
Technological card Installing tape foundations. Typical technological card (TTK). Installation of foundation blocks. Installation of collecting tape foundations

The technological card was developed for the installation of precast concrete foundations of a glass type F 21.9-3, f 15.9-2, F 12.9-2, F 18.9-3.

The work of the work under consideration includes: setting the foundations of a glass type.

Adopted in the map The direction of installation of foundations, breakdowns on the captures and the movement of the crane are shown in the graphic part of the project.

4.5.2 Work Performance Technology

Prior to the start of construction and assembly (including preparatory) works at the facility, the general contractor is obliged to obtain permission from the Customer to carry out installation work. The basis for the start of the work is the act of intermediate acceptance of earthworks.

Prior to the start of installation of foundations, all preparatory work must be fully fulfilled, including:

Construction of temporary roads and entrances;

Separated the pit under the foundations;

The centering axes of the building are determined and secured;

Reperen are installed;

Selected constructions that have passed input control;

The required designs are imported and decomposed in the crane area;

Planned and prepared platforms for storage of prefabricated structures;

Delivered to the installation zone the necessary mounting agents, fixtures and tools.

Acceptance of an object for installation should be carried out by employees of the assembly organization on the act.

The warehousing zones are separated by cross-cutting passages with a width of at least 1 m every two stacks in the longitudinal direction and in 25 m in the transverse one. For the passage to the ends of the products between the stacks, the gaps are arranged, equal to 0.7 m.

Before mounting blocks of foundations, you must perform the following work:

Smash their installation places;

Apply in four faces at the level of the upper plane foundations of the risks of the installation axes in accordance with the project;

Apply the risks of installation longitudinal axes on lateral faces at the bottom level of the foundation block.

To break down the installation places of the foundations around the perimeter of the building or only at its corners, it is set to pick up, stretch the wire indicating the position of the axes, and with the help of the plugs, they carry the points of their intersection to the bottom of the pit, where they are fixed by pegs clogged into the ground.

Figure 4.4 - Geodesic breakdown of installation sites foundations

1 - hoist; 2, 8 - risks; 3 - wire; 4 - the position of the center axes on the pickup; 5 - plumb; 6 - pegs; 7 - Fundam

From the points measure the design position of the outer face of blocks. Additional and intermediate axes are placed with a metal tape measure.

Figure 4.5 - Breakdown of Foundation Blocks

On the foundations of the glass type, they define the middle of the side faces of the glass and apply axial risks on the upper face. Risks are applied with a pencil or marker. When lowering the foundation block, it is controlled by risks.

The design position of the base marks is installed using a level. So that the blocks of foundations do not hide from the sandy pillow, the width of it is made by 200-300 mm more soles of the soles of foundations.

The base prepared for the installation of the foundation should be made on the act of examining hidden work.

The foundation blocks are installed on the sand layer aligned to the project mark immediately into the design position to avoid impaired surface layer of the base. Installing blocks of foundations on water-covered or snow is not allowed. Bands of foundations and reference surfaces must be protected from contamination.

Installation technology. Sets the foundation unit on the prepared base of the link of the installers in the composition of three people. The installers of the 4th and 3rd discharges, being in the pit, purify and level the base under the foundation. At this time, the installer of the 2nd category prepares the foundation for the laying, checks the size of the glass and the mounting screens, and if necessary, replaces them with scrap or hammer. Then the 3rd discharge assembly, fixing the four-track sling on the block, moves to a safe distance, supplies a crane machine to a preliminary lifting of the block by 0.2-0.3 m above the ground. After making sure the reliability of the sling, serves as a crane driver to the lifting. The raised block inspects and cleans (its lower plane) from the nagwed soil. Then the craneker moves the block to the place of its installation. At an altitude of 0.2-0.3 m above the base, two other workers take the block, centen it at risks on the side of the side and by pegs on the base, and then smoothly lowered into place. With stretched slaps, installers rhytize it with lomits, combining risks on a block with benchmarks on the base. Accurately installing the block of the link gives the signal to weaken the slings, after which they are removed. The crane moves around the middle of the span of the building and from one parking sets several elements.

The position of the foundation unit in height is seorating with a level, controlling the bottom of the glass. The position of the block in the plan is checked with unauthorized lines by combining rice (installation and centering axes) in two mutually perpendicular axes, a small deviation is eliminated by moving the unit by mounting lomik. At the end of the installation of the foundation blocks, they carry out geodesic surveys of their position - altitudinal and in terms of. According to the results, the shooting is the executive scheme, which indicates the possible offset of the blocks.


General Director, Ph.D.

S.Yu. Edchichka

"__" _________ 2004

On the installation of fittings
Monolithic bands
Foundations separate

The technological map shows the technology of installation of monolithic reinforcement ribbon foundations separate rods.

The map shows the scope, technology and organization of work, the requirements for the quality and acceptance of work, the requirements of safety and labor protection, environmental and fire safety, the need for material and technical resources, are given technical and economic indicators.

The technological card can be used in the construction of various objects from the monolithic reinforced concrete as part of the PPR according to SNiP 3.03.03-85 *.

This map was developed by the staff of OJSC PKTIPROMSTROY:

Kholopov V.N. - Card Development;

Savina O.A. - computer processing and graphics;

Black V.V. - general technological support;

Bychkovsky B.I. - technical guide, normocontrol, development proofreading;

K.T.N. Edichka S.Yu. - General management of the development of technological documentation.


a) when horizontal single reinforcement: 1 - protective layer of concrete (by project); 2 - reinforcement grid (frame); 3 - fixators of the protective layer of concrete (frog-lining from concrete or plastic); l. - Pitch lining (by project);

b) with horizontal double reinforcement: 1 - protective layer of concrete; 2 - reinforcement grids; 3 - Watermelon Device; 4 - concrete surface after concreting; l. - distance between the rods (grids);

c) Watermelon Device: 1 - reinforcement rod; 2 - welds; 3 - axes of working reinforcement; 5 - Lining

a) - connection of parallel rods; b) - the connection of intersecting rods

The size of the fattest and the crossing of the rods of the reinforcement must correspond to GOST 10922-90.

To form a lateral protective layer of concrete between meshes of frames and walls of formwork, put plastic locks with a pitch of 0.8 - 1.0 m. The design and form of clamps are given in the figure.

a) with vertical single reinforcement: 1 - formwork; 2 - reinforcement rods; 3 - plastic retainer; but - protective layer of concrete (by project);

b) with vertical double reinforcement: 1 - formwork; 2 - reinforcement rods; 3 - plastic retainer; 4 - reinforcement shorts; but - protective layer of concrete (on the project), t. - Distance between grids.

the left hand is taken out of the beam and the index finger bend it around the crossing of the rod, both of the wires are captured by sponges of the bodies, turning them into two turns;

b) Candidage of angular nodes with pulling:

the end of the wire is populated for the longitudinal rod under the clamps, direct the legs of the left hand up and bend for the clamps near the rod, the end of the wire is captured with nipples and pull them down under the wire in the left hand, nippers are transferred to the right and capture the crossing from both ends of the wire near the node, nodes Keep in their right hand with three fingers, pull up and turn into two turns.

Rods of rods should be made:

Butt - peaks or crimping sleeves and screw couplings with the equalization of the junction;

Cross-shaped - viscous annealed wire. It is allowed to use special connecting elements (plastic and wire locks).

Button and cross-shaped welded connections should be performed on the project in accordance with GOST 14098-91.

3 requirements for quality and acceptance of work

Typical Technology Card (TTK)

Installation of foundation blocks


Typical routing Developed to install foundation blocks.

Scheme of the organization of the workplace (Fig. 9) and the procedure for performing work.

Fig.9. Scheme of the organization of the workplace when installing tape base blocks:

MS, M. - work positions of installers;

1 - mounted blocks of foundations, 2 - Mounting scrap, 3 - mortar shovel, 4 - Mounted block, 5 - drawer with hand tool, 6 - Wooden rail.

The preparation of the block to installation and its feed is doing a rigger. It rages the block, checks the correctness of the hook, clears from the dirt and the influx of concrete, and making sure that the unit is ready for installation, sends it to the installation site.

The installers are preparing a block installation location: Using wooden stakes as a landmark, pre-clogged on the design mark of the base of the block, shovels align the base. Then the installers receive a block at an altitude of 200 ... 300 mm from the surface of the base, orient it in the right direction and allow the crane to be resolved to the prepared bed.

In the correctness of the installation, you make sure using axial wire, stretched on the pickup (this wire fixes the edge line of the block). Using a plumb, check whether the position of the mounted block is the project. When deviating, the block is rich using the assembly scrap.

Allowable deviations, mm

Disassemble the unit installers if necessary. They will throw the block, after its lift inspect the quality of the lines, clean the block from sand and soil, then allow the block to move to the storage area, where it takes the installer, places on the lining and removes the slings.

Preparation of a block for installation (Fig. 10), performer worker performing rigging work

Fig.10. Lifting scheme of the collection block of foundations:

1 - Wooden lining, 2 - Wooden pads, 3 - lifting block 4 - Universal shipping device, 5 - Working rigging work.

1. gives a signal to the crane driver to file a universal load handmade device 4 In the block storage area.

2. The hooks of the device for mounting loops are alternately 3.

3. Signals the crane driver so that it pulls the sling.

4. Departs from the block into a safe zone at a distance of 4000 ... 5000 mm.

5. gives the signal to the crane driver to raise the unit to a height of 200mm.

6. examines the quality of the lines. If the block is slippread incorrectly, it is lowered by a working team that performs rigging works, which again rages it and allows the rise in the same height.

7. Insperse the surface of the block and clears from the influx of concrete and dirt.

8. Gives a signal to feed the element to the installation site.

Preparation of the installation site of the block (Fig. 11), performers

Fig.11. Sandage preparation scheme:

1 - prepared grounds, 2 - mounted block 3 - mortar shovel, 4 - a worker performing installation work, 5

1. A worker performing installation work, a senior in the link and a worker performing installation work check whether there are stakes that indicate the base mark.

2. A worker performing installation work, senior in a link and a worker that performs assembly work with shovels level the base 1 under the block, focusing on the level of pre-clogged wooden stakes.

3. A worker performing assembly work as needed by a shovel 3 throws up sand.

4. A worker performing installation work, the eldest in the link periodically checks the horizontal of the base: to the top of the stakes it sets the rail and measures the metal line of the gap between the rail and the sand level (the clearance should not exceed 5 mm).

5. A worker performing installation work, a senior in the link and a working, performing installation works fold the tool, fixtures and inventory according to the workplace scheme.

6. A worker performing installation work, a senior in a link and a working, performing installation works stretch the axial wire.

Installing block (Fig.12), performers worker performing installation work, senior in the link and worker performing installation work

Fig.12. Installation scheme of the national foundation unit:

1 - Sand base 2 - mounted block 3 - Working operation, 4 - Universal shipping device, 5 - Mounted block, 6 - A worker performing installation work, senior in the link.

1. A worker performing installation work, the eldest in the link gives the signal to the crane driver 5 In the mounting zone.

2. A worker performing installation work, senior in a link and a worker performing installation work take a block 5 At an altitude of 200mm from the surface of the base.

3. A worker performing installation work, a senior in a link and a working, performing installation work guide a block, focusing on the axial wire, locking the edge line of the block.

4. A worker performing installation work, senior in the link and a working, performing installation work hold the unit at the time of lowering.

Uniform block (Fig.13), performers worker performing installation work, senior in the link and worker performing installation work

Fig.13. The reconciliation circuit of the unit installed:

1 - mounted block, 2 - plumb, 3 4 - axial wire 5 - Mounted block, 6 - scrap, 7. - Work that performs installation work.

1. A worker performing installation work, senior in the link fastens a plumb 2 K. axial wire 4 and checks the position of the block. If there are deviations from the project position, gives the command to the worker that performs the installation work to move the block.

2. Worker performing assembly work by the Lomik 6 Moves the block in the desired direction.

3. A worker performing installation work, the senior in the link re-check the accuracy of installing the block.

Racking block (Fig.14), performers worker performing installation work, senior in the link and worker performing installation work

Fig.14. Drawing diagram of the installed block:

1 - a worker performing installation work, senior in the link, 2 - A worker performing installation work.

1. A worker performing installation work, the eldest in the link gives the crane driver team to loosen the slings.

2. A worker performing installation work, a senior in the link and a worker, performing installation works withdraw hooks from the mounting loop of the block.

When preparing the basis it is important to work out the process of self-control. A worker performing installation work, the senior in the link periodically applies the rail to the upper end of the stakes of the stakes or the risks applied to them. The bottom of the rails fixes the level of the sand base, the quality of which is determined by the deviation from the horizontal. Since the rake occupies a horizontal position, it is necessary to measure the gap between the lower rear edge and the base surface at several points. These points must determine the students by challenge them at first visually.

If the gap between the lower edge of the applied rail and the base exceeds 5 mm or the rack length will be more than three deviations exceeding 3 mm, the base is unsuitable for installation of structures. The accumulation of a certain amount of deviations leads to a decrease in the quality of work. If inaccuracies are less than the norm, then work is considered satisfactory. This manifests itself the law of transition of quantity in quality.

Limit deviations:

From the combination of the installation orientation of the blocks of walls with the risks of the center axes - not more than 12 mm;

From the vertical of the top of the planes of wall blocks - 12 mm.

The solution march must match the project.

The mobility of the solution for the device bed must be 5-7 cm.

Installation of wall blocks should be performed with ligation.

Not allowed:

The use of the solution, the process of setting which has already begun, as well as the restoration of its plasticity by adding water;

Contamination of support surfaces.

3. Requirements for the quality of work

Composition of operations and controls

# G0Tapup work

Controlled operations

Control (method, volume)


Preparatory work


Availability of a document on quality;

The quality of the surface I. external view blocks, accuracy of their geometric sizes;

Transfer of the main axes of foundations for clutch;

Preparation of foundation blocks for installation, including the purification of support surfaces from pollution and land.


Visual, measuring


Visual, each element

Passports on plates and blocks, general work log

Installation of foundation blocks


Installation of foundation blocks, matching their position in terms of and in height of the project requirements;

The density of the adjoining of the soles of the foundation blocks to the surface of the base;

Filling seams cement mortar According to the requirements of the project.

Measuring, Each Element


General Journal of Work

Acceptance of performed slave g


Deviation from the vertical of the planes of wall blocks;

Deviation of the axes of the foundation blocks relative to the centering axes;

Filling the seams between the blocks of the solution.

Measuring, Each Element


Executive geodesic scheme, act of acceptance of work

Measuring Tool: Level Roulette, Metal Line, Reference, Rule

Operational control is carried out: Master (foreman), geodesist - in the process of work. Acceptance controls are carried out: a quality service worker, master (foreman), customer representative

Control of the accuracy of the device of precast tape foundations

Before starting construction work on foundation blocks, risks that determine the axis should be applied. In the presence of rice products, it is necessary to clarify their position. With proper geometric form of the block for the longitudinal and transverse axis, they take lines connecting two points of intersection of the diagonals of the side walls (Fig. 15).

Fig.15. Axis and risks of the block:

1 - longitudinal axis; 2 - transverse axis; 3 - metal plates; 4 - Risks

The axes are denoted on the edges as traces of crossing the planes spent through the transverse and longitudinal axes perpendicular to the upper face. At the same time, not all shown in Fig. 15 risks, but those that are needed to install the block are applied.

In the planned position, the blocks are installed using mechanical center, if the method of the sheer line is used, or by theodolitis, if the method of the vertical plane is used.

To install and verify the foundation blocks in height, you must have two additional repex on the bottom of the bottom with the levels of the foundation of the foundation.

The sequence of control measurements in the course of the device of prefabricated base foundations may be like this:

1) pour the leveling layer, for example, from sand, a thickness of about 10 cm and a 20 cm wide more than the pillow size (Fig.16).

2) Locked with studs or stakes the position of angular and lighthouse blocks at the bottom of the pit.

3) installed with the outer side of the studs or stakes on the sandy pillow frame or boards with labels of block axes and impose their planned position.

4) Determine the altitude position of the frames or boards on the level and install them on the project mark.

5) tamper and align the sand pillow to the frame level or boards.

6) Install on the prepared base blocks so that their basic tags coincide with the marks of the frames or boards.

7) Check the position of angular and light-air blocks on the level (in this case, the countdown on the railway standing on the block must be less than the rail point in the reference point on the thickness of the block).

8) produce control planning measurements of the parties and diagonals in sections, limited by corner and early blocks, and compare them with design dimensions;

9) Tensioning at the level of the upper outer edge of the angular and light-air blocks or between the loaf blocks the part and it controls the installation of other blocks, filling the gap.

Fig.16. Monitoring the accuracy of the installation of the pillow by center marks:

a - general view; b - section

When the foundation device, you need to break holes for skipping underground communications. The planned position of the inputs is determined by a precursor from the main axes, and the altitude - from the references. The breakdown of inputs should be carried out before assembling blocks.

4. Material and Technical Resources

Tool, fixtures, inventory

Sling combined to lift and install blocks - 1;

Container box with a capacity of 0.23 wage mohrine "HREF \u003d" / text / category / Ohrana_truda / "REL \u003d" BOOKMARK "\u003e Labor protection and safety equipment (installation of reinforced concrete structures)

I. General rules

1. To the installation of railway structures, workers are allowed not under the age of 18 years of study typical programSupervised by the Administration in the knowledge of this Instruction, having a written permission for the production of works (admission).

2. Work is permitted only where it is directed by a brigadier or a master.

3. Do not start work without getting an introductory briefing on TB and briefing on secure workshops at this workplace.

4. On the territory of the construction site, the following rules must be followed:

a) be attentive to signals supplied by crane crane cranes and drivers of moving transport and perform them;

b) not be under the raised cargo;

c) pass only in places intended for the passage and indicated by pointers;

d) not to run the way ahead of the moving transport;

e) do not go for the fences of hazardous zones;

e) places where work is underway at height, bypassing at a safe distance, since it is possible a random drop in items from height;

g) not to look at the flame of electric welding, since it may cause eye disease;

h) do not touch electrical equipment and email. wires (especially bare or torn), do not remove the fencing and protective casing with current-carrying parts of the equipment;

and) not to eliminate the malfunction itself. equipment, call an electrician;

k) do not work on the mechanisms without the passage of special training and receipt;

m) Noticing a violation of the instructions by other workers or danger to others, do not remain indifferent, and warn the worker and master about the need to comply with the requirements that ensure the safety of work.

II. Responsibilities before starting work

5. Check the serviceability and suitability of all rigging devices, make sure that the installation of the installation crane is reliable.

6. Prepare for the operation of a mounting tool.

7. Inspect fences, scaffolding, forests and make sure of their health and sustainability.

8. Having found a malfunction or defects in rigging devices (breaking the strand of the cable, bending, breaking traverse, containers), a mounting tool or fences to report to this wizard and proceed to work only with the wizard resolution.

9. Check the adequacy of the workplace lighting.

10. To avoid damage to the current carefully examine the electrical wiring passing alongside and when the cereal, uninsulated wires is detected, to report this to the master.

11. With simultaneously conducting work at different levels on one vertical, a solid flooring should be made or a solid mesh at each level to protect those operating at the bottom of the fall of any objects or tools.

III. Requirements during work

A. When installing foundations and walls of the basement

12. Workplace It must be cleaned of foreign objects and planned.

13. Do not allow unauthorized persons to zone mounting work.

14. Prefabricated blocks and foundation pillows to lay in 2 meters from the clove of the strainer in the stack with gaskets for lining without turning blocks.

15. When cracking or "visors", threatening collapses, dried up with slopes, to pause and report on the hazard to the master.

16. Blocks and foundation pillows Clear from nondes, snow and dirt. Lifting blocks and pillows covered with soil or snow, as well as summing up to Earth, is prohibited.

17. Installation of the upper rows above 1.1 m to produce only with inventory lobes or from portable sites.

18. When lifting the designs, the alarm must be organized in such a way that all the signals of the crane driver, as well as the workers employed on the delets, were served only by one person, steering lifting and installation of structures (as a rule, brigadier and in particularly responsible cases by a master or a foreman) . In all cases, the crane driver must be notified whose instructions it should perform. When operating installers, a reliable connection must be provided outside the field of vision of the crane film between the crane and workspaces of the installers.

19. Zones, dangerous for the movement of people during installation, must be fenced and equipped with visible warning signals. It is forbidden to stay people on the floors below that construction and installation works are manufactured (in one invapination), as well as in the zone of movement of elements and structures with cranes.

20. Sling products to produce only for mounting hinges with hooks, equipped with hooks or carbines.

21. The lifting of the raised elements is made only by flexible steel plots, cables that have a tag. Slings should be easily put on and removed from the lifting mechanism hook, and it is also easy to free from the risen designs or elements. The slings should not have nodes, loops or twists. When climbing under sharp edges of the design, wooden gaskets should be placed, preventing the cable peat. Lifting to produce for all available mounting loops.

22. Railwayings of the elements are made according to the developed schemes.

23. To be under the goods lowered or allow them to transfer them over the jobs is prohibited.

25. When lifting the product, it is moving in a horizontal position when the product is raised above other objects of at least 0.5 m.

27. The applied product is omitted over the site of the project position for no more than 30 cm and from this position to send and install the product to the project position.

28. After installing the product, weaken the cables and the secondary to make sure that it is installed in the design position.

29. Do not leave the products raised on the weight.

30. Do not lay the mounted products on the lines of lobes.

31. Do not take the product with hands for installation, if it is raised above the installation site by more than 30 cm.

B. When installing prefabricated railways

33. Installation of the designs of each subsequent floor is allowed only after the installation of the overlapping of the previous floor is completed, as well as all the work on the mounting, welding and deposit of nodes. The openings left in the floors and the holes to protect or overlap the flooring.

34. Prevent exceeding the maximum boost capacity of the crane on this arrows removal and do not exceed the maximum load capacity of rigging devices (sling, etc.).

35. Lifting of parts having weight close to the limit, produce in two receptions. First lift the item to a height of 20-30 cm and in such a position to check the suspension and stability of the crane, and then raise the part to the full height.

36. Do not allow loading of goods by a crane by oblique tension of the ropes or the rotation of the boom.

37. Moving the crane of people is prohibited.

38. The rise of small piece (brick, etc.), as well as bulk cargo to produce in special containers, eliminating the possibility of loss of cargo from the container.

39. When installing partitions, the parties are firmly consolidated by traverse and prevent its spontaneous catch. Carefully monitor the cargo during its lifting and moving.

40. When installing blocks of march stairs that do not have inventory fences, establish temporary fences and only then allow the passage to the stairs.

41. When installing a block jumper, it is prohibited to be on the wall and mounted block and on inventory submits.

43. Distribution of the mounted elements (plates, balconies, eaves) is made after they are installed in the design position and welding of the mortgage hinges of the mounted element with an anchor.

44. Installation of large-panel partitions to produce with mobile sirring lobes.

45. With strong wind (more than 6 points), ice, strong snowfall, rain and fog, mounting work at the height must be discontinued.

46. \u200b\u200bThe lines of long elements to produce at least two pins and when installing it is necessary to control the elements from the distance of rope stretching attached to both ends of the mounted element.

47. Welding and displacement of nodes of installed designs must be made from overlappings, fenced at the workplace, mobile lifes with fenced areas at the top or suspended lugs. The welder must have a bag for collecting firewood.

48. R / w columns and racks frames must be equipped with mounting stairs or suspended cradle for subsequent mounting works and the release of slings, as well as for fixing or welding nodes and installing rheel.

49. For the transition of installers from one design to another, assembly stairs, transitional bridges and ladders should be applied. Movement on the lower belt of the Farm Farm Balka is allowed only if there is a rope stretched along their rope to engage the safety belt carack. The rope must be tightened to a tight, sagging or weakening it is not allowed.

50. Assembly and lifts of constructions with a length of more than 6 m and weighing more than 3 tons, requiring special caution when they are moved and installed, it should be done under the direct manual of the wizard or a gear.

51. For the structures of structures and install them in place, it is necessary to apply special lomicions or deceit, and the finding of people under the installed elements is not allowed.

52. Blocks and hoists, which are used for installation of structures, should be arranged so that the spontaneous falling of the cable or chain from the pulley, as well as the jamming of them between the unit and the rope is excluding.

53. Manual lifting winches must be equipped with automatically active brake or safe handles. During the lift, it is necessary to monitor the consistent and correct pumping of the cable for the drum, not allowing the appeal above the side cheeks.

54. When working at a height of riveting and welding without dismisses, it is necessary to be attached to the designs.

55. Disconnecting of the raised design with a lifting hook or braces to be made only after the design of the design on a sufficient number of bolts according to the work project.

56. The support of the bolts to produce assembly keys of the corresponding sizes. Planning the gasket between the keys and nut, and also use keys with knocked lips forbidden.

57. Racking of installed elements is allowed only after durable and reliable fixing:

a) columns - anchor bolts or conduit and deficing;

b) rafting farms - braces with a subsequent connection with runs and connections with previously established and fixed farms;

c) crane beams and substropyl farms - bolts in an amount of at least 50 percent. project quantity;

d) elements having a welded attachment on the project - temporary mounting bolts with full filling of all bolted holes.

IV. Requirements after work

58. Make cleaning in the workplace.

59. Give the entire tool to the pantry.

60. About all selected shortcomings to report to the master or foreman.

Soft: AutoCAD 14

Composition: Facade 1-23, Facade 23-1, Facade A-D, facade D-A. General Plan (1 pl-t), installation plans of the walls of the first floor, typical floor, roofs. Warming between a mine elevator and an apartment. Sections I - I, II-II, III-III, IV-IV, V-V (2 PL-T), installation plans for overlapping slabs 1-10 floors (3 PL-T), plans of the first floor, standard floor. Technical and economic indicators at home. Floor explication, details 1-9 (4 pl-t), assembly plan of techniculums in axes 1-9. The entry plan in technical. Scheme layout of concrete blocks. Sections II, II-II, III-III, 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7 (5 PL-T), Facade 3NS 36-30 -1, product characteristic, view from the inside, cuts 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5. The reinforcement unit of the inner layer of ABS 3NSH 36-30-1, the reinforcement unit of the external layer of ABNS 3NSN 36-30-1, the specification of reinforcement and mortgage products and their drawings. The steel specification per item, the sample of steel (6 PL-T), the plan of the pit. Pialy field plan, pile specification. The statement of the volumes of earthlings. Formwork drawing of a monolithic frame of RSM 1, reinforcement of the monolithic frame RSM 1. Ventball pairing node with a bottom, pile conjugation detail with the headband of FD 4. KR-1 frame, cuts 1-1, 2-2 (7 pl-t), the construction of carriers and Fencing building structures below Options. 0.000, main construction and installation work, preparatory period, general instructions, safety instructions, requirements for the quality of work on the device of the kittle. The need for machines, equipment, tool. Technical and economic indicators. Operational quality control of work. Schedule for the production of works (8 pl-t), installation circuit wall panels. Scheme operational control Qualities for mounting wall panels. The need for machines, mechanisms and tools, the need for materials, structures. Scheme of the organization's workplace organization, the sling scheme of exterior and internal panels, a temporary fixing panel scheme. Graph of production of works (9 pl-t), construction plan. Characteristics of construction conditions, object characteristics. Fire safety At the construction site. The need for major building machines, the statement of the main construction machines and devices. Maximum weight of structures. Cargo characteristics of the tower crane KB-405.1A (10 pl-t), a calendar plan for the production of work. Schedule of the work of the Ra Bocya strength. Technical and economic indicators of construction (11 PL-T), the studied compositions. The materials used (12 PL-T), the studied compositions (13 pl-T), the physico-mechanical properties of the materials under study (14 pl-t), biological resistance (15 pl-t), water resistance research (16 PL-T), study water resistance (17 PL-T), chemical resistance in alkali aqueous solution (18 PL-T); Chemical resistance in an aqueous alkali solution (19 PL-T), the influence of humidity of the medium on biological resistance (20 PL-T), the biosistance of the compositions after withstanding in conditions of high humidity. Changing the bioscistance coefficient under the influence of microscopic mushrooms (21 PL-T)

0 3 39

Typical Technology Card (TTK)

Installation of the foundation from wall blocks

I. Scope

I. Scope

1.1. Typical technological map (hereinafter referred to as the TTK) is a comprehensive regulatory document establishing on a certainly specified technology to organize working processes for the construction of a structure using the most modern means of mechanization, progressive structures and methods of work. They are designed for some medium work conditions. TTK is intended for use in the development of projects of work (PPR), other organizational and technological documentation, as well as to familiarize (learning) workers and engineering and technical workers with the rules for the installation of work on the installation of a collective belt foundation from reinforced concrete slabs and baseband wall concrete blocks under the building.

1.2. This map shows the instructions on the organization and technology of manufacturing work on the installation of a collection belt base under the building, rational means of mechanization, provide data on quality control and acceptance of work, the requirements of industrial safety and labor protection in the work of work.

1.3. The regulatory framework for the development of technological maps is: SNiP, CH, SP, GESN-2001 Yenir, production rates of materials consumption, local progressive norms and rates, labor costs, the cost of material and technical resources.

1.4. The purpose of the creation of TC is a description of the decisions on the organization and technology of work on the installation of the foundation in order to ensure their high quality, as well as:

- reducing the cost of work;

- reduction of construction duration;

- ensuring the safety of the work performed;

- organization of rhythmic work;

- Unification of technological solutions.

1.5. On the basis of the TTK as part of the PPR (as mandatory components of the project's work project) are developed working technological maps (RTC) to perform certain types of work. Working technological maps are developed on the basis of typical cards for specific conditions of this construction organization Taking into account its design materials, natural conditions available to the fleet of machines and building materials tied to local conditions. Working technological maps regulate the means of technological support and the rules for performing technological processes in the work of work. Constructive features On the installation of the collection belt base under the building, the work project is solved in each particular case. The composition and degree of detailing materials developed in RTK are established by the corresponding contract construction organization, based on the specifics and volume of work performed. Working technological maps are considered and approved as part of the PPR by the head of the General Contracting Construction Organization, in coordination with the Customer's Organization, the customer's technical supervision.

1.6. The technological map is intended for manufacturers of works, masters and brigadiers of producing work on the installation of a collection belt basement under the building, as well as employees of the Customer's technical supervision and is designed for specific conditions for the production of works in the third temperature area.

II. General provisions

2.1. The technological card was developed on a set of work on the installation of a collective belt base under the building.

2.2. Work on the installation of a collection belt base under the building is carried out in one shift, the duration of working time during the shift is:

where - the use of the time mechanisms during the change (time associated with preparation for work, and the holding of this is 15 minutes; breaks associated with the organization and technology of the production process and recreation of the driver, - 10 min through every hour of work).

2.3. The technological map provides for the execution of works by a complex mechanized link using Car crane KS-4561A (See Fig.1 and Fig. 2) by a lifting capacity.

Fig.1. General view of automobile crane KS-4561A

Fig.2. High and cargo characteristics of KS-4561A crane

2.4. Works on the device of the collecting belt foundation include:

- geodesic breakdown of the location of the foundations;

- the device of a crushed stone pillow;

- device of concrete training;

- installation of foundation reinforced concrete plates;

- installation of wall foundation blocks;

- a device of an aligning reinforced concrete belt at the top of the foundation;

- side coating waterproofing of the foundation;

- Reverse fusion of the sinuses of the kittle.

2.5. Concrete blocks and reinforced concrete plates of foundations are used for the device of the ribbon national foundation.

Fig.3. Foundation blocks according to GOST 13579-78 * and plates according to GOST 13580-85

2.6. Works should be performed, guided by the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

- SP 48.13330.2011. Organization of construction;

- Snip 3.01.03-84. Geodesic work in construction;

- Snip 3.02.01-87. Earth structures, grounds and foundations;

- Snip 3.03.01-87. Bearing and enclosing structures;

- Snip 12-03-2001. Labor safety in construction. Part 1. Common Requirements;

- Snip 12-04-2002. Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction Production;

- RD 11-02-2006. Requirements for the composition and procedure executive documentation during construction, reconstruction, overhaul Capital construction facilities and requirements for acts of examination of works, designs, sections of engineering and technical support networks;

- RD 11-05-2007. The procedure for maintaining a common and / or a special journal of accounting for the implementation of work during construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities;

- PB 10-382-00. Rules of device and safe operation of lifting cranes;

- IAS 274-88 Safety Instructions for the operation of arrogant self-propelled cranes.

III. Organization and technology for performing work

3.1. In accordance with the SP 48.133330.2011 "Construction Organization" before the construction of construction and installation works at the facility, the Contractor is obliged to receive project documentation from the Customer and permission to carry out construction and installation work. Performing work without permission is prohibited.

3.2. Prior to the production of works on the basis of the foundation, a complex of preparatory works and organizational and technical events should be carried out, including:

Appoint persons responsible for high-quality and safe work;

Conduct briefing members of the Safety Brigade;

Accommodating the necessary cars, mechanisms and inventory in the work area;

Arrange temporary drives and entrances to the work of work;

Ensure communication for operational dispatch management of work;

Establish temporary inventory household premises for storing building materials, tools, inventory, workers heating, food reception, drying and storage of working clothes, bathrooms, etc.

Provide working tools and personal protective equipment;

Prepare places to store materials, inventory and other necessary equipment;

Fence construction site and put warning signs lit at night;

Provide the construction site by fire inventory and alarm means;

Make an act of readiness of the object to the work of work;

Get permits for the production of the customer's technical supervision.

3.3. Prior to the start of installation of foundation blocks, the following events and work should be performed:

Designed by the boiler under the building;

A crushed pillow under the foundation is arranged;

Concrete preparation under the foundation is arranged;

Selected constructions that have passed input control;

Plants for storage of foundations are planned and prepared;

The foundations are brought and decomposed in the crane area;

A breakdown of the foundations installation places;

Delivered to the installation zone the necessary mounting agents, fixtures and tools.

3.4. General instructions

3.4.1. The bulk in places setting the foundations thoroughly compact up to 0.95. Under the foundation plates to perform rubbish preparation with a thickness of 600 mm from the rubble M400, fractions 40-70 mm with a folding fraction of 20-40 mm and 10-20 mm with a layered seal to 0.95. The work performed to present the customer to sign acts of examination of hidden work in accordance with Appendix 3, RD 11-02-2006.

3.4.2. Under the tape foundations of internal partitions, perform preparation from a sandy-gravel mixture with a thickness of 100 mm. Under monolithic foundations to prepare from concrete cl. AT 10 O'CLOCK, W4., F100, 100 mm thick. The work performed to present the customer to sign acts of examination of hidden work in accordance with Appendix 3, RD 11-02-2006.

3.5. We store plates and blocks of foundations on open, planned areas with a coating of rubble or sand (H \u003d 5 ... 10 cm) in stacks, a total height of up to 2.0 m.

Fig.4. Foundation Plate and Blocks Storage Schemes

The gaskets between the products are stacked one above another strictly vertical, otherwise cracks are formed and they can collapse. The cross section of the gaskets and linings is usually square, with the sides of at least 25 cm. The sizes are selected with such a calculation so that the overlying blocks do not relieve on the protruding parts of the underlying.

The storage zones are separated by cross-cutting passages of a width of at least 1.0 m every two stacks in the longitudinal direction and in 25 m in the transverse one. For the passage to the ends of the products between the stacks, the gaps are arranged, equal to 0.7 m.

3.6. Marking of places of installation of foundation blocks produce a method of remedy serifs from axial dots of the structure. The axial points of the structure are divided into terrain from the axes X and y.. Points are fixed on the pickup, located outside the work area. For a relative mark 0,000 The vertex of the top of the floor of the building is adopted, corresponding to the absolute mark indicated in the working drawing

The geodesist with the help of the theodolite carries the axis to the pickup with the fixation of them with two nails, clogged into the floorboards, intermediate axes are transferred to a linear measurement method. Staining between the nails of the wire, the fixed axes of the installation of foundation blocks are obtained. With a stretched wire with the help of an axis plumbing to prepare, where they are fixed with scored wooden pegs or metal pins. The accuracy of the location must comply with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.03-84.

3.7. When mounting the plates of foundations pre-from the point of intersection by the axis by the meter, the design position of the outer facet of the plate is measured and the two metal pins are clogged in such a way that the wire moor stretched between them was located in 2 ... 3 mm beyond the line of the foundation plates. After marking the position of the plates on the preparation and removal of the wire along the axes, they begin to install them.

Fig.5. Plate Marking Plate

1 - hoist; 2 - end foundation plates; 3 - Poisoner

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