
10 most expensive currencies. What is the most expensive currency? This is not a US dollar, and not even a British pound! Why does the price of currency fall

One of the main indicators of the strong and healthy economy of the country is expensive and stable national, the demand for which is available not only inside the state, but also far beyond. Already a long time ago, no one is secret that residents of the Arabian Peninsula countries may not work and receive special subsidies from the government, which the population is enough for a hazardous existence. It is worth noting that Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Yemen, Qatar and other countries are one of the main oil exporters on the world arena, which provides them with good economic indicators. Currently, the national scientists are considered the most expensive currencies in the world, but unfortunately, the demand for them in the world community is small. This is due to the fact that natural resources, in particular, oil, in these countries can once be completed, respectively, the incomes of oil states may decrease dramatically.

What is the most dear currency in the world?

The tent of the leaders of the most expensive currencies in the world last few years remain unchanged. To date, the most expensive currency in the world is Kuwaiti dinar.

1. Kuwaiti Dinar

Kuwait is a small state on the shore of the Persian Gulf with very large stocks of raw materials: oil and gas. The name of the country's focus originated from the name of the coin, which was in circulation in the Roman Empire. Kuwaiti dinar was introduced in appeal 04/01/1996.

2. Bahrainsky Dinar

In second place is the Bahrainsky dinar. Bahrain is a small island kingdom with monarchical rule of government. For more than ten years, the Bahrainsky dinar has been very closely connected with the American dollar, against the background of which the dinar rate almost completely depends on the course of the American National Scale.

3. Oman Rial

Oman is one of the most ancient states in the world whose name occurred from the dynasty of the first sheyrs who managed the people in the VII century. Omansky Rial consists of thousands of BayZ. The exchange rate of Oman also has a strong binding to the US dollar.

4. Jordanian dinar

On the fourth line of the ranking is the Jordanian Dinar - the national currency of Jordan. The state is considered sufficiently developed and strong financially. The economy of the country is fully based on the extractive industry and the agricultural industry. Jordanian dinar, like other expensive currencies in the world, has a strong dependence on the US dollar.

5. Pound Sterling

On the fifth line of the rating of the most expensive currencies in the world there is a pound sterling - National Britain. The pound is also included in the top 7 of the most popular world currencies. The first banknotes of the pound sterling were printed and issued in turnover in 1694.

6. Dollar Cayman Islands

Cayman Islands are the territory of Britain and are located in the Caribbean Sea. To date, Cayman Islands is one of the most famous and popular offshores with simplified legislation in tax Sphere. The Cayman dollar was introduced in appeal in 1972. It has a close binding to pound sterling.

7. Euro

The currency of seventeen states, which are included in the eurozone, and nine states that are not included in it. Euroovaluta was represented by the world community in 1999. Today, the euro sustainably retains its position of the stable currency in the European market.

8. Swiss Frank

Switzerland by right wears several decent titles. This is the most stable and most rich country in the world. The bank's banking system is not one century is the most durable, and the Swiss franc is a reliable currency.

9. US dollar

The American currency is recognized as the most popular currency in the world. More than 50% of all payments for goods and services are on it. Everything trade operations Oil market occur in US dollars.

10. Libyan Dinar

Completes the top 10 most expensive currencies of the world Libyan Dinar - Natsvalyuta Libya. In recent years, the state is experiencing a wave of political complexity and civil encounters, but the location in the rich oil region saves Libya from ruin. Libya's Natsvalyuta since 1999 is tied to the currency of the IMF - SDR.

In the world, according to the UN, there are 180 national currencies recognized as a legal means of payment. There are strong currencies, and there are weak currencies. A suitcase of money for one dollar - so simple language You can describe the impaired currency. Watch the top 10 of anything worthwhile currencies of the world, changing a couple of American dollars for these national currencies you may need a suitcase to carry them with you.

10 photos

10. Sierra Leon Leone (SLL): 1 USD \u003d 4315 SLL (for 12.12.2014).

Sierra Leone is a country that was exhausted by the war, and in lately Fights with an epidemic of ebola death fever. The country exports diamonds, cocoa and coffee, and despite the expected growth of their prices in 2015, forecasts for the Sierra Leone economy are not optimistic.

9. Paraguayan Guarani (PYG): 1 USD \u003d 4619 PYG (for 12.12.2014).

In Paraguay, which exports mainly cotton and soybeans, there is some revival of the economy, but the biggest problem that prevents its development is corruption, as well as mass poverty and low level Paraguayv education.

8. Zambian Quacha (ZMW): 1 USD \u003d 6355 ZMW (on 12.12.2014).

Zambia is one of the largest copper exporters in the world. 80 percent of the country's income from foreign trade It comes from the sale of copper ore, so the Zambia economy depends entirely on the world prices for this raw material.

7. Guinean Frank (GNF): 1 USD \u003d 7030 GNF (12.12.2014).

The curse of this country, very rich in natural mineral fossils, has become its geographical location. Guinea is located near the Sierra Leone and Liberia destroyed by the wars, and constantly accepts one by one of the next refugee streams. Another serious problem of the country is currently an Ebola epidemic.

6. Lao Kip (LAK): 1 USD \u003d 8077 LAK (on 12.12.2014).

Communist country, most of the inhabitants of which lives by growing rice. Despite the high growth rates, Laos remains a country with primitive infrastructure: no railway tracks, bad roads, lack of electricity in some cities. The country lives mainly at the expense of foreign aid.

5. Belarusian ruble (BYR): 1 USD \u003d 10 950 BYR - Official course of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, however, when purchasing currency to this amount, another 30 percent must be added, since on December 19, 2014, a 30 percentage of currency purchase tax was introduced in the country Then how to hand over the currency can only be at the official affected course. Therefore, the real dollar rate in the Republic of Belarus is 14 235 BYR.

Belarus is the only of the former Soviet republics in this list. Experts predict the further devaluation of the Belarusian ruble. And although the authorities argued that it was not devaluation, but only a temporary measure, everyone has long known that there is nothing more permanent than temporary. It is difficult to imagine, but the chloe bags should not buy a copy even for 100,000 belarusian rubles. What to say about buying the original.

4. Indonesian rupee (IDR): 1 USD \u003d 12 336 IDR (on 12.12.2014).

Sources economic problems In Indonesia, according to experts, there are: bad infrastructure (island state), a strong bureaucracy and high level of corruption.

3. Good San Tome and Principe (STD): 1 USD \u003d 19 943 STD (on 12.12.2014).

Have you ever heard of this currency? Like most people who have never heard even the names of this little country, located next to the Guinean Bay in Africa. This is not a country, but a real paradise on Earth. And its inhabitants live due to the cultivation of cocoa, coffee, papaya and cinnamon.

2. Vietnamese Dong (VND): 1 USD \u003d 21 388 VND (on 12.12.2014).

Vietnam struggles with difficulties transition period from the centralized planned economy to capitalism. The country's agricultural sector remains still in the "Middle Ages". Dong is purposefully supported by the monetary authorities at a low level in order to increase exports.

1. Iranian Rial (IRR): 1 USD \u003d 26 931 IRR (on 12.12.2014).

Iran's economy has not yet recovered from the Iran-Iraq war, as well as Western sanctions are negative about it due to the country's nuclear program.

The history of mankind is a story of money, which, as it does not tritely sounds, have ruled the world for several millennia. Modern currency systems often have only a virtual mapping (on electronic bank accounts) Or in the form of paper bills that have bought in one or another part of the world. However, apparent ephemeralism is no more than an illusion. Money still regularly fulfills its main role - are equivalent to quite real material values, services, goods and capital. It is worth noting that, despite the fact that individual currencies, as, however, the countries of their walking, have their own life deadlines, in the last 100-150 years in the world, the united was gradually financial system With its unconditional leaders and outsiders. What currencies are the most expensive and stable in the world?

Kuwaiti dinar.

The currency of this microscopic Asian state has been considered the most expensive in the world for over 50 years. And I must say, quite well deserved, because Kuwait is one of the richest oil and gas producing states. Kuwaiti dinar appeared on April 1, 1961, replacing the previous currency of the region - Persian Rupe. According to the data provided by international currency trading features, for one dinar today gives more than three US dollars. Despite the steadily standing position of its currency, in 2007 the government of Kuwait decided to completely fall from a constantly weakening dollar quotations, replacing the dollar quotation of the so-called currency basket.

Bahrainsky and Omansky dinar.

As in the case of a neighbor, these small kingdoms may not worry about inflation and devaluation of their own currencies. Their guarantor more than reliable - the colossal reserves of energy resources, which in the most modest counting will be enough for another 50-70 years of continuous mining. Dinar Bahrain and Oman were released in 1965 to replace the depreciated Indian rupee, which had a walk in Arabia in parallel with British pounds and the coins of the Habsburg Empire. For today, one Bahrain or Omansky dinar can be exchanged by $ 2.5.

Pound sterling.

National currency of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The history of the British pounds goes its roots in the early Middle Ages. It is believed that the name of the pound sterling occurred from the weight measure, namely, it was that a pound of pure silver used in exchange calculations. Paper money from the Anglo-Saxons appeared relatively recently - May 10, 1811, before this was metallic coins of different nominal. Despite membership in the European Union, Britain is not going to give up his national currency. Despite the fact that the United Kingdom by the middle of the last twentieth century gradually passed leadership positions in the international arena of their former US metropolis, the pound sterling remains one of the most expensive and stable currencies in the world. For 100 US dollars today you will help approximately 64.83 pounds.

Latvian lat.

The currency unit of Independent Latvia, which went in circulation from March 5, 1993 to January 14, 2014 (before the state entry into the eurozone). At the beginning of the 20th century, Lat was considered the most expensive currency in Europe, according to financial quotations of 2013, its cost exceeded the British pound sterling at 11 Russian rubles! Since 2005, the LAT has been included in the European mechanism for maintaining exchange rates and was further tied exclusively to the euro.


The official currency of the European Union, uniting 27 countries. In the non-cash payment of the euro appeared in 1999, the first bills entered into circulation only after three years - in 2002. It is noteworthy that out of 27 participants of this economic and political European project, only 17 participants in the union relationship completely replaced their national currencies. Many countries are in no hurry to get rid of their own currencies in connection with the fear of fully losing economic freedom and cultural identity. However, in the near future, a gradual entrance to the eurozone and other participants of the Union is expected. According to the data provided by the International Monetary Fund, in 2006, the euro possessed the highest total value of cash, thereby ahead of its main competitor - the American dollar. The euro's ratio to the dollar for 2015 is 1: 0.89.

What country is the best currency in the world in 2018? We have prepared a rating of the top 10 of the world's best currencies.

The Russian ruble, unfortunately, is not an example for imitating with a long list of achievements. If you analyze the entire modern historical period of the formation and existence of the ruble, it is easy to see a tendency, which indicates that the ruble almost always demonstrates indicators of reducing its value in relation to the strongest world currencies.


Until 2005, the currency of the "Podnebyss" was tied to the financial indicators of the US dollar, but in recent years the Government of China sent its efforts to manually and managed cheapening of its currency to accelerate the growth rate of the economy

Nevertheless, even a weakened yuan for a decade went up by 228% regarding the ruble. Since October 2016, the Chinese currency has become the fifth reserve currency of the world, which the International Monetary Fund approved.

Israeli Shekel

The third place won the Israelis Shekel. For a decade he managed to rise by 216% and demonstrate a floating, but relatively stable course, which allowed to resist on the same indicators in relation to the dollar, which were at the very beginning of the period under study.

U.S. dollar

As for the most famous currency in our country and most used after the ruble, it took just an eighth place. The dollar rate has strengthened 170% and was displaced by those currencies, the existence of which most of our fellow citizens do not even suspect.

Schedule. US dollar rate to ruble for 10 years

Top 10 top currencies world rankings

So, let's look at the full list of the top 10 most strong currencies in the world:

  1. Swiss franc (237% growth over a decade).
  2. Chinese yuan (228% growth to ruble over a decade);
  3. Israelis Shekel (216% growth);
  4. Bolivian Boliviano (211% growth);
  5. Singapore dollar (206% growth);
  6. Brunese dollar (205% growth);
  7. Thai Bat (196% growth);
  8. US dollar (170% growth);
  9. Japanese yen (169% growth);
  10. Dirham UAE (168% growth).

It is worth noting that the Kuwaiti Dinar, which reached the mark in almost 248 rubles per unit for ten years, was the most expensive currency. Nevertheless, if we take into account only an increase in percent, then it amounted to almost 158%, which made it possible to take a place in the second ten of the overall standings. Two other popular currency in the Russian Federation (Euro and British pound) occupied 26 and 33 place, respectively.

The most expensive currencies in relation to the dollar

If you check the dynamics of the course of all the above currencies, but instead of growth in relation to the ruble, take indicators in relation to the US dollar, then the Chinese yuan will take place in the first place, which has strengthened by as much as 25%.

The Swiss currency will fall as low as low and with a 20% rate of increasing the course will be in second place. The third place will remain invariably for the Israeli monetary unitwhich will demonstrate an indicator of 15%.

It is curious that even the Thai currency again showed a higher growth dynamics than the US dollar, and in general rose by 9%

Why is the ruble always among the "weak"?

In general, the national currency is nothing but to display the degree of independence and the development of the economy of its country.

On this historical stage The ruble exchange rate depends very much on the cost of oil, one of the main exporters of which is the Russian Federation

The main way to exit such an unpleasant situation is to improve, modify and reorient the economy of our country, which will improve not only its indicators, but also investment climate RF.

Ultimately, all this will lead not only to the greater independence of the country from external factors, but also to the stability of the national currency, which, at least, will not lose in value, but as a maximum, will begin to grow, as well as the currencies of other industrial development and economies of states.

Investment in foreign currency and savings outside banks

Most financial experts are confident that investments in the strongest today foreign currencies Not only will help save savings, but will bring some profits at a relatively long stage (future decade). Considering this economic crisisThere is no reason to believe that growth will not continue. Moreover, now the growth of the dollar rate is predicted to 80-90 rubles already the upcoming fall of 2018.

Financiers recommend not to get involved in investments only in the most popular dollar now. It is worth trying to dispel your accumulations in several directions: the most stable currencies, stock shares, precious metals

Relying only on the US currency risky due to the fact that even it has certain growth cycles and falls, accurately predict that is impossible.

Also experts advise partially keep their savings in paperAfter all, in difficult economic situations it will be an order of magnitude safer.

Where can I buy rare currencies?

Most unpopular, but economically stable currencies can be purchased even in russian banks. This statement concerns: yuan, Swiss francs, yen, shekels and others. Of course, in the presence of a financial institution, they will be smaller than the same dollars, but they will definitely.

Chief Council - contact the real representative offices of banks, and not to incomprehensible exchanger, which can fool both in the course and with the currency itself, which may be fake.

What do you think, what currency is the most expensive in the world today?

The majority believes that the British pound is the most expensive currency, however, as it turned out, it is not.

Especially for blog readers, we have compiled a list of the strongest currencies in the world (as of January 20, 2020).

So, the most expensive currency in the world ...

# 1 - Kuwait Dinar ($ 3.29)

Currency code - Kwd..

Course of Kuwaitsky Dinar:
1 kwd \u003d 3.29 USD (Kuwaiti Dinar to the dollar).
1 kwd \u003d 202.94 RUB (Kuwaiti dinar to ruble).

The most expensive currency in the world - Kuwaiti Dinar (in relation to the dollar and Russian ruble).

Kuwait is a small country with a huge wealth. The high cost of its currency is explained by the significant export of petroleum products into the world market.

Thanks to the stable economy, the highly developed industry of oil production and exports, Kuwait is considered one of the richest countries of the world.

More than 80% of the country's income comes from oil industrySince the mining of black gold here is the easiest and, accordingly, the cheapest in comparison with other countries.

Until 2003, Kuwaiti Dinar was tied to the dollar, but in 2007 the government decided to bind it to a multicurrency basket.

In addition to a very stable economy, Kuwait is a country where there are almost no taxes and a very low unemployment.

# 2 - Bahrain Dinar (Bahrain Dinar) ($ 2.66)

Currency code - BHD..

Course of the Bahrain dinar:
1 BHD \u003d 2.66 USD (Bahrainsky Dinar to the dollar).
1 BHD \u003d 163.78 RUB (Bahrainsky Dinar to the ruble).

Bahrainsky dinar is the second value of the currency in the world.

Bahrain is an island state in the Persian bay with a population of just over 1 million people. As in the first case, the main article of the income of this country is the export of black gold.

Interestingly, the Bahrainsky Dinar is tied to the dollar rate, and for the past 14 years its value is not changed regarding the dollar.

# 3 - Oman Rial (Oman Rial) ($ 2.60)

Currency code - OMR..

Course of the Oman Rial:
1 OMR \u003d 2.60 USD (Oman Rial to the dollar).
1 OMR \u003d 160.17 RUB (Omani Rial to the ruble).

Oman is a country on the Arabian Peninsula. Thanks to its strategic location, it has a developed economy and a high standard of living.

Omansky Rial, like Bahrainsky Dinar, is tied to the dollar.

I wonder what purchasing power This currency is so high that the government has to produce paper bills with a denomination of 1/2 and 1/4 of the rial. In the picture from above, you can see 1/2 rial.

# 4 - Jordan Dinar (Jordan Dinar) ($ 1.41)

Currency code - Jod..

The course of the Jordanian dinar:
1 JOD \u003d 1.41 USD (Jordanian dinar to the dollar).
1 jod \u003d 86.86 RUB (Jordanian dinar to the ruble).

It is quite difficult to explain the high cost of Jordanian dinar, as the country is not particularly developed economically, and it lacks important resources such as oil. Nevertheless, 1 Jordanian dinar costs about $ 1.41, which makes it one of 10 most expensive currencies in the world.

# 5 - British pound (British Pound) ($ 1.32)

Currency code - GBP..

The course of the British pound:
1 GBP \u003d 1.32 USD (British pound to the dollar).
1 GBP \u003d 80.18 RUB (British pound to ruble).

It was the British pound that everyone considers the most expensive currency in the world, but, as it turns out - it is only on the 5th place.

By the way, British colonies produce their bills, which visually differ from the bill issued by the Bank of England, but are quoted 1 to 1.

So, there are still: Scottish, Northerland, Maneski, Jersey, Guernysk, Gibraltar pounds, as well as a pound of the Isle of St. Helena and a pound of Falkland Islands.

Funny, but the indigenous Britons do not always want to take "other" pounds as payment.

# 6 - Dollar Cayman Islands (Cayman Islands Dollar) ($ 1.22)

Currency code - Kyd..

Cayman Islands dollar exchange rate.
1 KYD \u003d 1.22 USD (dollar of the Cayman Islands to the US dollar).
1 KYD \u003d 75.01 RUB (dollar of the Cayman Islands to the ruble).

Cayman Islands are one of the world's best tax shelters. These islands provided power to hundreds of banks, hedge funds and insurance companies.

In particular, thanks to its leadership among tax shelters, the dollar of Cayman Islands costs about 1.22 US dollars.

# 7 - European Euro (European EURO) ($ 1.11)

Currency code - EUR.

Euro Course:
1 EUR \u003d 1.11 USD (Euro to the dollar).
1 EUR \u003d 68.31 RUB (Euro to ruble).

Even considering the fact that the euro currency for last year Lost about 20% of their cost, it is still one of the strongest in the world.

Partially its strength is explained by the fact that it is an official currency in 17 European countries, among which several economic "heavyweights".

In addition, the world is the second backup currency, covering 22.2% of all world savings (in the dollar - 62.3%).

# 8 - Swiss Franc (SWISS FRANC) ($ 1.01)

Currency code - CHF.

Swiss franca course:
1 CHF \u003d 1.01 USD (Swiss franc to the dollar).
1 CHF \u003d 63.61 RUB (Swiss franc to the ruble).

Switzerland is not only one of the richest countries in the world, but also one of the most stable. Her banking system Known due to its unshakable "banking secrecy".

In addition, their high-tech goods are valued worldwide.

Pay attention to the original appearance of this bill. This is the only currency, from those that I saw, which "looks" vertically.

# 9 - US Dollar (US Dollar)

Currency code - USD..

Dollar Course:
1 USD \u003d 0.90 EUR (dollar for euro).
1 USD \u003d 61.58 RUB (dollar to ruble).

Due to the leading of America on the world arena, its currency has achieved the title "World Reserve Currency". In other words, you can pay dollars in any corner of the world.

# 10 - Canadian Dollar (CANADIAN DOLLAR) ($ 0.75)

Currency code - CAD.

The course of the Canadian dollar:
1 CAD \u003d 0.75 USD (Canadian dollar to US dollar).
1 CAD \u003d 47.14 RUB (Canadian dollar to ruble).

The Canadian dollar is the fifth largest backup world currency. It is often referred to as the "Luni" in honor of the bird shown on a coin worth 1 dollar.

Filled out of dozens

Due to the dynamically changing economic and political situation in the world, the currency is difficult to remain in this ranking, so here is the list of currencies that came out of the top ten for previous periods.

Australian Dollar (Australian Dollar)($0.68)

Currency code - AUD..

The course of the Australian dollar:
1 AUD \u003d 0.68 USD (Australian dollar to US dollar).
1 AUD \u003d 42.35 RUB (Autraral dollar to ruble).

Interesting is the fact that the new series of Australian banknotes, as in the picture above, will have a tactile function (Braille font) to help the community of visually impaired determining the nominal bills.

Azerbaijani Manat (Azerbaijani MANAT)($0.59)

Currency code - AZN..

The course of the Azerbaijani manat:
1 AZN \u003d 0.59 USD (Azerbaijan manat to the dollar).
1 AZN \u003d 36.30 RUB (Azerbaijan manat to ruble).

To see Azerbaijani manat on this list, of course, amazing, but the currency of this Middle Eastern country is just a little bit cheaper than the US dollar.

It should be noted that the local economy is actually quite strong, and the unemployment rate in the country is low.

Seborg Laigino?

Have you ever heard of currency under the name Seborgan Luigino (Seborgan Luigino)?

This currency belongs to the Virtual State of Seborg's Principality, which is located on the border of Italy and France. Luijino circulates mainly at the local level and is not considered a payment tool in any other country.

But what is interesting, the local course of Luijino is 1 SPL \u003d 6 USDThat could make this currency the most expensive in the world if it were officially recognized outside the principality.

Thus, despite the huge value of SPL, Liuijino can not take first place in our list of the most expensive currencies in the world.

High cost currency Sign of a strong economy?

It is known that currencies are not particularly successful states tend to reduce cost. However, when everything is in order with the economy, we can hardly see the opposite effect.

Indeed, in practice there were very few cases when the currency cost was constantly increased. The reasons may be different, but mostly, the state itself is not profitable to strengthen the currency, since The population begins to actively postpone the funds, instead of spending.

Thus, the high cost of the currency speaks only that inflation processes in the country are under control.

In the context of this article, it should also be mentioned about Japan and its one of the strongest economies in the world. At the same time, the cost of Japanese yen is very small, $ 1 \u003d ¥ 108.74.

Information about the greatest value of currencies is unlikely to be used by investors for making any investment solutions. In this case, it is better to consider the most stable currencies.

By the way, you knew that it was impossible to use the images of banknotes without inscription "Specimen"? Learning to comply with laws, comrades!

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