
The conditional obligation is reflected in the balance sheet. The future is always foggy. The best precursor of the future is the past. With changes and additions from

Until 2011, the concept of "reserves of the upcoming expenses" existed in accounting. It also exists, but only in terms of accounts. But from PVBU No. 34n it disappeared. Now under reserves, we understand the evaluation obligations. What are such changes carry?

First, the saddest thing is that now in accounting, we cannot accrue reserves of upcoming expenses on the same rules as in tax accounting. The tax accounting remains classic reserves of upcoming expenses, which are formed in order to recognize the costs in the current period, which will still be actually produced. The formation of these reserves allows you to evenly "disseminate" costs in time and not pay unnecessary advance payments for reporting periods. The magnitude of these reserves can be reliably determined, and there are no uncertainties in the fact that the costs for which the reserves are formed, the organization will indeed be in the current year.

Secondly, in the term "appraisal commitment" by the main word is estimated. This means that the organization alone Assesses the existence of an obligation to some person (persons) at the end of the year, for which accounting reporting is compiled. This obligation must be essentialIn order for it to form a reserve in accounting. In addition, the most important sign of the evaluation commitment is uncertainty either its values, or the deadline for execution or the other. Hence the methods for calculating the value of the assessment obligation: weighted average or moderate. So, it is these two signs ( evaluation of the availability of obligations and uncertainty) It suggests that the evaluation obligations and reserves of the upcoming costs are two completely different things.

Below is a scheme of PBU 8/2010, which reflects the essence of estimated and conditional obligations.

PBU Scheme 8/2010(Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 13, 2010 No. 167n)

In the reporting year an event occurred

As a result of this event, an obligation arose (legal 1 or conclusted 2)



estimated liability

conditional obligation

at the date of occurrence, it is charged in accounting ( example 1.)

(a) execution of the obligation it is impossible to avoid 3;

(b) as a result of the fulfillment of the obligation there will be a decrease in economic benefits (with a probability of more than 50%) 4;

(c) the value of the obligation can be reasonably rated

(example 1.)

to recognize the evaluation commitment, conditions (b) or (B) are not satisfied (b) example 2.)


the existence of an obligation depends on the offensive or untezzlement of the future of an indefinite event (events) not controlled by the Organization ( example 1.)


the estimated commitment is charged in accounting as a reserve (account 96) in correspondence with accounting accounts, other expenses or assets (depending on the nature of the obligation)

the existence of the conditional obligation is reported in explanatory note By the annual accounting reporting

the value of the evaluation obligation:

Weighted average 5;

- (or) Middle Industric 6

(and) must be considered:

Events after the reporting date 7;

Risks and uncertainty;

Future events

(and) documentary confirmation of valuation

discounting the value of the obligation whose execution period exceeds 12 months after the reporting date 8


1) Legal obligation arises from the norms of legislative and other regulatory legal acts, court decisions, contracts (PP. "A" p. 4 PBU 8/2010).

2) The conventional (traditional) commitment arises as a result of the actions of the organization, which are due to steady past practice or statements Organization Indicate to other persons that the Organization assumes certain responsibilities, and, as a result, such persons have reasonable expectations that the organization will fulfill such duties (PP. "B" of paragraph 4 of PBU 8/2010).

3) If the organization has doubts about the presence of such an obligation, estimated value It is confirmed, provided that the probability of its existence is more than 50%. The degree of probability is determined by analyzing all the circumstances and conditions, including the opinions of experts.

4) The probability of reducing economic benefits is evaluated for each obligation separately or By aggregate, if there are several homogeneous obligations at the reporting date.

5) If the value of the evaluation obligation is determined by choosing from the set of values, it is calculated as the average of the works of each value for its probability. For example, the value of the estimated liability (OO) is estimated as a and with a probability of 50%, as b with a probability of 30% and as in with a probability of 20%:

Oo \u003d a x 0,5 + b x 0,3 + in x 0,2

6) If the value of the estimates is determined by choosing from the values \u200b\u200band the probability of each value in the interval isometric, then the arithmetic average of the largest and smallen values \u200b\u200bof the interval is taken as such a magnitude. For example, the value of the obligation is estimated from A to Q:

Oo \u003d (a + c) / 2

7) The list of events after the reporting date and their possible consequences are described in PBU 7/98 (Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 25, 1998 No. 56n).

8) The essence of discounting is to bring future costs by the current period by recalculating the amount equivalent to the one to be paid in the future using a discount factor, depending on the norm of the banking interest and the discount period. For example, after 2 years, the organization will have to pay for 100 thousand rubles. If today's money, the organization placed on bank deposit For 2 years, it would take 8% per annum. This means that for 2 years, the amount placed in the bank will increase in 1.1664 (1.08 x 1.08) times. Thus, 100,000 rubles that will need to pay in 2 years, today are 85,734 rubles. (100 000: 1,1664), in the year will cost 92 593 rubles. (85 734 x 1.08), after 2 years, by the time of repayment of the obligation - 100,000 rubles. (92 593 x 1.08).

The amount obtained as a result of discounting is called specified value.

Example 1.

In 2011, the organization took place tax audit. The act of verification was received until December 31, 2011 ( event happened in the reporting year).

According to the act of verification, the organization identified tax offenses, as a result of which inconsistent income tax and penalties are decisled in the amount of 200,000 rubles. ( as a result of the events of the reporting year, the organization has commitments to the budget).

Option 1.

The organization recognized the right thing tax InspectionThe objections to the audit report will not be represented and ready to repay arrears and arrears on the pencils upon receipt of the tax authority.

IN this case The deadline for the fulfillment is known, and its amount is determined. Therefore, in the accounting accounting of the Organization, these obligations are reflected as of 12/31/2011 by wiring: Debit 99 Credit 68 - 200,000 rubles.

Option 2.

The organization does not agree with the facts set forth in the act of verification, and is preparing objections to the act. With the unfavorable outcome of the stage of consideration of the audit act, the organization is going to submit an appeal to the higher tax authority, and if necessary, contact the arbitration court. Thus, the emergence of the organization commitment to the budget depends on the outcome of the proceedings on the case of tax offense (offensive or unaccepting in the future of one or more uncertain events not controlled by the organization). In this regard, a conditional obligation should be reflected in the accounting statements of the Organization for 2011 in an explanatory note, namely: to specify an act of verification; reflect the sums of arrears and pennel on the act (total - 200 thousand rubles); Specify the further actions of the Organization for challenging the audit act.

Option 3.

The organization does not fully agree with the amounts of arrears and pennel in the amount of 140,000 rubles. This amount is reflected in the explanatory note as a conditional obligation (as in Embodiment 2).

With respect to the amount of 60,000 rubles. The organization also prepares objections and hopes to "defend" at least part of this amount. However, according to experts, it is more likely that there is no, that the organization will have to pay the specified amount in the budget ( reducing economic benefits Probably the value of the obligation can be appreciated). Therefore, in the accounting accounting of the organization as of December 31, 2011, an estimated liability is accrued: Debit 99 Credit 96 - 60,000 rubles.

Example 2.

In 2011, the organization paid wages Once a month, thereby violating labor legislation (Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If a labor inspection will come to the organization, the organization may be fined under Art. 5.27 Administrative Code. However, the probability of verification in 2012 is less than 50%, so in the accounting statements of the organization for 2011 it can be recognized conditional obligation provided that the amount of a possible fine (from 30 thousand to 50 thousand rubles) or losses (administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days) is substantial The value for the organization. The organization reports on the existence of the conditional obligation in an explanatory note.

Correspondence bills



Penalties for violation of the terms of the contract (due to the court proceedings)


as of December 31, the reporting year: The estimated commitment is accrued to the amount of alleged penalties



at the date of the decision of the court due to:

reflected debt on the payment of penalties to the counterparty;

denied a fine (with deficiency of the amount of the reserve);

restored overly accrued amount of the reserve (if the penalties for the court decision is less than the accrued reserve)

Reserve on warranty repair and warranty service

20, 25, 44

20, 25, 44

60, 76

60, 76

at the date of actually made expenses for warranty repairs (warranty service):

due to the reserve, the sum of the actual costs are written off;

reflects costs over the amount of the reserve (if the amount of the amount of the reserve)


at the end of the warranty obligations under the contract, or the end of production (sale) of products (goods), which were issued warranty obligations:

restored overly accrued amount of the reserve (if actual costs are less than the accrued reserve)

Dincons on the results of the tax audit

91.2, 20, 25, 26, 44

arrears of income tax, penalties;

tax arrears, attributable for accounting accounts or other expenses in accordance with the procedure established by the accounting accounting policies Organizations

99, 91.2, 20, 25, 26, 44


at the date of the tax authority:

due to the reserve, arrears, penalties are accrued;

in case of insufficiency, the amounts of reserve are denominated by arrears, penalties;

the amount of excessive accrued reserve has been restored

Long-term appraisal commitment determined by discounting its cost


an increase in the estimated liability with the growth of its present value for subsequent reporting dates (interest)

Approved by PBU "Evaluation obligations, conditional obligations and conditional assets"

Since 2011, companies have to apply a new accounting provision "Estimated obligations, conditional obligations and conditional assets" (PBU 8/2010). It is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and replaced the previously active PBU 8/01 "Conditional Facts economic activity" (Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 12/13/10 No. 167n registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 03.02.11 No. 19691 on approval of the accounting situation "Evaluation obligations, conditional obligations and conditional assets" (PBU 8/2010))

Download Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 13, 2010 No. 167n

The procedure for reflection of conditional facts is revised
Apply PBU 8/2010, companies must start at the 2011 financial statements. And since the main forms of this reporting - Balance sheet And the profit and loss statement is drawn up monthly (clause 48 PBU 4/99 "Bu-Galtic Reporting of the Organization"), the rules of the new provision must be guided by January 1, 2011.

However, officially PBU 8/2010 was published only on February 16, 2011. Before this date, the company was used by PBU 8/01. In such a situation, it is necessary to be guided by paragraphs 10, 11 PBU 1/2008 "Accounting Organization". According to them, in the event of a change in the regulatory legal act, adjustments are made to accounting policies during the year. But first you need to find out what distinction is between new and old provisions. After all, it is important whether the classification of objects has been revised and how much the order of their accounting changes.

Scope of application
First of all, the circle of organizations obliged to apply a new PBU. Exceptions for non-commercial organizations now do not. Subjects of small business (except for issuers publicly placed valuable papers) Posted by gay retained: they are not required to follow PBU 8/2010.

In addition, a list of accounting objects is defined for which the document does not apply, namely:

- obviously unprofitable contracts;

- reserve capital and other reserves formed from retained profits;

- estimated reserves;

- Amounts affecting subsequently on the amount (taken into account in accordance with PBU 18/02).

In PBU 8/2010 applied new terminology. It does not appear in the previously used basic concept of "conditional fact of economic activity".

Now there are several basic concepts.

An assessment liability is an obligation with an indefinite value and (or) a period of execution. It may arise from the norms of legislative and other regulatory legal acts, court decisions, contracts or as a result of the organization;

Conditional obligations (conditional assets) arise as a result of past events of the organization's economic life, when the existence of an obligation (asset) is due to the onset (uncompliance) of uncertain events, not as a conventional obligations also applies to the evaluation obligation, not recognized in accounting due to non-fulfillment Provided PBU 8/2010 conditions.

Conditional obligations and conditional assets in accounting are not recognized. Information about them is disclosed in if there is a possibility of decreasing (income) of economic (paragraph 25, 27 PBU 8/2010).

Estimated liabilities (in contrast to conditional obligations and assets) in accounting are recognized. This requires simultaneous compliance the following conditions:

- the organization has a duty that was the result of past events of her economic life, the execution of which is not avoided;

- a decrease in the economic benefits of the Organization, which is necessary for the execution of the evaluation obligation, probably;

- The value of the estimated obligation can be reasonably rated.

Thus, the estimated commitment is characterized by the fact that the organization cannot avoid it. With co-opinion, in the inevitability of decrevation of economic benefits, the organization recognizes the estimated obligation if it comes to conclusion (experts can be attracted) that the duty rather exists than not.

The position, in addition, contains norms that establish the procedure for determining and changing the value of the estimated obligation, as well as his write-off.

Evaluation obligations are reflected in the account of the accounting of reserves of future expenses. When recognized, the value of such an obligation applies to expenses on the usual activities or on other expenses or is included in the asset value (depending on the nature of the obligation).

Comparison of the concepts used in the new and old PBU (see table) shows that, despite the refined interpretation, the principal differences in the characteristics did not occur. The concept of "assessment obligations" is used instead of "existing obligations", and "conditional obligations" - instead of "possible conditional obligations". In other words, in PBU 8/2010, objects are defined directly, directly, without the use of generalizing concepts.

Comparison of the terms PBU 8/2010 and PBU 8/01

PBU 8/2010 PBU 8/01.
Estimated liability: - the obligation of the organization with an indefinite value and (or) the term of execution; - The organization has a duty that was the result of past events of its economic activity, the execution of which it cannot avoid; - Reducing the economic benefits of the Organization necessary for the execution of the evaluation obligation is likely (more likely no) The existing conditional obligation: - in fact, the organization's commitmentatively existing on the reporting date, the ability to abandon which is missing and in relation to the value of either the deadline for which there is uncertainty
Conditional obligation: - due to past events of the economic activity of the organization; - The emergence of a legal obligation depends on the offensive (unaccepting) of future uncertain events not controlled by the organization Possible conditional obligation: - Expected obligation, the legal appearance of which is due to an exclusively onset of either the unituentness of future events not controlled by the organization
Conditional asset: - depends on the offensive (unaccepting) of one or more future uncertain events not controlled by the organization Conditional asset: - with a very high or high degree of probability will entail an increase in the economic benefits of the organization

Let's show on specific examples The procedure for the qualifications of obligations and reflection (recognition) of them in accounting.

Example 1.
Mars LLC decided to establish a service provision (warranty period - one year). According to the ex-pernate estimate (pb. 16 PBU 8/2010), the price of the evaluation obligation is 1,200,000 rubles. (excluding VAT). Actual costs amounted to 1,150,000 rubles. (excluding VAT).

The accountant reflected the operations by the following entries (on the appropriate dates):

Debit 97 credit 96
- 1200 000 rubles. - Created a reserve for warranty repairs (an appreciated commitment is recognized);

Debit 96 credit 60
- 1 150 000 rub. - reflected actual value repair (excluding VAT) made by a contracting organization (in accordance with paragraph 21 of PBU 8/2010);

Debit 96 Credit 91
- 50 000 rubles. (1,200,000 rubles. - 1 150 000 rub.) - Write off of an overview of the accrued reserve (p. 22 PBU 8/2010).

We give another example when the obligation to reflect in accounting does not have to.

Example 2.
LLC "Spectr" in the reporting year awaits a loss for one of the directions. The probability of the loss is high. However, the organization has no duty that arose as a result of past events of its activities, the execution of which it cannot avoid. Therefore, due to the estimated loss, the estimated commitment is not recognized (paragraph 12 of PBU 8/2010).

PBU 8/2010 Sets a slightly different approach to discount, give it more value.

Recall that, according to PBU 8/01, the discounting was applied due to inflationary expectations if the organization assumed a significant change purchasing power Russian Federation In future reporting periods (you need to pay PBU 8/01 due: it first introduced the discounting procedure for the first time).

This approach did not match international standards. In IAS 37 (§45-47), it is said: the less time to repay the amount of the assessment obligation, the more burdensome. From the standpoint of the upcoming cash retirement, the time factor is called the time value of money. With a significant impact of such a value, the amount of the evaluation obligation is subject to discount. The discount rate should reflect the current market estimates of the temporary "th cost. PBU 8/2010 comes from these grounds.

In the new PBU, it is clearly defined that if the estimated deadline for the evaluation obligation exceeds 12 months after the reporting date (or less period, the organization in accounting policies), such an appraisal commitment is estimated at the cost determined by discounting its value (paragraph 20).

The discount rate applied by the company should reflect the conditions existing on the market (including inflation), as well as risks specific to the obligation underlying the recognized estimated rivalry. The discounted value of the evaluation commitment is called the above. Thus, discounting is mandatory if the estimated validity period of the evaluation obligation exceeds 12 months after the reporting date (paragraph 20 of PBU 8/2010).

So long-term reserves formed as of December 31, 2010, from 2011 to be discounted in obligatory.

At the same time, the discount algorithm itself presented in Example 3 of Annex 2 to PBU 8/2010 is only formally different from the procedure, which is described in paragraph 15 of PBU 8/01.

PBU 8/01 It was remarkable in that it was characterized by the recognition of obligations and assets, respectively, through a decrease in or an increase in the economic benefits of the organization. But in general, the terminology of PBU 8/01 does not correspond to IAS 37 "Estimated obligations, conditional obligations and conditional assets" regulating the reflection and recognition in the reporting of similar circumstances of companies.

PBU edition 8/2010 pursued the purpose of further rapprochement russian standards with international. And it must be said that basically the compliance of IAS 37 was achieved. g.

The material is published on the basis of the book "Application of IFRS 2011",

prepared by the specialists of the International Group financial statements Ernst & Young company.

The book can be purchased in the publishing house "Alpina Business Buks"

Companies should not create reserves for repairs and maintenance assets available

According to IAS 37, the creation of reserves for repairs and maintenance of its own assets is usually prohibited. In accordance with the standard, the following principles are applied:

a) reserves are recognized only in relation to the obligations existing independently of the company's future actions (future activities), and in cases where the company can avoid future spending due to its actions in the future, for example, changing the way its activities, it does not have a current obligation [ IAS 37.19];

b) financial statements reflect the state of affairs in the company at the end of the reporting period, and not it possible indicators in future. In view of this, in relation to costs, which will be necessary to carry out activities in the future, the reserve is not recognized [IAS 37.18];

c) In order for the event to be led to an obligation to occur, the company should have a real alternative to repay the obligation arising from this event [IAS 37.17].

These principles strictly apply in the event of an obligation to incur repair costs and maintenance in the future, even if costs are significant, cannot be considered as costs current service And it is extremely important to continue the company's activities, such as large-scale re-equipment or repair of an asset. This is shown in the following example.

Example 4.

Ban on creating reserves for the repair of available assets

Scenario 1.

Furnace replacement cost

The company uses a furnace, the lining of which should change every five years for technical reasons. At the end of the reporting period, the lining was operated for three years. In these circumstances, the reserve for the cost of replacing the lining is not recognized, since at the end of the reporting period there is no obligation to replace the lining at the end of the reporting period. Even the intention to incur expenses depends on the company's decision on the continuation of the furnace or replacement of the lining. Instead of recognition of the reserve initial cost The lining is considered as a significant part of the asset (furnaces) and amortized throughout the five-year period [IFRS (IAS) 16.43]. As a result, the cost of replacing the lining is capitalized in their occurrence and amortized over the next five years.

Scenario 2.

Overhaul of aircraft

According to the laws of the airline, it is obliged to carry out the overhaul of its airfield every three years. Even despite the presence of a legal requirement to hold overhaulThe binding event is missing until the expiration of the three-year period. As in scenarios 1, there is no obligation that would have a place regardless of the company's future actions. The company can avoid capital repairs, selling aircraft before the expiration of a three-year period. Instead of recognition of the reserve, the company under IAS 16 allocates the cost of overhaul as a separate part of the asset (aircraft) and depreciates them for three years.

Companies may try to challenge scenario data, arguing that reserve for repair and maintenance should be created on the grounds that there is a clear intention to incur cost at the appointed time, and this means that as of the end of the reporting period, the probability of resource outflows exceeds 50 %. However, the use of the three noted above principles, first of all, the principle prohibiting the company to create reserves for future operating costs makes this argument inappropriate. In example 4, the reserve recognition is not permitted, since the company could take certain actions in order to avoid liabilities, including the sale of an asset, despite the fact that it is unlikely that the sale can comply with the company's commercial plans or reasons for replacing replacement compared to repairs. The presence of a legal requirement, which probably leads to the imposition of a ban on flights, was considered as insufficient.

Nevertheless, it is curious that the same argument was not used to recognize the cost of the output of assets from exploitation, which the company also could alone could escape by selling, for example, their oil and gas assets.

The effect of prohibiting the creation of reserves for the repair obviously has an impact on the balance sheet. However, it does not always have a significant impact on the report on the cumulative income. This is explained by the fact that, as expected in the example, the depreciation must be adjusted for repairing repair. For example, in the case of a lining of the furnace, the latter should be amortized for five years preceding the expected repair. Similarly, in the case of the overhaul of the aircraft, the example given in the standard assumes that the amount equivalent to the expected costs of repair and prophylactic work is amortized for three years. The result is that accrued depreciation, which is recognized in profit or loss during the period useful use an asset component requiring regular repair workmay be equivalent to the amount that would have arisen as a result of a combination of depreciation and reserve for repair.

Reserves for warranty obligations are separately discussed in one of the examples included in the Annex to IFRS (IAS) 37.

Example 5.

Reserve recognition for warranty obligations

The manufacturer issues a guarantee to buyers at the time of selling their products. In accordance with the terms of the contract of sale, the manufacturer undertakes to be corrected by repairing or replacing production defects that will be detected within three years from the date of sale. Based on the past experience, it is likely (that is, it will be more likely to take place than not) that some buyers will present the requirements for the execution by the seller of warranty obligations.

In these circumstances, the event in the past leading to the emergence of a legal obligation is the sale of products to which the warranty is issued. Since in general the probability of resources outflow on some warranty requirements exceeds 50%, a reserve is created for the best estimate of the cost of correction of warranty defects for that products that was sold until the end of the reporting period [IAS 37, Example 1] .

Analysis of the probability of resource outflow is made in respect of all cases, and not using each potential requirement as a unit of accounting [IAS (IAS) 37.24]. Based on the data over past periods, there is exceeding 50% the likelihood that several warranty requirements arise, therefore the reserve is created.

The analysis of the whole class of obligations as a whole increases the likelihood of recognition of the reserve, since the probabilistic criterion is considered on whether at least one article will arise from the set of payment. Here, the recognition becomes a question of a reliable assessment, and the company produces the calculation of the expected cost of possible costs for guarantees. IAS 37 considers this method, called the "method of expected value", and shows the procedure for its application on the example of a reserve for warranty obligations [IAS (IAS) 37.39].

An example of a company that creates a reserve for warranty obligations is Nokia, as shown below.

Illustration 7.

Nokia Oyj (2006)

(Translation from the original in English)

1. Accounting Policy Principles[fragment]


The reserves are recognized if the Group as a result of a certain event in the past has legal or objective obligations arising from the practice, to resolve which with a large degree of probability will require an outflow of resources and which can be assessed with a sufficient degree of reliability. In case the Group expects compensation reserved toolsThis compensation will be taken into account as an asset, provided that the probability of reimbursement of funds is evaluated as high. At each reporting date, the Group evaluates the adequacy of previous reserves' data and corrects their amounts if necessary, guided by actual experiences and changes in future assessments.

Reserves for warranty obligations

The group creates reserves regarding the estimated assessment of the obligation to repair or replace products under warranty at the time of recognition of revenue. Reserve is accounting, calculated on the basis of past experience regarding the number of cases of repair and replacement.

Using accounting estimates

Preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires the management of subjective judgments when choosing assumptions related to the calculation financial assessmentsThat, by virtue of their nature, imply some uncertainty. Management is based on its assessments on the past experience and other assumptions that are considered substantiated in the current circumstances, they create a basis for judgment regarding reflected in the reporting balance value Assets and obligations, about the amounts of income and expenses, which cannot be promptly obtained from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates when using other assumptions or in other conditions.

The following are issues that imply the use of significant judgments and accounting estimates that may affect the financial situation and the results of the Company's activities reflected in the reporting.

Reserves under warranty

The group generates a reserve for costs for products for products at the time of revenue recognition. The amount of reserve under warranty is established by the Group based on the most accurate estimates of estimates required to resolve future and existing claims to implemented products. As the replacement of the old comes a new, more complicated product, the legislation and law enforcement practice are changing, changes in estimates can cause additional reserves or require adjustment of already taken reserves.

Judicial disputes and other rights requirements

The Annex to IFRS (IAS) 37 presents an example of a court case, showing how the principles established by the standard share a conditional obligation and reserve. However, the judicial case considered in the example is a fairly simple case in terms of analysis. In most cases, an assessment of the need to create a reserve for judicial claims is one of the most difficult tasks in the field of reserves. This is mainly due to the uncertainty inherent in the trial itself, which can only be delayed. In addition, this is the area in which the reserve or disclosure of information can create a risk of creating a biased opinion regarding the outcome of the case, as they give an idea of \u200b\u200btheir own sight of the enterprise for the power of their protection, which can help the plaintiff. Similar considerations apply to other associated areas, such as tax disputes.

In principle, the solution to the question of whether to create a reserve will depend on the observance of the three conditions for the recognition of the reserve, namely:

a) there is an obligation as a result of the past event;

b) whether it is likely that the settlement of the obligation will require an outflow of resources entering into economic benefits;

c) whether the amount of the obligation is a reliable estimate [IFRS (IAS) 37.14].

In situations like this, the past event is considered leading to the emergence of the current obligation, if, taking into account all available certificates (including, for example, the conclusion of experts), there is a commitment rather than not, at the end of the reporting period [IAS (IAS) 37.15]. Certificates to be considered cover any additional evidence arising from the completion of the reporting period. Accordingly, if the available evidence makes it possible to conclude that the obligation is rather there is no longer, it will be necessary to create a reserve (based on the assumption of other recognition criteria) [IAS (IAS) 37.16].

The condition "B" will be observed if the transfer of economic benefits will rather happen than not, i.e. the probability is above 50%. When conducting such an assessment, most likely should be taken into account the existing conclusions of experts.

As for the condition of "B", the standard adheres to the opinion that the reasonable assessment can usually be obtained and only in exceptionally rare cases is not so [IAS (IAS) 37.25].

It is clear that the question of whether the company should create a reserve for the cost of settlement of the case or to fulfill the court decision, will depend on the reasonable assessment of specific circumstances based on appropriate legal advice.

Reimbursement policy

Consider, for example, a retail store that has a policy of compensation for the value of goods returned to dissatisfied buyers, even in the absence of a legal obligation to commit such actions, as a refund policy is well known. The implementation of the store policy has created substantive expectations from his customers that he will reimburse the returned purchases. A binding event is the initial sale of the subject, and the likelihood of some economic outflow is above 50%, since almost always some clients will require compensation. Thus, a reserve should be created [IAS 37, Appendix C, Example 4], presumably calculated on the basis of the "expected value".

This example is simple when the store has a very specific and indeed well-known refundable policy. However, the policy of some reimbursement stores may not be so clearly pronounced. The store may offer compensation under certain conditions, but at the same time not to disclose your refund policy. In these circumstances, there may be doubts about whether the store creates reasonable expectations that it will satisfy all the requirements for compensation.

Personnel Costs

It is unlikely that the creation of reserves for staff training costs will be permissible during common activitySince in most cases it will contradict the general ban on the recognition of reserves for future operating costs [IFRS (IAS) 37.18]. In the context of the restructuring of IAS 37, the staff retraining as a type of costs, which is not allowed to create a reserve, as they relate to the implementation of economic activity in the future [IAS (IAS) 37.81].

The standard contains an example in which the case is considered when the state introduces changes to the legislation on income tax, in accordance with which the enterprise of the financial services sector needs to be retracted by most of its administrative staff and sales specialists in order to ensure that the rules operating in the sector. Financial services. The standard indicates that the current commitment is absent until the learning and, therefore, the reserve should not be recognized. We agree with this conclusion and note that in many cases the need to incur perfection costs not only represents future operating costs, but does not comply with the criterion of "availability independently of the company's future actions" [IAS (IAS) 37.19], since the company could avoid data costs, for example, leaving this market or hiring new workers who already have the necessary qualifications.

An alternative interpretation of the conditions of the above example may be that the company has an obligation to retraining specialists in the field of sales, as it has created an informed expectation from its employees and customers that sales specialists will be aware of changes in tax legislation. For profits that affect the products sold by them so that the company can adequately satisfy the needs of its customers. If an enterprise has published any application for his policy in which it assured employees and customers that his sales specialists will receive adequate training in income tax changes, whether questions arise regarding the existing obligations arising from the practice in this case? Obligation, regardless of whether it follows from practice whether it was announced or not, refers to the implementation of the company in the future; It is the cost of carrying out activities in the future, as a result, according to the requirements of the standard for it, a reserve cannot be created until the start of retraining.

However, in other situations, a binding event may occur before learning, if, for example, supervisory authorities We demanded a retraining of personnel in the framework of measures aimed at preventing violations of the requirements established by them.

All this shows how inconsistent the standard sometimes seems.


Another situation in which enterprises sometimes create reserves is self-insurance, which arises when an enterprise decides not to resort to external insurance against a certain category of risk in connection with the uneconomicality of this approach. The same position may occur when the Group insures its risks in its own subsidiary, the results of which should be excluded in consolidation. In fact, the concept of "self-insurance" can potentially mislead, because in essence it means that the company does not resort to insurance at all and will have to satisfy the claims of third parties at the expense of its own resources if its responsibility is established. For this reason, the criteria for recognition of IAS (IAS) 37 should be applied and the creation of a reserve is justified only if the company has a current obligation as a result of the event, if there is a potential outflow of funds and a reliable assessment can be obtained [IAS (IAS) 37.14].

Thus, losses are recognized on the basis of their actual occurrence, and the reserves submitted in the balance sheet should reflect only those sums that are expected to pay for such cases of losses that took place before the completion of the reporting period.

This conclusion is taken from an example in British FRS 12, while IAS 37 does not contain a similar example. Earlier, the company in the United Kingdom sought to accumulate the reserve for consecutive periods based on the imitation of the insurance premium, which they actually did not pay.

In certain circumstances, the reserve is often needed not just under the well-known incidents, but also under the incidents that insurance companies They call PNU (which occurred, but not stated losses), which are an assessment of hidden obligations at the end of the reporting period, which, as experience shows, will be detected only gradually. We believe that it is absolutely correct to create a reserve for such expected requirements.

Adjustable obligations

In accordance with some national administration, the enterprise can postpone the benefits that it would otherwise include in its profits for the period (for example, revenue), as regulated obligations on the grounds that the controlling authorities will require reduction of tariffs with the return of appropriate amounts to customers . Should the enterprise reflect the obligation (or reserve) in accordance with IFRS, when controlling authorities require that the company will reduce in the future prices / revenue and returned to customers the amounts obtained in the current period that they consider excessive?

Within the framework of IAS 37 or any of its examples, situations of this type are not considered. However, we believe that in accordance with IFRS such obligations should not be reflected, since it does not have a current obligation relating to the previous transaction or to the previous event. The obligation is determined in IAS 37 as "the current obligation of an enterprise arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to lead to an outflow from the resource enterprise containing economic benefits" [IAS (IAS) 37.10].

Return to customers amounts to the instructions of controlling bodies depends on future events, including:

Future service provision;

Future production volumes (which usually consist of communal servicessuch as water supply or power supply) consumed by users;

Continuing the action of such rules.

Consequently, articles mentioned as "regulated obligations" do not comply with the definition of the obligation quoted above, since it is necessary to have a current liability at the end of the reporting period before the obligation can be recognized. Usually, enterprises reflect the obligation to such articles, only if the obligation to reimbursement exists as a result of past events or transactions and does not depend on future events.

Contribution obligations

in non-commercial organizations

If the company promises to make contributions in favor non-profit organizationIt may be difficult to determine whether a binding event has a binding event that requires the recognition of the reserve or will correctly take into account these contributions as the payment of payments.

Example 6.

Accounting of contributions to non-commercial organizations

The company decides to conclude an agreement to the "donation" of 1 million by the university. There are a number possible options The conclusions of this Agreement, and the management of the company intends to determine whether the conditions of these options are influenced by the terms, evaluation or presentation of costs of 1 million euros. Options are presented below.

Option 1

The company concludes not having legal force Agreement on donation 1 million euros for common goals. The news of the donation of funds is published in a press release. It is believed that the benefits for the company are concluded only in improving its reputation as "Companies with high civil liability"; The company does not receive any reward or essential benefit from the university in exchange for this donation.

Option 2.

As in Embodiment 1, except that the payment will be made in equal parts of 200,000 euros for five years.

Option 3.

As in Embodiment 2, except that the agreement is legal in the event that the company does not fulfill all payments under the contract.

Option 4.

As in Option 2, except that this donation is expected from the company only if the university attracts 4 million euros from other sources.

Option 5.

As in Embodiment 2, except that the agreement is legally binding, and funds will be used for research projects defined by the company. The company maintains ownership of the research results.

In cases where the donation is carried out under the terms of the agreement with legal force, the current commitment arises when the company concludes this agreement. In example 6, where donation is provided in the form of funds, the signing of a legal force of the Agreement leads to the emergence financial obligation [IAS 32.11], which is initially evaluated by fair value [IAS 39.43]. Accordingly, in Options 3 and 5, the obligation to the present value of five payments of 200,000 euros is recognized.

If there is no legal obligation to exercise payments, then the obligation is recognized at the time of the arising from the practice of the obligation. The definition of whether the obligation arises from the practice arises, and if so, when it requires the use of judgment. In most cases, if the agreement does not have legal force, then the obligation arising from the practice does not occur only due to the fact that the company has signed it. In option 1, in the absence of other signs of the occurrence of the arising from the practice of obligations, costs should be recognized at the time of transfer of funds.

However, in Option 2, the management may conclude that the obligation arising from the practice when signing an agreement that does not have legal force. This is a matter of judgment. If the manual does not believe that the obligation arising from the practice exists at the time of signing the agreement, it may conclude that after the payment of the first part of the donation, the company has created a reasonable expectation that it will continue to pay funds. At that moment, when the management concludes that the obligation arising from the practice, the company must recognize the obligation regarding the value of the remaining parts to be paid. In option 4, the presence of the condition that the donation will be done only if additional funds are attracted from other sources, it is also possible to interpret as an element of the agreement, which leads to the emergence of the obligation arising from the practice only when it is fulfilled. If so, the obligation should be recognized after attracting additional funding.

If the payment is a donation, i.e. the production of cash or other assets by the Party not controlled by the Company, the recognition of the obligation will lead to recognition of the consumption in the income statement. This is how it will happen in the first four versions. In option 5, the management may come to the conclusion that the cost of services received by the company is equal to the amount she agreed to pay. This is a matter of judgment on the basis of facts and circumstances. If the agreement leads to an exchange transaction, and not to donation of funds, then expenses are reflected in accordance with the corresponding IFRS.

The Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 3, 2011 was registered by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 13, 2010 N 167n, which approved the Regulation on accounting for assessment obligations, conditional obligations and conditional assets (PBU 8/2010).
At the same time, the "Conditional Facts of Economic Activities" (PBU 8/01), approved at one time by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 28, 2001 N 96n, was recognized as invalid.
The adoption of the new version of the PBU is caused by necessity:
- Raznomy Russian (RAS) with International System financial statements (IFRS) (namely from IAS 37 "Estimated obligations, conditional obligations and conditional assets");
- systematization of the conceptual apparatus;
- increasing reporting transparency;
- eliminating inconsistencies between various regulatory legal acts of the RAS, reporting forms and applications to them.
New standard accounting Applied starting with accounting reporting 2011.

From conditional facts to evaluation obligations

As already noted, PBU 8/2010 came to replace PBU 8/01. And at one time, it was replaced by PBU 8/98, adopted at the dawn of the restructuring of Russian accounting. Like then, the developers of the standard went along the way to transition from strict regulation of rules to multivariate accounting and its orientation for internationally recognized accounting practices. So, let's say, PBU 8/01 (p. 15) contained the concepts of "discounting" (it was applied to the value of the reserve) and the "discounting coefficient" that was prescribed to count on a specific formula.
In the new PBU 8/2010 there are no hard formulas for calculations. Defined only general terms and Conditions The emergence and recognition of accounting, the conditions for recognizing estimated liabilities are established and it is indicated how their value should be determined from the values \u200b\u200bintervals. Such an approach should target the organization to choose the rules that meet the conditions of its activities, and on the need to take into account possible consequences their applications.

General provisions

According to general provisions PBU 8/2010 establishes the rules of accounting and disclosure of information in reporting for all evaluation obligations, conditional obligations and conditional assets, except those that are formed by the rules defined by other PBU and legislative acts.
As stated in paragraph 2 of PBU 8/2010, it not applicable in a relationship:
- contracts for which, as of the reporting date, at least one side of the contract did not fully fulfill its obligations. The exception is obviously unprofitable agreements (such do not include contracts, the execution of which can be terminated by the organization in unilaterally without significant sanctions);
- reserve capital, reserves formed from the unallocated profits of the organization;
- estimated reserves;
- taken into account in accordance with PBUs 18/02 amounts that influence the value of the tax on the profit of organizations payable in the following reporting or in subsequent reporting periods (deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities).
The established accounting rules do not apply to credit organizations. These rules may not apply small business entities (clause 3 of PBU 8/2010).

Rules for recognizing estimated obligations

Item 4 PBU 8/2010 allocates among other obligations (for example, accounts payable) Evaluation obligations that are characterized by the uncertainty of the execution period and the amount of costs needed to resolve the obligation.
Estimated liability May occur:
- from the norms of legislation, court decisions, contracts;
- From past events or statements of the organization, pointing to other persons that it assumes certain responsibilities. As a result, such persons have reasonable expectations that the organization will fulfill such duties.
The organization recognizes the assessment commitment in accounting while complying with certain conditions. First, there must be a duty that arose from past events of economic activity, the execution of which the organization cannot avoid. PBU 8/2010 involves a certain degree of caution when deciding on the recognition of an assessment obligation. In the event of a doubt about the presence of such responsibilities, the organization recognizes the estimated liability on the basis of expert opinions and objective evidence that the duty exists. Secondly, it should be the likelihood that the fulfillment of an appraisal obligation will cause a decrease in the economic benefits of the organization. Finally, thirdly, the organization has the opportunity to reasonably evaluate the value of the appraisal obligation.

Example 1. . The organization in January 2011 concluded a guarantee agreement. Under the terms of the contract, it bears solidarity responsibility with its subsidiarybeing a borrower credit Treaty with the bank. Loan amount - 1,000,000 rubles. The term of the contract is 24 months. As of December 31, 2011, due to the lack of orders, the subsidiary is eliminated. By this moment, she was able to pay off only 25% of their obligations under the loan agreement. In order to simplify the example, the accrual of commissions and interest bank is not considered.
In this case, at the reporting date, December 31, 2011, the organization has an obligations arising from past events of its activities, the execution of which it cannot avoid (a guarantee agreement has been concluded). The organization will clearly reduce the economic benefits as a result of the fulfillment of the obligation under the contract of guarantee. Estimated obligations to the upcoming execution of the contract of guarantee may be sufficiently reasonable (roughly speaking, the amount may amount to 750,000 rubles. (1,000,000 rubles x 75%)).

The developers of the new standard in Appendix N 1 to PBU 8/2010 have also led other examples of the analysis of circumstances in order to recognize evaluation obligations.
Let's say if the organization may terminate the prisoner (without the condition of payment of penalties for the rupture of obligations) before the start of its execution, the estimated obligation for such a contract is not recognized.
It is not enough to occur to the evaluation commitment and a simple intention to carry costs in the future. For example, an organization plans the costs necessary for the upcoming restructuring of the organization's activities. In this case, the need to recognize the estimated commitment does not arise, since the organization has no duties resulting from past events of its activities, which it cannot avoid.
When recognizing an assessment obligation, the expected future events are attached great importance. Clause 6 of PBU 8/2010 is clarified that the conditions for recognizing the evaluation obligation for past events that have not been performed at the same reporting date can be performed as of subsequent reporting dates. This happens if the organization cannot avoid calculations associated with such an event, due to changes in legislation, and (or) of their actions, and (or) actions of other persons.
Estimated obligations It is necessary to analyze and the likelihood of a decrease in economic benefits must be assessed at each reporting date and for each obligation separately. This is necessary to reflect the best current estimate. The exceptions are cases when, as of the reporting date, there are several homogeneous obligations, which the organization assesses in aggregate. At the same time, a decrease in economic benefits for each obligation may be unlikely, and throughout the combination of obligations is quite likely.
According to paragraph 8 of PBU 8/2010, evaluative obligations are reflected in the account of the accounting of reserves of upcoming expenses. According to the accounting accounts plan, this account 96 "reserves of upcoming expenses". The value of the evaluation obligation (depending on its nature) refers to expenses on the usual activities (accounts 20, 26, 29, etc.) or on other expenses (score 91) or is included in the value of the asset (accounts 10, 01, 04, etc. .).

End of Example 1. . As of December 31, 2011, in accounting, the organization reflected the emergence of an estimated commitment to the following entry:
Debit 91, subaccount "Other expenses", Credit 96
- 750,000 rubles. Recognition reflected evaluation reserve According to the upcoming fulfillment of the contract of guarantee.
In 2012, as debt repayments to the Bank on a loan in accounting, the organization will record:
Debit 96 Credit 51
- 750,000 rubles. - written off cash to repay the debt on the loan.

The organization may have a solidarity with other persons commitment. In this case, the estimated commitment is recognized in that part in which there is a possibility of reducing the economic benefits of the organization. But at the same time, the conditions for the duties arising from past events should be carried out on the likelihood of reducing the economic benefits and validity of the assessment.
Part of the solidarity with other persons of the obligation in respect of which the decrease in the organization's economic benefits is not likely to relate to conditional obligations.

Conditional obligations and conditional assets

Conditional obligation - This is the consequence of past events of economic life, which in the future can lead to the emergence of an obligation at the reporting date and which depends on the offensive (unaccepting) of one or more future uncertain events that are not controlled by the Organization.

Example 2. . We reformulate the partial conditions of Example 1. Suppose that as of December 31, 2011, the financial situation of the subsidiary has deteriorated, but it continues to work. According to estimates of independent experts, the likelihood is high that it will be able to pay off their obligations under the loan agreement by no more than 50%.
In this case, at the reporting date, December 31, 2011, the organization has a conditional obligation that arose as a result of past events of its activities, the execution of which it cannot avoid (the guarantee must be fulfilled). Reducing economic benefits As a result of the fulfillment of the obligation under the contract of guarantee is sufficiently likely. Assessment obligations on the upcoming execution of the contract of guarantee can be sufficiently reasonable (the amount may be 500,000 rubles. (1,000,000 rubles. X 50%)).

Conditional asset - this is possible assetwhich arises from past events and the existence of which will be confirmed by the onset or unaccepting of one or more future uncertain events that are not controlled by the Organization.

Example 3. . IN reporting period The organization filed a claim to the debtor, who must return the organization part of the goods and pay a penalty under the contract. The organization highly appreciates the likelihood that the court will decide in its favor. In this case, the previous event is a previously concluded contract. The organization cannot control the court decision. Possible refund is the conditional asset of the organization.

Unlike appraisal obligations, conditional obligations and conditional assets are not recognized in accounting. Information on the conditional obligations and conditional assets the organization should disclose in the accounting statements.
Having established such an order, the developers eliminated the contradiction, which took earlier, in PBU 8/01. Recall that according to paragraph 6 and 7 of this document, conditional assets and conditional obligations should have been reflected in the balance sheet. It was stated that conditional assets in accounts in accounting did not follow. As for the conditional obligations, they should be divided into two groups. For those obligations that existed at the reporting date, organizations should have created a reserve in accounting. And in relation to possible obligations, the information was to be disclosed in an explanatory note. As experts noted, the collision arose, in which in Russian accounting, any element could be recognized in the reporting, but it should have been reflected outside it. This contradicted logic, IFRS, the principles of the true and transparent reflection of information in the financial statements.

Now this discrepancy is eliminated, and the wording in PBU 8/2010 began to correspond to interpretations of IFRS.
Also, in order to bring a new standard in accordance with IFRS, paragraph 11 of PBU 8/2010, organizations are imputed to the obligation to analyze estimated liabilities related to the restructuring of their activities.

Estimated liabilities during restructuring

Restructuring - This is the upcoming implementation of the Program of Action, planned and controlled by the management of the Organization, significantly changing the direction of the organization, volumes economic operations or ways to implement them. Estimated liabilities on the upcoming restructuring are recognized if the recognition criteria described earlier. In other words, it should be recognized that the organization has an existing duty associated with the last event that its implementation is very likely to require a decrease in economic benefits and assessing commitments is carried out at the proper level.
The need to analyze estimated liability for restructuring at the reporting date occurs while compliance with two conditions:
- the organization has a detailed and approved restructuring plan;
- The organization provided information on the main directions of restructuring to persons whose rights are addressed.
The plan must contain at least information:
- about the reorganized direction of activity or its parts, whether they will stop or move to other places of implementation;
- about structural units, functions and approximate number of employees of the organization, which will affect the restructuring, about those whom compensation will be paid in connection with the termination of labor relations;
- On the expected costs (in contrast to PBU 8/2010, which does not disclose the concepts of expenses in this case, IAS 37 clarifies that when recognizing the evaluation obligation to the created reserve include only direct expenses related to restructuring, and expenses are not included. for marketing, investment in new management systems, etc.);
- On the timing of the beginning and execution of the plan of the upcoming restructuring.

Example 4. . The organization carries out cargo delivery by road, including the refrigerated transportation of perishable goods under the contract. Due to the low profitability of refrigerated transportation, management decides to sell special trucks With built-in refrigerator cameras, but continue the implementation of these special transport, but already under the contract with the new owner of the refrigerators.
If the decision is made before the reporting date, it does not lead to a restructuring obligation. If the leadership began to perform the statement to the reporting date (found the buyer and concluded contracts for sale), then appreciative obligations arise.

As before, the new PBU 8/2010 does not allow to create reserves in accounting (recognize estimates) for future possible losses. Moreover, this rule applies to losses from the organization's activities in general, as well as damages from individual species or regions of its activities, divisions, types of products (works, services) and other factors.

Definition of valuation obligations

Clause 17 PBU 8/2010 when determining the value of the evaluation obligation Organizations are recommended to go one of two ways:
- Choosing from the set of values, you should take a weighted average value. It is calculated as the average of the works of each value for its probability;
- choosing from the range of values \u200b\u200b(provided that the probability of each value in the interval is different), the arithmetic average of the largest and smallest interval values \u200b\u200bshould be taken.
According to paragraph 17 of PBU 8/2010, it must contain an Appendix N 2, in which organizations can see examples of defining an assessment obligation. But in the announced version of the order (including on the official website of the ministry), such an application is not given.
This application contained a draft order. We illustrate the definition of the value of the assessment obligations, focusing on the examples from the project.

Example 5. The organization is a defendant in the judicial dispute. According to expert lawyers, the organization believes that the court will decide whether it is most likely not in its favor. If the court decides to compensate for the organization of direct losses of the plaintiff, then the amount of the organization's losses will be 100,000 rubles. If the court will decide on reimbursement in addition to direct losses also missed material Profit plaintiff, T. total amount Losses will be 150,000 rubles.
The probabilities of the first and second outcomes of the case by experts are estimated accordingly as 85 and 15%. In this case, the organization chooses from the set of values.
Despite the fact that the most likely outcome of the trial is only the reimbursement of direct losses of the plaintiff, the organization takes into account and the other probable outcome of the case is compensation for lost benefits.
The value of the evaluation commitment will be 107,500 rubles. (100 000 rub. X 0.85 + 150 000 rub. X 0.15).

Now consider an example when the average arithmetic average of the largest and smallest values \u200b\u200bof the interval is taken as an assessment obligation.

Example 6. . The organization is a party to the trial. According to expert lawyers, the organization assesss the high risk that the court will decide not in its favor. The amount of losses can be from 200,000 to 400,000 rubles. The value of the evaluation obligation is calculated as the arithmetic average of the largest and smallest interval values \u200b\u200band is 300,000 rubles. ((200,000 rubles. + 400 000 rub.): 2). The estimated deadline for the evaluation commitment does not exceed 12 months. The evaluation commitment to the trial is recognized in accounting in the amount of 300,000 rubles.

In determining the value of the evaluation obligation, the organization takes into account:
- the consequences of events after the reporting date in accordance with PBU 7/98 (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 25, 1998 N 56n);
- risks and uncertainties inherent in this assessment obligation;
- Future events that can affect the value of the estimated obligation (if there is a sufficient likelihood that these events will occur).
These conditions are indicated in paragraph 18 of PBU 8/2010.
At the same time, when determining the value of the appraisal obligation, the amount of reducing or increasing the income tax is not taken into account, which are recorded in accounting and reporting in accordance with PBU 18/02. The expected receipts from the sale of fixed assets are not taken into account intangible assets, products, goods and other assets related to recognized by the evaluation obligation. Such revenues are reflected in accordance with PBU 9/99 (approved by the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of 06.05.1999 N 32N). The expected amounts of counter-requirements or the amount of requirements for other persons in compensation for the expected costs that the organization will incur in the execution of this assessment obligation are not taken into account.

Conditional obligation This obligation of the company, which originated from past events of economic life, is considered, and its presence is confirmed only by the fact that in the future there will be one or more uncertain events, not fully controlled by the company's management (the so-called possible obligations).

In addition, conditional recognizes the existing (real) obligation arising from past events of economic life, but not recognized in the financial statements for one of the following reasons:

    there is no high probability that the execution of this obligation will entail the outflow of resources capable of bringing the company economic benefits. This proceeds from the fact that the outflow of resources has a high probability when the corresponding event will rather happen than it will not happen. In other words, the likelihood that the event will happen is more likely that the event will not happen;

    the value of this obligation cannot be measured with a sufficient degree of reliability.

Thus, the conditional commitment is a possible commitment that arises as a result of past events and the existence of which will be confirmed by whether there will be no uncertain future events.

Conditional asset The asset arising from past events of economic life is considered, the presence of which will be confirmed only by the fact that in the future there will be one or more indefinite events, not controlled by the company's leadership.

Conditional assets usually appear from unplanned, unforeseen events that generate the possibility of inflow of economic benefits to the company.

So, the conditional asset, as a conditional obligation, arises as a result of past events of economic activities, and the fact of the availability of conditional assets and conditional obligations depends on future non-controlled events.

Example: conditional asset

The organization is sustained for the right to own the building. The outcome of the trial is impossible to predict. Therefore, such a building should be attributed to the conditional asset of the company.

Example: a conditional commitment

The newly created company sells goods to the population with the condition of warranty repair and maintenance. Assess what amount will be spent on warranty repair and maintenance is not possible, since the company has no data on the cost of warranty repair and maintenance in past periods. In this case, the warranty service commitment should be recognized as a conditional obligation.

Accounting of conditional assets and conditional obligations

Conditional assets and obligations have no valuation values. Consequently, in accounting, there is no need to reflect conditional assets and obligations. That is, in accounting, no wiring is reflected. The only thing that should do is to reveal information about such assets and liabilities in an explanatory note.

Conditional assets and conditional obligations in financial statements

In accounting, conditional assets and liabilities are not recognized. However, information about them is disclosed in the financial statements in the form of explanations or notes.

It should be noted that when disclosing information on conditional assets and conditional obligations proceed from materiality requirements. That is, accounting reports are subject to reflection only data on the most important facts of the company's economic life.

Information on the conventional liabilities is given in reporting on certain types of obligations as of the reporting date. It should include a brief description of the nature of each type of conditional obligations, as well as, if possible, from a practical point of view:

    assessing its financial implications

    description of uncertainties in relation to the time and amount of resource outflows,

    an indication of the possibility of any compensation of losses.

Information on conditional assets is disclosed in explanations for financial statements if there is a high probability of influx of economic benefits to the company. This information includes brief description conditional assets as of the reporting date, and, if possible, then monetary evaluation Financial consequences. At the same time, the assessment and disclosure of information is made in the manner described for conditional obligations.

Note that in relation to conditional assets and liabilities, the Company must conduct continuous monitoring of conditional assets and obligations. And if necessary, the corresponding changes should be made to reporting.

General approach to recognition of assets and obligations in accounting and reporting

The general approach to recognizing assets in accounting and reporting can be represented as follows:

Conventional obligations are divided into:

    current - not recognized, but disclosed in notes;

    possible - do not recognize and do not disclose in notes.

Taking into account the foregoing, summarizes the procedure for accounting for conditional assets and liabilities in the following table:

Probability of outcome Conditional obligation Conditional asset
Almost complete confidence (for example, probability\u003e 95%) It is not a conditional asset, therefore, the adoption of an asset to account
(for example, probability 50-95%)
Is not a conditional obligation, therefore, a reserve is required
Perhaps, but unlikely (for example, probability 5-50%) Information disclosure is required
Very low probability (for example, probability<5%) Information disclosure is not required Information disclosure is not allowed

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Conditional obligation (conditional asset): details for accountant

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