
Sequence of work. What sequence is repaired in the apartment. Black repairs

Any repairs should begin with the manufacture of design project. Such a project contains data, gender, ceiling, lighting scheme, furniture arrangement scheme, etc. Such a project can be created within three months, but this time and costs are needed, because otherwise all expensive repair work can give absolutely not the same result that I would like. Development of a design project can be extended for a couple of months, if redevelopment in the apartment is conceived, the location of plumbing or gas equipment is changed, etc. Such changes require approval in the relevant authorities.

Composition of design project

The process of creating a design project consists of several mandatory stages that are as follows.

  1. The first stage becomes studying customer wishes To the future interior, his style, discussion of the main details and the main concept.
  2. Then created preliminary design: All wishes of the client are taken into account when creating a three-dimensional sketch, which shows the designer solution and the location of the main elements in the room or apartment.
  3. After the sketch project is drawn up, go to selection of building materials and furnitureMoreover, it already indicates a specific model of a particular interior subject.
  4. Then go to K. 3D visualization of space and creating work drawings. The working drawing is created on the basis of a draft project, but accommodates specific details for builders who will perform all stages of work. The author of the designed design project reserves control over how his ideas and development are embodied.

Programs for creating a design-project apartment

To compile a design project, at the imaging stage, designers often use special software by which you can imagine a virtually future design of the room or apartment. In such programs it is easy to change the color of the walls, the width of the passages, the size of the window, moving the furniture, change the layout of the rooms, etc. Some such programs as a result can issue a detailed drawing with all the necessary values \u200b\u200band values \u200b\u200bfor future realization by experts.

Consider several examples of such software. It is worth noting that both free programs are released and paid. What their main advantages will look further.

Free programs
  • Aston Design (Astron Design) - A program that allows you to easily simulate the future room. It is enough just to set the room parameters, as well as the size and location of windows and doors. The program has a huge set of furniture possible for use in it, which can be used when designing bedrooms, living rooms, children's, etc. When all the parameters are entered, and the furniture is chosen, it remains only to move it around the room and change the colors of the walls and the floor, and then it is clearly visible all that we are trying to see, moving the corner furniture in the corner and from the room to the room.

    Send a request for Aston Design (Astron Design).
  • Google Sketchup. - A program that has two versions at once: paid and free. Interestingly, the free version has a fairly wide range of tools that can be used when creating a project. This program is easy to learn and will be useful for novice designers, but, nevertheless, it makes it possible to get excellent results. Some elements can be additionally downloaded on the Internet, where you can find and already created interior projects that can be used by some as the basis.

    Download the Google Sketchup program from the official site.
  • Sweet Home 3D - Pretty simple in mastering and using a program that contains a lot of possible for use in the project textures of the floor, walls, doors, windows, furniture and accessories. Such a program will quickly be able to master any minimally prepared person. The result of your design can be easily printed and sent by mail.

    Download the Sweet Home 3D program (available in several languages, including in Russian), and you can familiarize yourself with its capabilities on the official developer website.
Paid programs
  • Pro100. - A program that has a wide functionality for moving furniture items along a virtual room. Each item in this program has its own called menu, which makes it possible to choose some characteristics of the element: color, material, texture, etc. The designer working with this program has the ability to view the created virtual interior in seven projections. When one of the project elements occurs, this change is taken into account by other elements.

    More detailed information About the program can be obtained on the official website.
  • Arcon Eleco. - A program that is designed mainly on professional architects, but it, unlike other paid programs, is not very complex in development, since it does not have an overloaded, intricate menu. The process of creating a project in the program is quite typical for the programs of this kind: the size of the room is selected, all furniture and accessories are placed, the finish is selected, and then the designer receives three-dimensional models of the premises of very high quality, which is why this program is very popular in Europe, where more than 20 000 specialists.
  • ArchiCAD. - A program that is widespread in the circles of architects and designers. With it, it is designed the most complex objects, although it can be used to create projects of any complexity. The program has very high possibilities, which makes it hardly the most expensive among such programs. It is worth noting that in addition to the project of the room, the program makes it possible to conduct all sorts of construction documentation. The video contains a residential building developed in the ArchiCAD program.

Stages of repair finishing works

All repair work is carried out in several stages, the main characteristics of which will be shown below. It is worth considering a brief sequence of all work in order to further all the order of their execution was more understandable. So, the main stages of the works are.

1. Preparatory work:

  • dismantling work and garbage removal;
  • installing interroom partitions if necessary, as well as all necessary drywall structures.

2. Rough finish:

  • plaster ceiling and;
  • laying of all cables and wires:, Internet, etc.;
  • , as well as, if necessary, noise insulation;
  • execution of floors of floors;
  • installation of pipes of sewage and water supply;
  • if necessary, moving the risers of heating and water supply;
  • preparation of pipes and external block;
  • laying the warm floor, if it is provided;
  • installation of towels dryer;
  • installing frames for plumbing items that will not stand on the floor;
  • installing windows and.

3. Finishing:

  • laying the tile flooring;
  • installation of plasterboard designs or;
  • performing the primer ceiling and walls;
  • installation on the walls of the reinforcing grid;
  • performing the putty of the ceiling and walls;
  • installation of pickles;
  • laying the ceiling plinth;
  • execution of finishing works on the walls;
  • preparatory work for laying outdoor coverage.

4. Final stage:

  • final painting ceiling and wall decoration;
  • laying outdoor coating and plinths;
  • installation, lamps and;
  • installation of batteries and towel dryers;
  • installing all plumbers;
  • installing the air conditioner and underfloor regulators, if necessary;
  • installation of accessories and decorative elements.

5. Apartments for the owner:

  • removal of all construction trash and tools;
  • cleaning.

It is from dismantling work that the entire process of repairing the premises begins directly. So, all the old finish, and it is wallpaper, tile, various partitions, removed, preparing the surface to a new coating. At this stage, you need to achieve the maximum amount of dismantling of the old finish, otherwise all further works may not bring the desired result.

Dismantling partition

Partitions in the apartment can be cleaned boldly, as they, unlike the bearing walls, do not make any load on themselves, and serve only for the separation of space. Between the partition and the ceiling, usually a small gap, which ensures its integrity during the shrinkage of the entire building. This clearance is filled with palauls that you need to remove. After that, disassemble the partition itself: it is necessary to do it from top to bottom. So, for the brick wall, the dismantling lies in gradual analysis of it. It is worth paying attention to the protection of the floor from the fall of the particles of the destroyed partition.

For this sufficiently dirty procedure, you need to take care of the presence of gloves, headdress and special clothes to avoid injury and negative impact on health. The construction garbage is better to lay on the trolley or something like that, since the garbage bags are often torn under the weight of the old floor covering. To dismantle the tiled floor will need, a sledgehammer and chisel, and for the wooden floor, so much strength cannot be applied. If the replacement of the floor cover is not required, it is necessary to carefully close it to prevent damage.

To dismantle the door block, you must first start with the door, it is not so difficult to remove. It will be more difficult to remove the door jamb from the wall, especially since it can be installed in the carrier wall. After the door block is removed, the doorway can be changed in size depending on which parameters will be from a new jamb. If the replacement of windows and doors does not foresee, then you need to carefully remove the cracked paint, preparing the surface to apply a new coating.

Plaster from the walls is removed by a layer behind the layer, ranging from the top of the wall. Wallpapers are cut off with pieces, and those that are firmly attached to the wall are swollen and removed with a spatula. Paints and enamels, which are used in the ceiling coating, can be removed with a spatula, ranging from those places where cracks were formed, and you can simply wash off until the putty layer appears.

When all disassembly works are completed, you can move to the device of new partitions according to the prepared project. Partitions can be made of various materials:, plasterboard, etc. All these materials have their advantages and disadvantages, but in most cases, each partition requires leaving a small gap between it and the ceiling, which is necessary in the event of a building shrinkage.

Types of interior partitions

Naturally, the interior partition can serve as a shirma or sliding door, but many prefer stationary partitions that can be different species. It is about them that will be discussed further.

Overview of stationary interroom partitions from various materials

Interior brick partitions

Such partitions are very often erected in modern apartments, including in the bathrooms. The reason for such popularity was the virtue of bricks, which consist in its moisture and high ability to. However, the brick is not deprived of the disadvantages: so, the construction of brick partitions requires high time costs compared to interior partitions from drywall and foam blocks, and also have considerable weight.

Partitions from puzzle plates

Suitable for use in any premises and in all conditions. Their advantages include fire resistance, moisture resistance, breathability, environmental friendliness. Partitions of this type are relatively simple in the installation, and within such partitions you can hide, for example, an electrical cable if the partition is single, and even a pipe of sewage or water supply, if it is double.

Partitions from foam block

Such partitions are a kind of concrete partitions, and therefore possess such properties as fireproof, high ability to thermal insulation and noise insulation, excellent bearing capacity. The negative side of this type of partition includes its low air permeability, but also it is no less popular to use, as it is now considered the best solution for organizing interroom partitions. Such partitions are strong enough and strong even in order to hang in them the kitchen, TV, loaded shelves, etc.

Partition from glass block slobs

This type of partitions is useful for unusual designer ideas. Glass for such partitions is quite strong and has a width of up to 10 mm, and can also be decorated with any pattern, which makes it invaluable to create an interesting design. In addition to the design, the advantages of such a material can be written their heat and, refractory, strength and reliability, as well as the ability to skip the light that no other types of partitions. To such a partition, naturally, you can not knit the shelves and lay the wiring in it.

Gypsum County Partitions

Such partitions are often used to create frame structures. Due to the fact that the plasterboard itself does not have sufficient strength, it is attached to the finished metal frame. With a small mass of such a partition, it has good sound insulation properties, it is a steamproof and fire-resistant. Plasterboard, however, has some drawbacks: so, it is not very durable, it is easily breaking, able to drink moisture and deform. If you need to attach something to such a partition, then you need to remember that it does not withstand a lot of weight, and attaching some designs better to a metal frame.

Wooden partitions

Such partitions may differ in design, but they are all natural and have such properties as durability, good sound insulation and thermal insulation. But, besides these positive characteristics, wooden partitions have several drawbacks: they can absorb moisture and poorly oppose fire.

After installing all the necessary partitions, go to the plaster. Most often for this are used gypsum plaster. Performing such works should be carefully approached to the process of applying and drying the layer of plaster. Thus, a layer of 6 cm thick may dry from 15 to 20 days depending on the temperature. It does not follow several layers, and especially if it is even necessary, to make long intervals between the application of layers of plaster. Although it will dry for a long time, but hardens quickly, which can cause the fact that after the repair is completed during the unstantaneous vibrational effect on the walls, the plaster can simply drop into pieces due to the fact that its adhesion with the previous layer is very weak. Therefore, the plaster is better to apply only one layer or, if it is extremely necessary, to the slaps to evenly apply the first layer, and immediately after that go to the second.

Plastering works can be manually or using special devices.

Machine plaster

The plaster machine method is performed using a special plastering machine in which the solution is prepared and with which it is applied to the walls. The main advantages of this method are the high quality of the prepared solution, while simultaneously applying it to the wall, which allows you to get the result of high quality, the speed of work, as well as the price that is third below hand-held works. Machine plaster will be useful, mainly for those rooms that have a large area, standard irrelevant forms, and where a distinctive aesthetic effect is necessary.

Manual plaster

Manual plaster requires the use of manual tools such as a spatula and trowel. Such stucco is performed much longer mechanical, but it is most often necessary in small rooms, apartments, other rooms, especially if they have a rather complicated surface: have or columns, etc.

All work on the installation of the water supply system is carried out simultaneously. These works require a clear awareness and representation of where each of the plumbing items should be. Naturally, this stage of repair work implies and the presence of all plumbing products that must be installed. Also at this stage, water supply and sewage pipes are laid.

After all plaster works are completed, equipped with water supply and sewage equipment, you can move. In most cases, this stage is more and more advanced models. Also, stop valve cranes can be installed near the battery, which will allow you to adjust the body supply, saving money, resources, and creating a comfortable microclimate.

It is worth noting that when other finishing works will be conducted, perhaps the batteries will have to temporarily remove.

As for, for example, the equipment of a warm floor in the bathroom, it is advisable to perform it at the stage of execution of work on the floor screed.

When the basic elements of the air conditioner begin to be mounted, it is necessary to clearly know where it will be, and which type of air conditioner will be installed. This stage involves the installation of such equipment as an external unit, drainage system, air conditioning trails, etc. All the same internal blocks are already installed during the finish finish.

Immediately after plastering, almost at one time with the installation of plumbing, they are held. Here it is necessary to clearly know where and how much to arrange sockets and switches, you also need to know the number and location of the main consumers of electricity. After all this is performed about the load on the power grid and the installation of wiring is carried out according to a specific scheme.

The procedure for performing electrical work

It is very important to carry out work on the installation of electrical wiring after work on the plaster of the walls. Indeed, in this case, the accuracy of switches and sockets increases, the future finish is not damaged, and also decreases the chance to damage the wiring. In addition, it is thanks to the implementation of electrical work after plastering there is a chance to correct some miscalculations, without resorting to the destruction of the plaster.

It is worth emphasizing the importance of an accurate presentation of the future interior of a room or an apartment so that you can know exactly where the outlets need, because when they are installed ill-conceived, it often leads to not quite pleasant results. Therefore, you need to make a plan for the location of all sockets and switches, and then discuss it with a specialist to agree on some details or eliminate possible miscalculations. After the project is agreed, it is necessary to make a working electric industry, according to which the draft electrical work is performed. They are in paving the wiring, installation of subsemores and an electric shield. But all other elements, sockets, switches, lighting devices are installed after all finishing works.

Floor screed is performed after all plaster works are made, as well as communications. The screed is necessary, which are needed at the stage of the finishing of the room. There is a lot of requirements for such work, there are a lot of requirements that are in the nuances of the performance of materials used, time for drying, etc.
There are several species and ways to lay the floor screed. And consider them further.

Types and methods of applying screed

Wet Method of Concrete Screed

This is definitely the most common method. Such a screed is carried out using a very liquid sand-cement mixture, which can be rejuvenated for additional strength also with a metal grid. The thickness of the screed layer, made in this way, is usually about 3 cm. It's cheap and reliable waywhich, unfortunately, is not deprived some flaws:

  • duration of drying (under separate finishing materials - up to 30 days),
  • the possibility of deformation and cracking,
  • obtaining an uneven surface
  • ability to pass water.

This method can be used to reduce the cost of work, but now it is gradually refused.

Dry floor screed

This method is increasingly used by modern specialists, and most often - it is in private houses. Such a screed eliminates the use of any wet processes, which is its main advantage. With its arrangement, GVL sheets and glue are used. However, this method has drawbacks, among which the main cost of work, as well as the need to wait for the so-called ripening of the floor.

Semi-dry band screed

This method is the most affordable and quality of the work performed. The main advantage is the ability to start laying the finishing materials on the floor already 10-14 hours after work on the device has been performed. This screed is performed by using a semi-dry solution with polypropylene fiber. As a result, a smooth surface is obtained, which is resistant to cracks, deformation and other damage.

Floor screed device with mechanized manual

The peculiarity of such a screed is that the solution is prepared in a special apparatus, which after its preparation, passes through the hose to the place where it is necessary to fill the screed. Such a screed quickly becomes durable: so, on the fourth day, finishing works can be performed. The screed makes it possible to get a flat surface, and the mechanical screed is well suited for large premises of simple geometry - they can be pulled in them very quickly.

Plasterboard work

The software works are usually performed after the screed will dry well and swell. An excellent option for use in many rooms, especially in, is moisture-resistant plasterboard. Further we will focus on specific types of drywall and their characteristics.

Types of plasterboard and its properties

Allocate such basic types of plasterboard:

  • wall: Its thickness is 12.5 mm, it is used very often for cladding walls, as it makes it possible to create a smooth surface without plaster. It is also used to arrange partitions, and sometimes for cladding the ceiling;
  • ceiling: applied in ceiling cladding, especially when it is planned to use suspended ceilings. Its thickness is 9.5 mm to facilitate the ceiling structure;
  • archock: The thickness of this drywall is even less - 6.5 mm. It is used to create arched structures of different sizes.

Also, the plasterboard is divided depending on the site of use for a number of characteristics. So, there is a moisture-resistant hypocaron, which is practically not able to absorb moisture, and is often used in bathrooms and kitchens, fire-resistant, which is recommended to use, for example, in the area near the fireplace.

All types of hiking possess such positive properties as thermal insulation, good sound insulation, environmental friendliness, the possibility of cleaning, "dry" construction work With its use. Partitions made of drywall may be subject to any finishing work, drywall is perfectly associated with almost any material.

Disadvantages of plasterboard

Despite all the advantages listed above, it is important to note that drywall has some drawbacks. Thus, the main disadvantage of plasterboard structures is their low durability and the inability to withstand large loads and strikes, which manifests itself in the impossibility of secure on such a wall medium in gravity, etc. This makes plasterboard impossible for use in some rooms. On the hitchcrafton can over time, cracks are formed due to the effects of vibrations and displacement of sheets relative to the joints.

Plasterboard also causes some difficulties in the installation and the need for a special approach, especially for ceiling structures.

The use of drywall is also associated with a decrease in the useful area: metal frames take the space and reduce the height of the rooms. By the way, rodents can be reached in space between the two sheets of drywall, as well as develop mold. It is worth noting the low air permeability of the drywall, which affects the microclimate of the room and puts the use of human use with diseases of the respiratory organs. Gygroscopic plasterboard, and therefore, when exposed to humidity, it may deform with time.

All these qualities of drywall make it not the material that is used in the repair of the elite class, since very often his behavior in certain conditions is impossible to predict. Although the popularity of such designs remains at the same high level.

Must be made as accurately and carefully, since it is the quality of its laying in many respects causes the overall impression of the repair. Naturally, the finished tile coating directly depends on the quality of the tile itself, to predict that is practically impossible - its quality becomes known only when it comes to lay it, and it comes to the place of work.

It is worth noting that the most difficult to lay a tile, which has a complex pattern and various decorative elements: the more such elements, the quality of laying becomes lower, and the complexity is higher. It is also more difficult to lay a tile that is stretched in length.


As for the ceilings, the painting works are beginning with the priming of the surface, the installation of the painting corner and seal the seams between the sheets of plasterboard. Then they go to the sticking of the glass cholester and its primer, spitting and grinding the ceiling, which can be performed in two stages. All painting work on the ceiling is completed by its painting.

Usually, the plumbing is proceeded after all facing works are made :, bidets,. Sometimes, when this requires a conceived design, some part of the facing work is carried out after the installation of plumbing. So, sometimes it is necessary to lay out the tile exactly along the edge of the shower or bath.

When installing, which is also included in the list of fixture installation works, it is important not to scratch chrome details, so you need to use special tools. You also need to not forget about the need to seal the joints of plumbing ceramics with facing.

It is best to start laying outdoor coatings when all other finishing works are performed, i.e. It is the flooring that it is better to complete all the finishing stages. The same applies to the doors, as well as stairs, which are provided for by the project for installation.

Each type of flooring is put forward a number of requirements for their execution. For example, on foamed polyethylene, and parquet requires laying on a concrete screed, covered by plywood, after which all the necessary painting works are carried out, at the end of which the coating itself is placed, attacking the plywood nails. In order not to blur, it is usually covered on top with paper or cardboard.

Finishing work

Such works include all the finishing works that provide for decorating the finishing of the premises. In addition to directly by the painting, the finish is also referred to work on the application of the decor of a complex type on the walls and ceilings. So, it is this stage that provides for the implementation of Venetian plaster, applying texture paint and others after all painting and finishing works are made, proceed to the completion of the electrical equipment started earlier. So, this stage provides for the final arrangement of sockets and switches, as well as the installation of the lighting devices of different types: lamps, chandeliers, brass, etc. At this stage, various electrical appliances are connected.

The technological sequence of construction works depends on the design solutions, features technological schemes performing individual processes, commissioning of the object, interdependence between processes, technical and financial opportunities Construction organizations, etc.

The practice of organizing work revealed a number of patterns that should be taken into account when designing a CMR. Before the start of the underground cycle, all preparatory work should be performed (clearing the site, breakdown of the building, the use of materials, etc.). Overhead cycle is performed after the construction of all carrier structures zero cycle. Finishing works can be started until the end of the construction of the building of the elevated part of the building is completed. Special installation work is performed with a corresponding division into three parts (a device of inputs, laying networks, installation of sanitary and technical, electrical and other fittings).

The main condition in designing a sequence of construction work is their interdependence. Thus, plastering walls in a stone building should begin only after mounting partitions, wall pasting with wallpaper - after

glazing openings, etc. The sequence, combining work and their intercoulations produce so to ensure high quality construction products, Compliance with technology and safety requirements, reducing construction duration.

In drawing up the graphic of the implementation of construction processes, take into account the feasibility of uniform consumption of basic resources, primarily labor at the expense of the consistent and continuous transition of workers' teams from one site of work to another in accordance with the principles of streaming construction. Aligning the need for working personnel in the object as a whole can be carried out, redistributing the deadlines for the start and end of work, especially unaccounted. This alignment is relative and is performed only within the limits of a rational technological sequence of work performance (Fig.16.1).

Calendar Plan for Construction Object

Name of works Costs of people Number of workers, people Work term, days Work schedule, days
about about SP O ■ about about about I S.
Erecting underground part
Construction of the aboveground
Finishing work J 200. SO.
Sanitary technician and electrical work JO_ Yu _] £.
Landscaping 200/ 23650
Unrecorded work 20% \u003d 730 people-days

Work schedule: ----- before adjustment;

After adjustment.

Bulldozer __ Excavator

Schedule of machines


Fig. 16.1. Calendar Plan for Construction Object

The total duration of the work is 170 days. With earthworks, the construction of underground and overhead parts of the building, as well as roofing works, a consistent method of performing work is adopted.

Finishing works begin in the basement and lower floors of the building on the invigays, which are not underway on installation work.

Special works are divided into three stages: a device of input during the construction period of the underground part, laying networks when erecting the above-ground part, the installation of sanitary and electrical fittings during the execution of the finishing cycle.

After the preliminary construction of the calendar plan it turned out that it is required to produce the schedule for the work of the workers, since K L1 \u003d.2.1\u003e 1.5, i.e. exceeds the required limits.

As a result of the adjustment, the special security works of the second stage are moved over time, and unaccounted works (20% CMR) are scheduled to perform during periods of the smallest need for working personnel.

Count To K.produced by Square S,formed as a result of constructing the adjusted schedule of the workers:

= S) + S 2 + ... + s, \u003d20 people 80 days + 35 people. 50 days +.

30 people 30 days + 15 people. ■ 10 days \u003d 4400 people-days; 4400: 170 ^ 25.88 \u003d 26 people; K ™ * \u003d35:25,88 = 1,35 < 1,5.

A corrected calendar plan meets the requirements of uniform consumption of labor resources.

16.5. The choice of work methods based on a technical and economic comparison of options

A comparison of the work options implies a technical and economic assessment of the implementation of leading processes: the construction, installation or concreting of carriers and enclosing structures. Comparison options are made by:

the choice of effective technical means and mechanisms in the framework of one work technology;

the choice of an effective technology for the production of works in the framework of the unchanged constructive solution of the object.

In both cases, at the first stage, the techniques, types and brand of machines that meet technical characteristics are selected

requires presented requirements. At the second stage, a cost-effective option is determined.

For the criterion for the effectiveness of compared options, additional profits are made for the construction organization obtained by reducing the cost of the CMR.

If the difference in additional profits of compared variants is insignificant, then take into account the duration and complexity of work.

Saving costs (additional profit) in the production of SMR:

e C \u003d e m + e en + e zp + uh t + e pack,

where E M is the savings on the article "Material resources"; Uh um - savings on the article "Operation of machines *; Uh ep - savings on the article "Main salary"; E nt - saving overhead costs by reducing the complexity of work; ED- saving conditionally permanent costs from the reduction of the duration of the CMR.

To determine the additional profit for each of the above, the cost is calculated C, then, subtracting the cost under the article under consideration from the reference determine the profit or savings of E. The reference can be adopted by the option in which the cost of the cost of the project-analogue, regulatory documents or an option with the greatest duration of work.

The calculation is carried out only by this items of costs that change at least in one of the compared options, i.e., determine the comparative cost of work on options. To determine the cost of the CMR for each sample, direct costs and overhead costs.

Cost of materials

where r - consumption of materials per unit of work; V ~scope of work in natural indicators, m 2, m 3, t; C m - price per unit material. If according to options, the consumption of materials does not change, the calculation is not performed.

The cost of operation of cars

Cost of device and disassembly of crane pathways or traffic strips:

where E, L ~the cost of 1 m railway tracks or strips of the crane movement; D - length of railway tracks or traffic strips, m.

The cost of removing and installing machines on the object

where E b e ^- the cost of remaking, respectively, the machine and additional machine section; pp,l PB is the number of machines and sections.

Cost rental cars

where with m. h - the cost of 1 mash.-hours of operation of the car; 7 "h - the operation time of the machine, h; T h \u003d V / H,P - hour performance of the machine, t / h.

The cost of consumed electricity

With e \u003d Zjpykn.7chcse ^ s\u003e

where RU- installed capacity of electric motors machine, kW; AJ. and To 3 -accordingly, the coefficients demandand employment machine (for crane To C \u003d.0.5, £, \u003d 0.3); C E is the price of 1 kWh electricity.

Wages of workers C P can be determined by calculation or in the amount of 20% of the amount of direct costs P 3. Objecting costs N are taken in the amount of 15% of the amount of direct costs, including wages. Overhead costs of mechanisters are included in the rental price. The conditionally permanent part of the overhead costs N at n is accepted in the amount of 50% N.

Reduced conditionally permanent costs by reducing the duration of work

EU, P \u003d N UP (1 -

where g 2 ig] is the duration of construction at compared options.

An example of choosing a variant of the mechanization of the assembly process on the installation of carrier and enclosing structures.Characteristics of the facility: Broadcase civilian building in size in terms of 48x28 m, 36 m high. The volume of installation works 1000 tons, the cost of work 132 thousand rubles. (in prices 1984).

By technical characteristics Cranes selected: Option number 1 - Mobile tower crane KB-674; Option number 2 - Mobile tower crane KB-503 and boom pneumocoler KS-7361.

Cranes work from the opposite sides of the building. The length of the crane routes of 50 m (four levels of 12.5 m), the length of the traffic strip for the KS-7361 - 48 m.

Comparison is presented in tabular form (Table 16.3). When calculating, the data shown in the ad. 3.

The second option turned out to be more economical.

Table 16.3. Economic comparison of installation processes

Process characteristics

KB-503 together with KS-7361

Device of railway tracks and crane stripes 1 cf. n \u003d 5 sq

Cost of relocation

Cost rental of cranes r \u003d G.T.

Duration of work

g h \u003d k / n

Cost of electricity

The amount of direct costs of operation of cranes P 3

Salary C n \u003d 20% P.

Overhead costs H \u003d 0.15P 3

including the conditionally constant part of N at n \u003d 50%

Reduced n y "by reducing the duration of the work of E,. P \u003d N UP (1 - g 2 / g,)

The total value of C \u003d p 3 + s p + n + e. P

Additional profit per unit of production (I T)

1267.00 (rub.)

5005.00 (rub.)

7.2-156.25 \u003d 1125.00 (rub.)

1000: 6.4 \u003d \u003d 156.25 (h)

0.15-111.2х ho, 06-156,25 \u003d 156.38 (rub.)

1267 + 5005 + + 1125 + 156.38 \u003d \u003d 7553.38 (rub.)

0.2-7553,38 \u003d \u003d 1510.68 (rub.)

0.15-1510,68 \u003d - 226.60 (rub.)

113.30 (rub.)

1510,68 + 226,6 =

9290.66 (rub.)

25.34-50 + 12,3348 \u003d 1858,84 (rub.)

3290 + 214+ 36,08-5 \u003d 3684.40 (rub.)

(7,86 + 7.55) 73.53 \u003d 1133.10 (rub.)

1000:{3,35 + 10,25) = = 73,53(4)

0.15-137.5-0.06-73,53 ^ \u003d 90.99 (rub.)

1858,84 + 3684,4 + 1133 + 90.99 \u003d 6767.24 (rub.)

0.2-6767,24 \u003d 1353,45 (rub.)

0.15-1353.45 \u003d 203.01 (rub.)

101,51 (rub.)

: 156.25) \u003d - 53.74 (rub.)

6767.24 + 1353,45 + + 203.01 - 53.74 \u003d 8269.96 (rub.)

(9290.66 - 8269.96) :: 1000 \u003d 1.02 (rub. / T)

1 For tower cranes of additional sections is not required (the height of their towers is more than 36 m). For the arrowing stamp of the Wheel Tap KS-7361, five arrows are required.

In the second embodiment of the installation processes (KB-503 crane, together with KS-7361) there is an additional profit of $ 1.02 / t.

16.6. The concept of network planning and management methods. The main elements of the network graphics

When planning building production Basically use a linear calendar planning system, since the linear graph is simple and visual. However, when building complex objects where many construction organizations interact are interacting, the delivery of materials and products is carried out with a variety of bases and enterprises, and technological equipment - with a large number of factories suppliers, linear graphs Could not display the dynamic course of construction and promptly take into account the changes that occur. They have to redo them often.

The main disadvantages of linear graphs are as follows:

the lack of clarity in the mutual relationship between the construction processes, especially if they are fulfilled by another organization;

the organizational and technological solutions laid in the chart are fixed as permanent and lose their practical importance when changing the situation. Graphs need to be reassessing that usually due to the lack of time and capabilities do not;

works are not highlighted, from the execution of which the term of commissioning is significantly depends;

the complexity of the variant study and application for the mechanization of calculations of modern mathematical methods and computers,

Listed disadvantages reduce the effectiveness of the application of linear graphs. However, this does not mean that applying such planning methods should not be.

During the construction of small and technologically simple objects, linear graphs can be used due to their simplicity and clarity, and during the construction - a cyclicogram or matrix.

Network graphics (SG) are recommended to be used in the operational planning of the work of work on a complex object or complex, when planning capital investments Under the construction period of the object, as well as solving the tasks of prospective planning.

Consider the general principles of network planning. Network graph consists of arrows and circles (workand events).Depending on what indicates a circle ("vertex") - work or event, distinguish between two types of SG - "top-work" and "vertices". In Russia, as in Western Europe, network charts "Vertines - Events" are distributed, so the further description will relate to this type of SG.

Work on the SG is depicted with a solid arrow bounded by circles, rectangles or other geometric

figures - events meaning the end of one or several works and the beginning of the following works. Events are:

initial and final, respectively not having preceding or subsequent work;

initial and finite, defining the start of work and its ending (the final event of one work is initial for subsequent);

control, determining the timing of the implementation of certain technological stages;

complicated, in which two or more work come out.

If the SG is made up with reference to the calendar, then the length of the arrow is the work corresponds to the duration of the process, in the absence of a mesh time the length of the arrow may be any.

From the opposite sides of the arrows, the names and duration of work are usually indicated. If necessary, other indicators, for example, the number of workers, etc. can be addressed to the chart.

Distinguish work validrequiring time and resource costs, and fictive(Waiting), requiring only time spending. For example, the backdrop of the foundations can be performed if the coating waterproofing is dried. So, work 6- 7 in fig. 16.2 with natural drying is fictitious, or expectation.When drying with the help of calorificates, this work becomes valid, as it will require the flow of electricity and serving calorifers.

Dependence on the SG (barglass 2-3, see fig. 16.2) Indicates only the interconnection of work and does not require time or resources. In contrast to the fictitious work, the timing of its execution does not indicate.

The continuous technological sequence of work between the source and final events is called way.The graph shows a few ways: (/ - 3-4^7-8) = 16 days;

Breakdown of trails of communications


Digger Tranche

Installation foundations




Fig. 16.2. Network schedule for the construction of an underground part of the building

(1-2-5-7-8) = 21 day; (1-2-5-6- 7-8) \u003d 20.5 days. The longest way is called critical.The duration of this path determines the work of work on the SG. If it is necessary to reduce the overall construction period, first of all reduce the critical path.

The path, the duration of which is less critical, but more minimal duration is called podcritical Kim:critical way - (1-2-5- 7-5), subcritical - (/ - 2-5 -6-7 -8). The critical path is usually isolated by a colored, thickened line or in another way. The combination of critical and subcritical work is called critical zone.

Application of network graphs allows you to quickly solve a number of complex production management tasks: coordination of activities of all construction participants; timely detection and elimination of deviations in production cycle; rational use of reserves; Forecasting construction in space and in time, etc.

The following are the following network elements (see, Fig. 16.2): \u200b\u200bEvents 1 and 8.- Accordingly, the original and final events; Work 1 - 2 and 1-3 - source works of SG; Work 7-8 - finishing work. For work 3 - 4 work 1 - 3 is preceding and work 4 - 7 subsequent. Addiction 2-3 - organizational and reflects the manual development of soil in trenches after excavator work; Work 6- 7- fictitious and is associated with atmospheric drying of coating waterproofing.

16.7. General principles for building network graphs

You can build a SG from any event and in any direction, but, as a rule, choose a direction from the source event to the final. First, it should be found out the technological relationship between the works:

preceding work and prerequisites, in the execution of which the designer work can be launched;

other works that can be performed in parallel with this work;

works that can be fulfilled only after the complete completion of the work under consideration.

The shape of the graph should be simple without unnecessary intersections. Most of the work should be depicted with horizontal lines with the direction of the arrows from left to right (Fig. 16.3, but).

When performing parallel works, outgoing from a single event, addiction and an additional event are entered, otherwise different works will have the same code. If the work begins after partial execution of the previous one, then this work should be divided into parts (captures) (Fig. 16.3, 6).

K\u003e O ------- 1

Fig. 16.3. Basic rules of construction
j.network graphics

When performing parallel differential dependent works, dependencies must be entered for each operation (Fig. 16.3, in).

If before starting / "you need to perform work BUTand B,and to start work B.- Only work BUT,then addiction and additional event are introduced (Fig. 16.3, d).

The network graph should not be "deadlocks" (except for the final event), "tailings" (except for the source event) and "cycles" (closed contours) (Fig. 16.3, e).

In a network schedule, additional events and dependencies are introduced into the network schedule at a streaming organization of the construction in order to avoid false connections. e).

At the numbering (encoding) of events, the subsequent event receives a number after the previous one. The subsequent event cannot be numbered if the event precedes it is not numbered (Fig. 16.3, g).

In the consolidation of network graphs (Fig. 16.4), the following rules were adopted:

the work group is depicted as one job if this group has one initial and one final event;

-Yul ~~ ° ~ \\ ~ ^ l


Fig. 16.5. Options for symbols of external supplies and works 1, o, b.- Supply of the main one technological equipment and building structures; in, g -the same, electrical and plumbing equipment; d -

installation (disassembly) of the crane

enlarging in one work only such works followed by one performer (brigade, plot, etc.);

in the enlarged network, new events cannot be introduced, which was not before the consolidation;

event codes in the enlarged schedule are saved by the same as in the detailed one.

Irrobilous construction work is linked to external work (supplies of materials, equipment, etc.) (Fig. 16.5).

External work is highlighted graphically, additional events are introduced if necessary.

When building a preliminary network model at the initial stage, the duration of work is not taken into account. The initial task is to get a simple and clear network structure, the technological relationship of work, to identify restrictions on the main, leading resources, such as mounting cranes, concrete pumps, etc.

After drawing up the structural model, the preceding work necessary to start subsequent works, adjust the network, leading it to a simpler and visual form, eliminate the mutual intersection of the arrows, and then have operations in the time sequence. At the final stage, networks are attached to the network and tied to the calendar grid.

Stages of building a network graphics are shown in Fig. 16.6.

When constructing a CG, the degree of detailing works depends on the complexity of objects, the number of resources, the volume of work and the construction period.

In the preparation of primary CS, the following recommendations are taken into account: the work of work should be expressed with an exhaustive fullness; Each arrow must correspond to a separate work performed by a brigade in certain spatial boundaries; Detailing work should provide planning and managing independent resources (brigades, machines, mechanisms, etc.), allow the time to calculate

Fig. T6.6. The sequence of building a network schedule: but- initial option; 6 - intermediate option; in- final

volumes of supplies of materials, structures and products and monitor the course of these supplies.

It is necessary that the duration of the work does not exceed the duration of the two intervals of the submission of operational information.

For example, if information is provided every day, work should be performed no more than two days, with weekly planning - 14 days, during the month - 60 days.

16.8. Network graphics parameters and methods for calculating them

Each work of the network graphic has a temporary estimate - duration t.perform work.

To determine the duration and timing of each work, the following temporary parameters of the network model are determined: early starting work f ";early end of work / P 0; Later, the start of work / ™; Later ending work? by; full time reserve R;free time reserve g.

Early start of work is the earliest moment of starting work. The early start of the source work of the network graphic is zero. The early start of any work is equal to the maximum early end of previous work.

Fig. 16.7. Network construction schedule of residential building

with the calculation of indicators:

but- in tabular form; 6 - directly on the chart; in -record form

Early end of work is the earliest moment of completion of this work, equal to the amount of early beginnings and duration of work.

Later, the start of work is the very late moment of work, in which the duration of the critical path does not change. It is equal to the difference between the late end of this work and its duration.

Later, the end of the work is the latest point of completion, in which the duration of the critical path does not change.

The work of the critical path is the early and later dates of the beginning and the end are equal to each other, so they do not have time reserves. Works that do not lie on the critical path have time reserves.

A full time reserve is the maximum time to increase the duration of work or transfer its beginning without increasing the duration of the critical path. This time is equal to the difference between the late and early periods of the beginning or end of work.

A free time spent - time to which you can increase the duration of work or transfer its beginning without changing the early start of subsequent work. This time is equal to the difference between the early start of subsequent work and the early termination of this work.

Calculation of network graphs can be performed in tabular form or directly on the graph. To calculate in the table form, the event is encoded (number). The code of each work corresponds to the numbers of its initial and end events.

In fig. 16.7, buta network schedule for the construction of a residential house, the complexity and the duration of the work on which is given in Table. 16.4. Fictive work 2-3 duration 2 months means waiting for the process 3- 7 ("Finishing work *).

When calculating in tabular form (Table 16.5) in column I affix the initial events of the preceding work. For example, to work 4- 6 previous is the work 2-4, consequently, in Count 1 in this line, the number of the initial event of this work is to be entered - 2.

Table 16.4 Initial data for making network graphics

Network calculation

In Count 2, work codes in order of increasing the initial numbers of events. In column 3, they affix the duration of work.

Further (column 4, 5) calculate the deadlines for the early beginnings and early end of work. For example, early starting work 4 - 6 according to the schedule: 2 + 3 \u003d 5. Early ending develops from the early start and duration of work. For work 4- 6 early ending: 5 + 2 \u003d 7. The maximum early end of the work included in the final event determines the duration of the critical path (8 months).

The columns 6 and 7 enter the late periods of principles and end of work. Later the beginning of any work is determined by the difference between its late end and duration, and later the end is equal to the smallest late start of subsequent work. For example, to work 4 ~ B.later, the end is equal to a critical period (8), and later the beginning 8 - 2 \u003d 6.

A full time reserve is equal to the difference in late and early terms. So for work 4- 6 full reserve: 8 - 7 \u003d 1 or 6 - 5 \u003d 1. In the work of the critical path, the full reserve is 0. Free reserve is determined by the difference between the early start of the subsequent work and the early termination of this. So for work 4 - 6: free Reserve: 8 - 7 \u003d 1. The free reserve is always less or equal to the full reserve.

To make the calculation directly on the network graph, share the area of \u200b\u200beach event to four sectors (see Fig. 16.7, b).From the source to the final event, the events are affixed in the upper sectors. In the left sector of the original event / put 0, since the early start of work coming from this sector is 0.

graphicsin tabular form

Table 16.5.

Early Later Later Full reserve Free
ending beginning of work ending time of work Time Reserve
work tV- (i, j) ""■"(", L. work / p ° (/, J) K o ". L work r (I, J)
5 7
2 2

The early start of all subsequent work is equal to the amount of early begin and duration of previous work. The right sector of each event is recorded later by completing the previous work. It is determined to right left, from completing to the source event. The lower sector of each event record the number of the previous event, from which the maximum path leads to this.

The processes are performed in a specific sequence, adjacent processes - without interruptions, directly one by one, or with interruptions. In this lesson we will analyze the topic "".

Sequence of construction and montage works

Sequence of performing various types of construction works Sets the purpose of the purpose. For example, the surface to be stained must be aligned. This is plastering, therefore, plaster works must first be completed, and then painted.

There are also a number of works, between which there is no such direct connection, such as the repair of the plaster of the facade of the building and inner color. In this case, the sequence is assumed to ensure that the execution of the subsequent work has not affected the quality of the previous one. In particular, in the latter example, the sequence depends on the received method of filing materials to the building for internal work.

What you need to consider when organizing construction and installation works

If the materials are submitted by stairs, through the doors, the sequence of the role does not play if through window openings, then the inner color should be performed earlier than the outer plaster, since when the materials are submitted, damaged plaster is possible.

Establishment the need for breaks Between the two adjacent processes depends on the technological features of these processes, on whether these works are produced in one or different premises of the building, and on safety conditions.

Technological features It is that when performing some types of work, even after their complete endings, it is impossible to immediately begin related jobs.

Technology and construction of construction work

IN technology construction work It is necessary to take into account T. technical features of processin. So, after laying a monolithic concrete, a certain time is necessary for hardening it; The color of the plastered surfaces is made only after drying plaster, walking on the floors from the ceramic tile is possible only after the hardening of the solution, etc. These breaks are mandatory only if subsequent works are produced in the same rooms.

If the execution of subsequent work does not affect the quality of the previous ones, the technology and organization of construction work allows you to take breaks optional. For example, when equipped floors from ceramic tiles in the bathrooms in adjacent rooms, other works can be performed. If the floors from the ceramic tiles are ladder, then in the building of other works should not be conducted, since it is impossible to walk along the fresh tile.

Breaks under safety conditions are needed in cases where one of the adjacent processes are performed manually, and the other - mechanisms in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich are not allowed to find people. For example, after developing the soil, the excavator requires a good soil to the project marks manually. However, it is possible to start a good, only when the excavator is shifted from the beginning of the goodness at a certain distance sufficient to ensure the safety of workers.

If both processes are performed at one level horizontally (within the underground part, on the same floor), the duration of the break takes such that between the workers engaged in the manual process, and the mechanism occupied on the mechanized process, during all the time of production of work, the distance was maintained ensuring the safety of workers.

If manual and mechanized processes are produced on different floors of the building, then one intermediate floor should always be between them, on which no work is conducted. The interruptions associated with the technological features of the process include interruptions required for the hardening of concrete, screeds, training under the floors, drying plaster, coloring, and the time required for the re-equipment of the excavator to the crane. The time required for the hardening of concrete in monolithic structures (foundations, etc.) and the hardening of the screeds, adopted according to the instructions taken by the norms.

Organization of production of construction and installation work

Most processes and works lead continuously However, some types of work can be intermitted with others, in particular, sanitary and electrical and electrical, to which in the construction process of the building are returned three times (when entering communications in the building, installation of pipelines, installation of devices, laying and switching electrical networks, installation of lamps, cranes, mixers and other equipment immediately before delivery).

Right organization of work at the construction enterprise It provides for the appropriate linking of individual processes and types of work in time, taking into account compliance with the necessary technological sequences, interruptions and safety regulations with a cost-effective reduction in the duration of construction and sufficiently high quality of work.

Right sequence of repair work

Every third person in one way or another faces repair work. Many of them fail when performing any stage of the alteration of the apartment at home, which entails a poor-quality result and wasted money spent. Very often, the cause of such situations becomes the incomprehension of the phased performance of work on repair. To reduce the risk of such trouble, it is required to take into account some features and recommendations of specialists about this.

Each person who intends to make repairs in an apartment or house must know that it is impossible to start work, without pre-making the project. With it, it will be possible to approximately see the final result of the works. The project eliminates the emergence of errors and errors in the work. It can take into account all the necessary details. In vain, many underestimate the importance of the stage of writing a project for repair work. After all, there are often situations when a person does not notice the perfect mistake, for example, when paving electricity or by reworking the flooring. Under time, this will not bring significant problems. But after a certain period, you will have to redo the perfect repair fully.

Very often occurring trouble when transferring a bath or washing. Work this type requires particularly accurate design. It takes into account many factors: the height, the ratio of all elements, take into account the outlets of drainage channels. When transferring and deleted, it is better not to make any errors, as this will lead to the occurrence of risk for the entire premises.

An important point when writing a project for repair is the correct calculation of the future load on the ceiling and wall zone. Especially, this stage concerns the construction of stretching sexes in the rooms. The owners of the apartment must think in advance the presence of additional designs in the rooms. Often people install bookshelves. For them, it is necessary to select a special durable material so that it can withstand such a load.

Many people have to redo their floors because of the wrong design of the screeds on them. It should be sealed under the material, which will later be laid on this surface. For example, a high screed requires a high screed for floor tiles, and for the parquet is lower.

Here, so that all these moments have been taken into account in advance, it is necessary to immediately compile the right project for the commission of repair work. Only after that you can proceed to practice.

As you know, all repair work begins with the most difficult. This also includes demolitions of unnecessary structures, and removing the old material from surfaces, and coating extra elements and parts with a special film to avoid excess pollution. Only after this stage will be possible to begin to build new necessary walls and partitioned structures. By the way, at the same stage another type of work is carried out. This is the replacement of window blocks. In the following steps, their repair will be impossible.

Installing new plastic windows In general, should occupy a certain amount of time. It is usually limited to several days. To work with high quality, you need to follow all necessary instructions. First, you need to spend all due measurements. Secondly, it is necessary to check the processing of all joints. Also installed frames will not be superfluous to handle the means to protect against damage.

After committing all of the above actions, you can proceed to work with electricity and other important communications. The outcome will be the usual finishing events. One of the recommendations on this occasion sounds like this: you should not simultaneously perform finishing and installation. It is better to do everything slowly, but high quality.

Before starting work with electricity, you need to think in advance the location of all sockets, switches and wires themselves. Put all cords, cables and wires only in specific places. For this purpose, empty in the walls and floors are perfect. For the details in the future did not contact other objects, they are closed with a special cement-based solution or plaster. Often the masters are recommended for laying the use of certain pipes in which the wires will be placed. It will not be superfluous to have an accurate layout of all electrical wiring to know about them with the following repairs and demolitions. In the same stage, switches and sockets must be installed. When the work is over, it is necessary to check insulation and voltage in the wires.

In addition to the wiring, the work goes over other wires. For example, with a cord for the Internet or air conditioner. To once again, they did not interfere with the way, they can also be removed into the walls. In order not to make a mistake with the calculation of the tension of the wire, it is required to be consulted with a specialist in this area.

Of great importance in the apartment has water supply. When working with it, it is necessary to maintain the right calculations so that the situations of the flooding or lack of water occurred. At this stage, the plumbing is paid all attention. It will be appropriate to accommodate the necessary pipes in its place, change the unsuitable risers and install the necessary plumbing devices. These above points are considered at the stage of writing projects. It is also worth considering small work, such as attaching filters or placing a drain for water.

When conducting this stage, a large mass of garbage may appear in the house. Its consequence will be the sprinkle of the walls and the gasket in them. By installing batteries on the walls you need to know that their location should be quite distant from the floors. If you wish, you can set special devices on them to adjust temperatures.

Many people who do not want to spoil the interior of the standing room, decide to smell them with finishing materials.

When all work with the holding and installation of sanitary communications will be completed, it will not be superfluous to conduct a control check of their performance. In which case, you can immediately determine the problem and quickly correct it.

After that, the next step is next. This is a work with walls and floors. As a rule, with these parts of the room there is a larger number of trouble.

Usually people are not satisfied with the level of their floors or walls. To solve such a problem, you need to align. This procedure helps the apartment acquire a more accurate and even look. Paul alignment can save it from various bugs and pit. Hydro and sound insulation work is easily carried out. If there is such a need, you can install a special heating for floors.
After holding a screed on the floors, you need to give a drying material for a while. Of course, the floor will be suitable for use after the day. But it is better to wait until the material is completely ready for work. Not excess will strengthen it with certain means.

Now, with regard to alignment of walls in the apartment. The start of work should be carried out on the most convex part. To reduce the amount of material used for alignment, you can slightly smooth out the large levels of the level on the wall. It is also worth removing the material that covers emptiness. Subsequently, CE formed holes close. Alignment is usually carried out with the help of plaster. For its best fastening, you need to impose a grid on the wall. After it is worth treating the new surface to the means that prevents the occurrence of mold. Sometimes the ceiling is also aligned.

More thorough work should be carried out in the area of \u200b\u200bangles, which are formed by the joints of the walls and other surfaces. Their degree of measure, with the right execution, the ninety degrees rushes.

The next stage provides for work on the doors. It is impossible to start their installation before the walls and floors will not become even. Otherwise, their placement will not be true. Ideally, before installing doors, you need to practice their entrance to the wall connector, free opening and closing. Exercises this by overlay. All the gaps that remain after the end of work with the door are well close, as their presence is not allowed.

Door installation ends the most difficult job. Now it remains only to give an apartment well maintained. All subsequent work should be performed from the ceiling to the floors. There you can avoid extra contaminants and alterations. That is, first the installation and painting of the ceiling is carried out. Next should be started to work on the walls. If you wish, you can paint them or leave with wallpaper to your liking. Only after that it is already worth starting to attach the parquet board, opening it with varnish. Well, the end of this stage will be the installation of plinths and other mounts.

Then you can put the door to the place, attach switches and caps on the sockets. Also in the apartment is set up furniture and all the necessary devices with appliances.

In case the repair has conceived in the entire apartment, it is necessary to start it from an unnecessary room. Especially this recommendation concerns the case if the owners remain living in the repaired room. And when people move to friends or relatives, you can repair even in several rooms at the same time, if this is allowed.

To repairs in the apartment passed as soon as possible, it is recommended to invite experienced specialists. They immediately need to discuss all the nuances of work, find out about the plans for repair. Before starting, the repairmen should give customers a complete estimate so that he can get to know it in more detail.

Each employee or a person who decided to independently repair his housing should draw up the right project. In it, as you could see earlier, there are some stages that help to follow the loyal reworking of the room. The project should consider possible troubles that often occur when repairing a particular element, and several options for solving them. Thus, work will go faster.

The project itself will help each person to approximately see the room, which should turn out in the end. Also, he will preliminarily give information about the necessary materials and costs for them. A person will be able to evaluate his strength in advance. That is, he will be known whether he will cope with all the upcoming repair work or he will need to resort to the help of qualified masters. The role of the project in repair occupies the main places.

From: Stepan Streltsov, & NBSP

Although the repair and refers to a natural disaster in terms of his mental impact, physical ispolyting and departure of money, it is necessary to approach him impassively, armed with plans, sketches and calculators. As for any process, there are a detailed step-by-step instruction, which describes the sequence of repair of an apartment, compiled on the basis of a centuries-old, long-suffering experience not one generation of repair home masters.

Repair steps must be performed not spontaneously, but in a strict sequence

Apartment repair sequence: Step-by-step instructions

Each item of this instruction is politically and blood:

falling bricks, a fingers, cored with cement or a hammer-broken discovery, electric saw discs - that's about something that might wait for the brands, which decided to master the repair science.

Much will not work immediately, and a number of work performed will have to redo.

But it's a shame that most alterations arise due to the fact that people make repairs absolutely not in that sequence. Do not be it, the repair of the dwelling would take place several times faster.

What is the sequence of apartment repairs?

All work will divide into several stages:

Before starting repair, a sketch of the future interior of the apartment is drawn up
  • It is very convenient for those who are in no hurry to do everything by the Avral method and is constrained in the means
  • Procurement of all necessary can be made before each stage.
  • Break in work is better to do between the stages
  1. We start with the realization that we wish to get in the end:
    • Cosmetic version or capital
    • With what levels of comfort:
      • unassuming (the convenience of an ordinary type, nothing proceeds, does not blow anywhere)
      • increased comfort (Suite plumbing, climate control, sound insulation, etc.)
  2. We compile planning with the choice of interior items and their arrangement.
    There may be several options:
    • Appeal to professional designer
    • We use simple standard 3 D software for repair, such as Sweet Home 3D or IKEA
    • We draw yourself sketch using a graphic editor or on a regular sheet
    • We produce calculations of working surfaces
  3. Make up a detailed list of everything you need to buy:
    The list includes objects of communications and furnishings, rough and finishing materials and a construction tool.
    You can not save on tools:
    So, the presence of a construction mixer is at times will accelerate the screeds of the floors and plastering walls and ceilings
  4. To miss anything, we know in detail with the technological process of each stage
  5. We produce procurement of materials and tools

Black repairs

  1. Dismantling and wall mounting and partitions
    This work is usually held by those who are not satisfied with standard planning, with the goals:
    • enlarge the living area (due to the connection of the loggia with the hall or kitchen, cleaning niche, etc.)
    • make a joint bathroom
    • spent some unusually beautiful arches, passages, etc.

    It's only a shame that producing such dismanties, lovers of capital breaking of buildings of the buildings are demolished by carrying walls, as a result of which they create a risk of building a building during earthquakes or explosions

  2. Strosion of walls and loving communications:
    • The walls are made under water and sewer pipes, grooves under the electric pipe
    • The electric pipes are pulled throughout the apartment to the outlined sockets, switches, ceiling light and are displayed to the general corridor electrical
    • At the same stage, air conditioning, television and internet cables are paved.
      You can, of course, lay down and later, but again you will have to cut down the walls in the walls, or allow the wires over to then be confused and stumble
    • Do not forget that electrical appliances of high power (electric furnaces, boilers, air conditioners are connected by three-core power cables
    • Wiring pipe sewage from a common riser in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet
      This is a very important point. Make sure again that
      • the location of the kitchen sink on your layout you will not change
      • you will install the bathroom, not a shower cabin
      • the final toilet type you have chosen
        (Connection of floor-type toilet bowls and attached is different)

      The toilet can generally be bought in advance and immediately connected. It abolishes inconvenience when repairing . Then, when the time of work is suitable in the toilet, it can be dismantled again for the tile laying period.
      With renovations at the initial stage, the so-called rough toilet is used, which at the end changes.

      If the plumbing has not yet been purchased, then put the plugs on the pipes to avoid leaks and smells from the riser

    • Plifting pipes are connected in such a sequence: first hot, then cold.
      If the hot water is not provided, then the connection of hot water should be postponed until the repair of the room is completed, where the boiler will be installed.
      And only now proceed to the plaster
  3. Plastering
    • Walking walls and grout of ceilings (alignment of walls and ceilings
      Plastering can be replaced with plasterboard
    • If there is a sound insulation of the room, the sound-absorbing material is pre-applied.
    • Aligning door and window slopes
  4. Connecting central heating pipes to the battery
  5. Primer pipe
  6. Internal carpentry work
    • Production of built-in wardrobes and shelves
    • Primer
    • Installation of door interroom boxes
  7. Work in the bathroom and toilet
    • Waterproofing and floor screed
    • Flooring floor and walls
    • Installation of the bathroom (if the bathroom will adjust the wall, then its installation is made after the wall cladding)
  8. Floor screed in other rooms
    • If the floors are insulated, the insulation is falling asleep before the tie
    • In addition to the concrete screed, it is also used dry based on clay and knauf

Cutting finishing works

The final stage

  1. Installation of switches, sockets, lamps, plumbing
  2. Assembling kitchen furniture
  3. Installing plinths
  4. Installing interroom doors.
    Often when repair makes a mistake by installing doors at the very beginning:

Doors impede when making large items, so they are often scratched and damaged

But the door jamb (box) is installed at the beginning, since the space between the box and the wall will need to be attached.

Connecting lighting, installation of plinths and interior doors occurs at the final stage

This step-by-step instruction contains a list. possible workIf you get almost naked apartment.

In practice, much of this list may not be useful to you, since communications in new buildings even a rough version are usually carried out.

Also, tenants are also installed sound insulation and insulation of floors, but accommodation in apartment building panel house Makes often regret any omissions that had to be done at the very initial stage.

You can determine the sequence of repair of the apartment, guided by appropriateness, layout, timing and financial capabilities.

Main condition:

Any subsequent step should not lead to corrections already what was done at the previous stage.
If this condition is not performed, then the sequence of repair is incorrectly selected.

Video: Stages of Eurora

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