
Will Apple Pay work with Visa. The best Visa cards that support the Apple Pay system. Option from Tinkoff Bank

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Payments through Apple Pay became available to the Visa Alpha Bank and Tinkoff Bank, follows from materials posted on the Russian Apple website. Representatives of banks and Visa confirmed. Further plans for cooperation with banks and other payment systems Apple does not disclose. The expansion of the circle of partner banks and payment systems occurs as they are technical readiness, approves a source close to one of them.

Until now, Apple Pay in Russia has been available only to users. masterCard cards. In early October 2016, the MasterCard holders released by Sberbank were able to use it, and at the beginning of November - customers of another eight banks, including Tinkoff and Alpha Bank, as well as " Yandex. .Money".

At Visa in 2015, 44.7% of all payment cards issued in Russia, on MasterCard - 49.4%, follows from the report National System payment cards (NSPK). According to the Central Bank, at the end of the first half of 2016, 249 million payment cards were issued in Russia. Payment systems themselves do not disclose the number of maps issued in Russia.

Visa's share in the Tinkoff Bank portfolio below the MasterCard share, his representative of Daria Yermolin approves.

On the launch of the Apple Pay in the Corporation, the Corporation announced in the fall of 2014. The service allows the owners of Apple smartphones (now it is iPhone 6 and later models - 6s, SE, 7), as well as iPad Pro tablets and smart watch Apple Watch pay for goods and services from their devices using non-contact payment technology (NFC). At the same time, the money is removed from their bank cards attached to the application. Apple's vice president of Apple Pay Jennifer Bailey previously told "Vedomostas" about dozens of millions of subscribers of the payment service worldwide. According to Apple, in June 2016, their number of year by year increased by 450%.

According to the evaluation, which previous director of Telecom Daily Denis Skusov, 62-63 million smartphones are registered in Russian cellular networks. iPhone 6, 6s, SE and 7 - up to 5 million, he said. According to the employee of one of the operators, at the beginning of October 2016, there were 3.5-5 million such devices on the networks of the cellular Troika.

Data on the number of users of their payment system in Russia, Apple does not disclose. Apple Pay is very in demand - the first one thousand users connected to it in just half an hour, and the transactional turnover is already several million dollars, director of products and projects of the Alpha Bank of Tatyana Yarmola.

Alfa-Bank complemented the service - if the client lost the map, he can block the card itself and get paid from a mobile phone, it is especially important to travelers, for example, she says.

For the first two weeks, almost 53,000 MasterCard users connected to Apple Pay, total amount transactions exceeded 145 million rubles. - The average amount of the transaction in terms of one user amounted to 2774 rubles, it tells Yermolin.

As of October 13, more than 125,000 Sberbank customers were attached to Apple Pay, and the turnover of the payment service amounted to more than 120 million rubles, reported earlier Kommersant with reference to his source.

Contactless payments are becoming increasingly popular in Russia - according to the payment system, the number of transactions on maps Visa PayWave. increased by 4.5 times last year, tells her representative. 84% of Russians are aware of non-contact payment cards, and 38% use them, he says, referring to VISA research data.

On September 29, 2016, its payment system in Russia launched the main competitor Apple - Samsung. In early November, his representative said that weekly the number of operations through Samsung Pay is growing by 10%, and the number of unique users is 15%.

Manufacturers of smartphones promoting their own payment systems can count on the commission of banks for conducting operations, notes ZTE sales director in Russia and the CIS Evgeny Ladygin. But now such systems are deciding primarily marketing problems - for example, stickers on cash terminals receiving payments from smartphones of a brand can be considered as a means of promotion, he argues. The vendor does not yet plan to display his own payment system, it expects the emergence of a universal payment decision Google for Android, said Ladygin "Vedomosti" earlier.

(4 estimates, average: 3,75 out of 5)

Now you can pay for goods and services not only by real money and bank card, but also a smartphone using special payment services for this. One of these services is Apple Pay Visa Sberbank. This is a modern, very convenient, one hundred percent safe way to pay a variety of goods and services, both in ordinary stores and on the Internet.

From the very name of the service it is easy to guess that the owners of modern gadgets from them can use, not only smartphones. True, not all devices support this feature, but only the latest models. Also, the holder of the gadget must be a Sberbank client and holder visa cards.

What is Apple Pay

It is a special service with which you can make a payment with bank cardwithout using it. It is absolutely safe because the card number is not stored in the phone's memory and Apple servers, so it is impossible to hack anything and steal. This can not worry about it. The developers have attached maximum effort to improve safety. Just need to bring the smartphone to the terminal to make payment. As for payment of goods and services on the Internet, you need to click on the Touch ID. This significantly speeds up the payment process and online, because you do not need to enter data cards.

This is convenient for those who have many plastic bank cards, who are inconvenient to wear them all with them, to those who have forgotten the card at home, etc. If you pay for goods and services on the Internet, this service also allows you to significantly speed up it, because neither Numbers nor other bank card data to enter. Everything is guaranteed safely. In addition, additional security guarantees that the map connection is carried out on the website of the Bank itself in the Sberbank online service.

First you need to make sure that the device accurately supports this service. First of all, it is necessary to be the owner of the gadget from the "Apple Corporation". If the smartphone model is in the list of those supporting the service, you can connect it. To do this, you need to enable Touch ID, as well as log in to ICloud, take your bank card to enter its data.

You must first go to the online service of the Sberbank itself, go to the map itself, which is planned to be connected, select "Connect Apple Pay", and click on this button. Next, the map is added to the Wallet special program, which is the default in the gadget. For this, following clearly instructions, you will need to enter the data of your bank card.

How to install Apple Pay on the phone

No need to worry about data security and your cash. Safety maximum. This guarantees developers. Personal data to drive is not required, as well as waiting for SMS with codes. No need to scan the card itself, etc. It is necessary to minimize the information and a clear following instructions. The status of a bank card in the Sberbank online service will change, after this system is connected. You can connect a card in a smartphone with a different way by starting immediately from the Wallet application. You need to run it and click on the plus sign in the corner on the right above and add the map, following the instructions.

If using smart Watch Smart Watch And connect the service and map there, you will also need to start the "Sberbank online" to run on the iPhone, go to the map itself and click the "Connect on the Apple Watch" menu. Again, you will need according to the instructions to add a map. It does not take much time and will not need to enter too much information. Immediately after connecting the card, its status will also change in online service Sberbank.

If you install a payment service on tabletYou need to run "Wallet and Apple Pay". Next clicks the "Add credit or debit card" According to the instructions, added new card, after which its status will also change in the application of Sberbank himself.

Despite the seeming difficulty, everything is very simple, takes a minimum of time and is absolutely safe. To begin with, you can connect a card with a little money On the balance to minimize risks and make sure that everything is precisely safe.

In Russia appeared new payment system Android Pay. Read!

How to pay apple pay

  • If you pay Apple Pay with IphoneYou will need to bring it to the terminal while holding your finger on the touch ID. The inscription "Ready" on the gadget screen should appear, the phone itself will curb and emit a short beep, notifying that the payment has successfully passed.
  • Using Apple Watch.The smart watch you need to press the button on the side, which is located on the side. Then the clock themselves are made to the terminal and turn the display to it. The beep will say that the payment is successfully completed.

What devices support Apple Pay

Since these payment systems were developed and became available relatively recently, not all Apple products support them. Therefore, before trying to register a card in the service, it is better to check whether the gadget supports all this if it can work with this program.

With the help of smartphones, this service can be paid in stores, in programs, as well as on the Internet. Let's find out on which devices is Apple Pay.

What phones (iPhones) support Apple Pay:

  • iPhone 7.
  • iPhone 7 Plus.
  • iPhone 6S.
  • iPhone 6s Plus.
  • iPhone 6.
  • iPhone 6 Plus.
  • iPhone SE

Using tablets, this service can pay in programs as well as on the Internet.

Service support the following models Tablets:

  • iPad Pro (12.9 inches)
  • iPad Pro (9.7 inches)
  • iPad Air 2.
  • ipad mini 4.
  • ipad mini 3.

Using smart clocks, this service can pay in the programs.

The service support the following models of smart watches:

  • Apple Watch Series 2
  • Apple Watch Series 1
  • Apple Watch (1st generation)

With MAC computers, this service allows you to pay for payments on the Internet.

The service support the following computers:

  • MacBook Pro Mandatory with Touch ID sensor
  • Computer Mac model 2012 or late model necessarily in combination with an iPhone smartphone, which in turn supports Apple Pay or smart Apple Watch clock.

Watch the video, how to set up and use Apple Pay visa Sberbank:

Thanks to the development modern technologies It became possible to use mobile devices to pay for various purchases. How to connect apple Pay Sberbank, Interested in many users. The new payment system is based on contactless shopping technology. The operation occurs due to confirmation by applying the finger to the touch ID on iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch or Mac.

Almost daily technology do not cease to develop and surprise their achievements

Before connecting, learning the instructions for setting up and rules for using the service. With the help of technology, you can make payments from the card on the Internet, applications and retail points.

Previously, the following principles must be observed and perform actions:

  1. The presence of the Touch ID scanner. In order to have the safety of operations, it is forbidden to register the prints of relatives and loved ones for binding to your smartphone.
  2. Registration in iCloud (occurs by entering ID in the setting application).
  3. The presence of a card.
  4. It must be added to Wallet (application in your gadget).

Service is available for owners of online stores. As part of the Ecuering Services, you can order configuration of transfers via mobile devices on your applications and online stores. This feature is expanding the range of your buyers, you provide them with the opportunity to save time when paying and keeping up with modern technologies.

How to connect Apple Pay mobile?

Connect and use the application is possible on the iPhone, "smart clock" and iPad. Consider how to configure each of them in more detail.

Connection steps

Connection on iphone

The instruction has two variations, depending on the selected method. The first way is to configure through the Internet Bank service by downloading the previous application. You can do it through the website of the institution for free.

  • Log in Sberbank online.
  • Choose plastic from the list of your products, go to his page.
  • Press the "Connect to iPhone" item.
  • Next, follow the instructions to tie a card: to make scan or enter some kind personal information not required.
  • Check the status of the selected plastic, it must change.

The second way is to use wallet. Having visited it, you must click on the Add (Plus) icon.

Here to choose one of the options available to you:

  • Add a product associated with iTunes account. The service will ask for an inspection code for this plastic.
  • In the absence of such an opportunity, you need to select "Add Other". In this case, it is required to use the iPhone chamber to convey the data on its plastic (it must be available at the moment of activation).

How to use the system on Apple Watch and iPad?

Separately, it is worth noting the safety of this technology. Data on the card product is not saved on the iPhone, and therefore even when it is loss, strangers will not be able to use them. And at the time of payment, no confidential information is transmitted. Another person will not be able to perform an operation instead of you, because the procedure implies the interaction of the Touch ID and the use of contactless technology.

How to use the service is described in detail in this manual:

  • If necessary, deposit payment, bring your mobile device to the terminal.
  • Apply your finger to the print scan button.
  • Money receipt will serve light vibration and beep.

To use the "smart clock" when you pay, you must click on the side button twice and turn them over with the display towards the terminal. Confirmation of the passage of the operation occurs by the audio signal.

Instructions for paying purchases on new contactless technology.

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