
Payment order to the provider in the year. Payment order. Step-by-step instructions for filling. Penios payment order

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New dated 05.07.2019: The Central Bank of the Russian Federation published a project instructions "On the procedure for specifying the code of the type of income in orders on transfer of funds" Procedure for indication of the code of income type at orders to transfer funds. Due to the fact that from June 1, 2020, according to the Federal Law of 21.02.2019 No. 12-FZ employers in paying wages And other payments to the employee will be obliged to indicate in the settlement documents of the codes of income. Supplepended the list of types of income on which the penalty cannot be drawn.

New dated 25.02.2019:According to the Federal Law of 21.02.2019 No. 12-FZ, which has amended the law on enforcement proceedings of 02.10.2007 No. 229-FZ, from June 1, 2020, employers when paying wages and other payments to employees will be required to indicate in settlement documents codes Income types (a new props for payments to employees will appear in the payment order).

New dated 05/10/2017:In the instructions of the Bank of Russia dated 05.07.2017 N 4449-y supplemented4.1 Order 383-p. Also in "Appendix 1" in the line of details 101 - 110:count 1 is set out in new edition ("101 - 109"); in column 3, the second paragraph is recognized as invalid;etc. Exposure: "1.3. Supplemented by Appendix 13 in the Application of the Appendix to this Directorate.".

New dated 24.02.2017: FTS of Russia in a letter from 02/15/2017 No. ZN-3-1 / [Email Protected] Specified the order of filling from 01.01.2017 fields 101 of the payment order to transfer insurance premiums.

FTS of Russia in a letter from 03.02.2017 No. ZN-4-1 / [Email Protected] forpayment orders for the transfer of insurance premiumsexplained the procedure for specifying codes in the "101" field.

New dated 02/17/2016: from 03/28/2016 will come into force Indication of the Bank of Russia from 06.11.2015 No. 3844-U on amending the Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated 19.06.2012 No. 383-P. According to these changes in payment orders for payment in budget System RF taxes and fees, insurance premiums, customs and other payments do not need to fill out the props 110 - type of payment.

Exposure from the position of the Bank of Russia dated June 19, 2012 No. 383-P "On the rules of implementation money water "

(as amended by the instructions of the Bank of Russia from 07/15/2013 No. 3025-y, from 04/29/2014 No. 3248, from 19.05.2015 No. 3641-y, from 06.11.2015 N 3844-y).

Chapter 5. Calculations by payment orders

5.1. When calculating payment orders, the payer's bank undertakes to transfer money to bank account payer or without opening bank account Payer - an individual to the recipient of the funds specified at the disposal of the payer.
5.2. Payment order It can be used to transfer funds from the deposit account (deposit) taking into account the requirements established by the Federal Law.
5.3. Details, shape (for payment order on paper), the number of payment order details are set to applications 1 to 3 to this Regulation.
5.4. The payment order is drawn up, is taken to execute and executed in in electronic format, on paper.
5.5. Payment order is valid for submission to the bank for 10 calendar days From the day following the day of its preparation. (as amended by the instructions of the Bank of Russia dated 29.04.2014 N 3248-y)
5.6. If the payer is a bank, the transfer of funds to the Bank's bank account - the recipient of funds can be carried out by the Bank on the basis of the bank order component.
5.7. At the disposal of the transfer of funds without the opening of the payer's bank account - an individual on paper, the details of the payer, recipient, banks, banks, the amount of translation, the purpose of payment must be indicated, and other information established by the credit institution or the recipient of funds may be indicated with the bank. Order of transferring funds without opening a bank account of the payer - an individual can be drawn up in the form of an application.
The form of an order to transfer money without opening a payer's bank account - an individual on paper on paper is established by a credit institution or recipients in coordination with the bank.
Based on the order of transfer of funds without opening a payer's bank account - an individual credit organisation Makes up a payment order.
5.8. Order of transfer of funds without opening a payer's bank account - an individual transmitted using electronic means Payment, must contain information that allows you to install a payer, recipient, the amount of translation, the purpose of payment.
5.9. On the basis of orders of payers - individuals Credit organization can make a payment order for total With the direction of the Bank of the Recipient, the recipient of the means agreed with the recipient's bank, the recipient of the means of the registry or orders of payers - individuals.
5.10. When calculating payment orders, orders provided for in paragraph 1.11 of this Regulation may be applied.

Since 2017, insurance premiums, with the exception of contributions "on injuries," are paid in the IFTS. In this regard, the number of issues relating to the procedure for filling out payment orders for payment of contributions has grown.

Payment order: insurance premiums in 2017 in IFTS

What changes have undergone payment order for insurance premiums in 2017? First, the recipient has changed - now this is not an extrabudgetary fund, but the tax inspectorate.

Secondly, new CBC on insurance premiums were approved. Moreover, when paying contributions for the periods, expired before 01.01.2017, you need to use some CBC, and for the periods starting from 01/01/2017 - others. Actual CBC on insurance premiums you will find in.

Thirdly, in some regions changed bank details. Thus, from 06.02.2017, details were changed to transfer taxes and contributions in Moscow and the Moscow region (letter of FTS from 07.11.16 No. ZNS-4-1 / 21026, information FTS).

Filling in fields of payment order for insurance premiums in the IFTS

In the fields of payment orders on payment of insurance premiums in the IFTS, the following information is indicated:

Name of the field of payment (field number) Payment of contributions to the IFTS (contributions to the OPS, on the OMS, in this)
Payer Status (101) "01" - if contributions pay the legal entities / his op;
"09" - if the contributions pay the IP (this status of the IP indicates regardless of whether it pays contributions as an employer or lists contributions for itself).
FTS with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation decided that when paid contributions it is necessary to specify these statuses (Letter of the FTS dated 03.02.2017 No. ZN-4-1 / [Email Protected])
Inn Payer (60) INN organization / entrepreneur
PPP payer (102) - CAT, assigned to the IFNS, in which contributions will be paid if the legal entities / its OP will be paid;
- "0" - if contributions are paid by IP
Payer (8) Brief name Organization / OP, Full name Entrepreneur
Inn Recipient (61) Inn that IFNS, in which contributions paid
PPP recipient (103) PPC that IFNS, in which contributions paid
Recipient (16) UFK software _____ (the name of the region in which contributions are paid), and a specific IFX is indicated in brackets. For example, "UFK in Moscow (IFTS Russia No. 14 in Moscow)"
Sending payment (21) 5
CBK (104) The code budget classificationcorresponding to the paid contribution and period for which the contribution is paid
OKTMO (105) - OCTMO code at the location of the organization / OP, if the contributions are paying legal entities / his op
- OKTMO code at the place of residence of the IP, if contributions pay the IP
Foundation of payment (106) This field indicates one of the following values:
"TP" - when paying a fee for the current period;
"Zd" - with voluntary repayment of debt on contributions;
"Tr" - when repaying the debt on the claimation of the IFTS;
"AP" - when repaying the debt on the act of verification (before the establishment of the requirement)
The period for which the fee is paid (107) If the field 106 is "TP" / "ZH", then the frequency of payment of a fee in one of the following formats is indicated:
- For monthly boards: "MS.HX.YYYYGG", where XX - number of the month (from 01 to 12), and GGYG - a year for which payment is made (for example, in the payment of contributions to OPS with payments to employees in March 2017 need to put "ms.03.2017");
- for annual payments: "GD.00.YYYY", where yyyg - a year for which a contribution is paid (for example, when paying a fee for itself for 2017, IP will need to put "GD.00.2017").
If the field 106 is "TR", then the Date of Requirements is reflected in the field 107.
If in the field 106 is "an", then in the field 107 is set "0"
Document number (108) If in the field 106 is "TP" / "ZD", then in the field 108 is set "0".
If the field 106 is "TR", then the number 108 reflects the number tax Requirements About pay.
If in the field 106 it costs "AP", then in the field 108 indicates the number of the solution made by the results of the verification
Document Date (109) If there is a "TP" in the field 106, then the date of the calculation of contributions is put in the field 109. But, as a rule, by the time of payment the calculation is not yet presented, so payers are "0".
If in the field 106 is "zd", then in the field 109 is set "0".
If the field 106 is "TR", then in the field 109 reflects the date of payment requirements.
If in the field 106 is "AP", then in the field 108 indicates the date of the post-verification solution
Type of payment (110) "0" or Win, if it is
Appointment of payment (24) Brief explanation for payment, for example, « Insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and due to motherhood (for March 2017) "Also in this field, the contribution payer may indicate its registration number in the FIU, but this is not necessary.

Insurance Contributions - 2017: Sample payment order

A sample payment order for contributions "on injuries" you can also find in our.

In accordance with the latest amendments, we have prepared a cheat sheet to fill the fields of payment. Current sample payment order for transfer insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance, as well as detailed instructions To fill out a payment order for all types of insurance premiums, see below.


In the fields highlighted on a sample of yellow, indicate the amount of contributions to be transferred - as with any payments. In the fields highlighted in blue, the details of the payer and its bank - as with any payments, including non-tax.

In the fields highlighted on the sample green, when paying all contributions, except for contributions to "injury", we indicate the details of the tax authority - as in the listing of any taxes. These details of the tax authority is obliged to communicate free (paragraphs. 4 of paragraph 1 of Art. NK of the Russian Federation), they can also be found on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the section with the contacts of your inspection. When paying insurance contributions from accidents in these fields, we indicate the details of the Territorial FSS authority, which can be found in the fund itself or on its website.

The information is indicated in accordance with Appendix No. 5 to the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia. In particular, when paying all contributions, except contributions to "injury", you need to put:

  • organizations - "01";
  • IP - "09";
  • notary, which is engaged in private practice - "10";
  • a lawyer who established the law office, "11";
  • the head of the peasant (farmer) economy is "12".

When payment insurance premiums are paid on accidents, you need to put "08".

For the payment order, always "01" (see the Regulation on the rules for the implementation of the transfer of funds, approved. Bank of Russia 19.06.2012 No. 383-P).

The order of payment in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. Civil Code. For current payments it is "5".

When paying insurance premiums, I put "0".

Here you need to specify the CBC for the corresponding type of contributions. Please note, since 2017, the first three digits of the CBC for insurance premiums, except for contributions to "injury", - 182 (FNS code of Russia as the main administrator of budget revenues in the form of insurance premiums). The last three digits of the CBC for insurance premiums - 160. In 2017, organizations are used by KBK:

1) on contributions to compulsory pension insurance (except for the additionar) - 182 1 02 02010 06 1010 160;

2) on compulsory pension insurance for complearities:

a) according to the results of the special price:

- employees specified in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Art. thirty Federal Law (hereinafter - Law No. 400-FZ), - 182 1 02 02131 06 1020 160;

- employees specified in paragraph 2-18 h. 1 Article. 30 of Law No. 400-FZ, - 182 1 02 02132 06 1020 160;

b) without special fees:

- employees specified in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Art. 30 of Law No. 400-FZ, - 182 1 02 02131 06 1010 160;

- employees specified in paragraph 2-18 h. 1 Article. 30 of Law No. 400-FZ, - 182 1 02 02132 06 1010 160;

3) on compulsory contributions health insurance — 182 1 02 02101 08 1013 160;

4) on contributions on compulsory insurance in case of temporary disability and due to motherhood - 182 1 02 02090 07 1010 160;

5) on compulsory insurance against industrial accidents and professional care - 393 1 02 02050 07 1000 160.

See more about what CBC are used in 2017, as well as download a comfortable cheat sheet with current CBC in the article.

The field is filled in the same way as when listed any taxes. Here, we specify the OCTMO code of the territory on which contributions are paid. It consists of 8 or 11 digits.

In this field, indicate the foundation of the payment. Full list Possible foundations of payment is given in paragraph 7 of Annex 2 to the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia. In particular, it may be indicated:

  • "TP" - current payments;
  • "Zd" is a voluntary repayment of debt on past settlement railing (in the absence of a tax authority);
  • "TR" - repayment of debt at the request of the tax authority;
  • "AP" is repayment of debt on the audit act;
  • "AR" - repayment of debt on the executive document;
  • when paying insurance premiums for insurance against accidents, specify "0".

When paying insurance premiums in a voluntary manner, we specify a month for which contributions are listed, in the format of MS.HX.YYYY, for example "MS.08.2017".

If payment of contributions is carried out at the request of the tax authority, indicate the payment period established in the requirement.

When you pay for an act of verification or by the executive document, as well as in the payment of insurance premiums for insurance against accidents, we set "0".

When paying insurance contributions from accidents and current payments on other insurance premiums put "0". In other cases, we set:

  • number of tax authority requirements;
  • the number of the Inspection Inspection Inspectorate or refusal to be liable;
  • number executive document and excited based on its enforcement proceedings.

When paying current payments and voluntary debt repayment, we specify "0", as the date of the declaration in this case It is impossible to specify.

We also indicate "0" when paying insurance premiums for accident insurance.

In other cases, in this field, we specify:

  • date requirements of the tax authority;
  • the date of the decision of the Inspectorate on bringing to responsibility or on refusal to be liable;
  • the date of the executive document and initiated on the basis of its enforcement proceedings.

Here is a free text that allows you to identify the payment in case of issues. We recommend to indicate at least the type of contributions, the period for which they are paid, as well as the register number of the insured in the relevant fund.

Alexander Lavrov, certified auditor

To transfer taxes and contributions to the budget, it is important to competently fill out a payment order. Otherwise, money will not come to the desired account and will be taken into account as another payment or are classified as unclear. In the article, we will tell how to complete the payment on the payment of taxes and contributions, and we present a sample of filling out the payment order in 2017.

What form to make a payment order

The payment order must be made in form 0401060, which is shown in Appendix 2 to the provision of the Bank of Russia from 19.06.2012 No. 383-P. Each of its field has been assigned its number. You can look at the checkpoint fields in the figure below. For your convenience, the numbers of fields are highlighted. Next, we will tell how to fill these fields. A sample of filling out payment orders on personal income tax in 2017 can be downloaded below the link below.

What is the status of the payer to indicate in the payment order in 2017

In the field 101, all companies and entrepreneurs must affect the status of the payer. It is a two-digit code, the value of which depends on which payment is made.

For example, if the company fills the payment on the payment of taxes from its income from its activities, as well as contributions that the FTS adminishes in the field 101, the code 01 is affixed. In case of paying taxes in favor of employees - 02. In the performance of the duties:

  • individual entrepreneur - "09";
  • notary engaged in private practice - "10";
  • a lawyer who established the lawyer - "11";
  • the heads of the peasant (farmer) economy - "12";
  • individual - "13".

A complete list of codes is given in Appendix 5 to the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of 12.11.2013 No. 107n. More in the article "The status of a payer in a payment order in 2017".

How to pay taxes for the third face

Attention: since 2017, the lawful or authorized representative of the taxpayer will be able to transfer money to the budget. For the company - its owner or head of a proxy officer, for example, chief Accountant. In addition, payments will be able to list other faces. It can be a friendly company or physical. face. FTS on his website informed how to fill payment documents in this case.

Payers of tax payments, insurance premiums and other payments in the budget system Russian Federation Indicate in the fields:

  • "Inn" payer -Added Inn Payer, whose obligation to pay tax payments, insurance premiums and other payments is executed. In the absence of a payer - an individual Inn in the requisite "Inn" payer indicates zero ("0"). It is necessary in the "Code" field to specify a unique charge identifier (document index);
  • "PPC" of the payer-to-recognition of the payer's PPC, whose obligation to pay tax payments, insurance contributions is executed. In the performance of the obligation to pay payments for individuals in the requisite "CAT" of the payer indicate zero ("0");
  • "Payer" - information about the payer that carries out payment. Including:

For legal entities - Name legal entityacting payer in paying payments in the budget system of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, in the field "Purpose of payment" indicates the INN and the PPC (for individuals only the INN) of the person who makes the payment and the name (FULL NAME) of the payer, whose duty is executed. To highlight information about the payer, a sign "//" is used. These details are indicated in the first positions with respect to other additional information specified in the "Purpose of Payment" field.

It should be borne in mind that for this category of payers, the rules are not provided for a new status. In the "101" field, the status of the payer indicates the status of that person whose obligation to pay tax payments, insurance premiums and other payments in the budget system of the Russian Federation is executed.

Below in the article you will find a sample of filling out a payment order in 2017, in the 101 field of which the payer status code is affixed.

What order to register in the payment

The order of payment is a sequence with which banks are executed by incoming payment orders if they are delivered to the card file due to the lack of money.

Some banks do not accept payments if the order of payment is incorrectly indicated. But they are not entitled to refuse the reception of payments on this basis (the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of January 20, 2014 No. 02-03-11 / 1603). The company can contact the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to find out the legitimacy of refusal.

To specify the order of payment in the payment, the field 21 is provided. How to fill it correctly, see the table. And the sample of filling out the payment order in 2017 is given at the end of the article.

Table. Priority of payment in the payment order in 2017

Priority payment

Transferring money

By executive sheets in compensation for harm caused to life and health or recovery of alimony

According to the executive list:

On the payment of weekend benefits and wages with persons who work or worked on labor contracts;

For payroll with employees

According to the instructions of the FTS (FSS, PFR) on the payment of tax debt, fees and contributions

According to executive sheets on satisfaction of other requirements not provided for by 1 and 2 queue

To pay current taxes, contributions and fees

According to other payment documents in the order of the calendar queue

Keep in mind: some banks require when transferring alimony to specify the order of payment 3. Explain this by the fact that the bank holds cash from the salary of the debtor. In relation to the debtor, the account holder is payments related to pay for labor.

When in the payment order it is necessary to write uins

Win is a unique accrual identifier. Win contains 20 or 25 characters. To separate the Win numbers, the "///" sign is used after the digital code. Example of the purpose of payment: Win12345678901234567890 ///. In a payment order, a sample of filling in 2017 you will find below, the field 22 is assigned to it.

Uin sets FTS, FSS or PFR. If the company received a requirement to pay taxes, fees or contributions, the code should be taken from this requirement.

When paying fines in the traffic police per car company, the accrual identifier must be taken from the ruling. Otherwise, the penalty will be considered unpaid.

If the Win is not known, or the company fills the payment on the payment of current payments or arrears, penalties and fines before receiving the requirements of the FTS (FSS, PFR), in the field 22 it is necessary to write 0.

Please note: if the entrepreneur pointed his INN in the payment, then in the field "Code" instead of the Uin, he puts 0. If the Win indicates - does not fill the INN (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 04/08/2016 No. ZN-4-1 / [Email Protected]).

With banks that require filling in payments and Inn, and Win, the tax authorities conduct an explanatory work.

What to write in the fields 106-109 of the payment order

Field 106. intended to identify payment by it target direction. The foundation of payment in the payment is indicated by the letter code:

  • TP - for current payments;
  • Health - for debt, repulsed voluntarily;
  • Tr - debt redeemed at the request of the controlling authorities.
  • Ap - arreed, redeemed on the basis of an audit act before issuing the inspection requirement.

If it is impossible to specify the value of the indicator 0.

IN field 107. The indicator of the payment period of taxes consisting of 10 characters fits. For convenience, information on filling the field 107 We introduced in the table. A sample of filling out the payment order in 2017, where the value in the field 107 is inscribed, you will find at the end of the article.

How to fill in the field 107 of the payment order in 2017

IN field 108. Writing 0. Exception is cases of repayment of debt at the request of controlling authorities. Then in the field 108 you need to set the number of requirements. How to fill out a payment order at the request of the inspection in the article ".

IN field 109. It is indicated by the date of signing the declaration of the tax paid or 0, if the tax is transferred to the budget earlier than the declaration. In the event of repayment of debt on the requirement of tax authorities, this field indicates the date of the claim. When paying contributions in the field 109 is placed 0.

Field 110 Do not fill or write zero

Separate banks still require to put 0 in the field 110. Such a requirement is redundant. This follows from the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia from 30.10.2014 No. 126n and the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 06.11.2015 No. 3844-y.

If the company fulfills the Bank's requirement and indicates 0, the payment will reach the budget. Type of payment Inspection and extrabudgetary funds Determine the CBC.

What details need to enter the remaining bid fields, look at the table.

Details that need to be indicated when completing the payment order in 2017

Field number and name

What indicate

3 "Payment Order number"

The sequence number of the payments consisting of a maximum of six digits. Counting of payment orders begins with the beginning of the new year. If the number consists of four digits or more, the last three digits should be different from 000. That is, after 999 will go 1001, 1002, etc.

4 "Date of drawing up payment order"

Date is affixed in the format "DD.MM. Yyyy ". For example, 05.02.2017

5 "Type of payment"

The field should be filled only if the payment order is sent to the bank through the client-bank system. In this case, the field needs to indicate "electronically". In other cases, in the field 5 no downtakes

6 "summary amount"

The amount of payment is written in rubles and kopecks from the beginning of the string from the capital letter. Moreover, the rubles are written in words, kopecks - numbers. The words "rubles" and penny "fit completely without abbreviations. For example, six thousand rubles 20 kopecks.

If the amount is expressed in the whole ruble, you can not specify a penny

7 "Amount"

The amount of payment is reflected in numbers. At the same time, rubles are separated from kopecks dash. For example, 1200 -15. If the amount of payment without kopecks, then after the number there is a sign of equality. For example, 247 \u003d

8 "Payer"

The full or shortened name of the organization is recorded. For example, LLC "Ship".

Entrepreneurs record their full name and put "IP" in brackets. Then the address of the residence (registration) is indicated. And before and after information about the address you need to install "//"

9 "Settlement account"

Bank account number

10 "Bank Payer"

Complete name of the bank indicating the city in which it is located

Indicates a bik of the bank in which the company or IP is served

12 "Account number"

The correspondent account number in the bank is recorded, in which the company or IP operates a settlement account

13 "Recipient Bank"

Fixed the full name of the bank and its location

Indicates the bik of the recipient bank

15 "Account number"

16 "Recipient"

When paying taxes, contributions and fees to the Tax Inspectorate: UFK MF RF on ___ (the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, where tax, contribution, fee), and in brackets - the name of the IFTS, which reports are submitted. For example, UFK MF RF in the Lipetsk region (IFTS Russia in Lipetsk)

When paying contributions to the funds: UFK software in ____ (the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, in which contributions are paid), and in brackets - the name of the Fund's separation in which reporting is given. For example, UFK in Moscow (GU - Department of the FIU in Moscow and the Moscow region)

17 "Account number"

The recipient's account number is indicated.

18 "Type of operation"

19 "Payment term"

20 "Appointment of payment"

23 "Backup Field"

24 "Purpose of Payment"

Fixed additional Informationwhich will be useful when identifying the payment. For example, numbers, names and dates of documents that are grounds for making a money transfer operation, payment terms

43 "Print"

Stamp with it

44 "Signature"

The signature of the authorized person of the organization, for example, the chief accountant. Or signature entrepreneur

45 "Bank marks"

60 "Inn Payer"

Indicates the INN organization or entrepreneur. Note: The first and second signs cannot simultaneously be zeros

61 "Inn Recipient"

62 "Arrival in the Bank Bank"

71 "written off from the payer's account"

102 "CPP payer"

The gearbox fits from the certificate of registration in tax authorities. Commerce in this field put 0

103 "CPP of the recipient"

Inn fits tax Inspection or Fund

It is indicated by the code of the budget classification consisting of 20 digits

The OKTMO code of the municipality is indicated, where tax, contribution or collection is paid. The code may consist of 8 or 11 characters. In the 11-digit code, the last three figures denote settlements that are part of municipalities. Therefore, for municipal formations, the OCTMO code consists of 8 digits for settlements - out of 11.

OCTMO codes are contained in All-Russian classifier Municipalities OK 033--2013 (approved by order of Rosstandart from 14.06.2013 No. 159-st). For example: 45341000

Above, we told how to fill out each field of payment order in 2017. Now give a visual sample.

The payment order is applied to non-cash payments. In the article - the "Blank", which can be downloaded to Word and Excel files, the rules for filling out "Payment", free reference books and useful links.

Without problems, payments will help the following documents (You can download them):

The payment order form is a strictly regulated document developed and approved by the Bank of Russia 06/19/12 No. 383-P, which includes more than 20 required details. The 2019 payment order form is intended to carry out non-cash payments. Since any non-cash listings are made through banking systemin order to process payment document Any bank could, a payment order form, has a standard structure and is filled in by typical rules, one for all non-cash settlements for all participants.

Fill out a payment order form 2019. It is necessary in accordance with the rules defined for each of the details. In order not to be checked every time with the rules of paperwork and not allow random blots, it is more convenient to draw up a payment order automatically - in the Buxoft program.

The Buxoft program automatically generates payment orders with relevant details. The program itself will put the right CBK, the order of payment and code tax period. Try free:

Download sample payment

Other Documents for Payments

After reading the payment order form, do not forget to see the following links, they will help in work:

Blank payment order

Draw up a document for non-cash transformation Today it is allowed both on paper and in electronic form - in the form of a file. Further in the article you can download a payment order. However, before on the payment order, the form will download a Word file, we present the basic rules for compiling the document and its key details.

In the Blanche of the 2019 payment order, more than twenty details, which are fill in strictly according to the rules of the Bank of Russia from the document 19.06.12 No. 383-P. When making "payments", digital and alphabetic encodings and symbols are applied. Some fields are filled with the use of classifiers, including a national classifier of municipal territories from the order of Rosstandart from 14.06.13 No. 159-art.

Here are the basic requirements when designing a payment order form.

  1. When specifying the document number, you can enter no more than six digits.
  2. The date when drawing up a document in electronic form is indicated by the format of the bank, and in the paper version - in the format of DD.MM.YYYY.
  3. The type of payment in the preparation of a document in electronic form is indicated by the coding of the bank, and in the paper version - the conditional designation "urgently", "telegraph", "mail" or other designation in accordance with the requirements of the Bank.
  4. The amount of payment is specified twice: in the field "summary" - first the rugs in words, and a penny numbers, and in the field "sum" - numbers.
  5. If required tax payment She lists for the taxpayer a third party, then the payer is indicated in the payment order form - the third party.
  6. Slip coding unique identifier UIP / Win should, only if it is installed by the recipient and is brought to the payer.
  7. In the field of payment, you can enter no more than 210 characters.
  8. Laying the print in the 2019 payment order form is only if the firm has not refused its application.
  9. In the field about the status of the payer, the code fits from the order of the Ministry of Finance of 12.11.13 No. 107n, for example, "01" - a deputy tax payment - entity; "02" - payer - tax agent; "09" Payer - entrepreneur, etc.
  10. When specifying the PPC, the first two digits cannot have a zero value.
  11. The CBC encoding contains 20 characters, and their combination is unique for each type of compulsory payment. Existing encodings are shown in the window below, this directory can be downloaded:
  1. As the basis of payment is one of conventions, for example, "TP" - transfer of the current year, "TR" - repayment of debt at the request of the tax inspection, etc.

On a payment order download blank Word. In decoding, each of the details can be referred by reference, the form is shown in the window below.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state