
Insurance auction of broken cars Ingosstrakh. Auctions of broken cars from insurance companies. How is the residual value of a broken car calculated?

For some time now, insurance organizations have a new line of business: buying up cars that have gone through an accident, restoring them and selling them. Broken car auctions from insurance companies is an opportunity to make a deal that will be beneficial not only to the insurer, but also to the car owner.

Selling your car to an insurance company, which is in a deplorable state after an accident, will help the owner quickly earn some money on it. Insurers readily buy iron horses with damage of any degree of severity, then put them up for sale. A broken car is definitely not a commodity, but there will always be buyers for it. Cars put up for auction are sold, as a rule, within a few days.

Why would someone need to buy a wrecked car? There are several options for using it:

  1. Some vehicles can be restored and continue to operate. If a car is bought for this purpose, you should first show it to the mechanic, who will be entrusted with the repair.
  2. Cars that are beyond repair after an accident can be dismantled for spare parts, so that they can then be sold or used for your car. In this case, you should inspect the surviving parts and roughly calculate their price. The purchase must justify itself.

If an insurance organization intends to purchase a vehicle after an accident from its owner, an appraiser enters the work. It determines the residual value, which is then paid to the owner.

There are two main conditions, without which no insurance company will make a deal:

  • the owner of the car should not be under investigation, and his vehicle should not be pledged;
  • The insurance company must be presented with a full package of documents, namely:
    1. Vehicle passport;
    2. Passport of the car owner;
    3. Vehicle registration certificate;
    4. All available sets of car keys.

In some cases, a technical inspection ticket may be required.

Of course, after the transaction is completed, the rights to use and dispose of the vehicle are completely transferred to the insurance organization.

How is the residual value of a broken car calculated?

Since a modern car is a very complex machine, including, among other things, electronics, electrics and all sorts of complex mechanisms, the calculation of the residual value of emergency vehicles requires the participation of not only an appraiser, but also other specialists.

What is the calculation process?

  1. First, the real value of the car is established, as if it were new and in perfect condition. In other words, we need the market value of the same copy, but in its original state.
  2. Further, the amount that the restoration of the vehicle will cost is deducted from the market value.
  3. The last step is to calculate and subtract the depreciation of the car, depending on parameters such as age, mileage, etc.

If the car cannot be repaired after an accident (the repair will be too expensive or there are no necessary spare parts for it), then the cost of good residues (preserved parts that can then be resold) is calculated.

How to buy a car after an accident from an insurance company

There are three ways to purchase a broken car from an insurance company:

  1. on special sites. This is convenient because you can buy the product you like without leaving your home. At the same time, this is a risk: without a visual inspection, some nuances may remain behind the scenes.
  2. at special sites. Here, one cannot do without the personal presence of the buyer, but the goods can be inspected from all sides, touched and even climb inside. Consultants will kindly provide information on the exhibited cars. They can also ask any questions you have.
  3. Through auctions. There are several auctions of broken cars in Russia, some of them have been operating for quite a long time and have a sufficient number of reviews. The car auction is carried out as follows: the insurance company puts up for sale a lot with a starting price, and potential buyers offer their terms of purchase. Of course, of all the options offered, the seller will choose the most profitable for himself: the lot will go to the most generous. Auctions are available to both individuals and legal entities. It should be noted that in order to participate in the auction, you must first register and make a security deposit.

By the way, you can also buy a car from insurers not only in an accident, but also after theft. It is not uncommon for stolen cars to be found after some time, but the insurance on them has already been paid to the owners. These cars are up for sale. Moreover, even if they have less damage after an accident, they can cost a whole third less than just broken cars. Of course, insurers fully prepare such cars for sale, saving future owners from any possible problems with the law.

Nevertheless, if as a result of the concluded transaction the buyer has any justified claims against the seller, then he can apply to the court with a statement of claim to protect his rights.

Despite the fact that insurance companies carefully check the cars they buy, you can additionally secure yourself at the stage of concluding a sales contract by asking to add a condition regarding the legal purity of the car to the “Seller's Guarantees” clause. Then, in case of non-fulfillment of this condition, the contract will be automatically terminated, and all the money paid will be returned to the buyer.

Pros and cons of such an acquisition

What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying a car from an insurance company? Advantages:

  1. A car restored after an accident costs much less than its counterpart from a car dealership, but it will serve its owner for a long time and reliably. Of course, provided that the repair was carried out qualitatively.
  2. The insurance company checks the car for theft and the presence of third-party rights, and resolves all the questions that have arisen, which means that unpleasant surprises do not await the buyer from this side in the future.
  3. The sale of broken cars requires insurance companies to provide new owners with a complete set of documents for each of the cars being sold.

There are also disadvantages of such an acquisition:

  • if the repair was not done too carefully, the machine may soon break down, and the breakdowns that have been discovered may turn out to be very serious, which will lead to significant expenses;
  • anyone who buys a wrecked car must make a complete diagnosis of the vehicle before using it for their own safety.

Selling a wrecked car to an insurance company

If there is a need to rid yourself of a broken car, you can seriously consider selling an auto insurance company. It is possible that the proceeds will turn out to be somewhat less than it could be if it was sold by ad, but the transaction will take place quickly, and the risk of running into scammers is completely eliminated.

Initially, the issue of buying and selling an existing car should be discussed by phone. A positive result of such a conversation should be an assessment of the condition of the car by an expert from the buyer. You can bring the goods for evaluation yourself (this will require some costs on the part of the owner) or arrange the arrival of an agent (then the insurance company will assume all transportation costs, but then deduct them from the money owed to the owner for the car).

If the appraiser's conclusion is in doubt, it is worthwhile to involve an outside specialist who, not being interested in the results of the assessment, will give his independent opinion.

You will also need to provide the insurance company with the set of documents and car keys. Checking the driver and the object of the transaction is carried out by insurance companies independently.

From the moment the act of acceptance and transfer of the vehicle is drawn up and signed, the car ceases to be the property of its owner, passing into the possession of the insurance company. Car sale completed!

Buying a wrecked car can be the best investment you've made in years, or it can be full of trouble and frustration. To increase the likelihood of the first and, if possible, avoid the second, you should only deal with a trusted seller.

Thanks to Avtolider7, any car owner has a unique opportunity to quickly sell his vehicle. To do this, you must apply online or contact the manager by phone. During the conversation, all the nuances of the upcoming deal will be clarified. Our organization works with individuals and commercial entities.

Auction auto insurance companies

Our service offers a commission sale of cars through a specially equipped platform. It is not only convenient, but also reliable. Today it is difficult to imagine more attractive conditions for the sale of a vehicle. Our highly qualified consultants during the auction/sale process will tell you everything about your car, put it in the best position, and will be able to offer many convenient sales schemes and loan programs. It will be enough for the buyer to have only 10% of the total cost of your car, and it will be sold on the same day.

Although the buyer may pay a partial amount, the seller will receive all the money, since the company itself will pay the rest. Payment will be made in cash or by bank transfer. We are happy to offer you pre-sale preparation of the car, deregistration, abrasive restoration polishing of the body, dry cleaning, underbody and engine washing, and more.

For buyers, we also offer favorable terms of cooperation:

  1. Insurance program.
  2. Technical guarantee.
  3. Additional services.

At the auto auction, potential buyers will be able to find vehicles of insurance companies, collection offices, various transport organizations, etc.

In order to participate in the company's program and sell your car, you need:

  1. Fill out on the website or call the manager. Indicate the cost, brand and year of manufacture.
  2. Arrange for the vehicle to be inspected by a professional appraiser. Place and time of the meeting.
  3. Finding out the final cost of the car.
  4. Conclusion of a contract for a commission.

The company "Autoleader7" offers several options for the sale:

  1. Together with our consultants, the client determines the real price of his own car, which he wants to get his hands on in case of a successful sale. The car is put up for sale or auction. All other activities will be carried out by our employees - implementation, receipt of funds and paperwork. All that remains for the client is to indicate the bank account number or drive to the office for cash. The main advantage of this option is that the amount indicated by the seller remains unchanged and does not depend on the time spent, and the parking of the vehicle is not paid for throughout the entire period of implementation.
  2. The client leaves the car at the trading floor of our Auto Show on Severnaya with a price mark and pays for the rent of a parking space and the work of our employees. The rest of the actions will be carried out by the manager of the company.

Such services are extremely relevant not only for individuals, but also for large commercial organizations, such as insurance companies. A car auction allows you to sell unnecessary equipment without the direct participation of the owner. We perfectly understand how important time is in the life of every business person, so we have developed the most convenient options for cooperation.

The active selling system consists of:

  • professional photography machine;
  • continuous placement and updating of information about the car, until it is sold;
  • placement of sales advertisements in print media and on the Internet resources of the capital and the region;
  • professional approach;
  • pre-sale preparation of the vehicle.

If you need help with buying or selling used cars, please contact Avtolider7.

If an insurance client crashed a car and handed it over to the company, it would be more profitable for the latter to put the equipment up for sale and receive at least some compensation after the accident. The buyer, in turn, will be able to choose a car that suits him in terms of price and quality. It is possible on our website.

What are we doing?

Our main specialization is . We provide customers with a free tow truck, quickly assess the degree of damage and the final cost, and help to deregister. Money is paid immediately after the owner hands over the keys and documents to our representative. We sell cars at a decent price. We name the final amount immediately, and only the owner can decide whether it suits him or not.

If the car does not suit us, or you are not satisfied with the amount, you have the right to independently deregister the car and put it up for sale. Including through our website. This is available to everyone, including insurance companies that sell their customers' cars.

Auctions of broken cars from insurance companies - is it profitable?

Profitable! And sellers - those who want to get the maximum amount for the car, and buyers - those who pick up inexpensive equipment to disassemble for parts or restore. Prices are different and depend not only on the condition of the car, but also on the requests of its owner. All ads are from residents and companies of Moscow and the Moscow region, which means that you can contact the author of any of them and come for an inspection.

If you are unlucky enough to crash a car that does not suit our company, you will not be able to return it, and the auction (ads on the site) is the only way to get rid of it and receive compensation. The lower the price you set, the faster the car will be bought. And vice versa.

What prices to expect?

We do not guarantee that the value charged by the owner or insurer will be objective. It can be less or more:

  • VAZ 2109 1987 release - not a very new, but quite serviceable car - is sold for only 40 thousand rubles.
  • Skoda Felicia 1997 can be bought for 45 thousand, but only for parts.
  • Suzuki SX-4 2010 with a little damage to the front will be yours for 300 thousand rubles.
  • Volkswagen Polo 2013 after the accident is available at a price of 320 thousand (the seller is willing to bargain when buying individual parts).

As you can see, the prices are different, and you can set the amount that you think is fair. Or - pick up an inexpensive car with a "history".

Every motorist can become a participant in a traffic accident. The indirect cause of the emergency is poor road coverage in the city outside settlements, low driving culture, malfunctions of technical equipment, and much more. The result will be a broken car, drawing up protocols, questions from inspectors, calling a tow truck, contacting a car service center. This will undermine the nervous system of any vehicle owner.

A logical question arises: sell an unusable car or repair it? Who wants to buy such a car?

There is an auction of broken cars from the insurance company Rosgosstrakh, where everyone gets the opportunity to sell a vehicle that is in disrepair at the most favorable price with minimal losses.

Purchase of a broken vehicle by an insurance company

Before putting up a faulty car for auction, the insurance agent performs several successive complex events. The main stages of the whole process:

  • An appraiser from an insurer evaluates a car that has been in an accident
  • The owner receives the residual value minus applicable fees and damage found
  • The rights of use and disposal are received by the insurer
  • The auction of broken cars from the insurance company Rosgosstrakh is subject to funds with varying degrees of damage. It is important that the necessary conditions are met:

  • availability of a complete package of documentation;
  • lack of collateral and leasing;
  • the car should not be on the wanted list;
  • the owner should not be held as a suspect in legal proceedings.
  • Sale and purchase of a broken car

    The insurance agent page is a reliable, convenient service for selecting a faulty car, taking into account the specified parameters:

  • year of issue;
  • brand;
  • model;
  • manufacturer;
  • capacity;
  • Class;
  • price.
  • On the presented site, both the sale and the purchase of a broken car are made. Each lot has a detailed documentary evidence of damage. Convenient site interface saves time spent on adding and searching for a car.

    The auction of broken cars from the insurance company Rosgosstrakh is very popular among motorists. Most of the vehicles were sold and purchased through this site.

    Buying a used car at an auction requires pre-registration and a security deposit. Since demand exceeds supply, the sale of faulty cars is made in the shortest possible time. Transactions are made without the participation of intermediaries. Which saves a lot of money. Participants are informed about ongoing auctions via text messages.

    The auction of broken cars from the insurance company Rosgosstrakh works with open quotes. Potential buyers have the opportunity to place an unlimited number of bids. Any question about the car you are interested in can be asked to market consultants. The database is updated daily.

    Having decided to buy a car that has been in a traffic accident, it is advisable to use the help of an independent examination. Professionals will establish the true value of the subsequent restoration of funds. That will help to reinsure additionally.

    Advantages of acquiring wrecked cars at an auction from the insurance company Rosgosstrakh:

  • money is saved;
  • less time spent on checking the proposed documentation;
  • the car is checked for leasing, theft, protected from the rights of third parties.
  • Flaws:

  • expensive subsequent repairs;
  • Your car may break down at the wrong time.
  • Many potential clients. We have collected honest reviews of her clients, which will help to objectively look at the organization. The page tells about the bank cards that the organization has issued. And you can find out about the shares of Rosgosstrakh. We are sure that this information will help you make the right decision when cooperating with the company.

    You can become participants in the Internet auction for the sale of vehicles of Rosgosstrakh LLC. To establish a partnership relationship, you need to send a commercial offer (information letter) to our Company.

    To expedite the consideration of your proposal for participation in an online auction, you can send it to the email address: , indicating in the subject line: "Commercial offer".

    A commercial offer must necessarily contain contact information: full name, phone number, e-mail - through which information will be exchanged.

    Also in this section you can preliminarily familiarize yourself with the rules of the online auction.

    Rules for holding an auction for the sale of damaged vehicles or usable remains of vehicles

    Moscow, 2018

      Terms and Definitions

      Auction Organizer (Organizer)– PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh (TIN 7707067683 OGRN 1027739049689 located at the address: Moscow Region, Lyubertsy, Parkovaya St., 3), which provides a service for organizing participation in auctions for the sale of GOTS, which are the property of PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh due to payments for an insured event, as well as vehicles owned by the Organizer on the right of ownership for any other reason.

      Auction Participant (Participant)– an individual or legal entity that has concluded an Agreement with the Organizer, has been accredited and has gained access to the electronic auction.

      Participant Accreditation– organization of access to participation in the auction. An integral part of accreditation is the signing by the person of the Consent to join the contract.

      TS- vehicle.

      GOTS– usable remains of vehicles.

      Lot– suitable remains of vehicles and vehicles to be sold through an auction.

      Open auction- an auction, during which participants see all the bids made by other participants for each lot.

      Closed auction– an auction, during which the participants do not see the bids of other participants, the bids are not reflected in the "bid history" section on the lot page.

      Auction Period- the period of time from the moment of the beginning to the moment of the end of the auction for each lot, during which the auction is held, both in the open and in the closed part of the auction.

      Auction Winner (Winner)– The participant who offered the best (maximum) bid at the end of the auction, won the auction for the lot and received the right to acquire ownership of GOTS or TS.

      Representative of the Auction Organizer– an individual or legal entity making transactions on its own behalf in favor and at the expense of the Auction Organizer.

      Bid– offer of the bidder to purchase the lot.

      Lot price- the amount of money in rubles, including taxes, which is paid by the Auction Winner for the purchase of the lot. The lot price is equal to the best (maximum bid) of the Auction Participant.

      Electronic auction- a method of selling GOTS or TS, in which all participants offer prices at the same time, in the form of electronic rates, during the period of time indicated on the lot page. Web site of the electronic auction.

      Electronic platform- electronic Internet auction, the exclusive rights to which belong to the Organizer.

      Auction Rules (Rules)– these Rules for holding an auction for the sale of damaged vehicles or usable remains of vehicles, developed by the Organizer and defining a detailed description of the procedure for accreditation, holding an auction, participating in an electronic auction, contain all the essential conditions for the provision of services by the Organizer, as well as other conditions governing the interaction of the Organizer and the Participant.. The Organizer expresses its intention to conclude the Agreement on the conditions set forth in the Rules. The Rules are not a public offer insofar as the Organizer has the unconditional right to refuse accreditation to any potential Participant for any reason. In accordance with Article 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, these Rules are an agreement of accession (Agreement) concluded by joining the Participant to the conditions for the provision of services proposed by the Organizer in the Rules in general. In accordance with Art. 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, acceptance by a person (potential Participant) of all the conditions specified in the Rules by way of:

      A) sending to the address of the Organizer of the auction Consent to join the Rules in the form prescribed by the appendix to the Rules. The person sending the Consent understands and agrees that the Consent to join the Rules is a unilateral document, and therefore the signature of the Organizer's representative on it is not required by law.

      B) performing a combination of the following actions: familiarization with these Rules in electronic form () and then putting a tick in front of the words “I have read the Rules and undertake to comply with their terms. I agree with the Rules” and pressing the “Submit Application” button. By virtue of the provisions of Article 434 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the above actions are legally equivalent to sending to the Organizer the Consent signed by the Participant to join the Rules.

      The participant is considered to have acceded to the Rules (concluded the Agreement) from the date of receipt from the Organizer of approval in the form of implementation (completion) of Accreditation of the participant received in the manner prescribed by the Rules on the basis of the submitted application and documents, with the assignment of a login and password to enter the Electronic Platform (https ://website/login).

      In case of disagreement with any condition (conditions) of the Organizer's offer, the relevant person must refuse the services of the Contractor and join the Rules, by refusing to take actions confirming joining the Rules.

      Auction Rules

      The Contractor provides the Participants with the service of arranging access to the Electronic Platform, where the Participants - potential buyers independently search and select options (offers) placed by the Organizer for the acquisition of a vehicle, GOTS in ownership, including in accordance with the search parameters (criteria) established by the Participant, and also, at their own request, take part in auctions for the selected TS, GOTS in order to conclude a drop-sale agreement in case of recognition as the winner of the auction.

      The Participant undertakes to pay for the specified services of the Organizer on the terms of the Rules.

      The rights and obligations of the Parties, the procedure for paying for the services of the Organizer, holding the auction, the responsibility of the Parties, the grounds and procedure for terminating the Agreement, as well as other conditions for the provision of services by the Organizer are defined in the relevant sections of the Auction Rules.

      The terms of the Rules may be changed (supplemented) by the Organizer unilaterally, both in full and in part (including within the framework of individual promotions).

      The relevant announcements of changes are posted on the Electronic Site and are valid from the day following the day the announcement was posted, unless a different period of validity is separately specified in the announcement itself.

      General provisions


      These Rules determine the procedure for holding an auction in electronic form, which is provided by the Organizer of the auction.


      Participants who have passed accreditation, gained access to the electronic site and paid the Organizer a participation fee in the manner and amount established by these Rules can participate in the auctions.


      Participation in the auction gives the Auction Participant the right to choose and acquire ownership of damaged vehicles sold through the auction or suitable remains of vehicles on the basis of a sale and purchase agreement concluded at the end of the auction.


      The Participant undertakes to keep secret, not to disclose to third parties information about other Participants that became known to him through correspondence related to the activities of the electronic site, or as a result of a transaction concluded through an auction.


      The Organizer and the Participant recognize the legal force of notifications and messages sent by the Auction Organizer to the Auction Participant at the contact e-mail addresses specified by him during accreditation. These messages are equated to notices executed in a simple written form sent to the Participant's postal addresses. The Organizer and the Auction Participant, in case of any disagreement regarding the facts of sending, receiving messages, the time of their sending and content, came to an agreement: to consider the certificates of the Organizer's archival service reliable and final for resolving disagreements between the indicated persons.


      If the Auction Participant does not take part in the auction for more than 3 (three) months in a row, his account is subject to cancellation, and the Agreement is considered to be terminated by the Participant unilaterally.


      The Auction Organizer reserves the right not to place or publish any materials in the Electronic Site, as well as to destroy, delete or edit any materials at any time, at its sole discretion, without providing any notice and incurring any liability.


      Amendments (additions) to the Rules are made by the Organizer by obligatory posting of the indicated changes (additions) on the Electronic Site at .


      Any changes and additions to the Rules apply to all Participants, including those accredited earlier than the date the changes (additions) come into force. Any changes (additions) come into force and become binding on the day after the day the announcement is posted on the Electronic Site, unless a different period is specified in the announcement itself. In case of disagreement with the changes, the Participant has the right to delete his account and terminate the Agreement unilaterally.


      The Participant accepts the Electronic Platform as software "as is", without any claims to its operation and any guarantees from the Contractor regarding the operability and uninterrupted operation of this software, compliance with the specific goals and expectations of the Participant, and also does not provide any other guarantees, directly not specified in these Rules. Questions and claims related to the use/inability to use the Electronic Platform, as well as its functionality, should be sent to: .


      The Contractor, being the owner of the Electronic Site as an intellectual property object, free of charge, under the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license, grants the Participant a non-transferable right to use the Electronic Site on the territory of all countries of the world, namely the right to use the Electronic Site and its explicitly provided functionality for its intended purpose - for selection of the TS, GOTS and participation in auctions to acquire their ownership, for the purpose of which it is possible for the Participant of the Electronic Site to reproduce it in the usual way for Internet sites through the appropriate certified software (Internet browsers).

    1. Registration and access of participants to the auction


      Access to the auction on the electronic site is closed, i.e. the Participant can become a person who has carried out (completed) accreditation and gained access to the auction.


      In order to be able to participate in the auction, a person wishing to become a participant sends a package of documents specified in the "Cooperation" section on the website to the address , to the email address: indicating the necessary information established by the Auction Organizer.


      The auction organizer, having received a complete package of documents in accordance with the approved requirements, checks the provided data.


      Upon completion of the verification of the provided data, the Organizer sends an electronic notification of accreditation for further participation or a denial of accreditation to a person wishing to become an Auction Participant. The organizer is not obliged to give explanations regarding the decision taken by him on accreditation or denial of accreditation.


      The registered Auction Participant independently ensures the confidentiality of the received login and password and is fully responsible for all actions related to their use, which are the result of unauthorized use of the login and password.


      A person wishing to become an Auction Participant is obliged to provide the following documents during accreditation:


      Legal entity:

      • Commercial offer (signed by the head) with a brief description of the organization's activities. The letter must indicate:

        — full name of the legal entity, full name and full passport data of the head;

        — TIN, KPP and bank details;

        —legal, postal and actual address of the legal entity;

        —contact numbers, without fail an electronic address, for the exchange of information;

      Required Applications for legal entities: photocopies of documents:

      • a copy of the passport of the General Director of the Legal Entity;
      • a copy of the Certificate of registration with the tax authority of the Legal Entity;
      • a copy of the Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

      Required Applications for individual entrepreneurs: photocopies of documents:

      • primary partner card (Appendix 2);
      • a copy of the passport of the individual entrepreneur;
      • a copy of the Certificate of State Registration of the Individual Entrepreneur;
      • a copy of an extract from the unified state register of entrepreneurs;
      • Consent to join the Rules (Appendix 3);
      • consent to the processing of personal data (Annex 1).

      For an individual:

      • Commercial proposal for cooperation in the acquisition of GOTS. The letter must indicate:

        — full name and full passport data;

        -mailing address;

        —contact numbers, without fail, an electronic address through which information will be exchanged;

      Required Attachments: photocopies of documents:

      • Passport of an individual;
      • primary partner card (Appendix 2);
      • Consent to join the Rules (Appendix 3);
      • consent to the processing of personal data (Annex 1).

      The admission of individuals to participate in the auction is agreed by the Organizer of the auction only in individual cases.


      Confirmation of accreditation and conclusion by the Organizer of the Agreement with the Participant by attaching it to these Rules is an e-mail sent to the address of the person at the e-mail address specified by him when filling out the registration form with information about assigning him a personal login and password (account).


      The Organizer reserves the right to refuse accreditation and not to conclude an Agreement with a person wishing to become a Participant for any reason without explanation. Among other things, the Auction Organizer has the right to refuse accreditation and not conclude an Agreement with a person wishing to become a Participant on the following grounds:


      failure to provide documents and information specified in clause 3.6. of these Rules, as well as when providing incomplete or inaccurate documents and information.


      providing documents that do not meet the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


      The auction organizer maintains a register of bidders who have received accreditation, as well as storage and processing of their data in accordance with the Consent to the processing of personal data (Appendix 1).


      If the Auction Organizer has doubts about the reliability of the information and documents provided by the Auction Participant, during the entire term of the Agreement, the Auction Organizer has the right to request additional information and (or) require confirmation of previously provided information. In cases where the Participant does not provide and (or) does not confirm the information requested by the Auction Organizer within 5 (five) working days from the date of sending the request, the Organizer has the right to suspend the Participant's access to the electronic site. All these restrictions can be lifted within 3 (three) working days from the moment the Bidder provides the requested information. If the required information is not provided within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the moment of suspension of access, the Organizer has the right to cancel the accreditation of the Auction Participant and terminate the Agreement unilaterally without additional notice to the Participant. When exercising the rights specified in this paragraph, the Organizer does not bear any material responsibility to the Participant.


      The Auction Organizer reserves the right to unilaterally suspend or cancel the Auction Participant's access to the electronic site in case of non-compliance by the Participant with these Rules, in case of doubts about the conscientious execution of the Rules, as well as in other cases entailing infringement/violation of the rights of third parties. At the same time, the Agreement with the Participant is considered suspended in the event of suspension of the Participant's access or terminated in the event of cancellation of accreditation.

      The Organizer is not obliged to give explanations to the Participant regarding the decision taken by him to suspend access or cancel accreditation. The Organizer does not bear any material responsibility to the Participant in case of suspension or cancellation of the Participant's access.

    2. Procedure and terms of the auction


      The auction is held in accordance with the procedure for conducting electronic auctions, established by the legislation in force in the Russian Federation.


      Disagreements and controversial issues arising in the course of organizing and conducting auctions are subject to mandatory consideration by the Auction Organizer.


      Notification of the auction is made by the Auction Organizer by publishing lots in the "Car Catalog" section on the Electronic Site, as well as by sending information about the terms and conditions of the auction to the Participants, if the Participant has activated the "Subscription to new lots" function in the "Personal Account" section .


      To participate in the auction, the Participant must pay for the services of the Organizer for organizing access to the Electronic Site for the next period, enter the Electronic Site using his account using his login and password, select the lot of interest to him, familiarize himself with the information provided on the lot and make bet.


      The change of the rate is made by the Bidder on the page of the lot for which the auction is held.


      The Bidder's bid must exceed the "current bid" and may not fall below the bid set by the person taking part in the auction. If necessary, the Organizer has the right to determine the minimum size of the “auction step” that the Participant can apply when submitting a bid.


      The Auction Organizer reserves the right to remove the Lot from the auction until the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement with the Winner of the Lot in the following cases:


      If Lot, is the subject of litigation;


      If during the auction it is established that the Lot is pledged, wanted, under arrest, burdened with other obligations and rights of third parties, or another restriction is established;


      In other cases, which may serve as a basis for restricting the rights of the buyer and other interested parties.


      At the initiative of the Organizer of the auction.


      The moment of beginning and end of trading for each Lot is determined by the Organizer and published on the Electronic Site.


      The auction period for each lot is at least 2 (two) days.


      During the period of bidding, the Organizer of the auction has the right to extend their period. At the same time, notification of the extension of the auction is made by the Organizer by publishing the relevant information on the Electronic Site on the lot page.

      Summing up and identifying the winner of the auction


      At the end of the auction for each lot, the Winner is automatically determined: The auction participant who offered the best (maximum) bid at the end of the auction. If at the end of the auction there are equal maximum bids, the Bidder who made the earlier bid on the lot is automatically recognized as the Winner.


      Based on the results of the auction, within 24 hours, the Auction Organizer generates an information message, which is sent by e-mail to the Auction Participant recognized as the Winner: on the removal of the lot from sale or on the confirmation of the Auction Participant's right to purchase the lot, attaching a copy of the sale and purchase agreement or indicating the contact details of the Representative of the Organizer auction in a particular region. From the moment of sending the specified information message, all the rights and obligations of the Winner under the Rules are transferred to the Participant


      The contract of sale is concluded with the Bidder-Winner of the auction - a legal entity or an individual. In the Passport of the vehicle, an entry is made as the owner - the Winning Participant.


      The auction participant recognized as the Auction Winner and signing the vehicle purchase and sale agreement acquires the status of a buyer.


      The auction organizer undertakes to ensure the safety of the Lot and its compliance from the moment the auction for the lot begins until the actual transfer of the lot to the Auction Winner.


      Bidding for the Lot shall be recognized as failed if during the auction for the Lot none of the Participants made a single bid.


      The auction winner is not entitled to refuse to pay for the Lot in connection with the discovery, after placing a bid on the lot page, of any shortcomings, damage, presence / absence in the lot package.


      Payment is made by the Winner of the auction within 5 (five) working days after sending the information message to the Winner, as provided for in clause 4.2. of these Rules. Payment is made in a non-cash form, by transferring funds from the settlement account of the registered bidder of the Auction Winner Participant - a legal entity / Auction Winner Participant - an individual to the Organizer's settlement account specified in the information message.


      In the event that the Winner fails to pay for the Lot within the period provided for by the Rules or the Winner refuses to pay for the Lot, the right to purchase the Lot may be transferred by the Organizer to the Participant who submitted the next highest bid after the Winner's bid. . In this case, the relevant Participant will be assigned all the rights and obligations of the Auction Winner, provided for by these Rules, and the procedure for interaction between the Winner and the Organizer, provided for by the Rules, will be repeated.


      If the Winner did not pay for the Lot within the period specified in the Rules, or refused to pay for it, then sanctions may be applied to him at the discretion of the Organizer in the form of suspension of access to the Electronic Site for a period of 6 (six) months.


      In case of delay in payment for the lot by the Auction Participant, the Auction Organizer has the right to suspend access to the Electronic Site until the Winner fully fulfills the obligations for the won lots, taking into account the presence of guarantee letters from the Winner for the fulfillment of obligations.


      The Organizer has the right to suspend the Participant's access to the Electronic Site in case of non-fulfillment of the conditions described in clauses 4.8.-4.9. of these Rules, as well as in case of failure to ensure the removal of the TS / GOTS from the territory of the Organizer's site within 3 (three) working days from the date of signing the sales contract.


      TS or GOTS, as well as original documents confirming ownership, are transferred by the Organizer of the auction to the Winner of the auction under the act of acceptance and transfer after paying for the lot and signing the original contract of sale.


      When exercising the rights provided for in this section, the Organizer does not bear any material responsibility to the relevant Participant.

      Other conditions


      Ownership of the transferred TS / GOTS in accordance with these Rules passes to the Auction Winner from the moment the Organizer / Organizer's representative transfers it to the Auction Winner under the Vehicle Acceptance and Transfer Certificate on the basis of a sales contract. After the transfer of the TS/GOTS to the Winner of the auction, the new owner is fully responsible for the TS/GOTS transferred to him.


      After the TS/GOTS is handed over to the Auction Winner, in the event of receipt of a receipt for imposing a fine for violation of the Rules of the Road or other offenses in the period after the TS/GOTS is handed over by the Organizer to the Auction Winner under the Vehicle Acceptance and Transfer Certificate, the Organizer generates an information letter to the Winner demanding payment of the fine, and on providing information to the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for re-registration of the vehicle .. At the same time, the Winner must resolve the issue of paying the fine (pay the fine) within three days, as well as carrying out registration actions in the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. A copy of the document on payment of the fine and the Passport of the Vehicle with marks on registration actions in the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation by the new owner must be sent to the email address.


      If the Auction Winner refuses to pay the fine and/or re-register the Vehicle, as well as refuse to provide the Organizer with documents confirming payment of the fine and/or re-registration of the Vehicle with the State traffic inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, sanctions are applied to him in the form of cancellation of access to the Electronic Site and termination of the Agreement by the Organizer unilaterally, without the right to restore participation in the Internet auction system and any liability of the Organizer to the Winner. At the same time, the Auction Organizer additionally reserves the right to terminate the registration of the TS / GOTS in accordance with the established procedure in connection with the disposal.

      Payment for organizing participation in the auction


      To access the Electronic Site, the Participant pays the Organizer for its services provided for in this section.


      Making payment for the Organizer's services in conjunction with other actions provided for by these Rules entitles the Participant to the right to select the TS, GOTS and take part in the Organizer's auctions for their acquisition of ownership for a period of 30 (thirty) calendar days.


      The amount of payment for the Organizer's services in organizing the Participant's access to the Electronic Site for a 30-day period is 3,500 (three thousand five hundred) rubles.


      Payment is considered made from the moment of receipt of a certain clause 6.3. of these Rules, the amount in full to the account of the Organizer.


      The next 30-day access period begins from the moment the Organizer receives a corresponding notification to the Participant’s email address after the Participant deposits an amount sufficient to pay the cost of the 30-day period specified in clause 6.3 to the Organizer’s account. of these Rules.


      If there is not enough money contributed by the Participant to pay for the Organizer's services for the next 30-day period, the Participant's access to the Electronic Site is automatically suspended (blocked) until the missing amount is paid.


      The fee for arranging access to the Electronic Site is paid by non-cash transfer of funds to the Organizer's account.


      The amount of the previously paid fee for arranging access to the Electronic Site is not returned to the Participant, including in the event of suspension (blocking) or cancellation of the Participant's access to the Electronic Site on the grounds provided for by the Rules, the Participant's own deletion of his account, termination or termination of the Agreement by the Participant or the Organizer in unilaterally.


      At the request of the Participant, the Organizer may provide the Certificate of Services Rendered for the relevant period of validity of the Agreement between the Participant and the Organizer.

    Appendix No. 1 to the Rules

    Documents submitted for accreditation

    The Bidder grants the Auction Organizer the right to carry out all actions (operations) with personal data, including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, transfer, depersonalization, blocking, destruction. The Organizer has the right to process personal data by including them in the electronic databases of the Organizer.

    The Auction Organizer has the right, in fulfillment of its obligations to conduct an electronic auction, to transfer the Bidder's personal data to third parties, provided that the Organizer has an agreement with these third parties that ensures the security of personal data during their processing and prevention of personal data disclosure.

    By signing the Appendix, the Applicant gives his consent to the processing of personal data from the moment of signing this Appendix to the Auction Rules. The Applicant's consent to the processing of personal data is valid for 10 years.

    Applicant: ______________ ___________________________ "____" ___________20___

    Appendix No. 2 to the Rules

    The documents Mandatory Document Provided
    Primary partner card (Appendix No. 2)
    Certificate of registration of a legal entity / individual entrepreneur
    Certificate of registration with the tax authority / individual entrepreneur
    Passport of the director / individual entrepreneur / individual
    A copy of the Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
    Commercial offer
    Primary partner card
    Full legal name of the organization
    Bank details Settlement account No.
    Name of the bank:
    Correspondent account No.
    Legal address
    The actual address
    Contact Information Telephone:
    The contact person:
    The site of the company
    Supervisor FULL NAME:
    Date of Birth:
    The passport:
    Registration address:
    State (number of employees)
    About the company (date of creation, activities, technical base and other competitive advantages)
    Location (address, description)
    Additional Information

    Appendix No. 3 to the Rules

    Agreement on accession to the Rules

    (last name, first name, patronymic, (if any)) , name of the legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the Participant)
    passport series ______ number ___________________,
    issued by __________________________________________________________________________________________ (issued by)
    "___" _______________ _____________ G. _________-___________
    (when issued) (subdivision code),

    or (for legal entities)

    in the person of ________________________________________________________________________________,
    acting on the basis ____________________________________________________,
    (charter, power of attorney)

    in accordance with Article 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, notifies PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh (Moscow Region, Lyubertsy, Parkovaya St., 3, OGRN _____________________) of joining the Rules for holding an auction for the sale of damaged vehicles or usable remains of vehicles funds determined by PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh and placed on the Internet at the address: (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), as well as the intention to conclude an Agreement with PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh on the terms of these Rules. The Participant hereby confirms that prior to joining the Rules, he has read their terms and conditions. The Client hereby confirms his agreement with all the terms of the Rules and undertakes to comply with their terms.

    Member/authorized representative of the Member:

    ______________________________ /______________________________________________/
    (signature) (surname, initials)

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