
Major achievements in professional activity. How to write a resume for a job. Sample resume writing

The successful search for a first or new job largely depends on your ability to present yourself. But, as a rule, before meeting with a potential employer for an interview, a study and selection of applications is carried out. Your chances will be higher the more informative and literate your resume is. When applying for a job, this is half the battle.

Principles of CV writing

In short, your resume is your business card, by which the employer gets to know you in absentia. Sometimes an illiterate presentation of your skills can become a reason for refusal even for an experienced and qualified specialist. Therefore, it is important to remember four principles on which a successful resume template is based when applying for a job:

  • Brevity... Remember that your resume must fit on one A4 page. Therefore, learn to present information about yourself in a thesis, focusing on the most important thing. Don't retell your autobiography. Stop at key points education, work experience and special skills. And don’t try to cheat by decreasing the font size and shortening the spacing between lines. The information must be readable. Therefore, do not reduce the font size to less than 12 point size.
  • Concreteness... The names of educational institutions, as well as organizations in which you happened to work, must be specified specifically (and not just a university, factory, office, and so on). Also pay attention to the time frame. It is advisable to indicate the dates exactly.
  • Credibility. Provide only true information about yourself. Do not ascribe to yourself any non-existent regalia and skills. Do not indicate knowledge of a foreign language if, in fact, you have learned only a dozen words. The same applies to knowledge of the PC and other specific issues. The lie will be revealed either in the interview or in the first weeks of work. If you apply to a recruiting agency, you will be exposed even earlier, because the employees carefully check the reliability of the resume.
  • Selectivity... Include in your resume only those information that directly relate to the position for which you are applying. If you, for example, plan to work as an accountant, keep silent about the fact that you have completed hairdressing courses. Do not rewrite information that contains resume examples for a job. The sample is just a hint.

Technical highlights

The ideal resume template when applying for a job should be flawless in every way. It is important to take care of the design, because a carelessly drawn up document can scare off a potential employer. Here are some technical points to pay attention to:

  • Most HR managers agree that it is undesirable to write the word "Resume" in the header of the page. And so it is clear what the document is. Plus, you are wasting an invaluable line in which you can include essential information about yourself. Although, if the resume is short, it is permissible to indicate the type of document, thereby making it visually larger.
  • In a text editor, select the font Times New Roman. It is optimal for visual perception.
  • The text color is black only. This solution allows the reader to concentrate on the content of the document without being distracted by the details. The only detail of a resume that can be colored is a photograph.
  • The main text should be written in size 12-14, depending on how much information you are going to put on the page. FULL NAME. it is advisable to make the font 2 point larger. Subitem names should be bold or underlined.
  • All margins, except the left one, must be 2 cm. The last is 1 cm. These are standard settings for business documents. In addition, all other papers in your personal file (if you are hired) will be drawn up in this way.
  • One and a half line spacing is optimal for reading. But if your sample resume when applying for a job will contain a lot of information, then a single spacing is acceptable.
  • Do not write information in solid text. Divide it into semantic paragraphs (it is advisable to skip a blank line between them). A table layout is also acceptable.
  • Do not use decorative frames or graphics. Resume is first and foremost business document.

Resume structure

A resume is a purely individual thing, nevertheless there is a certain generally accepted structure that can be supplemented or cut at your discretion. So, standard sample Resume for applying for a job (for 2017) includes five points:

  • Personal information.
  • Purpose of submitting a resume.
  • Education.
  • Work experience.
  • Additional Information.

Personal data

Any resume template for a job (for 2017) starts with a Personal Information section. Here's what information you need to include in it:

  • FULL NAME. Indicated in full, without abbreviations.
  • The address... If the place of registration does not coincide with the place of residence, this must be indicated. If you are temporarily renting accommodation, indicate the time frame in which you can be found at that location. The fact is that some organizations prefer to notify applicants for the position of their decision through regular letters.
  • Telephone... Indicate both landline and mobile numbers with a corresponding mark in brackets. It will also not be superfluous to indicate the operator cellular... If there is any time frame in which you can receive calls, also indicate this in your resume. For example, if you are not at home during the daytime, let the manager not try in vain to call your city number. If you have a habit of turning off your mobile in the evenings, specifying the time frame will save the manager from having to dial your number to no avail.
  • Email. In addition to "soap", you can, but not necessarily, indicate your contacts in messengers and in social networks.
  • Date of Birth.
  • Additional Information. This may include your marital status, the presence of children, citizenship, the presence of specific diseases. Fill in this box at your discretion if required by the position for which you are applying.

Purpose of submitting a resume

If you decide to write a resume for a job, the sample should definitely contain a section on your goals. The first is the position you are applying for. Moreover, if you are applying for several vacancies at once, it is advisable to draw up a separate resume for each. It is possible that each of them will be considered by the heads of different departments.

The second item in the "Purpose" section is wages. If you do not agree with the employer on this issue, he has the right to reject your candidacy even at the stage of consideration of the resume. As a result, you don't have to bargain about pay levels during the interview. As a rule, it is customary to indicate the average amount that has been established in the labor market for a given specialty. But if you objectively consider yourself a good specialist with extensive experience, you can increase this figure by 30%. But don't put in a specific number. Write: "From ... rubles a month."


To write a resume for a job, the sample must contain information about education. Here, experts disagree. Thus, some consider it appropriate to mention school education, while others consider it superfluous. The main part is secondary and higher education, indicating the period of study, educational institution, faculty, specialty and qualifications obtained. Don't use abbreviations. The employer may well not know the abbreviated name of universities and specialties, he will not waste time looking for transcripts on the Internet. Write all names in full.

After basic education, indicate additional. It can be some kind of courses, trainings or electives. Write only about what is confirmed in the form of diplomas and certificates. Indicate only those courses that directly or indirectly relate to the planned type of activity.

work experience

A sample of the correct resume for applying for a job should include details of professional experience. If you do not have one, you can talk about industrial practice in educational institution... As for previous jobs, you need to indicate the following information about them:

  • The time period from the moment of taking up the post until dismissal.
  • Name of the organization. No abbreviations - just the whole thing!
  • The scope of the organization. If the title does not indicate a specialization in any way, be sure to provide a short description.
  • Position. Note the position you held in your previous job. Ideally, your statement should be supported by an entry in work book.
  • List the powers and responsibilities, as well as the production functions that you performed at the previous place of work. This will be a kind of additional confirmation of your professional skills.
  • Achievements. If you have any thanks or recommendations from a previous employer, please indicate it. Have you contributed to higher productivity or profit margins? Be sure to include a numeric value.

additional information

A sample of the right resume for applying for a job should contain not only dry facts, but also some additional information... In this section, you can praise yourself. But, again, one should not stray too far from the specifics of the planned work. Here's what you can talk about in this section:

  • Personal computer skills. If the work is not directly related to work on a PC, you can limit yourself to a generic "confident user" and the like. If the computer is going to be your work tool, be specific about what programs you own.
  • Knowledge of foreign languages. List the languages ​​that you speak, indicating the level of knowledge. Such a skill will come in handy in any organization, regardless of the position held. Perhaps in the future this will serve you as a good help for promotion.
  • Extra skills. This can be a driver's license, creativity and any other ability that can become a competitive advantage when choosing from several applicants.
  • Personal qualities. List anything that should help you win the employer's favor. For example, stress resistance, sociability, and more. Same valuable quality there may be a willingness to work in excess of the norm or go on long business trips.
  • Recommendations. If previous employers or teachers are ready to personally put in a good word for you, include their contacts in your resume.

Blank resume template for applying for a job

To a person who has not previously been involved in compiling a self-presentation, this task may seem daunting. Fortunately, it's not hard to find a blank template or resume template for applying for a job. The "blank" of the document looks like this.

Date of Birth: Photo
The address:
work experiencePeriodA placePositionDuties

Additional Information

PC proficiency
Knowledge of foreign languages
Extra skills
Personal qualities

A sample of filling out a resume for applying for a job for a student without professional experience

Announcements of vacancies for a particular position in 90% of cases are accompanied by the phrase: "Work experience is required." This line sometimes causes laughter, because where can a university or college graduate get this experience? A competent resume for a job will help you get the desired job. The sample looks like this.

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich
TargetApplying for the position of a junior specialist
Date of Birth01.01.1995 Photo
The address
Email[email protected]
2012-2017 bienniumPsychologymaster
Additional Information
Knowledge of foreign languagesEnglish (with dictionary)
PC proficiency

Office programs;

Graphic editor;


Professional skills

Writing interesting and competent texts;

Website administration;

Psychological counseling for youth

Personal qualities

Responsibility for the work performed;



Fast learner;

Ability to process large amounts of data


Healthy lifestyle;

Learning foreign languages;

Psychological research

RecommendationsDean of the Faculty of Psychology Pavlov Pavel Pavlovich

Sample resume for an accountant

Accountant is one of the most responsible positions in any enterprise. We can say that this is the second person after general director, because the specialist deals with financial flows. Therefore, it is important that the applicant for the position is able to draw up a competent resume for applying for a job. The sample looks like this.

Semenova Tatiana Semyonovna
TargetApplying for the position of chief accountant
Wagefrom 40,000 rubles
Date of Birth:01.01.1975 Photo
The address:Pushkin, st. Pushkinskaya, 70 sq. nine
Email:[email protected]
Family status:married, 2 children
2001 - 2009Moscow State UniversityAccounting, analysis and auditmaster
work experiencePeriodA placePositionDuties
2011-2017 yearsLLC "Cafe-pie"Accountant

Processing of primary documentation;

Preparation of tax reports;

Conducting cash settlements

2009-2011 bienniumLLC "Factorial"Chief accountant's assistant

Registration of incoming transactions;

Keeping accounting records;

Execution of orders of the chief accountant

Additional Information
Knowledge of foreign languagesConversational English
PC proficiency

Office programs;

1C-Enterprise program

Personal qualities

Personal responsibility for the result;

Increased attention to detail;

Mathematical thinking;

Ability to work with large flows of information

RecommendationsGeneral Director of "Cafe-pie" Olegov Oleg Olegovich

Sample resume for a sales manager

A sales manager is a rather demanded profession today. But the competition among potential employees is rather big. Your success will largely depend on whether you can write the right resume for your job. A sample could be like this.

Andreev Andrey Andreevich
TargetApplying for the position of a sales manager
Wagefrom 50,000 rubles
Date of Birth:01.01.1988 Photo
The address:Pushkin, st. Pushkinskaya, 70 sq. nine
Email:[email protected]
Family statusnot married
2005-2010 Kazan Social InstituteAdvertisingSpecialist
2010-2014 Moscow State UniversityTranslatorBachelor
work experiencePeriodA placePositionDuties
2014-2015 LLC "Reklamist"Advertising Services Promotion Manager

Customer base development;

Presentation of the company's services;

Concluding contracts

2015-2017 LLC "Capital-Credit"Financial Services Sales Manager

Working with clients;

Conduct of negotiations;

Post-sales consultations

Additional Information
Coursesin 2013 coaching on the topic "Professional Sales" (certificate)
Knowledge of foreign languages

English (spoken);

French (with dictionary)

PC proficiency

Office programs;

Accounting programs;

Graphic editor

Personal qualities


Attentiveness to clients;

Leadership inclinations;

Stress tolerance;


School Teacher Resume

The vast majority of teachers work in state educational institutions... But this does not mean that a teacher's diploma is sufficient. And at school you need to be able to present yourself. A sample teacher's resume for applying for a job is as follows.

Alexandrova Alexandra Alexandrovna
TargetApplying for the position of a primary school teacher
Family statusMarried with a child
Date of Birth:01.01.1990 Photo
The address:Pushkin, st. Pushkinskaya, 70 sq. nine
Email:[email protected]
2007-2013 Moscow State Pedagogical InstitutePsychology and pedagogymaster
work experiencePeriodA placePositionDuties
2013-2017 Gymnasium №63, PushkinTeacher of elementary grades

Preparation and conduct of classes;

Knowledge control;

Working with parents

Additional Information
CoursesIn 2014, the training "Pedagogy of modern times" (certificate)
Professional skills

Confident PC user;


Organizational skills;

Knowledge of business etiquette and adherence to the rules;

Correct oral and written language;

Perfect English proficiency

Personal qualities

Sense of responsibility;


High level of self-organization;

Stress tolerance;

Love for children;


A standard resume template for applying for a job is the first step towards writing a competent and effective self-presentation. Some professional advice will help you get even closer to your dream job.

  • Create a basic resume writing template for applying for a job and adjust it whenever looking for a new job. Find out more about the organization and its leader. Based on this, add new items or exclude existing ones.
  • You don't always need to flaunt your strengths. The head of the organization or your immediate superiors may not like it if your level of qualifications, experience and competence is higher than his. Perhaps some regalia should be kept silent. You will have time to show your abilities in the course of work.
  • Don't leave empty blocks. If you have no work experience, just omit this point. If you do not know foreign languages, do the same. Adjust resume templates for job applications. The sample is for guidance only.
  • Always include a photo with your resume. According to statistics, such applications are much more likely to be approved than "faceless" resume forms for employment. A sample with a photo disposes to the applicant.
  • Be sure to print the document on your computer. A handwritten resume is hard to read and is not taken seriously.

Any employee is aware of the situation when it is necessary to provide information on their professional performance, for example, annual attestation. What is the best way to do this? We are trying to adapt the coaching tool "Wheel of Life Balance" for this task.

In my practice of consultations over the past two years, the most frequent question arose: “How to formulate your professional achievements

When does this need arise?

  • In a job search situation for writing a resume, for an interview with a potential employer.
  • Within the company, when there is a transition from one career stage to another.
  • In preparation for the annual / quarterly certification.
  • etc.

But really, what is the best way to do this? I thought about it and started trying different options.

Practical application of all variations on the theme of "what is best" swept aside one way after another. As a result, the option with the use of the favorite coaching tool "Wheel of balance" showed its viability. I am sure that the audience of the community is familiar with it, so I will not describe it, and on the Internet you can read a lot about this wheel useful information... Let's get down to practice.

So, take a piece of paper, a pen and draw a circle. We divide it into 6-10 equal parts (or as many parts as you like). We sign each area of ​​the circle, for example, as in my drawing. These are the areas of activity in which your achievements can be found.

Next, we formulate what each area of ​​your circle stands for. Why is it important? The fact is that on the one hand, all definitions can be found in any textbook or Wikipedia. On the other hand, each company may have its own individual characteristics. And also your professional skills can only be yours.

For example, if you work within the company and are preparing for certification, then the area "Working with clients" - may have the following definition according to the information that the company puts into this concept - it is available to explain by phone the specifics of working with the service provided by the company, show restraint in a conversation with a conflicting client.

And in another company, "Working with clients" is the formation of a complete package of documents on the transaction, entering information into CRM, timely provision of changes to customers on the transaction, conducting correspondence through electronic document management.

If you are making a resume for yourself, then there may be such an option - "Working with clients" - this is my unique opportunity to understand the needs of the client, combine scripting with "live" conversation, building long-term relationships with him.

A similar algorithm will work with other names of areas of the circle. As an example, a couple more definitions from the work of my clients:

  • "Leadership" - difficult situations in which I took responsibility for the decision made when working on a project, brought the work to the result.
  • "Communication" - my skills in negotiating with difficult people, with colleagues of different positions, with leaders of different levels of government, etc.

Now, let's write how much and what achievements you have in each professional area.

For example, "Effectiveness" is your effective actions that led to the planned result.

Example: “I suggested analyzing ROI to get data on the effectiveness of investments in training sales managers. The results of the data showed a direct correlation between the increase in sales and the new skills acquired during training. "

"Savings" - as a result of your work, the company saved the budget and received financial benefits.

Example: “Found new suppliers of such and such services or equipment, with lower prices, but without loss of product quality, entered into a contract, and the company saved 30% of its normal budget on these costs.”

"Profit" - the team of the department, as a result of your innovations, has increased the sales volume in comparison with the previous months.

Example: “I analyzed the motivation system for sales managers over the past 3 years, approved new system motivation from the CEO, implemented it, and as a result, the volume of revenue was increased by 40% in the first month after the introduction of innovations, then by 30% monthly. "

The principle, I think, is clear. Here it is important to first formulate, and what you understand as "work with clients", "leadership", "innovation", etc., that is, decipher each area of ​​the circle. And then write down your specific achievements.

Here are two sheets of paper:

  • The first sheet is a drawing with a circle of achievements.
  • The second sheet is a list of your achievements in each area.

We take the first sheet with a circle, and divide each area of ​​the circle into 10 equal parts. We got a scale from 0 to 10.

  • 0 - in the center of the circle.
  • 10 - on the outer line of the circle.

We look at the second sheet - our list of achievements. We count our achievements in each area and mark a point equal to the number of achievements in a particular area. Fill in the circle of your achievements in this way. Look at this impressive list, these are your results today, you have a lot to be proud of!

The data obtained can be used in accordance with the situation - for a resume, for certification, for an interview, etc.

How else you can work with your Circle of Achievements for the future:

  • Pay attention to which areas there are more achievements and which ones are less. You may be able to better understand your strengths and weaknesses in your profession or career.
  • Mark the areas in which you would like to get more achievements. Write down three simple steps how you can achieve this. Take this plan to work and execute it.
  • Plan your success in an area where you have not yet received results, this will be your development zone.

This tool has been used in my practice for only half a year. During this time, I have never failed. Everyone who tried it in their work noted two main points:

  1. I managed to structure my professional results, to understand the situation “here and now”.
  2. Set goals for the future, i.e., identify growth zones.

Irina Lebedeva

What do you need to do to write the perfect resume? There is no answer to this question, and there can be no correct answer, because there are no perfect resumes - in each case you need an individual approach.

Nevertheless, if you read at least fluently before creating your resume on the site, then you already know the main thing. Don't like reading rules and instructions? This article will help you make the path to new job shorter.

Resume rule # 1: clearly state the desired position
The title of the desired position is one of the most important points of the resume. The fate of your resume depends on how clearly you formulate it.

Do not use options such as "any position", "specialist", etc., as these wording will not give the employer an idea of ​​what you want. Employers will not waste their time thinking about what to offer you. No specific position is specified - the resume will go to the trash can.

Do not include several mutually exclusive positions in one resume at the same time, even if you are equally good at the functionality. Compose several different resumes, each with an emphasis on the experience and skills required for each specific position you might be applying for. Yes, you will have to spend a little more time, but the result will not be long in coming!

When sending a resume for vacancies, in the first line indicate only the title of the position from the vacancy announcement you like.

The rule professional resume# 2: decide on your salary in advance
In the field "Income level" it is better to indicate which one you are applying for. Avoid options like "RUB 19,991." - this will not attract the attention of the employer, but, on the contrary, will cause misunderstanding.

Resume writing rule # 3: refrain from humor
A resume is a business document. When composing it, avoid. Joke later, but in the meantime, the information style will bring you much better results than even the most appropriate joke in this case.

Resume Rule # 4: Be Concise
Do not make your resume look like an epic novel by placing there the texts of articles, publications, your reflections on the meaning of life. All this is superfluous. The resume should fit on one page, maximum two. Excessive brevity will also not add solidity - a resume with the main fields not completed to the end and the words "I'll tell you everything in person" will be immediately sent to the trash.

Resume layout rule # 5: remove unnecessary personal information
For your own safety, do not include in your resume personal information- passport number, exact address of residence and registration, etc.

Good resume rule # 6: evaluate if you need links to your social media profiles
It is not always worth giving a link to your Vkontakte page or on other social networks in your resume. If social networks do not characterize you as a professional, while looking for a job, you should even think about limiting the ability to view your pages in the visibility settings, leaving access only to friends and close people. And in general, it is not worth describing the details of your personal life, including intimate. Avoid information that is irrelevant.

Sample Resume Rule # 7: Check Your Resume for Spelling Errors
The resume should not contain grammatical errors and typos - such CVs make an extremely negative impression on the employer. By the way, our site has a spell checker function.

Resume posting rule # 8: check the accuracy and relevance of the information
Be honest when writing your resume. Knowledge of specific programs, the presence of certain skills -. If necessary, you will need to confirm the information you specified with documents or relevant examples.

Resume Rule # 9: Add a Fresh Photo to Your Resume
... But if you do decide to accompany the document with a photograph, remember that it must meet a number of requirements. There should be only one person in the picture - you, and your face should be clearly visible. Remember: CVs with photos showing the applicant without clothes (partially or completely) will not be accepted for consideration!

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