
How to properly read price charts of currency pairs. How to correctly read the charts of the course cryptocurrency on the stock exchange as properly read schedule

To begin with, try to find the field definition area:

Cope? Compare answers:

All right? Well done!

Now let's try to find the range of function values:

Found? Compare:

Cached? Well done!

Once again we will work with the charts, only now a little more complicated - find and field definition area, and the function of function values.

How to find and definition area and field values \u200b\u200b(advanced option)

That's what happened:

With charts, I think you figured out. Now let's try in accordance with the formulas to find the field definition area (if you do not know how to do it, read the Pro):

Cope? Survey answers:

  1. Since the feeding expression should be greater than or equal to zero.
  2. Since it is impossible to share on zero and the feeding expression cannot be negative.
  3. Since, respectively, at all.
  4. Since it is impossible to share on zero.

However, we have another not disassembled moment ...

I repeat once again and make an emphasis on it:

Noticed? The word "only" is very, very important element of our definition. I will try to explain to you on your fingers.

Suppose we have a function specified direct. . When we substitute this value In our "Rule" and we get that. One value corresponds to one value. We can even make a table of different values \u200b\u200band build a graph of this feature to make sure that.

"Look! - You say, - "" meets twice! " So maybe parabola is not a function? No, is!

The fact that "" is found two times far from being accused parabola in ambiguity!

The fact is that, when calculating for, we received one igrek. And when calculating with we received one igner. So everything is true, Parabola is a function. Look at the schedule:

Figured out? If not, here's a life example of a fact that is far from mathematics!

Suppose we have a group of applicants who have become acquainted when submitting documents, each of whom told the conversation where he lives:

Agree, it is quite realistic that several guys live in one city, but it is impossible that one person lives in several cities at the same time. It's like the logical representation of our "parabola" - a few different X corresponds to the same player.

Now come up with an example when the dependency is not function. Suppose these same guys were told to what specialties they filed documents:

Here we have a completely different situation: one person can safely submit documents for both one and several directions. I.e one element Multiple is put in line with several elements sets. Respectively, this is not a function.

Check your knowledge in practice.

Determine in drawings, which is a function, and what not:

Figured out? But I. answers:

  • The function is in, e.
  • The function is not - A, B, D, D.

You ask why? Why, that's why:

In all drawings except IN) and E) One accounts for one!

I am sure now, you can easily distinguish the function from not a function, say what an argument is and what a dependent variable is, as well as define the area of \u200b\u200bpermissible argument values \u200b\u200band the function of determining the function. Get to the next section - how to set a function?

Ways to set the function

What do you think mean words "Set function"? That's right, it means to explain to everyone about what function in this case There is a speech. And explain so that everyone understands you correctly and drawn by people in your explanation of the functions graphics were the same.

How can I do that? How to set a function? The easiest way that has been used for more than once in this article - with the help of the formula. We write a formula, and, substituting the value in it, calculate the value. And how do you remember, the formula is the law, the rule by which we and another person becomes clear how the X is turning into the game.

Usually, this is how they do - in the tasks, we already see the ready-made functions given by formulas, however, there are other ways to set a function about which everyone forgets, and therefore the question "How else can I specify a function?" puts in a dead end. We will understand everything in order, but begin with an analytical way.

Analytical way to set function

Analytical method is a task function using the formula. This is the most universal and exhaustive and unambiguous way. If you have a formula, then you know about the function absolutely everything - you can make a sign of values, you can build a schedule, determine where the function increases, and where decreases, in general, to explore it on the full program.

Consider a function. What is equal?

"What does it mean?" - You ask you. I'll explain now.

Let me remind you that the expression in brackets is called an argument. And this argument can be any expression, not necessarily simply. Accordingly, whatever the argument (expression in brackets), we write it instead of expression.

In our example it will work like this:

Consider another task associated with the analytical way to set the function that you will have on the exam.

Find the value of the expression, when.

I am sure that at first, you were frightened, seeing such an expression, but there is absolutely nothing terrible in it!

Everything like in the past example: Whatever the argument (expression in brackets), we write it instead of expression. For example, for a function.

What should be done in our example? Instead you need to write, and instead -:

reduce the resulting expression:

That's all!

Independent work

Now try to find the value of the following expressions:

  1. , if a
  2. , if a

Cope? Compare our answers: we are accustomed that the function has the kind

Even in our examples, we specify the function in this way, however, you can analytically set the function in an implicit form, for example.

Try to build this feature yourself.


That's how I built her.

What equation did we eventually withdraw?

Right! Linear, which means that the schedule will be straight line. Let's make a sign to determine which points belong to our straight:

That's just what we said about ... One corresponds to one.

Let's try to draw what happened:

Is that what we got a function?

Right, no! Why? Try to answer this question with the drawing. What came out?

"Because one value corresponds to several values!"

What conclusion can we do from this?

That's right, the function cannot always be expressed clearly, and not always what "disguised" under the function is a function!

Tabular way to set function

As the name implies, this method is a simple sign. Yes Yes. Like the one with you already made up. For example:

Here you immediately noticed the pattern - Igrek is three times more than X. And now the task to "think very good": what do you think is equivalent to a function specified in the form of a table, functions?

We will not argue long, and we will draw!

So. We draw a function specified by wallpaper:

See the difference? The point is not at the noted points! Look more carefully:

Now saw? When we specify a function in a tabular way, we reflect only those points that we have in the table and the line (as in our case) goes only through them. When we set the function with an analytical way, we can take any points, and our function is not limited to. This is such a feature. Member!

Graphic method for building a function

The graphic method of building a function is no less convenient. We draw our function, and another interested person can find what is equal to the game at a certain X and so on. Graphic and analytical methods are some of the most common.

However, here you need to remember what we were talking about at the very beginning - not every "zagulin" drawn in the coordinate system is a function! Remembered? Just in case, I will copy you here the definition that the function is:

As a rule, people are usually called those three ways to set the functions that we disassembled is analytical (using the formula), tabular and graphic, completely forgetting that the function can be verbally described. Like this? Yes, very simple!

A verbal description of the function

How to describe the function verbly? Take our recent example -. This feature It can be described "Each valid value of the IX corresponds to its tripled value." That's all. Nothing difficult. Of course, you will objize - "There are so complex functions that are verbally to ask simply impossible!" Yes, there are those, but there are functions that describe verbally easier than setting the formula. For example: "Each natural value of X corresponds to the difference between the numbers from which it consists, while the greatest digit contained in the recording of the number is taken for the reduced. Now consider how our verbal description of the function is implemented in practice:

The largest digit in a given number -, respectively, is reduced, then:

Basic types of functions

Now let's go to the most interesting - consider the basic types of functions with which you worked / work and you will work in the course of school and institute mathematics, that is, we will get acquainted with them, so to speak and give them brief description. For more information about each function, read in the relevant section.

Linear function

The function of the view, where, actual numbers.

The graph of this function is straight, therefore the construction of a linear function is reduced to finding the coordinates of two points.

The position of the direct on the coordinate plane depends on the angular coefficient.

Function definition area (AKA area of \u200b\u200bpermissible argument values) -.

Value area -.

Quadratic function

Type function where

The graph of the function is parabola, when the parabola branches are directed down, when - up.

Many properties of quadratic function depend on the discriminant value. Discriminant is calculated by the formula

The position of the parabola on the coordinate plane relative to the value and the coefficient is shown in the picture:


The range of values \u200b\u200bdepends on the extremum of this function (the point of the pearabol vertex) and the coefficient (directions of the parabola branches)

Inverse proportionality

The function set by the formula where

The number is called the coefficient of inverse proportionality. Depending on what value, the branches of hyperboles are in different squares:

Domain - .

Value area -.

Summary and basic formulas

1. The function is called a rule by which each element of the set is put into compliance with a single element of the set.

  • - this is a formula that denotes a function, that is, the dependence of one variable from the other;
  • - variable value, or, argument;
  • - The dependent value is changed when the argument changes, that is, according to any particular formula reflecting the dependence of the same value from the other.

2. Permissible values \u200b\u200bof the argument, or function definition area is something that is associated with possible, in which the function makes sense.

3. Function values \u200b\u200barea - This is what values \u200b\u200breceive, with permissible values.

4. There are 4 methods for setting the function:

  • analytical (using formulas);
  • tabular;
  • graphic
  • a verbal description.

5. Basic types of functions:

  • :, where, - real numbers;
  • :, where;
  • :, where.

Cryptocurrency exchanges work just like ordinary stock exchanges valuable papers. An experienced trader will spend some time to take a look at the BTC course schedule, ETH or another asset, and novice risks money. In order to understand and learn to decrypt data from a price chart, you need to understand the essence of the main schedule "Japanese candles", which can be found on any of the existing crypto exchanges.

Exchange graphs are an essential tool for market analysis, as they present information about prices in the graphic, visual version, which is the most simple for general understanding of the market situation than text or digital information. They allow you to see the mass behavior of the crowd, and also assess the alignment of the forces between sellers and buyers, which ultimately makes it possible to understand the potential of profitability of transactions.

Types of stock schedules

There are three main types of graphic value display - line, bar and Japanese candle. Each of these tools provides information on the purchase price of the relevant period, the price of closing, the lowest and highest prices (except for the linear graph, which is based only on the closing price).

The graphs used by the traders indicate a change in price for a certain time segment, for example, for 1, 30, 60 minutes, per day, week, month or year.

In fact, exchange graphs This is the history of the struggle between bulls and bears for the predominance of the market. As a result of such a struggle, a huge number of transactions are made, each of which is necessarily reflected in the chart - one TIC corresponds to one such transaction. When the price grows, it means that someone already suffers losses, and someone already earns.

That is, actually stock graphics are not just conditional reflection Changes in value, and first of all show human emotions - fear and greed, despair and hope.

Schedule "Japanese Candles"

This schedule was invented by the Japanese merchant Rice Munehis Homma in the XVII century and in this moment It is the most common method of making market data. Watching the usual price schedule is not too convenient, therefore, to build a "Japanese candle", time is divided by periods, for example in 10 minutes. A similar separation for periods makes a visual overall picture, which helps to judge the trend.

In our example, a schedule was selected for 1 day and each of its divisions corresponds to 1 hour. Here are red and green rectangles (called "jittai" from the Japanese body "body") dyeing depending on whether the opening price was below the closing price of the period or vice versa.

How to read a schedule

In the form of a vertical line in the body of the candle, the maximum and minimum price is displayed. This is easy to notice that January 8 in 1 hour from 22 to 23 o'clock the maximum course was $ 958.21954, and the minimum $ 922.84726.

In this case, we see that an hour has begun a course at $ 935.00001 for 1 BTC, and ended with a course of $ 956.99000 for 1 BTC, so the rectangle is painted in green.

The vertical line is called "Kage" (shadow). Thanks to the shadows similar to the wick candle, the schedule and got its name.

In practice, on the relative length of wicks, you can judge the trend for the next period. The long top of the wick (in comparison with the bottom) can talk about the further growth, and the longer lower part of the course falling.

  1. volume
  2. time,
  3. price.

Because the analysis of trader graphs is reduced to calculating the balance of demand and suggestions. And the demand for demand and suggestions, according to the same law, are expressed through the price (the vertical axis in the figure above) and the volume (number of transactions, horizontal). Consider reading the volume graphics and time prices, the trader can see the change in the balance of buyers and sellers, and take a favorable position in advance before the price begins to change.

Example of reading and understanding course graphics

  1. After opening the market, the price did Spring (deceived maneuver down, knocking down the foot of yesterday's bulls, and fascinating bears in unprofitable sales).
  2. Shopping wave, locking sellers in the minus. Green color on the histogram of volumes exceeds red - purchases occur at a market price, a bull sign.
  3. Above the level of 80300 is SOT - Shortening of the Thrust is a reduction in breakthrough. Each new High demonstrates an increasing increase in the price of graphics. A sign that bears have resistance. Fistened downward wave at 9:45 - additional drawing the confirmation.
  4. Blue Arrow 10:16 Shows a candle on the chart when the efforts of buyers did not bring growth. And most likely, reflected sellers encountered ASK and above 80250 (also, by the way, SOT)
  5. Red arrow - a signal to the input in a short position. On the background, we have several bearish signs that are justifying shorts. And this candle with the prevailing sales volume may display the beginning of the descending wave. Short opens in the next 2-3 minutes, for example, 80100, with a stop 80250, and the goal of 79500 - the level where buyers showed their advantage by starting the morning ascending wave.

Transaction potential: Possible loss 150, Possible Profit 600. Attitude: 1: 4 - good relationship for a deal with a high probability of success.

To improve market reading skill, close the right part of the paper schedule, and open it by shifting the paper to the right bar behind the bar. Fix your conclusions with each open bar and try to understand the essence of what is happening.

Video lesson

For very newcomers in this matter, we suggest see a small 3-minute training video . It gives a good presentation and basic knowledge to decipher the charts of the Cryptodeneg.

Is it possible to make money on the stock exchange?

The famous trader - Richard Dennis began trading on the stock exchange in the 70s from $ 1,600, taken into debt and for 10 years turned them at $ 200 million. Dennis's strategy was drastically different from what his competitors did. While other exchange players were engaged in scalping, that is, they did a lot of operations in one day, trying to catch minor changes in the course, Dennis kept positions over long periods, seeking to earn on trends (direction of price movement). So the question about the possibility of earning is answered by absolutely affirmative - yes, if you study and train. Successful bidding for cryptocurrency exchanges!

In whatever segment of the financial market you work, graphic analysis is the best way to see how the crowd behaved for a certain time. And the time it can be very different: you want - you will see the behavior in a few minutes, you want - in a couple of dozen years. But it is the crowd that forms prices that would say there - of course, with rare exceptions.

Also, on schedules, you can easily calculate the estimated profits; You can see where you need to close, if suddenly the forecast is not justified ... in a word, it is best way Quickly assess the situation in the market. What, actually, and technical analysis is engaged.

Basic rules for analyzing graphs

Using a technical approach, the trader automatically accepts what is considered to be an axiom: absolutely everything is taken into account in the charts, each factor. This can be doubted something to find out something, but if your goal is only to use other people's analysis methods and in successful trading, you will have to agree. Or simply not to delve into thoughts in this topic. Because there are weighty arguments and supporters of this theory, and at its opponents. Nevertheless, firstly, all the thekanalis is based on this - denying what is taken for the axiom, you deny it completely. And secondly, this species Forecasting really works, and this is not confirmed by the years - centuries.

Next there are two more axioms. You need to accept the fact that prices strive for one direction. That is what their property forms trends and channels on schedules. A crowd for a while chooses one basic movement - up or down. And after some interval, the direction will be changed.

And the last - "story is repeated." Of course, not in the sense that you will see absolutely identical drawings on charts with the same quotes - no. But prices should be delayed on the same levels, bounce from them. This will you understand in the process of studying graphs and texanalia.

What should every trader understand

Global B. and the market is the first thing that distinguishes a specialist from the amateur. Do not be afraid - it does not mean that you will have to read economic literature and watch the news three times a day. Everything is done in the framework of the graphic price display.

Let's think about how the average trader-novice is usually done? Having learned that the market can be analyzed, say, using RSI and stochastic indicators, it deals them to the chart and waiting for signals by which the transactions will open. But what he sees on the screen is only a small part of what is happening on the market. Suppose Timeframe H1 is used. And on it there is a certain directional movement, even ascending, even downwards, at least lateral. But this is only a small part of what is now in reality in the daily chart. Because actually significant, it would seem, the Trend on H1 can only be a correction (return price) on D1. And when this correction is over, the schedule will unfold. And for the trader, who himself limited his perception only by the Timeframe H1, this event will be sudden.

Usually enough - within the same transaction - to analyze only 1-2 time periods above the one that you take to open positions. But if you decide to work professionally, do not run in the future with one pair to another, but simply choose several tools and trade, it is better to immediately analyze the market globally.

Suppose you decided to take Euro-pound for long-term work. It is not necessary to be the only steam - perhaps one of many, but now let's see the graphics on its example.

Start standing from the biggest timeframe. For MT4 users and most other terminals, it will be Mn - a monthly price chart. Its, in fact, can be viewed once and return to it only a few times a year if necessary. It needs us to understand what is happening with quotes in general.

On the schedule, we can, not lying, see the whole story of the interaction of prices of these two currencies over the past more than 20 years. From 2001 to 2007, there was a stable growth of the pound against the dollar. In 2007, the price reached his peak, after which the pound with a small delay rapidly collapsed down - the fall continued for several months. He fell even lower than his smallest (at that time) a historic minimum. A few years after that - an indefinite state as a whole, which can be regarded as Renge. By July 2014, the price rose to a very high mark at that time and even slightly exceeded it, but after again began to decline. At the moment, the lowest historical level breaks through, the fall of the pound against the dollar has been continuing for several months. The lower boundary of the current channel also breaks through, which makes it possible to assume a possible further decrease. At the same time, the price is currently testing new levelmarked with a red horizontal line. In any trend quotes do not fit. This means that when discovering transactions, the trader needs to be careful, refrain from long-term positions, and on medium-term to put hard stop loss.

If you decide to work on a currency pair, where at the moment a similar situation, then track the MN timeframe is preferably constantly. Either, at least know what price is Critical - in this case it is a lower historical level that does not yet break. Also the line of the current channel and the average horizontal will be resistance if the schedule goes up.

Switching on timeframe W. 1, we can see what's here current price You can already fit into some framework, namely, draw a small channel. Trend. MN. still remains on the chart and marked green, and the smallest channel, W. 1, highlighted with lilac. As you can see, it is all the same downward trend, only accelerated. At the moment, the price is on its upper border and even crosses it, although it cannot be considered already formed by the breakdown. Event development options are two. If the breakthrough does not occur, and the price will give a rebound down, then it will go at least to the lower red diagonal - a historic minimum. If the breakdown still happens, it is quite possible to work out the "Double bottom" figure, which is already clearly identified on the chart, but not yet confirmed.

The situation suggests that a large uncertainty is currently in the market (it is on GBP / USD). Therefore, if the trader opened its transactions within the framework of H4, for example, and did not think at all about what is happening in general, then:

  1. At first, he may have gained profit.
  2. Then, with a high probability, he would freeze a lot of money in several deals due to the fact that nothing knows about general of things.

Such indefinite situations as what we now see for a pound / dollar is only the first of the reasons why you need to analyze larger graphics. The second reason is that this method can determine the most likely price movement to open the position on H4 or D1. These are deals with a fairly high for a beginner trader income, they are significantly better and more reliable than scalping or trade within a few hours. At the same time, this is not long-term position, where you will have to wait for a long time. But for them, the method is good.

Not always the situation on the market is in question. Often and Mn, and W1, and D1 shows the signals in the same direction, and this means that the likelihood of a successful transaction increases triple. You have only find the entry point .

Extra features

To obtain more information On the likely price movement in the near future, use additional analysis tools on large timeframes. Fibonacci levels, Japanese candles or indicators are suitable. But only the fact that you have already been personally tested on the selected combination of a pair and timeframe. It is very important because on major time s x periods are greater importance to economic events than, for example, indicators.

Also realize that the analysis of large scale gives a lot of trader, but will be completely useless if you do not master at least the basics. Without it, it is impossible to appreciate what is happening at all with prices.

It is also important to post stop-loss and observe at least the main managing level. And, of course, having your tactics of action, let the most simple, but proven and generally profitable.

What to do scalping traders?

If you prefer scalping, then probably wondered why you need all this and whether it is necessary at all. Indeed, if the trader trades on 5 minutes, it does not matter what happens on large timeframes. But if it always puts stop-loss. If not, choose: either S / L, or an in-depth analysis. Otherwise, you can stay without a deposit, just rebuilding half a day from a computer ...

Also, scalping traders makes sense to apply these rules within its micromyr Forex. For them, 5-15-minute charts are the same as for most - hour and 4-hour. Therefore, you can safely switch to 1-3 timeframe above and analyze what is happening there. Believe me, it will save you from unnecessary transactions and improve your trading rates several times.

The ability to read graphs is a key skill of a successful trader: if you decide to enter the cryptocurrency market, to make trade decisions not enough to know the price. The trader must fully understand what information carries the schedule in itself, and today we will learn this.

Graphs are three types: a linear chart, and a diagram called "Japanese candles".

Linear diagram

This is a basic schedule with which the trader has to deal, is simply changing the parameter of one or another cryptocurrency over time.

The schedule can track different parameters of cryptocurrency, for example, its price or.

According to such a diagram, you can judge the coins on the horizon of the month, week, day or even the last hour.

On the above graph with the price of Bitcoin (Bitcoin) in dollars. Even on it, you can determine the price of the opening and price of the closure, as well as the lowest and highest price for the selected period.

A similar diagram with a popular site to track prices Coinmarketcap.com also gives an idea of \u200b\u200beach coin, its price in dollars and bitcoins, as well as about the volume of trading in 24 hours.

bar graph

Histograms are very useful for cryptocurrency and investors. They consist of vertical lines and small horizontal traits, and on ihodl.com two types of histograms are used - simple and colored. Let's look at a color chart with green or red stripes.

The upper point of the vertical line here is the highest, and the lower - the lowest price for a certain period of time. The left line shows the discovery price, and the right - closure.

"Japanese candles"

Candle diagram, or "Japanese candles" diagram is also used to describe price movements, currencies or derivatives; Usually every candle is one day.

Steve Nison introduced such graphs to Western business practices in his popular book 1991 "Japanese Candles: Graphic Analysis financial markets».

Among the cryptocurrency traders such charts are most popular. They are intended for advanced traders, but it is not difficult to understand them.

Each "candle" on the graph shows the price of the opening, the lowest and highest price for this period of time, as well as the closing price.

The size and color of the body of the candle, as well as the length of the shade or wick is very important, as they demonstrate the current trends, and also indicate reversal and future price movements.

The candle color shows whether the price of closing above the opening price (usually used in this case) or below (usually red).

Fitoli or shadow, that is, thin lines coming out of the body of a candle or down, show the smallest and highest price for the selected period.

However, the price analysis is only part of the problem, because it is equally important to understand the causes of sharp ups and failures. So do not forget that may affect the state of the cryptocurrency market - if something significant happens, no graphics will help predict the next jump price.

If you just started studying the world cryptocurrency, welcome to: everything that the newcomer needs to know about the cryptocurrency market and the basics of investment.

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Exchange graphs are one of the most important tool for analyzing current market situations and forecasting further price behavior. They allow you to determine the balance of forces between bulls and bears and make a choice in favor of those whose side most. In addition, stock schedule can help assess the growth potential (or fall) on the analyzed tool to decide on the entry into the transaction. It is from them that the study of technical analysis begins.

In stock trade, currently three main types of graphics are used:

  • linear
  • japanese candles

Linear graph

The easiest and ideal for beginners is the appearance of the exchange quotes. These are all such graphs all painted at school, institute. The chart is applied, equal prices for closing periods. And these marks are connected by lines. As a result, and get a similar picture.

Sometimes a linear graph is displayed in another form when the entire space below the price is painted with color. In the picture below, similar linear graph, only in the form of area.

Linear schedule is convenient for human perception, as it does not have extra information. Everything is extremely simple - the line is upward - the uptrend, falls - downward. However, for a more serious analysis, it lacks a lot for more informationSo most traders use other types of graphs.


A graphical representation of prices on the graph with the use of bars is more informative. Unlike linear, bars show additionally opening prices, maximum and minimum, which reached the price at a given period.

The bar is a vertical line with horizontal cuts on the right and left. Depending on how the schedule presentation interval is selected, such data will show one bar. If the day interval is selected, then one bar is one day, weekly - 1 week, etc.

Bar length corresponds to a price range. The upper and lower points are respectively the maximum and minimum level of quotes. The line on the right is the opening price, on the left - closure. If the left line is lower than the right, then the price of closing above the opening price and we are observing growth. And vice versa, when the left line is higher than the right, we get the price of the closure below, the opening prices and market prices are falling.

Japanese candles

Japanese candles carry absolutely identical information as bars, namely the prices of opening and closing, maximum and minimum quotes for the selected period. The difference between bars and candles is only in graphical representation.

If bars are displayed as horizontal line, then the candles are part between the prices of opening and closing draws thickened. It is called the candle body. And the interval from the body of the candle to the maximum minimum is the shadow of the candle.

In addition, depending on the growth or fall, the body of Japanese candles is painted in different colors. In the classic version, white color is height, black - drop. Another common option: a combination of green and red, where red says and reducing quotes, green about growth. Many traders use their color combinations, but it is rather the case of habit.

Coloring coloring improves the perception of the graph.

The same schedule presented in the form of Japanese candle.

Use of candles and bars in technical analysis

Example 2.

Candle, referred to as a hammer in Japanese analysis. She talks about the following: when the market is discovered, the bears captured power and pushed the price down, but in the future their strength dried up and most became on the side of the bulls, which again raised the price up, almost prior to opening prices. Therefore, the likelihood of growth the next day is great.

Of course, on the basis of just one candle, do not make a full analysis. Combinations are usually used, together with support and resistance lines, which give a higher probability of the onset of projected events in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to properly learn to read stock exchanges for successful trading on the stock market.

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