of termination of the Agreement and remain unfulfilled by the Client on the date of termination.

11.8. If within two years there are no funds on the SCA and operations on this SCA, the Bank has the right to refuse to execute the Agreement by notifying the Client in writing. The Agreement is considered terminated after two months from the date of sending such a warning by the Bank, if funds have not been received by the SCA within this period.

11.9. The Client authorizes the Bank to terminate the Agreement and close the SCA without his additional application if the Bank refuses to issue the Main Card.

12. General provisions

12.1. The Bank shall not be liable for failure to perform or improper performance of its obligations under the Agreement in the event that the performance of such obligations by the Bank becomes impossible, difficult or delayed due to force majeure, which includes, without limitation, the publication or change in the interpretation or application of any legislative or regulatory acts, decrees, decisions, etc. by state or municipal authorities Russian Federation or other states, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or central (national) banks of other states (including restrictions on conversion and transfer foreign currencies), as a result of which the performance by the Bank of its obligations under the Agreement becomes illegal or unlawful, as well as sabotage, fires, floods, explosions, natural disasters, civil unrest, strikes and any performance of employees, uprisings, riots, wars, actions of governments or any other circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Bank (hereinafter referred to as "Force Majeure Circumstances"). Unless the parties reach a written agreement to the contrary, upon the occurrence of Force Majeure Circumstances, the Bank has the right to suspend the performance of its obligations under the Agreement, which are subject to Force Majeure Circumstances, until the termination of such Force Majeure Circumstances.

12.2. The Client is not entitled to assign, transfer or otherwise dispose (or take measures aimed at assignment, transfer or other disposal) of his rights or obligations under the Agreement without the prior written consent of the Bank. Any assignment, transfer or other disposal by the Client of any right or obligation under the Agreement without the prior written consent of the Bank is void. The Bank has the right to assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of any of its rights under the Agreement to any third party without the consent of the Client. For the purposes of such assignment, transfer or other disposition, the Bank may disclose to any actual or potential assignee or any other person such information about the Client as the Bank deems appropriate.

12.3. The Client agrees that the Bank has the right to unilaterally amend, amend or supplement the Agreement (including the Tariffs) at any time, except in cases where the amendments, amendments or supplements increase interest rate, increase the existing or establish new commissions for operations in the Tariffs. Amendments, changes or additions to the Terms and/or Tariffs, except in cases where the current tariffs are changed or new tariffs are established that affect full cost loan, and / or an increase in the interest rate, increase the existing or establish new commissions on operations, come into force no earlier than 30 (thirty) days after the date of publication new edition of the Terms and/or Tariffs on the Bank's website on the Internet (www. *****). Amendments, amendments or additions to the Agreement in respect of tariffs affecting the full cost of the loan, with the exception of an increase in the interest rate, an increase in existing or establishment of new commissions for operations, come into force 30 (thirty) days after the date of publication on the Bank's website. Amendments, amendments or additions to the Tariffs that increase the interest rate, increase the current or establish new commissions for operations shall enter into force from the moment the Client accepts the Bank's proposal to introduce such amendments, amendments or additions. The Client's acceptance is the performance of any Operation on the Account using a bank card. The Client can at any time obtain the current version of the Terms, Application and Tariffs at the Bank's branches or on the Bank's website on the Internet (www. *****). The Parties agree that any amendments, changes or additions to the Agreement may be made only in the manner specified above, and that no other documents, publications, information or promotional materials (whether in writing or in any other form) may amendments, changes and additions to the Agreement.

12.4. The Bank's liability to the Client is limited to the documented actual damage incurred by the Client as a result of illegal actions or inaction of the Bank, acting intentionally or with gross negligence. Under no circumstances shall the Bank be liable to the Client for any indirect, incidental or incidental loss or damage (including lost profits), even if it has been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage.

12.5. The Client shall be liable to the Bank for all losses (including lost profits), damages or expenses incurred by the Bank as a result of violation of the Client's actions or omissions in violation of the Agreement or applicable laws and regulations.

12.6. The client is obliged to regularly receive information in the above order about changes and additions the current edition Conditions, Application and Tariffs on the Bank's website, in any structural unit Jar.

12.7. The Client is notified and agrees that the obligations of the Bank arising from the Agreement or in connection with it are obligations only of BashInvestBank LLC

12.8. The Bank treats information related to the Client as confidential, however, the Client agrees that, in order to fulfill the Agreement, the Bank may transfer and disclose any information related to the Client to branches, subsidiaries, representative offices, affiliates and agents of the Bank, as well as to third parties (including any credit bureaus), at the discretion of any of them, regardless of their location, for confidential use (including in connection with the provision of services and products, data processing, statistical reporting and risk management). The Bank and any of its branches, subsidiaries, representative offices, affiliates, agents or third parties may transfer and disclose any such information in accordance with any decisions, orders, rulings, orders, orders, warrants or other documents issued by the courts, regulatory and law enforcement bodies.

12.9. In the event that any provision of the Agreement is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable under any applicable law, the remaining provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

12.10. The failure or delay in exercising by the Client or the Bank of their rights or remedies under the Agreement is limited to the specific case to which such failure or refusal relates, and does not affect any subsequent exercise of the rights or remedies available to the Client or the Bank.

12.11. The Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation without regard to conflict of laws rules. Subject to the provisions of Section 9 (“Dispute Resolution Procedure”), any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with the Agreement in particular, any dispute relating to the existence, validity or termination of any relationship between the Bank and the Client shall be submitted by the parties for consideration by a court of relevant jurisdiction at the location of the Client or the Bank.

13. Provision of services when the Client contacts the Bank's Information Center

13.1. In accordance with the rules of this Section, the Bank undertakes to provide the following services to the Client, upon his oral order, transmitted by telephone to the Bank's Call Center:

13.1.1. providing general information about the Bank, products offered for individuals and the services provided, the conditions for opening and maintaining Accounts, the use of Cards and Payment Systems, the Bank's exchange rates that were in effect for 7 calendar days prior to the Client's application to the Call Centre;

13.1.2. provision of information on the location and working hours of branches and ATMs of the Bank;

13.1.3. accepting applications from individuals for consumer credit;

13.1.4. providing the Client with information about the payment details of the Bank by fax or e-mail;

13.1.5. provision of consulting assistance in case of disputes when using the Card, when the Card is withdrawn by an ATM;

13.2. informing the Client about the readiness of the Card and the possibility to pick up the finished Card at the Bank's Subdivision, including the Card seized by the ATM;

13.3. As a password, the Client and the Bank use the code word specified by the Client when opening the SCS.

13.4. The password can also be requested by the Bank when contacting the Client by phone if it is necessary to convey to the Client information on the Card or SCA (in this case, the Client has the right to refuse to provide the password and can call the Bank back on his own or contact the Bank's Subdivision in person).

13.5. The Client and the Bank undertake to keep the password confidential and not disclose it to third parties.

13.6. The person who gives the Bank a verbal order by phone and correctly enters the password is recognized as the Client.

13.7. The Bank is not responsible for the consequences of any use of the password by third parties.

13.8. The information requested by the Client in accordance with the rules of this Section may be communicated by the Bank to the Client orally by telephone, fax, e-mail. The Bank is not responsible for possible unauthorized receipt of this information by third parties for reasons beyond the control of the Bank.

13.9. When the Client contacts by phone for the provision of the services listed in this Section, the date, time of the call, the fact of the Client's identification using a password, as well as the content of the Client's oral order are recorded in the manner chosen by the Bank. The Bank has the right to keep an audio recording of a telephone conversation with the Client and use it in resolving disputes.

13.10. By contacting the Bank's Information Center, the Client understands that communication is carried out using ordinary telephone lines without the use of additional means to ensure the confidentiality of conversations, in connection with which the Client accepts the risks associated with the possible receipt of transmitted information by third parties.

14. Services provided by third parties

When the Client uses the Bank's services, the Client may receive Additional services, benefits and / or offers (for example, discounts in certain hotel chains, restaurants, etc.) in accordance with agreements concluded between the Bank and third parties providing such services. The Bank will inform the Client about such additional services, benefits and/or offers of third parties in the ways that the Bank deems appropriate. The Client is advised that (i) such additional services, benefits and/or offers are provided to the Client by third parties and not by the Bank; (ii) the Bank does not provide the Client with any guarantees or representations regarding such services, benefits and/or offers, as well as their quality, availability and continuous provision; and (iii) the Bank shall not bear any responsibility in connection with the Client's use of services, benefits and/or offers provided to the Client by third parties.

Rules for servicing a debit bank card

The rules for servicing a debit card are a collection of conditions and rules that customers who receive plastic and banks that issue it must comply with. They set out the basic definitions and concepts applied to cards, the obligations and rights of the client, the obligations and rights of the bank itself, the procedure for opening and maintaining a debit card account, as well as the procedure for conducting operations on it, the responsibility of the client and financial. institutions, the procedure for resolving emerging disputes, the procedure for completing the maintenance of plastic.

Rules for use and maintenance debit cards are usually issued immediately upon receipt of plastic. In the application for receipt, the client must sign that he has received the rules and is familiar with them.

If the plastic comes by mail, or the department forgot to issue the rules, then you can always find them on the website of the issuing banking organization.

The rules for servicing debit cards may be amended and supplemented. At the same time, the bank does not always notify the holder about this.

O recent changes and additions to the rules for maintenance, you can find:

  • On the official website of the Finnish institutions (usually there is a note about the changes in the news feed on the website or in the “Tariffs” section)
  • In the branch (when visiting the branch, a specialist can inform about the changes, you can check it yourself during communication with employees or at information stands)
  • By phone hotline(the news about the changes can be broadcast by the voice assistant of the hotline or the call center specialist)
  • In your online account.

The main points of the rules for servicing bank debit cards or what to look for.

  1. Terms, concepts, definitions. Rules often use specific terminology. To have an accurate idea of ​​what each paragraph is about, you should study all the terms and concepts. Do not forget that the same designation can have different meanings in different banks. For example, the abbreviation RBS in one bank means "contract banking services”, and in the other - “remote maintenance”. Or, in one case, an additional card means an additional card that has one common account with the main one, and in another, it goes as a gift to the main one and has its own personal account, separate from the main one.
  2. Client obligations. This paragraph describes all the obligations of the client to the bank when using plastic. Here it is worth paying attention to all points without exception. For example, a clause on the obligation to keep all payment documents on the card (checks, statements) during the entire period of using the card and provide them at the first request of the bank. Let's say a bank asks the holder of an extract for the first half of the year for all operations (and there may be more than a thousand if the client actively uses plastic) because it considers some transactions illegal. If the client does not provide, then the fin. the institution may suspend the card, block it or refuse the next issue, because the holder violated the rules for servicing and using plastic. A clause on the client's obligations to report loss, theft or transactions that the client did not perform. Different banks have different procedures for notifying the bank about this.

    In one bank, you only need to call the hotline. In another, call and the next day come personally to the department to write an application. In the third - just send SMS to the bank's short number. If these conditions are not met by the holder, the bank has the right to refuse to solve the problem and relieve itself of financial responsibility. Special attention should pay attention to the moment from which the bank assumes responsibility. Many banking organizations indicate the period - from the next day after the oral notification. It turns out that the bank will not be liable for fraudulent transactions on the first day. A clause on the timeframe within which the client must make claims on transactions. Most often it is tied to a monthly statement. But in some organizations, the claim may not be accepted after a certain period, for example, later than 30 days from the date of discharge.

  3. Client rights. This paragraph describes everything that the client can do with the card. The client can receive all the justifications for bank debits from his account and dispute them, conduct operations, demand from the fin. organizing the provision of services in accordance with the rules and more.
  4. The rights and obligations of the bank. This paragraph spells out everything that the bank is allowed to do: open card accounts, request documents on ongoing transactions, provide the holder with an extract, write off their remuneration for the provision of services (annual service, SMS notification, etc.). In addition, a clause is often indicated here that the bank can change the conditions for the cards unilaterally, and the client will be notified in the specified way (SMS notification, information on the website or stands, etc.).
  5. Conditions for opening and maintaining an account. It specifies the conditions on the basis of which the client can receive bank cards, the list of documents for receipt, the procedure for maintaining the client's card account.

Resolution of disputes on violation of the rules of service and use of debit bank cards.

All disputes are resolved on an individual basis. If possible, a mutually beneficial solution is achieved through negotiations between the plastic holder and representatives of the fin. institutions. If the decision is not found or does not suit one of the parties, then everything is decided in court.

Where are debit card fees and charges listed?

Tariffs is a document where all commissions, limits and other terms of service are registered. Tariffs and commissions when using debit cards are issued to the holder at the time of receipt. The client must sign that he agrees with them and is familiar with them.

Pay with your Mastercard J&T Bank with Apple Pay and Google Pay!

Bank cards MasterCard

Take advantage of all the advantages of MasterCard international plastic bank cards - a modern and convenient means of payment.

Choose the card that best suits your needs:

  • Functional MasterCard Standard
  • Prestigious MasterCard Gold
  • Elite MasterCard Platinum

Decide on the currency of the card - you can issue a card in rubles, dollars or euros. Do not forget about relatives and friends - several additional cards may be issued to your account.

You can connect to the SMS-informing service and order the issuance of a bank card. And all this can be done quickly and at competitive rates.

All cards of the Bank are equipped with innovative contactless payment technologypaypass, which allows you to pay for goods and services with one touch.

Owners plastic cards J&T Bank can independently change the PIN code at any ATMs that support this service.

We care about the security of your online payments, so all the Bank's cards are connected and support 3D-Secure technology. If the online store where you are making a purchase supports MasterCard technology SecureCode, when making a payment, you will be redirected to a special site to enter a secret password. The one-time password will be sent to you in the form of SMS to the phone number confirmed in the Bank, to which the card is connected. If the password is entered correctly, the operation will be approved or rejected depending on the result of checking the other conditions that are checked when performing a card transaction (status and validity period of the card, sufficiency of funds on the account, etc.). If the phone number is not confirmed by the Bank, the operation will be rejected.

Internet bank

J&T Bank offers you to use simple and convenient services of the system " Internet bank »

Using Internet Banking, you can manage your card:

  • instantly replenish the card from current accounts at any time convenient for you*
  • block the card
  • get information about transactions on the card (authorizations on the card, information about the category of the merchant in which the transaction took place (Merchant Category Code)
  • request information on card account transactions (account statement)
  • send a letter to the Bank about the need to reissue the card or issue a new card, indicating the required type of card (Standard, Gold, Platinum), card currency, code word and Latin name of the name and surname

*There is a daily limit for replenishing the card. On weekdays from 10:00 to 16:00: 200,000 RUB/5,000 EUR/5,000 USD. The rest of the time: 100,000 RUB/2,000 EUR/2,000 USD.

The documents

How to get a card?

You can open an account and issue a bank card:

  • At the Bank's Central Office daily, except weekends, from 9.30 to 17.30 (on Friday - until 16.30).
  • In the Additional office "Tagansky" daily, except weekends, from 11.00 to 19.30 (on Friday until 18.15)

How to top up the card?

You can familiarize yourself with the methods of replenishing bank cards link.

How to find out the available balance on the card using the SMS informing service?

Make sure that your card is connected to SMS informing.

Activate the card balance inquiry service by sending an SMS to the number 6470 with the text "80,500".

After activating the service, in order to find out the available balance on the card at any time convenient for you, send an SMS to the number 6470 with the text "101", "balance" or "balance".

In response SMS, the balance of the last issued card will be received. If you have several cards, enter the last four digits of the card in the SMS separated by a space.

SMS example: balance 1234

The cost of sending a message to a short number is charged by the mobile operator

Don't like the PIN? Install your

From March 1, it became possible to set a new PIN-code for your card at any ATMs that support this service. The new option will allow you to change the PIN code offered by the bank to a combination of four digits that is convenient for you.

When creating your own PIN code, a combination of four identical digits (1111) and consecutive digits (1234, 4321) is not allowed.

To change the PIN code, you need to go to the ATM main menu section and select the “Change PIN code” operation, after which you need to follow the instructions on the ATM screen.

The service is paid according to Tariffs.

Currency transactions on the card

Please note that there may be a discrepancy between the amount of the transaction performed using the card and the amount of funds debited from the cardholder's account for this transaction, for example, if the transaction using the card was performed in a currency other than the currency of the account (funds are converted according to bank rate). Reflection of operations on the account is carried out on the basis of documents confirming the operation, the day of receipt of which by the bank may not coincide with the day of the operation. At the same time, due to changes in exchange rates (cross-rates), it is possible to change the amount of funds to be debited from the account for a transaction made in a currency other than the account currency.

Payment for bank services

Commissions for servicing the card and providing services in the process of servicing it are charged in accordance with the approved tariffs of the bank upon the fact of rendering the service. The fee for annual card maintenance (when issuing/reissuing) is charged in accordance with the terms of the agreement on issuing and servicing the card, but no later than the day the card is received. The fee for SMS-informing is charged on the last business day of the month.

A world of comfort and privilege

The cards are called "gold" and "platinum" because they open the world of privileges and comfort to their holders. Do you have a issued by our bank Master Card Gold or MasterCard Platinum? Then you have the opportunity to get tangible discounts and special conditions services when paying by card in hotels, restaurants and other partner enterprises of J&T Bank.


Under no circumstances do not provide PIN, card details and do not transfer the card for use to third parties. If there are assumptions about the disclosure of PIN, personal data that allows you to take illegal actions with your account, and also if the card has been lost, immediately contact the 24-hour contact center to block the card. Until the card is blocked, you bear the risk associated with unauthorized debiting of funds from the account. The Bank may independently suspend the operation of the card in case of receiving information about its possible compromise or violation of the terms of the agreement on issuing and servicing the card. To unblock the card, you need to contact a bank employee.

Secure card

General provisions

Terms of Banking Services for Individuals of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, Bank Card Holder's Memo, Album of Tariffs for Services Provided by Sberbank of Russia OJSC to Individuals, Application for Banking Services, Application for a Bank Card in the aggregate are the Agreement concluded between the Client and the Bank for the issue and maintenance of a bank card (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement).

The Bank issues a Card to the Client on the basis of an Application for a Bank Card established by the Bank form (hereinafter referred to as the "Card Application") duly completed and signed by the Client. The Card is issued and the Card Account is opened if the Bank makes a positive decision on the possibility of issuing to the Customer a card of the type declared by the Customer.

The Client undertakes to comply with the terms of the Agreement.

Features of issuance and maintenance of certain card products are defined in Section 7 of these Terms of Use of Cards. In case of contradictions between the main provisions of the Terms of Use of the Cards and the specifics of issuing and servicing the card product, as defined in Section 7, the latter shall prevail.

Spend limit - the amount of funds available for carrying out transactions on the Card, including the balance of the Client's own funds on the Card Account and the amount of the overdraft limit on the Card Account, minus the amounts of transactions blocked on the Card Account, taking into account the relevant commission. The blocking of the amount of the transaction on the Card Account (reduction of the spending limit) is carried out at the moment the Client confirms the transaction through remote service channels, or when performing a transaction using a card with authorization, or when the Bank transfers funds from the Card Account in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. Other terms used in the Terms of Use of Bank Cards of OJSC Sberbank of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Terms of Use of Cards) have the same meaning as in the Terms of Banking Services for Individuals of OJSC Sberbank of Russia.

bank card

The card is the property of the Bank and is issued for temporary use.

The Bank has the right to refuse without giving reasons to issue or re-issue the Card if the person specified in the Application for a Card is not registered (residence permit) in the territory of the Bank's service, they provide incorrect information in the Application for a Card, unstable financial situation or have other data indicating the impossibility of issuing (reissuing) the Card this person, as well as in cases provided for by law.

The Card can be used by the Cardholder to pay for goods and services, receive/deposit cash in credit institutions and through ATMs, to perform other banking operations on accounts/deposits of the Client provided for by the Agreement. The possibility of using the Card is determined by the presence of the logo of the payment system, subject to the restrictions set by the Bank for certain types of card products.

With the use of the Card, the Client gets the opportunity to make transactions and receive information on his accounts, deposits, unallocated metal accounts with the Bank through remote service channels.

The Bank reserves the right at any time at its own discretion to change the set of transactions, services and functions performed using the Card. Carrying out transactions using the Card through the Bank's self-service devices provided for by the Agreement may be limited in ATMs of other banks.

The Client has the right to apply to the Bank at the place where the Account is maintained with a written application for obtaining an additional Card, except for card products for which the issuance of an additional card is not provided for in accordance with Section 7 of these Terms of Use of Cards.

Upon receipt of the Card, the Holder is obliged to sign the Card in a specially designated place on the card. The absence or inconsistency of the signature on the Card of the signature affixed by the Holder on the document on transactions using the Card may be the basis for refusing to conduct a transaction using the Card and withdrawing such a Card from circulation.

The Card is valid until the last day of the month indicated on the front side of the Card, inclusive. It is prohibited to use the Card (its details) with expired actions. The Bank is not responsible for the untimely receipt by the Holder of the Card issued for a new validity period.

The Bank has the right to reissue the Card (including the additional one) after its expiration date, if the Client has not notified the Bank in writing 60 calendar days before the expiration of the Card about the refusal to use the Card.

The Card is not reissued if there are no transactions using the Card during the year preceding the reissue of the Card.

In order to reissue the Card before its expiration date, the Client must submit a written application to the Bank at the place where the Card Account is maintained.

Map Visa Classic, MasterCard Standard with individual design.

A Card with an individual design is issued with an image chosen by the Client printed on the front side of the Card.

An application for issuing a Card with an individual design is submitted through the Bank's Internet site. The Client shall personally sign the Application for the receipt of the Card upon receipt of the manufactured Card at the Bank's subdivision.

The Client creates a design for the front side of the Card with an individual design: - selecting a card design from the Bank's design gallery; - by uploading an image, including a photo image, available to the Client.

When issuing a Card with an individual design with the image provided by the Client applied to the front side of the Card, the Client guarantees that he has the right to use and dispose of this image, including the right to provide it to the Bank for placement on the Card with an individual design, and what is the use of the image does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of third parties, including the rights of private property, privacy, exclusive (property) rights, as well as personal non-property and other rights.

The Client is obliged to notify the people depicted in the image that this image will be used for placement on the Card with an individual design, and obtain their consent to such use. The Bank has the right to request confirmation of the consent of the persons indicated in the image or confirmation of the right to use the image by the Client.

It is forbidden to use for placement on Maps with an individual design images containing:

telephone numbers, numbers, texts, letters, addresses (including electronic ones), websites in any languages, any number systems;

medals, coins, banknotes, stamps, banknotes, incl. old and unused;

political, religious, religious slogans and symbols, flags, coats of arms and other symbols of power, with restrictions - uniforms of any military branches (including images of people in uniform);

materials that have anything to do with anti-social/prohibited groups, minorities, events and activities;

anti-cultural, anti-religious, anti-social, racial and discriminatory materials and symbols;

any materials and images of a sexual nature;

photographs or images of public people, such as famous musicians, writers, athletes, presenters, etc., fictional characters (cartoon characters, etc.);

frames from films, cartoons, illustrations for books;

advertising materials, trademarks and service marks, abbreviations, symbols and company names, as well as products of registered trademarks and service marks (including vehicles and other equipment with trademarks and service marks);

an image of a person (including an image of a cardholder) that is intended to be used for identification purposes;

images of people in uniform/workwear with recognizable/readable brands/trademarks/service marks, images of cars and other equipment with recognizable brands/trademarks/service marks;

any images of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (including bottles, glasses and other attributes of drinking establishments), as well as tonic drinks, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, cards, roulette, slot machines, sweepstakes, other gambling attributes;

images associated or associated with the manufacture and use of drugs;

images of weapons and military equipment: pistols, machine guns, tanks, military aircraft, ships, missiles, etc.;

images that may cause problems when servicing the Card at trade/service establishments;

other images recognized by the Bank and/or international payment system unacceptable for placement on the Map.

In case of violation of the above requirements, the Bank has the right to refuse to issue a card to the Client and ask to replace the image.

The image on the Card with an individual design may have slight differences from the image on the monitor screen, due to the peculiarities of color rendering settings (calibration) when the Client submits an application via the Internet.

When issuing a Card with an individual design with an image provided by the Client, the Client shall be liable to the Bank and third parties for any claims and suits that may be brought against the Bank or international payment VISA systems International and MasterCard International in connection with the infringement of copyright and other rights caused by the placement of this image on the Card with an individual design. The Client undertakes to compensate the Bank for any damage caused by the violation of copyright and other rights in the cases specified in this paragraph.

Issue of additional Cards to the account of a Card with an individual design is carried out with a design corresponding to the design of the main Card with an individual design.

A card with an individual design is reissued with the image selected by the Client when issuing the said card.

Changing the design when reissuing a Card with an individual design for any reason is allowed with the consent of the Bank and if the Bank has the appropriate technical capability.

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