
Real poll from Sberbank for money. Sberbank donates money once for completing the survey. Survey with cash reward from Sberbank: truth or scam

In 2004, it ceased to regulate the requirements of credit institutions for foreign currency... The instruction of the Central Bank No. 136-I states that the rules for accepting damaged banknotes of other states credit institutions must regulate themselves. Therefore, different banks have different requirements for foreign banknotes.

For example, in Absolut Bank, banknotes must retain their basic details, wear is allowed insignificant, there can be no more than two small spots and stamps (less than 5 mm in diameter) on a banknote, no more than two holes, tears must not be more than 10 mm. Also, foreign money cannot be filled with paint, ink, oil, must not be burnt or contain marks "Bribe", "UBEP", etc.

Investtorgbank has the following requirements for foreign currency: banknotes should not have any damage, hidden marks visible in UV rays, a pronounced change in the color of the paper and / or weakening of its strength properties.

Promsvyazbank accepts banknotes that have retained the main details (the name of the issuer, numbers and series, denominations in figures and words, the main drawing of the front and back sides); having security elements against counterfeiting (watermark, magnetic marks, colored fibers embedded in paper, including those visible in UV rays, confetti, security threads, microtext, luminescent drawings, etc.); not damaged or having slight abrasions, dirt and damage; without traces of erasures and corrections of details.

Raiffeisenbank will not accept banknotes that are torn and glued from three or more parts or from parts of different banknotes, have not retained the main signs of payment, have significant wear and tear, have changed their original color, are burnt or burned, have significant damage of a deliberate nature.

Some credit institutions can accept genuine, but damaged banknotes either for a commission or for collection. It should be noted that not all banks carry out such operations.

Acceptance of a banknote under a commission means that the institution on the spot is ready to exchange the damaged banknote for rubles, but at a lower denomination. For example, in VTB 24 the client will have to pay about 8% of the nominal value, in Promsvyazbank - 5% of the transaction amount in foreign currency, but not less than 30 rubles.

Acceptance of damaged banknotes for collection means that the credit institution accepts the damaged banknote and, through agent banks, sends it to the bank that produces the banknote, that is, abroad. According to the criteria that these banks have, the bill is recognized as solvent, and the credit institution where the client applied is received monetary compensation... It can be transferred to the client's account or issued in cash. If the issuing bank regards the bill as insolvent, then it does not inform the client about this and does not reimburse its value.

The collection operation can be very long - from two to three months to one and a half to two years. And all this time, one cannot be completely sure that the sent damaged bill will be able to return - even after years. The collection operation is always carried out with a commission. Each bank has its own commission. For example, at VTB 24 it is 20% of the amount, but not less than $ 20.

You can try to get rid of a dilapidated bill abroad - by paying for a purchase with it.

Each of us has come across spoiled money at least once - torn, shabby, faded, decorated with inscriptions or simply accidentally washed bills.
What to do with such? The most important thing is to find out whether the spoiled money has solvency. And if so, then all organizations and entrepreneurs are obliged to accept them from you.

Criteria for the solvency of money

Signs of the solvency of money are given in clause 1 of the “Directives of the Bank of Russia dated December 26, 2006” 1778-U. Remind the cashier about them if he refuses to pay you, for example, because a banknote is worn out. And if the spoiled money has lost its solvency, alas, you will have to throw it away.

So what are the criteria for the solvency of money?

Small abrasions, dirt, small glued pieces, small colorful or oil stains, extraneous inscriptions, lost corners and edges, small punctures, holes on banknotes should not prevent you from paying for goods, works or services with this banknote. Two halves of one banknote glued together should also be accepted for payment in any store, but in case of a problem they will be replaced with a full-fledged banknote in the bank.

Minor mechanical damage on either side of the coin does not deprive it of its solvency. Of course, if the image is preserved. By the way, the bankers call the obverse, or what everyone is used to calling the eagle, the obverse. On it, Russian coins usually depict St. George the Victorious or a two-headed eagle, and the reverse side of the coin in the language of specialists is called the reverse. In a simple way, it is called tails. The face value of the coin is indicated on it. Connects obverse and reverse edge - lateral side. Notches can usually be seen on the edge. What money can be exchanged If you still did not manage to convince the cashier in the store to accept the damaged rubles, you will have to go to any bank and exchange them for new ones. Employees of any bank are obliged to exchange worn-out and damaged money for new ones with the same denomination free of charge. But first, it is better to assess in advance whether it is worth spending time going to the bank. After all, only solvent bills and coins will be unconditionally exchanged for you. You can understand the solvency of banknotes on your own. Banknotes The criteria by which it is possible to determine whether your banknotes will be exchanged for you are established in clause 2 of the Ordinance of the Bank of Russia dated December 26, 2006 ”1778-U. Let's take a look at each of them in order.

The banknote does not have a significant fragment .
If a bill without a corner or its edges are, say, burnt, then you can still pay off with it. Provided that the banknote did not suffer significantly, that is, the flaws did not affect the graphic design elements and did not damage the protective signs. But, if the damage is serious and such money is not accepted for payment, it can be exchanged at the bank. But, only if the banknote survived at least 55 percent.

How to understand if the remaining part of the bill is enough for exchange? The easiest way is to attach the “damaged” banknote to a sheet of paper lined in a cage. And see how many whole cells the remainder of the bill will cover. This number must be divided by the total number of cells that a whole banknote would occupy. And multiply it by 100 percent.

If the result is 55 percent or more, you can safely go to the nearest bank and exchange money. And if less - alas, all that remains is to throw away the remainder of the banknote.

The bill is torn into several parts .
It doesn't matter how many pieces the banknote is torn into. If one or more fragments make up at least 55 percent of the size of the whole bill, it should be exchanged for you. The indication "1778-U allows you to exchange a banknote glued from many small pieces. The main thing is that they all belong to the same bill.

You have fragments of different banknotes .
You can also exchange two parts of completely different bills. Of course, if both of them are of the same denomination. Please note: in this case, there should be only two fragments. Instead, you will be given one whole banknote of the same denomination. Three or more pieces of different banknotes, connected in some way into one, will not be exchanged for you.

But here's what is important: each part of such a combined banknote must be at least 50 percent of the size of the whole bill. The halves should be different in graphic design. That is, for example, if a monument to Yaroslav the Wise is depicted on one part of a 1,000-ruble banknote, then on the second fragment there must be a chapel of Minin and Pozharsky.

The color or glow of money in ultraviolet rays has changed .
Let's say you forgot to take banknotes out of the pockets of your clothes before washing. As a result, under the influence of detergents, money could greatly change its original appearance. And it is not a fact that you or the cashier in the store will notice it with the naked eye. But when checking on the currency detector, which is now equipped with cashiers' workplaces, your bill may shine in a completely unusual light. The seller will most likely refuse to accept such a banknote. Do not worry. The bank will easily replace it with a new one.

Money can change color in ultraviolet light under the influence of a variety of chemicals. But, if you can clearly see the images on the banknotes, know that you have the right to receive new banknotes. Instead of "defective" ones.

There is only one exception. The situation when banknotes are processed with a special solution to combat illegal operations or theft. Traces of such a solution can also be in the form of small colored spots or colorless, visible only in ultraviolet rays. If you suddenly find yourself in your wallet with just such a labeled banknote, the bank teller is not entitled to exchange it.

The banknote turned out to be defective .
The case, I must say, is rare, but it cannot be ruled out. These could be graphical errors or missing security features. For example, threads. Imprints of one banknote on another and other defects are possible. In all these cases, bankers will compensate you for your financial shortcomings with new bills. And the defective ones will take it for themselves.


The signs listed in clause 3 of the same Ordinance of the Bank of Russia dated December 26, 2006 ”1778-U will help to determine whether you will be given new coins instead of damaged ones.

The original shape of the coin has been changed .
Your bank will accept a coin for exchange, even if it is bent, flattened or filed, there are holes and other traces of metal removal in the money. But one condition is imperative: the images on the obverse and reverse must be saved.

The coin has traces of exposure to an aggressive environment .
The coin can also burn or even melt. And it can change its color as a result of chemicals. For example, under the influence of acid. However, in these cases, all coins will be replaced with new ones.

A defect was found on the obverse or reverse .
As in the case of banknotes, defective coins will be exchanged for full-value ones without any problems.

Where and how to exchange spoiled money

After you have found spoiled money, and they are still suitable for exchange, feel free to go to the branch of any bank. A specialist will immediately check your banknotes for authenticity. And in case of a successful result, it will give you new money without defects. Bankers have no right to demand any commission for this. There will be no paperwork either. It is not necessary to draw up any documents when exchanging damaged banknotes.

At your request, new money can be given to you not only in cash... Bank employees will easily transfer a certain amount to your current account. To do this, prepare the details in advance. Such a possibility is provided for by clause 4 of the Ordinance of the Bank of Russia dated December 26, 2006 ”1778-U.

If the cashier has doubts about the authenticity or solvency of the money, they can be transferred for examination in central bank RF. This can take from several days to a month. And they will require a statement from you, in which you need to register the amount of money to be handed over for examination, as well as the way in which they will be returned to you in case of confirmation of the validity of bills and coins. By general rules it is also necessary to attach an inventory of the transferred banknotes to the document.

Bankers must also carry out an examination free of charge. This is stated in clause 16.14 of the Regulation of the Bank of Russia on the procedure for maintaining cash transactions dated April 24, 2008 ”318-P. The results of the examination will be formalized by an act. If it indicates that the banknotes are solvent, then they will be exchanged for new ones.

Based on the materials of the magazine "Chief accountant"

My baby tore banknotes and chewed some of them. Is it possible to exchange such damaged bills for new ones and how to do it?

The possibility of exchanging bills will depend on the nature of their damage. Replacement of damaged money is carried out in accordance with the Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 1778-U dated 26.12.2006 "On the signs of solvency and the rules for exchanging banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia" (hereinafter referred to as the Banknote Exchange Rules).

If a bill is torn or its edge or corner is torn off, it is considered solvent and valid. legal remedy cash payment (clause 1.1 of the Banknote Exchange Rules). Such banknotes can be used to pay on a par with undamaged banknotes. Therefore, they cannot be exchanged.

Banknotes with the following damages can be exchanged at face value:

  • have lost a significant fragment, but retained at least 55% of the original area (clause 2.1 of the Rules for the exchange of banknotes);
  • glued from fragments (excluding the number of fragments), if one fragment or several fragments, unconditionally belonging to one banknote of the Bank of Russia, occupy at least 55% of the original area of ​​the banknote (clause 2.2 of the Banknote Exchange Rules);
  • composed of two fragments belonging to different Bank of Russia banknotes of the same denomination, if each fragment differs from the neighboring one in graphic design and occupies at least 50% of the original banknote area (clause 2.3 of the Banknote Exchange Rules).

Thus, you should try to glue the torn parts, guided by the above principles, and take the glued notes to the bank. It can be any bank, not just the one in which natural person there is an account (clause 4 of the Rules for the exchange of banknotes).

If the banknotes presented for exchange meet the requirements of clauses 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3 of the Banknote Exchange Rules, the bank may exchange:

· Immediately after accepting banknotes;

· After sending the accepted banknotes for examination to the Bank of Russia and their exchange by the Bank of Russia.

Any amount can be presented for the exchange. The exchange fee is not charged (clause 4 of the Rules for the exchange of banknotes).

For your information

How to determine the residual area of ​​a damaged banknote?

To find out the residual area of ​​heavily damaged banknotes, the Bank of Russia recommends using special grids printed on a transparent or opaque base, consisting of 200 equal cells. Taking into account the tolerance for the geometric dimensions and natural shrinkage of the substrate, the length and width of the working field of the grids are for banknotes: denominations of 10, 50, 100 and 500 rubles. - 147 x 63 mm; in denominations of 1000 and 5000 rubles. - 154 x 67 mm (clause 2 of the letter of the Bank of Russia dated February 15, 2007 No. 29-5-1-8 / 778 "On the application of the Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 1778-U").

The damaged banknote must be positioned on the net in such a way that the least damaged sides are along the edges of the net. In this case, the orientation of the banknote does not matter. Further, the damaged banknote is traced along the contour. The residual area is calculated as follows. The number of cells through which the contour line passed is summed up and halved. To this number is added the number of grid cells that remained closed when the banknote was applied. The fractional part is discarded from the calculated result. The resulting number is divided by 2.

If you accidentally torn banknotes, throwing them away is not the most pleasant option, especially if the amount is large. In this review, we will consider what to do if there are torn money in the wallet and whether it can be exchanged for new ones.

A torn bill can get into your wallet in a completely random way, for example, you did not notice the change in the store, or you yourself may be the reason for this. In such cases, the following methods of correcting the situation are used:

  • in case of minor damage, the banknote is glued together with adhesive tape;
  • if the bill is torn badly, then you should contact the bank branch and replace the money.

In addition, in case of minor damage, you can use an ATM to deposit funds on a plastic card. Some machines accept slightly torn or slightly wrinkled money.

Is ragged money accepted in shops and ATMs

As directed by the Central Bank Russian Federation"On the signs of solvency and the rules for exchanging banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia", the store is obliged to accept money if the bill has minor damage, that is, having 1 degree of dilapidation. At the same time, one can often observe such a picture when the seller, despite minor damage, refuses to accept the money. This is fundamentally illegal and, in addition to the Central Bank's instructions, violates Civil Code, namely Articles 426 and 445.

The legislation does not provide for any punishment for refusing to accept damaged funds for payment.

The law establishes the following damages, in which you cannot be denied to accept a bill as a means of payment:

  • tear, pollution;
  • holes and scuffs;
  • punctures;
  • wear;
  • stains, extraneous inscriptions;
  • lack of edges and corners.

As for the ATM, here it can accept a bill, or maybe not. It all depends on her physical condition. The fact is that the ATM automatically checks the condition, and if there is damage, it can return it back. In such cases, you should contact the bank branch and exchange the torn bill.

What money can be changed at the bank

Of course, the bank will undertake the exchange of not all damaged banknotes. The following money is subject to replacement:

  • not showing signs of forgery;
  • having 55% of the original area, that is, half should be intact;
  • glued from several fragments;
  • have changed color, but retained the image;
  • having a manufacturing defect.

If you have the above conditions, you can safely go to the bank branch and exchange money. They can be replaced immediately in your presence with a bill of the same denomination. Or, in case of significant damage, they were sent for examination, which determines the possibility of compensation. The final decision is made at the bank's office.

Expert examination for verification Money is carried out as follows:

  • the client fills out an application;
  • money is sent for examination within 5 working days;
  • the examination procedure itself is carried out (approximately 5 working days);
  • in case of a positive decision, money is exchanged.

The examination for the authenticity of money can be paid - as in percentage from the amount, and fixed per banknote.

How to change damaged banknotes at Sberbank

Sberbank, the most common bank in our country, has the most branches. Therefore, it is convenient to make an exchange right here. To replace damaged money in Sberbank, you should follow a few simple steps:

  • go to the Sberbank branch;
  • provide the employee with a torn bill;
  • in case of minor damage, the money will be replaced;
  • otherwise, the funds will be sent for examination (10 working days);
  • with a positive decision, receive new money in paper form or to a current account.

When exchanging rubles, Sberbank does not take a commission. If it is currency, then financial institution there is a payment for the service of 10% of the denomination at the internal rate of Sberbank.

Features of replacing dollars and euros

Replacement of dollars and euros does not differ in the procedure from the exchange of a ruble bill. The only thing is that when exchanging a national bill, no commission is charged, but there is one from the currency. Therefore, you will lose a little in money, but still it is better than losing the entire amount.

The conditions for currency exchange are as follows:

  • authenticity of money;
  • more than half of the bill must remain intact;
  • it is assumed that paper money is glued together from several fragments.

If you have torn money, do not hesitate to go to the bank. This is a common financial procedure that will help you get new bills and thus save money.

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  1. dirty or worn out;
  2. frayed or torn;
  3. with small holes, punctures;
  4. with inscriptions, spots;
  5. without corners, with missing edges.

Stores hand over such bills to banks. It is forbidden to give the client change with a torn banknote!

Bank exchange

Carry money with serious damage directly to the bank (Sberbank and any other commercial Bank). V Federal law"On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation" states that the following are subject to mandatory exchange:

  1. banknotes preserved by at least 55%;
  2. glued banknotes;
  3. defective banknotes;
  4. money that has lost / changed color under UV rays.

The main condition for the exchange: on any of the fragments, the banknote number must be clearly read.

People advise: Glue the torn banknote with tracing paper and glue (never tape it!). "Feed" the "refurbished" money to an ATM / terminal - put it on your bank account or on your phone. This method works in 60% of cases!

Is it possible to change a torn banknote in a commercial bank?

Let us refer to the Directives of the Bank of Russia “On the signs of insolvency and the rules for exchanging banknotes”. The document contains the wording "credit institutions", meaning all banks registered in the Russian Federation, except for the Central Bank (Bank of Russia).

In addition to the torn banknote, take your passport with you.

How to exchange a torn bill without commission?

The service fee was canceled back in 2010. Now any requirement to pay for an exchange is illegal. By the way: for four years now, the condition of a mandatory examination, certifying the authenticity of damaged banknotes, has not been in effect. It turns out that you should not have any obstacles to replacing torn money.

I was appointed a commission to determine the authenticity - is this legal?

In difficult cases, the bank has the right to conduct an examination (we emphasize: a free examination). It is more likely that the procedure will be carried out if:

  1. the banknote is torn to a quarter of its area;
  2. it is glued together from ten fragments of a banknote with one number;
  3. it is glued together from fragments of different banknotes of the same denomination.

The commission can take up to 10 business days.

The way the examination proceeds is well described in the following comment:

I was refused an exchange. What to do?

Contact another bank. Refused there too? Has the right to complain about the actions of employees of the institution. Leave a message on the Central Bank website - indicate your full name, describe the problem. Within a month, you will definitely be answered.

Which banknotes cannot be exchanged?

Significantly damaged banknotes are not legal tender. First of all, these include banknotes with a safety less than 55%.

All negative reviews on the Internet regarding the issue of how to exchange a torn bill were left no later than 2013. Customers of most commercial banks say that today there are no problems with replacement.

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