
How to get a product card and what products on it can be bought? Who will not give grocery cards & nbsp

It is assumed that the card will be a plastic "electronic buyer's card". On her monthly will be enrolled cash in the form of points. Use points for foods you need for a month, the poor will burn the impaired amount.

Who can get such help?

Low-income citizens who cannot afford to buy certain types of products. It is assumed that the right to help will need to be confirmed documented.

What products can be purchased for which amount?

In priority will be those products that are not enough in the diet: fresh and useful, different from cheap meat surrogates, fish, vegetables, dairy products of domestic producers, as well as seeds and seedlings. Earlier, Midfromtorgreported that monthly payout can be 1400 rubles.

CAR systems used in different countries, including in the USSR and Russia: during the "Military Communism" until the transition to NEP policy, then at the end of the 20s. Cards set certain norms of consumption of goods per person per month. Peasants and persons deprived of electoral rights (former nobles, priests and others) did not participate in the distribution. This system existed until 1935. During the Great Patriotic War, the country returned to the card system.

In 1983, a coupon system was introduced in the USSR. The coupons were issued for some scarce products, then the list expanded: they began to sell cigarettes, vodka, soap, sugar, salt, sausage and a number of other goods.

The coupon system in Russia began to go to no at the beginning of the nineties due to the increase in prices, inflation (which reduced the platforming demand) and the spread of free trade (which reduced the deficit). However, a number of goods are stored until 1993.

Is it true that a new system of cards invented in the USA?

In the USA acts federal program assistance to citizens who do not have income or having low income. Previously, paper coupons were used for this, which were ousted by plastic cards. Currently, food assistance is getting around 43 million people. The average monthly human benefit size is 126 dollars. To obtain help, households must comply with certain criteria, primarily in terms of income.

How many people in Russia need food aid?

Aid recipients can be about 15 million people.

According to review Central Bank Based on the results of the composion of the Infoma Foundation, half of Russians over the past year had to abandon the planned spending: repair, recreation, buying furniture, treatment. Each fifth refuses to buy vegetables and fruits, every fourth saves on clothes, and a third of the respondents cannot buy sausages, cheeses and fish. According to Levada Center, 58% of citizens save on food. In January, the Gaidar Forum Olga Golodetts reported that Salary below the Mroth (7.5 thousand rubles) receive almost 5 million Russians.

Something else will do for the poor?

It is assumed that since 2018, the Russians with low supply will also be provided with free meals in the dining room under various organizations and other catering establishments.

Earlier in the Ministry of Finance was offered Pay benefits on poverty. According to representatives of the department, the implementation of a whole complex of measures to support low-income Russians is necessary. Besides, in russian legislation It is necessary to clearly consolidate the concept of "needy".

For low-income citizens in February 2015, but the implementation of the program was postponed several times. Again, about this initiative spoke quite recently, when the head of the department Denis Manturov promised to embody the plan already this year.

How will food aid be carried out, which citizens can be considered poor and how such programs are functioning abroad, "Izvestia".

Meat and no alcohol

The program provides a number of strict restrictions. Electronic map. It applies solely on the products of domestic production, especially for a perishable food. With the help of benefits, it will be possible to purchase meat, bread, potatoes, fresh fruits, sugar, drinking water, vegetable oil, fish and milk. Alcohol, cigarettes and other harmful products to pay for the card can not be paid.

Who is calculated by the program

Cards will be available to low-income citizens. This category includes Russians, average income which does not exceed the subsistence minimum. The amount differs depending on the region: in Moscow, for example, it is 10,965 rubles. However, to obtain benefits, it is necessary to prove among other things that in a complex material situation you were due to external circumstances.

Only last year, the number of Russians living beyond the feature of poverty exceeded 22 million. At the same time, the list included Russians who applied the appropriate papers into the local branch of the Ministry of Society, so the general figure can be significantly higher.

Determine whether the family is considered to be the low-income, as follows. Initially, the total family income received for the previous three months is calculated. Recaped not only wages, but also pensions, scholarships and other types of payments. Then this indicator is divided first for three, and after the number of all family members. If the average income is lower subsistence minimumCitizens have the right to claim food card and other benefits provided by socially unprotected segments of the population.

System of points

Each month on the card will be credited to the amount of approximately 1.4 thousand rubles. You can use them in all stores involved in the program, and since 2018 they can be paid in the canteens and cafes. Points can not cash and save: if you do not use them established period, they burn. But to replenish the Maps Ministry of Industry allows. Moreover, a 30-50% of the amount made by the citizen will be able to receive as a state bonus.

Russians "for"

According to the VTSIOM survey, the Russians are positively assessed by the introduction of grocery cards. The initiative was supported by 78% of respondents. They believe that this program Not only will help poor citizens, but also contributes to the development of domestic agricultural production. However, the quality of goods that will be available on cards causes doubt among Russians. At this point, the opinion of the respondents was divided: 52% believe that beneficiaries will get "second-rate" products, and only 43% believe that the quality of food will not differ.

Grocery cards abroad

Unlike the USSR coupon system, spreading to scarce consumer goods, modern food cards are designed not only to help poor citizens, but also contribute to the process of import substitution. This practice is applied all over the world, and there is a long time ago.

In the US, such benefits are available to citizens for over 50 years. Monthly citizens of a country having low incomes, give the coupons worth $ 126, which they are free to spend on any products they need. Only in 2016, more than 44 million people participated in the program.

On the territory of Cuba, preferential cards on food are about half a century. Thanks to food subsidies, which the government spends over $ 1 billion per year, residents of the country pay only 12% of real value Foods. However, not all Cubans this program like it, so the cards are proposed to gradually replace benefits. This initiative is already implemented in life, and now the list of preferential goods no longer includes cigarettes, soap and toothpaste.

Grocery cards can pay and residents of Great Britain. After the Second World War in the country, the lack of food was felt: to soften this problem was the coupons. They applied not only to products, but also on clothes, gasoline and other goods. The program was closed in 1954, and after almost 60 years, the Government of Britain returned product maps for poor citizens, replacing cash payments.

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Product coupons are known in 1920, when it was very difficult time and people received free products in this way. Then the cards were provided to soap products, food, industrial goods, etc.

What will happen to grocery cards in 2019? What are the latest news?

What is food cards (coupons)

Card for free products is a special document confirming the rights of a certain person to receive any product or product on the basis of benefits or on the basis of the deficit present in the country.

Food cards are in other states. Product cards can be called state help . Such food coupons are in Ryazan and in the Ryazan region. The program "Care" offers citizens of benefits to household services, the acquisition of drugs, chemical goods and food.

Grocery coupons in the USSR

Coupons for products in the United States, for example, exist since the 40s and are in demand to today. There are about 13% of people use such coupons. A person on an individual plastic card receives a state defined by the state and can dispose of it for the purchase of food.

In Moscow, also introduced special financial assistance poor familieswhere the payment on electronic certificates has 197 thousand rubles.

Product Card

Latest news in 2019

Food certificates (grocery tickets) must begin their work in 2019.

The value of food coupons will be as follows:

  • help to the poor citizens;
  • support for domestic goods;
  • inflation reduction;
  • positive economic influence On the country.

The introduction of food cards should save the state from social collapse. According to World BankIn 2015 there was a significant increase in inflation, in Russia for 3 million people increased the number of poor citizens.

The number of inhabitants that have income less in 2018 amounted to 23 million people.

Product cards are laid by poor

In 2018, only several categories of citizens have earnings equal to the subsistence minimum:

  • working citizens get 11160 rubles;
  • people of retirement age get 8469 rubles;
  • children get 10181 rubles.

Use grocery coupons?

Food cards will receive almost 16 million people. Such support will apply to all family members who have a certificate. Citizens who have the right to receive a certificate will be able to improve economic indicators In the country and attach people to the choice of Russian-made products. It can be concluded that certificates are beneficial to both parties.

Coupons on products

How will food certificate work

Budget allocations in 2019 will be counted about 240-320 billion rubles. And will be aimed at supporting the demand of citizens on food. So far, the plans for the release of funds per 1 grocery coupon in the amount of 10 thousand rubles.

The program provides for the issuance of grocery cards (coupons) in 2019 in the form of crediting points to a special social account. Each participant will be produced in the form of a plastic card. Provision of points for each food certificate is envisaged, approximately 27 points will be per day. Accumulate or translate into money will not be able, since unused points will be constantly reset.

The participants of the social program will not be able to save the "stocks" of points on the map, thereby they will rush to spend points for perishable products of only domestic production. It is convenient because the chain of production and consumption in Russia will work out, and people will be able to spend their money as they want.

In social the program can accumulate points

The list of products purchased to the electronic certificate has already been approved by the Ministry of Health. The list includes food products only Russian production, namely:

  • all grocery products;
  • bread products, flour of all varieties;
  • milk products;
  • vegetables fruits;
  • chicken eggs, meat, fish.

Important! Acquisition on product cards in 2019 cigarettes, alcoholic products, canned or frozen products will be impossible.

As in the program " maternal capital»Cashing funds is not provided and confined to criminal liability. Funds from the state will be on the "world". This is done in order to eliminate all types of fraud, which is so common today.

The Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov said that the assistance program to the poor citizens of the country is still under discussion with interested departments. It needs to highlight funds from the budget and, in addition, it is necessary to prepare a selection system in need of support.


After that, Manturov noted, it is possible to speak with the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Agriculture about how much the amount of funds are required to work. "According to our preliminary calculations, each nested budget ruble will be given a plus one ruble for the economy as a whole. The program itself should be effective," the minister explained.

Earlier in the Ministry of Industry, clarified how the food card introduction project will be implemented in practice. Low-income Russians will give special cards with points that can be spent exclusively on food. At the same time, only domestic foods without harmful additives will be on the list allowed for purchase. No alcoholic beverages on cards for low-income will not buy.

The list includes flour, dairy, meat, fish products, cereals, pasta, potatoes, vegetables and fruits, fruits and dried fruits, sugar, salt, drinking water, eggs, vegetable oil, meat, fish, milk.

Food cards can be used in all stores involved in the help program. The system will function on the basis bank cards "Peace". Cash with food cards will be impossible. It will not work and accumulate them: with the end of the calendar month they burn. It was assumed that such cards would be enforced in 2016, but the program was postponed.

The only question that still remains unresolved: for what criteria the poor Russians will receive such cards? For example, to obtain subsidies to pay for housing and communal services, there is a lower revenue plan for each family member. In order to identify such a feature when issuing food cards, the legislation is supposed to consolidate the term "needy".

Product cards are needed at all because in the country the lack of products. These cards are one of the tools of the support consumer demand Within the framework of the program, which the Ministry of Industry has developed. It will help the Russian production to develop, and poor - to establish healthy food.

Who will give cards?

The Ministry of Industry Actuator "AIF" explained that households with low average per capita income and imprisonment will take part in the program. Exact criteria will determine regional authorities on the basis of federal recommendations.

How much money on the map?

About specific amounts to say early. These and other details are finalized. According to D. Mantourova, Head of Minprom BangThe money listed on the card can not be cash or smoked - if they are not used to buy products within a month, they will burn.

How will it work?

To accrue help, it is planned to use the Maps "World". (This is a map of the eponymous Russian multinational payment system. And he in turn was created to ensure the financial security of our country in the event of a threat of disconnection from international payment systems, such as Visa and MasterCard.) Favoring the right to the power will be able to use an existing card or write a bid to a bank on the release of a new one. On the same map you can send salary, benefits, scholarships.

What can I buy?

Only permitted goods. Otherwise, the automatic control system will not miss the purchase. In the Ministry of Industry, they were told that the list of admitted food was designed taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. It will be possible to buy bread products, including flour, cereals, pasta, etc., potatoes, vegetables and fruits, fresh and dried fruits, sugar, salt, drinking water, eggs, vegetable oil, meat and meat products, Fish and fish products, milk and milk products. Plus, which is especially relevant for rural population, seedlings, seeds and food for farm animals. All of the above should be domestic production. In the blacklist - alcohol, cigarettes and harmful products (for example, chips and soda).

Where can one buy?

Maps can be used in all stores, ready to work in this system. The creation of a separate trading network is not required. The possibility of calculating in the canteens and cafes will be considered in the future.

How much is the program?

According to Vladimir Volik, director of the Department of Regulatory Markets of the Agriculture of the Ministry of AgricultureThe program can do 100 billion rubles.

What will she bring?

The economic effect of the program is huge, explained in the Ministry of Industry. For each embedded ruble, you can get two rubles of GDP growth. So, if in 2015 the program worked on full design capacity and about 300 billion rubles would have been sent to it, it would increase GDP by 0.8%.

Are there such cards abroad?

There is a similar program in the USA. It acts there on an ongoing basis since 1961. Originally poor Americans received food coupons. Now financial assistance from the state for the purchase of products enters special plastic cards. In 2016, it was received by 44 million people, the average size was 126 dollars. The magnitude of the help depends on the income and size of the household. For example, a lonely American net income can be applied to participate in the program below $ 990. If in the family 4 people, their total income should be below $ 2025. Making purchases on a "product card" can not only in stores, but also on farmers markets.

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