
How to pay in installments. What you need to take the phone in installments. Where to get money in installments without interest

Today it is impossible to imagine life without a cell phone. Manufacturers keep up with the times - new high-tech models appear on the market. And I want to keep up with fashion and buy a new smartphone model. But not everyone can deposit the entire amount in cash. For university students, this problem is especially relevant. They do not have a job and the source of income is only a scholarship or temporary part-time job. Therefore, they most often think about buying with a deferred payment. But will the student be given an installment plan?

This category of citizens, according to some banks, is unreliable due to the fact that students of higher educational institutions do not have a permanent job. But in practice, it is still possible to issue an installment plan. Hypermarkets selling household appliances and electronics, and mobile phone stores are interested in increasing sales. Therefore, they offer favorable conditions for the purchase of goods with the introduction of staged payments.

Purchase of modern gadgets by installments is gaining popularity

Installment and credit. Differences

Before you buy a phone, you need to figure out what is the difference between buying a product with a deferred payment and a loan agreement.

Installment - a type of lending without interest for the purchase of a certain product. The total cost is divided into equal parts. The buyer undertakes to make payments on a monthly basis within the terms specified in the contract within 12 - 24 months. Interest on the balance is not provided. Registration takes about 1 hour.

It is offered to make a purchase in this way directly at the trade department or bank. The main difference between a cash loan with partial repayment and a loan is that the store takes over the payment of interest.

Benefits of purchasing goods not under a loan agreement:

  • the cost is paid in installments;
  • interest rate 5 - 10%;
  • debt repayment is provided ahead of schedule;
  • registration takes 30-60 minutes;
  • the contract is concluded on the spot (no need to go to the bank).


  • a limited range of proposed models are issued in installments;
  • interest is included in the initial cost;
  • in case of non-payment, according to the law, the store has the right to demand back the purchased goods, without returning the money you have already paid.

In case of violation of the terms of the contract - untimely payments or their absence gives the seller the right to go to court and demand early performance of contractual obligations. Therefore, before signing a legal document, carefully read all the points. It is useful to familiarize yourself with financial legislation in advance in order to have a good understanding of your rights and obligations before making a purchase with debt obligations.

Design features

How accessible this type of loan is for a non-working person and whether a student can take a phone in installments depends on many conditions.

In order to know whether an installment plan will be given to a student without work, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​​​the general rules in force in the territory of the Russian Federation when applying for a loan.

Documents required to apply:

  1. Identity card (passport + copy).
  2. Driver's license or foreign passport.
  3. Certificate of pension insurance (requested at the discretion of the organization providing the service).

It is more difficult for a student to take an installment plan than for a working citizen

Issue conditions:

  1. Age limit - 21-60 years.
  2. Partial payment of the cost of goods in the amount of 10-20%.
  3. Representatives of trade organizations have the right to demand the provision of a guarantor.

Note: Persons under the age of 21 and over sixty years of age in practice make purchases with deferred payments, only with the restrictions specified in the contract (guarantor, limited purchase amount).

How to get an installment plan for a person without a permanent job

The conditions for obtaining a loan are standard and are prescribed in the federal law “On consumer credit (loan)” dated 12/21/2013. The presence of a permanent place of employment is one of the main criteria for obtaining an installment plan. The term of work in the last place is from 4 to 6 months.

Applications are not accepted from minors and incapacitated citizens. But can they give installments to a person who is not currently working, but is studying at a higher or secondary specialized educational institution. And is a person receiving benefits or social benefits considered unemployed? A student who decides to purchase a phone in installments will not necessarily be rejected. Since non-working citizens have the right to provide the lender with other types of income.

  • students of universities, vocational schools;
  • citizens receiving regular cash benefits for old age;
  • parents caring for a child under three years of age and having periodic payments from the state;
  • other categories of citizens entitled to social benefits.

To confirm the receipt of a regular cash allowance (scholarship) - take a bank statement in advance on the receipt of funds.

If you have sources of additional income, indicate this in the loan application. Employment on a part-time basis, attracting a third party ready to act as a guarantor by 20-30% will increase your chances of a positive response and a long-awaited purchase.

So a student who does not have a permanent job may well count on a positive result of the consideration of the application and purchase goods with partial payment. But whether a student will be given an installment plan in a certain salon or not depends on the specific situation and the interest of the trade organization in attracting customers. As well as the loyalty of banks of partners of retail chains in relation to the category of citizens receiving scholarships or social benefits.

Buying a phone in installments is real even for a student

The responsible and professional approach of employees of salons specializing in the sale of smartphones in installments will increase your chances of a positive response. If you were refused in one store - demand to give you an official response from the bank. Some unscrupulous sellers simply do not waste time and do not send applications from students to banks in advance, assuming a negative result. As an alternative, consider buying a cell phone from a large retailer with good reviews.

Where is the best place to buy

Please check all offers before purchasing. Only then choose the best option. Give preference to well-known mobile phone shops:

  • Euroset;
  • "Connected";
  • "M Video";
  • "El Dorado".

You just have to choose the conditions that suit you. Do not rush to choose - evaluate all the pros and cons of lending programs, prepare all the documents about your income.

It is quite difficult for a student to arrange an installment plan in the salon to buy a mobile phone, considering many factors. However, there are banks with a loyal policy towards citizens who study at secondary and higher professional educational institutions. And each case is considered individually, taking into account all the nuances.

Bank loans at high interest rates for Russians have long become familiar, as well as disassembly with hard collectors. However, the installment plan seems harmless and attractive to many.

What is an installment?

Installments are based on delayed payments for goods already received by the buyer (when applying for a loan, a payment schedule is determined). Installment plans are usually issued for electronic and household appliances, furniture, clothes and a number of services (delivery of goods, home repairs, etc.).

When applying for an installment plan, retail chains independently set a number of criteria for customers. For example, stores may impose restrictions on age or the presence of a local residence permit. For some retail outlets, it is enough to reach the age of majority and have a Russian passport.

The installment plan is issued directly in the store or on the website (as a rule, the goods covered by the installment plan are specially marked there). On the site, you can select a product and draw up documents online, but you still have to go to the store with a passport to personally sign the contract.

The procedure for applying the installment plan for the purchase of goods is established by Art. 489 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Shop or bank?

At first glance, an installment plan is almost the same as a bank loan, it is only issued without the need to visit a bank office. The installment agreement also either does not provide for interest at all, or they are significantly lower than bank ones. It takes about half an hour to arrange an installment plan - during this time, a store employee checks if the client has a positive one. The term for payment of the entire cost of the goods is set no more than 10-12 months (for bank loans, the terms may be longer).

Despite the convenience of installments, when drawing up a contract, you should pay attention to a number of nuances.

  1. The contract is concluded not with the bank, but with the seller (shop). Any disputes that arise subsequently will have to be resolved in court.
  2. The goods purchased in the store serve as collateral. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary problems in the future, it is advisable to carefully study the clauses on the return or exchange of goods when concluding a contract.

According to the commercial director of the AmmoPay service for online POS lending, Anton Chichvarin, installment can be considered as a certain alternative to bank consumer lending. The store takes the payment of interest on itself, thereby making a concession to the buyer. This is a plus for the client, who actually receives a discount from the store, which reduces the cost of the goods by the amount of overpayment of interest on the loan.

As a result, the consumer gets the opportunity to save on interest, the store - the sale of a larger volume of products (albeit with some discount).

An important point: often sellers under the installment service mean a bank POS loan or a loan from an MFI (microfinance organization). In such cases, the installment plan is drawn up with the direct supplier of money - through a loan agreement with an MFI or a bank contract.

There is practically no competition between banks and MFIs in this market. Banking services are mainly provided for car loans and the purchase of expensive goods: fur products, household appliances, electronics. MFIs are focused on low-risk segments: children's goods, clothing, and services.

In a bank, you can usually get an installment plan (loan) for a longer period than in an MFI. But in this case, the client will have to pay more interest on the loan. But at the same time, the amount of monthly payments will be significantly lower, which will reduce the burden on the family budget, explains Chichvarin.

So is the installment plan worth it?

There is an opinion that - practically not. That it's just a publicity stunt.

According to the head of the marketing department Anton Smirnov from PAPARA.RU, such marketing offers as "loan at 0%", "buy without prepayment" and "installment plan" are in the same plane. Since the size of the maximum rate on consumer loans is regulated by the Central Bank, the rates for all banks are approximately the same. When making an "installment plan" directly between the buyer and the store, various tricks are used.

For example, a product is actually sold for 10 thousand rubles, but the price is indicated with a 50% discount (when paid in cash). In the case of “installment plan”, the cost rises to 20 thousand. Thus, the price of goods with deferred payment is set much higher than with regular payment. This is the so-called. hidden interest, which is not regulated like banking. Stores often also take a certain insurance percentage of possible non-payments.

Real installments are provided in a few car dealerships, as well as when buying real estate, sums up Anton Smirnov.

The golden rule of marketers

The main condition for increasing the number of regular customers is the formation of a behavioral habit among buyers of purchasing goods in your store.

Anna Barannik, deputy general director of the Successful Projects advertising group, says that statistics confirm the operation of the following rule: if a person makes more than four purchases at one point, then he is highly likely to become a regular customer.

The mentioned marketing task can be solved by a number of different tools, among which are promotions, discounts, bonus cards, installment plans, as well as the issuance of credit cards.

Barannik explains that it is credit cards that are most beneficial for the consumer, since they have one, which makes it possible to purchase goods without overpayments. But this tool is available only for companies of national or international level. For example, for the stores of the network of the large retailer Auchan, which works with Credit Europe Bank.

Summarizing. Installment is a marketing tool that is beneficial for the seller, increasing the number and volume of sales. However, for most consumers, it is disadvantageous because it allows you to drive people into debt through the purchase of goods that would otherwise be unavailable to them. It is according to this scheme that every fourth smartphone is sold in Russia.

A client who has bought an expensive product generally does not overpay interest, in rare cases, when the product is issued in installments for a long time, a fixed interest rate is paid.

What other beneficial features does installment plan have, our article will tell.


The advantages of the installment plan are obvious - having issued it, you will use the desired product, while paying its cost in installments and not paying high interest for using the loan.

Interest for installments, if they exist, is very low - no more than 5-10%. Every month, up to a certain date, the client will need to pay a certain amount (no less than a fixed minimum payment). You can also pay the rest of the amount in one payment - stores allow the option of repaying the debt ahead of schedule.

Please note: today you can order goods by installments even on the Internet - an authorized courier will arrive at the address you specified to draw up and draw up a contract.

The duration of the installment plan is individually agreed upon by both parties when drawing up the contract and can range from three months to three years.

What do you need to get

Points of sale provide installments to customers whose age is in the range of 21-60 years. Persons under the age of 21 or over 60 years of age can also take an expensive item in installments.

But for them there are restrictions in the cost of the goods and in the installment period. In addition, authorized store employees may ask for a guarantor.

The deal is made right on the trading floor, without leaving the store. Such sale of goods takes place by bank transfer. List of documents required for registration of installments:

  • original and photocopy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • the second document confirming the identity of the client;
  • contract.

In addition, you will need a certain amount of money, which must be paid as a down payment. This amount should be approximately 20-25% of the value of the goods.

An installment plan is only possible upon presentation of a Russian-style passport, as well as any other document that confirms your identity. Unlike applying for a loan, in order to receive an installment plan, you do not need to present a document confirming your solvency, and you do not need a certificate in the 2-NDFL form.

A certificate from the place of work indicating the position and length of service is also not required. Such terms of payment by installments are very practical. Therefore, this service is doubly beneficial - installment saves your finances and time.

Registration procedure

Installment Algorithm:

  • select the desired product;
  • pay the down payment to the cashier (basically, it is enough to pay a fourth or fifth of the total cost) and receive a check;
  • conclude an agreement with a store employee, which indicates the minimum payment and the number of installment months;
  • pay a fixed amount monthly at the cash desk of the store.

Preparation of contract

The main document upon receipt of the installment plan is the contract, which is drawn up by an authorized representative of the store. It is issued for the store and for the client, that is, in two copies.

This contract spells out all the points for obtaining installments:

  • the amount of the down payment;
  • the number of installment months during which the client is obliged to pay the full cost of the goods;
  • dates and minimum amount of monthly payments;
  • all data about the buyer and the seller;
  • contact telephones and addresses.

After the entire cost of the goods is paid, the drawn up is canceled, and the client receives a check on the full payment for the goods.

Late payment

If the client has drawn up an installment agreement and violates it (does not pay monthly installments on time or does not pay at all), then an authorized employee of the store has the right to file a claim with the arbitration court.

The statement of claim contains requirements to pay off the debt for the purchased goods, as well as pay a penalty, which is three hundredth of the debt for each day of delay. Also, for non-compliance with the terms of the contract, penalties may be applied to the debtor.

It is important to know: all the nuances of delays and the occurrence of force majeure situations must be found out before the contract was signed.

Registration of installments does not exceed one hour and is beneficial for customers - they do not need to stand in queues at banks, overpay bank commissions and take out insurance.

How to arrange goods in installments or on an interest-free loan, see the tips in the following video:

Now you can save money for a long time in order to purchase a new phone. If there are no funds to purchase such a purchase, then you can resort to a lending service. The communication store "Svyaznoy" offers to buy equipment on credit. You can get a loan for a phone in Svyaznoy without any problems. You should only have your passport with you. More detailed conditions will be announced at the time of registration of the contract. It all depends on which organization will issue the loan.

How to get a phone on credit in Svyaznoy: conditions

Svyaznoy has regulated ties with many financial institutions. That is why getting a loan is not at all difficult. The client is offered the right to choose a credit institution. In the store, the customer who provides his passport can draw up a loan agreement. In some cases, an identification code may be required. Men may be required to have a military ID.

The entire list of documents depends on the chosen credit institution. It should be noted that there is a connection between the package of securities and the amount of overpayment. If the organization is not sure about the solvency of its client, then in this case the conditions can be fierce. If the client is under 18 years old, then a guarantor is required. Before starting cooperation, you must:

  • get acquainted with all the conditions of lending;
  • get to know the reputation of the credit institution;
  • conduct a comparative analysis of all proposals.

If you have already had to cooperate with any bank, then you can count on incentive offers. The checkout time will not take more than half an hour.

Installment without overpayment

In order to take a phone in installments in Svyaznoy, you must select the phone model that is included in the list of promotional ones. In addition to the phone, the client must pick up any accessory and use the service offered. As a result, the amount of purchased accessories should be more than 1499 rubles, and the amount of services should be more than 999 rubles.

In the case of an installment plan directly at the office, the client can only cooperate with OTP Bank. When applying for an installment plan online, you can use the services of such banks:

  • Alfa Bank;
  • Renaissance;
  • OTP bank.

Installments in Svyaznoy are very popular, the conditions of which are really attractive. In order to use this service you need:

  1. Choose the phone model that is sold by installments.
  2. Select the appropriate accessories and services in the shopping cart.
  3. Fill in the contact details and choose the payment option "Credit online".
  4. Fill out the form required for obtaining a loan, indicating an initial payment of 0%. The loan period is 10 months.
  5. Select the desired product and click on "Confirm selection".

There is nothing complicated in obtaining technology in this way.

How to get a phone on credit in Svyaznoy online

Any product worth more than 3,000 rubles can be bought on credit online. In order to apply for a loan for a phone in Svyaznoy online, you need to click on "Buy in credit". After this action, the client goes to the approval page of his order. At this point, click on "Get on credit". An online loan can be concluded with the help of the following financial institutions:

  • Alfa Bank;
  • Tinkoff Bank;
  • Post Bank;
  • MigCredit;
  • OTP Bank;
  • Home Credit and Finance Bank.

How to correctly fill in all the data? You can only confirm your order if you choose the "Pickup" delivery option. To apply for a loan, you need:

If desired, the client has the right to use the insurance service. It remains to wait for a decision from the bank.

Loan payment

The client has the full right to early or partial repayment of his debt. In order to clarify the information on your payment, you need to call the organization that issued the loan. You can return your debt through the cash desk of the salon or self-service terminal. The payment can only be made in cash. The second way to return the debt can only registered users.

Getting a loan in the Svyaznoy salon is quite simple. You only need to have a passport and a code. To simplify the whole procedure, you can get a phone on credit without leaving your home.

Today, most of us purchase household appliances and electronics on credit, because it is much more convenient, given the high cost of goods. There is no need to save up for years to buy a TV, a washing machine or a computer, because it is enough to go to the official website of the store, select the product you like and put it in the basket, then arrange an installment plan for it. At least, this is the buying process that Eldorado, a large chain store of household appliances, promises. That is, the bottom line is that the user can use the 0-0-24 program without leaving home. Consider how to take an Eldorado online loan for the purchase of household appliances and electronics.

Installment program in Eldorado

At the moment, Eldorado is holding a campaign for the purchase of goods on credit. The promotion applies to some products, such as laptops, TVs, smartphones, refrigerators, washing machines. To be more precise, the installment program 0-0-24 applies to certain items, which means that the goods are provided with an installment plan for 24 months, 0% overpayment and 0 rubles down payment. This is how a potential buyer can purchase a laptop on credit without a down payment in Eldorado, without even leaving home. How to do this will be described a little later.

The 0-0-12 promotion is valid for the purchase of certain goods, for example, a smartphone, TV, tablets, digital cameras and other goods. The essence of the promotion is that without a down payment and overpayment, the user can take a loan for 12 months. And, finally, one more action 0-0-6 remains the same 0% down payment 0% overpayment, installment period 6 months.

There are other conditions for these programs. Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. Credit 0-0-24, the amount is limited - from 2000 to 3000 rubles, down payment 0, term 24 months.
  2. Loan 0-0-12, loan amount from 2000 to 20000 rubles, down payment from zero to 10% for up to 12 months.
  3. Loan 0-0-6, amount from 1,500 to 80,000 rubles, loan term up to 6 months, down payment from zero to 50%.

Please note that for some categories of goods or certain positions, the terms of the promotion change somewhat, for example, an initial payment of 10% is required.

Which bank provides the loan

Now I answered the question, with which banks does Eldorado work? In fact, lending is provided by three commercial banks:

  • Home Credit Bank;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • Eastern Express Bank.

As for the installment plan, it is provided by Home Credit Bank. By the way, it is worth noting that, as part of this promotion, you can not purchase the entire range of goods, because it only applies to certain positions, but which ones you can see at any time on the official website. That is, near the price tag there should be a mark 0-0-24, 0-0-12, 0-0-6, they will indicate that the product can be purchased without overpayment.

By the way, it is impossible not to note the fact that in Eldorado you can arrange any product on credit, worth more than 2000 rubles. All items that can be purchased with bank funds are marked "Available on Credit". Only here it is worth considering that the loan will be provided on conditions determined by the bank, that is, at a certain percentage with or without a down payment.

Please note that you may be denied a bank loan without giving reasons.

How to apply for a loan in the Eldorado store

You can get an installment plan for a particular product directly at the Eldorado store. To do this, you need to choose the household appliances hypermarket closest to you, then select the product that you would like to purchase on credit, ask the seller for a sales receipt, then contact the bank's lending department, by the way, the user himself can choose the bank where he would like arrange a loan. And, most importantly, if you are counting on an installment plan within the framework of the 0-0-24 promotion, then only Home Credit Bank represents it.

Further, you must provide the loan officer with an identity document and wait a certain time, as a rule, no more than 15 minutes are allotted for consideration of applications, in some cases, the processing time for applications can reach 24 hours. After that, the bank will issue you a positive or negative decision. In case of a positive response, you can sign a loan agreement on the spot and pick up your goods.

Personal account on the Eldorado website

Applying for a loan online

Today, Eldorado provides a unique opportunity to apply for an installment plan in Eldorado online. That is, you choose a product on the official website of the hypermarket of household appliances and then follow the following instructions:

  1. Add the item to your shopping cart and click the pickup shipping method.
  2. Next, you will need to be asked to arrange the goods on credit or in installments. Here you should pay attention that not all goods can be bought in installments, about which you will be immediately notified. If such an opportunity is not available for a particular product, then you will be offered alternative options for products with the opportunity to buy them as part of the promotion.
  3. Next, you need to fill out a standard form for placing an order, you must indicate your contacts in it: last name, first name and patronymic.
  4. Confirm the order by pressing the appropriate button.
  5. After that, the goods you have chosen will be shipped from the warehouse and sent to the pickup point, that is, the store that you have chosen.
  6. After confirming the order, a loan officer will contact you and you will be able to answer all the questions necessary for processing credit funds.
  7. A few minutes later you will receive a response on your application, in case of a positive decision, the goods will move to the pickup point, in case of a negative answer, a specialist from the Eldorado store will contact you to clarify the status of your application, that is, you can cancel the order or pay for it to others way.
  8. In case of a positive decision on the loan, you need to pick up your order on the appointed day, on which one, you will receive in an SMS message, this will be the date of delivery of your goods to the pickup point.
  9. Upon arrival at the point of sale, you must take a check from the sales assistant and contact the loan officer with it to sign the loan agreement.
  10. After that, you can pick up your goods and pay the loan in the future in accordance with your agreement.

Please note: if you want to purchase a large-sized product and take it out yourself, you do not have the opportunity, you still have to choose the self-pickup delivery method, then at the point of sale you can order delivery and pay separately at your own expense.

Applying for a loan online

Requirements for borrowers

Insofar as the online installment plan in Eldorado is provided by the bank, the client must meet his requirements as much as possible. First of all, it is worth noting that Home Credit Bank is exactly the bank that provides 0-0-24 installments, is quite loyal to customers, that is, the chances of getting a positive decision here are quite high.

The bank takes into account the client's credit history and income when making a decision. By the way, with regard to income, it is not necessary to document it here, if the bank does not require it on an individual basis, and the answer to the question of what documents are needed for a loan in Eldorado is quite simple: the borrower will only need a passport with a mark of registration in the region where he makes a purchase in installments. At the request of the client, he can provide additional documents, for example, a driver's license, a pension TIN certificate, a foreign passport.

Accordingly, if you want to take advantage of this offer, you must comply with the requirements of the bank. Although your income does not need to be documented, you must provide the bank with information about your place of work with employer contacts and average wages. In turn, the security service can check all the information, including contacting the employer and clarifying your position and income.

Loan repayment

As for the loan repayment, the loan repayment terms are regulated by the bank. That is, the bank provides several options for paying the loan, for example, via the Internet, bank branches, terminals, ATMs, retail chains and much more.

Some users may be interested in the issue of early repayment of the loan, indeed, the bank does not have the right to limit the borrower's desire to pay off the loan ahead of time. Therefore, if you have such a desire, then you need to contact the bank directly, for example, by calling the hotline operator, who will advise you on this issue.

Please note that after signing the loan agreement with Home Credit Bank, you will resolve all issues regarding the payment of the loan and other issues directly through it.

In installments without overpayment myth or reality

In fact, most users are skeptical about promotions such as installment without overpayment. After all, a commercial bank is interested in the profit that it derives from the interest on the loan, so customers are probably wondering what's the catch here? Obviously, it becomes clear that the bank will not work at a loss. Therefore, before contacting Eldorado for a free installment plan, you should carefully analyze this issue.

Let's give an example that according to this installment plan, you can buy a laptop for 2 years for 25,000 rubles, payments on it will be only a little more than 1,000 rubles, which will attract the attention of a potential buyer. In fact, the cost of this gadget is unlikely to exceed 10,000 rubles, thanks to which the store makes a huge profit, and, accordingly, gives part of it to the lender.

In addition, many participants in such promotions, which, by the way, many stores often hold, found in their loan agreement that the bank charges interest on the loan in full, but they are covered by a discount from the seller. That is, the system works as follows: you buy goods on credit, and the seller gives you a discount equal to the percentage charged by the bank.

Before signing an installment loan agreement, be sure to read all the conditions for servicing the loan, and take into account the fact that you have the right to refuse borrowed funds before signing it.

As you can see, the installment plan has both its advantages and disadvantages. First of all, it is impossible to allow fraud on the part of the seller in terms of providing installments. If you have doubts about the cost of the goods, then check it with other sellers; by the way, you can do this without leaving your home on other online resources.

Be sure to read reviews about it among other Internet users, as a rule, on third-party sites you can find real customer comments. Finally, before signing a loan agreement, pay attention to whether the bank charges interest. If so, then this promotion can hardly be called an installment plan - this is a discounted loan from the seller.

Thus, the installment terms in Eldorado 0-0-24 are quite simple. Everyone can take advantage of this offer, and you can try your luck for a positive decision of the bank without leaving your home using an online application. The only drawback of the program is that you can get it not for all goods, but only for certain models.

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