
Terms of the oil industry. Oil and Gas Dictionary - NTC

Depreciation - financial accounting costs - paid and future. It is made to reduce the cost of fixed capital in order to reduce tax payments.

Anticlinal trap - hydrocarbon trap formed by anticline structure.

Auction with sealed offers - The auction in which participants submit their proposals in the sealed envelope to the trial period (sometimes called the "blind" auction).

Arbitration - Method of profit, playing at the price difference. For example, the same shares can be bought and sold simultaneously on different stock markets with profit, because At a certain point, the situation can be created when the difference in purchased and selling prices in the markets (Spred) will allow to guarantee profits.

Share capital - The amount of ordinary and preferred shares providing ownership of the company.

Ordinary shares - certify the possession of the part of the corporation. Shares owners have the right to dividends and elections of the Board of Directors, i.e. Carry out control over the corporation.

Permit shares - maximum amount ordinary shares that the company has the right to release. This amount is determined during the creation of the company.

Privileged shares - Shares, dividend payments for which are manufactured after payments on bonds and to payments on ordinary shares. Typically, the dividend is fixed. There are cumulative, uncommentative and involving.

Shares "Drojer" - Shares released at an overpriced value.

Shareholder certificate - a document confirming the ownership of a certain number of shares.

Assets - Everything is owned by the corporation. Cash, investment, raw materials, buildings, etc.

Current assets - Means that the company involves getting during one fiscal year.

Growing stocks - Shares of rapidly developing companies that do not pay dividends and invest income into the development of production.

Assets hidden - inconsistency between the cost of accounting reporting and valid market value.

Nette assets - Cost of capital at a market price minus debt obligations. This is the same as the "Book Cost".

Andeerier; Investment banker Andereiting - Buying new issues valuable papers Investment bankers (syndicates) for subsequent sale in the market.



Barrel is a unit of measurement of oil and petroleum products. 1 barrel \u003d 42 amGallons \u003d 159 liters; 7.3 barrel \u003d 1 ton of oil; 6.29 barrels \u003d 1 cubic meters.

Barge - non-propelled vessel used as a base for drilling equipment with underwater laying of pipelines or transportation of oil and oil products for short distances.

Tower cleaning - Cleaning the gas or fluid by washing in the turre-scrubber.

Bentonite - A variety of natural clay added to the drilling fluid (smectitis, gel).

British thermal unit (BTO) - The amount of heat required to increase the temperature of 1 pound of water by 1 degree Fahrenheit.

Drilling column - steel pipes with a length of about 10 m for connecting drill bit with a drilling stack.

Drilling platform - Sea platform for drilling exploration and operational wells, but unlike the operational platform without processing equipment.

Drilling rig - full set Equipment for drilling wells.

Drilling mine - Open opening in the center of the corps of the drill vessel through which drilling is produced.

Drill ship - A vessel equipped with sea drilling installation at depths that are not available for self-lifting or semi-duct installations.

Drilling Solution - a mixture of clay, water and chemical compounds, downloaded down the drill string for lubricating the system and torture the necessary pressure.

Beneficiary - Recipient of money on letter of credit, insurance or revenue from property in managing proxy.

"Bull" - Investor, which considers the market prices will grow and, accordingly, building their own strategy. (Buy options for the purchase, sale of option options, etc.).

Beckwordation (Backwardation) - The situation in the market when the quotes "spot" on a certain variety of oil exceed the quotes "forward" on the same grade of oil a month ahead. Indicates the tendency to reduce the price of a certain variety of oil.

Concrete platform - Operational platform from reinforced concrete, but not from steel.

Take off - The situation in which one company acquires part of the License for the search and development, paying part of the past or future expenses of another company, which thus refuses part of their rights to find and develop.

British Gas Corporation (BGK) - State corporation engaged in the purchase of gas in oil companies, as well as its distribution and sale in the UK.

British National Oil Corporation (BNK) - State Corporation, founded by the Government of Great Britain to manage the development of the British Sector of the Continental Shelf.



The over-the-counter market is a market consisting of dealers and agents that may be or not to be members of the stock market. Transactions are on the phone or computer network.

VARRANT (order) - Certificate, giving the right to the owner to acquire a certain amount of securities at a prescribed price. It happens indefinite or limited time.

Swivel - Rotating bore hose with drilling column.

Waterproof Mode Plaster - The production process in which oil and gas are displaced from the formation of the pressure of the water layer under it.

Possible stocks - Inverted oil and / or gas reserves, which, according to reasonable engineering considerations, can be extracted from undiluted structures.

Rotary drilling - Drilling at which the boring column is completely, including the drill bit, rotates (unlike turbine drilling).

Auxiliary dozhnaya station - Platform, built along a part of the underwater oil and gas wire for the mining process of pumping.

Ejection - The situation when the reservoir pressure exceeds the hydrostatic pressure of the drilling fluid, allowing the plastic fluid to enter the wellbore.

Pipe - Steel construction for taping associated gas for burning.

Shutting trap - A trap, in which the reservoir or the oil-bearing rock becomes thinner as it approaches the zone of impermeability and no convergence.

Redemption price - The price for which the mining company redeems the oil belonging to the state.



Gas hydrocarbon is natural gas, the content of hydrocarbon components of which exceeds 50%.

Gasoyl - intermediate distillate obtained in the processing of oil at the stage between lubricating oils and kerosene; Used to produce diesel fuel and burned in central heating systems.

GasOndensate - Liquid hydrocarbons found in conjunction with natural gas.

Gasporn regime - production mode in which oil is displaced from the formation of the pressure of the gas cap.

Gas petroleum - Natural gas, sorbed oil in reservoir conditions.

Gas cap - Part of the deposits of oil and gas, represented by the reservoir gas.

Gas passing - Mixture of free gas of the gas cap and oil gas produced from the gas-carrying deposit.

Gas free - Natural gas of gas and gas condensate deposits, including gas gas cap.

Annual report - Official financial document reflecting the financial condition of the company. In monetary terms, the balance sheet reflects what the company owns, its debts and the degree of ownership by its shareholders.

Swing of well - The fracture of the flow in the well by balancing the reservoir pressure to fill the wellbore with a solution of sufficiently high density.

Horizon - layer or several layers of rocks, which were allegedly formed in a consistent way.

Gravimetric intelligence - The geological intelligence method, in which the change in the gravitational field is used to determine the nature of underground rocks.

Gravitational platform - The platform is usually made of reinforced concrete, which is tightly installed on the seabed of its own gravity without using piles.

Geological exploration of oil and gas - Complex work aimed at identifying, geological and economic assessment and preparations for the development of industrial deposits of oil and gas.

Divided into search and exploration stages. In turn, the search phase includes three stages: regional geological and geophysical work; Preparation of the area to deep drilling; Searches for deposits (deposits). As for the exploration stage, its goal is to prepare the field to develop.

Geothermal gradient - raising the temperature of the breed as the distance from the earth's surface increases.

Sealing polymer - polymer added to the drilling fluid in order. To ensure the impermeability of the porous breed.

Hybrid base - The nautical platform of the hybrid type, the base and storage of which are made of reinforced concrete, and the upper sections are made of steel.



Oil and gas deposit - single accumulation of oil and gas, filling out some volume of rocks, called "trap".

Note - Lower well.

Stocks of industrial categories - studied with a sufficient degree of detail reserves of the deposits, the oil and gas potential of which is established on the basis of industrial oil and gas obtained in wellbones.

Burning a well - Beginning of a well drilling with a small deepening by the drilling chisel of large diameter.

Starting a well - The process at which the bore is finished by drilling is prepared for operation with the help of the equipment of the well.

Complete Square - drilled directly behind the contour of proven deposit reserves in order to study the possibility of expanding the deposit.

Slaring of the new wellbore - The rehabilitation procedure for creating new wells in the goal to bypass the accumulated "pitfall", as well as in order to repeatedly try the lost well.

Clamping space - The name of the ring-shaped space between the drill column and the borehole barrel.



Dividend - payment for promotions and bonds. Dividend may be permanent (fixed), like bonds; and changing, depending on the financial condition of the company.

Diesel fuel - Light petroleum fuel.

Dividend accumulated - due from the moment the last payment dividend on the bond. When purchasing such a bond, the buyer pays her market value Plus accumulated dividend.

Dynamic adjustment - The method in which the marine base is held in a permanent position using the electronically controlled rotary movement propellers, and not anchors.

Liquidity movement - net profit a plus depreciation deductionswho are held in accounts, but are not paid in money.

Deposit Certificate - Released by banks. Has installed interest rate and maturity.

Dealer - Financial company or private person who are engaged in buying and selling securities, and not as an agent. Dealer's remuneration is the difference between the price of buying and selling, agent (broker) - commissions.

Discount (discount) - Reducing the nominal value of a privileged action or bond upon sale.

Power of attorney - notarized document confirming the transfer of certain rights to a third party.

Mining primary methods - Oil or gas production from the reservoir using only natural processes.

Mining secondary methods - production of oil or gas from the formation by artificial methods of maintaining or increasing the reservoir pressure by injection of gas, water or other substances in the reservoir breed.

Oil production by tertiary methods - Oil or gas production from a part of the reservoir, which runs over that part of it, from which mining primary or secondary methods can be made. Usually requires complex technologies, such as, for example, heating the formation to reduce the viscosity of oil or injection of chemicals for oil dissolution.

Proven field - The oil and / or gas field for which the physical extent and estimated reserves are identified.

Proven stocks - Assessment stocks of hydrocarbons, which can be extracted in the future from well-known oil or gas reservoirs at the existing economic and technical level, based on geological and technical information.

Double-pipe - Two sections of the drill, casing or pump-compressor pipe connected together.

Diaphragm - The device, partially limiting the flow in the pipe, can be used as a flow rate meter in the pipeline.



Currency indices - Methods for determining price changes to certain groups of securities or other financial products. The most famous - Dow Jones, S & P 500, Russel 2000, etc.

Removed stocks - Part of oil or gas in the formation, which can be extracted using the current technology that is currently available.

Indentance - Agreement on the release of bonds, which establishes the repayment period, annual percentage and other conditions.

Insider - Face, by virtue of its position having access to financial and other important information, inaccessible to the general public. Purchases and sales of securities produced by insider are strictly controlled, registered and published.

Institutional Investor - An organization whose activities are concentrated on investing. An example of I.I. can serve pension funds, insurance companies, banks.
Investment - Use of money in order to gain big money to increase income or capital gains.

Twisted well - Well drilled with a gradual deviation of the barrel from the vertical (in order to achieve various parts of the reservoir from one platform).



Overhaul of the well - re-penetration into the completed well for cleaning and restoration work.

Catalysts - Substances that change the speed of the chemical reaction and are not part of the final products. Catalysts provide energy reaction energetically less difficult, which makes it possible to effectively use raw materials.

Book value - It is determined by adding all assets and subsequent subtraction of liabilities, taxes, bonds, and other debt obligations. The result is divided into the number of ordinary shares.

Logging well - Complete record of information collected during the drilling of the well. Such information allows you to construct a complete picture of the geological section passed by this well.

Logging diagram - Table or graphic description of drilling or geophysical characteristics obtained in the study of the well.

Map Isopahite - geological card with printed intensity of equal capacities of a specific horizon (layer of rocks).

Catalytic cracking - A process in which severe hydrocarbon molecules are disintegrated into light molecules when passing through the corresponding catalyst (usually when heated). The oil industry contributes to the deepening of oil refining. Used to obtain high-octane gasoline.

Cerne - Sample of the cylindrical form breed, obtained from the well when it drilling through a core-chorer with ring-shaped drill bit.

Kern Sideborn - samples of cylindrical rocks, obtained by torping the hollow metal cylinders into the wall of the wellbore.

Kernotborkin - The hollow section of the pipe over the annular chisel.

Kerosene - middle-deep distillate obtained as a result of oil refining, intermediate between gas and gaseous fuels. Used to produce fuel for jet and turbojet aircraft engines.

Acid treatment - The method of stimulating, in which the acid is injected into a low-permeable reservoir, expanding the pore sizes and increasing the flow of oil.

Valves - devices for controlling and controlling the flow of liquids or gases through pipes. Main types of valves: membrane, shut-off, ball, throttle, retaining and safety.

Oil and gas collectors - Mountain breed, which have the ability to accommodate oil and gas, as well as skip them through themselves in the presence of pressure drop.

Coke - solid carbon and other oil impurities formed inside on-screen pipes.

Column distillation - Stabilization column to reduce the vapor of gasoline and its products in the process of processing.

Convertible securities - Bonds, preferred shares, which, according to the terms of the issue, can be exchanged for ordinary shares.

Compensators - equipment with hydraulic drive to compensate for the motion of the floating drilling rig or drilling vessel up and down during drilling.

Contango (Contango) - The situation in the market, when the quotes "spot" on a certain amount of oil lower than quotes "forward" on the same amount of oil a month ahead. Means a tendency to increase the price of a certain variety of oil.

Compressor - Equipment used to compress gas to injection or discharge into the pipeline.

Conversion oil - The initial reagent for the production of pure carbon.

Capacitor - A device for transferring a substance from vapor into a liquid state.

Coupon bond - Produced with interest coupons that are cut off and are provided to pay interest within the relevant period.

Coupon norm - The rate of interest on bonds, depending on the company's creditworthiness and its potential profits.



The trap is the volume of rocks in which the change in permeability contributes to the accumulation and preservation of oil and gas.



The oil and gas field is a separate deposit or group of deposits, separated by vertical or horizontally, but controlled by one local structure.

Multi-storey fields - The deposits, which make up the field are located within the averaged contour of the neboles in various stratigraphic levels.

"Bear" - Investor, building its strategy and tactics on the assumption that the market in general or separately taken shares will fall in price. Such strategies are Short Sale, buying options for sale (PUT), the sale of secured options (Covered Call) and others.

"Bear Market" - The market situation in which there is a steady trend towards lower prices for a long period of time.

Municipal bonds - We are produced by the states, cities, areas in order to finance various projects. The income from such bonds is exempt, both from state and local tax.



Oil - combustible oily liquid, common in the sedimentary sheath of the Earth; Most important mineral. A complex mixture of alkanans, some cyclanes and arena, as well as oxygen, sulfur and nitrous compounds. There are light (0.65-0.87 g / cm3), medium (0.871-0.910 g / cm3) and heavy (0.910-1.05 g / cm3) oil. Heat combustion 43.7-46.2 MJ / kg (10,400-11,000 kcal / kg). Oil is classified according to the content of s on a small-sized (up to 0.5% s), sulfur (0.5-2% s) and high-terrestrial (St. 2% s). Used from a long time (from the 6th thousand to n. E.). By distillation from oil receive gasoline, reactive fuel, lighting kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oil.

Oil and gas generic zoning - separation of sedimentary basins on oil and gas objects of different scale, from oil and gas provinces to deposits and deposits of oil and gas. It is based on a complex of geological indicators that determine the conditions for generation, migration, accumulation and preservation of hydrocarbon clusters.

Oil and gas area - A combination of several adjacent deposits, combined with the community of oil and gas retinues and structural conditions. For example, Surgut, Romashkin, Starogroznensky.

Oil and gas area - A combination of several adjacent oil and gas areas united by the similarity of the geological structure, the conditions of oil and gas formation and the history of geological development. Most often corresponds to geological objects of subregional scale. For example, Cubano-Black Sea, Embotskaya.

Oil and gas province - A relatively large portion of the earth's crust, which combines several adjacent oil and gas areas with general features of regional geology and similar conditions for regional oil and gas formation and oil and gas components. Most often meets the geological objects of regional and superregulated scale. For example, Volgo-Ural, Timano-Pechora.

Oil and gas complex - Part of the geological cut, characterized by a similar lithological composition of the above and underlying rocks containing oil and gas in industrial volumes.

Oil sector reservoirs - The degree of completeness of the displacement of oil from the productive horizon in the well (mines) with water or gas under the influence of reservoir energy. The oil recovery of the formation is estimated by the oil recovery coefficient (the ratio of oil produced to its geological reserves). Petroleum products in a broad sense of the mixture of hydrocarbons and some of their derivatives, less often - individual chemical compounds obtained by the processing of oil and oil associated gases. Used as fuel, lubricants, raw materials for petrochemical synthesis, etc.

Purchasing wells - Wells used to maintain reservoir pressure.

Nominal - Menantive value. It is the amount that the bond released the bond is obliged to pay for it when redeeming the issue. This amount is usually printed on the front side of the bond.



Report Audit - Report of the Audio Firm on Work and financial condition Corporation. Checking the compliance of the accounting report of generally accepted practice.

Bond - debt obligation, manufactured by the state, company, Municipal District, etc., according to which the Party issuing a bond undertakes to pay the owner of the established annual percentage, and on the occurrence of the payment period to pay off its debt and redeem it at face value. The owner of the bond is a lender.

Flood (well) - the percentage of water in the total volume (weight) of the liquid produced from the well. Accordingly, the waterproof is bulk and weight.

Bearer bond - A variety of bonds, in which the name of the owner is not registered, and interest and / or money is paid to the bearer. Currently, in the US, such bonds are practically not issued.

Bond secured by income from the object - Usually municipal bonds manufactured by the construction and operation of roads, bridges, energy facilities, etc. Part of the income from these objects go to the coverage of debt obligations under bonds.

Option - Contract for the purchase or sale of a certain number of shares or other products at a certain price at the set time.

Open option (unsecured) - Option sold by the investor without actual possession of shares or products. Such a strategy is considered very risky, because Theoretically, can lead to unlimited financial losses.

Option for purchase - It gives the right to purchase a certain number of shares at a prescribed price for a certain period of time.

Option covered - Sale of an option option in the presence of appropriate securities. In the case of the valuable securities - they are already available. T.N. Sale with the provision.

Provision (pledge) - Transfer of securities in pledge as security. Property can serve as property, company assets, etc.



Passives - the material obligations of the Corporation to which various payments include (interest on bonds, salary, tax payments, etc.)

Passives are current - Company debt, which should be paid throughout the year.

Prediction of resources and counting hydrocarbons - It is carried out at an early stage of geological exploration for the purpose of geological and economic assessment of reserves in potentially oil and gas regions.

Depending on the degree of information preparedness, resources and reserves are allocated. Resources according to the extent of their validity are divided into promising (C3) and forecast (D1 and D2). Oil and gas reserves according to the degree of study are divided into explored (A, B and C1) and previously estimated (C2). The most reliable stocks of industrial categories (A, B, C1).

Industrial oil and gas reserves - the volume of hydrocarbon reserves, which is the basis for designing the development and operation of gas and oil fields.

Sale without security - Sale of shares or other securities that are not available at the investor. Shares are clothed in a brokerage company and sold on the market. This transaction must be covered - buy and return securities. The difference between the sale and purchase price can be both profit and loss.

Confirmed explored reserves developed - This category of stocks includes explored reserves that are in development, or unsolved, but those recoverable using existing wells or by the use of special technologies, as well as translated into the status of the owned by the owner.

Reserves related to the united sites on the developed fields can be classified as developed if their value is insignificant in comparison with the total amount of stocks in the area being developed.

Confirmed explored united reserves - reserves extracted from existing wells and requiring relatively small capital investments for development.

Confirmed explored stocks - Reserves, which are expected to be extracted using existing wells when applying installed equipment and development methods and existing economic and operating conditions.

Confirmed stocks - Reserves considered as extractable with the use of existing technology under existing economic conditions from the part of the oil and gas reservoir, which can be reliably estimated as economically productive.

The assessment is carried out on the basis of analyzing the search, geological, geophysical and engineering information, including reserves that can be extracted using advanced technologies of proven economically and technically successful for use in this field.

Confirmed undiscovered - Reserves, which are expected to be extracted from new deposits on non-smoking areas, or from existing deposits, which requires relatively large investments.

Search block - Territory, within which the search for new hydrocarbon deposits is carried out.



Market auction - CHEMA Sales of securities through brokers or agents on the stock exchange. Buyers and sellers compete for the opportunity to buy or sell securities at the most favorable price.

Market "Bykov" - A situation in which market prices are growing during a long time.

Refinancing - The investment scheme in which the capital obtained for the new issue of securities is used to cover previous debt obligations.



A certificate of deposit of foreign securities is a free certificate-free certificate representing a certain number of shares of a foreign company. Deposited in the foreign branch of the bank or in its foreign branch.

Liquefied petroleum gas (CIS) - a mixture of light hydrocarbons from the oil-beed reservoir, which at normal temperatures are in a gaseous state and are liquefied during cooling or under pressure. It consists mainly of Bhutan and Propane. Sometimes the condensate is called.

Seismic exploration on 3-D methodology - Seismic exploration is made to obtain a three-dimensional image of the area under study. Three-dimensional seismic exploration is a fairly expensive method of intelligence because it requires significant time spending on computer data processing.

Split - Crushing, dividing those in the circulation of shares to more.

Transactions Presenters - Transactions with securities that have not yet been released, but the permission to emission is already there.
Spread (Spread) - the magnitude of the "gap", the difference in prices for various varieties of oil. In fact, it is a combined discount or a premium for this variety of oil relative to another variety chosen as a basic one.
Spot - motion on immediate delivery. Supply within two weeks, and for some varieties of oil - within three weeks. Quotes "Spot" are used to evaluate the correctness of the selected price of the previously concluded "forward" transaction; to extract invoices for supply, calculations on which are carried out on the basis of formulas based on SPOT quotes at the time of shipment of goods; It is also used as a source point from which counterparties begin to discuss the price conditions of transactions for the next quotation day.



Ticker is an electronic system that gives information about the latest prices of securities transactions. Depicted in the form of a running line.

Trader - Buying or selling securities to your own account in order to obtain short-term profits.

Pipeline - construction from pipes connected by welded, flange, threaded and other joints for transporting liquids, gases, suspensions, etc. under the action of pressure difference in various sections. Depending on the type of transported product, pipelines are also called gas pipelines, oil pipelines, petroleum products, condensate pipes, etc.

Difficult oil reserves - reserves of deposits, deposits or individual parts, characterized relatively unfavorable to extract geological conditions of oil and (or) physical properties. For mining of hard-to-recover stocks requires increased costs of financial, material and labor resources, unconventional technologies, special non-relocated equipment and deficit reagents and materials.

According to economic criteria for the efficiency of development, hard-cleaned reserves occupy an intermediate position between off-balances (unprofitable under existing economic conditions, techniques and oil production technology) and extracted oil reserves, the development of which can be carried out profitable in modern conditions. It is difficult to recover oil reserves:

prisoners in low-speed collectors (less than 0.05 μm2);

in the contact areas of oil-water (water-dried zones) or oil and gas deposits in the contact area of \u200b\u200boil-gas (gas-oil zones);

characterized by high gas saturation and the extraction of which is limited to the maximum permissible amount of depression that does not cause irreversible strain deformation;

as part of which in dissolved and / or free gas there are aggressive components (hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide) in quantities requiring the use of special equipment and technologies for drilling wells and oil production;

bold at high depths (more than 4000 m);

with a reservoir temperature of 1000 ° C and higher;

with low difference between the formation temperature and the temperature of the pouring of paraffin and resins.



Averaging is the purchase of securities to the same amount at equal intervals of time, regardless of price fluctuations. As a result, over time, the price for which shares are sold, begins to exceed their averaged value.

Averaging cost - investment scheme, when the same amount is inserted into the same securities at equal intervals regardless of the price. After a while, the price of papers will exceed the average value.



Futures are contracts that define the delivery date and the number of various products (material or financial). The US futures market are popular contracts for agricultural products - wheat, corn, meat, coffee, etc.

Futures transactions - Contracts based on long-term financial obligations.
Fiscal year - Reporting year of the company. Reporting period May begin on any day and month. Most companies operate on the basis of the calendar year.
Fund of money market - Fund, investing money in government securities, deposit certificates, short-term commercial bills. Most clients of brokerage firms keep cash on their accounts in such funds. They are highly qualified and have a higher annual percentage compared with banking.

Mutual Fund (joint) - Financial companywhich uses capital to invest in other companies. Such funds are open and closed type. Can specializes in types of securities, geographic regions, industries, etc.

Forward - Transactions with deferred delivery. Deliveries on some key varieties of oil in a month, two or three months. Quotes "Forward", in fact, are the predictive assessment of the participants in the market of the situation for a month, two or three forward. In combination with SPOT quotes (see also "SPOT" ), Forward quotes demonstrate the most likely current trend in prices for a certain variety of oil to perspective in one, two or three months.

Stock Exchange - Centralized place of securities trading.



Heading is a set of strategies that allow minimizing the possibility of financial losses. Includes the purchase of contracts for sale, provided options, etc.

Chemistry oil - section of chemistry, studying the structure, methods for isolating and converting compounds of oil and petroleum products.

Such strategic industries as petrochemical, hydrocarbon production and it is impossible to effectively develop and develop without the use of global achievements in this area. Any advanced technology or equipment requires compulsory correct, in accordance with technical regulations, applications and operation. Without specialists and developers of these products it is impossible to do. Moreover, using foreign technicians, it is necessary in constant mode not only to maintain it in working condition, but also to set spare parts.

For the implementation of the whole process, it is necessary to maintain at least a minimum, even political interstate relations with those countries whose equipment and technologies are used in the strategic industries.

But, for effective interaction between specialists in this area, absolutely complete adequate understanding of all special technical terms and values \u200b\u200bis needed. The level of qualifications of technical translators and the correctness of their transfer largely depends on not only the efficiency of the work of specialized oil and gas equipment, but often the safety of a hazardous production facility.

It should be borne in mind that the number of specialized terms increases as a result of the development of the petrochemical industry. All this stimulates the improvement of special sectoral glossary with correct translations, technical dictionaries, encyclopedic material, etc. The task of the translation process is as follows - adequacy and complete understanding of the parties regarding all technical information, as well as the absence of errors and inaccuracies in translations of special terms, which may be observed not only when reading specialized literature, but also to communicate between specialists from different language groups.

In order to clearly understand the values \u200b\u200bof special technical terms, it is necessary to know the etymology of these words. This special section of linguistics, which is designed by special methods and techniques to explore the origin of a particular word.

Imaging etymological analysis of the term, first of all, the origin of the language is determined from which the word happened, it is denoted. Naturally, since the language is "alive" Substance, the word varies (increases, shortening, loses letters, etc.), it becomes often other phonetic value and comes to us at all in an unfamiliar to perception. For example, to trace the evolution of the word creation oil You must track the following chain: oleum. (Latin) - olive Tree, huile. (Ancient Dr.) - liquid oil, oil (English) - oil, butter. And the meaning of the word "oil" First went into use in 1520.

Word "PetRleum" Borrowed completely from Latin language: "PETRA" + "Oleum" or "breed" + "butter".

But the term denoting in English as DRILLINGdrilling - came already from the Danish language.

In linguistics, there are certain allegations according to which the reason for the emergence of special terms - people in the process of development and the passage of a certain amount of time is characteristic of associated events and items, allocating distinctive features and similarities. This is one of the ways, which appears new words and terminology, especially special.

So, for example, the word "petrol", in English "Spirit" It was recorded in the middle of the 13th century (1250 years). His origin has happened from the Latin word "Spiritus", then appeared Starofranzos espirit.. This word is translated into Russian as "soul" - Intangible substance, the beginning of the whole life, the opposite of the physical body. In 1610, this word began to designate volatile chemicals. It is assumed that the logical chain of the term "petrol" Their meaning proceeds "Flying Substance"gasoline is subject to evaporation, and the soul flies away from the physical body.

Word derrick., for example, is the origin on behalf of the executioner, which "worked" at the courtyard of the English Queen Elizabeth I. In the future, this word was called "executioner", and then "gallows", that, apparently, was associated by appearance with rig rig.

The language is filled with new terms also due to which a person, trying not to complicate communication processes, gives titles to new subjects and actions, based on the everyday words used by him in ordinary life. Any special term must have certain qualities: a systematic approach, no duality in understanding, neutrality in stylistics, easy pronunciation of syllables of words and naturally accuracy. But, not all technical terms comply with these and other requirements that it does not prevent them from exist and be absolutely necessary.

There are also words that "REDUCED" From other science and nevertheless, they leave the original meaning, at least they have its main characteristics.

Development private property And the emergence of capitalist relations was very strongly influenced by the emergence of new words, terms and profile glossaries in English. New production is always associated with new technical concepts and values. It develops language - it is filled with numerous technical terms. It was at this time that such definitions appeared as carbon, Petrol, PetrolTum, Lubicant, as well as black Strap, Seal Grease, Turbine Fuel, Gear Oil, Gasoline, Wax, Liquid, Kerosene, Benzene, Paraffin, Vaseline.

Scientific and technical lexical expressions in more than Based on the ancient Greek and Latin words.

"Gasoline" in meaning "petrol" came to us again from Latin - gAS + OIL.. After attaching to it, connected together, the words of the chemical generally accepted suffix - ine The expression has acquired a finished look. The next period, when a new reservoir of special terms and phrases appeared, began the beginning of the twentieth century. It was then that was one of the main levers of the development of the global economy, as a result of which enormous investments began to invest in this industry. This gave the impetus to technologies and equipment that had to give new names.

\u003e Oil and gas terms

Dictionary Terminos

Resources whose assessment (usually the upper) is made without the cost of their development

Subject or oil or gas deposit. The process of formation of oil or gas deposits from scattered migratory hydrocarbons

Qualitative characteristic of the object of the assessment (for example, stocks, resources), meaning the degree of approximation to the true value (high, middle, low)

Rains containing over the norms are sulfur, nitric and other acids. They are formed as a result of the air pollution by oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, etc., including those generated by gas torches on oil and gas fields

Mineral reserves that are in development or suitable for development in modern technical and economic conditions

Explored recoverable reserves. The term is used as a synonym for proven reserves.

1) potentially cost-effective resources, the economic feasibility of mastering which will be possible in the future
2) low-disordered or predominantly undiscovered resources

Increased reserves for a certain period as a result of the opening of new or exploration of well-known deposits, as well as reassessing their reserves without additional work

Generator gas obtained by blowing the layer of hot fuels (coke, coal, peat, etc.)

Air mixture with combustible gas

Level or production volume allowed by appropriate official restrictions

Completion complex to determine the amount of reserves (resources) of mineral resources

In the project analysis: expert assessment of admissibility investment project In accordance with certain decision-making criteria

An exploration well, roaming in the immediate vicinity of the open-air center of the deposit (oil, gas) in order to more detailed study of the productive interval and conducting experienced operation

1) Contacting gas (associated) with oil in the field. It may be free, focused in gas caps of gas chapels, or connected dissolved in oil
2) gas gas hats

It is usually meant gas from gas hats containing a significant amount of condensate

Resources whose development may be cost-effective in modern conditions. The term is used in Western European countries

The amount of oil or gas that can be filed (from deposit, deposits or well) in the pipeline for a certain period of time

Reserves developed or prepared for the development of deposits

The amount of minerals, which can be obtained from a unit of productive breeds. One of the main parameters used in preliminary estimation of stocks and forecast mineral resources

Measure of liquids and bulk bodies, equal to 119.2-163.7l. To measure the volume of oil and liquid petroleum products, is used, as a rule, American barrel, corresponding to 158.984l

Contract price on a specific supply basis

The most representative grade of oil, the prices of which are used as a basis for determining the price level on other varieties of oil (taking into account the qualitative differences in the oil and geographical position of shipment points)

The unit of measuring thermal energy equal to the amount of heat required for heating 1 pound of water per 1 F (1,055 kJ)

The time interval from the start of operation of the field until the highest mining level is achieved

The product of non-core production, obtained as a related component in production, aimed at the manufacture of another product. The passing product includes a part of common production costswhile the expected profit or loss from its sale is zero

Revenues from the sale of by-products: for example, Ceres in the processing of high-terrestrial oil and gases

The amount of heat released with full combustion unit of fuel

The ratio of the actual installation performance, plant, fishery to the installed power

Potential production level that can be achieved at the field

The costs associated with the implementation of measures to eliminate the effects of environmental pollution (as a rule, the surface of the water area and the adjacent coast) as a result of leakage and spill of oil

Capitalized costs, the cost of the company's fixed assets; Investments in the fundamental funds necessary for the implementation of the project

Gaseous fuel of medium calorie (highest heat combustion 16.760-20.950 kJ / m3), obtained as a by-product when coking bituminous coal

Gas, the oxidation of which is accompanied by the formation of a flame: gaseous hydrocarbons, CO, H, as well as various gaseous mixtures with a sufficiently high content of these gases

The field, the development of which is cost-effective in conditions that exist on the date of assessing its stocks

Ending expenses, fastening, well development, mining workings, etc. Costs for the construction of a well: drilling costs, completion and arrangement of the well

White or light yellow mixture of liquid hydrocarbons with a density of less than 0.78 g / m3 (pentan + higher), obtained as a result of their condensation under surface conditions

Oil implemented (or purchased) in accordance with the long-term contract

Prices fixed in the purchase and sale cont

Entrepreneur or firm performing certain types of work (seismic exploration, drilling wells, pipeline laying, etc.) on the terms of the contract (as part of a contract contract)

Sources of energy, the development of which relatively inexpensive ("usually"): fossil energy sources associated with deposits that ensure profitability of extracting minerals tested methods of development, as well as river flow energy. The border between "ordinary" and "unusual" sources of energy is very vague and depends on both prices for this energy raw materials and from improving technology and technology

Oil or gas from "ordinary" deposits developed by "ordinary" methods (primary and secondary). Oil and gas, mining and use of which are relatively inexpensive in modern conditions

Reimbursement of investments in exhaustable assets as the stocks of the developed field exhausted by writing off the corresponding part of the capital expenditures from income to be taxed

High calorie gas obtained as a result of cracking oil

The volume of primary oil refining; Delivery of oil to processing enterprises. The term used when characterizing the balance of production and consumption of liquid fuel

Product converting oil under surface conditions. Natural bitumen is the hydrocarbon part of bituminous sands

Natural mixture of hydrocarbons of methane, naphthenic and aromatic rows with an admixture of organic, sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen compounds located in a liquid state in reservoir conditions and remaining liquid under surface conditions

Oil intended for processing at an oil refining factory, in contrast to oil consumed directly in the non-processed form (on power plants, oilfields, etc.)

The total number of minerals extracted from known deposits to any moment since the beginning of their development

Short-term or for a certain time (hour, day, etc.) entry into the environment of any pollutants

Technical project development, compilation of the estimation, sometimes also includes a financial and environmental substantiation of projects. Also services to provide services in this area

Typically, this term is a strong term "Development of deposits in tertiary methods"

Air pollution, water and soil as a result of harmful emissions of organic fuels combustion products, etc., the works of nuclear reactors and oil leaks and petroleum products; a loss natural resources (Seating of lands, landscapes by mountain work), etc.

1) a set of actions, states and processes, directly or indirectly leading to vital damage (or threats of such damages), applied natural environment, individuals or humanity as a whole; 2) a complex of states, phenomena and actions that ensure the environmental balance on Earth and in any of its regions at the level to which physically, socio-economically, technologically and politically ready (can adapt to humanity without serious damage). Can be considered in global, regional, local and conditionally dotted frames

The term means not a low degree of reliability of stock estimation, but only the estimation of their specific value

Complex of regional drilling and geophysical works of search and exploration drilling

A combination of capital and current (non-capitalized) costs associated with searches and exploration of mineral deposits: geological and geophysical (regional) research, drilling of parametric, search and exploration wells

Dynamics of the pace of opening deposits, annual growth of reserves, the specific increase in stocks (per meter of penetration or well), specific cash costs for stock preparation

Official permission to carry out the entire complex of search and exploration and operational work

Drilling of wells for the purpose of searches and exploration of mineral deposits. Objectives - the opening of deposits and prepare them for operational breakdown and development, as well as preliminary estimate Fossil stocks

The ratio of the number of effective (productive) search and exploration wells to the total number of drilled wells of this category

Well, the drilling of which is produced for searches for new deposits or deposits, exploration (termination) of open fields, exploration of deeper and less deep horizons on the well-known fields

Characterize the magnitude of the initial or residual reserves of known deposits

Performing defermentation on a developed field (plot, deposits, a mine field, career) by protruding and operational wells to increase productive areas and, accordingly, industrial mineral reserves

Exploration Well, clogging in order to expand the productive area of \u200b\u200bdeposits (deposits, ore body), refinement of boundaries, efficient power and other parameters of morphology deposits (deposits, ore body)

The ratio of the amount of mineral, extracted to the surface, to its initial amount in the depths. It takes into account the loss and dilution of useful minerals in the process of its prey

The accumulation of minerals dedicated to a certain geological form and characterized by the generality of the conditions for the formation of its deposits of its deposits (productive horizons)

Reciplassized collection and preparation costs (separation, purification, stabilization) of oil, gas or condensate, as well as storage and transportation of mined raw materials within oil or gas production (from the mouth of the well to the main pipeline or oil loading jam)

Operational data, technical and economic data on the operation of the field

Finite oil recovery
The maximum possible amount of oil, which can be learned from the productive formation (maximum recoverable stocks)

Unused associated gas of oil fields

Minerals formed as a result of the conversion of a buried organic matter of plant or animal origin in different kinds Natural fuel and its concentration in the breed mass. The term combines coal, shale, oil, gas, bituminous sands

Gas, not dissolved in oil and not in contact with it, i.e. Gas pure gas and gas condensate deposits

Any substance that can be burned in order to obtain thermal energy, as well as radioactive materials, whose cleavage of the nuclei in reactors leads to heat release

Combustible gas used as technological or utility-household fuel

Gaseous fuel (usually low-calorie), used in roasting furnaces, dryers, etc.

General term applied to both natural and artificial gas (hydrocarbon or other composition)

Light diesel fuel; Oil fraction sculpting at a temperature of 200-300c

Single isolated gas accumulation within the deposit

Well, which produces or can produce industrial free gas production

Free gas of two-phase gas champions (oil and gas) deposits

Gas and oil ratio (in stocks, mining)

A mixture of low-boiling liquid hydrocarbons (boiling point not higher than 200C), obtained by overclocking oil, drying of natural gas or during oil processing and solid fuels

Easy oil fraction, sculpting at a temperature of 30-2000C

A combination of current expenditures related to the transportation and storage of the extracted hydrocarbon raw materials within the oil or gas polyvis

Fields of oil and gas with reserves, respectively, at least 13.5 million .tes or 13,5mld.m3. In scientific geological literature, it is often of this term, the deposits with reserves of at least 67.5 million dollars or 67,5mld m3 of gas

The term, more often used in relation to enterprises engaged in the production of products. For energy: 1) Cumulative mining of minerals excluding losses and (or) the cost of mined raw materials for their own needs; 2) common prey Useful fossil without taking into account the subsequent provision of part of the mined raw materials at the disposal of landowner or the owner of the subsoil; 3) general production of electric (heat) energy

The volume of processing of petrocation raw materials; General supplies of source raw materials for refineries. The term is used when characterizing the balance of production and consumption of liquid fuel

The total production of petroleum products, taking into account the consumption of oil fuel to their own needs of the refield plant; Nefteragonal needs; The volume of actual processing of oil refined raw materials (oil, gas condensate liquids and semi-products) minus technological losses of the feedstock

Degassed, highly viscous and low-lifting oil in reservoir conditions, the absolute viscosity of which is from 0.05 to 10pa * C (primary sign), and density - from 0.934 to 1G / cm3 (secondary sign)

Oil characterized by a high density value in degrees of the American Oil Institute, i.e. low density in units metric system (usually not higher than 0.876g / cm3)

Petroleum products and hydrocarbon gases used as fuel

The combination of the manufacturing industries, including oil and gas processing, petrochemical and production of artificial (synthetic) hydrocarbon fuel

Qualitative characteristic of the area indicating the possibility of detection within its limits of oil or gas fields

Generalized Name of Oil and Gas, if it is not accompanied by an indication of the phase composition

The undisturbed part of the shared resources calculated on the alleged productive areas within the oil and gas, coal and uranium and ore areas with established favorable geological prerequisites

One of the methods of intensifying oil production after the loss of its natural mobility, as well as initially high-viscous oil

Geological shared resources or reserves, excluding extraction and loss rates

Vertical integration is an association in one company of two or more different stages of the manufacturing process. Horizontal - Association of various divisions that work in the same stage of production

Period of exploration and arrangement of the field and preparation for operation; The period from the beginning of the design and survey work to the start of the first stage of the enterprise (processing, concentrating, etc.)

1) gas consisting of methane, ethane and propane after the extraction of butane, propane and severe homologues; 2) Low-calorie gas

Dry or silent natural gas (mainly methane), liquefied under surface conditions by cooling to 160C

Liquefied gaseous hydrocarbons, heavier than ethane (butanes, propane); In reservoir conditions are located in oil dissolved; obtained when drying the passing gas

Oil and petroleum products. The term applies when the fuel and energy balance characteristics

Hydrocarbons remaining in the liquid phase at atmospheric pressure and normal temperature (oil and condensate)

Artificial gaseous fuel, the highest heat combustion of which does not exceed 12.990kj / m3 (as a rule, 3,350-7,540kj / m3)

  • Battery hydrocarbons

    The process of concentration and accumulation of oil and gas traps, education deposits.

  • Acoustic border

    The place of a sharp change in the acoustic characteristics of the medium in which the oscillating wave is distributed.

  • Acoustic rigidity

    Characteristics of rock, showing its ability to transmit an oscillatory movement. The magnitude of the acoustic rigidity is equal to the product of the rate of propagation of elastic waves in the rock on its density; Depends on the elastic properties of rocks, their structural features, mineral composition, as well as the presence of pores in the breed and properties of the fluid, which fills them.

  • Bar recycling drilling sludge

    The reservoir intended for centralized collection, disposal and safe disposal of pro-consumable drilling waste.

  • Bazhenovsky Sweet.

    The Bazhenovsky retinue belongs to the category of non-traditional stocks. It is the horizon of rocks identified in the central part of Western Siberia at depths of 2-3 thousand m. It is distributed in the territory of about 1 million square meters. km, while it has an average thickness of about 40 meters. according to optimistic estimates of geologists, oil resources in the formations of Bazhenovsky Sweet only on the territory of Western Siberia can reach 100-170 billion tons. The Bazhenovsky retinue is represented by dense clay rocks, which are considered to be oil-produced (contain an abnormally high amount of organic matter generated by oil). Currently, industrial development, Bazhenov Sweet is practically not conducted - subsoil uses work on finding economically effective ways Mastering these stocks. A unique feature of the Bazhenovskaya suite, which defines its industrial value is the saturation of oil, distinguished by high quality - it is light and alone, which makes it easier for its processing.

  • Bunkering

    Fuel fuel refueling and motor oils.

  • Drilling Solution

    A multicomponent mixture of fluids used for washing the well during drilling from the selected (destroyed) rock, cooling and lubrication of the drilling instrument, etc.

  • Drilling sludge

    Mixed with water solid particles of rocks destroyed during drilling.

  • Probabilistic geological assessment

    One of the projects of the technological strategy in terms of geological exploration. A module of a probabilistic geological assessment, in fact, should improve the quality of estimation of stocks and resources based on data obtained by the results of seismic exploration, drilling, core analysis and reservoir fluids. After all, even possessing a complete set of necessary data, you can not talk about full knowledge of the formation. The data that geologists has, may be insufficient, fragile, contradictory, and in this case the question arises of their correct assessment and processing. The developed module just allows you to evaluate and set dependencies between the data, calculate the risks and the likelihood of confirming the assessments of the resource base. All this leads to a better assessment, and as a result, a more efficient distribution of the company's funds and the efforts of its employees. In the future, the module will be embedded in the information geological geological system of geomate developed in the NTC.

  • Water Contact

    The conditional surface divided into oil deposits of oil and plastic water.

  • Vygala

    Voids formed in the well as a result of the destruction of rocks.

  • Viscosity

    The most important technological property of the oil system. It characterizes the force of friction (internal resistance) arising between two adjacent layers inside the liquid or gas per unit of surface when they are mutual movement. The viscosity of oil depends on its fractional composition, as well as on temperature.

  • Geophysical wells for wells (GIS)

    A complex of methods used to study rocks in the nearby and intercussion spaces, as well as to control the technical condition of wells. Geophysical studies of wells are divided into two very extensive groups of methods - logging methods and methods of well geophysics. The logging, also known as commercial or drilling geophysics, is designed to study rocks directly adjacent to the wellbore (radius of study 1-2 m). Often, the terms of logging and GIS are identified, but GIS also includes methods that serve to study the intercountain space, which are called well geophysics.

  • Hydraulic Plastic Ripping (GPP)

    The method of intensifying oil production at the field. It is that under high pressure in the reservoir, a mixture of liquid and a special proplining agent (proppant) is pumped. In the process of supplying the mixture, high-conducting channels (CRP cracks) are formed connecting the wellbore and reservoir. Over these cracks ensures the influx of oil, which otherwise would not get into the well. The hydraulic fracturing is carried out in horizontal and oblique-directional wells. With a multistage hydraulic hydraulic hydraulic hydraulic hydraulic hydraulic hydraulic well, several hydraulic operations are carried out, thus, a multiple increase in the reservoir coverage zone of a single well is provided.

  • Hydrodynamic studies of wells (GDIS)

    The combination of various measures aimed at measuring certain parameters (pressure, temperature, fluid level, flow rate, etc.) and sampling of reservoir fluids (oil, water, gas and gas condensate) in working or stopped wells and register them in time.

    The interpretation of GDIS allows you to evaluate the productive and filtering characteristics of the reservoirs and wells (reservoir pressure, productivity or filtration coefficients, waterproofing, gas factor, hydrowardousness, permeability, piezoconductivity, skin factor, etc.), as well as the features of the near-color and remote zone of the formation. These studies are a direct method for determining the filtering properties of rocks in conditions of occurrence (in situ), the nature of the plant saturation (gas / oil / water) and the physical properties of the reservoir fluids (density, viscosity, volume coefficient, compressibility, saturation pressure, etc. ).

    The analysis of GDIS is based on the establishment of interconnections between well-flow and determining their pressure drops in the formation.

  • Hydraulic fracturing

    Creating cracks in the reservoir to ensure the influx of petroleum products to the bottom of the well. The method consists in downloading a high-pressure break fluid and subsequent fixation of a crack to a propant to prevent its closure (collapse) and preserving permeability.

  • Depth processing

    The ratio of the volume of the resulting petroleum products to the volume of oil refined for the preparation of them.

  • Horizontal well

    The well, in which the angle of deviation of the direction of drilling from the vertical is at least 80 °.

  • Darcy

    Unit of measurement of the permeability of the porous medium. A value of 1 Darcy corresponds to permeability when filtering through a sample of 1 cm2 and 1 cm long, a pressure drop of 1 atm. (0.1 Pa) and viscosity 1 MPa * p. Fluid consumption is 1 cm3 / s.

  • Debit of wells

    Debit of well - the volume of oil or gas entering a unit of time from a natural or artificial source. The flow rate is a source characteristic that determines its ability to generate a product, with a specified mode of operation, depending on its bonds with adjacent oil, gas or water-space layers, the depletion of these layers, as well as seasonal oscillations (for groundwater). The flow measurement is important to account for the operation of the well and control the technological mode of its operation. The flow rate is measured in m3 / hour, m3 / day, l / min, t / day. Reducing the flow rate of oil wells operated by the mechanized method causes an increase in the fleet of operational equipment of high performance. Bringing the parameters and characteristics of oilfield equipment with well-ability - the task is very important. In the conditions of a sufficiently high growth rate of the number of low-riveted wells, it increases relevance.

  • Proved hydrocarbon reserves

    Stocks that can be measured with a given and sufficiently high accuracy.

  • The share of the exit of light oil products

    The percentage of gasoline obtained, naphtha, kerosens, diesel fuel during oil refining from their initial content in oil.

  • Fishing pressure

    Pressure of oil (fluid) to the bottom of the well. It characterizes the energy of the reservoir, at the expense of which oil rises along the well to the surface of the Earth.

  • Flooding

    One of the methods for increasing the reservoir oil recovery. It is that water or other fluid, which displaces oil from the reservoir in the mining wells, is being poured into the formation of injection wells.

    There are several types of flooding. Incontourous flooding assumes water injection directly into oil deposits. Thus, by placing injection wells with rows, it is possible using a plant "cut" a large oil to the edge of the water into separate areas of self-development. With an area factory, discharge wells are located across the entire area of \u200b\u200bdevelopment of the deposit. Water when moving along the reservoir from injection wells displaces oil from the pores and pushes it towards areas of low pressure in the reservoir, i.e., to mining wells. Because of the reservoir pressure is the method of maintaining the reservoir pressure by injection of water in the area of \u200b\u200bthe oil deposit. It is used with a worsening of permeability in the combination (aquifer) part of the formation or with a bad connection between the water and oil parts of the reservoir.

  • Panish hydrocarbon

    Natural cluster of hydrocarbons in the natural tank.

  • Green seismic

    The Green Seismic Method involves the use of compact wireless recorder equipment for seismic exploration. This equipment can be delivered to the place of installation without special heavy equipment, for the passage of which you usually have to cut down. For the installation of the sensors, there is enough path with a width of 1-1.5 m, calculated from the undergrowth and shrub, while when using traditional technologies, cutting down the road width of at least 4 m. The information obtained when using the "green" seismic information is not inferior to the exact results Traditional seismic exploration.

    A softless system is significantly optimized by the production cycle, in particular, due to the rapid placement of sensors in a complex landscape. Another feature is the ability to observe the resulting signal in real time and conduct express processing of results in the field.

    Green seismic technology was used for the first time in Russia in Russia, Gazprom Neft in early 2014 in the YNAO, in the West Chatlkinsky license area (is being developed by Gazpromneft-Noyabrskneftegaz).

  • Capital expenditures

    Capital expenditures are investment activity of the company, investment in the purchase of equipment, buildings and structures, construction, etc. Most enterprises carry out significant investments in fixed assets, since they create the basis for their activities and are about 60% in the assets structure. In the oil and gas industry, the main amount of capital expenditures fall on the period of field development: the construction of the necessary oil-producing infrastructure, oil preparation workshops, pipelines, well drilling, etc. The scientific and technical center for capital expenditures include the purchase of the necessary software for geological modeling and maintaining oil production at the company's fields.

  • Karotazh

    The general name of the methods of geophysical studies of the wells carried out with the help of descent and lifting geophysical research probe.

  • Cerne

    The sample of the mountain rock formation obtained from the well when it drilling with a special kerpural device. In most cases, the selection of the core is produced during the drilling of the breed with a steel pipe. Inside this pipe is a core-reader. It consists of a head, a kerpracticle pipe and a cerson. Kerp handlers are diverse, as it is necessary to select core of various breeds in various conditions. Breeding during the selection of the core occurs over the ring and the kerp-refaminant as it mows to the rock generated inside the ring. Core samples are closed into a pipe in a relatively intact state.

    After the core is seized from the pipe, it is pounced into the cores in the strict sequence of finding it in the geological section of the well. All raised core is described in detail and is transferred to storage in the core. In the future, Kern is investigated and analyzed (chemical, spectral, petrographic and other tests) in the laboratory using various methods and in various equipment, depending on which data should be obtained. Usually, when analyzing, a small part of the core is used, since traditional core analysis methods lead to its destruction. The Gazprom Neft Scientific and Technical Center is developing non-destructive test methods for core.

  • Collector

    Oil and gas collector is a rock formation capable of accommodating liquid, gaseous hydrocarbons and give them in the process of developing deposits. The most significant stocks of hydrocarbons are in sandy and carbonate collectors. The identification of collectors of oil and gas is carried out by a complex of geophysical studies of wells and analysis of laboratory data, taking into account all geological information in the field.

  • Collector (reservoker)

    The reservoir contains the ability to contain and pass through itself liquids and gases on the system of numerous channels that bind emptiness in the breed when pressure drop.

  • Oil extraction coefficient (KIN)

    One of basic indicators Oil production efficiency. This is the ratio of the magnitude of the extracted reserves to the magnitude of geological stocks. The magnitude of the kin depends on the geological and physical and technological factors. It is determined by the collector lithological composition, the inhomogeneity of the formation, the permeability of rocks, effective oil-saturated thickness, etc. Among the physical factors on which the cine value depends is the ratio of oil viscosity to water viscosity. The values \u200b\u200bof artificial impact on layers are influenced by the CIN, and when developing without influence - natural deposit mode, mining mesh density, new development methods, methods of intensifying oil production and other factors.

    At different stages of the development of the deposit, CIN counting is conducted different ways. At the stage of exploration, computer statistical models are used, when the field goes into the development stage and the first actual mining data appear, the magnitude of KIN is recalculated already taking into account the new information. When choosing a selection of oil production technologies at the Kin field, special attention is paid to, often this indicator determines the choice of the field development system.

  • Lateral migration

    Movement of oil within the reservoir.

  • Lithology

    Science of modern precipitation and sedimentary rocks, their composition, structure and origin. The main objectives of litology are to identify the patterns of the distribution of various types of sedimentary rocks and minerals in the total course of breeding processes throughout the geological history of the Earth. The main way of solving these tasks is the genetic (facial) analysis of sedimentary rocks, their combinations - sedimentary formations, the conditions of their accumulation.

  • Trap

    Part of the collector, the conditions of the interpretation of which relatively impermeable rocks contribute to the accumulation of oil in it.

  • Rauchery modeling

    Special software, which, based on data on the geology of the region and the experience of previous seismic studies, calculates the optimal scheme of the placement of sources of excitation of elastic waves and the recording equipment necessary for seismic surveys.

    The use of "radiation modeling" makes it possible to increase the accuracy of the construction of geological models, which makes it possible to maximize it efficiently planning the development of deposits. Thus, by optimizing the methodology for conducting field work, it is possible to reduce the costs of seismic to 30%.

  • Migration

    Moving oil and gas in the reservoir under the action of natural forces.

  • Multi-resistant (bush) drilling

    Drilling of two or more wells from one drilling rig.

  • Power Plast

    The thickness of the reservoir measured by the shortest distance between its roof and sole.

  • Soft steam robforming

    Technology that allows you to transform the wedge into a gas mixture contained in passing oil gas, consisting by about 90% of methane. The process proceeds on a nickel-containing catalyst. As a result, some amount of carbon dioxide and hydrogen is also formed. After familiarization with the technology in Gazprom Neft, it was decided to conduct pilot industrial tests (opi) Installation of the MPR on the Krapivinsky field in the Omsk region, where the block-modular installation was delivered by a capacity of 300 cubic meters of gas per hour. The first launch was held in September 2015, but in the design of the installation, the shortcomings were revealed. Repeated tests took place in December, and this time everything was successful. The technology has shown its reliability, the ability to adapt to a variety of conditions in the fields, the possibility of changing the process parameters for a wide range of loads and APG composition.

  • Purchaising well

    Well for downloading in productive layers of gas, water, coolants in order to maintain the reservoir pressure and regulating the pace of hydrocarbon selection.

  • Accumulated mining

    Reflects the amount of oil and mined at the field from the moment of starting the first mining well. This indicator can only increase.

  • Initial recoverable stocks

    The reserves of the HC, assessed before the development of the field, which will be extracted by the end of the development of the deposit. The bottom of the oil deposits are equal to the product of the values \u200b\u200bof the initial balance of reserves (geological reserves) and the final extraction coefficient (KIN).

  • Impenetrable screen

    Discontinuous disorder that prevents the lateral movement of oil and gas.

  • Unconventional reserves

    The reserves of hydrocarbons, the extraction of which is impossible to traditional methods, that is, by drilling ordinary wells using standard production intensification methods. This is associated with very low permeability of rocks in such a manifold. In traditional fields, even with a small permeability of the layer, 50 m 3 and more oil per day from each well can be produced. But the permeability of non-traditional collectors can be 100-1000 times less - accordingly, the flow rate will be less and less.

    In Russia, the Bazhenovsky and Abalak Sweets include unconventional reserves. In foreign practice, unconventional reserves include the so-called shale oil, i.e. Oil extracted from low-permeability shale rocks. The main method of extraction of shale oil is a hydraulic fracturing (hydraulic fracturing). The Scientific and Technical Center Gazprom Neft is also conducting research on the most effective implementation of hydraulic fracturing in the Bazhenovsky retinue, in addition, the company is developing a map of non-traditional reserves in Russia

  • Oil and gas pool

    The area of \u200b\u200bcontinuous or island propagation of petroleum, gas or gas condensate deposits, significant mineral resources or reserves. Oil and gas pools are divided into oil and gas areas. Oil and gas areas are divided into zones or area of \u200b\u200boil and gas content. Zones or area of \u200b\u200boil and gas resources are divided into oil and gas fields. Oil and gas deposits are divided into oil and gas deposits or oil and gas horizons.

  • Nethemterian breed

    Mountain breed, which contains hydrocarbons and other components of oil in a scattered state and can give their breed-collectors when appropriate atmosphere. According to a common point of view, the most typical oil-produced rocks are clams containing a scattered organic matter in an amount of not lower than 1% of its volume. Clay, in comparison with other sedimentary rocks, are used, firstly, the greatest spread in the earth's crust, and secondly, they have a great ability to compact and displace the organic matter.

    Oil in the oil-produced breed belongs to non-traditional reserves. In particular, the Bazhenovsky retinue, which Gazprom Neft is actively developing, is the oil producer. Within the framework of its own technological strategy, Gazprom Neft is developing technologies for efficient oil production from oil-produced breeds.

  • Petheless Plast (Productive Plast)

    Plastic collector containing oil.

  • Oil window

    The deep interval, within which the temperature is sufficiently high to form oil, but not too high to transform it into gas.

  • Flood

    The wardrobe is the water content in the wellness products, defined as the ratio of water flow rate to the amount of oil and water flow rate. The waterproof of the well is determined by the systematic selection of fluid samples coming from the well, and automatic control over the waterproof. The waterflake of the well is called the relative water content in the produced liquid, usually expressed as a percentage. The dynamics of oil reservoirs of oil wells is caused mainly by the nature of oil formation floods. The nature of the collaborator formation floods is very different and depends on the properties of productive reservoirs, the initial conditions for the occurrence of oil in the reservoir and the system of oil field development. But the main impact on the nature of the flooding, and therefore, the layer-by-layer and zonal heterogeneity of the formation is provided on the dynamics of flooding. First of all, the most permeable layers of layers are intensively rolled up, and weakly lowered layers are very slow. The uneven flooding of the formation of their power and stretch is enhanced with a high ratio of the viscosity of oil and water.

  • Casual column

    Designed for fastening drilling wells, as well as isolation of grocery formations. It is made of steel pipes with connecting thread on both sides.

  • Operating costs

    Operating costs are the costs associated with the conclusion of transactions and their implementation, including the cost of finding and choosing partners, design, signing agreements, control over their execution. The operating costs also include the costs of raising the qualifications of individual workers.

    In the oil and gas industry, a substantial part of the operating costs is accompanied by the process of oil production: the use of the necessary solutions and reagents, geological and technical measures in wells, etc.

  • Overlapping breeds

    Mountain breeds located geometrically above the reservoir.

  • Petrophysika

    Science on the physical properties of rocks. The basis of petrophysics is the idea of \u200b\u200bconsidering the properties of rocks, taking into account their specific nature as geological bodies. The main task of Petrophysics is the study of the nature of the physical properties of rocks and classification of types of rocks according to a complex of physical properties.

    The properties of rocks are examined by geological, geophysical and cosmophysical methods, as well as in laboratory conditions by determining the physical parameters of rocks at high pressures and temperatures. There is a bond between the physical properties of rocks (density, porosity, elastic, electric, magnetic, nuclear, etc.) and petrograph-structural parameters, which is detected by petrophysical analysis. Petrophysical study is carried out in a complex with other traditional geological techniques. In this case, the obtained data, displayed on special petrophysical maps, allow reconstructing geodynamic conditions for the formation of geological bodies, to establish the type of deformations and stresses and identify the patterns of oil and gas deposits, solve engineering and geological tasks.

  • Reservoir pressure

    Pressure on the walls of the plasts contained in it.

  • Search and evaluation drilling

    Search and estimated wells Buryat to open new fields of oil and gas or new deposits on previously open fields and assessing their industrial significance. According to the results of the drilling of estimated wells, stocks are calculated by categories with 1 and C 2.

    Drilling of search, and when opening deposits - search and evaluation wells, completes the search and evaluation stage of geological exploration. The result will be or opening the deposit (deposits), or crossing the structure from the list of promising objects.

  • Backway petroleum gas (PNG)

    An essential oil production satellite practically at all deposits. To reduce the impact on the environment, gas is recycled. One of the frequently used PHG processing technologies is the low-temperature separation into a wide fraction of light hydrocarbons (wt), dry replacement gas and gasoline gas. In the future, gasoline can be used as fuel, gas - go to the gas pipeline, and the wedge is raw material for petrochemical industry And used in the production of rubber, plastics, solvents, high-octane gasoline components. However, the construction of a gas processing plant and the construction of infrastructure for transporting the charm is economically justified only when it is required to dispose of significant amounts of APG. If such raw materials are mined a little, alternative processing methods are needed, which retain the profitability of the project.

  • Porosimeter

    A tool to determine the pore volume and the distribution of pores by volume.

  • Grab

    An accident arising from the connection of the drilling tools with rocks.

  • Propant

    The granulose-like material, which is used in the oil industry to improve the efficiency of the wells with the use of the reservoir hydraulic technology (GPA). It serves to preserve the permeability of the cracks obtained during the PPA.

  • Exploration Square

    The well drilled in the territories with proven oil and gas content with the purpose of detailed study of the geological structure of the deposit.

  • Exploration drilling

    Exploration wells are placed in order to assess the reserves of open deposits and deposits. According to exploration wells, the configuration of oil and gas deposits is determined, and the parameters of productive reversals and deposits are calculated. In these wells, a large range of research is carried out, including the selection and research of the core, sampling of fluids and their study in laboratories, GIS and others.

    Based on the data obtained during the drilling of exploration wells, the oil and gas reserves of open deposits are calculated, and the technological scheme of the field development is also drawn up. Technology system, as well as counting stocks, subsequently adjusted taking into account the results of drilling already operational wells.

  • Disrupting violations

    Violations in rocks in the form of cracks or sliding surfaces, crumples or fault areas capable of carrying out oil or are an impenetrable screen for oil filtering.

  • Refrag

    Repeated hydraulic silence. One of the ways to increase the kin on the wells, which already conducted a hydraulic fracturing.

    There are several technologies for repeated PRT. In the spring of 2015, Gazprom Neft, for the first time in the world, conducted refractors on chemical deviation technology on the traditional manifold. The peculiarity of this technology consists in overlapping existing cracks with a special chemical composition, which does not give mixtures for hydraulic fracturing to get into existing cracks, but directs it to the formation of new cracks in the reservoir yet covered.

    There is also a technology of mechanical overlap of already created cracks. The company's research and technical center plans to apply this technology in 2016. After the successful completion of the tests of the re-filling technology will be replicated on all field deposits.

  • Seedimatology

    Science of modern precipitation and sedimentary rocks, their composition, structure, origin and patterns of spatial placement. The main tasks of sedimentology are to identify the patterns of the distribution of various types of sedimentary rocks and minerals during breeding processes throughout the geological history of the Earth. The main way to solve these problems is the genetic (facial) analysis of sedimentary rocks, their natural combinations.

    The purpose of sedimentology is the knowledge of sedimentary breeds - exolites to solve a wide complex of theoretical and practical questionsrevealing the essence of sedimentation, sedimentary breeding. This study of the origin of sedimentary rocks of various types and composition, their characteristics and description, identifying the characteristics of the sedimentary thickness, the definition of the basic laws of the formation of sedimentary rocks, furnishings, physico-geographical conditions and regiments of sedimentation.

    In the field of view of the sedimentologist, there are processes of origin, transfer, accumulation of sedimentary material, its transportation, deposition, accumulation of precipitate, its lending, as well as the identification of later transformations of the already formed breed. At the same time, an assessment is carried out by the ability of a particular process or a set of processes in this complex chain - the initial breed - the sediment is a sedimentary breed - the secondary product of its change, produce mineral resources.

  • Seismic (seismic exploration)

    The method of exploration geophysics based on the study of the peculiarities of the distribution of seismic waves within the earth's crust used to study its geological structure. In the process of seismic intelligence, methods of reflected and refracted waves and piezoelectric effect are used. The disadvantage of seismic intelligence is the high cost of its implementation, but despite this, this method is one of the most common.

    Seismic intelligence is used in solving issues of structural geology, most often in order to search for structures conducive to oil and gas deposits for the field, as well as to prepare them for exploratory drilling, in addition, to predict the possible presence of oil or gas deposits in them.

    The data obtained as a result of detailed observations becomes the basis for determining the place of drilling of deep oil and gas-distribution wells. In order to achieve the maximum reliability and depth of exploration processes, the method of seismic intelligence in the case of complex geological conditions (a study of deeply occurring deposits, the presence of strong interference) requires a combination with the structural drilling method and the implementation of additional seismic observations in deep wells. In addition, the search and exploration of oil fields is carried out with the help of sea seismic exploration.

  • Seismic intelligence

    The method of geophysical study of the geological structure of the formation based on the study of the spread of elastic waves in the earth's crust.

  • Middle geothermal gradient

    The physical value describing the increase in the temperature of rocks in degrees Celsius on a specific section of the earth's stratum with an increase in the depth to a certain number of m. On average, about 3 ° C per 100 meters.

  • Difficult reserves (TRIZ)

    The categories of hard-to-removes include reserves that are in low permeability, high waterproof formation, reserves with low oilshit, as well as located in small thicknesses. For their effective development it is necessary to apply the most modern methods of development.

    Equipped reserves are usually produced in a pace of two or three times lower than active and require high mining costs than traditional collectors. Also, for the development of TRIZ, the use of progressive technologies and new equipment is required.

    The ever-growing share of difficult reserves in the remaining oil resources, the huge scale of production and the associated difficulties of protection of the subsoil and the environment require a significant expansion of research, pilot and fieldworks aimed at the intensification of the development of these stocks.

    The completeness of the extraction of hard-to-recover stocks requires a more thorough study of the conditions for the occurrence and physicochemical properties of the reservoir fluids and the reasonable approach to the design and development of deposits.

  • PSC Utilization

    Backway petroleum gas (PNG) is a mixture of various hydrocarbons dissolved in oil. It is in oil formations and rises to the surface in oil production. In contrast to natural gas, which consists mainly of methane, APG has a large amount of ethane, propane, butane and other hydrocarbons. These substances themselves are valuable raw materials for processing. However, send it to recycling from remote and small deposits is expensive, and burning causes harm to the environment. One of the solutions is to convert heavy APG hydrocarbons into methane, which can be transported along with natural gas or use to generate electricity and heat.

    NTC is constantly in finding new APG utilization technologies. So in 2015, the Krapivinsky deposit was tested new technology APG disposal - soft steam reforming.

  • Filtration and capacitive properties (FES)

    The filtration and capacitive properties of rocks are determined using basic physical parameters - porosity, permeability and water saturation. They determine the ability of collectors to fit and filter fluids, the movement of which can occur either as a result of natural processes (migration of hydrocarbons), or as a result of human activity related to the extraction of minerals and operation of hydraulic structures. The porosity of the rock is a property that determines the container of the rock. It is the ratio of the volume of all voids to the total volume of the breed. Permeability causes the provisional ability of rocks, i.e. Oil referred coefficient for reservoir oil recovery and performance wells. To estimate the permeability of rocks, the linear Darcy filtering law is used, according to which the filtration rate of liquid in the porous medium is proportional to the pressure gradient and inversely proportional to the dynamic viscosity. Water saturation or water protection coefficient characterizes the content of plastic water in the collector. When forming the deposits, part of the water remains in the hollow space of the collector. This water contained with oil or gas in the deposits is called residual water.

    The amount of residual water in deposits depends on the FES breeds: the smaller the size of the emptiness and the permeability of the collectors, the more.

  • Fluid

    The term, as a rule, refers to the state of the substance combining fluid and gases. The dynamics of fluid is described by the laws of mechanics of liquids.

  • Chemical deviation

    The peculiarity of the chemical compound fill the space and prevent other solutions or liquids to fall into it. Thus, the chemical compound, in fact, deflects the solution from the voids busy and directs it to the other side.

    Chemical rejuvenations are used when conducting a hydraulic reservoir when a mixture of proppant with a special fluid for hydraulic fracturing should be left from already created cracks and direct it to form new ones. This technology was used to carry out the first re-filling in Russia on chemical deviation technology. Then the rejected cracks created during the first fracture. Also, the technology of chemical deviation was used for hydraulic fracturing with the use of VDA acid. This acid allows you to create a branched network of cracks during the hydraulic fracture, providing an additional influx of oil into the well. The feature of the applied composition is to turn into a gel. It temporarily clogs already formed cracks, rejecting the remaining acid to other layers zones, thereby increasing the coverage of the territory on which the operation is affected. Then, when reactions with hydrocarbons, the viscosity of the gel drops, and it is washed out with oil into the well.

  • Shelf

    Coastal shallow ocean zone, continental shallow. It is characterized by a common with a mainland geological structure.

  • Operating (mining) well

    Designed for oil and gas production.

  • Electronic Asset Development (ERA)

    The development strategy of IT projects Gazprom Neft in exploration and production, which covers all the main activities: geological exploration, geology, drilling, development, mining, deposits. Its implementation began in 2012, and in 2014 it was included in the Gazprom Neft Technology Strategy and is one of the key areas. The strategy is constantly updated to comply with the new production and business objectives of the Gazprom Neft subsidiaries.

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