
Punishment without car insurance. Penalty for not having insurance. Are rooms rented for driving without insurance?

There are 5 types of fines for driving without insurance. For me it was a complete surprise.

And oh HORRIBLE! A fine for driving without an OSAGO policy, for 1 day, can be issued an infinite number of times!

But the good news is that you can pay a fine of 50%, how and where, read the article.

However, our fine cannot be compared with the fine in the USA, where the fine for lack of insurance is 31,500 rubles.

5 types of fines for driving without insurance in 2019

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
Driving without insurance
(forgot insurance at home)
Part 2 Art. 12.3
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
500 rubles
Driving without insurance
(did not draw up)
Part 2 Art. 12.37
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
800 rubles
Driving with expired insurance Part 2 Art. 12.37
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
800 rubles
Driving outside the period of use of the vehicle part 1 of Art. 12.37
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
500 rubles
The driver is not insured part 1 of Art. 12.37
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
500 rubles

In the table I gave a brief wording of violations and responsibility for them, the table can be downloaded and put into your car documents, I think it will not hurt you:

From November 15, 2014, if there is no insurance for the car, traffic police inspector is FORBIDDEN remove license plates and prohibit the operation of the vehicle.

Now let's look at each item in more detail with excerpts from the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Fine for driving without insurance in 2019

It is assumed here that you have an OSAGO policy (it is valid and you are included in it), but for some reason you forgot insurance at home.

Punishment for driving without OSAGO - a warning or fine at the rate of 500 rubles(Article 12.3. Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Until 2019, they were similarly punished if you did not print out an electronic OSAGO policy.

Now this is a thing of the past and it is enough to show the E-OSAGO inspector on a smartphone or give his number, and they already independently check the policy on the basis of OSAGO.

Penalty for not having insurance

The situation is more complicated if there is no insurance at all, a fine of 800 rubles. (Article 12.37. Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Until November 15, 2014, driving a car without insurance threatened to evacuate the car and remove license plates. I am glad that this terror was canceled.

Late insurance fee

Please note that in the administrative code of the Russian Federation there is no concept of overdue insurance.

If your OSAGO policy has expired, then this IS EQUALIZED TO THE LACK OF INSURANCE.

Driving with expired OSAGO insurance is punishable a fine of 800 rubles.

It is unnecessary to throw away an expired OSAGO policy, it may be required in the future to restore the KBM.

Penalty for driving outside the period of use

To be honest, I did not immediately understand what the point is. And it turns out everything is as simple as always.

Consider an example, you have issued an OSAGO policy for 1 year, with the period of using the vehicle from April to October, in the so-called summer season.

But it turned out that you had to drive in December. This will be driving outside the period of use.

In fact, it turns out that you have a policy (for a period of 1 year), but the period of use is from April to October.

Driving a car outside the period of use threatens you a fine of 500 rubles. (Article 12. 37. Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Not covered by insurance

“What is the fine if it is not included in the insurance” - many drivers are surprised, because in fact there is insurance, well, it is not included, yes, but the car is insured.

Alas, in Russia at the moment it is not the car that is insured, but the responsibility of the driver to other road users.

And if your car is driven by a driver who is not listed in the insurance, but he has a license, for example, your wife was driving you from friends or a friend was driving, then fine if not covered by insurance 500 rubles. (Article 12.37, part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

How many times can you be fined for driving without insurance during the day

We are often asked how many times the traffic police inspector has the right to fine you during the day for lack of insurance.

Legal norms exclude the possibility of issuing 2 or more decisions on the imposition of an administrative penalty in the same case.

Those. if you were stopped by a traffic police inspector and issued a fine for lack of insurance, then this is a complete offense and you cannot be fined a second time for it.

But if you continued to move and after 10 km. You were stopped by a traffic police inspector and he writes out again a fine for lack of insurance, then this is a new offense (another time, another place of the offense, etc.) and this can continue repeatedly!

Since, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 19.2 of the Federal Law “On Road Safety”, the operation of a vehicle without insurance is prohibited!

“It is forbidden to operate vehicles whose owners have not fulfilled the obligation established by federal law to insure their civil liability.”

Based on the foregoing, the actions of the traffic police officer in this situation are legitimate. And you urgently need to purchase an OSAGO policy!

I didn’t sell the OSAGO policy - pay a fine for me!

Drivers are against being fined for not having insurance!

In the course of our survey, 53.3% of the surveyed car owners believe that “Until they put things in order with, let the insurers pay the fines!”

I completely agree with them. Applying for an OSAGO policy now is like winning the lottery!

And the registration of an electronic policy is like a quest!

You can poke through the buttons for several hours in a row, but you won’t be able to issue it. My record is 3 hours and a bummer ... A spinning wheel hung on the screen (((

On the other hand, one cannot but agree with 27% of drivers who believe that “If there are no fines, no one will insure their car at all. The 90s are back!

And I remember the nineties, when even a scratch on a car, like 2 fingers on the asphalt, fly into the money.

Therefore, I am for the majority! The insurer was messed up with OSAGO, so let them pay fines for us.

I think a copy of the statement confirming the fact of applying for a policy or a screen of a non-working insurer service will be enough to confirm.

You can also participate in the survey (at the bottom of the article).

How not to pay traffic police fines in full

I will say right away that It is legally possible not to pay traffic police fines in full. True, not all, but fines for insurance are among them.

Don't be afraid, you're not breaking any law and you won't get anything for it.

State to increase fees to the treasury, d dishonest payers were given a 50% discount on the payment of fines. Federal Law No. 437.

The only BUT!

You can pay a fine with a 50% discount within 20 days from the date of the decision on an administrative offense.

Note! Within 20 days from the date of the decision, and not from the date of the offense!

Payment of a fine at a discount must be made in advance, since it will take several days to complete the operation to credit the fine to the account.

And if the money is credited within 21 days, the discount will be canceled and you will pay the fine in full.

Now, if a traffic police officer stopped you on the road and drew up a protocol on an administrative offense, then it is not difficult to track the beginning of the period in which you can pay a fine with a 50% discount.

What if the offense was recorded by a video recording camera?

There are only 2 pieces of advice here:

  1. Register on the public services portal and link your phone number to your personal account. And in the future, all notifications of fines will come to your phone.
  2. At least once every 10 days, check whether a fine has been issued to you or not on special services on the Internet. I would recommend doing this at the traffic police service.

And there is another little trick!

Since there have been difficulties with issuing an OSAGO policy for 2 years now, traffic police inspectors are much more loyal to drivers without an OSAGO policy. And if you “don’t get into the bottle”, but just complain to him that such and such insurers do not want to sell insurance, like I’ve been stuck in an electronic queue for 3 days, but I had to go urgently, etc. etc., then in the end you can save at least 550 rubles on this.

Ask how? Yes, very simple. The inspector can write you a fine not for the lack of insurance AT ALL, but for driving without insurance, which is 500 rubles. instead of 800 rubles. And if you take advantage of the 50% discount, you will end up paying 250 rubles, not 800. Not bad, right?

Attention! This trick should not be abused. It works only because it is now difficult to buy an OSAGO policy.
REMEMBER! You buy OSAGO to insure your liability, and not to “get off” from a traffic police officer!

  • electronic wallets.
  • These methods have nuances.

    1. Not all banks accept payments for traffic police fines.
    2. A commission is provided, it is a small 40-60 rubles, but it is obligatory.
    3. You will receive a check in your hands, which will be a confirmation of payment of the fine.

    What are the fines in the USA

    In the US, driving without insurance is very costly for the driver. Our penalties compared to theirs are the little things in life.

    They do not have a uniform punishment system and the amount of fines varies from state to state, but for example, the state of Colorado, you can evaluate their punishment system:

    • A fine of $500, or our 31,500 rubles, for the first time you are caught driving without insurance, plus your driver's license will be suspended until you show proof that you purchased insurance.
    • Fine of $1,000 or our 63,000 rubles for the second time and suspension of driver's license for 4 months.
    • Fine of $1,000 or our 63,000 rubles for the third time and suspension of driver's license for 8 months.
    • For the fourth time, the deprivation of a driver's license.

    Public works are also often added to fines, the duration of works is up to 40 hours.

    That's how cool they have morals.

    The first transfer about the fine for EOSAGO

    People driving a vehicle must have 3 documents with them that give them the right to drive a car: a driver's license, a registration certificate (registration certificate) and a compulsory motor third party liability insurance policy (OSAGO). If a person drives vehicles without any of them, then penalties are applied to him.

    At the end of 2017, some changes appeared in the “Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses” of December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ (as amended on December 31, 2017), so car owners are interested in what fines they face when driving without insurance in 2018.

    You may not have an auto insurance policy for several reasons:

    • the policy is issued, but the driver does not have it at the time of checking the documents;
    • insurance was not issued;
    • the person driving the car is not included in the list of persons specified in the insurance.

    It is these reasons that directly affect the amount of the fine issued.

    Document left at home

    If the insurance is issued, but it is impossible to present it to an authorized traffic police officer at the time of the check, then the fine will be 500 rubles. The main difficulty lies in how to prove that the driver actually has a valid OSAGO. To do this, you can do the following:

    • organize delivery to the place of inspection within the shortest possible time;
    • Express your disagreement with the amount of the fine, and when filling out the protocol, indicate the reason for your disagreement.

    This will allow you to appeal against the issued decision on the fine within up to 10 days.

    Insurance not covered

    If during the check it is established that the policy was not issued to the person driving the car, then the fine for such an administrative offense will be 800 rubles.

    The driver is not included in the policy

    It is this reason that becomes the reason for a large number of wrangling and disagreement with representatives of the traffic police. Many road users believe that insurance is issued only for a car, but this is not true.

    In fact, the policy is a document that guarantees the responsibility of a particular driver to other citizens. Therefore, all possible drivers who even rarely use the car must be included in the insurance at the time of its registration, otherwise the person will be fined 500 rubles according to the results of the check.

    At the same time, the relevance of OSAGO from the owner of the vehicle is also checked. If the policy is not issued, then penalties will affect both: the person performing the driving and the owner of the car.

    Insurance expired

    The widespread opinion that expired and missing OSAGO are different has no basis. In fact, expired insurance is not valid, therefore, the expired period of validity completely levels it, that is, the delay can be considered equivalent to absence. In this case, the fine will be 800 rubles.

    Driving during a period not specified in OSAGO

    Some cars are not operated throughout the year. For such cases, insurance companies offer a special policy, which indicates a limited period of validity, for example, from April to October. This document will cost less. But in the event that the vehicle is operated during a period for which insurance does not apply, penalties in the amount of 500 rubles will be applied to the driver.


    In the absence of an insurance contract, penalties are not always provided. In some cases, the check, during which the absence of OSAGO was revealed, does not threaten the driver with administrative responsibility.

    It is possible in such cases;

    • the vehicle was purchased less than 10 days ago (the regulated period for issuing OSAGO after purchase is 10 days);
    • the design of this vehicle cannot provide a speed of more than 20 km / h;
    • vehicles are under the jurisdiction of the RF Armed Forces (except for passenger buses, cars, trailers, etc. used for business purposes);
    • cars with official registration abroad (if civil liability is regulated by international insurance systems).

    In other cases, in order to avoid a fine, the driver must always have CMTPL with him while driving. If he refuses to present this document, then such a refusal is equated to his absence.

    What threatens the driver for driving without insurance: video

    The OSAGO policy is one of the main documents of the driver, which he is obliged to have with him and, if necessary, present to the inspector for verification. The policy is a document of civil liability, which the driver must purchase before the registration of the car, but no later than 10 days. The OSAGO policy is mandatory for the driver, unlike CASCO.

    What happens if I forgot the papers at home?

    Insurance is a mandatory document to present to the inspector when the vehicle is stopped. The lack of documents for the car, whether it be a driver's license or insurance at the request of the inspector, is undoubtedly a violation. This aspect is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the rules of DD.

    The legislation of the Russian Federation has instructions in this regard. Lack of documents can be characterized as:

    1. The absence of any of them at all, which is punishable on the basis of Article 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
    2. Absence with you, which is punished on the basis of Art. 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
    3. Lack of insurance in general - 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    For violations of the rules, there are appropriate penalties, which are regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses. For those drivers, in accordance with Article 12.3 Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the form of a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

    Currently it will not be difficult for a traffic police inspector to check the driver's insurance policy electronically. When the vehicle stops again, a punishment will also follow at the discretion of the inspector in the form of a fine of 500 rubles or a warning.

    Also, the inspector may, guided by Article 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, issue a fine of 800 rubles, as a lack of insurance at all.

    ATTENTION: in any case, if the driver does not agree with the punishment imposed, he can file a complaint addressed to the head of the traffic police with a copy of the protocol and the OSAGO policy attached.

    Who and when issues a decision on violation?

    Any traffic police inspector who stopped the vehicle can hold the driver liable. In case of failure to present the required documents to the inspector, the issue of punishment is decided.

    For the lack of insurance with him, the driver will be punished with a fine or a warning, in case of deliberate absence or an overdue period of validity, the driver will be punished with 800 rubles. For repeated stopping of the vehicle, each inspector will issue a fine as for the first time. When taking into account the existing discount for paying a fine on time in the form of 50%, the amount of the fine may not seem significant. While the lack of insurance at the scene of an accident can threaten with much higher costs.

    When crossing the border by car

    Before the border of the Russian Federation with any other state, an OSAGO policy is mandatory; when crossing the border of the country, the driver is subject to the internal rules of the host country. Checking the car's documents is carried out by the customs authorities at the border.

    The Inland Transport Committee of the Economic Commission for Europe obliges motor third party liability insurance: whether it is a Green Card policy or a national OSAGO policy in the country of residence, as well as making a contribution to the provision of victims in an accident.

    In the absence of an insurance policy, the customs service may impose a penalty in the form of a fine. The aspect of obtaining a Green Card is described and regulated by the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 N 40-FZ “On Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Vehicle Owners” (as amended and supplemented, which entered into force on September 25, 2017).

    In any case, in the absence of this policy or its expiration at the border or on the territory of another country, the Inland Transport Committee of the Economic Commission for Europe recommends relying on the following actions:

    1. Carry out insurance at the border of the country, in accordance with the legislation of a particular country.
    2. Draw up an insurance contract that is usual for a certain country.
    3. Make an appropriate contribution to the provision of victims in an accident.

    Disputes and ways to resolve them

    A controversial situation may be a situation where the inspector unlawfully, in your opinion, determined the measure of punishment. Article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - a warning or a fine of 500 rubles, if, but the inspector may consider this paragraph 2 of Art. 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, as its absence at all.

    In this case, the driver has the right to appeal the decision of the inspector. To do this, it is necessary to provide the head of the traffic inspectorate with an OSAGO policy and a copy of the protocol within 10 days. One of the ways to avoid punishment in the absence of insurance in a legal way is a 10-day period after buying a car. Many motorists rewrite the sales contract every ten days for the next ten days. We told in detail about whether it is possible to drive a new car without OSAGO insurance, but only with a contract of sale, we told.

    IMPORTANT: at the same time, a forgery of a document and the principle of not issuing a policy on the same day can lead to even larger expenses as a result of an accident.

    You can find out more about what to do if a fake OSAGO policy is purchased.

    How can the DPS prove your guilt?

    To prove the guilt of the driver, the traffic police inspector may, upon request for the presentation of documents, fail to detect the OSAGO policy. Based on the lack of a document, the employee has the right to carry out punishment in accordance with the situation: the policy is available, but he stayed at home, as well as the absence of the policy and the expiration of its validity.

    The cost of the OSAGO policy is not the maximum huge amount to refuse to issue it. At the same time, its presence guarantees the driver that in any situation of an accident, that he will not spend even more huge amounts on damages.

    What will happen for driving without an OSAGO policy? The answer is in the next video:

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    Each car owner should know that before driving on the road, he must insure his liability to other road users. This type of insurance is called OSAGO. If there is OSAGO insurance for the culprit of the accident, his insurance company compensates for the damage caused to other drivers. But about what can happen if the driver is stopped without insurance, read further in the article.

    Features of auto insurance for OSAGO

    According to the legislation of our country, all road users must be insured under OSAGO. The absence of this policy from the driver of the vehicle does not give him the right to move on the roads.

    All damage caused in excess of the established limits shall be compensated by the perpetrator of the accident to the victims themselves.

    Fines for driving without insurance

    For irresponsible drivers who ignore the established law on compulsory liability insurance, administrative punishment is provided. This punishment provides for the imposition of a fine in the prescribed amount.

    Depending on the reasons for the lack of OSAGO insurance, the amount of the fine may be different.

    Since the driver is obliged to present the OSAGO policy to the traffic police inspector along with other documents, there may be several situations for which there is no policy. The most common are:

    • the policy is valid, but it is forgotten in another place;
    • the policy has expired and has not been renewed;
    • the policy is not expired, but is not valid in this period;
    • the policy is invalid and forged;
    • complete absence of policy.

    Of course, the human factor can have an impact, that the driver can forget the documents at home or renew the policy, but there is also a completely negligent attitude of drivers when they deliberately drive without a policy, or they fake it.

    For each type of violation, individual liability is provided.

    What threatens the driver if he forgot the policy at home

    According to the established legislation, if the policy really exists and it is not overdue, then the traffic police officer must issue a fine of 500 rubles.

    But in this case, the driver must prove the presence of non-expired insurance.

    You can do this in several ways:

    • go on your own or ask another person to bring an OSAGO policy;
    • you can go to the official website of the insurance company, enter your data and show the traffic police officer the presence of an electronic OSAGO policy;
    • call the hotline of the insurance company and, together with a representative of the authorities, make sure that this driver and this vehicle are insured under OSAGO.

    Warning in this case as a measure of punishment is not provided. Therefore, if the driver actually has a policy, but the driver does not have it with him, he will be fined.

    Read what is unlimited OSAGO insurance.

    Punishment if you drive with stitched insurance

    If there is an expired policy in the car and there is no new one in reality, the traffic police officer must issue a fine of 800 rubles.

    Each car owner is required to know the month when his OSAGO policy expires. Insurance companies have the right, upon prior application, to issue a late date for the commencement of the policy. That is, in order to prolong the current policy, you can come 1-2 months in advance.

    Therefore, the car owner bears the maximum penalty for an overdue policy.

    There are situations when drivers have extended the policy, but only the old policy is carried in the car, and the current policy is left at home. In this case, the driver will have to prove to the traffic police officer that he has a valid policy. And then he will be fined 500 rubles.

    Not valid during this period

    Some car owners do not use OSAGO insurance for a full year, but only during certain periods. These people include summer residents who absolutely do not use the car in the winter season.

    Accordingly, it makes no sense for them to overpay money for insurance. But sometimes it happens that the car owner is still forced to drive his car at a time when he has a gap in the insurance coverage.

    In this case, he will be fined 500 rubles. The important point is that the insurance should continue into a later period, and not end completely a few days / months ago.

    If the car insurance policy is forged

    Unfortunately, in practice they are often found. At the same time, it can be forged by an insurance company, or by the car owner himself.

    The insurance company can deceive the insurer in the following way:

    • issue an invalid policy;
    • cease to exist during the period of validity of the policy;
    • carry out insurance without the required license.

    In this case, the traffic police officer will have to issue a fine of 800 rubles. But after paying it, the driver must sue this insurance company. And as the losses incurred, in addition to moral damage and the sum insured, demand compensation for losses in the form of fines paid by him.

    Also, do not forget that in this situation, this driver in an accident will be responsible with his own money to the injured drivers through his fault.

    If the driver himself falsifies the OSAGO policy, the traffic police officer will also issue him a fine in the amount of 800 rubles. But he also has the right to call the police for further investigation.

    Forgery of documents is punishable in accordance with an article of the Criminal Code and provides for criminal punishment in the form of a fine of 80 thousand rubles, or correctional labor.

    Therefore, buying a fake policy for half the price can be quite expensive if a fake is detected.

    If the car is not insured

    There are also such unscrupulous drivers who simply drive without an OSAGO policy. They also have a maximum fine of 800 rubles. At the same time, if he stops again without a policy, he will also be issued this fine.

    The removal of numbers and the evacuation of the vehicle for this violation are not provided. Therefore, some drivers drive for a long time without insurance.

    There are also times when insurance exists, and it is currently valid, but a person who is not included in the OSAGO policy is driving. In this case, a fine of 500 rubles is provided.

    Read where to insure a car under OSAGO.

    Situations where you can avoid a fine

    The driver has the right to drive without a policy for the first 10 days from the date of purchase of the vehicle.

    There are a number of events in which the traffic police officer should not impose a fine for the absence of an OSAGO policy:

    1. When the maximum speed of movement of this vehicle did not exceed 20 kilometers per hour.
    2. If the car is registered to a foreign citizen.
    3. If the driver is a participant in hostilities or a disabled person of the first group.
    4. If the owner of the car is disabled, and his representative or guardian is driving.

    As for points 3 and 4, these categories of citizens have.

    But, despite the established additional situations in which a fine is not imposed, it is necessary to take into account all the risks that are possible on the roads and protect yourself as much as possible from financial losses.

    Video: Penalties for driving without a license and insurance


    Therefore, it is important to timely insure your liability under OSAGO to other road users.

    The absence of an OSAGO policy by a driver is now considered a violation almost as serious as driving a vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the vehicle) without a license. We have collected information about what punishment/fine for driving without insurance will be applied under the new rules to a driver who does not have an OSAGO policy in 2019. In addition, we will give a few examples that will tell motorists options for avoiding administrative responsibility for such a violation.

    What is the punishment for not having an OSAGO policy in 2019

    First, consider the case when the driver has a valid policy (inscribed in it according to all insurance rules), but forgot it at home and cannot present it when checking documents by a traffic police inspector.

    In this situation, according to the Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 12.3, part 2), the following punishment is provided for driving without insurance:

    • verbal warning;
    • fine (500 rubles).

    As you can see, the very management of a vehicle without OSAGO, if you forgot the policy at home, does not incur serious financial losses, while the amount of the fine for overdue insurance will be many times greater.

    Tip: you should not agree with the traffic police inspector if he convinces you that a policy left at home can be equated with overdue insurance, which is punishable by a fine of 800 rubles. (instead of a verbal warning or a fine of 500 rubles for a forgotten document).

    Penalty for driving without OSAGO insurance in 2019

    It is important to understand that if you do not issue an insurance policy in a timely manner or miss the expiration date of the previous one, then driving without OSAGO insurance will lead to a fine of 800 rubles.

    Such a fine applies equally to drivers for driving without insurance, and to those who have it completely overdue.

    Penalty for lack of OSAGO insurance during the season

    In some regions of Russia, many drivers prefer an insurance scheme for a specific period (for example, summer-autumn). At the same time, insurance is issued for a whole year, but it is valid only for a certain time.

    However, it happens that climatic conditions allow you to drive earlier or drive a car longer than the period specified in the policy. If such a situation is detected, the traffic police inspector will be forced to fine such a driver for 500 rubles.

    Of course, the amount of the fine - 500 rubles is not so great, but you should not try your own luck once again.

    Penalty for a driver not included in the insurance

    If for some reason the driver had to drive a car unknown to him, and there is simply no time to reissue the insurance policy, then you need to understand that he risks getting a fine for a driver not included in the insurance. According to the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 12.37, part 1), the amount of penalty for such a violation will be 500 rubles.

    What is the responsibility for re-driving a car without OSAGO

    Interestingly, the Code of Administrative Offenses does not contain separate sanctions for those drivers in respect of whom it was found that the vehicle was re-driving without a policy.

    Thus, every time the traffic police inspector stops the vehicle to check the documents, he will issue a fine for the lack of OSAGO, the amount of which will depend on the reason why the policy is not currently available.

    Punishment for lack of car insurance in 2019 for legal entities

    A legal entity or an individual entrepreneur has the opportunity not only to issue compulsory OSAGO policies for each of the cars available in its fleet, but also to additionally take out insurance (DSAGO), which insures a car against a much larger number of different risks.

    It should be remembered: if one of the drivers of a corporate vehicle does not have a policy with him, then a fine for such a violation will not be imposed on the legal entity, but on a specific driver.

    Thus, the legal entity / individual entrepreneur does not bear any responsibility for the driver’s lack of insurance policy.

    Are rooms rented for driving without OSAGO insurance?

    We draw the attention of all drivers to the fact that Federal Law No. 307 of October 14, 2014, which came into force, cancels such a measure as the removal of numbers for the lack of an insurance policy for the driver. The violator will be issued a fine, but the license plate of the car must remain in place.

    Evacuation to a car pound for lack of OSAGO

    We inform drivers that in 2019 the law does not provide for the evacuation of a car to a car impound in the absence of OSAGO.

    Analyzing the information above, we can summarize that the law provides for the punishment of the driver for the lack of a policy solely in the form of a fine. Any other types of punishments (for example, a parking lot or confiscation of license plates) cannot be applied.

    Despite the fact that the amount of penalties for driving without OSAGO is not so high, but such penalties will be applied to the driver every time during the verification of documents by the traffic police inspector. Thus, the total amount of fines for the lack of OSAGO insurance can grow to a very impressive size. To prevent this from happening, you should insure your car on time and carefully monitor the validity of the document.

    Only in this way you will be reliably protected not only from possible risks on the road, but also from possible fines for lack of insurance.

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