
Japan, where land is quite scarce. Freedom of foreign trade: a country wins by selling goods that it produces cheaply and buying goods that it costs to produce with this money. Barriers to trade hurt

Dictations in Russian for grade 4

in winter

The fields have turned white. The river was covered with ice, fell asleep, as in a fairy tale. Winter goes through the mountains, through the forests, through the valleys.

Here the wind from the hillock in the clearing blew off the white hat. The early sun came out and illuminated the tops of the trees. Red and green lights lit up on the fluffy snow, It's good in the winter forest! Skis glide easily on soft carpet.

Silence! The bear sleeps in a den. A prickly hedgehog in a hole covered with dry leaves. The cunning fox made a house. A cowardly hare sleeps under a bush during the day, and at night eats the bark of trees.

mighty oak

A mighty oak grew on the edge. He was the most prominent in the area. The giant stood and examined the whole area, quietly rustling the foliage. Emerald grass lay like a lush carpet under the tree.
One day people came to the oak tree and set up benches. Now people crowded here from morning until late evening. The freshness beckoned everyone. Children loved to play on the edge. Oak gave joy to everyone. It's good to sit on the soft grass! It has become a favorite vacation spot.

blooming linden

I was walking through the forest and caught a strong smell of linden. Turned off the path and headed towards the edge. The tree blossomed. “It will win any beauty contest,” I thought. Lipa complained: "An inept tailor sewed clouds together today." I threw back my head and saw that the tree was trying on the dresses of the clouds. The wind throws her white-and-snow clothes aside. All the surrounding linden trees were preparing for the flowering ball. It's raining mushrooms. A joyful ray of the sun peeped out through the cloud, a multi-colored rainbow lined up in the sky. Lipa decided to throw a rainbow over her dress. No one has ever seen such a wonderful dress at the festival. (87 words)

(According to A. Trofimov)

Know how to control yourself

A person must suppress anger, a bad mood. There is no joyful and successful every day in life. Monkeys in moments of excitement beat their chests, a dog growls and bares its teeth, an elephant swings its trunk. Man must control himself! Endurance is valued by people, but it is not easy to come by. You sat down to play with a friend. You are in a wonderful mood. But here you are losing. You immediately become suspicious, check every move, argue, quarrel. Be fair and tell yourself: "My friend was stronger." Manage to master your feelings. Self-control will serve you well. (82 words)

forest miracle

F andwind somewhere in the world is smalle n bwhat a fairy. She has no one to play withb, so she ran away somehow into the forest. Goes towards thev, a little fairy l b wow never not saw. Zarych a l he is menacing, pr and sat down, to well ku cook tsya! And the fairy smiles affectionatelytsya, play b collect with him tsya. Oud and vlya etsyaa lion! Why its not bouttsya? Is this bad or O R O what? WITH e rdi to be need or see e I am to be?.

Etc O T I am zero fairy l bwu magic palpoints y. Leo sn a h a la left k pal points P O d O walked, p Ovolume on the right. So andnot took. Nose e rdi to be no way not received aElk. The Fairy and the Terrible Lion Coming SoonO friend and foxes.

(88 words, auxiliary 19)

Complex task

1 . The story seems to be over. And you make sure that the last sentence is penultimate.

2. Show any 10 traps in the text.

3. Find words with the letter "a" at the end. Show only those of them that have the letter "a" in the base. We need everyone to see what a morpheme it is.

4. In the very first sentence, indicate the grammatical basis. Write from which island the words that work in it.

5. Find the sentence that starts the second paragraph. We now need something like magic wires between antennas in the beautiful city of Syntax. Then it will turn out to show each member of the sentence. It is important!

6. Choose any word from this sentence and tell what you can learn about it if you remember which island it is from.

Autumn time

(dictation No. 1 OS "Harmony")

The hot summer has passed. The golden autumn has arrived. Look into the forest. Mushrooms grow along the edges. Aspen mushrooms blush among the withered grass. Along the edge of the spruce forest you can find slippery milk mushrooms, fragrant mushrooms. Old stumps are covered with honey agarics. Mossy swamps are strewn with ruddy cranberries. Clusters of mountain ash are burning in the clearing. The days are fine. The sky is high and transparent. At the bottom of the stream, every blade of grass is visible. The bird voices are silent. Peace and quiet in the forest. Good in the forest! ( 68 words)

Words for reference: in the clearing, strewn, peace.

Grammar task:

  1. In the ninth sentence, find the grammatical basis, indicate the parts of speech.
  2. Disassemble the composition of the word: came, boletus, blade of grass.
  3. Phonetic analysis of the word bunch.

The cranes are flying away

(dictation No. 2 OS "Harmony")

In the autumn days, the cranes were preparing to fly away. They circled over the river and over their native swamp. Cranes flew high in the sky. In the dense forest on the edge of the lake, the birds stopped to rest. The forest is dark and gloomy at this time.

It is still dark, but the sensitive cranes have already woken up. An early dawn appeared in the east. Soon the sun will rise over the river. Everything sparkles and shines with the bright colors of autumn. The cranes will fly high. See you in the spring! ( 72 words)

Grammar tasks

  1. In the second sentence, emphasize the grammatical basis, show the connection of words in the sentence.
  1. Determine case for nouns.

1st century Cranes flew high in the sky.

II century An early dawn appeared in the east.

3. Write out two phrases from the text, a noun with an adjective.

Indicate the number, gender and case of the adjective.

4. In the first sentence, find the word (j) take offand parse it as a part of speech (morphological parsing).

Autumn Walk

(dictation No. 3 OS "Harmony")

A group of schoolchildren went to the autumn park. All the trees have already shed their golden foliage.

The boys went down the forest path to the clearing. A fluffy spruce forest grows around. A pure spring springs from the earth. The guys collected branches and branches. The boys lit a merry fire on the bank of the river.

It was very quiet in the forest. The children sat around the fire. Seryozha filled the kettle with water. It's time to make tea. Anna and Natalya treated the children with cookies. On the way home, everyone sang songs.

Happy children returned home. ( 75 words)

Grammar tasks

1. In the third sentence, underline the grammatical basis, write out the phrases.

2. Write out the word joyful from the last sentence and parse it as a part of speech (morphological analysis).

3. Disassemble the words by composition: autumn, walked, (along) the path.


(dictation No. 4 OS "Harmony")

In the winter cold, there is silence in the spruce forest. All living things hid from the bitter cold.

Suddenly a whole flock of northern guests appeared. Crossbills swept with noise over a quiet clearing. Birds clung to the top of a shaggy spruce. Clusters of ruddy cones hung at the very top. With tenacious claws, the birds began to carry delicious seeds.

Their dwellings are hidden between the branches of the old spruce. The chicks have already hatched. Caring mothers feed them with spruce porridge.

Why crossbills winter in our area? They are warmer here than in the far North.According to G. Skrebitsky (77 words)

Grammar tasks

1. Underline the adjectives with a wavy line, highlight the endings, determine the number, gender and case.

2. In the first and second sentences, determine the declension and case of nouns.

3. Perform a phonetic analysis of the word spruce.

Winter forest

(dictation No. 5 OS "Harmony")

Howwonderfulwinter forest! After the blizzard, the forest stood like in a fairy tale. Spruce was in coniferous chain mail. There is a snow cap on top of a pine tree. At the birch, the blizzard silvered the flexible branches with hoarfrost. Red clusters of mountain ash are visible from afar. How many tracks in the clearing by the path! Here the hare was cunning, dodging, listening to the sounds of the winter night. A fox ran in search of prey. A lynx hid in the top of the spruce. An elk furrowed a snowdrift. And under the snowdrift glimmered life. You rake the snow to the ground, and there are lingonberry and blueberry bushes.(78 words)

Grammar task.

  1. Determine the case and declension of nouns: in chain mail, by the path, at the top.
  1. Parse the sentence into parts of the sentence, write out phrases.

A lynx hid in the top of the spruce.

  1. Disassemble the words by composition: birch, winter, ran.

spring morning

(dictation No. 6 OS "Harmony")

What a beautiful spring morning! The sun came out from behind the blue stripes of the forest. The tops of giant pines redden in its rays. Fog swirls over the river like a golden haze. Here the fog disappears in the transparent air and reveals the blue expanse of the river. In the mirror surface of the river you see the blue sky and clouds. Dew sparkles on the bright green. A light breeze shakes the willow catkins. A thrush on a spruce top whistles a song. Whistle and listen. And in response to him an amazing silence.

grammar task

1. Parse the composition of the verbwhistles.

2. Find the verbs of the II conjugation and highlight the endings in them.

3. Form from the verbshakesfeminine verb in the past tense.

bear cub

(dictation No. 7 OS "Harmony")

Once the hunters drove a bear out of the den. And in the den someone is screaming. Pulled Gennady Grigoryevich out of the den of a bear cub. He carried the baby in a jacket to the village.

The teddy bear was very curious. There were flowers on the window. The kid caught on his claws, pulled the pot with his teeth. He swayed and fell. The flower was sour and juicy. A fat and appetizing worm crawled out of a heap of earth. He crawled, writhed. The worm was delicious too.

The hunter shook his finger at the kid. The little bear hid behind the stove and grumbled. ( 73 words)

Grammar task.

1. Underline the homogeneous members of the sentence.

2. Disassemble the words by composition: kicked out, sour, threatened.

3. Write out the word hidden from the last sentence and parse it as a part of speech (morphological analysis).


(dictation No. 8 OS "Harmony")

At the forest edge, nuts have remained on the tree since autumn. Now they hang in large clusters. Near them, two nimble squirrels began to appear frequently.

One day our cat saw them. He meowed, hissed and rushed at the animals. The squirrels jumped onto the fence and rushed along it to the trees. Can you imagine the picture? Light squirrels deftly jump one after another along the fence, and the cat is chasing them. But then the squirrels flew up to the white-trunked birch and quickly ran along the trunk. The cat snorted angrily and staggered back.According to L. Savonenkova (80 words)

Grammar tasks

1. In the first and last sentences, mark the main members.

2. Write out phrases from the last sentence, show the main and dependent words, write questions. Above the dependents indicate the part of speech.

3. Above the nouns of the first sentence, indicate the declension, and above the word chasing-conjugation.

4. They jumped over the verb to inscribe its indefinite form.

5. In the last sentence find compound word and show its structure.

Dictations by topic


Selective dictations

1. Write down only common sentences, parse them into sentence members.

1) The bears are coming! 2) The sun rose over the forest. 3) A nightingale snapped in the bushes. 4) The fire flared up. 5) Swifts whistled piercingly in the summer sky. 6) The wind died down. 7) Spring was announced by rooks. 8) Rooks were met in the fields of jackdaws. 9) Clouds are running. 10) Wild geese fly low over the tundra.

2. Write out phrases from sentences (subject and predicate do not constitute phrases).

1) We were sitting in a hut. 2) A dark night has come. 3) A hare ran out of the forest. 4) The sailors left the ship. 5) Passed along the river ice. 6) The bright sun came out in the morning. 7) Stars shine in the night sky. 8) I returned from the forest at noon. 9) Apple trees blossomed wildly in the garden. 10) Black grouse sang at the edge of the forest.

Sample entry: they were sitting (where?) in a hut, the night (what?) was dark.

Free dictation

Former homeless children

A blue bell grew by the road. So frail, so filthy. The leaves are like gray rags.

Teacher Sergei Stepanovich dug up this bell and moved it to the school garden. There he has already imprisoned many such homeless children. Here are daisies, and here are cornflowers. Sergey Stepanovich takes care of them, waters them, feeds them.

And then miracles happen. Small daisies become large, big-eyed. Cornflowers as in blue crowns stand. And there are so many flowers on the bells that there is enough for a whole bouquet. People love flowers. And they are unaware that these are former homeless children.

Test dictations

red snow

Polar explorers landed on the island and were surprised. There was red snow on the rocks! The arctic fox trotted along, followed by a red line of footprints. Partridges ran - they inherited with red crosses.

They made a snowball out of snow - pink! We skied down the hill - behind the stripes are red. Don't believe your eyes! But you have to trust your eyes. Why did the snow turn red? From the spring sun and warmth, red algae has grown in the snow. And the snow is in bloom! (63 words)

Early morning

The sun illuminated the moss swamp. Along the edges of the swamp overgrown with frequent birch. Young pines grew dark among the birches. The ground in the lowlands was covered with green moss. On the mounds there are lingonberry and blueberry bushes. The smell of herbs is in the air. The first strands were golden on the birch trees. Yellow leaves swirled in the air. Cold dews silvered the ground at night. In the morning, the earth and trees sparkled with lights. A ray of sunshine flared up in every blade of grass. (60 words)


Restored dictations (write out homogeneous members of the sentence from each sentence, and then write down the entire sentence from memory)

The summer sun floats over the fields, over the dusty road. I lie in the green grass, inhaling the damp smell of earth and plants. White, gold, blue flowers sway overhead.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

I sprinkled bread crumbs on the sparrows, and then immediately threw a whole crust. The sparrows huddled in a flock, jumping on the humpback, striving to pinch more.

(E. Shim)

The cat saw Kashtanka jumped up, arched his back, lifted his tail and ruffled his fur. The dog was frightened, barked loudly and rushed to the cat.

(A. Chekhov)

Red-headed boletus, greenish and pink boletus, slippery milk mushrooms and fragrant mushrooms grow along the edges of the forests.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Visual dictations

Indicate the missing punctuation marks orally and write down sentences under dictation.

1) A frog frog was sitting in a swamp catching mosquitoes and a midge in the spring croaking loudly with her friends (V. Garshin). 2) A heron flew to the lake, entered the water on her knees, bowed her head and hid (I. Drobkov). 3) There is a short but marvelous time in the initial autumn (F. Tyutchev). 4) I saw foliage not only gold and purple, but also scarlet purple brown black gray and almost white (K. Paustovsky). 5) The month of September is the time for variegated leaves, leaves fly, spin, fall, jump (N. Sladkov).

Test dictations


Petka lived in the reserve. It was a big, black, serious bird. Once I gave a raven a cookie. He took the biscuit and hid it in his beak bag. I took out a small coin and showed it to Petka. He also hid this coin. Then Petka flew off onto the road, made a round hole with his beak, and hid the gifts in the sand. The raven pulled out a patch of grass and stuck it into the sandy house. (58 words)

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Words for reference: in the reserve, a coin, too, sandy.


Night in dense forest. The moon has come out from behind the clouds. Snowflakes sparkled, glittered on the branches, on the fir trees, on the pines. The trunk of an old aspen was silvered. At the top of it blackened hollow. There lived a flying squirrel. A long animal ran up the snow with soft leaps. He stopped, sniffed, raised his sharp muzzle up. The upper lip lifted up. Sharp, predatory teeth flashed. It was a marten. The marten ran along the aspen to the hollow. The squirrel noticed the predator and easily jumped onto the branch of a nearby pine tree. (71 words)

(V. Bianchi)

Words for reference: her, because of, neighboring.

End of August

Summer was ending. Yellow strands appeared in the green foliage of birches. Rooks and swallows huddled in huge flocks. The rooks walked around the meadow, getting various bugs and worms. Swallows rushed over the meadow, over the river, hunted for midges and mosquitoes.

Sunday was a warm but overcast day. Fallen leaves lay on the grass, on the paths in the forest. There were many mushrooms in the forest. Boletuses, whites, and blackies peeped merrily out of the grass. In the clearing I saw two porcini mushrooms. The legs are thick and strong. (77 words)

Dictations on topics for grade 4 with assignments

Dictation on the topic"Adjective"

Winter in the forest

The winter sun rose and played over the forest. Rays of bright light lit the snow with an amber sheen. The flexible branches of birch trees were decorated with silver frost. Wonderful patterns of animal and bird tracks are visible on the snow-white tablecloth of the meadows. With a quiet whistle, the crossbills fly towards the tall fir trees. In the distance, a motley woodpecker started a spring trill. A nimble squirrel jumped from a spruce branch to a nearby tree. A mouse squeaked under a hummock in a winter nest. Handsome black grouse flew out of the soft snow, sat on the birches and began to peck at the fragrant buds. These elegant birds live in friendly flocks. (82 words.)

Grammar task:

1) indicate the cases of nouns and adjectives in the second and fifth sentences;

2) underline the main members in the sixth sentence and write out phrases;

3) disassemble the composition of the adjective: silver (amber);

4) parse the adjective as a part of speech in the eighth sentence.

winter colors

It is believed that winter wears exclusively white robes. Houses put on white snow caps. The trees took shelter from the frost under a snow-white blanket. The roads were covered with snow, wrapped in a white blanket. Everything is white around.

But if you look closely, the snow is not always white. Under the rays of the sun, the snowdrifts shimmer with all shades of pink and yellow. On the side of the road, where the ground peeps through the snow, the snow turns brown and even brown.

Even more colors in the snowy attire of nature can be observed in the evening. Sunset paints the snow in purple, lilac and purple tones. And long icicles become like blue arrows.

Grammar task:

1. Find adjectives in the text. Specify their number and case.

2. Disassemble the words by composition: long, peeps through.

3. Make a grammar analysis of the last sentence.

Dictation "Winter Day" with assignments

It's a wonderful winter day. Above us is a clear blue sky. Everything around is covered with fluffy snow. We entered the forest. The trees are like in a fairy tale. We spotted a spotted woodpecker on a pine trunk. He deftly hammers a bump. Titmouse and sparrows pick up seeds. Suddenly we saw a red squirrel. She moved quickly through the trees. Bird tracks in the snow. Good in the forest! (59 words)

Grammar task:

1. Write out three phrases “adj. + n. Highlight the endings and indicate the case of adjectives.

2. Write off by inserting appropriate adjectives.

In ... the sky lit up ... stars.


It's winter outside. Everything around was white and elegant. It snowed all night and managed to cover the ground, trees and houses with a white fluffy blanket.

The sky is clear. The sun sends mean rays, but this makes it even more fun. On the snow, as on a white sheet of paper, hieroglyphs of bird tracks appear. Near the fence, sparrows started a fight over a crust of bread. The crow croaked hoarsely, flapped its wings and flew away. A cloud of snow dust fell from the branch.

If you stand in one place for a long time, then the insidious frost gets behind the collar of your fur coat, begins to pinch your cheeks, nose and ears. As if tonic needles dig into the skin. It immediately becomes very cold.

(102 words)

Dictation for grade 4 on the topic “Pronoun”

On a sunny day, I wandered in a birch copse. A familiar forest voice was heard in the distance. It was a cuckoo chirping. I have heard it many times, but never seen it.

It's not easy to see her. I go to her voice, and she - from me. He plays hide and seek with me. I decided to play on the contrary: I'll hide, and you look. He climbed into a hazel bush and cuckooed once. The cuckoo was silent. Suddenly, she heard her scream. I am silent. And she's getting really close.

I look - a bird flies through the clearing. Her tail is long, she herself is gray, her breast is in dark mottled. Maybe it's a hawk? And the bird flew up to a neighboring tree, sat on a twig and chirped. So here she is - a cuckoo!

Grammar task:

1. Write out three pronouns from the text. Determine their person, number, case.

2. Divide the words into two groups. Write them down on two lines.

For, he, by, her, from, near, you, us, at, you.

Control dictation on the topic “Verb” Grade 4


Nina did not prepare her lessons, decided not to go to school, but sneaked into the grove. She put breakfast and books under a bush, and she herself ran after a beautiful butterfly.

On the path she met a baby. In his hand he held a primer with a notebook. The girl decided to play a trick on him and called the baby a truant.

It turned out that the boy was running away from the dog and got lost. Nina led him through the grove. She was ashamed to take breakfast and books and left them under a bush.

The dog came running. I didn’t touch the books, but I ate breakfast. Nina cried. She did not spare breakfast, her merciless conscience gnawed at her.

Grammar task:

1. Write out three verbs from the text, indicate their tense, person, number.

2. Put the verbs in the indefinite form.

Come, go, look.

Dictations on the topic "Sentence" and "Homogeneous members of the proposal"


The boys were playing war. Valya and his brother Andryusha were not accepted into the game. Valya was a coward. And Andryusha could only cry. Suddenly they heard screams. Lokhmach the dog broke off the chain. The children scattered in all directions, only Andryusha remained on the street. Valya rushed to her brother. A huge dog rushed straight at the girl. She shielded Andryusha, threw a toy at the dog and screamed loudly. A watchman ran across Lokhmach. He grabbed the dog by the collar and led him away. The boys came out of their hiding places. Andryusha was already smiling, and Valya was crying uncontrollably. She was very scared.

Grammar task:

1. Write out a sentence with homogeneous members from the text. Underline the basis of the sentence.

2. Write out a complex sentence. Underline the basis of the sentence.

In the autumn forest

It was beautiful in the forest at this early hour. Quietly rustled, trees swayed. Lead dew drops dripped from the leaves. On the moss, in the grass, traces of autumn were already lying. There was a sharp smell of damp earth and rotten leaves. Mushrooms peep out from a pile of old leaves, grass, deadwood. We entered a rare birch forest. And here is the forest king - white mushroom. He stood on a strong leg, in a golden-brown hat. The mushroom was very good.

Words for reference: lead, golden brown, heap.

Grammar task: Find a sentence with homogeneous additions in the text, parse it into members, write out phrases.

Wonderful time of autumn

Flying and flying autumn leaves. The wind picked them up and drove them to the river. Gold coins floated on the mirror water. A horn sounded at the edge of the village. It was the shepherd gathering the flock. I leave the house, take the oars and go to the river. The East brightens, turns pink. Amazing silence all around. The river seemed to have become prettier, straightened up. Under the first rays of the sun sparkled, sparkled water droplets. It was a wonderful time of autumn.

Words for reference: collected, as if

Grammar task:

IV. In the 6th sentence, underline the main members, parse it by composition, indicate the parts of speech.

II century In the 10th sentence, underline the main members, rank it in composition, indicate the parts of speech.

Dictation on "Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns in the singular"

How the man removed the stone

On the square in one city lay a huge stone. He took up a lot of space and interfered with the passage of the horse. They called in engineers and asked for help in cleaning the stone. The first proposed to break the stone into pieces with gunpowder and take them out. He requested payment of eight thousand rubles. Another engineer came up with the idea to bring a large skating rink under a stone and dump it on the wasteland. At a cost it will be six thousand rubles. And one man undertook to remove a stone for a hundred rubles. He thought of digging a hole near the stone, dumping it there and leveling it with earth. The man did just that. He was given a hundred rubles for his work and a hundred rubles for a clever invention.


Early in the morning I go to a nearby grove. Good and joyful in this spring time in the soul! In front of me are rows of white birches. Golden rays of the sun play through the leaves on the grass. In the thicket of bushes and trees, birds sing loudly. The sounds of their songs spread throughout the neighborhood. Spring is in full swing.

In a deep ravine near a birch grove, a cold spring murmurs. I will sit on a stump by the key, I will get a mug and a piece of bread. It's nice to drink cold spring water and breathe in the air filled with the joy of life!

Grammar task:

1. Parse the sentence:

1st century A light breeze plays in the green of the trees.

2nd century The sun pours hot rays on the earth.

2. Indicate the cases of nouns and adjectives in the sentence:

Fireworks blazed in the night sky.

Verification dictations in Russian Grade 4

mighty oak

A mighty oak grew on the edge. He was the most prominent in the area. The giant stood and examined the whole area, quietly rustling the foliage. Emerald grass lay like a lush carpet under the tree.

One day people came to the oak tree and set up benches. Now people crowded here from morning until late evening. The freshness beckoned everyone. Children loved to play on the edge. Oak gave joy to everyone. It's good to sit on the soft grass! It has become a favorite vacation spot.

summer thunderstorm

It darkened, the sky frowned. Dark storm clouds rolled in. The old forest fell silent, prepared for battle. A strong gust of wind blew from the tops of the trees. Dust swirled along the road and sped away.

Lightning flashed, thunder rolled across the sky. The first heavy drops of rain hit the leaves. Suddenly, a solid wall of water hit the ground.

The summer storm passes quickly. It brightens, the foggy distance clears up. The sky is starting to turn blue. A light steam floats over the field and forest, over the water surface. The hot sun has already come out, but the rain has not yet passed. It's raindrops falling from the trees and shining in the sun.

blooming linden

I was walking through the forest and caught a strong smell of linden. Turned off the path and headed towards the edge. The tree blossomed. It will win any beauty pageant, I thought. Lipa complained: "An inept tailor sewed clouds together today." I threw back my head and saw that the tree was trying on the dresses of the clouds. The wind throws her white-and-snow clothes aside. All the surrounding linden trees were preparing for the flowering ball. It's raining mushrooms. A joyful ray of the sun peeped out through the cloud, a multi-colored rainbow lined up in the sky. Lipa decided to throw a rainbow over her dress. No one has ever seen such a wonderful dress at the festival. (87 words)

(According to A. Trofimov)

Know how to control yourself

A person must suppress anger, a bad mood. There is no joyful and successful every day in life. Monkeys in moments of excitement beat their chests, a dog growls and bares its teeth, an elephant swings its trunk. Man must control himself! Endurance is valued by people, but it is not easy to come by. You sat down to play with a friend. You are in a wonderful mood. But here you are losing. You immediately become suspicious, check every move, argue, quarrel. Be fair and tell yourself: "My friend was stronger." Manage to master your feelings. Self-control will serve you well. (82 words)

forest miracle

A little fairy lives somewhere in the world. She had no one to play with, so she somehow ran away into the forest. A lion is walking towards, and the little fairy has never seen lions. He growled menacingly, sat down, preparing to jump! And the fairy smiles affectionately, she is going to play with him. Surprised lion! Why is he not afraid? Is it bad or good? Should you be angry or laugh?

The fairy handed the magic wand to the lion. The lion first approached the stick on the left, then on the right. So I didn't take it. But there was no way to get angry. The fairy and the formidable lion soon became friends.

(88 words)

Tanya and Alyonka went to a new school. A bright field lay on the sides of the village road. The field was already empty. The bread was removed, the yellow stubble shone faintly in the sun. And behind the field stood a smart September forest.

The road descended into a green ravine. And when I climbed the hill, I could see a new spacious school. Here she stands on a green meadow and shines in the sun with large and clean windows. (63 words) / By L. Voronkova

Grammar task:
  1. Find in the text one sentence with homogeneous members and disassemble the members of the sentence.
  2. In the sentence, indicate the gender and case of adjectives and nouns.
  3. Put the word combinations in the genitive, dative and prepositional singular.

Control dictation "Winter day"

It's a wonderful winter day. Above us is a clear blue sky. Everything around is covered with a fluffy snow carpet. Bright light blinds the eyes.

We entered the forest. The trees are like in a fairy tale. We spotted a spotted woodpecker on the trunk of a tall pine tree. He deftly hammers a bump. Titmouse and sparrows pick up pine seeds together. The red squirrel quickly flashed among the trees.

Footprints are visible under the pine tree. This hare ran through the untouched snow.

Good in the forest! It is easy to breathe fresh frosty air. (71 words)

Grammar task:
  1. Write out three phrases "adj. + n. Highlight the endings and indicate the case of adjectives.
  2. Write off, inserting appropriate adjectives.
    In ... the sky lit up ... stars.

"Morning in the forest"

The summer night is over. It was early morning. On the edge of a forest swamp, a capercaillie lekking. His loud song is heard far away. Fog rolls over wide clearings. Morning dew covered the leaves on the trees. The birds woke up. The cuckoo chirped. The sun came out and rolled across the clear sky. The dew will dry in the sun, the fog will melt over the green meadow. The cuckoo cackles louder.

Here a tired hare hurries from the night fishing. A cunning fox ran after him, a terrible owl frightened him, and a lynx caught him. A dexterous animal left all enemies (74 words) / Control dictation

Words for reference: current, spread.
Grammar task:
  1. In the third sentence, underline the main members of the sentence and indicate the parts of speech.
  2. In 5 and 6 sentences determine the gender, number and case of the adjective.
  3. Sort the words by composition. Loud, scary, nocturnal.

"Winter Colors"

It is believed that winter wears exclusively white robes. Houses put on white snow caps. The trees took shelter from the frost under a snow-white blanket. The roads were covered with snow, wrapped in a white blanket. Everything is white around.

But if you look closely, the snow is not always white. Under the rays of the sun, the snowdrifts shimmer with all shades of pink and yellow. On the side of the road, where the ground peeps through the snow, the snow turns brown and even brown.

Even more colors in the snowy attire of nature can be observed in the evening. Sunset paints the snow in purple, lilac and purple tones. And long icicles become like blue arrows. (88 words)

Grammar task:
  1. Find adjectives in the text. Specify their number and case.
  2. Disassemble the words by composition: long, peeps through.
  3. Make a grammar analysis of the last sentence.


It's winter outside. Everything around was white and elegant. It snowed all night and managed to cover the ground, trees and houses with a white fluffy blanket.

The sky is clear. The sun sends mean rays, but this makes it even more fun. On the snow, as on a white sheet of paper, hieroglyphs of bird tracks appear. Near the fence, sparrows started a fight over a crust of bread. The crow croaked hoarsely, flapped its wings and flew away. A cloud of snow dust fell from the branch.

If you stand in one place for a long time, then the insidious frost gets behind the collar of your fur coat, begins to pinch your cheeks, nose and ears. As if tonic needles dig into the skin. It immediately becomes very cold. (102 words)


The back of the woodpecker is black, the wings are motley, on the head there is a cap with a red edging. His paws are large, claws are tenacious.

A cold and hungry winter has come. A woodpecker found a gnarled tree in the forest with a crack on the trunk and began to carry pine and spruce cones. He puts a cone in a crack, selects seeds from it. He drops some seeds on the ground. Years will pass, young trees will grow near the winter dining room.

Take care, guys, forest birds! (66 words)

Control dictation in Russian for the second quarter, grade 4

Option 1 Winter There was a light frost at night. And in the morning it snowed. It is soft and white. birches around Houses stand in warm fluffy fur coats. Dunul wind snow flakes fell from the trees. good guys in the courtyard! In warm coats, mittens and boots, frost is not terrible. The guys turned a big snowdrift into a fortress. The boys are playing snowballs. A on the site smooth ice. You can skate. Grammar tasks 1. In the fourth sentence, underline the main members. 2. Indicate cases for all highlighted nouns. 3. Choose a synonym for the word light (frost).

Option 2 Night in the forest. Frost is tapping on the trunks and branches of the trees. Soft frost flies in flakes. Bright stars lit up in the dark high sky. Quiet in the winter forest. But even on frosty nights there is a hidden life. Here a frozen branch crunched in the thicket. It was a white hare running under the trees. Here, on smooth snow, a ferret runs after a mouse. Owls fly over the snowdrifts. Like a fabulous sentry, a big-headed gray owlet sat on a bare twig. In the darkness of the night, he clearly sees how life hidden from people walks in the winter forest. (According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov) Grammar tasks 1. In the third sentence, underline the main members. 2. Parse the composition of the highlighted words.

Breath of winter.

Yesterday I said goodbye to the autumn forest. Birches-girlfriends stood silently. Here and there the leaves blazed lonely in the sun. They were ready to fall from the birch and fly along the path into the thicket. Leaves of aspen, linden, ash lay in a lush carpet.

Good in the autumn forest! The quietest sound carried far across the neighborhood. There was a crunch. This elk caught on a tree with branched horns. From the side of the swamp, a coolness blew. Under the whistle of the wind, a cloud flew in. It started raining with snow.

Reference words: somewhere, ash. Note. Warn students about hyphens: ber yo zki-girlfriends, in some places.


Wonderful May

It's a wonderful May day. How nice this spring time! The gentle sun lit up the whole area. After a warm rain, the fields, meadows and forests were covered with lush greenery. Blue and yellow flowers raised their lovely heads. The earth put on a colorful outfit. Fragrant brushes have already appeared on the bird cherry, on the lilac. Lilies of the valley and wild strawberries bloom near the forest ravine. A nimble squirrel climbed to the top of a tall spruce. Migratory birds rush home. The forest meets its singers. From early morning until late evening, bird voices do not stop in the forest. Spring sounds rush from the fields and forests. May is the most elegant and sonorous month of the year.


1. Underline the main members of the sentence. Write the case above each noun.

Option 1- in the ninth sentence (To the top of the high ...). Option 2- in the twelfth sentence (From the early morning ...).

2. Parse the composition of the word:

Option 1- May; Option 2- elegant.


Objective - check the ability to copy the text.


In the morning the weather was magnificent, but in the evening it suddenly deteriorated. A mighty wind rose from somewhere and took possession of the city. It seemed that even the columns of huge buildings would now tremble and fall. The wind was like a living being, and his mood changed every now and then. Either he was sad and crouched to the ground, then he soared up invisible and swayed the crowns of huge trees. People got scared of the wind and left the streets. Then a little girl came out of one house and stroked the wind. The wind immediately became warm and gentle, and then fell asleep. After all, he was very tired.


1. Checklist

Paints and artist

There were colors. Each touted their own color. Because of this, they often quarreled. Each paint wanted to be the best. It was a warm summer morning. A light breeze fluttered from daisy to daisy, ran from bell to bell. They called quietly. The artist rested on the lawn near the river. He understood the language of colors well. The artist painted on his canvas a field, a blue sky, a thin birch tree with green braids in a white dress. And a rainbow bloomed over the field. All colors are combined in it. The artist smiled and drew a chamomile with petals of all the colors of the rainbow. The colors faded. They realized that only together they can give people joy.

2. Essay-reasoning

- Read two texts. Which text is more precise and expressive? Why? - Compose a text-reasoning and write it down. What suggestions do you start with?

I think that... I think that... I see that...


Svetloyar is a lake. It is very deep, with amazing water. They say that in calm weather, the domes of churches are visible through the water column and the ringing of a bell is heard.


Svetloyar is a calm clean lake. It is very deep, with amazingly clean, clear water. They say that in calm weather, the golden domes of churches are visible through the water column and the melodic ringing of a bell is heard.

3. Make up and write down three sentences about spring:

1) narrative, with homogeneous members; 2) interrogative; 3) incentive, with homogeneous members.

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1. Vocabulary dictation.
Duty officer, room, boots, clothes, street, vegetable garden, picture, student,
coat, ...

2. Control cheating. Perform parsing
3. Write the words in 3 columns:
cook..ki, taste..naya, p..smo, ra ... d, kr..chat, v..was excited, prz..nick, ho..bba,
stellar .. naya, b .. forehead, prob .. lives, uv .. gave, g.. bright, m ​​.. poured, book .. ka.
Specify the tense of the verbs.

4. Insert the missing spellings. Add to these verbs
antonym verbs.
1st century g ... v ... rit - II century. see ... to -
og ... rch ... t - get up ... wat -
and ... ti - forget ... fly -

5. Disassemble the words by composition:
1st century whitewash, strong, whistle;
2nd century sick, loading, carry.

Shrovetide (Control

There were many holidays in Russia. Favorite holiday of farewell
with winter - Maslenitsa.
The clear sun rolled like a pancake through the snowy glades, through
loose snowstorms to Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa usually happens in February. V

Monday it started. Tuesday - games. Both old and young
went down the hills, played snowballs. Wednesday - gourmet: everyone was supposed to
to treat relatives and friends with the best dishes that they can only
cook hostesses. Thursday is a wide Maslenitsa. Eat, drink, walk
as much as you like. The pancake was the king of the table. NOT

Harvest is coming (Warning

It's a hot summer. It's time to harvest. Every summer day
year feeds.
The walls are tall loaves. Heavy bent to the ground
ears of golden wheat.
Tractors, combine harvesters, trucks lined up in the machine yard.
There is a final check of readiness for the harvest. The most amazing car
this is a harvester. He reaps and threshes. Pure grain will fill the body
truck. The combine will help people quickly remove bread from
fields. (60 words)

Walk (Input


In autumn, a group of children went to the grove. The birch trees turned yellow
aspens blushed. Clusters of berries ripened on the mountain ash.
The children walked along the forest path to a clearing. Fluffy spruce forest all around.
Young trees are turning green. A key springs from the earth. Girls collected
branches and cones. The boys lit a cheerful fire on the bank of the stream.
Quiet in the forest. The children sat down by the fire. Seryozha began to read interesting
story. On the way home, the guys sang songs. Joyful returned
they are from a walk.
(68 words)
1. Underline the basis of the sentence. Point out the parts of speech.
1st century - in the IV sentence;
2nd century - in the third sentence of the third part.
2.. Write the words in 3 columns, inserting the missing spellings.
Add 1 word to each column:

1st century cost ... how much ... cue holiday ... nickname
… … …
2nd century cabbage ... ny r ... sinka bese ... ka
… … …
3. Write down the words in which there are more sounds than letters. Add 12
the words:
rise, shallow, south, salt, sings, family, spruce forest.
4. Write down 1 word for each scheme: KSO, KO, PKSO, PKO.
Sort the words by composition.

End of autumn (for
I quarter

The time of golden autumn flew by like a swift-winged bird. Winter
on the threshold. The fields, forests and meadows, washed by autumn rains, fell silent. On the
the forest clearing still had late flowers. Every morning is cold
approaches them.
Birds become human neighbors. A mass of crows flies to
village, town, city. The gray crow is a rare bird
Crows start looking for food in the morning. But a well-fed crow is not
leave a piece on the ground. She hides him in the foliage, in a secluded
place, in the snow. (76 words)
Grammar tasks
I option
Disassemble the words by composition: quieted down, late, clearing.
Perform syntactic analysis of the last sentence.

meaning (antonyms):
LIGHT (frost) - ...
EASY (briefcase) - ...
II option
Sort out the words by composition: rain, autumn, suitable.

Perform syntactic analysis of the third sentence.
3. * For these adjectives, select and write down the opposite in
meaning (antonyms):
EASY (briefcase) - ...
Easy task) - …

Shepherd Ogonyok 4th grade, I
quarter The street quickly ran down from the hill and turned into
highway. Here the chain of houses ended. Stretched swampy meadow with
rare islands of willow and spruce forest.
Horses graze in the meadow every day. The shepherd was the horse Ogonyok. When
he appeared, no one remembered. Fire vigilantly watched his herd.
He knew the neighborhood well, remembered all the dangerous places on the huge
wild meadow. He did not touch people, but he could not stand dogs. Always Twinkle
driving them off their site. (73 words)

There are wonderful days. The leaves on the trees are yellow, orange,
red. Fruits ripened in the orchards. The gardens are harvesting potatoes,
carrots, cabbage. Salted tomatoes and cucumbers. Collected from the fields
rich harvest of wheat.
Our feathered friends fly away to distant lands. The swallows are on their way.
Old ducks teach young ones to fly. Sparrows, crows, magpies
move closer to people's homes. The forest became quiet.
(59 words)
1. Perform syntactic analysis of the sentence.
2. Write out 3 words from the text with unstressed vowels. designate
spelling graphically, write test words.
3. Write in 3 columns of 2 words:
with b - an indicator of softness;
with separator b. b.

The swamps began to freeze. The wading birds were the first to set off.
Swans, geese and ducks were preparing to fly away. Old ducks taught
young. Every morning the youth took long walks. They
strengthened the wings for a long flight.
Clever leaders trained individual packs and then all together.
How much was the cry, fun, joy!
Only the Gray Neck could not fly and put up with fate. How
she swam as she dived! Water for the duck was everything.
(67 words)
Designate graphically homogeneous members of the sentence. Execute
analysis of this sentence by members and by parts of speech.
Write down 2 words with unstressed vowels, add test words.
Designate spellings graphically.
Explain in 12 sentences who is called the leader and why.

Golden autumn
The famous Russian artist Levitan was very fond of autumn. He
often painted autumn landscapes. But sad pictures came out. On the
canvases was late autumn. But this picture is happy.
It's early autumn outside. The day was warm. Blue
the surface of the river seemed to freeze. Along the shore, as if the candles are yellow
birches. The ground is covered with multicolored soft carpet. far visible
bright green winter fields. Beautiful painting by a talented artist
pleases the soul. (64 words)
Sort out the composition of the word: autumn, please, candle.
For the adjective late, write out the opposite from the text
within the meaning of.
For the adjective sad, pick up and write down 12 words that are close
within the meaning of.

Russian forests

Good Russian forests! Pine forest smells like resin. Under the very
green peaks rustle like clouds, sweeping the blue of the sky. Exactly white
beauties look into the water curly birches. On sun-drenched
Mighty oaks spread wide across the clearings. Trembling with every leaf
thin-legged aspen. Bright autumn outfit with maple. tall slender
fir-trees stretched their sharp tops to the blue sky. In shady oak forests
settled songbirds. Quiet streams flow in the wilderness. (65
1. Perform a phonetic analysis of the word surface.
2. Write down the name of a forest of aspens alone; oil; oaks.

blue patrol
Throughout Russia there are children's patrol services. Green
patrol guards the forests. The blue patrol guards the waters. The guys are watching
for the purity of lakes, springs, rivers. They don't allow pollution.
banks, throwing garbage into water bodies.
Schoolchildren have a lot of trouble at the beginning of summer. The kids save the little one
small fish. Spring water will subside, a lot remains in the pits and grooves
fry. The water dries up and the fish die. Hurry to the rescue blue
patrol. With nets, baskets and buckets, the children are transferred to the river
everything alive. (74 words)
1. Write down 2 words with paired and unpronounceable
consonants, add test ones. Designate spelling
Explain the meaning of the word fry in 12 sentences.

The cranes are flying away
In the golden autumn days, the cranes were preparing to fly away. circled
they are above the river, above their native swamp. Here are the slender shoals stretched
to distant countries.
Cranes fly high in the sky over forests, fields, cities. V
deep forest made rest.
It is still dark, but the sensitive cranes have already woken up. in the east
an early dawn appeared. Soon the sun will rise over the river.
The cranes will fly high. We will hear their farewell voices from heaven.

Goodbye, cranes! See you in the spring!
(73 words)
1. Indicate the cases of singular nouns in I, II and
2. Perform syntactic analysis of the III sentence.

Gaidar's garden
Before the war, Gaidar planted an apple tree in the garden. Arkady Petrovich
died in the war. The apple tree remained, his wonderful books remained, and
our memory of him.
The tree was badly damaged by harsh winters. The kids found out about it
We decided to plant an apple orchard. Let there be a garden in their school yard
Timurites of the whole city planted apple trees of different varieties. Need a lot
work for the guys so that the garden blooms, so that
apples. (65 words)
1. Perform syntactic analysis of the IV sentence.

2. Disassemble by composition: planted, voiced, hike.

About Gaidar
In Arzamas, A.P. Gaidar stayed with his old friend.
Until late they sat and remembered their regiment, which he commanded
Gaidar, fight with a gang of belyakov and much more. Thus the idea was born
write a book about your childhood, about your mother, about your fighting youth, about the glorious
time, about glorious people ... (44 words)

Summer vacation (night - beam)
My friend Vitya visited his brother Kostya in the village of Ilyinka in the summer.
The village is located on the banks of the river Kamenka. A ray of sunshine will play in the morning,
friends are by the river. And here is the first fish - ruff. The boys caught and
big fish. Perch, bream, crucian came across.

The guys often went to the forest for mushrooms. One day they went into the forest
wilderness. Silence. Only at the bottom of the ravine murmured a cold spring. Lot
mushrooms were collected by the boys in the thicket of the forest.
(67 words)

V sentences; penultimate offer.
2. ... in composition: silence, cold, guest;
fish, forest, walked.
3. Write down the nouns in 3 columns by gender:
entrance, health, blizzard, minx, explanation, congress, rise,

First fish (Similar

Yura lived in a large and friendly family. Everyone in this family worked.
Once Yura's family went to the river to fish. Caught
pike, zander, perch. Yurik caught a small ruff.
Grandma cooked the ear. Dad, mom and older brother became wuhu
praise. Tasty fish soup: Yura caught a big ruff. The boy understood
joke of adults, but was glad. There was also his little one in the family ear.
fish. (62 words)
1. Disassemble by composition: small, fish, cook;
grandmother, look, delicious.
2. In the text of the dictation, find 2 sentences with homogeneous members.
Perform their parsing.
3. Compose and write down 23 sentences with homogeneous members on the topic
"Our family"
or "Autumn has come."

Autumn in the forest. "Checking

The golden autumn has arrived. Aspen mushrooms grow along the edges of the forests,
slippery milk mushrooms and fragrant mushrooms. Scattered in moss swamps
ruddy cranberries. Clusters of mountain ash turned red in the forest clearings.
In autumn days, songbirds leave their native lands. Already
swallows and swifts flew away. Starlings gather in noisy flocks.
Say goodbye to native swamps and cranes. Left to winter
grouse. Bird voices can be heard far away in the forest. (62 words)

Who met the winter.
Winter came. Early in the morning, Ilya went hunting. freezing
pinched his cheeks.
Silence in the birch grove. The bats climbed into the hollow. hedgehog in
hole covered with dry leaves. The frogs burrowed into the moss. Bear
sleeps in a den. The squirrel changed her coat for the winter and repaired the nest.
The fox made a soft bed in a hole of leaves.
In the morning the guys went to the birch grove. There was a wonderful silence.
The squirrel jumped over dry branches. Fresh air pleasantly nibbled
face. (73 words)

Help the Elders (Ends

I declension)
In the summer, Olga and Kostya went to rest with their uncle and aunt in the village
Sosnovka. They drove to the village railway. Ilya in the morning
Vasilyevich took them by car to his grandmother Daria. grandmother's house
stands on the banks of the river Bystryanka. Geese and ducks swam on the river. Kostya
and Olya helped her grandmother take care of the birds. They worked for
vegetable garden and in the garden. Often the guys went to the grove for berries and
mushrooms. (69 words)

In sentences I and II, indicate the cases of nouns I

The vast fields and valleys were covered with fluffy snow. noisy

girls and boys rush on slippery ice. Frost flushed
guys faces.
Their noses are frozen. But Kostya and Seryozha do not leave the rink.
At the rink, everyone is in a hurry and is not afraid of frost. Evening is coming. Friends
turned off the path and hurried home along the path. On the way they
remembered grandparents and decided to visit them. Guys
they chopped wood, lit the stove and cooked borscht. Happy rushed
they are home. These kids will grow up to be amazing
people. (80

Winter forest "Checking

After the blizzard, the forest looked beautiful and amazing. Spruce stood
in coniferous chain mail. The little trees were covered in snow. On the tops
pine trees lush snow caps. Birches glisten in the white sun
birch. At the birch, the blizzard silvered the light braids with hoarfrost. On the
in a forest clearing near the path, the trail of a fox winds like a ribbon. Looking for
prey swept the predator marten. An elk furrowed a snowdrift. And under
life glows like a snowdrift. Shovel the snow to the ground and you will see
lingonberry bushes and blueberry sprigs.
(72 words)

Winter forest (endings of nouns and
The forest is very quiet. Snow covered the forest clearings with a soft carpet.
Lighted by the winter sun, slender pines stand silently. High
their peaks rose into the blue sky. On a green spruce branch lies
light snow cover. Thin birch trees leaned lacy
arches. In the forest silence, all the trees are like in a fairy tale. The air is fresh
clean and transparent. It's so easy to breathe! Good to wander around in winter
forest path or footpath.
(63 words)


dictation mom eat
The fox got into the habit of going to the division in winter, warming up by the exhaust pipes.
The soldiers fed her, and once they caught her and put her on a chain.

How the red-tailed beauty begged to be free! From food
refused. She only drank water. Large tears were in her eyes.
And the fox was released. And a day later she again appeared at the warm
pipes, but not alone. Four fluffy little foxes joyfully jumped near
mother foxes. And she herself seemed to say: “That's why I was eager for
“We’ll have to put this family on allowance,” remarked cheerfully
Cook. (85 words)

Test work on the topic "Adjective name"
1. Selective dictation.
Write nouns with adjectives. Indicate cases
nouns. Pick out noun endings
Late departure of birds portends a warm winter. From pure spring
pure water. The smooth road was covered with white snow.
2. Write a sentence. Perform parsing.
1st century A squirrel track stretched across the light powder to the forest lodge.
2nd century In the park, birch branches were adorned with silver frost.
3. Disassemble the words by composition:
1st century garden, late, beg;
2nd century granddaughter, smooth, sanctify.
4 Insert appropriate adjectives into the sentences.
Continue the text with 12 sentences.
In ... a grove.
On ... days it is good to wander in ... a grove. ...beams play on...
birch trunks. ... the breeze rustles overhead ... .

Tractor Driver II
My grandmother Daria's neighbor is a tractor driver. Everyone respects him
residents of the village of Slobodka. Lot various works he performs on

tractor. Hooked a cart to a steel horse, carries from the field
potato. Then he will hook the plow and begin to plow the land. Look,
fitted a bucket in front of the tractor, digs grooves. At the height of summer
attaches a mower to the tractor and goes to the water meadows to cook
animal feed for the winter. The car breaks down - the master does not call for
help, and he himself begins to repair it. Handyman.

Spruce forest is gloomy. In such a forest, there is always a smell of dampness.
The prickly paws of fir trees scratch the face and hands. Grow along the edge
lush Christmas trees teenagers. These forest beauties are good! Gummy
the spirit comes from the tree. Small Christmas trees decorate the beloved Orthodox
Holiday - Christmas.
Spruce is a very valuable tree. Paper is made from its wood. Spruce
sings in the violin, in the piano, in various furniture. Birds in the dense spruce forest
shelter in winter from blizzards and blizzards.
(70 words)

Tatyana and Victor lived in a forest lodge. winter boy
hung a bird feeder from an old spruce. Once near the feeder
a red squirrel appeared. She cautiously jumped up the tree.
The animal began to take the mountain ash with its paws and deftly eat the berries.
The guys made a table for the squirrel. They put crusts on her table
bread, dry mushrooms, nuts. Sometimes children buried food in the snow. At
squirrels have a good flair. She raked the loose snow with her paws and took
prey. Every day the girl ran to the feeder.
(76 words)

Walk in the Forest (Explanatory
The walk was amazing. Mother and sons walked in single file to
spring along a narrow path. The cold sky shone. In frosty
magpies crackled in the silence. In the thick cedar branches hid fast
proteins. Dexterous animals jumped cheerfully on the branches. Under the trees on
the soft snow was imprinted with traces of birds and animals. Here fell off
tops of old spruce mountain snow. It seemed to Huck that the whole earth was

from the high dense forest. (65
1. Disassemble by composition: turned blue, surface, beautiful;
northern, pinned, generosity.
2. Perform syntactic analysis of the IV sentence.
Write down the nouns, indicate the declension and case,
1st century A cheerful squirrel frolics on an old spruce.
2nd century A tall pine grows on a hillock.

Forest in winter "Checking myself"
One winter we went to the forest. Silence in the winter forest. Everything
covered with a shiny white veil. In the pure cold air
spinning light lonely snowflakes. Shaggy branches of fir trees decorates
silver frost. In this fabulous winter outfit, each branch
seemed amazing. In the dense forest, not a soul, not a trace. We are long
admired the beauty of the wonderful winter kingdom. (54 words)

In the forest clearing
The forest clearing was covered with fluffy snow, but life on it
continues. Here is an old stump. In a cozy apartment under the birch bark
insects hid from the cold. There is a lizard in the hole between the roots.
The beetle lay down in a tiny bedroom. In a groove on the edge of a clearing under
frogs sleep in the snow. Nearby, in a pile of brushwood, their enemy, a hedgehog, fell asleep.
Quiet and empty in the winter kingdom. Only forest doctor woodpecker
sits on a pine tree and drags delicious seeds from a cone. Sometimes
a fox or a hare will run across the clearing.
(84 words)

News from the forest "Checking myself"
Prickly snow fell. It rippled in the thick aspen forest. blows
snow pellets on tree trunks merged into a mysterious rumble. From
the edges of the forest to the village stretched traces. Dawn has come. On spruce
the snow glistened. A flock of sparrows hastened to the village. Capercaillie and that
flew up to the road in search of food. Moose and roe deer were drawn to

felling. They ate bark from willows and aspens. Hares compacted the snow around
In winter, animals need human help. Take care of your brothers
our little ones!
(76 words)

Winter night in the forest
Frost is tapping on the trunks and branches of the trees. flakes
soft frost flies. Bright stars lit up in the dark high sky.
Quiet in the winter forest. But even on frosty nights there is a hidden life.
Here a frozen branch crunched in the thicket. That ran under the trees
hare. Here, on smooth snow, a ferret runs after a mouse. Above
an owl flies by in snowdrifts. Like a fabulous sentry, sat on a naked
bitch big-headed gray owlet. He sees well in the darkness of the night,
how life goes on in the winter forest hidden from people. (83 words)
1. Parse:
I sentences; III proposals.
2. Disassemble as part of speech:
(on) rowan; (by) area;
3. Disassemble by composition: frosty, ran, snowflake;
arrived, smooth, snowdrop.

Christmas tree in the Kremlin Explanatory dictation
Every year on the first of January in the Grand Kremlin Palace
capital Cities
the merry feast of the Christmas tree begins. Huge, all in lights, stands
New Year's beauty among the hall. And around - the joyful faces of the guys,
masks, music. Cheerful songs are sung by all participants of the celebration. In the days
Moscow schoolchildren and many guests will visit the Christmas tree during the winter holidays
from other cities and countries. They have earned the right to visit this
holiday with good studies and good deeds. Happy New Year,
big and small friends!
(74 words)
Perform syntactic analysis of the IV sentence.

... in composition: joyful, paths, deserved.
Write down 1 noun of the I declension in R., D., P. cases
with suggestions.

Beginning of spring "Checking myself"
The sun poured down from above in dazzling streams. By blue
Clouds floated across the sky like heaps of snow. The spring breezes smelled
fresh grass and bird nests. In front of a house on a high poplar
resinous buds burst. In the garden from the warm earth began to crawl out
young shiny grass. The whole meadow was covered with white and yellow
asterisks. Birds arrived from the south every day. ran between
thrush tree trunks. An oriole settled on a linden tree and whistled
honey voice. With a gray handkerchief through transparent birches
the woodpecker flew by. So spring took over.
(82 words)

Russian birch II person of the verb
What a charming Russian tree - birch. It's true
peasant tree. It has everything: a woman's cotton shawl, and
a whitewashed hut, and a Russian stove, and a rug, and a linen shirt.
You peer into the knotted trunks and remember the calloused
laboring peasant hands. And young birches resemble a girl's
beauty. You look at them, and cute and bright ones pop up in your memory.
Russian names. You look at the birch and hear the village
round dance songs, iridescent harmonica sounds. Necessarily
you will remember your childhood and youth, and in your soul you will embrace this tree, the most
near and dear to you. (85

On the topic
Warms the spring sun. Snow is melting in the forest clearing. From the hill to
A merry, talkative brook ran down the road. It fills to the brim
deep puddle and overflows. Empty winter
apartments in an old stump. The hedgehog got out of the mink. He washed and cleaned himself and
ran across the clearing to look for food. Living under the warm sun
a huge forest house - an anthill. From early morning to late evening

ants are busy. They carry either a blade of grass or a pine needle.
Birds fly up to the old stump. they will make a nest by the stump.
You joyfully observe all living things on earth. Take care of your native
nature!(90 words)
1. In the second sentence, indicate the cases of nouns.
2. Perform syntactic analysis of sentence VIII.
3. Disassemble as part of speech: melts; warms.

Summer Thunderstorm
It darkened, the sky frowned. Dark storm clouds rolled in. calmed down
old forest, prepared for battle. A strong gust of wind blew out
the tops of the trees. Dust swirled along the road and sped away.
Lightning flashed, thunder rolled across the sky. hit the leaves
the first heavy drops of rain. Suddenly, a solid
wall of water.
The summer storm passes quickly. It brightens, the foggy distance clears up.
The sky is starting to turn blue. Over the field and forest, over the water surface
light steam floats. The hot sun has already come out, but the rain has not yet
passed. It's raindrops falling from the trees and shining in the sun.
(86 words)

Rook - spring bird
It got warmer. The sun warms the earth with hot rays. Appeared
the first thaws. Have you already seen the birds that have flown in? These are the messengers
spring - rooks. They spent the cold winter in warmer climes. Now
rooks rush to the north, to their homeland. Dozens of birds die on the way to
native places. The strongest are coming. On the birches they straighten their
dwellings. Here are black white-nosed birds importantly walking behind the tractor.
With strong beaks, earthworms are taken out of the ground. (66

good land

For a long time Mother Earth fed people. They put a handful in the earth
grains - get a hundred handfuls. Sow a sack of wheat - it ripens
big harvest. People will plant potatoes, and in autumn they will dig up one
dozen. They plant a small cucumber seed - a whole basket ripens
Generous magic pantry to people. And people are kind to their
nurse. They plow, fertilize, water the land.
(55 words)

Prickly Beauty III
The leaves on the birch turned yellow. The reddened leaves of aspens fall.
Only the Christmas tree does not drop needles. She changes her outfit gradually. For
this tree needs about nine years. Until late autumn does not sleep
prickly beauty.
In winter, the Christmas tree falls asleep. Heavy snowballs do not break
the fir-tree has flexible branches. In a white hat and white scarf
she is elegant.
It is warm in the spruce forest in winter. Birds sleep in it. spruce paws not
let the wind through.
The Christmas tree will feel the arrival of a long spring day and will come to life.
(78 words)
Find a sentence with homogeneous members, mark them
graphically and draw a diagram.
Write down 3 word combinations of a noun with an adjective.
Highlight the endings, indicate the case.

The birth of the river
A small window with clear water sparkles in a small bush.
Here is the key. A tiny stream originates from here, then
it flows out into a wide meadow. From the left, from the right, they rush to
noisy stream streams and fill it. And now it becomes a stream
quiet stream. The flow is slow and calm. On the mirror
surfaces play the rays of the summer sun.
Flocks of small fish came into the backwaters of the river. Rocked on
water surface yellow water lilies. Appeared in a wide area

light boats with fishermen.
(78 words)
1. In sentence I, underline the basis. Indicate the case of nouns and
related adjectives.
2. For adjectives, select and write down the opposite in meaning:
SMALL (fish) - ...
SMALL (river) - ...

History of the notebook*
Long ago, disciples wrote on a wax tablet. Now
schoolchildren write in notebooks made of white paper.
There is a notebook with blank pages on your desk. Where
did she come to you? The school notebook has a long way to go.
Huge rolls were brought to the notebook from the paper mill.
At the notebook factory, craftsmen cut the paper and line it. Here are the sheets
folded, attached a thick cover. Then on a smart machine
the notebook is sewn. Ready!
In one shift, workers manage to make hundreds of notebooks. take care
notebook! Do not tear, dirty the pages. Write in a notebook cleanly, beautifully and
competently. (86 words)

Indicate in the text the declension and case of nouns NOTEBOOK,

in the forest
A pine forest spreads along the banks of the quiet river Volgusha. V
there is no forest more beautiful than this. Summer sun shines high
pines with smooth trunks. Trees shake their tops in blue
azure. Nothing breaks the silence of the pine forest. Always in it
there is a smell of pine needles. Moss lies like a soft carpet under the trees. Near
roots of old pine fox hole. On the moss pillow blush
clusters of late lingonberries. What a handsome man with a dark head
on a strong foot? This is an edible boletus mushroom. They followed him
boletus, mushrooms, volnushki. (81 words)

Amazing Tree Checklist

Cedar grows in Siberia. It reaches a height of forty meters. This
valuable coniferous tree. They make dishes and furniture from it.
In dishes made of cedar wood, milk does not sour for weeks. V
beautiful furniture made of cedar do not get harmful insects.
How many cones ripen by autumn on the cedar! people with bags
collect cedar cones. Nuts are extracted from them. At the same time, nuts
remain intact. They are separated from the husk. In the harvest year
tons of nuts ripen in the cedar forest. They make something useful
Cedar oil. (79 words)
Write out single-root words with the root KEDR. Point out the parts of speech.

Main singer*
For a long time the joyful songs of the lark have been pouring out. Fly high
vociferous singers and sing in pure blue. In the garden and in the grove
finches ring in every way. Ringing trill fill the spring forest
thrushes. They sing cheerfully in a friendly choir of forest birds. But the main
there is no singer of the Russian forest yet. The nightingale has not yet arrived.
And then a gray bird with intelligent black eyes appeared.
She is quite nondescript, slightly larger than a sparrow. Upon arrival
Solovyov sounded a real anthem to the beauty of spring. This little
Birds have a wonderful voice. And there is no richer voice in the world and
more beautiful. (88 words)
1. In the second sentence, designate graphically homogeneous members and
draw a diagram.
2. Indicate the case of nouns and adjectives in phrases:
3. Write out from the text words that are close in meaning to the word SING.

Happy bug*
The sun warmed the earth. Various insects crawled out, which of
cracks, some from an earthen mink, some from under a tree bark. All of them
crawled, ran, flew to a spacious forest clearing. There them
Spring was waiting with its precious gifts.

She gave the white butterfly a bright white dress. Limonnitsa -
pale yellow, like a golden autumn leaf. Maybug dressed up in
chocolate suit.
Spring looked under the leaf and saw a nondescript bug there. Decided
she: “I will give him a tiny blue flashlight. Let it light
every evening and shines all night. Now this flashlight is burning like
a bright star in the dark night grass, and reminds the inhabitants of the forest
that happiness never fades, even on the darkest night.
(111 words)

Early in the morning I go to a nearby grove. Good and happy in this
spring time in my heart! In front of me are rows of white birches. Through
the leaves on the grass play the golden rays of the sun. In more bushes and
birds sing loudly in the trees. The sound of their songs spills over
the entire neighborhood. Spring is in full swing.
In a deep ravine near a birch grove, a cold spring murmurs. I will sit down
on a stump by the key, I'll get a mug and a piece of bread. Nice to drink
cold spring water and inhale fully filled
the joy of life in the air! (83 words)
1. Parse the sentence:
1st century A light breeze plays in the green of the trees.
2nd century The sun pours hot rays on the earth.
2. Indicate the cases of nouns and adjectives in the sentence:
Fireworks blazed in the night sky.
3. Write down 2 verbs in the past, present and future tenses.

Spring has come Past tense
The weather has been clear for the last few days. During the day it melted in the sun, and
at night the frost reached seven degrees. Suddenly a warm breeze
the wind, the clouds moved in. It rained for three days and three nights.
Then the wind died down and a thick gray fog rolled in. On the river
ice floes crackled and moved. But in the morning the bright sun came out,
young grass is green. Buds of viburnum and birch pouted. flooded
larks in the sky, cranes and geese flew in. Roared in pastures

cattle, the lambs played. The real spring has come.
(76 words)
1. Analyze the sentence by members and by parts of speech:
first; last thing.
2. ... in composition: I century. - arrived, hillocks, bright;
2nd century - came, rain, dark.
3. Perform phonetic analysis: I century. - anchor; 2nd century - friends.

Spring has come. The weather is wonderful. Joyfully shines spring
Sun. Singers and swallows flew in from the far south. Long away
their fervent songs are carried.
They flew to the old house. The house crumbled and fell apart.
Every day they carried straw, clay, twigs in their beaks.
The birds worked for a long time. It turned out to be a good nest.
Soon yellow-mouthed chicks appeared in the nest. I found out about it
black cat. He began to follow the chicks, decided to feast on them.
The swallows saw the cat and began to distract him from the nest. They protect
their young children from danger.
(76 words)

IV quarter
Animal Coloring*
Animals are protected by color. In winter, the hare instead of brown became
white. A lump rolls along the snowy path. Can't see him in white
fox field.
The hazel grouse is all pockmarked, and there is a stripe on the back. pressed to the ground,
notice in the foliage.
Long stripes are drawn on the tiger skin. Predator not in summer
you will see in the reeds.
The seahorse is hard to see among the greenery of the grass. He changes
color. A ray of sun will illuminate the sea grass, the horse will turn green. Will come

sun over the horizon. The water in the sea will become darker, the skate will catch on
a blade of grass and it will also darken. The waves are rocking him back and
forward. (88 words)
1. Perform syntactic analysis of the III sentence.
Give the conjugation, tense, person and number of the verb.
2. Disassemble by composition: TIGER, (IN) REED.
3. Underline the sentences in the text that explain the names:
Ryabchik, Belyak.

Living gift
Blue squirrels appeared in the forests near Moscow. Where did you get
their? A living gift came from distant Siberia. Ilya Vasilievich
Korovkin gave the squirrels to the guys he knew from Moscow. boys
dismantled the squirrels at home. The children took care of them, gave them delicious
food, clean the cages. But the squirrels were bored in captivity. The family wanted to live
The kids had a happy thought. The guys decided to settle
squirrel in the forest. The animals were handed over to the forestry. life was good
them in a frequent spruce forest. The animals became fluffy and cheerful. Blue
squirrels decorated the forests near Moscow. They did not forget their friends, they recognized
their. (87 words)
1. Pick up and write down 34 words with the root DAR. Put the accent
identify roots and spellings.
2. Indicate the declension and case of nouns: in Siberia, in the spruce forest.

How many wonderful masters sing in a birch grove, in a wide
field! Larks, thrushes, nightingales ring in every way.
In the spring forest you will hear the song thrush. in a clear voice
he brings out a hymn to spring. His fervent trill fills the Russian forest.
Lark is an early singer. Just played on the horizon first
a ray of summer sun, a joyful song already sounds in the clear azure.
You will not see the singer himself in the heavenly heights.

The best singer of the Russian forest is the nightingale. He sings late
in the evening. Wonderful sounds do not stop all night. you sit and listen
the most beautiful voice in the world. (85 words)

The Rooks Have Arrived*
This picture was painted by Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov. Which
she has a good name! Like good news.
In the foreground, the artist painted rooks. The birds are busy
important matter. They are in a hurry to build housing. In the center of the picture
crooked, curved birches. Blizzards did not spare them. On the background
roofs of sheds and a church are visible. And then the expanse of the earth, light
On the canvas you will not see gloomy tones. Colors blue, grey,
tender. The canvas is full of light, fresh breath of spring. On the hedge
the rays of the sun tremble. Savrasov saw this beauty of nature in a quiet
corner of a Russian village. With love and warmth, he showed it to people.
(93 words)
1. Find 2 sentences with homogeneous members - with and without a union
Emphasize the basis, graphically designate homogeneous members.
2. In the penultimate sentence, indicate the gender, number and case
nouns and adjectives.
3. By the word DID NOT SPARE, pick up and write down the one that is close in meaning.

May is a time of rapid change. A blue cloud hung over the grove, and
rain rang out. The rain did not have time to pour out, but already over the birches
green haze.
Birds sing during the day, some even at night. Nightingales sing best of all and
song thrushes. But even the voiceless ones do not lose heart, they make noise.
The woodpecker drums with its nose, the stork crackles with its beak. Frogs and those in chorus
they sing, and cranes dance in the swamp.
May is the time of bright nights. Owls and eagle owls just clap their eyes.
When to catch mice?
Flowers appear. Bees are buzzing, honey is being collected.

And the youngsters have a lot of work to do. There is planting, weeding, pruning of trees.
It's time for the birds to hatch. Lots of interesting events
occurs in nature
May. (99 words)

flower clock
You can tell the time by the flowers. Early summer morning. By six o'clock
opened a little blue peephole bell. Raised golden heads
dandelions. The delicate flowers of the field carnation blush. Following
spreads wide raspberry petals wild rose. Flashed bright
poppy light. By eight o'clock a yellow water lily, a white
The summer heat subsides. Other flowers come to life. Opened fragrant
tobacco and meadow drowsiness.
Plant a flower clock in a flower bed, and it will always show you the exact
time. (68

Garden in bloom
Spring is in full swing. The first thunder rumbled. Passed cheerful, bright
rain. This young thunder awakened nature to life. Early morning
all the trees in the garden were shrouded in a green haze. In a few days
in the branches, as if a light cloud was entangled. Cherries have blossomed. Trees
buzzed. How many bees are here! They fly from cherry to cherry.
Bees drink sweet nectar from the core of the flower, carry it with their paws
pollen from flower to flower. Working from morning to late evening
furry workers. A lot of fragrant sweet honey will be on
apiary. (80 words)

School Garden Warning
May is a happy month. The earth woke up after a winter sleep. Warm
the rays of the spring sun glide over curly greenery. fragrant flowers
appeared on lilac, bird cherry. In the white foam of flowers, the schoolboy is buried
garden. Slender birches and maples adorn the alley at the entrance to the school. Their
planted in late autumn by the students of our class. Buzzing in unison

bees in the school garden. They fly from flower to flower and greedily
drink sweet juice.
We walk along the garden paths. Order in the school garden. Good
work guys!
(77 words)

wounded tree
Joyful spring is coming. The forest wakes up after a long
winter sleep. At this time, every tree comes to life. spring juices
in a mighty stream they run to branches, branches, buds. The kidneys are inflated
swell. They are ready to burst and unfold the first green foliage.
I wandered through the forest. Here came the sound of an axe. I headed towards
edge. On the edge of the edge stood an old birch. On her trunk were
fresh ax marks are visible. I examined the deep notch. She
filled with clear birch sap. Now the tree will wither
will die. This evil was done by a man to taste a sip of birch
juice. (85

Forest beauties
In our village, wild apple trees grow near every hut. to me
told their story. Women returned after the war
children to the village, and there are only ashes. They built housing.
There was a roof over your head. Man began to dream of beauty.
The inhabitants went into the forest, dug up wild apple trees in the clearing. There
they grew in circles. The soldiers sat here for a short rest. ate
they are apples, dropped seeds. Apple trees grew and repeated
soldier circle.
The women brought trees to the village and planted them near the huts.
Wonderfully bloom every spring forest
beauties! (84 words)

Monument to the Soviet* soldier
Stands in the city of Berlin in Treptow park majestic
monument. A Russian bogatyr made of stone rises on a green hill.

In one hand, the soldier holds a heavy sword. With this sword he
defeated the fascists. With the other hand, he firmly presses to the shoulder
little girl. She sits calmly on the broad palm of a soldier.
He saved her from death. He saved all the children in the world from the war.
Vigilantly he looks today from a high hill. Do the evil ones threaten
enemies by war, don't they want to break the peace? Soviet soldier guarding
peace and peaceful labor of all honest people on
Earth. (87 words)
1. Disassemble by members and by parts of speech:
I offer; II offer.
2. Indicate the conjugation of the verbs with the number above.

On partisan paths
In the days of winter holidays, schoolchildren went along the partisan
It was quiet and frosty in the dense spruce forest. Joyfully walk
next to friends. Fluffy snow sparkles underfoot. Trees
seem like fabulous giants. A flock of birds flies merrily
birch to birch.
Teacher Ilya Petrovich led the children to the edge of the forest. That's
the place where the partisans lived. Under the big oak tree they noticed
dugout. There is a big table in the dugout. A stove huddles under a low window.
Along the walls are long benches. (74 words)

Native land
Schoolchildren work on even rows of young pine forest. He
stretches from the forest to the road itself. We are driving across the steppe. small ravines
cross it. This is our native land. It blooms red in spring
tulips and poppies, sprouts with golden bread, turns green
mighty forests. It's a joy to see this beauty.
But in broad daylight the heart will start to ache. You meet on the way
an overgrown trench or a modest soldier's obelisk. Lots of them from Don
to the Volga. Stop and bow to the heroes. It is thanks to them that you go
across the flowering land. (81 words)

What does the birch remember
On the old Smolensk road there is a thick birch. Instead of
peaks turn yellow sharp peaks, the branches below seem to be chopped off. A
the trunk is all in bumpy scars, influxes. One side burned
fire, on the other, a charred hole darkens to the very core.
I touched the wrinkled bark and felt the cold metal under my hands. V
the tree was deeply pierced by bullets, fragments of shells.
There was a fierce battle, and the birch took on the fire of the enemy.
Who knows how many brave fighters she saved the life of shielding them
yourself from enemy bullets.
All wounded, the birch was silently and seriously ill. But she survived
turned green again.
And a noisy green-haired army crowds around the tree, stretches up
a birch tree, a summer day rejoices in the sunshine, its birds chirp
friends. (113 words)

It's a wonderful summer time. The hot sun floods the earth with bright
rays. Ivanchai blooms. The forest edge is buried in pink foam.
A swarm of bees buzzes among the flowers, hairy bumblebees buzz. Air
is filled with a fragrant sweet smell.
At noon, the forest clearing suddenly comes to life. They run to the edge
different animals. Flocks of sonorous birds fly here. On the
different voices pour over the glade their joyful songs. bird singing
pleasing to our ears. It's nice to sit on such a sunny day
stump by the stream and drink some cold water. (75 words)

It was a hot day. The summer sun threw hot
rays. I slowly walked up the hill. The climb tired me. I went to the grove
and lay down under a mighty oak. It's good to lie down on the silky grass!
Birch branches leaned towards the ground. Long shadows slithered along the road. V
the majestic Volga flowed to the side. I involuntarily admired the river.
A light boat appeared in the distance. The fishermen came to the shore and
pulled out a net with fish.
(65 words)

Ulyana and I wake up early. We take towels in roosters
and run along the dewy path. We wash ourselves with river water and rush
race. Mom treats us to steamed milk with fresh
bread. Then we hurry to the birch grove. Cheerfully in the grove
the cuckoo is chirping. And suddenly a chamomile meadow appears in front of us.
We become very happy. And around the wonderful smell of ripe
In the evening we bring home a full basket of fragrant berries and
bouquet of cheerful daisies. The room becomes so light and cozy!
Mom rejoices with us and hugs us.
(84 words)

Mid summer*
The second summer month of July is popularly called the crown of summer.
The bread is ripening. The fields brightened under the rays of the hot sun. Niva
became golden. Behind her, on the horizon, the tops of fir trees, hats
oaks. The meadow has lost its emerald color. The grass has been mowed. Everywhere
neat mop of fresh fragrant hay.
Yellow colors appeared in the forest, but the crowns of the trees still
green. You look under your feet and notice the first fallen leaves.
Suddenly you will see a twig with yellow foliage near the birch, like a strand
gray hair. Bird cherry also has many leaves with autumn color.
You walk through the forest, and all around is silence. Birds don't sing. chicks long ago
hatched, and the nests were empty.
(96 words)

Final control dictation grade 4 200809 account. year
An old elk came out to the edge of the forest with a small calf.
A baby is learning to run. His long legs stumble over bumps.
Gently warms the spring sun in a rare forest. already in the trees
fragrant sticky buds puffed out. Moose broke a birch branch
it oozes and drips sweet juice. Spring seems blue in the forest
puddles. Willow bushes were covered with golden puffs. Smells good
in the birch forest in spring! Moose dozed off in the warm sun, but

She is sensitive to all sounds. The kid is calmly frolicking in the clearing. Not
a sensitive and strong mother will give him offense.
Graphically indicate in the text all the studied spellings.
Explain punctuation marks with diagrams.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state