
Mandatory Medical Insurance Policy. How to get a policy of compulsory health insurance. Why do you have to change the policy of the OMS

In the system of the OMS, all citizens of the Russian Federation are insured without exception. The right to receive the insurance policy have foreigners permanently residing in Russia.

As insurers in the type of type under consideration:

  • institutions;
  • enterprises;
  • directly state.

Enterprises are transferred to territorial or federal OMS funds 5.1% of the entire amount of wages. Medical insurance of non-working citizens pays directly to the state.

The most important link of the OMS are special funds. They are non-commercial organizations that accumulate all the money transfer in favor of the health insurance system.

They provide financial stability, as well as if necessary, carry out material support for insurance companies.

Direct participants of the OMS are commercial insurance companies. They must have a relevant state license for insurance activities.

They conclude agreements with medical institutions to carry out their customers, issue medical policies, monitor quality and provision of medical care.

Medical institutions are the final segment of the OMS. Citizens of the Russian Federation are treated for relevant assistance. The presence of the described sample is fully eligible for free receiving medical services.

OMS law

To date, the foundation for the action of the OMS is the Federal Law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation".

The main function of this law is to regulate the relationship between all participants in the system of compulsory medical insurance (insurers, insurers, funds, state bodies).

It also determines the legal position of the subjects and objects in the OMS. The basis for the adoption and actions of the Law under consideration is the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Complement the effect of FZ №326:

  • law of 11/21/11 "On the basis of the health of the health of the Russian citizens";
  • law of July 16, 1999. "On the Foundations of the OMS".

The relationship between the subjects of the OMS system is also regulated by various other provisions and acts of the regions of the Russian Federation. Each insured case is considered separately, individually.

For compliance with the law under consideration, the Federal and Regional Fund of the OMS is observed.

Each organization has a special legal legal department that performs the function of oversight in compliance with legislation in the territory of the Russian Federation.

What gives polis

The Policy of the OMS confirms the presence of a citizen with the right to receive free medical care.

With its availability, the insured person has the right to contact the following institutions:

  • the clinic to which is assigned the insured;
  • traumatology;
  • dentistry;
  • oncological departments, dispensaries;
  • hospitations participating OMS.

The presence of a compulsory health insurance policy allows you to get almost any medical care without any financial costs.

This document is currently mandatory for the provision of a medical institution when contacting. If the OMS policy for some reason is absent, the individual can receive medical care on a fee.

What does he look like

Today, the policy of compulsory health insurance has a standard appearance. Moreover, its format does not depend on the services of which insurance company a citizen enjoys. The appearance depends only on the type of medical policy.

Recently, a health insurance system reform is carried out. It was in this connection that the insurance policy of a new sample was released. It has a type of plastic card, on the front side of which an individual card number is present.

Invalid Displayed Gallery.

The reverse side has the following information:

  • signature of the insured;
  • photography of the insurer;
  • validity;
  • paul and date of birth.

The policy is applied simply a copy of the image, it is not EDS. As a photo, even a picture with not very high quality can be used. The duration of the document is determined by many factors.

There is also another type of policy - temporary. It is issued for a period of 30 days in the event of a situation when the plastic policy is withdrawn.

It happens if there was simply no prosecution in the face of the type of type of type in question, or it is replaced. Upon the expiration of the thirty-day period from the moment the time policy is obtained, it ceases to effect.

It is itself a paper of the format A5 and contains the following information:

  • date of issue;
  • signature of the insured;
  • name of the representative of the insurance medical organization.

Previously, the policies of the old sample. They had a format A3 and contained information similar to the OMS submitted on the temporary policy.

Agreement conditions

The terms of the compulsory medical insurance contract were approved by the director of the Federal Fund of OMS A.M. Taranov 03.10.03.

All documents of this type should be formed only with this position, do not contradict him. Otherwise, this agreement may be considered partly invalid.

The document under consideration is mandatory containing clauses that avoid the occurrence of various kinds of conflicts, denotes the boundaries of responsibility.

The "Subject Agreement" section stipulates the conditions on which the insurer provides its services to the insured. In favor of the insurance company, some amount (insurance premium) is paid.

Based on this, when an insured event occurs, the company pays for its client an appeal to a medical institution.

This section refers to the insurance object - the property interest of the client. That is, in fact, the medical policy of the OMS protects its owner, first of all, from financial damage. Also in this section denotes the concept of an insured event.

The section "Insurance amount, the procedure for its introduction" discloses in detail the two of these term. The magnitude of the insurance premium, the limit of responsibility, the procedure for payment of the insurance premium and the moment of the implementation of this operation are also designated.

When designing a standard policy of the OMS, this section is absent - it is displayed in the contract between the SC and the regional (federal) Fund of the OMS. The "Treaty Terms" section defines the duration of the Agreement of the Type in question.

The Item "Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties" the obligations arising between the insured and the insurer in the case of its conclusion.

The rights of the parties are also considered as much detail. The emergence of serious violations of at least one point is a serious basis for termination of the contract.

Insurance company should ensure the confidentiality of information concerning the insured. Exception is possible only in cases stipulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Confidential is the following information:

  • content of the contract, its form;
  • health care condition, all available cases of medical care;
  • personal policy of the insured (place of residence, home phone and other).

In the "Change and Termination of Agreement" section, situations are listed when it is possible to introduce any amendments to the text of the document.

All cases are listed when the contract can be terminated and the procedure for the implementation of this process. At the end of the contract, the details of the parties are indicated: the actual and legal address, telephone numbers.


In various regions, various compulsory insurance policies were produced a few years ago. That is why the term of their action differs significantly. In 2011, a gradual transition to a single policy of compulsory health insurance was launched.

To date, the policies of this type, which are a plastic card, usually do not have the terms of action. An exception is only the issuance of the policy of a foreign citizen.

If the physical face uses the old policy (today it is quite acceptable), then you can find out the deadline for its action directly on it itself.

Most often, this information is present in the rear of the document. Previously, the Treaty on Policyms OMS was most often for 12 months.

After that it was necessary to extend them. The end of the term of the policy is the basis for its replacement.

Required documents for registration

The list of documents required for the execution of the CHA policy, differs depending on the age, as well as the legal status of the person contacting the insurance company.

For children over 14 years old (citizens of the Russian Federation), to obtain the policy, you must provide the following documents in the SC:

  • identity card (birth certificate or other document);
  • (if available).

If the paper for registration of the appropriate sample policy is provided by the parent, guardian, then the passport is required, or another document certifying the person.

If the execution of the policy is carried out by relatives, then it is required to prevent them:

  • identification;
  • a document that allows you to register as an insured person (power of attorney).

Citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 18, but overcoming the age threshold at 14 years old:

  • temporary identity card or passport;
  • SNILS (if already available);
  • certificate of the person of the representative of the insured person;
  • power of attorney that allows you to register (if a representative is grandmother or grandfather);
  • representation of the representative of the representative.

Persons who have reached the 18th age:

  • document certifying the identity or passport;
  • SNILS.

Refugees that can legally become participants in the health insurance system (the law "On Refugees") is required to be provided:

  • petition;
  • certificate of the appropriate sample;
  • an appeal against the court decision on deprivation of refugee status in the FMS;
  • a document confirming the receipt of a temporary asylum.

For individuals, permanent citizenship of not having, but possessing real estate, residence permit:

  • passport of a foreign citizen;
  • SNILS (if any);
  • residence.

Individuals whose citizenship is missing (refugees or other) requires the following documents to participate in OMS:

  • identity card and document confirming the lack of citizenship;
  • SNILS (if any);
  • residence.

In the absence of any document, the receipt of the insurance policy becomes simply impossible.

Contributions to insurance

Insurance contributions for OMS - payments listed in the Federal Fund for Compulsory Medical Insurance of the Russian Federation.

To date, payers of the insurance premiums of the OMS, according to the Federal Law "On Mandatory Medical Insurance" are:

  • organizations;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs (leading private practice).

The amount of insurance premiums itself is calculated and after it is paid depending on the type of organization used by the tax system, as well as other factors.

The contribution to the Federal OMS Federal Fund is 5.1% of the total wage foundation, which is paid to employees.

The duration of the estimated period on the contributions of the type under consideration is one calendar year. The reporting periods are:

  • quarter;
  • half year;
  • nine month;
  • twelve months.

Register of services rendered

The basic list of compulsory health insurance includes the following types of assistance:

  • medical ambulance;
  • prophylactic;
  • primary healthy.

There is also a list of specialized services that are provided entirely for free or on a preferential basis.

On the compulsory medical insurance policy, you can make an abortion for free, to conduct a childbirth or postpartum period.

The OMS system provides the following types of medical care:

  • dental, oncological (list approved by the Health Committee of the Russian Federation);
  • implementation of preventive fluorographic studies in order to identify tuberculosis in the early stages;
  • prevention of various diseases with special types of vaccines;
  • preferential prosthetics, drugs;
  • stationary, rendered in special outpatient compartments.

Treatment of teeth in the policy

Today, the list of services provided by the Policy of the OMS includes the treatment of teeth.

Free if available is available:

  • conducting primary inspection and consultation (including for patients who are not capable of independent movement);
  • drawing up a preventive map of diseases;
  • treatment:
    • carious formations;
    • pulita;
    • periodontitis;
    • periodontal diseases;
    • oral diseases, mucous membrane;
  • treatment of injuries by surgical intervention, extraction of foreign bodies from the channels of the teeth;
  • removal of teeth and malignant formations;
  • operations on the soft tissues of the oral cavity;
  • the refueling of dislocations of various types.

For children under the age of 14, many polyclinics are treated:

  • non-carious lesions of solid tooth tissues;
  • demineralization;
  • orthodontics using special removable equipment.

What are views

To date, there are three varieties of the policy of the OMS:

  • a sheet of paper A5, on which a special barcode is located;
  • plastic card, which is a studded electronic medium;
  • electronic application with a number applied to the EEC (universal electronic card).

Earlier, until 2011, the OMC policy of a different format was produced. To date, this area of \u200b\u200binsurance is more ordered.

The legislation was amended, allowing any citizen to choose the format of the policy independently.

Political policies have one important advantage over a paper carrier - there is no need to extend.

The standard A5 format policy can be obtained at any Issue Point. To obtain a universal electronic map or plastic card, you need to visit a specialized issue.

The legislation operating in the Russian Federation allows all citizens to receive medical care in full for free. Only in some cases it will be necessary to make payment, but it concerns it only very rare cases.

Most often, when visiting the clinic, it is necessary to simply provide a policy of the OMS in the registry - this will be enough.

Video: Protection of patient rights in the OMS system

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How is the authentication of the OMS policy? Where to get or restore the policy of compulsory health insurance? Is it possible to place an electronic policy of the OMS of a new sample online?

Good day, dear readers! You are welcomed by the site "Khitirbobur" and expert on the insurance of Denis Kudarin.

The topic of our article is the policy of compulsory health insurance (OMS). Such insurance is needed to all who are not indifferent to their own health, so the material will be interesting to each reader.

And now - in detail for each item!

1. What is the OMS policy?

The system of unified medical insurance was created by the state to support the health of citizens and their treatment in the case of diseases.

The OMS insurance allows any resident of the Russian Federation regardless of its status, income and age to receive medical assistance in the regulated amount.

The system of compulsory insurance is a form of social protection of the population, guaranteeing free services upon the occurrence of insurance situations. Polis OMS is an official document confirming the right to receive qualified medical care citizens.

The basic OMS program includes the following activities:

  • diagnostic procedures;
  • ambulatory treatment;
  • hospital treatment;
  • preventive assistance;
  • vaccination;
  • purchase of drugs at preferential prices;
  • dispensary observation of minors.

In addition to the above, the policy gives the right to compensate the damage caused to patients with medical institutions during therapy or diagnosis.

If a person has no medstratch, the clinic has the right to refuse him to help. The exception is emergency cases (injuries, situations directly threatening life).


A patient who does not have an OMS policy was taken to the hospital in a state of acute renal failure. Doctors must stabilize the status of the patient, but are not obliged to conduct further treatment of the underlying disease.

Children up to the year and pregnant women doctors must provide free help without any policy. However, with insurance patients in any case will be calmer.

Since 2011, a single sample medical policy has been introduced into appeal. If earlier such a document was issued at the place of work, now it needs to be received independently by contacting the insurance organization.

The owner of the single sample policy is entitled to choose the clinic to assist. Now it is not tied to registration, as before, and can carry a document on traveling in Russia. Polis OMS valid in any region and paragraph.

If a citizen refused to help in any clinic or provided services in an incomplete amount, he was entitled to file a complaint with the OMS Foundation or an insurance organization in which a document was issued.

The activities of doctors and medical staff are paid at the expense of federal funds and deductions from municipal budgets. In some regions, a list of medical services included in the basic program can be expanded at the expense of additional appropriations.

3. How to get an OMS policy - step-by-step instructions for beginners

Getting a policy does not take much time. However, it is necessary to accommodately approach the selection of an insurance organization and to the process itself.

People who are familiar with modern information technologies are available to receive the policy online.

On the sites of many insurance organizations, you can arrange insurance without leaving at home. True, getting a ready-made document is still on Offline - so more reliable.

Another good news for advanced insurers: Every citizen has the right to get an electronic (plastic) insurance policy. It looks like a bank card, and contains a microchip on which all information about the owner is recorded.

To have such a policy, of course, more convenient: you can constantly wear it with you in the wallet - it does not break and does not take much space.

Policys are drawn up in any region of the Russian Federation, where there are branches of insurance organizations from the official list of the OMS Foundation. True, it is not yet everywhere electronic cards, but it seems that the situation will change for the better in the next few years.

And now - step by step guide to obtain a document.

Step 1. Determine whether you are the insured person

So, the right to receive an insurance document have all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of their age, the availability of work and registration.

Persons who have official refugee status may also be insured, as well as foreigners living in Russia.

Step 2. Select Insurance Medical Company

Often, citizens are not particularly thinking about what company to insure, and choose the insurer on the territorial principle. Whose branch is closer from their place of residence, there and go.

This approach is logical, but not quite correct. Insurance conditions in all companies are approximately the same, but the approach to issues of social and legal protection of customers may vary.

Experts advise you to choose the most famous and reliable insurers from the list of organizations included in the official register of the OMS Foundation. A complete list of health insurance companies is on the Fund's website.

Step 3. Collect the desired package of documents

Citizens of the Russian Federation are enough two documents to receive insurance.

  • passport;
  • SNILS - pension certificate.

The documents attached an application for insurance.

Children up to 14 years old will need a birth certificate. The law makes it possible to obtain policies for the whole family in one parent. However, in this case, written power of attorney from adult family members is required.

Foreigners, in addition to identifying an identity, it is necessary to make a certificate of registration in Russia. Refugees will need documentary confirmation of their status or certificate from the Migration Center.

Step 4. Get a temporary evidence

On the day of submission of the application, the insurer is obliged to issue a temporary testimony to the client. Such a document confirms that the policy is in the process of design.

The evidence allows to obtain the same amount of medical services, which is provided for the owners of full insurance. But remember that the temporary document is valid only 30 days from the date of receipt.

Insurance of a single sample is done just 30 days or a little less. About his readiness you are obliged to notify the company's employees (if you, of course, did not forget to leave your phone or email in the statement).

Step 5. Get the OMS Polis of Single Sample

The finished document is issued in the same office where you filed a statement. The client is only required to put the signature in the registration log.

After that, he receives a full-fledged document, giving the right to free medical and preventive services in any state institution.

Citizens of the Russian Federation Document is issued once and for all. Polis has no limited validity period. Refugees, foreign subjects, stateless persons receive OMS insurance for the period of stay in the country or at the time of the residence permit.

Additional information is in the article "".

4. How and for what is the inspection of the policy of the OMS?

It happens that citizens who do not follow the news regarding health insurance come across the tricks of swells and acquire a fake or listed policy for money.

Another situation is found: the Policy itself is genuine, but the insurance organization no longer exists (or its license is canceled).

Such documents are invalid - to receive free medical care on them is naturally impossible.

How to find out what document do you have fake or real? There are several ways for this.

1) visual inspection

Genuine policy of OMS, regardless of which organizations they were issued, have a single appearance.

  • Owner's name;
  • unique personal number;
  • name of the insurance company and its printing;
  • special barcode.

Paper texture - special and have several degrees of protection. That is, if you have a blank on your hands, printed on the printer, it is definitely fake.

2) check by number

Personal number is entered into a single database: its authenticity can be checked online.

To do this, take the number in the appropriate graph on the OMS Foundation website and click on the "Check" button. Also available on the number and series of passports.

What if the policy was invalid? First of all - do not panic, enter the number again. You may just make a mistake.

If the document really turned out to be a fake, you will have to get the policy again. But this time do not take the document from questionable insurers, and contact the company included in the official register of the Medical Insurance Fund.

For clarity, look at the roller on the topic authentication topic.

The detailed material is also available to our readers in the relevant publication.

5. Where to get the Polis of OMS - Top 5 companies with the best conditions of insurance

And now - a list of five Russian insurers with the best insurance conditions.

1) reso-honey

A company operating in health insurance since 1992. Member of the Presidium of the Interregional Union of Medical Insurers. In the regions is represented by a network of branches. Currently, more than 6 million citizens are under the protection of the organization. Included in the "Reso" insurance group.

2) Rosgosstrakh-Medicine

The subsidiary of the company "Rosgosstrakh" is the oldest Russian insurer. Company motto: "We make insurance protection even more reliable and more affordable!"

According to statistics, every seventh owner of a mandatory medstrashovka in Russia received it in the branches of Rosgosstrakh-Medicine. The total number of clients insured by OMS - 21 million.

3) SOGAZ-Honey

Insurance company with a high rating and branches in all cities of the Russian Federation. It is engaged in the design of both ordinary OMS policies and the issuance of electronic insurance documents. Here you can insure online and order delivery of the policy of the workplace.

Much attention in the company is paid to the protection of the rights of the insured. Representatives of the insurer are ready to assist customers in resolving controversial situations with medical organizations.

4) VTB Medical Insurance

The company operates in the health insurance market for more than 20 years. The number of insured clients is approaching 6 million. Included in the WTB Insurance Group. It has a wide network of representative offices in many regions of Russia.

Provides legal support to insured citizens. FREE delivers policies to disabled people, large families or persons who made at least 3 policies per one shipping address.

5) Ingosstrakh-M

Division of the Ingosstrakh Insurance Group. He has branches in 19 regions of the Russian Federation. It is included in the top 10 insurers of the OMS. It is engaged in an operational settlement of any conflict situations between insurers and medical organizations.

Provides legal support in legal proceedings. All customers have 24-hour free consultations regarding the company's services.

For the convenience of readers, the company listed above are listed in the table:

Insurer Level of reliability Benefits
1 "Reso-Honey" TallAlmost quarter of a century on the Russian market
2 Rosgosstrakh Medicine HighestThe most popular Medical Insurer in the Russian Federation
3 "SOGAZ-Honey" TallHelp in protecting customer rights
4 "VTB Medical Insurance" TallFree shipping policies to preferential categories of citizens
5 Ingosstrakh-M HighestLegal support for policyholders

O and on the site there are separate articles.

6. How to recover the policy of OMS when you lose or damage the document?

In life there are all sorts of situations - the policy can be lost, getting into a rush, break, come into disrepair.

To restore the document, you need to contact the same company where you received insurance. When you need to have a passport (for children - birth certificate) and SNILS. You write a statement, and employees will give you a temporary testimony.

Policy OMS (abbreviation from compulsory medical insurance) - a document certifying the presence of a citizen or other person of necessarily health insurance. Mandatory medical insurance is one of the types of social insurance recognized in the territory of the Russian Federation. Without him, wishing to get medical assistance will face many difficulties.

The last change of the procedure occurred in November 2010. A very important change occurred - compulsory medical insurance has become an indefinite. Once after all the necessary documents, a citizen receives medical insurance for life.

What is it needed for?

OMS polishes allow each citizen who received the policy to demand medical care in full. The received policy of the OMS receives the following rights:

  • Medical care;
  • Advice from doctors - specialists;
  • Prevention, diagnosis, treatment of any diseases;
  • Causing food in the hospital treatment;
  • Compensation of any harm caused to a medical organization;
  • Refusal of medical care;
  • Selection of an insurance organization;
  • Selection of medical organizations;
  • Choosing a doctor;
  • Getting detailed information about the quality and types of medical services.

Responsibilities of the owner of insurance

  1. Make a copy of the CHA policy or its original when requesting in medical institutions;
  2. To independently apply to the insurance organization in any changes in the CHI policy;
  3. Select an insurance organization at a new place of residence.

How to get a?

For about you, you can contact any insurance medical organization for free. To do this, you need to fill out an application for the choice of SMO. You can download it below.

To contact the SMO, any citizen over 18 years old (citizens are up to 18 recognized by capable.) A list of organizations capable of acting on the insurer is provided to him.


Anyone who wants to receive medical insurance should do the following:

  • Fill out the application form on the choice of SMO (you can download the link above;
  • Apply to the insurance organization. It is worth it to approach its choice as responsibly - various companies perform their duties differently. Before appealing is at least once to visit the office of the organization for advice;
  • Submit the necessary documents or their certified copies together with the application for an insurance organization. Copies of documents may assure a notary or administration;
  • Fill in the organization itself all the required forms, get a temporary certificate confirming the execution of the policy.

List of documents

For children under 14 years old:

  • Birth certificate;
  • Any document certifying the identity of the parent, guardian or other legal representative.
  • SNILS (if any).

For citizens from 14 to 18 years old:

  • Identification document;
  • SNILS.

For refugees:

  • Refugee certificate (in case it is not issued, a certificate of consideration of a petition for the provision of refugee status in the territory of the Russian Federation) is also suitable;
  • Certificate of provision of temporary asylum (if documents on the provision of refugee status are not issued).

For permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation foreign citizens:

  • Residence;
  • Passport of that country, whose citizen is the applicant;
  • SNILS (if any).

For non-citizenship, but living in the Russian Federation on a permanent basis.

  • Any document certifying a person without citizenship;
  • SNILS (if any);
  • Residence.

For temporarily living in Russia, individuals without citizenship:

  • Any document certifying a person without citizenship (requires a temporary accommodation mark);
  • Certificate issued by the person without citizenship in the absence of his other blows;
  • SNILS (if any).

For the representative of the insured person:

  • Power of attorney addressed to the representative from the insured. It should be fully framed in accordance with Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • The person certifies the identity of the representative specified in the power of attorney.

Where to issue compulsory medical insurance in Moscow?

Organizations issuing a policy of OMS in the capital, quite a lot. And wishing to get the Polis of the OMS can contact any of them.

Here are just some:

  1. http://msk.reso-med.com/police_omc/where_get_policy_omc/
  2. http://sv-m.ru/oms/str\u003dpunkty-vydachi-polisov-oms.


Polis of OMS for citizens of the Russian Federation has no longer duration. However, the OMC policy itself sometimes requires replacement in case of hardness. You can get a replacement as well as the original.

For refugees, the Polis of OMS acts exactly as much as indicated in the Federal FZ of the Russian Federation "On Refugees". This term depends on the set of factors and on a particular case.

For temporarily living polishes, throughout the period of permitted stay in the Russian Federation.

In which cases, the missing health insurance policy requires re-issuance?

The OMS policy is re-registered in the following cases:

  1. Change of date and place of birth;
  2. If there is an OMS error in the policy itself;
  3. With any changes in the identity document.

What territory is the policy of the OMS?

The policy of compulsory health insurance is valid throughout Russia, regardless of the issuance region. Failure to provide medical services is a serious violation of your rights and can cause a trial.

If you do not have a compulsory medical insurance policy, then you can only count on emergency medical care. Emergency medical care, in contrast to urgent, it turns out only with the threat of life. Urgent medical care (with a threat only to the patient's health) without presenting the policy of compulsory health insurance.

Consider an example:

After an accident, the patient enters into persusability in a critical condition (there is a threat to life). From that moment on, the policy of compulsory medical insurance is not required to stabilize its condition. Further, since the disappearance of the threat of life to complete recovery, medical care will be provided only upon presentation of the policy of compulsory health insurance.

Different categories of citizens can arrange a policy of compulsory health insurance, each of which needs to prepare a specific package of documents.

Who has the right to compulsory floating

Get Mandatory Medical Insurance Policy Come:

  • Adult citizens of the Russian Federation, except for servicemen, staff of power structures and internal organs (they receive medical care in clinics of the relevant departments).
  • Children who have citizenship of the Russian Federation, aged from birth to 18 years.
  • Persons without any citizenship.
  • Foreign citizens who constantly live and work on the territory of the Russian Federation with registration and permanent place of work.
  • Foreign citizens who temporarily live and work in the territory of the Russian Federation, including those who received refugee status.
  • Do not have the right to receive an OMS policy Foreign citizens temporarily staying in the Russian Federation, with the exception of officially workers in the Russian Federation of citizens of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Formally employed citizens registered at the Employment Center, unregistered unemployed, disabled citizens, pensioners and people with disabilities, as well as citizens carrying care for disabled persons can be issued to arrange.

Since the Policy of the OMS allows you to take advantage of the right to choose a clinic and a doctor, many employees of departmental services (police, military, internal troops) attempts to design honey polishes as a private unemployed person, but this is illegal.

Apply to the insurance company for registration of a mandatory policy may themselves, citizens or their representatives (spouses, law firms). For newborns and children up to 18 years old, parents or guardians are carried out.

Since 2016, it is possible to issue an OMC policy at the address of the actual residence and even in the absence of registration. Also, with independent design, you can not specify the place of work, since when changing the employer there may be problems with obtaining medical services.

When a mandatory medical policy is issued

The need for compulsory medical insurance arises in the following cases:

  • Birth of a child.
  • Change of permanent residence (condenser's change). Changing registration is not required.
  • Dismissal or retirement from military service, from power structures or law enforcement agencies.
  • Entry to the territory of the Russian Federation for residence.
  • Lost or depreciation of the previously obtained policy. In this case, the duplicate document is drawn up, and not a new policy.
  • The completion of the established period of action of the policy (refers to the documents received until 2011).
  • Change name, surname, patronymic, floor or date of birth. At the same time, the insured is obliged to inform the insurance company about the changes that have occurred no later than one month from the date of their entry into force.
  • Detection of errors in writing personal data in the previously obtained policy.
  • The desire to change the insurance company.

Documents for registration of the policy of the OMS

The main list of documents required for the design of mandatory medstrashovka does not depend on what kind of SC will choose. It is established by the Law of the Russian Federation and may vary depending on the category of citizens.

The standard package of documents includes:

  • Application for insurance.
  • Passport or other identity card.
  • Certificate of pension insurance SNILS.

For children who do not have a passport (not reaching 14 years old), a set of documents, in addition to the application, includes:

  • Birth certificate.
  • Passport or identity card of one of the parents (legalized guardians).
  • SNILS (if decorated).

For foreign citizens who permanently reside in the Russian Federation:

  • The passport of the country, the citizen of which he is or a foreign passport. It should have a format recognized by the Russian Federation and notarized translation into Russian.
  • The residence permit of the Russian Federation with an appropriate mark on registration in the territory of the region, which submitted an application for the OMS policy.
  • Insurance certificate.

For workers of foreign citizens who temporarily live in the Russian Federation:

  • The country's passport, a citizen of which he is or a passport, with a mandatory mark on the appropriate permission for temporary accommodation in the region where the execution of the policy is carried out.
  • Insurance certificate.

For persons who do not have citizenship:

  • An identity card recognized by Russian legislation, with an appropriate mark on residence permit in the Russian Federation, or a document issued in the Russian Federation confirming the identity.
  • SNILS.

For citizens who received refugee status:

  • Certificate of refugee status or a valid certificate of current consideration of the application on the recognition of a foreign citizen refugee.
  • Certificate of identity recognized by the Russian Federation.

For workers in the Russian Federation of citizens of the EAEP countries:

  • Passport or other identity card recognized by an international agreement.
  • SNILS.
  • Labor contract.
  • Notice of arrival at the place of stay with a mark on the timing and address of the accommodation (tear-off part).
  • A certificate confirming the status of an official is also filed for members of the EAEEC College.

When replacing the CHAM policy or a change in the insurance organization, the original policy issued to the main package of documents is attached. If the documents are not submitted by a citizen independently, and its representative is also given a power of attorney for obtaining a policy, decorated in free form, without a notary.

Procedure for obtaining mandatory medstrashovka

Having collected the necessary documents and choosing where to get the OMS policy, you can safely move to the application. You can do this by contacting the office personally, through the Multifunctional Center of the State Service or by issuing a preliminary online application (if it is provided for by the selected insurance company).

In case of personal contact, the insurance agent himself removes copies from your documents, which confirms their accuracy. If you bring copies yourself, they can only be accepted if there is an assurance from the notary.

The application of the online application does not eliminate the need to visit the SC office, but only speeds up the design procedure. It allows you to contact the office out of turn.

After filling out the profile on the site, you are provided with a number or code that you call when visiting. The insurance agent checks the correctness of filling out the application and confirms its reception. At the same time, you are issued a temporary policy of health insurance, which gives the right to use the full list of services provided by the main document. The term of the temporary policy is 30 working days, after which you are issued the main document. If the latter is not ready, the temporary policy must be extended for another 30 days.

When making an application for obtaining an OMS policy through the website of the insurance company, as a rule, one can track the readiness of the permanent policy. This may occur earlier than a temporary time limit.

To obtain a permanent policy of the OMS, you must contact the same office of the insurance company, where documents were filed. The temporary policy is not necessary, since it has a limited validity period and cannot be further used by other persons. Upon receipt, you need to present a passport and power of attorney (for representatives).

How to get an electronic policy

From 2015, along with a single OMS policy in paper format, electronic policies are produced. They represent a standard plastic card with an integrated photo of the Insured Citizen, as well as a chip containing the necessary data, including a digital signature. For children by age until 14 years, the plastic policy is drawn up without a photo and signature.

You can get such a card when you first decorate or in the case of replacing an existing paper document. If the insured before that did not have mandatory medical insurance, the application procedure and the issuance of the policy does not differ from the usual paper format. For citizens who have arranged insurance earlier, several ways to obtain a policy of compulsory health insurance in electronic format are provided.

First of all, you can contact the CC, where a paper policy was issued and writing an application for a plastic card. At the same time, it is necessary to provide a standard package of documents plus, an existing paper policy of the OMS. In case of submission of documents through a representative, in addition to the power of attorney, photos are provided for documents, the size of 30x40 mm (without a corner).

The procedure for making an electronic document, in most cases, takes up to half an hour, during which employees of the insurance company will perform a photographing, will make all the necessary data and produce a plastic policy.

On the other hand, it is not possible to receive such a service in all regions and departments of insurance companies. In some cases, employees of a certain unit may refuse you due to the lack of equipment. The reason for the refusal can also serve as the applicant of the paper option. However, in real practice, it is often due to the fact that since the service is free, the company may simply not be interested in spending funds for plastic card design to the current client. In this case, to obtain an electronic document, you can simply change the insurance organization.

Electronic policy, as well as paper is issued in the envelope. It is accompanied by a memo with the rules of operation and the PIN-code required for the subsequent introduction of various changes to the data on the insured person.

Features of insurance for foreign citizens

For foreign citizens who have the right to obtain the policy of the OMS procedure, the procedure for issuing a document consists of the following steps:

  • The FMS is issued a document confirming the right to work in the territory of the Russian Federation. It may be limited or perpetual (upon receipt of a residence permit).
  • The employer conveys an insurance company an employee who is a foreign citizen. At the same time, the employer must have permission to hire aliens.
  • The insurance company draws up the OMS policy on the general basis.

If a foreign citizen is a person carrying out entrepreneurial activities (IP), you must follow these steps:

  • Register in the territorial foundation to obtain the status of payer of contributions honey insurance.
  • Independently arrange the OMS policy at the place of registration on the general reasons.

When dismissing from work or closing entrepreneurial activities, the policy of the OMS should be removed from a foreign citizen.

Cost of registration Honey Polishes OMS

Services for the design of the assurance of mandatory honey insurance are completely free, but organizations may additionally enter paid after-sales service, from which you have the right to refuse. On the other hand, they can simplify the procedure.

So, choosing where to get the policy of compulsory health insurance, you can contact the organization that offers the design and submission of documents at home with the departure of specialists at a convenient time for you. In addition, there are private centers for preparing documents that provide intermediary services for the design of honey policies. The cost of such services is about 25 dollars. The timing of the policy is so impossible to reduce.

How to change the insurance organization

If you have an OMS policy, but you want to change the insurance company, you need to contact the appropriate statement to a new organization where you want to arrange insurance. It may also be necessary in the case of moving or closing an organization that issued the current policy.

The right to change the insurance company at its discretion is provided once a year. At the same time, the documents should be submitted no later than November 1st of the current year, and the new policy itself will come into force, starting next year after submitting an application. When changing a permanent place of residence or any personal data, this restriction is removed, but the insured person must submit a new statement no later than in the 30-day period.

If you have been issued an electronic policy of the OMS, when signing a contract with a new insurance company, a paper format is allowed, if the new organization does not provide such services.

A package of documents when changing the insurance organization is similar to the list with a primary receipt plus an existing policy (it must be seized by law). The statement to change the company necessarily indicates:

  • Legal name of a new insurance company.
  • The data of the insured person.
  • Cause of circulation and change of insurance organization.
  • Date and signature.

After submitting the application and documents to replace the company and the policy, the new insurance company shall notify the current within 3 days. If your initial policy was electronic or decorated until 2011, the further procedure for placing insurance is similar to the standard when the policy is primary. For documents of a single sample, it is provided for introducing new information about the insurance company on the reverse side of the document.

Many readers wonder: where to get the policy of the OMS? In our material we decided not only to answer the question where to get the CHA policy, but also how to do what documents are required and whether to reissue the old policy of the OMS.

Polis OMS. Where to get?

To obtain medical services to citizens need polis OMS. Where to get This document will tell the main regulatory acts regulating the procedure for providing services for issuing OMS policies.

Where can I get a medical policy?

The Constitution of the Russian Federation in Article 41 proclaims the rule according to which Russian citizens have the right to free medicine. To ensure its implementation, a system of compulsory medical insurance was adopted, which received legislative consolidation in FZ 29.11.2010 No. 326-FZ.

As part of this system, the rule on which every citizen must have an OMS policy. Where to get this policy, he can find out on the official website of the state institution carrying out insurance.

The policy implies a legal document that records information about a citizen who gives him the right to free assistance provided in the medical institution.

The execution of the OMS policy is possible in relation to the following persons:

  • Citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Persons permanently residing within the Russian Federation.
  • Refugee located in Russia.

A person who appeal to the insurance company with a question where you can get the OMS policy, will be given a list of departments for issuing policies. As a rule, insurance organizations have several points of issuing documents in various settlements of Russia.

Get the insurance medical policy in the departments of insurance institutions, if you visit them on the prescribed days of the reception of citizens. It is worth checking on the reception time in advance, this can be done by contacting the company's website or in the form of a phone call to its territorial unit.

The period of reality of the document will directly depend on the status of its owner. So, citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners who registered the right to permanent residence in Russia may receive a policy without limiting the term of its action. Foreigners and refugees receive a policy for the term of their temporary stay in the country.

How to get a medical policy?

Upon learning of where to get a medical insurance policy, citizens should get acquainted with the procedure for designing a document. To begin with, a citizen will need to fill out a standard statement in which it indicates the need to obtain a document.

Do not know your rights?

Application forms can be obtained when visiting an insurance organization or download from the official website of the institution. Some organizations accept applications sent in electronic form.

Required documents

After receiving the application, authorized employees of the organization will ask the applicant who is a Russian citizen, to present the following package of documents:

  • Citizen passport or temporary identity card.
  • SNILS.
  • Certificate of birth (it is necessary to present if the policy is drawn up on a minor person who has not reached a 14-year-old age).

From foreign citizens will require:

  1. A refugee certificate or a petition for its receipt.
  2. Passport of a foreign citizen.
  3. Residence.
  4. SNILS.

If a citizen cannot personally visit the Department of the Insurance Company, then it can make a representative. The powers of the representative must be confirmed by simple written powers.

When the application is accepted, the authorized person will give a citizen a temporary certificate of execution of the policy. This document is valid for 30 days, for which the company will issue an OMS policy. After 30 days from the date of submission of the application, the citizen will be provided with an insurance policy.

When is the policy need to re-refline?

The policy is subject to replacement under the following circumstances:

  • Changes in the insured person of their name, gender, dates or place of birth.
  • When setting inaccurate information or errors that were entered into the current policy.

Duplicate policy of compulsory medical insurance is issued to such persons who:

  • Lost previously issued document.
  • They stated that the document came to a dissent.

Persons who have to go through the procedure for executing a medical insurance policy should remember that:

  1. No need to change the insurance policy to citizens who changed the place of work. A similar rule should be adhere to when changing the place of residence, but it is worth considering the need for invariating the insurance company. If the insurance company remains the same, you just need to notify its representatives about moving.

    If there is no branch of the company in the territory of the new place of residence of the citizen, which gave him a policy in another region of Russia, it is recommended to get a new policy of the OMS in the local insurance facility.

  2. A citizen who does not suit the level of service of the insurance company and a medical institution may refuse their services and choose other organizations providing similar services.
  3. The policy can be received by a citizen at the place of its actual residence, that is, if he is registered in another subject of the Russian Federation, he does not have to go to the place of registration for registration of the document.
  4. Any restrictions on obtaining medical care, which are based on the belonging of the CHA policy to a specific insurance company, are a violation of Russian legislation. The insured medical policy of the established sample is valid throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of the place of its design and organization that issued the document.

Thus, citizens should be aware that free medical care can be rendered to them only if there is a policy, issued in accordance with the legal requirements in the insurance facility. The deadline for issuing a document takes 1 month. In order to start this procedure, the citizen will have to fill out a standard statement and provide a number of guidelines.

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