
Designing foundations on bubbly soils example. The foundation on the brunched ground. Guidelines for the production of construction work on zero cycle

Order of the Labor Red Banner Scientific Research Institute of Foundations and Underground Facilities Gosstroy USSR

Publishing Literature on Construction



2. Basic designs for design

3. Engineering and reclamation activities

4. Construction and constructive events against the deformation of buildings and structures during the freezing and bent of the soils

5. Thermochemical events

6. Features of the requirements for the production of work on the zero cycle

Annex I Examples of calculating the foundations of buildings and structures for stability when freezing the filamentous soils

Annex II offers for constructive fixtures of the columns and ribbon foundations Construction conditions on bunched soils.

Recommendations set out engineering-aelial, construction and constructive and thermochemical measures to combat the harmful influence of frosty powered soils on the foundations of buildings and structures, as well as the main requirements for the production of construction work on the zero cycle.


The action of frosty powder forces is inflicted annually national Economy Large material damage consisting in reducing the timing of the services of buildings and structures, in deterioration of operating conditions and in large cash costs for the annual repair of damaged buildings and structures, to correct the deformed structures.

In order to reduce the deformations of the foundations and forces of the frosty, the Research Institute of Foundations and Underground Facilities, the USSR State Building on the basis of theoretical and experimental studies, taking into account the best practices of construction, new and improved measures are developed against the deformation of soils during their freezing and thawing.

Providing design conditions for strength, stability and operational suitability of buildings and structures on bubbly soils is achieved by the use of engineering and reclamation, construction and constructive and thermochemical events in the practice.

Engineering and reclamation activities are indigenous, since they are aimed at drying the soils in the zone of the regulatory depth of freezing and to reduce the degree of moisturizing the soil layer at a depth of 2-3 m below the depth of seasonal freezing.

Construction and constructive measures against frosting forces of the foundations are aimed at the adaptation of the structures of the foundations and partially supundant structure to the current forces of frosty powered soils and their deformations for freezing and thawing (for example, the choice of the type of foundations, the depths of their embedding in the soil, stiffness of structures, loads on The foundations, the anchors in the soils below the drainage depth and many other structural devices).

Part of the proposed constructive measures is given in the most common formulations without proper concretization, such as the thickness of the sand-gravel layer or rubbed cushion under the foundations when replacing the brunch of the soil with non-empty, the thickness of the layer of heat insulating coatings during construction and the period of operation, etc.; Recommendations are given in more detail on the size of the fading of the sinuses with non-empty soil and in size of thermal insulation pillows, depending on the depth of the primer of soils by construction experience.

In assistance to designers and builders, examples of settlements of constructive measures are given and, in addition, proposals are given on the use of prefabricated foundations (monolithic connection of the rack with anchor plate, compound on the welding and bolts, as well as the deploying of precast concrete tape bases).

Recommended for construction examples of settlements on constructive measures are prepared for the first time, and therefore they cannot claim an exhaustive and effective solution to all affected issues to combat the harmful influence of frosty powered soils.

Thermochemical measures provide mainly to reduce the forces of frosty discharge and the magnitude of the deformation of the foundations in the freezing of soils. This is achieved by using the recommended heat-insulating coatings of the surface of the soil around the foundations, coolants for heating of soils and chemical reagents, lowering the temperature of the grounding of the soil and the clutch forces of the frozen soil with the foundations planes.

In the appointment of anti-anti-art activities, it is recommended to be guided primarily to the significance of buildings and structures, the peculiarities of technological processes, the hydrogeological conditions of the construction site and the climatic characteristics of this area. When designing, preference should be given to such activities that exclude the possibility of deformation of buildings and structures by the forces of frosty release both during the period of construction and for the entire service life. Recommendations are compiled by Dr. Technical Sciences M. F. Kiselev.

All suggestions and comments Please send the reasons and underground structures of the USSR State Building at the address: Moscow, F-389, 2nd Institutional Str., House. 6.


1.2. Recommendations are designed in accordance with the main provisions of the heads of SNiP II-B.1-62 "The founding of buildings and structures. Design standards ", SNIP II-B.6-66" The foundations and foundations of buildings and structures on the perplexed soils. Design standards ", SNIP II-A.10-62" Building structures and bases. The main design provisions "and CH 353-66" Instructions for the design of settlements, enterprises, buildings and structures in the northern construction and climatic zone "and can be used for engineering and geological and hydrogeological surveys performed in accordance with the general requirements for the study of soils for Construction purposes. Materials of engineering and geological surveys must satisfy the requirements of paragraph 1.6 of these recommendations.

1.3. Buried (frost-hazardous) soils are soils, which during freezing have a property to increase in volume. The change in the volume of the soil is found in the lift during freezing and lowering when the daily surface of the soil is thawing, resulting in damage to the grounds and foundations of buildings and structures.

The sandy soils include sands small and dusty, sandy, loam and clay, as well as large-grass soils with a particle aggregate in size of less than 0.1 mm in an amount of more than 30% by weight, which freezing in humidification. To non-empty (nemorozoy-hazardous), soils include rock, large-chip soluble with the content of soil particles with a diameter of less than 0.1 mm, less than 30% by weight, grave sands, large and medium size.

Table 1

Division of soils according to the degree of frosty bunch

The degree of bunch of soils during consistency IN

The position of the groundwater level z in m for soils

sands small

sands dusty


I. Sylindicious prim

II. Medium-band-in-room





III. Malnuticious as






IV. Consolidated as


Notes: 1. The name of the soil according to the degree of bubbishness is made when satisfying one of two indicators IN or Z..

2. Consistency of clay soils IN It is determined by the humidity of the soil in the seasonal freezing layer as a weighted average value. The humidity of the primer of the first layer to the depth of 0 to 0.5 m into the calculation is not accepted.

3. Value Z.exceeding the estimated depth of the primer of the soil in m, i.e. The difference between the depth of the groundwater level and the estimated depth of the primer of the soil is determined by the formula:

where N. 0 is the distance from the planning mark to the groundwater level in M;

H.- the estimated depth of the primer of the soil in the head of the SNIP II-B.1-62.

1.4. Depending on the particle size distribution, natural humidity, the depth of the primer of soils and the level of groundwater level are soils, prone to deformations when freezing, according to the degree of frosty powder in the table. 1 are divided into: severe, medium-dipotly, weakly and apprailed.

1.5. Led in Table. 1 Divisions of soils According to the degree of bunching, on the basis of a consistency indicator, it is also necessary to take into account possible changes in the humidity of the soil in the seasonal freezing layer both during the construction period and for the entire period of operation of buildings and structures.

1.6. The basis for determining the degree of primerness of the soils should be the materials of hydrogeological and primer studies (the composition of the soil, its humidity and groundwater level, which can be characterized by the construction site to the depth of no less twice the regulatory depth of the primer of the soil, counting from the planning mark).

1.7. The foundations and foundations of buildings and structures on bubbly soils subject to strain during freezing and thawing should be designed to be designed to be designed to be:

a) the degree of the bunch of soils;

b) terrain, time and amount of precipitation precipitation, hydrogeological regime, conditions of humidification of soils and the depth of seasonal freezing;

c) exposure of the construction site in relation to the illumination of the Sun;

d) appointment, service life, the significance of the structures and conditions of their operation;

e) the technical and economic feasibility of the designs of the foundations, laboriousness and timing of the construction and savings of building materials;

(e) The possibility of changing the hydrogeological regime of soils, the conditions for their moisturizing during the construction period and for the entire service life of the building or structure.

1.8. The volume and types of hydrogeological and primer studies are provided depending on the engineering and geological conditions and the design stage of the general program of research, which is the design and survey organization and coordinated with the customer.

2. Basic designs for design

2.1. When choosing soils as a base on a construction site, preference should be given to non-empty soils (rock, criticized, pebbled, tractor, gravel, gravelish, sandy, sandy and medium size, as well as clay soils that occur on the sublime areas of the terrain with the provision of superficial flow and The level of groundwater is below the layout of 4-5 m).

2.2. When designing foundations for stone buildings and structures on strongly and mid-airported soils, it is necessary to take columnar or pile foundations, covered by calculation for the power of releasing and on the gap in the most dangerous section, or to provide for the replacement of bunching soils with non-empty to the depth of seasonal freezing. There is also a device of submetakes (pillows) from gravel, sand, burner rocks and other drainage materials under the entire building or construction of a layer on the estimated depth of freezing without removing bunching soils or only under fundamentals with proper technical and economic justification by calculation.

2.3. The main activities directed against the deformations of the structural elements of buildings and structures during the freezing and bent of the soils should be provided in the design of grounds and foundations.

In cases where the project of the action against transfer is not provided, and the hydrogeological conditions of the construction site of the construction site during the execution of work on the zero cycle changed with the deterioration of the properties of the grounds of the grounds, the author's supervision should initiate the issue of the design organization on the appointment of measures against trips (drying of soils, Seal with crushed stone entry and others).

2.4. The strength, stability and operational suitability of buildings and structures on bubbly soils should be provided by engineering and reclamation, construction-structural and thermochemical events.

3. Engineering and reclamation activities

3.1. Engineering and reclamation activities are aimed at draining the soils in the seasonal freezing layer and reduce the humidity of the soils at the base of the foundations in the autumn-winter period before their freezing.

Note. When designing and implementing ameliorative work, it is necessary to take into account the nature of plant cover and the requirement for its conservation.

3.2. When designing foundations on bunchy soils, reliable removal of underground, atmospheric and industrial waters from the site should be provided with a timely vertical planning of the being built-in area, the device of a storm sewer network, drainage channels and trays, drainage and other hydro-elevative structures immediately after the end of the work on the zero cycle, not waiting for the full end of construction work.

In the preparation of projects and performing works on the vertical layout of platforms folded by bubbly soils, it is necessary to do not change natural drainage.

3.3. When planning work, you should strive for the minimal impaired of the natural turf-soil cover, and on cutters, where the conditions allow, the surface of the soil to cover the soil layer with a thickness of 10-12 cm with the subsequent sowing of perennial trembling herbs.

3.4. A bulk clay soil when planning a terrain within the development should be layered by mechanisms to the volume weight of the skeleton of at least 1.6 t / m 3 and porosity of not more than 40% (for clay soil without draining sucks). The surface of the bulk soil is as well as the surface on the cutter, should be covered with soil layer and retain.

3.5. A bias with solid coatings (scene, platform, entrances) should be at least 3%, and for a skipping surface - at least 5%.

3.6. To reduce uneven moistening of bunching soils around the foundations in designing and construction, it is recommended: earthworks to produce with a minimum volume of disruption of natural additions during the digging of kittlers under the foundations and tranches of underground engineering communications; Thoroughly lay down the soils when the sizes and trenches of manual and pneumatic or electrical machines are inversely fading; Be sure to arrange a waterproof grocery with a width of at least 1 m around a building with clay waterproofing layers at a base or coated with a soil layer with a thickness of 10-12 cm and retain with perennial herbs.

3.7. On construction sites folded by clay soils and having a bias of more than 2%, during the design of the device for water tanks, ponds, and other moisturizing sources, as well as the location of the inputs in the building of the sewage pipelines and water supply from the Nagorn side of the building or facility.

3.8. Construction sites located on the slopes should be fenced from the slopes of surface water by a constant Nagorny groove with a slope of at least 5% before the start of earthworks on the chickens of the kittle.

3.9. Cannot be allowed when building water accumulation from damage to temporary water supply. If it is detected on the surface of the soil of standing water or under the humidification of the soil from damage to the pipeline, it is necessary to take urgent measures to eliminate the causes of water cluster or soil moistening near the location of the foundations.

3.10. When setting down the communication trenches from the highland side of the building or structure, it is necessary to arrange jumpers from mint clay or a loot with a thorough seal to prevent water (on trenches) of water to buildings and structures and soil moistening near the foundations.

3.11. The device of ponds and water bodies, which can change the hydrogeological conditions of the construction site and increase the water saturation of the grunted soils of the built-in area, is not allowed. It is necessary to take into account the projected change in the level of water in rivers, lakes and ponds in accordance with the promising general plan.

3.12. The location of buildings and structures closer than 20 w should be avoided to the active columns for filling the diesel locomotives, car wash, supplying the population and for other purposes, and not to design speakers on bubbly soils closer than 20 m to existing buildings and structures. The platforms around the columns should be planned with ensuring water removal.

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Ordena of the Red Banner
Research Institute of Foundations and Underground Foods. N. M. Gersevanova
(NIRP them. N. M. Gersevanova) State Building of the USSR

For the design of grounds and foundations on bubbly soils

Moscow Stroyzdat 1979.

Designed for engineering and technical workers of design and construction organizations.


The effect of frosty powder forces of soils and bulging foundations impairs the conditions of operation and shortens the deadlines for the service of buildings and structures, causes their damage and deformity of the structural elements, which leads to large annual costs of damage to damage and causes a significant damage to national economy.

In this guide, engineering and reclamation, construction-structural, thermal and thermochemical measures to combat, constructive, thermal and thermochemical measures for the fight against the harmful effects of frosty powered by the foundations of buildings and structures, as well as in summary of construction work in the zero cycle and events are given in brief statements. To prevent the release of unlucky and low-profile foundations for low-rise stone buildings of various purposes and single-storey prefabricated wooden houses in the countryside.

The most common damage to the foundations and destruction of the designer structures of buildings and frosting structures is due to the following factors: a) the composition of the soils in the seasonal freezing zone and thawing; b) the state of natural humidity of the soil and the conditions of their moisturizing; c) the depth and speed of seasonal freezing of soils; d) the structural features of the foundations and the outfundant structure; e) the degree of thermal influence of heated buildings to the depth of seasonal freezing of soils; (e) the effectiveness of measures applied against the impact of the forces of frosty discharge of foundations; g) ways and conditions for the production of construction work on zero cycle; h) the conditions of operational content of buildings and structures. Most often, these factors affect the foundations total with different combination of them, and it is difficult to establish the actual cause of damage in buildings.

how the rule, the results of studies of the interaction of the freezing soil with foundations obtained by the method of modeling in the laboratory conditions still do not bring a positive effect when transferring these results into construction practice, therefore it is necessary to be more careful with the use of dependencies in the laboratory in natural conditions.

When designing, the results of perennial stationary experimental data on the study of the interaction of the impairing soil with foundations in natural conditions should be taken into account, and not in one winter, since climatic conditions for individual years with abnormal deviations are not characteristic of the average winter of this locality.

Engineering and reclamation activities are in principle are indigenous because they ensure the drainage of soils in the zone of the normative depth of the primer of soils and a decrease in the degree of moisturizing the soil layer at a depth of 2-3 m below the depth of seasonal freezing. This event is possible to carry out practically not for all soil and hydrogeological conditions, and then it should be used only as a reduction of soil deformation when freezing in combination with other activities.

Construction and constructive measures against the frosting forces of the foundations are directed mainly to the adaptation of the structures of the foundations and partially supundant structure to the current forces of frosty powered soils and their deformations for freezing and thawing (for example, the choice of the type of construction of foundations, the depth of their embedding in the ground, stiffness of the structures Nadufundant structure, load values \u200b\u200bfor foundations, binging foundations in soils that lower the depth of the freezing and many other structures).

Recommended in the manual constructive measures are given only in the most common formulations without proper concretization, such as the thickness of the layer layer of sandy-gravel or crushed stone pillows under fundamentals when replacing the brunch of the soil with non-empty, the thickness of the layer of heat insulating coatings during construction and for the period of operation, etc.; Recommendations are made in more detail on the size of the fading of the sinuses with non-empty soil and in size of thermal insulation pillows, depending on the depth of the freezing of soils and local construction experience.

Calculations of the foundations for stability under the action of frosting forces, as well as calculations for constructive measures are not mandatory for all structures used in the foundation-based, so these events cannot be considered universal to combat the harmful influence of frosty soils in all cases.

The thermal and chemical measures are indigenous both to the complete exclusion of deformations from frosty radiation and to reduce the forces of frosty and the values \u200b\u200bof the deformation of the foundations during the freezing of soils. They include the use of recommended heat-insulating coatings on the surface of the soil around the foundations, coolants for heating of soils and chemical reagents, lowering the dumping temperature with the foundation and reduced by the tangent clutch forces of frozen soil with planes of foundations.

When heating, the ground will not have a negative temperature, which eliminates its freezing and frosty meal.

When processing the soil with chemical reagents, although the soil then has a negative temperature, it does not freeze, therefore, freezing and frosty meal is also excluded.

In the appointment of anti-high events, it is necessary to take into account the importance of buildings and structures, the features of the technological processes of production and the conditions of operational regime, soil and hydrogeological conditions, as well as the climatic characteristics of this area. When designing foundations on bunched soils, you should give preference to such activities that are most economical and effective in these conditions.

The measures set out in this guide to combat the deformations of buildings and structures under the influence of the forces of the soils will help builders to improve the quality of facilities under construction, ensure the sustainability and durable operational suitability of buildings and structures, eliminate cases of extension of construction terms, to ensure the commissioning of buildings and facilities into industrial operation in Weeding time, reduce unproductive one-time and annually repetitive repairs for repair and restoration of buildings and structures damaged frosty powders.

Management was drawn up by Dr. Tehn. Sciences M. F. Kiselev.

All remarks on the text of the leadership and the proposal to improve the reason for the reasons and underground structures of the USSR State Building at: 109389, Moscow, 2nd Institutional Str., 6.


1.1. This guide is intended for the design and construction of foundations of buildings, industrial structures and various special and. Technological equipment on bunched soils.

1.2. The management is designed in accordance with the main provisions of the heads for the design of the foundations and foundations of buildings and structures and the foundations and foundations of buildings and structures on the perplexed soils.

1.3. Bunched (frost-hazardous) soils are soils, which during freezing have a property to increase their volume when switching to a nasty state. The change in the volume of the soil is found in natural conditions in the raise in the process of freezing and lowering when the daylight surface of the soil is thawing. As a result of these volumetric changes, deformations occur and damage the grounds, foundations and the suggestion structure of buildings and structures.

1.4. Depending on the granulometric composition of the soil, its natural humidity, the depth of the freezing and the level of groundwater level is soil, inclined to deformations during freezing, according to the degree of frosty bunchiness are divided into: severe, medium-air-band, weakly and practically non-empty.

1.5. Divisions of soils according to the degree of frosty bunch, depending on the level of groundwater and consistency indicator varyingI. L. accepted on table. 1 arr. 6 chapters on the design of the foundations and foundations of buildings and structures. The natural humidity of the soils for the period of operation during the design must be adjusted according to PP. 3.17-3.20 mentioned above chapter SNiP.

1.6. The base for the establishment of the degree of primerness of the soils should be the materials of hydrogeological and ground research (the composition of the soil, its natural humidity and the level of groundwater standing, which can characterize the construction site to the depth of no less twice the regulatory depth of the primer of the soil, counting from the planning mark).

In the practice of designing grounds and foundations, great difficulties are often found in the assessment of soils according to the degree of frosty bunch, on the basis of existing materials of engineering and geological research, since usually a layer of seasonal freezing is not considered the basis for foundations and the necessary soil characteristics are not determined for it. If the first 1.5-2 m in engineering and geological materials is characterized only as the "vegetable layer" or as "soil gray", then in the absence of groundwater levels close to the layer of the freezing, it is not possible to establish the degree of ground bubbishness. In the absence of the characteristics of the freezing layer of the soil, additional surveys on the construction site should be carried out, it is desirable for each standing building.

1.7. Designing grounds and foundations of buildings and structures on bubbly soils should be carried out with regard to:

Table 1

Name of soil according to the degree of frosty bunchiness

Limits of positionz., m, groundwater level below the estimated depth of freezing at the foundation

Consistency of clay soil

I. L.

sand small

sand dusty








I. L\u003e 0,5



0,5< z.≤1

1< z.≤1,5

1,5< z ≤2

0,25< I. L ≤0.5



0,5< z.≤1

1< z.≤1,5

1,5< z.≤2,5

2< z.≤3

0< I. L ≤0.25

Practically non-empty






I. L ≤0.

Notes : 1. Consistency of clay soilsI. L. Must be taken by their natural humidity, the corresponding period of the start of freezing (before moisture migration as a result of negative temperatures). If there is within the estimated depth of the freezing of clay soils of various consistencies, the degree of frosty bunch of these soils is generally accepted by the average weighted value of their consistency.

2. Large-grade soils with clay aggregate, containing more than 30% in its composition by weight of particles of less than 0.1 mm in size, while the level of groundwater level is below the calculated depth of the freezing from 1 to 2 m belong to mid-accessory soils, and less than one meter - to Sylindicious.

3. Value z.- The difference between the depth of the groundwater level and the estimated depth of the primer of the soil, determined by the formula:z.=N. 0 – H.where N. 0 production from the layout to the groundwater level; N. - the calculated depth of the freezing, m, headed by SNiPII -15-74.

a) the degree of frosty bunch of soils;

b) terrain, time and amount of precipitation precipitation, hydrogeological regime, conditions of humidification of soils and the depth of seasonal freezing;

c) exposure of the construction site with respect to the light of the Sun;

d) appointment, construction deadlines and services, the significance of buildings and structures, technological and operational conditions;

e) the technical and economic feasibility of the designated structures of the foundations, laboriousness and duration of work on the zero cycle and saving construction materials;

e) the possibility of changing the hydrogeological regime of soils, the conditions for their moisturizing during the construction period and for the entire life of the building or structure;

g) the existing results of special research to determine the forces and deformations of frosty powered soils (if any).

1.8. The volume and types of special studies of the properties of soils and general engineering and geological and hydrogeological surveys are provided for by the overall program of research or additional buildings to the common program in coordination with the Customer depending on the geological conditions, the design and specificity of the designed buildings and structures.

2. Basic designs for design

2.1. When choosing soils as natural grounds within the designated area, it is necessary to give preference to non-empty or practically non-empty soils (rock, semi-flux, criticized, pebble, gravel, trachery, gravel sands, sandy and medium-size sands, and sands are small and dusty, Sacks, loams and clays of solid consistency at the level of groundwater level below the layout of 4-5 m).

2.2. For stone buildings and structures on strongly and mid-accessory soils, it is more expedient to design a columnar or pile foundations, covered in the soil by calculating the strength of the rehabilitation and on the gap in the most dangerous section, or to provide for the replacement of bunching soils with non-empty parts or the whole depth of seasonal soil freezing . It is also possible to use submetocks (pillows) from gravel, sand, burned rocks from areas and other drainage materials under the entire building or construction of a layer on the estimated depth of the soil without removing bunching soils or only under fundamentals with proper technical and economic justification by calculation.

2.3. All major activities directed against the deformations of the structural elements of buildings and structures in the freezing and bent of soils should be provided in the design of grounds and foundations with the inclusion of all costs in the estimated cost of the zero cycle.

In cases where the measures against frosty transition projects are not provided for, and the hydrogeological conditions of the construction site soils during the execution of work on the zero cycle were not relevant to the results of the research or deteriorated due to adverse weather conditions, the author's supervisory representatives should compile the corresponding act and initiate the issue In front of the design organization on appointment in addition to the project of measures against frosty powered soils (as, for example, drying in soils at the base, seal with rubble graffitware, etc.).

2.4. Calculation of the grounds for the action of frosty release forces should be carried out in stability, since the deformations of frosty radiation are alternating, repeating annually. On bunched soils, the project should include inverse filling of the axle of the kittlers until the soil is freezing in order to avoid frosty discovery of foundations.

2.5. Strength, stability and long-term operational suitability of buildings and structures on bubbly soils are achieved by the application in the practice of designing and building engineering-aelic, construction and constructive and thermochemical events.

2.6. The choice of anti-infuriated activities should be based on reliable and very detailed data on the presence of groundwater, their debate, direction and speed of their movement in the soil, roofing of the waterproof layer, the possibilities of changing the structures of foundations, methods for the production of construction work, operating conditions and the features of production process processes.

3. Engineering and reclamation activities to reduce deformation from the action of the forces of frosty powder

3.1. The main cause of frosty powered soils - the presence of water in them capable of moving into ice during freezing, so measures aimed at drying the soils are indigenous as the most efficient. All engineering and landorative events are reduced to the drainage of soils or prevent their water saturation in the seasonal freezing zone and below this zone by 2-3 m. It is important that the grounds of the bases before the freezing are mostly dehydrated, which can not always be achieved, since not all soils are capable Quickly give the water contained in them.

3.2. The choice and purpose of reclamation activities should be dependent on the conditions of the source of humidification (atmospheric precipitation, rigor or groundwater), terrain relief and geological surveillance with their filtration capacity.

3.3. In the preparation of construction projects and their implementation in nature on platforms made by bunched soils, it is necessary to avoid changing the direction of natural drainage and take into account the presence of plant cover and the requirement for its conservation.

3.4. When designing foundations on a natural base with bunched soils, it is necessary to provide for a reliable drainage of underground, atmospheric and industrial waters from the site by performing a timely vertical layout of a built-in area, the device of a storm sewer network, drainage channels and trays, drainage and other hydro-elevative structures immediately after the completion of work on zero cycle, without waiting for the complete end of construction work.

3.5. In general measures to drain the site include measures to drain the kittlers. Before the passages of the pit, first of all, it is necessary to protect it from the flow of atmospheric waters with the surrounding area, from the penetration of water from neighboring water bodies, canvas, etc. By device of Berm or Dranches.

3.6. It is impossible to force water in the pit. With a small influx of groundwater, it is necessary to organize a systematic removal of it through the device of the wells with a depth of 1 m below the bottom of the pit.

To reduce the level of groundwater, the device is recommended to the perimeter of the vertical drain of the sandy-gravel mixture.

3.7. The inverse filling of the sinuses with clay soils should be carried out with a thorough layer-by-layer seal with manual and pneumatic or electric machines to avoid clusters in the backfill of water, which increases the humidity of the soil not only backfills, but also the soil of natural addition.

3.8. Funny clay soils when planning a terrain within the development should be layered by mechanisms to the volumetric mass of the soil skeleton of at least 1.6 t / m 3 and porosity of not more than 40% (for clay soil without drainage interleavers). The surface of the bulk soil is as well as the surface on the cutting, in places where there is no storage of building materials and the movement of motor vehicles, it is useful to cover the soil layer of 10-15 cm and retard.

The bias with solid coatings (scene, platform, entrances, etc.) should be at least 3%, and for a dotted surface - at least 5%.

3.9. To reduce uneven moistening of bunching soils around the foundations in designing and construction, it is recommended: earthworks to produce with a minimum volume of disruption of natural additions during the digging of kittlers under the foundations and tranches of underground engineering communications; Be sure to arrange a waterproof unit with a width of at least 1 m around the building with clay waterproofing layers at the base.

3.10. On construction sites folded by clay soils and having a bias of more than 2%, during the design of the device for water tanks, ponds, and other moisturizing sources, as well as the location of the inputs in the building of the sewage pipelines and water supply from the Nagorn side of the building or facility.

3.11. The construction sites located on the slopes should be fenced before the start of digging of dumps from surface waters flowing from the slopes permanent with a sloping groove with a slope of at least 5%.

3.12. Cannot be allowed when building water accumulation from damage to temporary water supply. If it is detected on the surface of the soil of standing water or under the humidification of the soil from damage to the pipeline, it is necessary to take urgent measures to eliminate the causes of water cluster or soil moistening near the location of the foundations.

3.13. When setting down the communication trenches from the Nagorn side of the building or structure, it is necessary to arrange jumpers from mint clay or a loot with a thorough seal to prevent the water (on trenches) of water to buildings and structures and soil moistening near the foundations.

3.14. The device of ponds and water bodies, which can change the hydrogeological conditions of the construction site and increase the water saturation of the grunted soils of the built-in area, is not allowed. It is necessary to take into account the projected change in the level of water in rivers, lakes and ponds in accordance with the promising general plan.

3.15. It should be avoided by the location of buildings and structures closer than 20 m to the current columns for filling the diesel locomotives, car wash, supplying the population and for other purposes, and not to design speakers on bubbly soils closer than 20 m to existing buildings and structures. The platforms around the columns should be planned with ensuring water removal.

3.16. When designing grounds should be taken into account both seasonal and perennial fluctuations in the level of groundwater (and rigor) and the possibility of forming a new increase, or lowering the average level (clause 3.17 chapters for the design of buildings and structures). Increasing the level of groundwater increases the degree of portion of soils, and therefore it is necessary to predict the change in the level of groundwater in accordance with the indications of PP. 3.17-3.20 Heads for the design of the foundations of buildings and structures.

3.17. It should be especially paid for the season of periodic flooding of the territory, since the most adversely affects the frosty bauding the flooding of the territory in the autumn period, when the water saturation increases in front of the freezing. It is also necessary to predict an artificial increase in the level of groundwater and the natural humidity of the soil due to the receipt of industrial water in technological processes associated with greater water consumption.

3.18. Designing engineering and reclamation activities should be based on reliable and detailed data on the presence of groundwater, their debate, direction and speed of movement in the ground, the roof of the roof of the waterproof layer. Without these data, drainage-drainage structures may be useless. If it is not possible to get rid of groundwater and dry the soils of the freezing layer, then you should resort to the design of structural or thermochemical events.

4. Construction and constructive events against the deformation of buildings and structures during the freezing and bent of the soils

4.1. Construction and constructive measures against the deformation of buildings and structures from frosty powered soils are provided in two directions: a complete balance of normal and tangent forces of frosty, and reduce the strengths and deformations of the radiation and adaptation of structures of buildings and structures to the deformations of the grounds of bases during their freezing and thawing.

With the full balance of the normal and tangent forces of frosty, the soils against deformation are reduced to constructive solutions and the calculation of loads on the foundations. Only for the period of construction, when the foundations are overwhelmed with unloaded or have not yet a complete design load, temporary heat chemical measures to protect the soils from moisturizing and freezing are required. For low-rise buildings with low-loaded foundations, it is advisable to apply such constructive activities that are aimed at reducing the forces of frosty radiation and deformations of structural elements of buildings and adaptation, buildings and structures to deformations during freezing and thawing soils.

4.2. The foundations of buildings and structures that are erected on bubbly soils can be designed from any building materials that provide their operational suitability and meet the requirements of strength and long-life safety. At the same time, it is necessary to reckon with possible vertical alternate stresses from frosty powered soils (lifting the soils during freezing and precipitate them when thawing).

4.3. When placing buildings and structures on a construction site, it is necessary to take into account the degree of the bunch of soils with the calculation so that under the foundations of one building could not be soils with varying degrees of bunching. If it is necessary to build a building on soils with varying degrees of bunchiness, constructive measures should be provided against the action of frosty powder forces, for example, with ribbon precast concrete foundations, arrange the monolithic reinforced concrete belt and DR.

4.4. When designing buildings and structures with belt foundations on the rapidly suitable soils in the top of the foundations, it should be provided for 1-2-storey stone buildings around the perimeter of external and internal capital walls. Constructive reinforced concrete belts width of at least 0.8 wall thicknesses, 0.15 m high and Over the openings of the last floor - reinforced belt.

Note. Reinforced concrete belts must have a concrete brand at least M-150, the reinforcement with a minimum cross section, three rods with a diameter of 10 mm with a reinforced stripping in length.

4.5. When designing pile foundations with paintwork on strongly and mid-airport soils, it is necessary to take into account the effect of normal forces of frosty powder for soils on the soles of the Turkey. Prefabricated reinforced concrete randbalki must be monolithically interconnected and laid with a gap of at least 15 cm between randbalka and soil.

4.6. The depth of the foundations in the practice of construction should be considered as one of the fundamental measures to combat deformations from uneven sediments of the foundations and frosty discharge during the freezing of soils, since the rehabilitation of the foundations in the soil is aimed at ensuring the sustainability and durable operational suitability of buildings and structures.

When designing, the depth of the foundations is assigned depending on the factors provided for in paragraph 3.27 of the chapter

When designing foundations for buildings and structures, the purpose of the blocking of foundations in the ground is a rather complicated and important question of foundation-based, so if it is decided, it should be proceeded from a comprehensive analysis of the complex influence of various factors for the sustainability of the foundations and the state of soils in their foundation.

Under the depth of the foundation, the foundations are implied by the distance measured by vertical, counting from the daily surface of the soil, taking into account the subfolding or cutting to the basement of the foundation, and in the presence of special preparation from sand, rubble or skinny concrete - to the bottom of the preparation layer. The basement sole is called the bottom plane of the foundation design, based on the ground and transmitting pressure on the weight of the building and the structure.

4.7. In determining the depth of the foundations, the appointment and design features of buildings and structures should be taken into account. For unique buildings (for example, high-rise buildings and the Ostankino television tower in Moscow), the criterion for the blocking of foundations is the properties of soils. It is known that at greater depth, the soils are denser and can perceive significantly heavy loads.

Collected typical foundations of civil buildings of mass construction (for example, residential multi-storey houses) are plugged under stability conditions. A typical solution of the depth of the foundation for all types of soils at the base does not seem to be possible, they are possible only for similar primer conditions.

Low-rise buildings with low-loaded foundations, such as civil and industrial buildings and structures in rural areas, are designed with limit deformations on non-empty soils and resistance to bubbly.

The depth of the foundation for temporary buildings and structures is made on technical and economic considerations using lightweight foundations of small embedding.

The depth of the foundation of the foundations of large industrial buildings is made depending on the technological processes, the foundations for special equipment and machines, as well as under the conditions of the operational content of the building.

The depth of the foundations depends on the combination of constant and temporary loads on the base, as well as on the dynamic effects on the soils at the base of the foundations, especially these conditions must be taken into account when the foundations under the walls of the exterior fencing in industrial buildings with large dynamic loads.

4.8. Foundations for heavy equipment and machines, as well as under masts, columns and other special equipment are set to depth in accordance with the requirement to ensure sustainability and economic feasibility. As a rule, the density of the addition of soils with depth increases, and therefore, in order to increase the pressure on the basis and decrease in the size of the scene of the foundations during the sealing of soils, they take a greater depth of the foundations compared to the depth of the foundations under the conditions of the freezing and soils.

The foundations working on horizontal or exhausting loads are laid on the depth depending on the magnitude of these loads. For buildings with heated basements, the depth of the foundations is taken under the conditions of the stability of the foundation, regardless of the depth of the fruit of the soil.

4.9. There are cases when the natural relief of the site changes on the built-in area by removing the stream of streams and the rivers beyond the construction site, and the old direction falls asleep with the ground or the site is aligned with the cutting of the soil on one site and the subference on the other.

Despite the sealing of bulk soils, the sediment of the foundations will be more compared to the sediment of natural addition, and therefore the depth of the foundations cannot be given the same for bulk soils and soils of natural addition:

When prescribing the depth of the foundation, it is necessary to take into account the hydrogeological conditions as a decisive factor in many cases of design of foundations. The depth of the foundation depends on the physical condition of modern geological sediments, homogeneity and soil density, groundwater level and consistency of clay soils. Burnt addition soils, water-saturated and containing a large number of organic residues, can not always be used as natural grounds.

In the soils of weak and stronger, it is necessary to apply measures to improve the properties of soils or design pile foundations.

The depth of the foundation in complex hydrogeological conditions should be solved in several versions, and the most rational decision is made from their comparison on the basis of technical and economic settlements.

An extremely unfavorable factor in the foundation is the presence of groundwater and the location of their level close to the daily surface. This factor determines not only the depth of the foundations, but also their design and the method of manufacturing work on the construction of foundations.

4.10. The periodic oscillation of the level of groundwater in the intense zone of the base of foundations strongly affects the carrying ability of the soils and causes deformation of the bases and foundations. In addition, the close arrangement of the groundwater level to the layer of frozen soil causes the magnitude of the frosty sweeping of the soil due to the moisture supply from the underlying water-saturated soils.

A special type of groundwater is the so-called leader with limited distribution in terms and a unbearable level of groundwater, which is contained in the thickness of the soil in the form of individual foci. Quite often, the ripper is found in the thickness of the seasonal-proof soil and causes greater unevenness of frosty powders and bulging the foundations. Even within the same construction site, there are several foci of the righteousness with different levels of groundwater standing, sometimes even pressure.

It is necessary to take into account when the depth is prescribed the depth of the foundations, the depth of the freezing and the degree of soil bubbishness, the Tan, as under the stability, it is impossible to vomit the bubbly soils below the soles of the foundations.

4.11. The depth of the attachment of the foundations of stone civil buildings and industrial structures on bunching soils is made of at least the estimated depth of the jams of the soil according to the table. 15 chapters on the design of buildings and structures.

The calculated depth of the freezing of soil is determined by the formula

Σ| T. M. | - The sum of the absolute values \u200b\u200bof the average monthly negative temperatures for the winter in the area, received in Table. Chapter 1 of the head of construction climatology and geophysics, and in the absence of data in it for a particular item or construction area according to the results of observations of the hydrometeorological station under similar conditions with the construction site;

N. 0 - depth of the primer of the soil with σ |T. M. | \u003d 1, depending on the type of soil and taken equal, cm, for: Suglink and clay - 23; Sudes, sands of small and dusty - 28, sands of grave, large and medium size - 30;

m. T. - The coefficient that takes into account the influence of the thermal regime of the building (facilities) to the depth of the primer of the soil among the foundations of the walls and the columns taken in Table. 14 chapters for the design of buildings and structures.

There are three distinguished depths of ground freezing: actual, regulatory and calculated.

In practice, the foundation-beaming under the actual depth of the primer of the soils is considered to be a layer of solid-veneered soil vertically from the surface to the sole of a solid-appaled soil layer. Hydrometellite for the actual depth of the primerization of the soil takes the depth of penetration of the temperature zero degrees to the ground, since for agricultural purposes it is necessary to know the depth of the soil to zero temperature, and for the purposes of the foundation-beam, it is necessary to know which depth of the ground is in solid-purpose condition. Since the actual drainage depth of soils depends on climatic factors (even in the same paragraph in different years, the depth of the primer of soils has a oscillation), then for the regulatory depth of the primer of the soils according to claim 3.30 of the chapters on the design of buildings and structures, the average value is taken.

The freezing of the soil under the basement of the foundation at a time during the production of work on the zero cycle in winter and on the annual construction period during the entire service life of the building, when there are alternated deformations during seasonal freezing and thawing soils during operation. When appropriating the depth of the foundation under the condition of excluding the possibility of freezing the bunched soil under the basement basement, it is referred to in mind the annual freezing during the operation of buildings and structures, since, by the condition of the primer of the soil during the construction period, the depth of the foundation is not determined.

As mentioned above, the event in the depth of the foundations against the prevention of the primer of the soil under the basement sole applies only to the operational period, and for the construction period, protective measures are envisaged to protect the soil from the freezing, since during the construction of the sole of foundations may be in the freezing zone due to the incompletion of construction Works on the zero cycle.

In cases where the natural humidity of the soils does not rise during periods of construction and operation of buildings on low-tech soils (semi-solid and tubular consistency), the depth of the foundations under the condition of the possibility of the release must be taken at the normative depth of the freezing:

up to 1 m - not less than 0.5 m from the layout mark

up to 1.5 m - not less than 0.75 m from the planning mark

from 1.5do 2.5 m - not less than 1.0 m from the layout mark

from 2.5do 3.5 m - not less than 1.5 m from the planning mark

For practically non-empty soils (solid consistency), the calculated depth can be taken equal to the normative depth of freezing with a coefficient of 0.5.

4.12. Based on the experimental inspection of unlucky and small-brewed foundations in construction sites in recent years, reinforced concrete foundations in the form of plates, elementary and blocks stacked on bunching soils under the temporary buildings and structures of the construction bases of thermal power plants and the equipment of open distribution equipment are used in the practice of energy and agricultural construction. Electrical devices. At the same time, the tangential forces of frosty bumping and the accumulation of residual irreversible deformations of frosty release are completely excluded. This method significantly reduces the cost of construction and at the same time ensures the operational suitability of buildings and special equipment.

4.13. The depth of the foundations for the inner bearing walls and columns of unheated industrial buildings on strongly and mid-diplomatic soils are made of at least the calculated depth of the primer of the soil.

The depth of the foundations of the walls and columns of heated buildings, having unheated basements or underground on the rapid and medium-wide soils, is taken equal to the normative depth of freezing with a coefficient of 0.5, counting from the floor of the basement.

In the cuts of the soil from the outside of the building walls, the regulatory depth of the primer of the soil is considered from the surface of the soil after cutting, i.e. From the planning mark. When submissions of the soil around the walls from the outside, it is impossible to build a building to the ground of the soil around the foundations for the project mark.

When cutting and swelling, the soil should be paid to the drainage of soils outside the building, since the water-saturated soils during freezing can damage the building due to lateral pressure on the walls of the basement.

4.14. As a rule, it is not allowed to measure the soil below the sole of the foundation of stone buildings and structures and the foundation for special technological equipment and machines on the rapid and medium-dipotly soils in both construction and during operation.

In practically non-empty soils, the fruit of the soils below the soles of the foundations can be made only under the condition if the soils of natural addition are dense and by the time of the freezing or during the freezing natural humidity they do not exceed the humidity at the rolling boundary.

4.15. As a rule, laying the foundations for frozen soil in the ground without conducting special studies of the physical state of frozen soil and imprisonment from the research organization.

Not rare cases in the practice of foundation develops, when it is required to put the foundations for watered soils. With favorable ground conditions, it is possible to lay the foundations for frozen soils without prior heat, but it is necessary to have reliable physical characteristics of soils in a murzled state and data on their natural humidity to make sure that the soils are very dense and low-voltage with solid consistency And according to the degree of frosty bunch, belong to almost non-empty. An indicator of the density of frozen clay soil serves the bulk weight of the skeleton of frozen soil more than 1.6 g / cm 3.

4.16. In order to reduce the forces of the transfer and prevention of deformations of the foundations, due to the sickness of the submissions with the side surface of the foundations should be:

a) adopt the simplest forms of foundations with a small cross-sectional area;

b) give preference to columnar and pile foundations with foundation beams;

c) reduce the area of \u200b\u200bground sulking with the surface of the foundations;

d) to use the foundations in the soil layer below the seasonal freezing;

e) reduce the depth of the primer of the soil near the foundations heat-insulating activities;

e) reduce the significance of the tangential forces of frosty powder by applying the lubrication of the foundations planes by polymer film and other lubricants;

g) to make decisions to increase loads on the foundation for balancing the tangential reasons;

h) Apply a complete or partial replacement of bunching soil non-empty.

4.17. The calculation of the sustainable position of the foundations on the impact of frosty powder forces of the base of the base should be carried out in cases where the soils come into contact with the side surface of the foundations or are located under their sole, refer to buncinous and possibly freezing.

Notes . 1. When designing capital buildings on the foundations of deep downstream, the calculation of sustainability can be made only for the period of construction, if the foundations are overwhelmed with unloaded;

2. When designing and building low-rise buildings with structures, low-sensitive to uneven sediments (for example, with wooden chopped or bruschable walls), as well as for agricultural facilities such as vegetable and silo, performed from wood materials, calculations for the action of frosty powder forces can not It is not applied to produce and performing events.

4.18. The stability of the position of the foundations under the action on them of the tangent forces of frosty discharge is checked by the calculation by the formula


where N. N. - regulatory load on the base in the level of the basement of the foundation, kgf;

Q. N. - the regulatory value of the force holding the foundation from the release due to the friction of its side surface of the telly soil located below the estimated depth of the freezer (defined by software);

n. 1 - the overload coefficient taken equal to 0.9;

n.- the overload coefficient taken equal to 1.1;

τ N. - the regulatory value of the specific tangent force received equal to 1; 0.8 and 0.6, respectively, for severe, medium-peructuous and weakly soils;

F.- Square side surface of a part of the foundation located within the calculated depth of the freezing, cm (when determining the valueF.the calculated depth of the freezing is taken, but not more than 2 m).

4.19. The regulatory value of the force holding the foundation from the release,Q. N. Due to the friction of its side surface about a telly soil is determined by the formula


where - the regulatory value of the resistivity of the shift of the melt soil base on the side surface of the foundation, determined by the results of experienced studies; in their absence it is allowed to take 0.3 kgf / cm 2 for sandy soils and for clay 0.2 kgf / cm 2.

4.20. In the case of anchor-type foundationsQ. N. holding the foundation from the release should be determined by the formula


where Γ with p - the average regulatory value of the volume weight of the soil, located above the surface of the anchor part of the foundation, kgf / cm 3;

F. A. - area of \u200b\u200bthe upper surface of the anchor part of the foundation, which perceives the weight of the overlying soil, see 2;

h. A. - Blowing the anchor part of the foundation from its upper surface to the layout of the layout, see

4.21. The definition of frosty powder forces acting on the side surface of the foundations is of great importance for the design of bases and foundations of low-rise and generally buildings with low-loaded foundations, especially for the use of monolithic unloaded foundations.

Example. It is required to check the foundation-plate from the ceramzite concrete with dimensions of 100 × 150 cm under the column of a single-storey frame building. The depth of the primer of the soil is below the sole plate of 60 cm, the load on the column based on the stove, 18 tons. The plate is laid on the surface of the sandy subwoofing without rehabilitation into the ground. The soil at the base of the plate according to the degree of frosty buncinity refers to the mid-frequency.

Substituting the values \u200b\u200bof the values \u200b\u200bin the formula (), we obtain the magnitude of the normal forces of frosty soilsN. H \u003d 18 t; n. 1 =0,9; n.=1,1; F. Φ \u003d 100 × 150 \u003d 15000 cm 2; h. 1 \u003d 50 cm; σ n \u003d 0.02 (software); 0.9 × 18≥1.1 × 150 × 50 × 100 × 0.02; 16,2<16,5 т.

Experimental check showed that with such a load, the foundation of the frame building during the freezing of the soil is 120 cm, vertical offsets of the foundation plates from 3 to 10 mm were observed, which is permissible for frame single-storey buildings.

The limits of the applicability of the ability to prevent the release of unlucky and low-profile foundations are based on the generalization of the existing experience of the construction and operation of buildings and structures, which are erected as experimental in bubbly soils.

Events on the device undeveloped foundations on bunched soils

6.3. When the device is unloaded foundations, the tangential forces of frosty release do not appear and, therefore, the possibility of the occurrence and accumulation of residual uneven deformations when freezing and thawing the soils is excluded. Thus, the main measures to ensure the sustainability and operational suitability of buildings and structures are reduced to the preparation of the grounds for stacking foundations on them in order to reduce the deformations of frosty radiation and the adaptation of the structures of the foundations and the outfundant structure, to alternate deformations.

Normal frosty powder forces in most cases exceed the weight of the outfundant structure, i.e. They are not equalized by the load on the foundation and then the main factor affecting the basement of the foundation will be the magnitude of the deformation or grounding of the soil. If the magnitude of frosty radiation is not proportional to the values \u200b\u200bof normal powered forces, then the measures should be directed not to overcoming the normal forces of frosty powder, but to reduce the values \u200b\u200bof the deformation of the radiation to the maximum permissible values.

Depending on the presence near the platform of non-empty soils or materials for the device of pillows under the foundation plates, sand is a large and medium size, gravel-pebble, fine crushed stone, boiler slag, clayzit and various mining waste.

On the venues with bulk or woven soils, the design of unfolotable foundations in the form of plates and layers should be performed in accordance with the requirements of Section. 10 chapters on the design of buildings and structures.

When the device is unlunned tape foundations, one-story buildings should be guided by the following guidelines:

a) on the planned area after breaking the axes, sandy, befdling under the outer walls with a thickness of 5-8 cm and 60 cm wide. The formwork is installed, the armature is installed (three rods with a diameter of 20 mm) and concreting (cross-section of 30 × 40 cm tape). On excessively brushed soils, especially in low elements of the relief, a monolithic ribbon foundation is recommended to be laid on beats with a thickness of 40-60 cm, but at the same time, the bulk soil must be maximally compacted;

b) after the end of the foundation, the site layout arrives around the house with the provision of water flow from the building;

c) on medium-dipped, weakly and practically non-empty soils, it is possible to arrange ribbon foundations from precast concrete blocks with a cross section of 25 × 25 cm and a length of at least 2 m;

d) According to a typical project, it is necessary to complete the installation of the scene outside the house with a width of 0.7 m, plant decorative shrubs, prepare the soil layer around the house and sow seeds of the trembling herbs. The layout of the sections should be completed for a ruler.

Events on the device of low-tech foundations on bunched soils

6.4. Understandable foundations on a locally compacted foundation found use in the construction of buildings and structures of agricultural purposes on medium and low-necked soils. The local sealing of the soil is achieved by the clogging of the foundation blocks into the ground or the installation of precast blocks into the nests, beaten with the help of the inventory seal with a dynamic method, which increases the degree of industrialization of construction work, reduces the cost, labor costs, and expenditure of building materials.

Locally compacted primer base under the foundation acquires improved physicomechanical properties and has a significantly greater carrying capacity. As a result of increased pressure on the ground and its greater density, the deformation of the base during freezing and thawing the soil is sharply reduced.

Experimental studies to determine the deformation of frosty deuction under pressure in natural conditions it was found that when measuring a locally compacted base below the basement of the foundation by 60-70 cm, the magnitude of the frosty binding of the foundation is: at a pressure of the soil in 1 kgf / cm 2 - 5-6 mm ; 2 kgf / cm 2 - 4 mm; 3 kgf / cm 2 - 3 mm; 4 kgf / cm 2 - 2 mm and at a pressure of 6.5 kgf vertical movements at the foundation was not observed within two winters.

The use of local sealing of soils, at the base on medium and low soils, it makes it possible to use a freezing soil as a natural base with the depth of the foundations by 0.5-0.7 from the regulatory depth of the primer of soils. For example, for the middle band of the European territory of the USSR, the laying of foundations can be taken 1 m from the planning mark with the condition of the local sealing of soils.

Preparation of grounds for low-profile foundations should be carried out in the following order:

a) cutting of the vegetable-dernic layer and a plump, soil that does not contain vegetable inclusions;

b) local sealing of soils at the base of the columnar foundations by driving an inventory seal to form nests for the national foundations;

c) the breakdown of the location axes of compacted grounds should be made after the equipment will be delivered to the equipment for the local sealing of soils under separate-standing foundations;

d) the depth of the embezzlement of low-profile foundations is made of the following conditions:

for buildings in which vertical movements from frosty powered soils are not allowed depending on the specific pressure on the ground under the basement sole ranging from 4 to 6 kgf / cm 2;

for light buildings, in the presence of vertical movements that do not interfere with normal operation (temporary, college, wooden and other buildings), the depth of the fruit of the soil under the basement base can be accepted, based on the permissible deformations.

Before the device of low-profile foundations on sites with complex geological addiction, it is necessary to specify the rates of foundations installed on the locally compacted base, static tests. The number of tests at the facility is established by the project organization. Depending on hydrogeological conditions.

The technology of devices of low-profile foundations is set forth in the "temporary recommendations for the design and device of small-breeding foundations on bubbly soils for low-rise agricultural buildings" (NIPOS, M., 1972).

7. Thermal insulation measures to reduce the depth of the freezing of soils and the normal forces of frosty discharge of low-inclusive foundations

Experience in the use of heat-insulating event in the practice of construction

7.1. The thermal insulation measures used in the practice of foundation-based, are divided into temporary (only for the period of construction) and permanent (taking into account their action throughout the life of buildings and structures).

During the construction around the foundations of buildings and structures, it is recommended to use temporary heat-insulating coatings from sawdust, slag, claying, slag, straws, snow and other materials in accordance with the guidelines for the protection of soils and the primer bases from freezing.

The permanent insulation activities include the scene, laid on the heat-insulating cushion from slag, crumples, slag, foam rubber, extruded peat plates, dry sand and. Dr. Materials.

The laid heat-insulating gems around the building under construction are usually destroyed with further installation work of the mechanisms and after the complete completion of construction work they need to be rebuilt, which is not always performed, and therefore conditions are created for uneven water saturation of soils and the depth of the primer of soils near the foundations.

The greatest thermal insulation effect is achieved in cases where the material of the pillow is in a dry state, but often the thermal insulation material laid in trough is watering the insular before the freezing and the thermal insulation effect is reduced.

In some cases, instead of the device, the scene is applied to the surface of the soil surface in the outer walls and, as experience shows, the freezing of the soil under floral cover is reduced by half compared with the depth of the soil freezing under the bare surface of the soil.

Recommendations for heat-insulating measures to reduce ground freezing depth

7.2. In order to ensure the safety of the scene and their heat-insulating effect, it is recommended instead of the cabin on thermal insulation pillows to apply a ceramzite-concrete clamping forces in a dry state from 800 to 1000 kgf 3 at a calculated value of the thermal conductivity coefficient, respectively, 0.2-0.17 and In a water-saturated 0.3-0.25 kcal / m · h · ° C.

The laying of a ceramzite concrete unit should be made only after careful sealing and soil planning near the foundations in the outer walls.

Keramzite-concrete disposal is desirable to lay on the surface of the soil with the calculation of its smaller water saturation. It should not be laid a ceramzite concrete into the open in the ground the bark to the thickness of the scene. If the design features of this can not be avoided, then it is necessary to provide drainage funnels for removing water from under a ceramzite-concrete breakfast.

The design of the ceramzite-concrete breakfast is taken by the simplest form in the form of a tape, the dimensions of which are assigned depending on the calculated depth of the soil freezing in the table. five.

Table 5.

Depth of soil freezing, m

Dimensions of the breakfast, m



Up to 1.


2 or more

According to the experimental inspection of the heat-insulating effect of the cabin on the clamping cushion with a thickness of 0.2 m and a width of 1.5 m, the depth of the soil; the fencing of winter greenhouses decreased by 3 times and the thermal influence coefficient of heated greenhouse with a ceramzitic cushionm. T. Obtained on average 0.269.

In the same experimental check in construction sites, the proposed dimensions of the ceramzite-concrete breakfasts and structures of unlucky and low-rise reinforced concrete foundations on the ceramisite for temporary buildings and structures of the construction bases of thermal power plants are needed.

8. Guidelines for the production of construction work on zero cycle

8.1. The following requirements are made to the production of the work of the zero cycle: to avoid excessive water saturation of the bunched soils at the base of the foundations, to protect them from freezing during the construction period and timely edge the earthworks on the backfill of the sinuses and layout of the site around the building under construction.

In the practice of construction, there is sometimes underfilling of soil at low platforms with refuling from the bottom of the reservoir of fine-grained or dust sand. Since sand hydromonitifers together with water pours out of the pipes to the site (with which the water rolls, and the soil settles), should be provided with drainage of the sandy bath layer in order to self-remove and reduce water saturation.

Usually, naming small and dusty sands for a long time are in a water-saturated state, so such soils when freezing are rapidly visible and at the same time weakly-skinned.

When using refuling soils, it is impossible to freeze the soils under the foundations and put the foundations for the frozen soil even for low-rise buildings.

Where the buildings are already built or are under construction, it should not be allowed to wash the bubbly soils closer than 3 m from the foundations of outer walls.

The method of production of earthworks with the use of hydromechanization can be used in the southern regions of our country, where the regulatory depth of the primer of soils is not more than 70-80 cm, as well as with non-empty soils throughout the USSR. But on sites folded by bubbly soils, it should not be developed using hydromechanization, since this method water is soils, which violates the requirements of P.P. 3.36-3.38, 3.40 and 3.41 Heads of SNiP for the design of the bases of buildings and structures on the protection of soils from excessive water surfactants. There is no categorical prohibition in the use of hydromechanization development in the method of hydromechanization in principle, but at the same time the method must be taken by the necessary hydro-elevative measures to drain the soils at the base of the foundations I give appropriate technical and economic justification.

8.2. When the foundations on the bunched soils, it is necessary to strive for the digging of the cutlery by landing mechanisms to comply with the requirements of existing regulatory and technical documents for the production and acceptance of earthworks. You should tear testers to lay tape prefabricated and monolithic foundations of a small width with the calculation so that the width of the sinuses can be overlapped with an extension or waterproofing screen. After mounting the prefabricated foundations or laying of concrete into a monolithic foundation, it is necessary to immediately make the sinuses with a thorough seal of the soil and ensuring the flow from the accumulation of surface waters around the building, without waiting for the final planning of the site and laying the scene.

8.3. Open pitchers and trenches should not be left for a long time before installing foundations, since a large gap in the time between the discovery of the kittlers and the styling of the foundations in most cases leads to a sharp deterioration in the soils at the base of the foundations due to the periodic or constant flooding of the bottom of the bottom. On the bunched soils to the opening of the pit, it is necessary to start only when the foundation blocks and all necessary materials and the need for the construction site are brought to the construction site.

All work on laying the foundations and filling of the sinuses is desirable to perform in the summer when work can be performed quickly and with high quality at a relatively low value of earthworks. The seasonality of the production of work on the zero cycle on bunched soils would be useful to observe.

If you need to open calelovans and trenches to a depth of more than 1 m in the winter, when the soil is in firm-freezlous state, it often has to resort to artificial soil exhausting in various ways, which speeds up the execution of earthworks and does not impair the construction properties of soils at the base of the foundations. It is not necessary to use the thawing of bunching soils by starting water vapor into the drilled wells, since the humidity of the soil is sharply increasing due to the condensate of the water vapor.

8.4. The filling of the sinuses should be performed after the end of concreting monolithic foundations and after laying the basement of the compound overlap with team-block foundations. It should be borne in mind that the filling of the sinuses near the foundations of the bulldozer does not provide a proper soil seal and as a result of which the accumulation of a large amount of surface waters occurs, which are unevenly saturated with soils near the foundations and, when freezing, create favorable conditions for the deformation of the foundations and the superstructure of the refusal forces of frosty. Even worse, when the fading of the sinuses is performed in winter with frozen soil and without seal. The laidtime laid near the foundations usually fails after thawing and self-absorption of the soil in the sinuses.

The sinuses should be filled with the same mold soil with a thorough layer-by-layer seal.

The use of mechanisms for the sealing of the soil during the filling of the sinuses is hampered due to the presence of base walls that create cramped conditions for the operation of the mechanisms.

8.5. According to the requirement of the head of the SNiP for the design of buildings and structures, it is necessary to apply measures to prevent the freezing of the bunched soil below the foundation sole during the construction period.

In the case of reciprocating the laid foundations and plates, we should not forget about the protection of soils from the freezing, especially when the foundations will be loaded when the walls are masoning or mounting the walls before thawing the soils below the sole, foundations. In order to protect the soils from freezing at the base of the foundations, various methods are used, starting with fringes and ending the coating of foundations and plates with thermal insulation materials. Snow deposits are also a good heat insulating material and can be used as a heat insulator.

Reinforced concrete plates, a thickness of more than 0.3 m on the rapidly suitable soils, should be covered at the normative depth of the freezing of more than 1.5 m mineral plates in one layer, silk magicians or claympo with a volume weight of 500 kgf / m 3 and a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.18 layer 15 -20 cm.

If the building is erected, and the soils at the base of the foundations are in the frozle state, then it is necessary to take care of providing uniformly thawing soils under the basement sole by laying heat-insulating coatings from the outdoor sides of the foundations and heating of soils inside the building, for which it can be used electricity or air heating in the underground can be used and temporary heating furnaces.

Winter masonry walls for uniform thawing from the south side have to be wrapped by hinders, shields, tale, plywood or straw mats to protect against collapse with rapid and uneven thawing.

As thermal insulation for the period of thawing soils near the foundations outside the building for 1-1.5 months from the south, you can apply storage of concrete blocks, bricks, rubble, sand, crumples and other materials.

Due to unevenly thawing soils under the outer and inner transverse bearing walls, the formation of through cracks under and over the openings on the transverse inner bearing wall occurs. These cracks are usually expanding and sometimes at the top reach up to tens of centimeters, while the outer longitudinal walls there are rolls with the deviation of the upper part away from the building. With large rolls, it is necessary to disassemble significant areas of external and inland walls.

The roll of the outer walls is often formed in the process of engine freezing in January-March, when the foundations of the outer walls are laid on the calculated depth of the soil; the foundations are laid out the foundations (half or even one third of the regulatory depth of the soils).

Under the action of normal forces of frosty powders of soils on the sole of the foundations of internal bearing walls, expanding end-to-end cracks also appear, while the top of the outer walls is noticeably deviated from the vertical. The cream of external walls depends on the height of raising the inner stone wall and the width of the opening of one or two cracks on the top of the inner wall.

8.6. With the first detection of at least minor hair cracks on the walls of stone buildings, it is necessary to establish the reason for their appearance and take measures to stop expanding these cracks. If the cracks appeared under the action of normal forces of frosty powder, then these cracks cannot be seeded with cement mortar. The main event in this case will be the thawing of the soil inside the building under the foundations of the inner bearing walls, which will cause the ignition of the foundation and the cracks are partially or completely. From continuing the construction of the walls or installation of prefabricated houses with a caring basis, it should be refracted to fully extinguish the soils under the foundations and prior to stabilizing the foundations after thawing soils.

8.7. At construction sites during the production of work, the soils are locally dried from water leakage into the ground from a faulty water supply network. This leads to the fact that in separate areas, clay soils from non-empty and weakly transforms are converted into a randomy with all the ensuing consequences.

To protect the soils, at the base of the foundations from local water saturation during the construction period of the temporary water supply line, the construction should be laid on the surface in order to make it easier to detect the appearance of water leakage and timely eliminate damage in the water supply network.

9. Events for the period of operation of buildings and structures on the protection of soils at the base of excessive water saturation

9.1. In the industrial operation of buildings and structures, erected on bunched soils, should not be allowed to changes in the design conditions on the grounds and foundations. To ensure the stability of the foundations and operational suitability of buildings, it is necessary to carry out measures aimed against increasing the degree of bunch of soils and the appearance of the deformations of the structural elements of the building from the frosty discharge of the foundations. These activities are reduced to the following requirements: a) do not create conditions for increasing the humidity of the soils at the base of the foundations and in the seasonal freezing zone closer than 5 m away from the foundations; b) prevent deeper primers of soils near the foundations relative to the estimated depth of the freezing of soils adopted during design; c) do not allow to cut the soil around the foundations when redeveloping a settlement or a built-in site; d) Do not reduce the project load on the foundation.

In order to combat the increase in the natural humidity of the soils, at the base of the foundations in the process of industrial operation of buildings and structures, it is recommended: all production, household and storm waters are lowered to reduced places away from the foundations or in rainwater receivers and contain drainage structures in good condition; Every year, all work on cleaning surface drainage, i.e. Nagorny canvas, cuvettes, trays, water receivers, holes of artificial structures, as well as storm sewage, must be performed before the beginning of autumn rainy weather. It is necessary to conduct periodic observation of the state of drainage structures, all the work on the correction of damaged slopes, disorders and the defects to produce immediately, without tightening these works before the engine freezing. If these damage formed stagnation of water on the surface of the soil near the foundations, it is urgently to ensure the removal of surface water from the foundations. When the terrain of erosion activity of stormwater is detected, it is urgently eliminated by the erosion of soils and strengthen the waterproof areas with a large livhed water drop.

9.2. Provided by the project and the construction of thermal insulation coatings in the foundations around buildings in the form of a slag on slag or claying pillows, downturns the surface of the soil or other coatings should be maintained in such a state as it was performed on the project during construction. When conducting capital repairs, buildings should not be allowed to overreight of heated buildings without heating, as well as the replacement of the scene around buildings with thermal insulation coatings to the cabinet without thermal insulation coating.

In terms of capital repairs, it is impossible to reduce the planning marks from the built-in buildings on the rapidly suitable soils, since the depth of the foundation can be less than the calculated depth of the primer of the soil. The distance from the outer wall of the building to the ground cutting place should be at least the estimated depth of the soil freezing, and if the conditions allow, then the lane should be left by the lane (i.e. without cutting) near the foundations 3 m wide. Exception of this requirement can only be Such cases when the distance from the planning mark to the basement sole is, after cutting of the soil, there will be no less estimated depth of the primer of the soils. With these works, it is impossible to disrupt the conditions of surface drainage of atmospheric waters and other hydro-elevative devices, which allowed preventing water saturation near the foundations of buildings and structures.

9.3. During the operation of buildings, it may be necessary to change the load on the foundations of industrial buildings during the reconstruction during the change of equipment or changing the production processes of production, which can disrupt the relationship between the forces of the frosty release of the foundations and pressure on the foundations from the building weight.

Often, when improving the loads on foundations, it is necessary to use the strengthening of foundations. At the same time, the area of \u200b\u200bgrounding of the soil with the side surface of the foundation increases, the tangent forces of frosty release increase in proportion to the increase in the reference area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation with the soil. Consequently, when designing the strengthening of foundations (especially columnar), it is necessary to test the stability of the foundations for the affair forces of the frosty.

It also should be checked by calculating the foundations for equipment in cold workshops or outdoors when heavy equipment is replaced easier, i.e. When the load on the foundation is reduced. If the calculation shows that the tangential forces of frosty release exceed the weight of the structure, then it is necessary to provide constructive or other measures against pumping foundations.

9.4. The stoves stipulated by the project with herbal cover need annual care, which consists in timely preparation of the soil layer, coating the fad-forming herbs and shrubs. The presence of a turf layer is almost half reduces the depth of the primerization of the soil, and shrub planting accumulates of snow deposits, which reduces the drainage depth of more than three times compared with the depth of frozen in the open area. All work on the care and for the turf, and behind shrub planting is better to perform in spring time without a violation of the accepted project planning project. Where the turden cover and the planning of the surface of the soil will be broken due to earthworks on the elimination of accidents of underground communications or passenger cars, it is necessary to restore the layout, explode the vegetable layer and again sow seeds of the trembling herbs. The best zaders are the grassmers of the local flora. In the hot and dry months, it is necessary to water the turden cover and decorative shrubs so that they do not die from the lack of moisture.

9.5. Sometimes during the period of industrial operation, deformations of buildings are found in the form of cracks in the walls of brick masonry and distortions from the openings of large-bed or panel fences. In the first deformation of the deformation of the structural elements of the building, it is necessary to establish a systematic observation of the change in these deformations on the beacons mounted on the cracks and according to the leveling of established brands. All indigenous measures to eliminate existing deformations should be prescribed only after establishing the causes of these deformations. In particularly difficult cases, the enterprise administration to establish the reasons for the deformation and development of activities should contact the design or research institute.


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According to SP 22.13330.2011:

6.8.6 Calculation of the stability of the foundations on the impact of the tangent forces of frosty powder acting along the side surface of the foundations should be carried out when the soles of the foundations are lower than the calculated depth of the freezing of bunching soils.

Stability of foundations are verified by the formula

where t. Fh. - the value of the estimated specific tangential force of the radiation, the CPA, received by 6.8.7;

BUT Fh. - the area of \u200b\u200bthe side surface of the foundation located within the estimated depth of seasonal freezing, m 2;

F.- Calculated permanent load, CN, with a reliability factor for load g. F. = 0,9;

F. rf- the estimated value of the force, the CN, holding the foundation from the release due to the friction of its side surface of the telly soil, which flows below the calculated depth of the freezing;

g. C. - the coefficient of working conditions taken equal to 1.0;

g. N. - Reliability factor taken equal to 1.1.

General information to the design of bases composed by bunched soils.

According to SP 22.13330.2011:

6.8 Bunchy soils

6.8.1 The bases composed of bubbly soils should be designed to be designed to increase the ability of such soils during seasonal or long-term freezing in the amount, which is accompanied by the rise of the surface of the soil and the development of frosty powered forces acting on the foundations and other structures. With the subsequent thawing of the bunched soil, its sediment occurs.

6.8.2 To the bunched soils include clay soils, sandy and small sands, as well as large-grass soils with clay aggregate, having a humidity above a certain level (GOST 25100). When designing foundations on the bases composed by bubbly soils, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of increasing the humidity of the soil due to the rise of the level of groundwater, surface water infiltration and surface shielding.

6.8.3 Bunchy soils are characterized by:

absolute deformation of frosty beaten HF, representing the rise of the unloaded surface of the freezing soil;

relative deformation (intensity) of frosty beating EFH - the ratio of HF to the thickness of the VERFORING layer DF;

vertical pressure of frosty powder Rfh, V, acting normally to the sole of the foundation;

horizontal pressure of frosty powders of PFH, H acting normally to the side surface of the foundation;

the specific value of the tangent forces of frosty powder TFH, acting along the side surface of the foundation.

Ways to reduce frosty baudes of foundations.

Currently, the following methods of reducing frosty beating foundations are known.

  1. Replacing the bunched soil at the base of the foundation for non-empty. This method is quite effective, but it is inexpedient for economic considerations, since it is associated with a large volume of earthworks. In addition, it will be implemented only when building a structure, but not after it is erected.
  2. Reducing the watering of the implanting ground array at the base of the foundation. This method is quite effective, but requires expensive work on a drainage system for removal of surface and groundwater.
  3. Increasing the depth of the embedding of pile foundations in order to enhance the pinching of piles in the ground below the depth of seasonal freezing. This method is not effective enough, since it does not provide a sufficient value of the holding forces, as well as non-technological and non-economic.
  4. The use of coating and coatings of foundations that prevent their death with the soil. Practice shows that their useful effects are temporary and unreliable, since repeated freezing and thawing the bunched soil in contact with the coating causes a quick loss of lubricant properties.
  5. The slowdown in the process of freezing the soils in the contact zone by salinization. This method is quite effective, but has a short-term response due to rapid desalination under the action of ground and surface water.

The economically reasonable design of the foundation of the same wooden house will differ significantly from each other depending on the type of ground soils. We will illustrate it on the examples and we calculate the foundation of the same wooden house, the reconstruction of which is described on our website, on non-empty, weakly, and overly bunch of soils. See, respectively, the pages of this section are the correct foundation, the calculation of the foundation of the fondution and the following:

Similarly, foundations of low-rise buildings of other types can be calculated, for the exclusion of slab. Examples of the calculation of the foundation, taking into account the stiffness of the building of the building, are given in the currently current APK "Designing small-brewed foundations of low-rise rural buildings on bubbly soils."

Loads for foundation

The values \u200b\u200bof the main combination of loads for calculating the base of the foundation of the reconstructed wooden building according to 5.2.1 with adopted reliability coefficients for the load γ F in accordance with, equal

F \u003d F 1 -G F, REC \u003d 88,12-16.72 \u003d 71.49 kN.

The load on the base from the foundation for calculating the bases and foundations on the impact of frosty powder forces with the adopted reliability coefficient by the load Γ F \u003d 0.9, according to is equal to

F m \u003d f 2 -0.9 × g F, REC \u003d 88,21-0.9 × 16,72 \u003d 73,16 kN.

Foundation fitness characteristics

Suppose that according to the tests of the base of the base of the foundation, it was established that at a depth of 0.2-6.0 m, the layer of clay clay is yellow-brown, relating in accordance with the [x] classification (table B.16), soft plastic clay (table B.19), having the following characteristics:

  • soil density ρ \u003d 19.9 kN / m 3,
  • dryness of dry soil ρ \u003d 15.2 kN / m 3,
  • natural humidity w \u003d 31%,
  • humidity on the border of the flow W l \u003d 37,
  • humidity on the boundary of rolling w p \u003d 16%,
  • the number of plasticity I p \u003d 21,
  • yield indicator i L \u003d 0.71,
The porosity coefficient calculated by the formula (A.5, X) is e \u003d 0.8. Table A2 values \u200b\u200bof specific adhesion C \u003d 38.5 and internal friction coefficient φ \u003d 13 °. Elastic module E \u003d 13.5 MPa (Table A3).

In accordance with the classification [x], the base grounds refers to severe (Table B.16), melocoplastic clay (Table 19). Underground water at a depth of 1.69 m from the day surface.

For the construction site under consideration (Dmitrov), the regulatory depth of the freezing is equal to

  • where D 0 is an exemplary, taken equal to loam and clay 0.23 m;
  • M t - a dimensionless coefficient, numerically equal to the sum of the absolute values \u200b\u200bof average monthly negative temperatures for the year in the area taken by SP 131.13330

The depth of the seasonal freezing of the soil

The regulatory depth of the seasonal freezing of the soil D DF, M, is taken equal to the average of the annual maximum depths of the seasonal freezing of soils (according to observations over a period of at least 10 years) on an open, barely from snow by the horizontal platform at groundwater level below the depth of the seasonal freezing of soils . (5.5.2 SP 22.13330.2016) The depth of seasonal thawing is determined by the largest vertical distance from the surface of the soil (excluding vegetable cover) to the roof of the multi-neurose-made soil. (4.1.1 GOST 26262-2014) The seasonal freezing of the soil D F, M, determined by the formula (5.4) is:

d f \u003d k h d fn \u003d 1 1.35 \u003d 1.35 m.

For external and internal foundations of unheated buildings k h \u003d 1.

Frosty soil

Relative deformation of the radiation ε f \u003d 0,123, characterizing the degree of frosty powder of the soil, is defined in Figure 6.11 according to the calculated parameter R f \u003d 0.0154 and the reference fluidity indicator of the base I L \u003d 0.71. The parameter R F is calculated by formula (6.34).

R f \u003d 0.67 1,99 \u003d 0.0153

When calculating the parameter R f, the calculated extensions of the total moisture intensity of the soil W Sat \u003d 29.1% and the critical humidity W Cr \u003d 20.5% defined in fig. 6.12 ,.

By parameter R f \u003d 0.0153 (Fig. 6.11), determine the degree of frosty powder of the soil ε fh \u003d 0.123. The base of the foundation base in accordance with Table B.27 [x] refer to overly bunched.

Specific soils, which on SP 22.13330.2016 include bubbly soils, as providing a decisive impact on the design solutions of the foundations of wooden houses, have the III (complex) category of the complexity of engineering and geological conditions in accordance with Table A.1 SP 47.13330.

When the foundations are laid above the calculated depth of the freezing of bunching soils (low-profile foundations), according to 6.8.10, it is necessary to calculate on the deformations of frosty radiation of the base soils, taking into account the tangent and normal forces of frosty powder.

Stamp Foundation on a sandy pillow

Pre-assign the sizes of a concrete column of the foundation: a × b × h \u003d 0.25 × 0.25 × 0.9 m, the base area of \u200b\u200bthe pillar s st \u003d 0.25 × 0.25 \u003d 0.0625 m 2, the depth of the embedding d \u003d 0.5 m. Weight The foundation pillar from fine-grained concrete with a volume weight γ \u003d 21.7 kN / m 3 is g F \u003d 0.0625 × 0.7 × 21.70 \u003d 1.22 kN. Determines the calculated value of the resistance of clay soil R using table (Table B.3, E \u003d 0.8, I L \u003d 0.71) Resistance values \u200b\u200bR 0 \u003d 229 kPa:

R \u003d R 0 (D + D 0) / (2D 0) \u003d 229kpa × i (0.5 m + 2.0 m) / 2 × 2.0 m \u003d 156.5 kPa (B.1, II)

The values \u200b\u200bof the lifting S u and the relative deformation ΔS / L U U is unloaded base less than the maximum permissible (Table 3,):

  • S U \u003d 0.925≤ \u003d 5 cm
  • ΔS / L u \u003d 0.947 / 154 \u003d 0.0053≤S U, max \u003d 0.006
Here, see the smallest distance by Mehdu axes of the foundation column.

Check the strength of the underlying layer

According to 5.6.25, in the presence within the compressible thickness of the base at the depth of Z from the sole of the foundation of the soil layer of smaller strength than the strength of the soil overlying layers, the foundation sizes must be assigned to such that for the total voltage σ z provided the condition

Σ z \u003d (σ zp -σ zγ) + σ zg ≤r z (5.9)

  • where σ zp, σ zγ and σ zg are vertical stresses in the ground at the depth of Z from the basement sole (see 5.6.31), kPa;
  • R z is the calculated resistance of the soil of reduced strength, kPa, at the depth of Z, calculated by formula (5.7) for the conditional foundation B Z, M wide, equal to:
  • b z \u003d √ (a z 2 + a 2) - a, (5.10)
  • where a z \u003d n / σ zp,
  • a \u003d (L-B) / 2.
Taking into account the layer of vegetable soil, as a uniformly distributed load (5.6.33 and 5.6.39)

The coefficient α p \u003d 0.0675 is determined by interpolation in Table 5.8 at a relative depth ξ equal to 2Z / B \u003d 2 × 0.65 / 0.25 \u003d 5.2;

Vertical load on the base from the foundation N \u003d P / S Art \u003d 123.52 × 0.0625 \u003d 7.72 kN.

The width of the conditional foundation will be

b z \u003d √ (7.72 / 8.34) 2 \u003d 0.926 m.

The proportion of the soil located above the sole is equal to

γ "\u003d (γ GR D HR + γ" D) / (D HR + D) \u003d (12 × 0.2 + 19.94 × 0.5) / (0.2 + 0.5) \u003d 17.67kn / m 3.

Vertical voltage of its own weight of the soil is calculated by formula (5.18), while the coefficient α γG is defined in Table 5.8 with a width of the b \u003d 2δ × 0.65 + b \u003d 1.55 m for the relative depth ξ \u003d 2 × 0.65 / 0.926 \u003d 1.404.

Σ zγ \u003d α γg σ zg0 \u003d αγ "d n \u003d 0,8387 × 17,68 × 0.7 \u003d 9.65 kN. (5.18)

Vertical effective tension from its own weight of the soil σ z, g, kPa, on the roof of clay soil z \u003d 0.65 m calculated by formula (5.23)

Σ z, g \u003d γ "dn + σ i \u003d 1 n γ ihi + γ 1 (zz i-1) + q \u003d 17.68 × 0,7 + σ 6 1 19.94 × 0,1 + 19,94 (0.65-0.6) + 2.4 \u003d 25.32

Calculate the values \u200b\u200bof the stress on the roof of the clayey layer according to the formula (5.9)

Σ z \u003d (8.34-9.65) + 25.33 \u003d 24.02 kPa.

Determine the calculated resistance of the clay soil under the conditional foundation by formula (5.7) at D B \u003d 0. M coefficients we accept on Table 5.5 at φ \u003d 13 °

R. \u003d γ c1 γ c2 / k \u003d 1.1 × 1 × [ 0,26 × 1.1 × 0.926 × 19,94 + 2,05 × 1.15 × 17,78 + 4,55 × 38,5] / 1,1 \u003d 221.61kpa.

Condition (5.9) performed:

R.\u003d 221.61\u003e Σ z \u003d 24.02 kPa.

Calculation of the base precipitate

  • the precipitate of the base s \u003d 0.08≤s u \u003d 20 cm,
  • the relative difference between the precipitate ΔS / L \u003d 0.00045≤ (ΔS / L) U \u003d 0.006.
The foundation design under consideration satisfies the current regulatory requirements.

Pile foundations

4.6 Pile foundations should be designed based on the results of engineering surveys, made in accordance with the requirements of the SP 47.13330, SP 11-104 and section 5 SP.

Designing the pile foundations without the relevant sufficient data of engineering and geological surveys is not allowed.

According to 7.1.15 piles and pile foundations, it is necessary to count on the strength of the material and verify the stability of the foundations under the action of frosty powder forces, if the base is composed by bunched soils (application g).

Screw piles

Consider the possibility of use as the foundation of screw steel piles with the diameter of the barrel D 0 \u003d 57 mm, the blades - d \u003d 200 mm, L 0 \u003d 5000 mm long. Piling weight 24 kg. The calculated load on the pile n \u003d / 11 \u003d 6.56 kN, here is the number of piles.

The pile in the foundation and the single-carrier base of the ground ground should be calculated on the basis of the condition

γ n n≤f d / γ c.g, (7.2 pile)

  • where n is the estimated load transmitted to the pile from the most disadvantageous combination of loads acting on the foundation defined in accordance with 7.1.12;
  • F D is the limiting resistance of the ground base of single pile, in the current carrier pile's abilitywhich is determined in accordance with subsections 7.2 and 7.3;
  • γ n is the reliability coefficient according to the construction of the structure, adopted according to GOST 27751 [V], but not less than 1;
  • γ c.g - the reliability coefficient for the soil taken equal
    • 1.4 - if the carrying capacity of the pile is determined by the calculation using the tables of the Code of the Rules, including according to the results of dynamic tests of piles, made without taking into account the elastic deformations of the soil;
Beneficial ability F D, CN PIII (7.2.10), working on presses or pulling load, determined by the formula

F d \u003d Γ c, (7.15)

  • where γ c is the coefficient of the working conditions of the pile, depending on the type of load acting on the pile, and the ground conditions and is determined by Table 7.9;
  • F D0 - the carrying ability of the blade, CN;
  • F DF is the carrying capacity of the trunk, KN.
The carrying capacity of the spoke blade is determined by the formula

F D0 \u003d γ C (α 1 C 1 + α 2 γ 1 H 1) A, (7.16)

  • where α 1, α 2 is the dimensionless coefficients accepted according to Table 7.10, depending on the calculated value of the inner friction angle of the soil in the working area φ (under the working area it is understood to the blade of the soil layer with a thickness of D);
  • c 1 - the estimated value of the specific grip of the soil in the working area, kPa;
  • γ 1 - averaged calculated value of the specific weight of the soils that occur above the pile blades (with water-saturated soils, taking into account the weighing action of water), KN / m 3;
  • h 1 is the depth of the pile blade from the natural relief, and when planning a stem - from the layout, m.
  • A - the projection of the area of \u200b\u200bthe blade, M 2, counting on the outer diameter, when operating the screw piles to the compressive load, and the projection of the workplace of the blade, i.e. minus the area of \u200b\u200bthe trunk cross section, when working with screw piles to the extinguishing load.
The carrying capacity of the helical pile trunk is determined by the formula

F D0 \u003d UF 1 (H - D), (7.17)

  • where F 1 is-delicious soil resistance on the side surface of the helical pile, the CPA, received according to Table 7.3 (averaged value for all layers within the depth of pile immersion);
  • h- The length of the pile trunk, immersed in the ground, m;
  • d-diameter of pile blades, m;

F d \u003d 0.8 × × 0.0314 + 0.179 × 5.3 × (4.0-0.2) \u003d 15.33 kN

The carrying capacity of single screw piles on the indulging load is greater than the calculated load transmitted to the pile, condition (7.1) performed!

γ n × n \u003d1 × 5.9 =15,33 (7.1 )

Sustainability of pile foundations for the action of the tangent forces of frosty

The stability of the pile foundations on the action of the tangent forces of frosty powered soils should be checked by condition

τ fh a fh - f ≤ γ c ff / γ k, (z1,)

  • where τ Fh is the estimated specific tangential power, the KPU, the value of which in the absence of experimental data is allowed to take Table W.1 depending on the type and characteristics of the soil.
  • A FH is the side surface area of \u200b\u200bpile with the limits of the estimated depth of seasonal freezing-thawing of the soil or layer of artificially frozen soil, m 2
  • F - the calculated load on the pile, the CN, received with the coefficient of 0.9 along the most disadvantageous combination of loads and the effects, including external (wind, crane, etc.);
  • F RF - the estimated value of the force holding the pile from the release due to the friction of its side surface of the telly soil, which flows below the calculated depth of the freezing, the CN, received by the indications of G.4;
  • γ C - the coefficient of working conditions taken equal to 1.0;
  • γ k is a reliability coefficient taken equal to 1.1.
According to the estimated value of the power of the F RF screw pile, holding the pile from the rehabilitation and the extinguishing load, is determined by formula (7.15), while accepted
  • f 1 - Durable soil resistance on the side surface of the helical pile trunk of a telly soil, kPa, defined according to Table 7.3 (averaged value for all layers within the depth of pile immersion);
  • the length of the pile trunk, immersed in a telly soil, m;
Determine the estimated tangent force of the radiation as a product of the value of the regulatory force τ fh \u003d 110 kN according to Table G.1 at a depth of seasonal freezing D fh \u003d 1.35 m and the yield state indicator I L \u003d 0.71, and the coefficients of 0.8 and 0.9 According to respectively, notes 3 and 4 to Table W.1

F τfh \u003d τ fh a f \u003d 0.8 × 0.9 × 110kn / m 2 × 0.024 m 2 \u003d 19,18 kN.

Here, the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe trunk of screw piles, located in the soil freezing zone is equal to

A fh \u003d πd 2 d f \u003d π × 0.057 2 × 1.35 \u003d 0.024 m 2.

Calculate the value of the holding force by substituting the corresponding values \u200b\u200bin formula (7.15)

F d \u003d 0.7 × (× 0,0288 + 0.179 × 7.8 × (4,6-1.35-0.2)) \u003d
14,23kn. (7.15)

Checking condition (G1,)

Holding forces are equal

Tangential powers are equal

The tangential forces of frosty powders are much higher than the holding forces and the foundation will be released.

In order to reduce the tangential forces of frosty powder, it is necessary to reduce the cross section of the foundation by 2 times, leaving the same size of its sole.

You can also reduce the tangential forces of frosty beating by the use of thermochemical measures, such as, for example, a warmed break, which reduces the estimated depth of the soil; or coating the side surface of the foundation by a polymer film, which reduces τ N 2 times.

3.328 (9 Appendix 6). For perception of restraints Q. H, defined by formulas (3.109) or (3.110) [(2) or (3) adj. 6], it is necessary to ensure proper tensile strength of the cross section of the foundations and the corresponding compounds of individual elements of prefabricated foundations.

3.329 (10 Admission 6). If it is possible to freeze bunching soils under the base of the foundation, the stability of the foundation should be checked with the joint action of the tangent and normal forces of frosty powder.

Check is performed by the formula:

where n. 1 ,N. n, n.,τ n, F.- Designations are the same as in the formula (1) of this Annex [(3.108) of the hands.];

F. F.
- the area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation soles, see 2;

h. 1
- the depth of the fruit of the soil, counting from the basement sole, cm 2;

σ N.
- the regulatory value of the normal pressure of frosty powder, created by 1 cm 3 of the escape layer of the soil, determined by the experimental path, kgf / cm 3; In the absence of experienced data for medium and weakly soils, the value σ H is allowed to be taken equal to 0.06 kgf / cm 3, and for the limited - 0.1 kgf / cm 3.

3.330. To select protective technological measures that prevent the emergency freezing of soil under the basement base, followed by formula (3.111) (4 adj. 6) to determine the thickness of the soil layer, the limiting under the condition for preserving the stability of the foundation.

The check should be performed for the construction period to the backfill and seal the sinewoves and after frustration, but before the heating of the building, as well as for the period of operation of the building.

3.331. The test calculation of the forces normal to the plane of the sole base of the pressure foundation of the freezed layer of bunching soil is of great importance in the design of the bases and foundations of all types of buildings and structures, regardless of their floors, erected on bubbly soils.

These calculations will clarify the appointed measures to prevent the freezing of soil under the base of foundations leading to the deformations of the designed buildings and structures.

It is recommended in these calculations to take into account that the weaker the clay soil (more of its consistency), the more and the same load on the foundation requires large sizes of the foundation. At the same time, with a higher consistency, the normal forces of frosty beamies are significantly higher (as a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe base of the foundation, so in particular and the total for the entire foundation).

Examples, testing of stability of foundations in emergency freezing under them bunching soil

Example 1. The building is designed for tape fundamentals of the depth of 1.6 m.

Within the regulatory depth of the freezing, loam lines, characterized by the following values: e. \u003d 0.75 I. I. L \u003d 0.20.

The level of groundwater is located at a depth of 3.5 m. Regulatory drainage depth H. H \u003d 1.8 m and calculated H. \u003d 1.5 m.

According to the consistency of the soil and the position of the groundwater level, the soil is weak and the values \u200b\u200bof tangent and normal powered forces are allowed [according to PP. 3.323 and 3.329 (5 and 10 adj. 6)] Take Equal τ H \u003d 0.6 kgf / cm 2 \u003d 6 Tc / m 2 and σ H \u003d 0.06 kgf / cm 3 \u003d 60 Tc / m 3.

The width of the foundation is assigned on the basis of the load on it and the values \u200b\u200bof the conditional calculated pressure on the base of the base R 0 by paragraph 3.204 (paragraph 1 of Appendix 4).

By table. 3.24 (2 Appendix 4) for a soglinka having e. \u003d 0.75 I. I. L \u003d 0.20, value R. 0 \u003d 24 Tc / m 2. H \u003d 23 TC / m. With the width of the foundation b. \u003d 1 m pressure on its sole will be equal r \u003d 23 TC / m 2, which satisfies the condition p.<R. 0 .

Society Sole 1 m foundation F. F \u003d L m 2, side surface (from two sides) within the calculated depth of the freezing F. \u003d 2 × 1 × 1.5 \u003d 3 m 2.

Check for the construction period when the load is N. H 1 \u003d 12 Tc / m and the sickles of foundations are not covered with soil, shows that the violation of the stability of the foundations (their lifting) will occur when the soil layer is freezing with a thickness exceeding the limit - h. 1:

Verification for the period when the main works are completed and filled and the sealing of the sinewoves is completed, as well as for the period of operation, it shows that the limit value of the thickness of the frozen layer of the soil under the basement sole in these cases will be:

Limit values h. 1 In all cases, it is small and therefore reliable heat-shielding activities are necessary.

Example 2. The building is designed on the bar foundations with depth h. \u003d 1 m.

Within the regulatory depth of the freezing, clays with characteristics values \u200b\u200bare locked: e. \u003d 0.5 I. I. L \u003d 0.1. In the upper layer with a thickness of 0.2 m, non-empty soils.

Conditional calculation pressure R. 0 for the base, folded by these soils, with foundations with depth h. \u003d 1 m, will be according to PP. 3.204 and 3.206 (1 and 2 adj. 4) Equally

R. 0 \u003d 0.75 · 58 \u003d 43 TC / m 2.

The level of groundwater is located at a depth of 3 m. Regulatory drainage depth H. H \u003d 1.2 m, calculated H. \u003d 0.8 m. According to the consistency and the position of the groundwater level, the soil is weakly, as a result τ H \u003d 6 ts / m 2 and σ H \u003d 60 Tc / m 3.

The foundations are designed without lesions, square in terms of 0.8 × 0.8 m, area F. F \u003d 0.64 m 2. H \u003d 27 TCs that with the selected foundation satisfies the condition p.<R. 0 .

Since when planning an upper layer with a thickness of 0.2 m is made of almost non-empty soil, then with an emergency freezing of the base below the calculated depth of the frozen N. \u003d 0.8 m at least 0.2 m tangential powered forces will act on the side surface of the foundation area F. \u003d 4 × 0.8 (1-0.2) \u003d 2.55 m 2.

Limited under the condition of stability Thickness under the basement base layer of the layer of freezing soil h. 1 in the process of construction when N. H 1 \u003d 10 TCs and foundations are not covered with soil:

The same value h. 1 For the end of construction, with full load and emergency frosting of the soil under the basement sole:

In both cases, in order to avoid emergency freezing of the soil, more than 20 cm need reliable heat-shielding activities.

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