
The Kuwaiti dinar is the most valuable currency in the world. The most expensive money in the world - Cost online (Price Charts). Rating of the most expensive currencies

Officially, the most expensive animals in the world are Chinese Dolan sheep. The cost of one such sheep is about $2,000,000.

They are grown only in the province of Xinjiang, and their number does not exceed 1000 individuals.

Dolan sheep differ from their relatives in rather large sizes - up to two meters in length and one and a half meters in height. They have an elongated nose, an unusually shaped tail and very long ears. Moreover, the longer the ears, the more expensive the individual.

Quite a pretty sheep, which was originally bred for meat and wool, eventually became a purely decorative species. They are successfully purchased at fabulous prices, dressed in collars made of precious stones, and even bequeathed to them their fortune. The rich have their own quirks. And yet, how much is a person willing to pay to get a beloved pet?

Top ten most expensive animals

Its cost ranges from $4,000 to $8,000.

In ninth place, with an estimated cost of $10,000, is the royal python. It should be noted that here you will have to spend money not only on acquiring it, but also on creating conditions for keeping it so that it does not accidentally swallow your Murzik or from hunger.

Eighth place is occupied by the hyacinth macaw - a rare expensive large parrot, with an approximate cost of $ 12,000, and in seventh place, the relative of the palm macaw is comfortably located. This cute bird will cost its owner $16,000, plus food expenses, as it is very picky about food.

Sixth place - handsome Ashera. This hybrid, obtained by crossing and Bengal cat, costs about $ 25,000.

In fifth place is the human relative -. Those who want to get it are ready to part with the sum of 60,000 dollars.

The next two places are generally a complete surprise, even for seasoned collectors. So, the fourth place is the stag beetle. A giant specimen of 7.5 cm was purchased for $89,000. And in third place is the dragon fish, the average cost of which is $ 80,000. But if the fish is painted in a rare white color, its price is simply amazing - $ 400,000.

In second place is the most expensive cow in history! A representative of the Holstein breed named Missy was sold for $ 1,200,000.

And, of course, horses confidently hold the palm. The record was set in 1983 when a thoroughbred English stallion was purchased for $40,000,000.

Striving for unusualness, a person who lives in abundance does not skimp on the purchase of exotic animals. If to be status - then in everything, up to pets. Today we will talk about the most expensive animals that can live in an apartment.

hyacinth macaw

One of the largest species and rare species parrots. The length of the cobalt blue bird is about a meter, with about half falling on the tail, the wing length is 36.5 cm; weight 1.5 kg. The wayward and even sometimes aggressive macaw is easily tamed and gets along very well with a person. Its life expectancy is up to 65–90 years. The price for one parrot can reach $14,000.

Savannah cat

This artificially bred breed by American scientists is a hybrid of a domestic cat and an African serval. The growth of the animal at the withers reaches 60 cm, and the weight reaches 15 kg. The price for such a cat is in the range of 4,000-10,000 dollars. This is one of the most expensive cats in the world.

Monkey Brazza

This species of primate has a rather peculiar muzzle with a long white beard, a forehead decorated with a reddish chestnut crescent and has an unpredictable character. Despite the fact that the Brazza Monkeys are listed in the International Red Book and there is no official permission to keep them at home, there are exotic lovers who are ready to pay from 7,000 to 10,000 dollars for monkeys.

Albino royal python

One of the smallest pythons, growing up to two meters in a lifetime, belongs to non-poisonous amphibian creatures. A spotted creeping friend costs about $40,000.

Horn beetle (stag beetle)

These insects, whose order includes about 2,500 species, are widespread on all continents, but live mainly in tropical regions. On the territory of Russia, the most famous of them is the stag beetle. It would never occur to ours to take care of insects, but the Eastern peoples think differently. One Japanese businessman paid $86,000 for a large three-inch (7.6 cm) stag beetle.

Tibetan mastiff

In March 2014, a Tibetan Mastiff puppy was sold in China for a record $2,000,000. The secret of the popularity of this breed of dogs among the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom is that these animals are very similar to lions. The Tibetan mastiff has performed watchdog functions since ancient times, had a calm disposition and an adequate expression of emotions. This dog is friendly, clean, smart and endowed with a special spirituality, according to the Chinese.

Holstein cow

These cows from the Canadian Morsan farm are very expensive. The most expensive cow in the world - named Miss Missy - was sold in 2009 for $1.9 million. She gives 1.5 times more milk than the average of her other relatives. Milk yield reaches about 50 liters per day. On the Morsan farm, all comfortable conditions have been created for cows of this breed: they are fed according to a special diet, and the air in the rooms is regulated by a climate control system.

White Lion

You can buy a white lion for about $150,000. The unusual coloring of the animal is a consequence of a genetic feature, and so it is an ordinary predator, aggressive and cruel.


Horses have been highly valued at all times and in all countries of the world. Thoroughbred horses and now often cost a lot of money. The most expensive horse is a thoroughbred stallion Green Monkey. At an auction in 2006, this 2-year-old horse was sold for $19,200,000.

One of the main indicators of a strong and healthy economy of the country is an expensive and stable national currency, the demand for which is not only within the state, but also far beyond its borders. It has long been no secret to anyone that residents of the countries of the Arabian Peninsula may not work and receive special subsidies from the government, which the population is enough for a comfortable existence. It is worth noting that Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Yemen, Qatar and other countries are among the main oil exporters on the world stage, which provides them with good economic indicators. Currently, the national currencies of these countries are considered the most expensive currencies in the world, but, unfortunately, the demand for them in the world community is small. This is due to the fact that Natural resources, in particular oil, in these countries may someday run out, respectively, and the income of the oil states may drop sharply.

What is the most expensive currency in the world?

The top ten most expensive currencies in the world have remained unchanged over the past few years. Today, the most expensive currency in the world is the Kuwaiti dinar.

1. Kuwaiti dinar

Kuwait is a small state on the Persian Gulf with very large reserves of raw materials: oil and gas. The name of the national currency of the country comes from the name of the coin that was in circulation in the Roman Empire. The Kuwaiti dinar was put into circulation on April 1, 1996.

2. Bahraini dinar

In second place is the Bahraini dinar. Bahrain is a small island kingdom with a monarchical system of government. For more than ten years, the Bahraini dinar has been very closely linked to the US dollar, against which the dinar exchange rate is almost completely dependent on the US national currency.

3. Omani rial

Oman is one of the most ancient states in the world, whose name comes from the dynasty of the first sheikhs who ruled the people in the 7th century. The Omani rial is subdivided into 1,000 bize. The Omani currency also has a strong peg to the US dollar.

4. Jordanian dinar

On the fourth line of the ranking is the Jordanian dinar - National currency Jordan. The state is considered sufficiently developed and strong in financial plan. The country's economy is entirely based on the mining and agricultural industries. The Jordanian dinar, like other expensive world currencies, is highly dependent on the US dollar.

5. Pound sterling

On the fifth line of the rating of the most expensive currencies in the world is the pound sterling - the national currency of Great Britain. The pound is also in the TOP-7 most popular world currencies. The first pound sterling banknotes were printed and put into circulation in 1694.

6. Cayman Islands dollar

The Cayman Islands are a territory of Britain and are located in the Caribbean Sea. To date, the Cayman Islands is one of the most famous and popular offshore companies with simplified legislation in tax area. The Cayman dollar was introduced into circulation in 1972. It is closely linked to the pound sterling.

7. Euro

The currency of seventeen states that are members of the eurozone, and nine states that are not members of it. Eurocurrency was introduced to the world community in 1999. To date, the euro has steadily maintained its position as a stable currency in the European market.

8. Swiss franc

Switzerland rightfully bears several worthy titles at once. It is the most stable and most rich country in the world. Banking system state for more than one century has been the most durable, and the Swiss franc - a reliable currency.

9. US dollar

The American currency is recognized as the most popular currency in the world. More than 50% of all payments for goods and services fall on it. Everything trading operations in the oil market are in US dollars.

10. Libyan dinar

The Libyan dinar, the national currency of Libya, completes the TOP-10 most expensive currencies in the world. V last years the state is experiencing a wave of political complexities and civil clashes, but the location in the rich oil region saves Libya from ruin. Since 1999, the national currency of Libya has been pegged to the currency of the IMF - SDR.

There is no doubt that the American dollar is the most popular currency on planet Earth, but not the most expensive. Bitcoin is the most expensive today - it is a virtual currency that is accepted by more and more sellers of goods and services every day. 1 bitcoin can be bought for 21,574.20 rubles. An unprecedented price for something that cannot be touched.

However, there is one “but” here - bitcoin is not officially recognized as a currency. " Now bitcoin can only be considered as a startup, not a completed project.”, - says Konstantin Grebennikov, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Promregionbank. " Is issuing money central bank the state in whose territory this currency is in circulation. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is a virtual currency that can also be used as a means of payment, but only to pay for goods or services from merchants who are ready to accept them. Accordingly, bitcoin cannot be called a currency.”, adds Ivan Farafonov, Deputy Head of the Treasury Department of the Bank for Settlements and Savings.

If we consider real money stored in people's wallets, then the leader in terms of currency value is the Kuwaiti dinar, which costs 123.92 rubles. It is used by only about 3 million people living on the coast of the Persian Gulf. The state is rich in oil, which keeps the dinar at a high level.

The second place among the most expensive currencies in the world is occupied by the Bahraini dinar, which is sold on the market at 92.97 rubles, and the third is the Omani real, worth 90.96 rubles. Known to many British pound Sterling occupies only the 6th line of the rating (59.44 rubles), the euro - 8th place (46.87 rubles), the US dollar and in all 15 positions (34.81 rubles).

The vast majority of currencies can only be bought in the country of their circulation. Therefore, if you are going to travel to one of the exotic countries, then take cash euros or dollars with you. " It is most convenient and profitable to buy dollars and / or euros - in any country, even in such isolated outside world, like North Korea and Cuba, it will be possible to exchange them for local currency", - advises Ivan Farafonov.

Also, do not forget about plastic card. « It's always better to have bank card one of the international payment systems with a cash reserve corresponding to your spending for two or three days. Ideally, for security reasons, a card for foreign travel should be separate from the main one and must be connected to Internet banking so that additional funds can be transferred to it from a current account at any time”, recommends Konstantin Grebennikov.

Top 20 most expensive currencies in the world

Currency name The cost of one unit (rub.)
0 bitcoin 21574,20
1 Kuwaiti dinar 123,92
2 Bahraini dinar 92,97
3 Omani rial 90,96
4 Saint Helena pound 59,67
5 Falkland Islands pound 59,65
6 GBP 59,44
7 Jordanian dinar 49,42
8 Euro 46,87
9 Azerbaijani manat 44,44
10 Cayman Islands dollar 42,71
11 Swiss frank 38,56
12 panama balboa 35,02
13 Cuban peso 35,01
14 Bahamian dollar 35,00
15 U.S. dollar 34,81
16 Australian dollar 32,88
17 Canadian dollar 32,47
18 Singapore dollar 28,29
19 Brunei dollar 28,29
20 Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible Mark 24,09

The cost of currencies is given as of July 24, 2014. The course source is https://www.google.com/finance.

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