
The dollar attracts money. How to fold the dollar with a triangle detailed scheme. Folk signs to make money. Additional way: conspiracy to attract money. Coin for coin to attract wealth

There are several simple ways to attract money to your life and increase already available. People came up with many conspiracies and rites helping to get rich, which really work. Folded triangle Dollar bills is a magnet for money.

So, how to fold the dollar triangle,read in this post

♦ Like all important things, a procedure for attracting money to a growing moon. To roll the dollar with a triangle first turn the bill so that the portrait of George Washington look at you, the top was right, and the bottom is left.
♦ Upper left corner Bend to the right edge of the dollar, then fold the top of the vertex of the resulting triangle to myself to get a rectangle. Roll the dollar diagonally by wrapping the triangle hypothenus inside. You must appear an inverted word one. Total will turn out three additions.
♦ Bend to the base of the triangle, the remaining bottom corners of the bills and wrap them inside the dollar figure, while covering the paper layers. This is the surest way to roll a dollar triangle.
♦ Turn over the figure to the other side, and you will see the image of the pyramid with an eye on the top (the so-called sign of the Masons) is the facial side of the folded dollar. The top of the pyramid should look up, so Turn the bill clockwise 90 degrees.
♦ Subcontalize triangle from dollarread the spell to lips and whisper three times: "As a strong river attracts the streams, and the sea is a strong river, as a woman attracts a man, and a man of a woman, as the night attracts the day, and the day is the night, so you have attracted to yourself. May it be so!"
♦ Put the dollar, folded by a triangle, in the smallest branch of a green or gold color wallet face to itself and top up. Never remove the bill anymore and do not discard the eye to always make sure that the money is not translated, and attracted them to yourself.
♦ Fill in the wallet with money in the sequence from large bills to small, put the coins into a special compartment. Keep the bills straightened, so refuse the purse in favor of the clutch.

Fold the dollar triangle could be so:

1. Initially fold the dollar in half
2. More

The main thing is that the pyramid is on the facial (it does not fall smoothly and it is correct)

Successful people say:

"To make a good to earn, you need to think well"

Greetings, friends! It is no secret that money is not just paper or metal, but the means on which each person depends on Earth. They have a very strong energy that causes the owner to spend them as soon as possible. Earn it is not easy, and so it's a shame when the cherished bills disappear much faster than appeared.

Today's topic will be interesting to everyone! It turns out that there are several ways to make money being taken and not translated into the wallet, but not all familiar with these rules.

Familiar situation

Probably, many familiarize the situation when you do not have time to get a long-awaited salary, as in a few hours all the money ends. And how many are trying and counting certain amounts, they still melt money in their hands, and the wallet quickly turns out to be empty.

Fortunately, adhering to only five rules, you can try to increase the number of bills in your wallet. And these are not fictional signs, not mysticism and not esoteric, but the ancient human knowledge that were known and tried many years ago and continue to be used by smart people and so on.

First way: do not spend money on payday

The first and, perhaps, the most important rule is as follows - after receiving the money they need to be conveyed to the house. There is such a sign that "new" money must be carried out in the house of their owner. The next day they can safely start spending. Immediately spend even a small amount -, and it is believed that after that the money will spend faster. It is necessary to bring them home and put in the place where cash is usually stored. Handiculate payments should be carefully and respectful. Do not commete the bills, but take care of carefully.

Second way: full order in the wallet

At least money and inanimate "objects", but people are directly dependent, so it will not hurt to have respect for them. According to the rules, cash in the wallet must lay the front side to the owner, and exclusively in descending order, and not vice versa, as many have accustomed. Thus, opening the wallet, a large amount of money is visible immediately, which subconsciously adjusts the person that he is successful and rich.

Still in the wallet must be perfect order - let the money will be folded smoothly and neatly, and not "upside down".

Third way: Personal Talisman

The money talisman is not easy, it should be really a very valuable thing. Some have their own talisman, which serves as protection against the evil eye and bad influence, while others hope for the case - per will carry. The most important thing is to believe because of your protective talisman.

Large selection of talismans to attract money in online store.

What do you need to wear in a wallet for good luck and increase the number of bills?

Usually, you choose such a bill in which two digits correspond to the year of the birth of the owner of the wallet.

Even better, if there are three or even four digits to match - this monetary bill will be the perfect talisman! It is very difficult to find such a banknote, but if it is lucky enough, it will become a reliable assistant to attract funds. It is impossible to give it in other people's hands (neither close, nor friends), and spend and part with it for a long time, especially forbidden.

Fourth way: new wallet

Few people pay attention to what wallet is the money. And in vain, because the money, as has already been said earlier, have their own energy. This means that money needs respect and order in everything.

If you fold the bill in a new, beautiful and neat wallet, then the money will be good and cozy in it. They won't want to leave him and come back to her favorite place again and again. About what kind of wallet to buy, can tell the ancient rituals. Comfortable wallets made of genuine leather here.

Fifth way: power of the powerful dollar

From the dollar you can make an influential and powerful talisman, if you correctly fold it and forever close in the wallet.

More from the history of the ancient world, it is known that Masons were drawn up - sorcerers, esoterics or just influential people. Creating a dollar, they left a lot of magical signs on it, in order for this currency to flourish for many centuries.

So it happened - the dollar began to grow rapidly and is still considered one of the most influential monetary units. On how to fold the dollar properly and put it in the wallet, you can learn from the ancient chronicles.

Additional way: Conspiracy to attract money

The conspiracy for attracting money is no longer considered something unusual and supernatural, even those people who are absolutely not believed in its power are used. However, faith does not matter much in the magic sphere, because the most important thing is a clear observance of rituals.

You can make a conspiracy into water. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a half-table of water and read the prayer to the prayer to St. John with merciful about the multiplication of wealth. This water you need to spray your arms and wallet for at least two times a day.

New Year's rite

You can also make a small rite and conspiracy. For this, on December 31, you need to put a small pot on the most prominent place. Passing by within a week, it is necessary to put a penny or ruble into it. When coins are accumulated enough, they need to buy a church candle and not a wooden candlestick, after which you can start conducting a rite.

It is performed as: you need to put a pot with coins and a candlestick on the table, and take a candle in my right hand. The main thing in this rite is to tune in to wealth, imagine himself a wealthy and successful person. Holding this presentation in thoughts, the candle is inserted into the candlestick, and the coins from the pot are poured into the left hand. At the base of the candlestick, you must lay a circle with coins, simultaneously sentenced such words:

"Money, flow. Money, sparkle. Money, grow, make me wish me rich. "

Saying these words six times, you need to light the candle with matches (it is prohibited to use a lighter). Then you need to look at the flame and discard all the thoughts about the problems with money. Think about how the energy of money rises above the coins and connects with the force of the flame. According to the rules, the candle should go alone, so at the end of the ritual you need to get up and depart from the table.

Einstein was asked why he had a horseshoe door if he did not believe in signs. "The fact is that the signs come true no matter if I believe in them or not."

It is noticed that some signs who adhered to the time of the eyelids our ancestors really work, even if not to give them values.

Here are a few rules that will attract cash flow to the house. They must be observed strictly, but it is quite simple.

Rule first:

Received money - carry the whole amount home. Do not waste them on the road. If you are going to make purchases, take the right amount from the house or use the card. New money should spend the night at home with your other money where you usually store them.

Rule second:

Money in the wallet must lie face to you in descending order of money, so that when opening the wallet, the largests were closer to the body, face to you. And do not put bills up legs. It is unpleasant to you if you are headed down. So they are unpleasant))

Rule Third:

Every person has its own happy bill. The last two digits in the bill number must match the last two digits of the year of your birth. Three are even better. And ideally, all four. But it is not easy to find it. Such a bill is your invalid personal money talisman. She is not spent and do not give anyone in hand. But there is a condition. She must come to you herself. Share with friends and look for specially - it is impossible!

Rule fourth:

Money can not be kept in packs with an odd number of bills. They will honor and disperse. Each must have steam.

Rule fifth:

Covers with a nominal value "50" is also not recommended to delay in the wallet: "Five dozen - disadvantage", so our ancestors said!

Here is a little more:

It is necessary to sweep the floor from the threshold, and not to the threshold, so that good from the house does not take place.

The trash do not throw away in the evening - make money from home.

Sweep in one house with different brooms - to disperse wealth, call poverty to the house. In the house, it is impossible to whistle - to poverty and poverty.

Money leave for the night on the table - to the loss of money.

Keys for the night on the table Leave - Property Lose.

An empty bottle on the table is on the night - to lack of money.

Wash the floor after sunset - wash your welfare.

Money loves bill.

Pocket money should be recalculated three times a day.

It is impossible to stand on the threshold - to interfere with the house well-being.

You need to give a debt in the morning, if you give in the evening - money will not be found.

Nails should be trimmed on Tuesday or Friday.

After sunset, the money does not consider money, otherwise they will fall.

You should not put money on the table - to losses.

Wallet is an apartment for money.

He must be right, expensive, so that money was found in it.

In the wallet it is worthwhile to wear a large cash bill and not spend it, it should always be with you to attract money into your wallet.

There is a lot of money. Money does not like light. When there is no money, there are many desires, where and what to spend them, and the more the amount, the less to become a man of desires.

The more the amount of money, the sooner it will increase (money attracts money).

When you return the money say: "So that you have always been and I will like."

In the rooms at home in the corners, put coins, the more there will be a slide, the more money will come to your home. They can not be died and taken.

Do not let go on Tuesday, in the evening and on a decreasing moon.

Do not take money from hand in hand. Money is able to transfer negative energy and damage.

Be generos on the tips for the well done work, to return to you three times more income.

The law of money: "The higher incomes, the higher the costs."

Do not take money in the evening and give a debt in the evening. If you do not have a way out, it is better to put money on the floor, the table, the end, but do not pass into your hands - to the mutual.

Get money with pleasure, and parted with money without regrets.

One of the surcharge says that for money so that they have not needed to betray them excessive importance and not give them non-existent qualities, money is just money. Do not serve money, money is not a goal, it is just a means.

Different currencies are not mixed together, they put them on individual pockets of dollars to dollars, euros to euros.

When you will see a young month from my right, show him money.

Sitting on the table is impossible - to poverty.

It is impossible to keep an empty container in the house - if you need it, put a coin or beans in it.

Hair cut yourself - to loss and losses.

Brought to the house of money put them under the mirror at night - so that the money has tripled.

The broom in the house must be put down the handle down.

You can't leave the store to leave - leave money.

Keep money in packs in which an even number of bills are best if it is 20,80,100, otherwise you will leave you.

Money should always be given to the right hand, and take the left.

If you got money from the hands of rich people, save them - they will bring you more money.

Do not assign other people's money - every money has its own owner.

Do not chase for cheap, it is better to overpay than not to pay extra. Do not store pictures in the wallet.

In the wallet, except for money, nothing superfluous should be.

Do not discuss other people's money - there will be no one.

Do not call your profit of "salary" - call "income".

Sewing money only with profits, but never come.

You give the animal - a penny in return.

If the bird "marked" you - to profits.

Left palm worried - to unexpected money.

On Monday - no calculations, accounts. An unfavorable day for money. In the debt on Monday, you can not give it. Do not lend money on Tuesday - all my life will be in debt. Do not let down on Sundays in debt - do not return.


To begin with, pay attention to your wallet. So as not to be ashamed to keep it in it is not easy, but big moneyYou will earn, it should be beautiful and comfortable, made of natural materials. Preference to durable natural skin, better "cash" colors - red, brown, yellow, gray. The size of the wallet must be spacious for so that the paper can be placed in it, without bending. There should be several compartments in which you can decompose money Ranger.

Money fold on descending, starting with the larger. It is they who must lie in the wallet first, side to you, to your owner. The front side is where a series of bills and her number is applied. Money should not be stored "upside down", the attitude does not like anyone. All bills must be deployed and carefully smoothed.

Store the trifle in a separate pocket and also try not to wear it in your pockets, immediately clean in wallet. In a secret office, put a coin talisman or the first earned bill. You can take a banknote in one American. The Masonic Money Sign - Pyramid and Eye is drawn on it. Such a "thumb" will help you never leave wallet Empty, it's bad for money sign.

To money Wanked constantly, it is believed that they should be taken with his left hand, but to give them right. Busy money Give up in the mornings and, preferably, bills are smaller than they took. No bills in the deployed form, they need to be folded and stretched with folded ends.

Try to get earned money Bring them home and not spend on the first day, on the way from work. Money, especially big, must at least night, spend the night in your home to "get used to". And purely psychologically, the next day you make purchases more thoughthely, that will also help you save your money.


  • Signs of authenticity 1000 banknotes

A lot of money does not happen, they are always missing. To attract money to the house, you can use Chinese wisdom and equip the interior capable of attracting well-being.

For cash income, the south-eastern part of the room or apartment as a whole is responsible. It is associated with the energy of the tree, which correlates with increasing and withstands the metal energy. As a tree grows and welfare should grow. Look, this part of the housing is not worth the garbage basket, there is no rubble. Remove metal items from this part - computer, TV. There is no place here, the "cash" should create the impression of purity and light.

Support the energy of the tree can be placed in the eastern sector items of green, blue or black. On the windows from the south-eastern, the sunny side feels well the room flowers, but they should be healthy. Weakened, fading plants be sure to remove, otherwise the effect may be the opposite desired. You can put fresh cut flowers in the vases in the vases, but in no case are not allowed from dried flowers.

The indoor plant is a jade or money tree - it works directly to attract money, they should be acquired and put in the southern corner of the room, putting paper money under the pot - than billing larger, the better. Put on the shelf, muzzle to the entrance door, the Chinese mascot is a three-way toad with a coin in the mouth or hang three coins bound by a scarlet rope.

Black wallet - This is a classic. Many people prefer this color exactly, because it symbolizes high status and respectability.

Brown wallet Able to attract money. It is believed that brown inspires peace and stability feeling.

Red wallet It is also capable of attracting cash energy. This is the color of activity, aggression and power. In a red wallet, your money will always be in motion. For those who prefer stability in life, it is better to choose for themselves a wallet of another shade.

According to Fengshui teaching, the most favorable will be the colors of the earth and metal (gold, silver, green).

Colors belonging to water elements are unfavorable for a wallet. If you want you, do not buy blue and blue products.

Video on the topic


Like all important things, a procedure for attracting money to a growing moon. To roll the triangle first turn the bill so that the portrait of George Washington looks at you, the top was right, and the bottom - on the left.

The upper left corner bend to the right edge, then fold the vertex of the resulting triangle to myself to get a rectangle. Roll the dollar diagonally by wrapping the triangle hypothenus inside. You must appear an inverted word one. Total will turn out three additions.

Bend to the base of the triangle the remaining bottom corners of the bills and wrap them inside the dollar figure, while covering the paper layers. This is the surest way to roll a dollar triangle.

Turn over the figure to the other side, and you will see the image of the pyramid with an eye on top (the so-called sign of the Masons) is the facial side of the folded dollar. The top of the pyramid should look up, so Turn the bill clockwise 90 degrees.

For example, you can add coveur According to the principle of the "soldier triangle". Put coveur vertically in front of me. Bend the upper left corner to the right edge of the bill. The resulting triangle folds once again in half. A fairly large remaining part of the bill will also roll in the form of a triangle and fuel into the free edge of the upper part.

Dollar sign ($) Indicates not only a well-known dollar, but also peso, and Escudo, and other currencies of other countries. There are several versions of the origin of the symbolism of the dollar, which, in fact, will be discussed.

Antiquity echoes

Very convincingly sounds version of the dollar symbolism borrowed in ancient Rome. It is traced its clear relationship with the designation of an ancient satellion (silver coin worth two and a half pound copper). The second name of the Libra-Libra-SEMIS satellion ("Pound-Pound-half") was a prerequisite for the appearance of "LLS" or "IIS". In the consequence, the duplicate letter began to cover the subsequent, proving the appearance of the final symbol of the dollar. The theory is quite worthy of attention, especially if we take into account the special popularity of the ancient Roman themes in the Epoch of Enlightenment. Take at least such realities of American political reality as the Capitol or Senate.

"Spanish Dollar"

It is known that by the end of the 15th century, the King of Aragon Ferdinand II chose as a symbol of the state of Hercules pillars, with a conjunctive developing ribbon. Over time, along with outstanding geographical discoveries, large silver deposits in Mexico and Peru were found. Thus, the Spanish symbol moved to new coins included in everyday life throughout Europe. The currency received the name "Spanish Dollar" and was on the territory of the United States until 1794. In addition, there was a reduction in "P" with the addition of "S", which meant "Pesos" in the plural. "S" was imposed on "P", and then simplified to "S" with two vertically intersecting dashes, symbolizing the gibraltar pillars mentioned above.

"Slave dollar"

Do not forget to mention another very interesting hypothesis of the character of the symbol. According to it, "$" is a slightly modified graphic image of the pads that the position was fixed. In addition, the first letter of the nominal noun "slave" (slave). Perhaps the slave owners used "$" in accounting books to designate the slave unit. That is, this symbol could well mean some amounts calculated in the number of slaves.

"Silver Dollar"

Along with others, there is also a "silver" version, based on which, in North American colonies, silver was widely used instead of money. Therefore, the calculated books of those times are replete with abbreviations in the form of Litera "S" denoting "Silver" (silver), which often located the letter "U" ("Unit" - a piece, unit,). Later, "U" "Polly" on "S", which graphically began to look like "$".

Mysticism about dollar

It will not be superfluous to mention the mystical justification of the dollar symbol. Supporters of ideas are considering "$" as the Masonic symbol of King Solomon, as well as his two pillars. This is not the only sign inflicted on the dollar bill, correlating with the symbolism characteristic of Masonic teachings. In addition, the connection of some Founding Fathers of the United States is reliably known.

In fact, this icon is used not only for the designation of the American dollar. It is used in operations with Mexican, Argentinean, Chilean, Cuban, Dominican, as well as Uruguayan Peso, Brazilian Real, Nicaraguan Cordico, etc.

Video on the topic


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  • How did the dollar icon appear in 2019

Money come in life from different sources. To finance more, you can spend special rites to attract abundance. You can perform them all together, it is possible separately. An important condition for the execution of conceived is faith in the deed.


The money bag is collected within 30 days. This rite allows you to increase the well-being of the family for many years, it is necessary to fulfill it very carefully, not missing a single day. For a month you need to make a pyramid. It is worth putting only coins worth 1 ruble. On the first day you need to put the first coin, in the second - 2 coins, in the third - three. Every day the quantity will increase. It is important to do the pyramid, and do not miss any of the day. On January 31, when the pyramid is already collected, you need to fold all the coins in a canvas bag and hide in the eastern part of the house. Choose any wardrobe and coins put under things so that no one has seased. The first addition should be waiting in the process of collecting this money, and after the end of the rite, the income will increase monthly. It is better not to tell about what is happening to people who are not members of your family, keep actions secret from unfriendliers.

There is a very effective technique proposed by the authors "Simor", they are offered for the sake of obtaining a specific amount to do something unusual. First you need to think about what you need, and how do you plan to spend this money, and then you need to start. For money, it is very convenient to wash your legs in the toilet, it is worth performing 3 times as they instantly appear. You can walk around the house with red on your head, usually even 2-3 hours of wearing is enough. You can change to and go ask for alms, it is worth getting only 1 ruble, and it will always attract millions into your life. The meaning of these rituals in lifting the mood and getting rid of its complexes is worth only once to exit the comfort zone, as well-being will not make himself wait.

The collage of desires allows you to attract not only money, but also any material objects. To create, you will need a list of desires and pictures that personify the conceived. You need to create a picture of these images on a large poster or Watman. In the center, place your photo, and around what is dreaming about. Collage collecting, think that you are the owner of all this, thank the world for what you already have it. Then the collage must be hung on a prominent place and often look at it. Every time the look falls on this picture, say words of gratitude. A few days later, the first dreams will begin to fulfill, for the implementation of the same bold can leave a little more than a year. You can replace one images by others, you can complement all new desires. To make money through the collage, you need not just place pictures with money, but to write an accurate amount about which you dream.

Everyone heard about conspired coins, wealth bare. Below will be told how to create such a coin that will work on improving your welfare. As well as about some other, quite curious ways to attract money.

Conspiracy on a coin

Take any coin. It should be large enough. For example, like five kopecks of the Soviet era. The coin must be charged under the rays of the moon, so wait for the night of the full moon.

Stand in the moonlight, put a coin on the left palm and read Conspiracy:

"Money - to the money.
Wallets - to wallets.
Like the moon, the night shine, with its silver light,
So let my coin shines, the money brings, the joy gives.

Archo, Markoti, Uruv
As stated and done.
Let my words be strong.
In the name of the Father and Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracy is read three timeslooking at the coin. After a year, the amulet's action stops, and the ritual must be repeated. The coin is put in the wallet and worn with you.

Another cash talisman

The manufacture of such a money talisman is attributed to the most great Pythagora and called its "money pyramid". Have a philosopher and mathematician attitude to its invention - it is not possible to check it possible. One thing to say exactly - the people who made the mascot for all the rules were pleased.

Making Talisman

Take a sheet of quality paper. It needs to be specifically to buy in the store. Do not first ask the price. Just buy better quality paper.

On the leaf, write words: "TOXVTI KOGUXD" . Translated from Greek it means: "All in the Universe". Even better - draw it on Greek:

Under the inscription you need to write numbers (where without numbers, if the talisman came up with Pythagores):

2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10

On the other hand, also write numbers:

1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4

The leaf is folded and placed in the wallet. It would seem that everything is simple. But there is one feature that must be taken into account in the manufacture. This talisman is done only in October, 16, 17.20 or 25 of this spring month. At this time, Jupiter and Mercury are in the desired aspect.

Dollars can also attract money

No one will argue with the statement that the more dollars in the wallet - the person is wealthy. But if you do not have the right amount of these green pieces, you can use one single dollar to attract all the others.

Take bill one dollarand roll it so that you watched a pyramid with a masonic symbol " all-seeing eye».

Put the rolled dollar in the purse, and he will definitely attract his fellow.

Another way

Don't need to turn anything if you have bills in 2 dollars. She looks like this:

Put it in the wallet and constantly carry with you. She plays the role of an unbelieving coin, even without any magical rituals.

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No one argue that the dollar has been the most important currency in the world for many years. Everyone has seen green money, but few knows that to attract money in their lives, it is enough to make a ritual with one-dollar bill.
What is his strength of the dollar? In green, which in magic is a symbol of money? Or maybe in Masonic signs that generously decorate a bill of one dollar bill?
So it is or not, but it is borrowing that one dollar is the strongest cash talisman. We will describe several effective rituals with one dollar, which will help you earn and get a lot of money.
1 ritual with one dollar.
Take a bill in one dollar. Scroll it. Turn over the opposite side. See the Occupus Oce over the pyramid? You must minimize one dollar in the form of a triangle so that the all-seeing eye always watched you. This is very important for the ritual to attract money. Do it. Fold one dollar in half. And then as shown in the photo.

Now like this.

To complete the ritual, you need to drop on a bill in one dollar with several drops of mint oil or patchouli. Put the bill in one dollar in the wallet and say:

"I am waiting, I wait, I wait for money. Money coming down "

2 ritual with one dollar.
Make this ritual to the new moon. Take one dollar (you can replace one thousand rubles, since it is also green), straighten it and put on the right palm. Close your eyes. For the ritual it is important to imagine that your bill is alive in one dollar. And indeed, after some time you will feel warm from one dollar. Charge this energy of money that comes to you through one dollar! Imagine yourself a magnet for money. Money is lipped and flying to you from all sides. A couple of minutes, and now you are already rushed with money from my head to the legs. Feel the smell of money, touching them. Deep down and open your eyes. A bill of one dollar after the ritual is removed in the wallet. Maybe from the first time this meditation you do not work out, nothing terrible! Train!
Such a ritual with one dollar can be performed every new moon. You will notice how to change your financial condition. If at some point during the ritual, you will be unpleasant from the feeling of money, rather interrupt the meditation, and try the next day.
3 ritual with one dollar.
It is also performed in the new moon. You can make this ritual with one dollar and full moon. Buy a new broom. Also for the ritual you need a green tape and bills in one dollar. One dollar can be replaced by one thousand or any other bull-color bill.
Tie a green ribbon one dollar to a broom and put a broom shovel up into an angle into any secluded corner. When you bind one dollar, say the following words of the ritual:

"Money is more in the house! You will be good in it! "

Rituals with one dollar many more. We talked about the most accessible and efficient.
All the best to you!

Many of us dream that the money was found in the wallet in the amount in which you need to have enough and not live from salary to salary. These are understandable desires, but often we simply do not know how to handle money as they deserve it. Many have heard of course that in order for the money to be found in a certain way to relate to them.

Wallet is not just a stylish accessory. First of all, the wallet is needed to keep money. However, smart people, he not only keeps money, but also gains income. So what do you need to do so that in the wallet the money was going? Let's try to figure it out in this matter.

What a wallet should be so that money

If you wondered what kind of wallet is better to buy in order to have money, we offer you some tips.

  • A cheap wallet can not attract money, because he has the energy of poverty. The main thing is that he looks respectable, causing thoughts about wealth and was quite functional.
  • Money lives well in a spacious wallet. Any, even the largest, bills should be placed completely, without being flexing. A comfortable branch for small things should also be necessary.
  • Stop your choice on a wallet of leather, suede or matter - they perfectly pass the money energy.

What color should be a wallet to make money in it

Feng Shui traditionally choose the colors of wealth for wallets - and these are all the colors of the earth and metal. It is brown, black, the whole range of yellow, as well as gold and silver.

What to put in the wallet to attract money?

Traditionally, to attract money in the wallet, a bundle of three or five coins with holes in the middle of the insertion are put. You can make a bundle yourself, knocking the coins with a red ribbon or flavor twisted from thick red threads. If you do not have such coins, you can buy them in Fen Shui stores.

To keep a small picture in the wallet with the image of a bunch of grapes, mint leaves or green tea: these fruits and plants have the ability to improve the monetary success of the owner of the wallet. In the wallet, it is recommended to put the beans and a piece of cinnamon - the spice attracts money, and the beans save them. Great energy to attract money has a "undevelopable" billing of one dollar. Russian folk remedy: you need to put in a wallet a piece of the root of Khrena. This plant collects material energies in very large quantities. Material energies are collected in large quantities and in heather.

The US dollar can also serve as a cash talisman. The fact is that on the bill in one dollar on the reverse side, a very powerful symbol that attracts energy and success is depicted. This symbol is an all-seeing eye on the Egyptian pyramid. The won, earned by the dishonest path, found, presented money does not bring happiness and therefore should not be delayed in your wallet. Speak them in need or immediately spend.

Get rid of the hob! Money will not "go" in the wallet, lit by all sorts of unnecessary pieces. Remove the photos of loved ones from the wallet - husband, children. First, the photos "interrupt" cash flows of energy, and secondly, the energy of the wallet and money themselves can affect the photos on your loved ones. As soon as the wallet loses the "commodity" appearance, it is necessary to get rid of it. Washed, fesomas and even holes tell money about your poverty - in such a wallet, money is not in a hurry! Through the cuts, cash energy is destroyed. What to do with the old wallet? Get rid of him immediately! This is exactly the case when an old friend is not better than new ones.

What prayer you need to read in order for the money wallet

To ask for well-being in the financial sphere is needed by St. Spiridon, Nicholas Wonderworker, Matrona and their guardian angels.

Prayer Saint Spiridon: "Holy Spiridon, bless my pocket. Let never be empty a wallet with coins. I spend one coin, get two coins. The way will never run out of my prosperity " .

Conspiracy on a new wallet

You need to read a conspiracy only on a new wallet, in which there has not been money yet. He will forever remove financial difficulties from you. Buy a new wallet if the color is not fundamental for you, it is better to take red, golden or green. To keep in mind that money in it should lie freely, in a normal state, not collapsed.

On the night of the increasing moon, take a wallet and one gray coin, the material from which it is made is not important. The main thing is that the coin is gray (associated with silver). Take a coin, put it in the wallet, close it. Read a conspiracy for money:

"I put a silver coin, I'll get the golden let in my wallet, there is always a malicious and silver, does not run into their stock. As the moon in the sky is growing and my money is growing. Amen".

Close the wallet, put it away, do not use them at least one day. After that, pour a conspiracy stack coin (you can take nail polish), it will be your talisman. In no case deteriorate this coin, put it in a small compartment and never get out of the wallet.

Folk signs to make money

  • Constantly wear large cash bills in the wallet (no matter how dollars, rubles, hryvnia or euro). You can not spend or exchange bills: it should be constantly with you to attract money into your wallet.
  • Do not occupy and do not give money in the evening. If the situation is hopeless - put money on the chair, gender. Only not at the dinner table.
  • Another way to not be impoverished is to keep it in my pocket a bent coin or a coin with a hole. But it will help until, getting new money, you do not forget to spit on them.
  • So that the money was found - at the moment they are suitable for the end, and more precisely "came up" - the very last ten to put under the mat before the door of the apartment (which side of the external or inner will be, this dozen will not matter).
  • Do not pick a trifle, especially where the intersection or the road, as many diseases are rapped on a trifle. Without little things, you can do, and raising it - lose strength and health.
  • In order for the money to be found, it is necessary to take them for such a term to take a debt to the young month, and to give away - for a flawed (aging).
  • Avoid lenting money on Tuesday - you will be all your life in debt, and you can also swap money on Tuesday (it is better to give money without surrender). The money in the evening of any day does not occupy and do not consider - they will not be found. You need to take money with your left hand, but to give right, then they will not be translated from you.
  • Covers in the wallet must be kept in order: so that they are not crumpled, let all the bills of one dignity lie together, behind them - the bills of other advantages.
  • Rubles and dollars do not lay together, but only in different pockets.
  • When you will see the young month to the right, show him a money.
  • If the nails are trimmed on Tuesday and on Friday - you will always be rich.
  • Keep home broom broom up.
  • Take money with your left hand, but give right.
  • Donate for christmas to church money, any amount. Over money before giving them, saying words: "To whom the church is not a mother, I'm not a father." You will have money to appear unknown from where.
  • If you saw a young month, which only started my cycle, then you should lose coins in your hand or pocket, it will bring success in the monetary side of life. Better, if it is copper, it most effectively attracts wealth.
  • There are ways and more reliable to attract money, for this you need to clean Thursday (Thursday after which Easter comes) wash with gold or silverware.

Dollar - Magnet for Money

According to a number of researchers, bills with a denominer 1 dollar is all made by magical signs, is a magnet for money and remarkably attracts money.

If 1 dollar is properly folded and put such a mascot into your wallet, then the wallet will be lifted to my money.

How to fold the dollar so that he attracted money into your wallet.

1. Initially fold the dollar in half

3. Then to adjust the lower

4. The main thing is that the pyramid is on the facial (it does not show exactly and it is correct)

A triangle-fold dollar bill is also a magnet for money.

Folding a triangle of the dollar

1. The best making time on the growing moon. To roll the dollar with a triangle first turn the bill so that the portrait of George Washington look at you, the top was right, and the bottom is left.

2. Upper left corner Bend to the right edge of the dollar, then fold the top of the top of the resulting triangle to myself so that the rectangle turned out. Roll the dollar diagonally by wrapping the triangle hypothenus inside. You must appear an inverted word one. Total will turn out three additions.
3. Bend to the base of the triangle, the remaining bottom corners of the bills and wrap them inside the dollar figure, while covering the paper layers. This is the surest way to roll a dollar triangle.
4. Turn the figure to the other side, and you will see the image of the pyramid with an eye on top (the so-called sign

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This is one of the best means of attracting money and wealth, a special way a twisted banknote or a copy of the banknote with the use of ritual and spells is at the moment many people dream of wealth.

Fold the dollar talisman tube and hiding it from a curious eye within the apartment. I do not advise you to disclose the secret of the talisman even the rest of the family members.

Where to buy a money talisman? If you wondered how to attract and save money with the help of magic, then you are on the right track to wealth, it remains only to make the right choice among the diversity of monetary magic. There are a large number of talismans to attract and preserve money. And many people have long been using cash talismans and thanks to them they do not know what knowledge is. Therefore, now we will introduce you to the most effective talisman to preserve and exaggerate your money. Surely, many of you have already heard about the magnificent talisman "Dollar" and dare to assume that they even tried to use it, but he helped perhaps not everyone. After all, as with any talisman, he needs to give the right charge of energy, and it does not manage to everyone.

To begin with, let's answer the question why bills in one dollar are considered magic?

If you carefully consider bills, then you can see magic symbols that will be accompanied by our monetary success. Let's consider these magic symbols:

First, let's look at the drawing with an eagle. You will see the branch of Olives and Arrows in his paws, and in his cluster tape with the inscription "E Pluribus Unum" - "from the set one or" unity in diversity ". This necessarily laid a certain magical meaning, that is, no matter what you do, you will always come to a single goal and for assistants you have a branch of olive, and to protect the arrows.

Secondly, a repeating number 13: 13 letters in the lettering "E Pluribus Unum", which means "unity in manifold", 13 leaves and 13 fruits on a branch in one laire of an eagle and 13 arrows in another lapse of an eagle, 13 five-pointed sprockets above the eagle It is possible to count 13 steps at the pyramid, I think if we consider it more closely, you can find many more facts with a number 13. This figure is associated with the structure of the original of the Illuminati (enlightened), that is, they have existed 13 dedication.

There is also a number 32 and 33 embedded in the wings of an eagle: one wing consists of 32 feathers, and another of 33 is explained by the fact that there are 32 degrees of dedication in ordinary Masonic lips and there is a 33rd major degree.

All these figures carry not a simple magic value, just think about them: 13, 32, 33, used only three numbers: 1, 2, 3. Not in vain in secret societies, these three numbers are chosen.

The inscription "ANNUIT COEPTIS" is located above the Occo Eye and means "it blesses us."

At the bottom of the pyramids there is an inscription "Novus Ordo Seclorum" What means "New World Order".

That is, putting into his wallet Mascot "Dollar", you install "New World Order" in it and "it blesses you" to new achievements in our monetary purposes.

Also between the pyramid and an eagle, there is an inscription "In God We Trust" What means "I hope" on God ", and under this inscription, the word" one "is written with huge letters - one, that is, it is possible to understand the meaning of the written one that you can think about God, it is one". But the word "one" not only means that God-it is, it is quite large and located between the eagle and the pyramid, thereby connecting these two symbols together.

Many people say that when a new one-dollar bill was released in America, a crisis had happened, but whatever crises did not happen in the United States, the dollar remains world currency and is in everyday life worldwide. Therefore, leave all thoughts, for skeptics that are absolutely not believed in magic, because all the facts on the face, the magic is and we cannot exclude it.

Now you know the magical properties of the dollar and can be pasted not mediocre the Talisman "Dollar". How to properly use the money talisman?

What advantages gives this talisman

Since ancient times, the amulet of Masons contained an all-seeming eye in the pyramid. When the secret knowledge passed the dollar, Magy Masons make amulets from bills worthy of one dollar wearing knowledge of the Great Matter.

This amulet containing knowledge of the Great Matter is laid out a program to attract positive and cash flows from space.

Thus, on the owner of the amulet there are new energy cash flows that used to go past.

You find yourself at the right time in the right place or offer profitable joint projects. There may also be suggestions for highly paid work. If you occupied the money, they will soon return debts, career growth begins to go to the mountain smoothly. Good luck and financial well-being becomes your friends. If there is a business that has not developed for a long time, unexpectedly begins to make a profit. It is in such an aspect that the amulet acts, for foreign people who do not understand this, it will seem that you just smiled at luck. Do not be surprised if the crowd of buyers will be thrown into your store or your dream of a good car will begin to come true, but you never know what other wonderful events can occur with good expirations.

The use of the talisman is simple enough, it must be worn in the wallet, but the main thing is that other people's hands and views do not touch your talisman. It is much more difficult to create this talisman yourself, because the most important thing is to ask the right magic energy for profit and this work is best to provide professionals. Although you can quite independently make a dollar mascot, for this you will need $ 1, which later need to be properly folded into the triangle, while reading conspiracy words, further give a setup for the mascot for profits, and after saying a certain spell put the mascot in the wallet .

Or you can simply buy the dollar mascot made by the magicians with professionals with a spell defined for you. Put such a mascot into your wallet, you will very quickly notice how your financial position will improve. According to the issues related to the talisman, write to our email.

Dollar money magnet

According to a number of researchers, bills with a denomination of 1 dollar, everything is made by magical signs, is a magnet for money and remarkably attracts money. If 1 dollar is properly folded and put such a mascot into your wallet, then the wallet will be lifted to my money.

A triangle-fold dollar bill is also a magnet for money.

Folding a triangle of the dollar

When you can do the dollar talisman

  • The best making time on a growing moon. To roll the dollar with a triangle first turn the bill so that the portrait of George Washington look at you, the top was right, and the bottom is left.
  • The upper left corner bend to the right edge of the dollar, then fold the top of the vertex of the received triangle to myself so that the rectangle turned out. Roll the dollar diagonally by wrapping the triangle hypothenus inside. You must appear an inverted word one. Total will turn out three additions.
  • Bend to the base of the triangle the remaining bottom corners of the bills and wrap them inside the dollar figure, while covering the paper layers. This is the surest way to roll a dollar triangle.
  • Turn the figure to the other side, and you will see the image of the pyramid with an eye on top (the so-called sign
  • masons) - this is the facial side of a folded dollar. The top of the pyramid should look up, so Turn the bill clockwise 90 degrees.
  • Apply the triangle from the dollar to the lips and whisper, read the spell three times:
  • "As a strong river attracts the streams, and the sea is a strong river, as a woman attracts a man, and a man of a woman, as the night attracts the day, and the day is the night, so would you attract the like that. May it be so!"
  • Put the dollar, folded by a triangle, face to yourself and top up. No bills no longer remove and do not turn the eye to always make money so that money is not translated, and attracted them to yourself.
  • Money in the wallet is placing the sequence from major bills to the small "face to yourself." Coins fold into a special compartment. Keep bills straightened

We all want to live in prosperity. You can work long and hard, but still not to have financial stability. In this case, cash talismans will come to the rescue, and the most effective of them are the ones that you store in the wallet.

For some people, any desires associated with money and material values \u200b\u200bare considered unacceptable and personify the negative qualities of a person. But it is worth recognizing that many would like to find the most magnet for money that will provide life in wealth and will allow you to purchase any desired thing.

It's no secret to anyone that there are cash talismans that will help you attract money and take away from unwanted voids in the wallet. It is worth noting that even the decent skeptics tend to believe due to such talismans. Site experts The site amounted to you a list of 5 mascots that will help improve your financial position.

Money - Best Talisman

Chinese coin. About the power of Chinese talismans is known all over the world. With their help, people attract good luck, love and, of course, money. Chinese coins are a good and effective talisman to attract money. They symbolize wealth and financial well-being. The action of Chinese coins is based on their strong cash energy, which will not simply save money in your wallet, but also help multiply wealth. Coins are taken to bind each other with a red ribbon, as the red color symbolizes good luck.

You can buy already tied coins or separately buy them and independently associate with the help of a tape. Take several coins and link them fine red ribbon. Put them in the wallet so that you do not accidentally pick up. It is desirable that the talisman will not get into the eyes to other people.

American dollar. Many people traveling to different countries of the world do not know that the money they pay abroad are not just payment means, but also a strong talisman. One of these talismans is one-dollar bill. The secret of such a strong cash energy is the image of the Great Egyptian pyramid on which the Oco is located. However, if in the case of Chinese coins, you can simply link them and put in the wallet, then in order to activate the action of the dollar mascot, you must add it to the triangle so as to give it the shape of the pyramid.

Covers should never be removed from the wallet or deploy her so that the talisman does not lose its power. After the manipulations conducted, your dollar will acquire special strength and becomes a real money magnet.

Piece amulets

Cinnamon. This spice has long been used not only in cooking, but also for various rituals. Make a money talisman is very simple. You will need to put cinnamon sticks in the wallet. And that's enough. Energy properties of this spice and its smell will soon attract money to your wallet. To strengthen cinnamon properties, you can put meat leaves with it. This combination will speed up the effect and will strengthen the result. Cinnamon is both a talisman to attract money and the talisman to attract good luck. You can learn about other magical properties of this spice by reference.

Spoon-rhe. Silver spoon-rubberry, which is currently sold in almost every Feng Shui shop, is one of the most effective talismans, symbolizing money and wealth. She is small, so you can easily place it in the wallet. A spoon must be made strictly of silver. It should be kept a spoon separately from bills and not put it together with the trifle, it is advisable to put it in a separate pocket.

To activate the spoon's action, you need to put it on the night in a bowl with water, in which it is pre-dissolved by a pinch of salt. In the morning you need to get it out of the water and wipe it, and wiping, saying words:

"Spoon wipe dry, I attract money. You will be in my wallet to lie, rush money. "

After that, put a spoon in the wallet and do not get it from there. If over time you will get a new wallet, then spend the ritual anew.

Wallet mouse. Many with hostility belong to these rodents and try to get rid of unwanted guests as soon as possible, barely appear in the house. But in the old days the appearance of mice in the house was the news of the appearance of wealth. And if a person was lucky enough to see how the mouse runs into his hole, it meant that life in poverty would soon end. Since then, the mouse has become a good cash talisman.

A wallet mouse, like a spoon-rhe, has a small size, so it is convenient to store them in the wallet. It is made strictly made of natural metals or stones. By purchasing this talisman, it is worth knowing that the tail of the figure should be bent. There is an opinion that a direct tail mouse can "do a hole" in the wallet, and because of this, money from the wallet is flowing.

In the store you can see such a mouse with a spoon in your hands: As you understand, this combination of two talismans is described above the rhe bark and a wallet mouse. Such a talisman will not only help increase your income, but also will contribute to a smaller amount of empty waste.

Many people who believe in the power of talismans will certainly be able to confirm their strength. Now cash talismans can be seen not only in the wallet, but also in the house almost every person. But it is worth remembering that the talisman will only act if you sincerely believe in his help. Happiness and well-being to you and do not forget to click on the buttons and

14.09.2017 02:51

Want more money? There is nothing easier! Try simple conspiracies on the wallet, and you yourself make sure ...

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