
Visa PayWave technology for contactless payments - what is it. How money is stolen from a contactless payment card? Visa PayWave and MasterCard PayPass under the gun of scammers! Pei wei card

Today's innovations in the field of technology, appearing in the world, are designed to make life easier. Such are the well-known services Mastercard Pay Pass and VisaPay waves. The definition of contactless payment can be heard quite often, since it can be used to make absolutely any purchase without a card.

About Visa Paywave

Initially, the first experiments with contactless payment took place in the United States. As soon as the first successes appeared, and the device really started to work, they began to introduce it into cafes and popular restaurants, where there are always a lot of customers. Seeing that due to such a device it is possible to increase the number of customers served and ensure a good increase in profits, Japan, Canada, and the Philippines followed the example of American businessmen.

Over time, multiple terminals appeared that supported the contactless payment service, and banks began to develop new plastic products to implement this system. The founder of the famous service on the territory of the Russian Federation was the invention of Mastercard called Pay Pass.

The active development and implementation of the system dates back to 2008, when one of the famous Five Star restaurants announced the possibility of using the contactless method by invoice. To date, Visa Paywave is starting to catch up with the already famous Pay Pass in terms of ratings. Sberbank is one of the first banks to support the growth prospects of this service.

Like the famous Pay Pass, Paywave's main goal is to simplify the process of paying for services. Cards equipped with PayWave technology require a special NFC chip and a special antenna. Due to them, there is an instant write-off of funds without direct contact with the terminal. The device at a short distance makes it clear how much you need to pay and sends a corresponding request to deduct it.

It should be noted that due to the use of this terminal, it is possible to exclude the possibility of re-debiting, since after the operation is completed, the contact between the card and the terminal is interrupted.

If a person has several cards with this function, then most likely the payment simply will not happen, and the money will remain safe and sound.

Speaking about how to use the card, there is nothing difficult here. In some cases, you can even not get it out of your wallet. There are others Features of using Visa Pay Wave:

1. Today there is limit of 1000 rubles. If the payment amount exceeds, then you may need to enter a pin code or signature on the check.

2. Payment from Pay wave compatible with Pay Pass terminals. However, here it is necessary to take into account the certification of the acquiring bank.

Using a card with contactless payment is very convenient for business people who count every minute. AT recent times, even modern smartphones have begun to possess such technology, which plays a significant role in creating comfortable payment conditions.

Turnstiles at metro stations with Paywave and Paypass

Subway pass payment is one of the most popular features used by Pay Wave payment.

Top up account transport card"Troika" or just buy ticket, can in the following way:

  • We apply a card with the Pay Wave function to a special device, where there is a mark in the form of the corresponding Visa logo
  • We are waiting for the payment to go through and the information board will show the inscription: "Approved, you can go through."
  • The cost of the purchased ticket is automatically deducted from the account

Cards with system support in Sberbank

To date, there are only three plastic products from Sberbank PJSC that can please their owners with the possibility of contactless payment:

1. Classic card. This is a debit product that does not include the ability to connect a credit limit. The first year of service is 750 rubles, and the subsequent 450 rubles.

2. Debit and credit line Golden Aeroflot cards. This product is remarkable for those who often go on trips and travel with the famous Aeroflot airlines. So, for example, for each purchased ticket, you can collect miles, and later pay them for anything.

And although special devices have already been found that can read this chip, today the developers devote a lot of time to this area and continue to work on improving the system. It is worth noting that even the most notorious payment limit of 1000 rubles is already a small protective mechanism.

As an independent security measure, it can place the card in a plastic or metal case, which strongly jams the signal, so it will become inaccessible to scammers.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, Visa Pay Wave is considered one of the most popular methods of contactless payment. It really saves time and is great for use in an urban metropolis, when every minute counts. However, this is not the safest method of storing funds, so it is best to ensure for yourself minimum funds protection (purchase a cover for the card, or keep it away from the edge of the bag).

Using bank cards to pay for goods and services through non-cash POS-terminals, we managed to make this process as simple and convenient as possible. It seemed that you can think of something else to speed up the payment procedure? But progress does not stand still and in the early 2000s they came up with contactless payment technology.

To date, one of the most common is Paywave technology from the VISA payment system.

What is paywave?

This is a contactless payment method that does not require inserting a card into the terminal and up to a certain amount you do not need to enter a PIN code. AT Paywave card built-in special NFC-chip, providing wireless high-frequency communication with a very short range. As soon as it is within this radius from the terminal, the information is read and the payment is transferred, it is enough to touch the terminal or just bring it very close to it without removing it from your purse, pocket or purse.


Those who are concerned about the security of such transactions should immediately be reassured. Indeed, contactless payments do not require the introduction of a PIN code or the signature of the owner. However, Paywave technology is highly secure and includes the following security measures:

  • NFC - uses encryption methods that cannot be cracked in a short time;
  • the range of the chip is very small - it is impossible to hack at a distance;
  • attackers will not be able to spy on the pin code or signature;
  • limit on the amount for a one-time purchase, established by the issuing bank (in Russia - 1 thousand rubles, Kazakhstan - 4 thousand tenge, etc.); shopping on a large amount require confirmation.

Where and how can you pay?

In order to pay for goods or services, two conditions are required:

  1. Visa pay wave card.
  2. A payment terminal that supports contactless payments (many devices are labeled with an icon).
  3. The purchase amount in Russia does not exceed 1000 rubles, if the purchase is over this amount, you will need to enter a pin code.

Today, banks are actively offering their customers cards with Paywave or PayPass support.

What is the difference between Paywave and PayPass?

The PayPass payment system offered by banks has a similar algorithm of action. Quite naturally, the question arises - what is the difference, if any, and which option to choose?

Paywave differs from PayPass in that it is a technology for VISA cards, which are part of the American payment system. Paypass is designed for MasterCard cards, which are part of the European payment system. For the owners of "carriers of funds" of both types, using them, for example, in the territory of the Russian Federation or the CIS, there is no fundamental difference in the choice. Thinking about what you would prefer is recommended if you plan to travel. Each of the systems has its own advantages in certain countries. When using VISA for purchases abroad, the conversion occurs through dollars, and MasterCard - through euros.

Three most popular banks in Russia offering Paywave cards

  • QIWI Bank
  • Sberbank
  • Alfa Bank

Future technology development

Alfa Bank is the first in Russia to start introducing devices into its ATMs to support cards with a Visa payWave contactless interface.

And for some, the emergence of contactless cards has become something unimaginable. In fact, contactless payment cards were back in 2002, but in testing mode, and only now Visa and MasterCard, having tested wireless payment technology over the years and setting security standards, have introduced contactless payment cards for general use.

Sberbank contactless card- this is the same bank card that provides the opportunity to pay through the terminal with one touch of the card to the terminal, on this moment within the limit of 1000 rubles. For a more expensive purchase, you need to enter the PIN code of the card. This technology is called Pay Pass and it is convenient and safe.

A contactless payment card is equipped with a special RFID antenna (radio antenna), with the help of which payment is made. Through this antenna, information about the owner is read from the card and transmitted via a secure channel to the bank, where the transaction is already being carried out.

How to use a contactless Sberbank card

The card can be used at all updated POS terminals (usually marked with a wireless payment icon). They are now almost everywhere.

To pay for the purchase, just bring the card to the terminal. It is not necessary to insert it into the receiver, the pin code must be entered only in case of payment in the amount of more than 1000 rubles, in the case of a smaller amount, the pin code is not required.

The process of paying with a contactless card consists of three steps:

  • Bring the payment card close to the terminal or at a distance of 0.5 - 1 cm
  • Fix the card in this position for a couple of seconds
  • After the notification of successful payment appears on the terminal screen, the card can be removed

If the POS-terminal of the previous generation does not support the card, then payment is made as a regular card.

Sberbank contactless cards pros and cons

  • Convenience of payment. The card does not need to be taken out of the wallet and inserted into the terminal, it is enough just to attach it for a couple of seconds and the purchase is made. It saves a lot of time, especially when shopping.
  • card longevity. Since the card is not constantly inserted into the terminal receiver, physical contact of the card is eliminated and this increases the life of the card.
  • Payment security. The risks of stealing money from the account by intruders are excluded.

As for the owners of outlets, some complain about the high cost of POS-terminals with support for contactless cards. As the saying goes, all good things come with a price. AT this case You will have to pay for the convenience of customers.

Security of contactless MasterCard Pay Pass cards

It would be nice to think about the security of payments with contactless cards. Contactless payment technology has several levels of protection.

  • The range of data transmission via NFC is only a few centimeters, so during the operation the reader must be placed close to the card, which is quite difficult to do unnoticed.
  • There is another level of protection - limiting the maximum amount of a contactless transaction: 1000 rubles. The limit of 1000 rubles without PIN is the recommendation of Visa and Mastercard in Russia. Payment for a larger amount will be rejected or require additional confirmation (signature, PIN). When you try to consistently withdraw several amounts below the threshold, the additional protection system is also triggered.
  • Next, you need to overcome more serious protection based on cryptography. The reading terminal must have cryptographic keys obtained from the acquiring bank and the payment system. Such keys are issued exclusively under an agreement with the bank that issued the card.

All this provides comprehensive protection and security of operations.

To date PJSC Sberbank can offer you the following bank cards with contactless payment technology for goods and services:

Classic cards Visa and MasterCard Contactless

Debit card Visa Gold Aeroflot

Visa Platinum Premier and World MasterCard Black Edition Premier

Charity card Visa Platinum "Give life"

Frequently asked questions about contactless payment cards MasterCard Paypass and Visa payWave

Can I turn off the card's wireless payment feature by submitting an application to ?

No, it's impossible to do so. If you do not need a contactless card payment function, then just order a regular one for yourself.

What happens if I swipe my contactless Mastercard PayPass card several times to the POS terminal?

The amount of payment for the purchase will be written off, the second time the payment will not go through. Therefore, you should not worry about an erroneous re-payment by card.

Reading 8 min. Views 124 Published on 09.09.2018

Contactless payment bank cards appeared on the world market in the early 2000s. But for Russians, this is still relatively new. payment instrument. To deal with it, consider the contactless cards of Sberbank - their tariffs, principles of operation and application features.

What does "contactless card" mean?

In essence, a contactless card is not much different from ordinary banking plastic. So, these payment instruments have the following similarities:

  1. She has the same details as a regular card.
  2. It can be used to pay at retail outlets and the Internet.
  3. The card is compatible with any Sber ATMs.
  4. There are no restrictions on operations, compared to conventional cards.

The difference can be seen if you pay attention to how the Sberbank contactless card looks like. On its front side, a pictogram is usually applied, indicating the presence of a special radio tag inside the plastic. The drawing looks like an image of the waves of an antenna.

Using the built-in radiochip, the contactless card transmits data on the payment to the payment terminal. The user gets the opportunity to make a payment more quickly plus not enter a pin code.

Important! The radio chip only works if payment terminal equipped with an appropriate receiver.

Advantages of this type of plastic

The distribution of payment cards equipped with contactless payment sips is accelerating. This is largely due to the merits of such cards.

  1. Ease of use - just touch the card to the terminal screen to make a payment. Very handy when hands are full of shopping bags.
  2. Payment speed - no need to insert plastic into the terminal, fiddle with the code, etc. Paying a check is much faster.
  3. Increased security - since the buyer does not let go of the card, he cannot forget it in the terminal. In addition, the pin code of the payment instrument does not shine anywhere.
  4. Increasing the service life of the payment instrument - since the physical impact on the card is reduced, the risk of damage, demagnetization, etc. is also reduced.

By the way! The buyer in the store may not remove the card from the wallet at all. The radio chip signal usually passes through small obstacles, such as a layer of skin or tissue, without loss or problems.

Varieties of contactless cards

Unfortunately, it is impossible to connect a contactless payment chip to an existing plastic card. But the client can always replace the outdated card with a new one. This can be done either using the reissue function, or simply by closing the annoying card and issuing a new one with a more convenient tariff plan. Sberbank today has two categories of contactless plastic - from payment Visa systems and Mastercard.

In September 2017, Sberbank's MIR contactless card was also put into circulation. Today, such a card can be issued at any of the tariffs of the PS MIR presented by Sberbank.

Important! These types of contactless cards are compatible with all pos-terminals equipped with contactless payment devices.

Master Card Pay Pass

This contactless technology was developed for their cards payment system MasterCard. With its help, you can make debits from the card without entering a pin code in the amount of up to 1000 rubles. With a larger purchase, the cardholder will either have to enter the password for the card, or confirm the payment by signing the check.

This type of technology is characterized by increased security. Its chip contains only part of the data about the means of payment. Even if, during the payment, information is taken from it by fraud devices, it will not be enough to use the card on the Internet or other outlets.

Important! This technology is built into all MasterCard cards provided by Sberbank.

Visa PayWave

The second of the most common contactless payment technologies in the world, developed for Visa PS cards. It was introduced into use in 2004, when its counterpart from MasterCard was just undergoing the first tests.

As in the previous version, the technology allows you to pay checks up to 1000 rubles with one touch. For larger volumes of purchases, the client will have to confirm the transaction in another way.

Important! Visa PayWave is built into all Visa PS cards issued by Sberbank, both debit and credit. Recently (since the end of 2017), the opportunity to receive means of payment without the function of contactless payment in Sberbank disappeared.

How to use contactless cards

Let's figure out how to use a contactless Sberbank card. Actually, it's very simple. You only need to make sure that the point of sale terminal accepts such a payment system. This can be determined by the following signs:

  • the names of the contactless technologies described above are indicated on the body of the device;
  • the antenna radiation icon is drawn on the case (the same as on the card itself);
  • on the screen when activated, an invitation appears to attach the card to the screen.

If the terminal is suitable, the payment process will be simple. One has only to attach a card of either side to the screen of the device and wait for the beep. If the payment is more than 1000 rubles, the device will ask you to enter the PIN code of the card.

Important! If the POS-block does not accept contactless technologies, the card can be used in the usual way.

Current rates

Replacing a Sberbank card with a contactless one as part of a scheduled reissue (after the expiration date) will be free of charge. If the cardholder wanted to change ahead of time, he will have to pay a commission for the production of means of payment. However, it depends on the tariff plan. For a number of credit and debit cards category Standard / Classic early reissue is free of charge.

As for the subscription fee for the service, it will remain the same, according to the current tariff plan. The presence of a contactless chip does not affect the cost of servicing the card.

Additional features

Sber customers who decide to make themselves a contactless card instead of a regular card get the opportunity to speed up settlements at retail outlets. But at the same time, they retain all the benefits given to their card by the current tariff plan and issuer:

  • opportunity to participate in bonus program;
  • for owners of cor-branded cards - accumulation of miles / points for purchases in a particular company;
  • for owners of Gold or Platinum plastic - all the privileges available to this status;
  • for owners pension card(and users of similar tariffs) – accrual of interest on the account balance.

Also, cardholders still have the opportunity to use all the tools for remote account management - from SMS service to web banking.

Important! Muscovites using cards with contactless technologies can also pay for transport and subway fares. For residents of other cities, such a service is not yet available.

Are there any disadvantages of contactless cards?

The main disadvantage of the described technology is that contactless payment with a Sberbank card for up to 1000 rubles does not require a pin code. Thus, if the card is lost or stolen, before it is blocked, its new holder can spend quite a lot of money from it. This situation will be especially unpleasant when a contactless card is attached to a credit account.

Also of the shortcomings should be noted a fairly large range of the radiochip and its good sensitivity. As mentioned above, the cardholder does not have to take it out of the purse in order to make a payment. It is enough to attach the wallet to the terminal screen. But it is precisely this property that allows fraudsters to use special equipment to write off cash from maps of this type, simply passing at some distance from them. The card can safely lie in the pocket of its owner, and the money will be debited from it in an unknown direction.

Residents of small towns often mention the lack of terminals that support contactless payment as another disadvantage. But this can hardly be called a disadvantage. The card can also interact with a conventional payment device. The absence or low distribution of special terminals does not affect its use in any way.

Knowing how it works new technology, many attackers have already managed to cash in on it. This applies to both cards lost by owners and home-made devices that read the signal from the card chip.

What can you advise the owners of non-contact plastic to improve safety?

  1. Less often shine the card in public. If you do not take it out of your wallet, there will be less risk of leaving it at the point of sale.
  2. Ideally, enter the data of the payment instrument into the phone(Apple Pay or Samsung Pay, depending on the model), and keep the card at home.
  3. If the card is used only for small daily purchases, set a daily spending limit on it. So even if it is lost, scammers will not be able to write off all the money from it.
  4. Purchase a foil-shielded hard case for the card. He will not only keep her appearance and integrity, but will also become an obstacle for devices that can read radio signals.

Tip: other things being equal, we recommend getting a contactless MasterCard card. As mentioned above, MasterCard PayPass technology appeared later than Visa, which allowed its developers to take into account the mistakes of their competitors. In addition, this system has an increased level of protection.


Sberbank has quite a lot of plastic cards with a contactless payment system. AT modern world this technology is rapidly spreading and becoming very convenient. Today, with the help of such cards, you can pay not only for purchases and services, but also for travel in the subway and public transport. And this is just the beginning of the development of technology.

Any client of the bank can replace his current regular card with a contactless one. At the same time, he will retain all the benefits of his tariff plan, and even the annual subscription fee will remain the same. Details about the reissue can be found in the branch of Sberbank.

. . The date: September 21, 2014. Reading time 4 min.

It is enough to bring the card and make a payment without entering a PIN code. What else, besides the simplicity and convenience of calculations, attracts so much in this technology that it is used not only by banks, but even by Apple embeds it in the iPhone? New from Visa and MasterCard - contactless plastic cards designed to facilitate communication between customers and payment terminals.

Distinctive features

Paying with one touch is possible today with the help of bank cards issued using PayWave (Visa) or PayPass (MasterCard) technologies. How does it work and what advantages does this payment technology bring to the owner of banking plastic?

A transmitter is built into the card, and a signal receiver is built into a special terminal, so there is no need for direct contact between the bank plastic and the payment device. Such a contactless card must still contact the payment POS terminal, but only once. Moreover, it does not need to be handed over to the cashier or the seller, there is no need to insert it into the terminal or enter a pin code during operations on small amounts. It is enough to bring it closer to the device and wait for a sound signal about the operation.

Pros of contactless cards:

  • High calculation speed due to fast data transfer, which takes a fraction of a second;
  • Ease of use for payments up to 1,000 rubles - no unnecessary movements and actions, which is especially important at the checkout with purchases in hand;
  • Long service life of the card itself, since it is not provided for physical contact with the reader - the card can not be picked up at all and not taken out of a special compartment in the wallet;
  • No risk of information loss due to exposure to external fields and demagnetization - data can be stored on the card for up to 10 years;
  • Increased security of transactions and the impossibility of falsifying the storage medium - the card does not fall into the hands of strangers with each payment.

Each bank has its own conditions for providing contactless cards, so other benefits may apply to a specific type of plastic. Let's see what options for such cards are offered to us. Russian banks.

Different cards, different rules

A year ago, not many banks offered their customers the opportunity to get cards using PayWave or PayPass technologies, but now there are plenty to choose from. Let's compare the conditions of only three contactless cards from the whole variety of these innovative and so far unusual products for the domestic market.

1. Credit card of Avangard Metro Bank.

The classic version of a credit card, but with the function of a travel card - pay for travel in the Moscow metro with this contactless card. A small limit, but there is an opportunity to avoid service fees with its active use. Differentiated interest rate - from 15% for the first 3 months of using the loan to 24% per annum if the card debt is not repaid for more than six months and the borrower pays only minimum payments.

2. Alfa-Bank contactless card.

This credit card is favorably distinguished from competitors by the presence of grace period when withdrawing cash. But interest rate outside the grace period may not please, hell and the size of the service fee is more substantial than that of competitors for similar offers.

3. Raiffeisenbank's Purchase Plus card.

Large credit limit, which can be accessed upon presentation of additional documents to confirm solvency. The ability to use a credit card for free with a sufficient level of turnover on the card. However, somewhat inflated rates and a large range of them, as well as the extension of the grace period only to non-cash purchases, somewhat spoil the picture.

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