
Calculation of profits from the deposit in the bank. Calculator deposits with capitalization. Annual percentage of deposits: calculation by the formula

Banker is a merchant. He buys money percentage of deposit at low price and sells them percentage of credit at higher. The difference obtained is its income.

Wishing to take loose more than those who want to put money under the percentage. Therefore, commercial banks can get a loan from TSB RFCentral Bank of the country. For September 2016 under "Key Rate"
(She is "refinancing rate")
11% per annum
. It is logical to assume that commercial banks not very profitable to take contributiondeposits With the interest rate above this value. Exception can only make VIP clients - owners of factories, newspapers, steamboats.

For the rest high percent The contribution may be a marketing move, since it will be offset by various commissions.

How to calculate the amount that the depositor will receive if interest is attached at the end of the deposit period

Annual contributions

A person has discovered a contribution to 5000 rubles at 9% per annum for 2 years:

per year: 5000 rubles is 100% x rubles is 9% x \u003d 5000 * 9/100 \u003d 450 rubles for two years: 450 rubles for 1 year x rubles for 2 years x \u003d 450 * 2/1 \u003d 900 rubles 5900 rubles the depositor will receive at the end of the term * What is 100? - "The percentage is a hundredth share of the number." Cm. .

Monthly contributions

The person has opened a contribution to 5000 rubles at 9% per annum for 3 months:

per year: 5000 * 9/100 \u003d 450 rubles for 90 days: 450 rubles for 365 days x rubles in 90 days x \u003d 450 * 90/365 \u003d 110 rubles 96 kopecks 5110 rubles 96 kopecks depositor will receive at the end of the term * 365 is. There will be 366 in the leap year.

Calculator calculating interest by deposit

datecomingamount on the score
5000 5000

* Interest begin to accrue from the day following the day of receipt of money in the bank, that is, with (Article 839 Civil Code RF).

How to calculate the profitability of the replenished contribution with interest paid at the end of the term

Percentage of replenished deposits below. This is explained by the fact that during the action of the contract on the contribution may decrease the refinancing rate and the contribution will cease to be beneficial to the bank. That is, the bank will have to pay a percentage of deposit higher than the percentage that creditors pay the bank.

Exception: If the contribution rate depends on the refinancing rate. In other words, the refinancing rate is growing - the interest rate is growing, the refinancing rate decreases - the percentage of the contribution decreases.

An example of counting interest on the replenished contribution

A person has discovered a contribution to 5,000 rubles at 9% per annum for 3 months. A month later, he put another 3,000 rubles:

per year: 5000 * 9/100 \u003d 450 rubles for 30 days: 450 * 30/365 \u003d 36,986 rubles the residue after 30 days: 5000 + 3000 \u003d 8000 rubles recalculated for the year: 8000 * 9/100 \u003d 720 rubles for the remaining 60 days: 720 * 60/365 \u003d 118,356 rubles Total percent amount: 36,986 + 118,356 \u003d 155 rubles 34 kopeck The total amount that the contributor will receive: 5000 + 3000 + 155.34 \u003d 8155 rubles 34 kopecks

Deposit Calculator with Replenishment

datecomingconsumptionamount on the score
5000 0 5000

How to calculate the percentage of deposit with capitalization. What is this: "Capitalization of the Deposit"

Interest may be paid:

  1. total with [ ending | Termination | on the day of signing] contract for deposit.
  2. total amount Crushing into parts and paid monthly, annually. The client can choose the most suitable option for itself:
    • with the periodicity specified in the contract or less often come to the bank and take the amount of accrued interest or automatically transfer them to a plastic card. That is, "live percent."
    • capitalization of interest, he is a complex percentage Calculate accrued interest to the deposit balance. Just as if you came on the day of interest accrual, they filmed the amount of interest and replenished her contribution. The deposit balance increases and it turns out that the percentage percentage is charged. Interest contributions to the capitalization of interest should be chosen to those who do not plan to remove the amount of percentages. This Council does not apply to deposits, where, under the terms of the contract, it is possible partial removal In the amount of capitalized interest.

Deposit Calculation Formula with Capitalization

S \u003d S × ⎛ ⎝ 1 + p × d 100 × D.⎞ ⎠ N s - the final amount that the contributor will receive, S is the initial amount, P - the annual interest rate, D - the number calendar days In the period, D - the number of days in the calendar year, n - the number of capitalization

An example of calculating interest on the contribution of capitalization

On January 1, a person has discovered a contribution with capitalization by 5,000 rubles at 9% per annum on 6 months 180 days. Accrual and capitalization of interest occurs on the last day of each month.

5000 × (1 + 9/100 × 30/365) ^ 3 × (1 + 9/100 × 28/365) × (1 + 9/100 × 31/365) ^ 2 \u003d 5000 × 1,02235634396 × 1 Turn to the table above: 00690410959 × 1,01534609946 \u003d 5226,06

  • 30 days will be in three months: January, April, June.
  • 28 days can only be in one month - February.
  • March 31 will be in March and May.
When calculating the number of days in the period, it is also necessary to take into account that if the last day of the term falls on non-working day, the end of the deadline is considered the closest working day following him (Article 193 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, calculators laid out on the Internet will be close to reality, but they do not give 100% accuracy. How can I calculate income for 2 years when the production calendar is approved annually?

How to check the accrual interest in deposit accuracy to a penny

Technique gives failures. When there is an extract from the account, manually recalculate the interest relying to pay is not so difficult.

Example: On January 20, a person has discovered a contribution with capitalization once a quarter to 5000 rubles at 9% per annum on 9 months 273 days. March 10 replenished the score of 30000 rubles. July 15 removed 10,000 rubles. April 20, 2014 and July 20, 2014 fall on Sunday.

20.01-10.03: 5000*9/100*49/365=60,41 10.03-21.04: 35000*9/100*42/365=362,47 20.01-21.04: 60,41+362,47=422,88 21.04-15.07: 35422,88*9/100*85/365=742,42 15.07-21.07: 25422,88*9/100*6/365=37,61 21.04-21.07: 742,42+37,61=780,03 21.07-20.10: 26202,91*9/100*91/365=587,95

Are interest on tax deposits? What contributions are taxed?

I assume that the question of taxes may sound, why the corresponding calculator is not made.

Let us turn to the law (Article 214.2 Tax Code RF): If at the time of the conclusion or prolongation extension contracts up to 3 years percent ruble contribution exceed in February 2014: 8.25% + 5% \u003d 13.25%refinancing rate by 5 percentage pointsT. deposit rate minus 13.25%percentage incomes above this value A citizen of the Russian Federation needs to pay 35% of the tax. The design of the relevant documents should be engaged in the Bank.

In practice, no one puts percentage, above 13.25%:

Evaluate the profitability of the contribution with capitalization is possible in several ways. The simplest and more accurate option is to use the calculator. The program saves the mass of time and provides detailed information on interest accrual.

As a calculator helps to evaluate the profitability of the contribution with capitalization

Deposit Calculator - Convenient Service for Definition. The program allows for a few minutes to accurately calculate potential earnings on deposits in different banks And choose the most profitable option.

The advantages of using a calculator to assess the profitability of the contribution:

  1. High accuracy of calculations. The calculators of profitability are based on financial mathematics formulas, which use bankers when accrued interest on deposits.
  2. Determining the difference in income when changing the deposit parameters: urgency, rates, interest accrual and deposit replenishment.
  3. Getting a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe amount of income received at the end of the deposit period.
  4. Comparison of conditions for deposit programs of several financial organizations.
Important! The information obtained during the calculation by the deposit calculator is still reference. For reliable data on the amount of future savings, it is recommended to contact the bank. Some institutions are ready to make the percentage for the percentage permanent customers Or for investors opening a deposit for a long time.

Calculation of profits on the deposit on the Calculator online

To determine the inclination on the contribution, you must open the program to the Deposit Calculator-online with the option of calculating capitalized interest.

General calculation algorithm:

1. In the form of entering the main parameters of the deposit:

  • amount;
  • currency;
  • placement period;

2. Determine the procedure for accrual interest, i.e. The frequency of capitalization, and the possibility of making funds to the deposit account.

Conclusion: If the depositor is placed on a deposit account in a bank of 50,000 p. With capitalization under 13% per annum, then its income for six months will be 3360 p.

For clarity in most computational programs, it is provided for output in the form of a graph with a display of monthly interest accrual.

Important! Revenues at a rate of more than 15.5% are subject to taxation in the amount of 35%. Some programs provide an option for calculating the amount that is taxed, and the amount of retained profits from the deposit.

When placing a contribution with capitalization for 6 months in the amount of 50,000 rubles, but at a rate of 17%, the income will be 4290 rubles, 136 p. - The amount of retained taxes.

Calculation of the contribution of the contribution to Excel

Be find out the final amount of the profit on the deposit with the capitalization will be using the MS Excel tabular editor.

An example of calculating the deposit by 50 000 r. With a period of 6 months. at a rate of 13%. Need to:

  1. Open excel program and activate any cell.
  2. Go to bookmarks "Formulas" / "Financial".
  3. From the list, choose the formula "BS" - the future cost.

4. In the form that has opens, enter the deposit data:

  • Rate - displayed in the form of a decimal fraction at the rate of 1 month, that is, 0.13 / 12;
  • CPER - the number of months (periods of capitalization) - 6;
  • PS - deposit amount: 50,000.

The editor automatically displays the total amount of investment at the end of the period: contribution + accrued interest.

From the calculation it is clear that the contributor for six months will receive a profit from the deposit in the amount of 3339 p. The error of the result compared to the calculation of the Calculator-Online is 21 p. - That is less than 1%.

The lack of using the table editor - the program does not count the tax on income from the contribution, the rate on which exceeds 15.5%.

Deposit Calculation Formula with Capitalization

A deposit with capitalization provides for the accrual of interest on the size of the contribution itself and on profits came earlier. The calculation formula depends on the type of capitalization:

  • monthly;
  • daily;
  • quarterly;
  • annual.

The most common option is the accrual of complex percent monthly. In this case, the formula is applied:

  • The deposit amount is the size of savings placed on the deposit account;
  • The period is the number of days in the settlement period;
  • Rate - annual percentage;
  • n - the number of capitalization periods for the entire deposit period.

It is quite difficult to calculate the deposit on the financial formula. It is easier to determine the profitability of investments as the amount of accrued interest for individual periods. Monthly income It is calculated by the formula for simple percent, and then it has been added to the body of the contribution.

Example of calculation. Deposit parameters:

Computing algorithm:

  1. Income for the first month \u003d 50,000 * 30 * 13 / (100 * 365) \u003d 534.24 p.
  2. Income for the second month \u003d (50,000 + 534.24) * 29 * 13 / (100 * 365) \u003d 521.95 p.
  3. Income for the third month \u003d (50534.24 + 521.95) * 30 * 13 / (100 * 365) \u003d 545.53 p.
  4. Income in the fourth month \u003d (51056,19 + 545.53) * 28 * 13 / (100 * 365) \u003d 551.36 p.
  5. Income over the fifth month \u003d (51601,72 + 551.36) * 30 * 13 / (100 * 365) \u003d 557.25 p.
  6. Income for the sixth month \u003d (52153.08 + 557.25) * 28 * 13 / (100 * 365) \u003d 525.66 p.
  7. The total amount of accrued interest \u003d 534.24 + 521.95 + 545.53 + 551.36 + 557.25 + 525.66 \u003d 3235.99 p.

The calculation error in this case is higher due to inaccurate number of days. The calculator usually takes into account the specific date of opening the deposit, which is the starting point for the subsequent calculation.

Algorithm of comparison of profit yields

Scrupulous analysis of deposit parameters will help choose the optimal banking product. The comparison program of the return of deposits is presented on many websites of financial institutions. As a rule, this service is located on the page " Individuals"/" Deposits / deposits "/" Deposit Calculator ".

The site will be able to compare the size of the expected profit when placing the same deposit amount by the same time, but on the terms of different deposit programsacting in this bank.

Comparison of the return of Baikal Bank's contributions. Need to:

  1. Open the Deposit Calculator.
  2. Set the parameters you are interested in. For example, 100 thousand rubles. For up to 400 days inclusive. The underlying condition is the monthly capitalization of interest.
  3. Click "Calculate Income."

4. Estimate the result.

A list of deposit programs suitable for the entered conditions will be displayed. It remains to choose the optimal among the proposed options.

The following criteria are influenced by the amount of the profitability of the contribution:

  • the possibility of partial removal /;
  • commission's size for converting funds - for currency deposits;
  • percent capital periodicity. The highest income - in deposits with daily capitalization.

5 accurate deposit calculators

The most accurate result will show a calculator on the bank's website, where you put a deposit. The likelihood is high that, when making a contract, employees use the same tool. You will need to correctly enter the parameters, select the percentage of interest and take into account the tax retention.

If the contributor has not yet decided on the bank, it is possible to use one of the programs:

1. Calculator contribution infoportal about banks. The service has several advantages:

  • calculation accuracy;
  • accounting of taxation;
  • selection of capitalization frequency;
  • output chart of interest accrual;
  • showing suitable suggestions of different banks.

5. Investment Calculator Business log with displaying the growth dynamics of accrued interest.

Currently, banks offer to choose from potential customers a large number of types of financial products for saving and accumulation of capital. Investigations with capitalization of interest are an excellent alternative to urgent deposits.

Before switching to practice, let's understand with the terminology used. Under capitalization it is customary to understand special conditions Accrued interest. In such a banking product, they will be charged to an initial summary of the amount with an accountable periodicity. As a rule, it happens once a month. In case of subsequent accruals, interest will be tiered not only by the deposit amount, but also to the previously accrued income.

Many people before entering into an agreement with the Bank, prefer to independently recheck information on the deposit conditions provided by bank employees. In such a situation, they are interested in how to calculate the contribution with the capitalization of interest.

So, in order to calculate the capitalization of interest on the deposit, we can take advantage of the following formula.


  • DV - final yield, which consists of the originally made amount and interest accrued on it;
  • C - the amount made by the Client;
  • RP - annual size interest rate under contract;
  • T - the placement of cash.

Calculate the final amount of the contribution of the general formula, but it will be convenient for deposits with the annual capitalization of interest. If the percent percent frequency frequency is more frequent, then this calculation will undergo some changes.

We have already spoken above that most often capitalization is monthly. At the same time, individual banking institutions can develop and offer in the market contributions in which capitalization will have other frequency. It may also be daily or quarterly.

Therefore, for the convenience of our readers, below we will place ready-made formulas for such calculations.

Formula for contributions with monthly capitalization


  • DV - profitability;
  • C - amount;
  • T - how many months has been discovered.

When carrying out such computing, it is necessary to take into account important aspectwithout which you will not be able to get a right outcome. Under the terms of all bank deposits, the interest rate is indicated as a number with a percent sign. For example, 8% or 10%. However, in the calculation, we must lead them to the following type of 0.08 and 0.1, respectively.

Let's now analyze the calculation of interest on the contribution of the monthly capitalization to specific example. Suppose we have a deposit with the following conditions.

  • The amount contributed to the bank is 100,000 rubles.
  • The amount of annual interest rate is 8%.
  • The contribution is open for 12 months.

Now let's figure out the real income, which at the end of the term the depositor will receive on this deposit.

Formula for contributions with daily capitalization

In this case, the calculation of interest will look like this:


  • DV - income size;
  • C - contribution;
  • RP - the amount of the annual interest rate;
  • T - how many days has been discovered.

Of course, when you produce the necessary calculations, you will see that the difference between the contribution with capitalization and urgent banking Product Not too great. But still she is. Therefore, choosing the considered financial product The contributor will result in greater income.

Formula for contributions with quarterly capitalization

In this case, the calculation of interest will look like this:


  • DV - profitability;
  • C - amount;
  • RP - the amount of the annual interest rate;
  • T - how many quarters the contribution is open.

Attentive readers, of course, have already noticed regularity: the less often the interest is added to the deposit amount, the less the final income.

A complex percentage is an effect when adding percentage of profits to the principal amount of the contribution. Thus, interest create new profit. By the formula of a complex percentage, you can calculate the amount taking into account interest accrual.

Calculation of complex interest

For example, you have a bank deposit at 100,000 rubles for 10% per annum. After 12 months, you will have 100,000 + 100,000 × 10% \u003d 110 000 rubles. That is, profits will be 10,000 rubles. If you leave 110,000 rubles. Another year with the same conditions, after 12 months 110,000 + 110,000 × 10% \u003d 121,000 rubles accumulate on the account. The first year's profit will add to the main contribution and will participate in the formation of income. On the third, fourth and subsequent years, profits will be formed the same, constantly increasing.

Formula complex percent:

Σ \u003d y × (1 +%) n

  • Σ - total;
  • Y - source amount;
  • % - interest rate;
  • n - the number of periods (years, months, quarters).


You have discovered an account for five years, putting 5,000 rubles to the bank. With 10% per annum. What will be the amount in 5 years? We substitute the numbers in the formula:

Σ \u003d 5 000 × (1 + 10/100) × 5 \u003d 8 052.5 rub.

Difficult percentage is used when opening term deposits. The contract stipulates the frequency of accruals: every quarter, month, year.


If an account is opened at 10,000 rubles. For a year under 10% with a monthly accrual.

Σ \u003d 10 000 × (1 + 10/100/12) × 12 \u003d 11 047,13 rub.

11 047.13 - 10 000 \u003d 1 047,13 rubles.

Yield per year:

1 047,13 / 10 000 = 10,47 %

With this scheme, the yield is higher than with one-time (annual) accrual. If you do not make a profit, makes a complex percentage.

Formula for bank deposit

A difficult percentage for the bank deposit to calculate a little more complicated than was described above. The interest rate is calculated by the formula:

  • p is a percentage rate (annual percentages / 100). At a rate of 10.5%, the interest rate will be equal to 10.5 / 100 \u003d 0.105.
  • d - the number of days in which interest will be accrued. With monthly capitalization is 30 days. For quarterly - 90 days.
  • y - Calendar Days (365 or 366).

A complex interest for bank deposits is calculated by the formula:

X × (1 + p × d / y) n

The attractiveness of complex interest is an avalanche-like increasing contribution. At first, the increase is small, but over time it becomes very tangible.


Contribution - 50,000 rubles. Term - 15 years.

  • Simple percentage: conditions - 20% without additional contributions and with regular removal of profit. At the amount of the contribution will be increased by 10,000 rubles each year, and after 15 years will be 200,000 rubles.
  • Complex percentage: conditions - 20% without additional contributions, but interest is added annually in the initial amount of the deposit. After one year, the results will be the same as with a simple percentage, but after 2 years the difference will be 2,000 rubles., After 3 years - 6,400 rubles. etc. After 15 years, contribution from 50,000 rubles. will increase to 770 351 rubles.

A difficult percentage is particularly beneficial for long-term deposits. With a simple percentage, the profit increases linearly, since regular removal does not allow it to work into the contribution. Profit will create a profit only when complete percentageThe effect is especially noticeable at a good interest rate and long contribution. If the annual interest rate is 10%, in 15 years 50,000 rubles. 200,000 will become at 15% - 400 000, at 20% - 780,000. You can make sure that the calculations are correct, using our calculator.

22.06.2017 0

Today, banks offer many services to the population, the most demanded of which are lending and deposits. Credit and deposit policies are largely monitored by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as well legislative acts Russia. However, behind the banks left the right to provide loans and posting deposits under certain conditions, if this does not contradict the legislation.
According to statistics, the client of a bank is every 10th Russian. That is why the question of how the calculation of annual interest on the loan or bank deposit is being calculated. In most cases, a percentage understand the size of the rate. The total amount of loan overpayment depends on the rate of the rate, as well as the size of the monthly payment.

Annual percentage of deposits: calculation by the formula

First of all, consider bank deposits. Conditions are prescribed in the contract at the time of opening a deposit account. The amount paid interest is accrued. it monetary remunerationwhich the bank pays to the depositor for the use of its money.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of citizens to take the contribution at any time together with accrued interest.

All nuances, conditions and requirements for deposit are reflected in the contract between the bank and the depositor. The calculation of annual interest is carried out in two ways:

Annual percentage of the loan: calculation by the formula

Today, the demand for loans is huge, but the popularity of one or another credit Product Depends on the annual interest rate. In turn, the amount of monthly payment depends on the interest rate.

Considering the issue of accrual of interest on the loan, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the basic definitions and features of lending in Russian banking institutions.

Annual interest rate is money amountwhich the borrower undertakes to pay at the end of the year. However, the calculation of interest is usually produced for a month or day, if it comes to short-term loans.

No matter what an attractive loan interest rate did not look, it is worth understanding that loans are never issued free of charge. It does not matter what type of loan is taken: mortgage, consumer or auto-credit, anyway, the amount will be paid more than they took. To calculate the amount of monthly payments, it is necessary to divide the annual bet on 12. In some cases, the lender establishes a daily interest rate.

Example: a loan is taken under 20% per annum. How many percent of the body of the loan is required to pay daily? We consider: 20% : 365 = 0,054% .

Before signing loan agreement It is recommended to carefully analyze your financial position, as well as make a forecast for the future. Today is the average rate in russian banks It is approximately 14%, so the loan overpayment and monthly payments can be quite large. If the borrower is unable to pay off debt, it will lead to imposition of penalties, trial and loss of property.

It is also worth knowing that interest rates can be different in their state.:

  • constant - The rate does not change and establishes for the entire period of repayment of the loan;
  • floating Depends on many parameters, for example, from the exchange rate, inflation, refinancing rates, etc.;
  • multi-level - The main criterion of the bet is the amount of the remaining debt.

After reading the basic concepts, you can move to the calculation of the interest rate on the loan. For this you need:

  1. Find out the balance at the time of the calculations and the amount of debt. For example, balance is equal to 3000 rubles.
  2. To find out the cost of all elements of the loan, taking an extract on a loan account: 30 rubles.
    Taking advantage of the formula, divide 30 to 3000, it turns out 0.01.
  3. The resulting value is multiplied by 100. As a result, a rate regulating monthly payments is obtained: 0.01 x 100 \u003d 1%.

To calculate the annual bet you need 1% to multiply by 12 months: 1 x 12 \u003d 12% annual.

Mortgage loans Currently hardened, because include many variables. For the correct calculation, the loan amounts and interest rates will not be enough. It is better to use a calculator that will help calculate an approximate rate and the size of monthly mortgage payments.

Calculation of annual interest on the loan. Online calculator (balance per month and overpayment)

For a detailed determination of annual interest on the loan, the distribution of the balance of the loan body by months and years, as well as displaying information in the form of a graph or table, you can use the online calculator calculator on

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state