
Create a qualitative summary. How to describe professional achievements in the summary? Real examples for different professions

Before inviting a candidate for an interview, the employer studies his resume. The likelihood is great that by the time of a personal meeting with this file, not only a personnel specialist, but also the head of the unit or company as a whole. Therefore, it is important to present yourself in advance in the winning light.

Summary is a few species

  • Professional (functional): focuses on the experience and specialization, skills and skills of the candidate, and not on companies where labor activity was carried out.
  • Chronological: In reverse chronological order, all previous places of work and study are listed.
  • Combined: combines two previous types, at the beginning the skills, skills and responsibilities are indicated, then the names of previous employers are listed, indicating the periods of work.
How to make a correct summary of work, sample, template

It is important to adhere to the generally accepted structure that includes the following items:

  • document name ("Summary" or "Curriculum Vitae");
  • personal and contact details;
  • photo (it is better to attach a separate file);
  • purpose (desired post / wage);
  • work experience;
  • education;
  • professional achievements and skills;
  • personal qualities;
  • weak sides;
  • additional Information.

It must be remembered that when sending this document, the accompanying letter is necessarily drawn up, after reading the employer makes conclusions about the feasibility of further study of the obtained document.

Transmittal letter

The accompanying note is that the employer sees primarily upon receipt of the resume in in electronic format. From seconds spent on reading the text of the applicant depends on the further favor of the employer.

Here you should focus on the details in free form, unlike the concise and official style of the resume. You can specify the motivation, leave comments regarding the "white spots" in the attached file. It is important to arrange an employer to yourself, expressing the admiration of the company's activities using emotions.

The accompanying letter should be made sure, paying it to drawing up no less attention and time than resume. Found on the Internet template - not the most the best wayBecause of their content, the employer must understand what personal interest is the applicant and what is motivated, what experiences, special skills and skills.

Several tips for drawing up the accompanying letter, which will make a positive impression:

  • You should not turn the note in the autobiography and unnecessarily use the words "I", "My", "I". The company does not know anything about the candidate for the position and does not have interest, so the story of his own life should not be told.
  • The desired tone will make it clear that the applicant is inactive, weak and unprofessional. You should not start the text: "I apologize that I appeal ...", "Let me contact ...". You can write: "I ask you to consider my candidacy for your vacancy ...". Best: "You need an economist with experience, and this is a great opportunity to apply your five-year experience for me and achieve financial success of the company ...".
  • The accompanying letter must convince the personnel department to invite its author to the interview, the main purpose of the compilation of such text is to "sell" and advertise a specialist. Therefore, you should not use template words: initiative, efficiency, stress resistance, and so on. Individuality and brevity is important. For example, if the vacancy indicates the requirement to analyze the data, you can write: "Analytical abilities"; Best option: "Five-year experience of compiling analytical reporting on receivables and accounts payable" The volume of text should not exceed half the A4 page. If it turned out more, it is necessary to re-read several times and delete too much (that is less important).
  • You should specify a specific position to the applicant claims, because the addressee can be littered with a huge number of the same letters from those who want to respond through other vacancies. A brief text about the education received, specialization, experience is enough for the recipient to understand what it is worth looking into the summary and learn more detailed information.
  • Since most often the applicant sends a questionnaire into several companies, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the names of the names and posts of recipients are not confused. No self-respecting representative of the company will be happy to receive a note from the inattentive and disrespectful candidate.
  • No need to require a feedback destination, it is worth showing an initiative and independently call the organization in a few days, which and indicate in the text with the presentation of the goal of the call approximately in the following wording: "... to receive answers to previously arising questions."
  • At the end of the letter, you must specify the name or name and surname (depending on the desired position), contact details for which the addressee can contact the candidate.
  • Do not immediately rejoice and send a letter when the text is drawn up. It is necessary to read it several times, slowly and carefully, by correcting all errors and typos - usually, with such an inspection there is at least two.

If adhere to these Soviets, the accompanying letter should focus on professionalism, motivation to obtain the desired post and awareness of the company - these conditions will contribute to the attentive study of the summary and the invitation to the interview.

Personal and contact details

First of all, full surname, name and patronymic, date and place of birth, address of living (enough city and street) and the nearest metro station (if available).

Then provides information on the marital status. Do not hide your marital status - it will still be known. It should not write about the family and children at the very beginning before specifying your own data - the recruiter will make conclusions about the priorities of the applicant, because the main thing in the office is work, despite the fact that the family is for most important value.

Information about the marital status is not accidental part of the summary. However, it is impossible to say a priority for the employer: in different positions, diametrically opposite situations are welcome. Depending on how the personal life of the candidate, an employee of the personnel department can draw the following conclusions:

  • Married (married). If the company has an abnormal working day or frequent business trips, the employer will prefer a bachelor, because family people are rushing home in the evenings, and they want to stay with their relatives on weekends on weekends.
  • Children. An employee who has a small child will go to hospital and often to ask. Such an employee is psychologically difficult to attract disciplinary responsibility, dismiss, reduce wages. At the same time, family people are less prone to risks and turn out to be diligent workaholics.
  • Civil marriage. Do not specify that the candidate is civil marriage. This may affect the employer's opinion on the reliability and stability of the employee at the subconscious level.

Not married (not married). The statuses of unmarried woman and bachelor affect the solution of the employer in different ways. Bachelors are not burdened with homemade affairs and can remain in the office if necessary, they love corporate events and can attend training for the company's funds. Unmarried woman is perceived as an employee who will begin to engage sooner or later personal life, Will out in maternity leavewill take hospital child care. If a woman has reached 35 years old and has no family, then it may be an opinion about its complex character and difficulties in communicating with colleagues.

The following data is indicated to communicate a personnel officer with a applicant: telephone, email. It is not prohibited to make a comment regarding convenient time for feedback. Sometimes candidates receive instant refusal immediately after familiarizing the employer with a summary, there are cases when it does not reach even before reading the letter. The fact is that many letters come to the address of the company, and the e-mail with the "non-working" name, as a rule, will definitely go to the basket. It is advisable to make a separate email address to find a job.

Summary example with an invalid address: Head of Sales Department [Email Protected]...; Secretary Refefer. [Email Protected]...; Legal Counsel [Email Protected]... - the list can be continued infinitely. How correct: Head of Sales Department [Email Protected]...; Secretary Refefer. [Email Protected]..., legal adviser [Email Protected]

The photo

There is no one hundred percent warranty in that, seeing a successful photo, the company's management will decide on the invitation of the candidate. But an unsuccessful snapshot can reduce the chances of an invitation to an interview and further employment.

Often, the employers believe that the photo in a non-color style (with the exception of people of creative professions) is an indicator of the corresponding non-serious attitude towards work. An ideal option is to order a photo from a professional, you can ask for help from a friend who can take into account all existing image nuances when receiving the staff. Classical photo to the questionnaire must comply with the following requirements:

  • the candidate can be in business clothes or just look neat, sitting at the desktop (an informal setting does not fit);
  • the best option is a portrait photo on the shoulders, maximum - in the belt (in no way in full growth or together with other persons);
  • the face should not be blurred, but to be placed clearly in the center and in focus;
  • the expression of the face should be natural, but not necessarily strict and serious, smile (just not to rush in extremes) is not prohibited;
  • you should not use the photo made many years ago - the recruiter will lose confidence if you see a lot of differences between the image in Summary and Reality;
  • the photo should not be additionally handled using special programs or do black and white;

you should not direct the image by fax - it will worsen its quality, it is better to send by email, having reduced its size up to 100 kilobytes and attach a separate document.

Objective - Desired post / Salary

The specified section should indicate the position to which there is a vacancy. It is unwanted to list several related positions, it is better to find the time and correctly create a resume in other companies.

Also in this paragraph, the disclosure of personal motivation (intangible) is welcomed to obtain a place in the firm, career plans, employment prospects.

Most employers choosing an employee from candidates who are not inferior to each other by experience and professional qualities, Take a person with less wage queries.

We need to analyze the company's activities in advance, its possibilities, to study the borders of wages for the selected vacancies from different employers, choose personally for themselves as minimally and the maximum possible utilization limit. If the indicators do not match, it is worth thinking about finding a place in a different related field or get additional education.

Spoken for wages, it is necessary to ask the company's representative, which can be obtained in addition to the salary, except for premiums, "thirteenth salaries" or percentage of transactions. For example, material motivation in the form of free nutrition, payment of transport, mobile communications. There are well-known and prestigious companies whose activities can give a good start in the further career - in this case you can reconsider a bit minimum value Amount of permissible wage.

work experience

The most important information in the resume is the work experience. This indicator does not directly affect the decision of the employer, to invite a candidate for an interview.

If experience is:
  • point exclusively those responsibilities at the same place of work that intersect with the desired post;
  • listing duties, describe specific results, preferably in percent and figures;
  • if there are a large number of previous places of work, it is necessary to describe labor activities in the last three, the rest to pay less attention, simply transferring their names, industry and periods of work;
  • if the obligations at the same place of employment do not correspond to the post recorded in labor book, in the resume it is allowed to indicate the corresponding position to the executive functions, but it is important in the subsequent, during a personal conversation with the employer, adequately and clearly explain such a discrepancy;
  • if the posts and obligations in previous companies were identical, it is not necessary to write the same text, it is important to show the employer, how did professional growth in each of the organizations and the new worker learned there;
  • if for the period of work in the same company, career growth was observed, it should be displayed in the document, having duplicated the name of the organization, but indicating different positions and the functions performed.
If there is no experience:
  • specify data on the received specialization and education;
  • participation in international programs (for example, Work & Travel);
  • activity B. educational institution (for example, participation in KVN);
  • internship, educational and production practice indicating the periods of their passage;
  • computer knowledge;
  • possession of foreign languages;
  • part-time jobs (experience of informal employment);
  • scientific activities, participation in seminars and conferences.


In this section, you must provide information on the accurate name of the educational institution, the training period and the specialty diploma. Also reflect the data on scientific degrees and the second graduation. Do not hide the presence of education that does not correspond to the vacancy - it will show the versatility of the person. If the university is not yet completed, then you should write an "unfinished higher education" with an indication of the course, specialty and name of the institution.

You should not specify information about courses and seminars if they are not related to the vacancy. But if they are directly related to the desired position, then their mapping is necessary.

Professional achievements and skills

Traditionally, this section includes the level of ownership of a personal computer (in particular, popular office programs) and knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200b(if the work is related to their regular use). It is necessary to compactly list all available skills and skills that play an important role when performing labor functions. It follows from the description of the scope of activity in which the employee is a professional and work experience in it. It is not necessary to list all the responsibilities in the former company, it is important to allocate the main thing: choose leading features, it is beautiful to set them out and show a personnel personnel specialist, which is a person who knows his business.

The completion of the section should be the indication of the main on this moment achievements in the professional field (which benefit was brought by the organization and which labor resources were spent on it). Specific interest, facts and numbers are important to the employer, facts and figures for the realization of possible financial benefits after inviting a new employee.

Personal qualities

Often employers do not pay special attention This information, since in most cases it is represented by "beaten" phrases, and its truthfulness is not always possible to check. The best thing that the applicant can make is to write about yourself the truth and show it is the qualities that will be useful for the desired position. If the work is related to the client base, the goodwill and communication skills are key points. For the office producer, preferabity, punctuality and accuracy are important. The head must be conflict, organized, be able to convince, analytically think, find non-standard solutions. "Inflatable" a summary of the listing of personal qualities is not necessary, it is enough to specify no more than 5-10 pieces.

Weak sides

There is no ideal applicants, and create a resume for a device without specifying weak Parties It will be incorrect and suspicious that the employer will definitely pay attention. A person will like to develop and recognizing their drawbacks to the employer, because it will reveal his ability to develop as a person and strive for new horizons.

It is not worth overloading the resume to such information, but you can specify some weaknesses that are unlikely to negatively affect the employer's opinion, for example:

  • straightness;
  • reliability;
  • excessive self-confidence;
  • workolism;
  • fear of aircraft;
  • love sleep on the weekend until noon;
  • overweight;
  • habit of gnawing sticks and pencils;
  • cheeping;
  • the ability to defend their point of view;
  • successfulness in trifles.

However, in different professional spheres, the same quality can be considered with a negative or positive side. It is important that these weaknesses do not correlate with future working responsibilities and did not affect their implementation. For example, pointing to its loyalty, the applicant to the position of head of the Office may not count on a positive result and work in the company.

Also should not write full list Weaknesses. The employer must independently draw conclusions at a personal meeting, looking at the candidate and talking with him.

Additional Information

Here you can list all additional advantageswhich the candidate possesses, for example: readiness for moving and business trips; lack of bad habits; hobby; the presence of a driver's license and personal car, foreign passport and visas; Recommendations.

Important moments

The summary must correspond to the 5 main criteria and be:

  • Competent: grammatical, spelling and other errors overnight spoil the first impression.
  • Truthful: If in the future, a deception will open on the interview, the path to obtaining the post in the company will be forever closed.
  • Compact: take no more than 2 pages and contain the most important moments without long, difficult to perceive proposals.
  • Energetic: It is worth avoiding template phrases and passive structures.
  • Substantive: Everything that is written in the document should relate to the desired vacancy.

Follow our advice on making a summary and be sure - you will be invited to the interview!

Summary - This is the document, running through which the employer will quickly decide: it is worth meeting with you to look at you as a potential employee, or not.

The maximum of time, during which the resume "will work" or finally and irrevocably "will not work" - two to three minutes. Therefore, the summaries must be written simply, is decorated with usual for the employer, to contain only useful information And it is clear to the employer, why exactly you should prefer to other applicants for a vacancy available.

Ideally - 1 page of standard A4 format. As a last resort - 2 such pages. If it seems to you that all information does not fit into such a volume - it means that you have not separated important information from not very important.

Separate unnecessary! Do not create discomfort in the first contact with a potential employer.

Paper and print
Use dense white paper. Print only not a black paint brand is definitely preferable to the laser printer. Your resume can be sent by fax, remove photocopies, put in the folder with other papers. It should look good. In no case do not write from the hand - no one wants to disassemble someone else's handwriting!

Print on one side of the sheet. Leave quite large fields. No need photographs, shaders, patterns, frames - all this is lubricated when copying and transmitted by fax. Refuse ornamental fonts, cursive, underlines - it climbs text.

Try to do without horizontal and vertical lines. Use standard Times New Roman or Arial fonts with a size of 10 to 14. The necessary headers and subtitles highlight bold and size (remaining within the limits). Keep the unity of the design style throughout the document.

The summary must be prepared primarily in Russian, even if it is intended for a foreign employer. Indeed, in most cases it will pre-pass through the hands of Russian-speaking specialists in the selection of personnel.

In the necessary cases (a foreign employer, work with free knowledge of a foreign language) should be attached to a copy in the appropriate language. In any case, there should be no spelling and syntactic errors in any way (that is, all letters and punctuation marks should stand strictly in their places). The text must be stylistically literate and uniform, that is, it should not be created that different sections or phrases wrote different people.

If you are not sure about your literacy, let me check the text of a friend whose literacy you trust, or specialists. It is desirable that the version in a foreign language finally edited a native speaker or, as a last resort, a person with sufficient experience of everyday and business communication in this language.

Re-read your summary several times after breaks in working with him. Fresh glance immediately clings to the flaws!

Distribution of summary

If you have a specific employer on you, contact him first.

Separate your resume in the recruitment agency. Do not limit yourself to one agency - the employer you are interested in may be associated with another!

Making electronic version summary. Place it on specialized sites on finding and job offers. In no case are not limited to one site - there are many of them, and new ones are constantly appear.

Remember: the employer brings up mostly fresh summary. Therefore, once a week, re-send your resume on specialized sites.

Summary content

Surname, name and patronymic. The word "summary" is not necessary to write. It is better to write large (font 18-20), in the center, from above your surname, name and patronymic. Such a header will help you quickly find your resume in a stack of hundreds of such papers. The words "surname", "Name" and "Patronymic" writing is not necessary.

Briefly, but quite specifically describe what your post you are applying for. This is the determining point of the resume. After reading it, the employer will immediately think about you at a certain angle of view. The entire subsequent summary text is proof that your candidacy corresponds to this particular purpose.

If you consider yourself able to qualify for one of several posts, list them all, leading to the first place most suitable for you.

Contact coordinates
Specify yours mailing address, phone numbers with communication time (for example, from 10.00 to 19.00 on weekdays), e-mail, fax. Remember: the employer can read your resume in any moment convenient for it.

It must be able to stretch your hand to the phone or type your address on the keyboard - and contact you. If he sets out a communication session, it may be interested in other candidates for the position.

List schools, courses, technical schools, the institutes that you graduated or in which learn. Mention only areas of study, significant from the point of view of the desired work.

Educational institutions List or in reverse chronological order (first - last, at the end - the earliest), or on the principle of significance: from the most important work to work less important.

About each school inform: year and month of start and end of study; accurate name; location (city, country); The division on which you studied - if this information is useful for the desired work; Assigned to your qualifications (diploma, certificate, certificate, title).

Labor experience in reverse chronological order
This is the main part of the resume. The workplace should be indicated in the reverse chronological order, from the last to the first. You need to specify the years and months of the beginning and end of work, the posts (on one work there may be somewhat, if you, for example, was a career growth) and basic duties (they are preferably described as fully as possible, because it will be interested in the employer) and production achievements (write using the verbs of the action: developed, introduced, increased, reduced, saved, etc.; strive for specifics: increased by 20%, I implemented the technology "x", etc.).

Do not necessarily describe your entire track record. The employer really interest your last 3 - 5 jobs in the last 10 years or so. Do not upset the employer by referring to the place of work, where you stayed for a short time. Preferably at the same time have as little breaks as possible in labor experience.

Work skills
In this section, you should specify your capabilities that can be useful in the intended place of work, although they do not apply to direct official duties. Here you can mention the presence of a driver's license, owning any software, familiarity with one or another "hardware", owning a foreign language (if these skills are only indirectly related to your work). You should not overload this section with information that does not have anything to do with future work.

Additional Information
Awards, social activities, hobby - if it positively characterizes you as an employee. Specify the possibility of providing recommendations - if you have recommendations from people whose opinion may be interested in the employer. If there is no such thing - it is better to enter this section in the summary.

Now let's look at this question from another point of view and more carefully approach the compilation of your own summary.

Before writing Summary (CV), try to put yourself in place of your future leader and imagine what person you would like to see in your team. This will help to allocate key moments in their labor biography, emphasize especially popular skills and abilities, choose the necessary words to describe their achievements.

Do not doubt - the one who reads the summary will definitely notice your interest!

Thoughts not template and not standard

When looking for jobs to applicants, the easiest way to fill in the template, which is offered on desktop sites or in recruitment agencies. The template summary has its pros and cons. On the one hand, it is clearly structured, unified and prepared based on recruitment services. On the other hand, the universal summary is not focused on a specific company and a specific vacancy, so you need to adjust it whenever the situation.

First of all, you should definitely indicate the name of the position to which you apply, and in the wording of the employer. Even if you can work with the same success in various specialties, do not force the personnel manager to guess what kind of position you are more suitable.

Before sending a summary, carefully read the requirements for applicants and the obligations to be performed. The employer will pay attention to you if your qualifications and experience most correspond to vacancies.

Some HR managers even advise literally copy the description of the functional given by the employer, and insert into its resume with some amendments. If you use this technique, do not forget that you are responsible for the truthfulness of information about yourself, and if it does not correspond to reality, it will inevitably appear when interviewing, testing or during probation.

Chronological or functional?

Templates, as a rule, suggest the compilation of a chronological summary in which the expert's experience is described, starting from the last job. At the same time, information about the main and additional education is usually placed at the end of the text. This type of resume is definitely suitable for which each previous position can serve as a good springboard for a new career jump.

For example, being the head of the personnel department in a small company, you are quite competitive among the job descriptions of the HR manager in a well-known company and you can find work with more favorable conditions.

In some cases, the chronological resume turns against the applicant. For example, a representative of the employer company, looking for a person to the position of "Legal Counsel", is unlikely to be seriously reacted to the summary, the author of which last three years worked as a decorator, even if he graduated from the Julfak of the prestigious university.

In this case, the applicant will have a chance if it is a functional summary, while emphasizing not only its specialty in accordance with the diploma, but also special knowledge in the professional sphere.

Candidate - Adequate!

What should be a resume in order to interest the employer? Some personnel meets: "It must be adequate." In other words, you should not overload it with unnecessary information, at the same time it is not worth allowing noticeable gaps. The transcendental sums of the expected remuneration are not welcome, but the dumping level of salary also makes it doubt the competence of the applicant.

When searching for work in Moscow, take into account that a very unfavorable impression is made by a resume, the authors of which are "linaked" to clearly write about what they can do. It raises suspicions of a person who changes the place of work every six months.

If over the past ten years you have changed 20 positions, it is unlikely that the employer has enough time and patience to study the entire list. At the same time, a decisive role can play what you worked in any successful company who enjoy the undisputed respect for the new employer.

Full ignore?

What resumes are ignored? Oddly enough, there are people who forget to write a name, surname, phone number. Some believe that knowledge of spelling for them is not necessarily and make monstrous mistakes. Others do not consider it necessary to indicate the names of the companies in which they worked, but they list all their hobbies and hobbies.

Often the employer scares the listing of personal merits and awards, especially if their owner did not bother to clearly describe his skills. And although the personnel robes never admit that age and the floor of the candidate are important, in fact, these criteria for many companies and posts are determining.

Follow the rules

There are separate types of summaries that are written in their rules. For example, a young specialist or a student can describe the skills received during internship or training practice, indicate the subject term papers and speeches at scientific conferences.

Looking for a job in a foreign company? You must demonstrate knowledge of the appropriate language. If the job description and job responsibilities are given in a foreign language, then the summary should be written on it.

Requirements for resumes

If you decide not to use ready-made templates and draw up a resume yourself, consider basic requirements. Be sure to specify the name, name, patronymic and contact details (telephone, e-mail, mailing address). It is advisable to call the date of birth.

In the "Education" section, indicate the training period, the name of the educational institution, the Faculty, the resulting specialty and the title. A noticeable advantage can be given information on additional education, graduation of advanced training courses, special trainings.

Experience of work is described in chronological order, starting from the last job:
work period
the name of the company
official duties
major achievements

Do not forget that employers are interested in your professional skills, because in different organizations, the functions of workers with the same name of posts may noticeably differ. Your success depends largely on how clearly and specifically you will describe your competencies.

Let's analyze two resumes on the vacancy of the director.

First candidate
Organization of the work of the team with a number of more than 500 people, the development and implementation of new projects on the organization of production and sales of new products; Conducting business meetings, conferences, presentations, round tables, seminars and exhibitions. Business correspondence, planning, work with contracts, contracts, databases. Personal contacts in state structures. Confident customer service and PC (Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet, Outlook).

Second candidate
Implementation of various projects "from scratch" in production, including a business plan, TU, IDR, design and technical solutions.

As you can see, the first description more detailed and differs in detail, allows you to judge the priorities of a person. Most likely, this person is invited to meet with the head of the organization.

On strangers

To write a winning resume, take a look at the summary of your colleagues, that is, competitors applying for a similar position. Determine your competitive advantages and be sure to describe them. Please note that you seemed inappropriate in other resumes, and try not to repeat other errors.

Often, people engaged in job search are wondering if it is worth placing your resume in open access if it can be lost among thousands of similar? Experience shows that many employers in case of acute necessity are looking for fresh summary on the Internet on desktop sites. Consequently, if you have chosen this tactic, you need to "raise" your resume at least once a week.

More effective way The job search is considered to be a suitable vacancy. If the employer indicated not only his email address, but also the phone number, be sure to call, inform you, report the expelled summary and express interest in becoming an employee of this company. This can also be written in the accompanying letter.

Hurry up for 3 minutes

To the question "What is a HR filter?" Recruitment managers are launched: "This is when the table is a stack of resume, take two tops, and you throw away the rest. Just they are not lucky today. " In reality, the experienced recruiter requires no more than three minutes to see the resume and determine: "Perhaps this is our person, you must invite it to an interview."

For a personal meeting with the employer, you will need a more detailed resume. In it, you can list not only the main, but also additional competencies, tell about achievements, indicate the trained and special courses, note the possession of special technologies, describe successful projects implemented in your participation.

So, now you know the recipe, how to write a resume that interest the employer. To increase your chances of obtaining the desired post, register and place your resume on the search sites. This will allow you in the shortest possible time to find a highly paid and prestigious work!

Sample compilation of summary

Ivanov Sergey Ivanovich

Obtaining a Regional Sales Manager position in a major trading company

1997 - 2001

Institute of Economics and Law Aksenov, Faculty of Economics. Specialty: marketer.
Sales training. Nizhny Novgorod Trading Institute
1983 - 1984
English courses at GSU
1975 - 1980
Gorkovsky state University, Faculty of Economics. Specialty: economist.

work experience

07.1998 - Naz. BP.
"West Product" (wholesale and retail sale of chips), Nizhny Novgorod. Sales specialist.

- work with points retail;
- the establishment of connections between retail and wholesalers;
- Promotion and expansion of the range of products "West Product" on the market;
- signing contracts for the installation of commercial equipment at retail points;
- Organization and control over the conduct of advertising campaigns.

Results of work and achievements:

Increased the presence of the company's product in the Nizhny Novgorod and Zarekny areas of Nizhny Novgorod at retail points. Expanded the network of trade points from 20 to 44. increased sales by 133% per month.

05.1996 - 06.1998
The company "Nizhny Novgorod owner" (a multidisciplinary company, one of the directions - Sale of TNP), Nizhny Novgorod. Commercial Director.

- contacts and correspondence with foreign firms and the city administration;
- marketing research.

Results of work and achievements:

I installed contacts and received real proposals on cooperation from eight foreign companies.
11.1993 - 04.1996
Fortuna, LLC, Nizhny Novgorod. Commercial representative.
09.1981 - 10.1993
NGO "Electron", Nizhny Novgorod (development and introduction of electronic devices). Head economist.

Additional Information

technical skills

MS Windows 2000, Word, Excel, DOS.
Office Equipment (Fax, Modem, Server, Copiers), Online Work

Knowledge of foreign languages

English is free.
German language - I read, translate with the dictionary

Driver's license

Driving license category "B", driving experience of 15 years. Personal car VAZ 2111 (year of release 2001).

Possible business trips

Passport, business trips are possible

Physical training

I am engaged in sports (football, hockey, swimming). I do not smoke.

Personal qualities

Energetic, good organizer. Examples of resume Summary in Word format:

Sample summary №1 (

Listen to man who over the entire career looked through more than 100 thousand resumes and really understands how to make a resume more attractive. Here, by the way, my profile in LinkedIn, will be killed: MPRITULA.

But let's agree immediately: no deception in the summary. Only honest information. How without deception to make your resume in a really cool - about it in my lifehak.

Why is almost perfect? Here are 10 tips that I could give for this resume:

  • Make a photo on a monophonic background (white or gray).
  • Remove one phone. Why do the recruiter think where to call?
  • Change email to a personal, not some company.
  • Remove family status.
  • Combine competences and key experience. Reduce offers up to 7-10 words and arrange as a list.
  • Remove the recommendations.
  • Fix the error in the word "company" in the last place of work.
  • Reduce duties up to 10 lines.
  • Make a link short (bit.ly, go.gl).
  • Reduce the total volume of resumes up to two pages.

Making a resume is expensive

Now let's talk about what makes a resume more expensive. I advise people on how to improve their resume. I send my resumes by representatives of various positions: from ordinary sellers to directors of companies. All make the same errors. There was not a single summary to which I would not be able to write 10 tips, how to improve it. Below I collected the most frequent tips that I gave according to the resumes sent.

10. Unite many places of work in one

The norm is considered if the person works in the company for 2-3 years. If he changes the job more often, Job Hopper can be called it. Such people do not like recruiters, as about 70% of customers refuse to consider such candidates. And it is quite natural.

After a year of work, the person is just beginning to benefit the company.

Of course, everyone has the right to make a mistake and in good summary There may be a couple of places where the candidate worked for 1-1.5 years. But if everything looks like a resume, then its value is very low.

However, it often happens that a person has changed several job positions in one company or transfered from the company to the company within the holding structure. Or done design work, in which they changed several employers.

In such cases (and everywhere, where possible) I recommend executing it as one place of work, with one name and general dates of work. And within this block, you can unobtrusively show the change of posts, but so that visually there was no sensation of a frequent change of jobs to visually with a quick inspection of the resume.

11. Observe the perfect volume of resume

I believe that the perfect volume of the summary is strictly two pages. One thing is too small, it is permissible only for students, and three - already too much.

If everything is clear with one page - such a resume looks like a summary of the novice specialist, then with three, four and so on, everything is not so obvious. And the answer is simple: the recruiter will look only two pages in 80% of cases. And read only what you pointed on these two pages. Therefore, whatever you write on the third and subsequent pages, it will be ignored. And if you write a valuable information about yourself, the recruiter does not know about it.

12. Share our achievements

If you only remember one sentence from my article, let it be about achievements. This immediately adds 50% of the cost to your resume. The recruiter is simply not able to taste all who sent a resume. Therefore, the one who pointed out their achievements will always be defeated, thereby the interest of the recruiter.

Achievements are your measurable, which are expressed in numbers, timing or significant qualitative changes in the company. They must be specifically specifically, are measurable, impressive and comply with positions.

Example of achievements:

  • For three months, increased TV sales by 30% (shop director).
  • Brought to the market new Product For four months, who helped earn 800 thousand dollars for six months (marketing-director).
  • He conducted negotiations with suppliers and increased the deferment on payments for 30 days, the company's savings on loans - 100 thousand dollars monthly (procurer).
  • Reduced staff turnover from 25 to 18% through work with employees involvement (HR).

13. Tell me about your personal qualities

Now more and more attention in the selection of candidates is given to the personal qualities of the employee. If you analyze what exactly you will be assessed at the interview, then most likely it will be like this:

  • 40% - professional knowledge;
  • 40% - personal qualities;
  • 20% - motivation (desire to do this particular job in this company).

What is personal qualities? These are personal qualities of a person who contribute to the effective performance of their duties.

This includes: energy, openness, ability to work in a team, initiative, proactiveness, and so on. And this is no longer empty words, in the interview more and more often you will hear such a question: "Tell me about the situation in which you needed to take responsibility, and how you coped with her." This is the reference to competencies.

Therefore, your personal qualities, especially if they correspond to what is required in vacancies are extremely important. And if earlier it was enough to transfer them to them, now this is not enough. Now you need to confirm their presence, so I recommend writing them as (examples, naturally, give your own, binding rule: they should all be real and from the past):

  • Initiative: I developed and implemented a strategy for the release of a department from the crisis, when the head went.
  • Energy: The volume of my sales for 2014 was 30% higher than the average on the department.
  • Stress resistance: held successful negotiations with a client who refused seven managers, and concluded a contract with him.
  • Leadership: spent five trainings on management and raised 10 leaders from linear employees.

It is important to write not many qualities here, but quality with examples. That is, examples here is more important than quantity.

14. Emission functional duties from job instructions in the urn!

Functional responsibilities that indicate a summary are usually the most banal and tedious thing. In 30% of cases, they are copied from their job descriptionIn 50% of cases - from other people's resumes or descriptions of vacancies, and only 20% really qualitatively write them independently.

I always recommend writing the duties, and not zones of responsibility, and describe them in the form of actions that you performed. It is about as with achievements, but the numbers are not required here, the duties may not be as impressive, and, of course, it is not one-time actions.

Before writing them, I recommend reading several vacancies to imagine what you should write about. Next, write down the duties in the order of their significance: in the first place the most significant (development of the strategy, withdrawal of new products to the market), and on the last one - the least (preparation of reports).

15. Sell the name of the post and company

The names of the posts and the list of companies are, in fact, and there is exactly what the recruiter is looking for in the summary in the first place. It's like a buyer sliding through the shelf in the store in the search for familiar to him brands (Nescafe, Procter & Gamble, Gallina Blanka, Mars, Snickers, Tide). It is for these rows that the recruiter forms initial value Summary in your head and only then begins to search for details.

  • We write only the generally accepted name. If you work in the company "Nails and Naiki", which is the official Coca-Cola dealer, then write just Coca-Cola. Believe me, the legal name of the company is not interested in anyone.
  • In brackets, write the number of employees, for example: IBM (3,000 employees).
  • Under the name of the company we write briefly in 7-10 words than it does. For example: enters the top 5 in the field of consumer lending.
  • If the company is little known, but works with well-known brands, we must define it. For example: AutoSurepperlizing (leasing partner BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Honda). The name of famous brands near the unknown company will significantly strengthen the company's perception.

16. Remove template phrases from the "Purpose" section

Immediately after your contact information in the summary, a section is called "Purpose". Usually in this section write template phrases like "realize your potential as much as possible ...". Here you need to list the list of posts that you are interested.

17. Always check spelling

Usually about 5% of all summary viewed by me contain errors:

  • elementary grammatical errors (there was no spell check);
  • errors in writing foreign words (tested only Russian spelling);
  • errors in punctuation marks: a space before the comma, comma between words without spaces;
  • in the lists at the end of the sentence, there are different punctuation marks (ideally there should not be; the point is put after the last list of the list).

18. Save the resume in DocX format and in any way

  • NOT PDF - many recruiters make their edits or notes (waiting for a salary, their impressions of the candidate, information that was received during the interview) in a resume before sending to the customer, in PDF they will not be able to make them.
  • Not ODT - may incorrectly open on a number of computers.
  • Not doc - a sign that summary of the past (before Office 2007).
  • Not RTF - usually weighs more alternatives.

19. Use the name of the resume file convenient for the recruit

The name of the Summary file must contain at least the last name and is desirable. So more convenient to the recruiter will look for a resume on the disk, send it and so on. Little recruiter care will be noted. Again, in the eyes of the recruiter it makes a resume a little more expensive.

20. Show your favor in the accompanying letter

There are different opinions about the accompanying letters. I always say this: a good accompanying letter in 20% of cases can add value to resume if it is written correctly. But it is not always necessary.

If you decide to write it, here's a simple structure:

And if you show on the example, it might look like this:

Errors in your resume

Along with the secrets of increasing the value of the summary, there are things that make a resume significantly cheaper. Let's talk about some of them.

Now many sites for job search allow you to download the resumes created there. At the same time, they are mandatory in such a resume add their logo and different fields for entering information that is not at all necessary for the summary. For example, the floor. These resumes look like a real cheap, so I do not advise you to do so.

21. Remove incomprehensible abbreviations

When you work for a long time in the company, some abbreviations adopted in it already seem so native that you write them in the summary. But they are unfamiliar to the recruiter, therefore very important information is lost. Try to avoid abbreviations everywhere where it is possible.

22. Perephrase template phrases

Very often you want to succumb to temptation and stuff in your abstract template phrases, which can be easily found in any resume or description of vacancies. Avoid them, because for the recruit, they represent an empty place.

Perephrase, for example:

  • Orientation for the result \u003d always think about the result.
  • Customer orientation \u003d Customer for me always in the first place \u003d I put the interests of the client above their personal.
  • Communicability \u003d Easy to negotiate with any customers / colleagues \u003d freely supporting a conversation with customers.

23. Create a normal drawer

What distinguishes professional from the child? A professional calls his mailbox named and the last name, and the child - children's words, nicknames from games and forums, date of birth.

Well, absolutely unacceptable to specify your working box. The recruiter in this case will interpret this nuance so: "They are fired from the place of work, and therefore I can not be afraid and send a resume with a working mail."

24. Delete the family status, it is only interested in dating site visitors.

There is only one case when the indication of the family status can play a positive role: if a young girl is looking for a job and wants to show that he won't go to the decree immediately after employment. In this case, you can specify the presence of children.

Options "Civil marriage", "divorce" immediately reduce the summary, as there are additional questions.

The option "I have children" is written very close people, since all the normal people "". :)

25. Explain the gap in the experience of work

It is impossible to take and show the break in the work. You need to write why it was. The option "I will explain on the interview" is not suitable, since the recruiter, seeing the gap, thinks the worst thing that could happen.

If there was a decree between the two works - we write. By the way, if the decret was without care to another job, there is no point in writing to write at all. I don't even recommend this in the interview somehow especially allocate.

26. Remove the end date of work in the last place

This is the only trick in the summary you can forgive. It is believed that a person is a summary even before dismissal and after dismissal simply does not update this date. In any case, the specified date of dismissal will play against you.

27. Do not write the reason for the dismissal

There is no reason for which the causes of dismissal should be prescribed. Whatever you wrote there, the recruiter will always have a suspicion about your desire to explain the cause of dismissal. Or maybe you are lying?

28. Do not explain the details of your resume

The resume does not allow to write explanations, comments, footnotes and so on. Only dates, facts, achievements.

The worst thing that could be is the section "Recommendations" and the phrase "give upon request". And the meaning of this partition? The list of recommenders is superfluous. No one will call them to an interview with you. And after the interview you can provide this list if there is a request.

30. Take tables and large indents

Tables in the summary were adopted in the early 2000s. Then the entire civilized world refused them. Do not show yourself a dinosaur.

Also, do not occupy most of the resume by very large retreats on the left in the document.

31. Leave the first jobs for your grandmother.

For simplicity, I'll just describe how it will be ok:

  • Last place of work: 7-10 lines of responsibilities and 5-7 rows of achievements.
  • Past place of work: 5-7 lines of responsibilities and 3-5 rows of achievements.
  • After a last job place: 3-5 lines of responsibilities and 3 lines of achievements.
  • The rest of the jobs: 3 lines + 3 strings of achievements, if they enter the interval of the last 10 years of work.
  • All that was before 10 years ago: Only the names of companies and posts.
  • If your career was not relevant the current job position - boldly remove them. For example, now you are marketing-director, I started 15 years ago from the engineer at the factory or seller on the market.

32. Unschat versions

If you studied in vocational school, college, technical school, and then graduated from the university, show only the university.

33. Do not show a resume familiar HR specialists, if not confident in their professionalism

We have many HR specialists consider themselves a guru and give advice to the right and left. Find out how many vacancies they closed themselves how many people in the day they will be interpreted. What books read about recruitment. How many of them were foreign.

If you get such answers:

  • more than 500 vacancies;
  • 5-10 per day;
  • more than five books (at least!);
  • Lou Adler, Bill Radin, Tony Burn;

... then boldly trust the advice!

I spend a small study, so in the comments to this post, write which of all the Soviets described turned out to be the most valuable for you. It will help me understand your needs and write another cool article on how to sell yourself more expensive during the interview.

P.S. Friends, thank you all for your comments. I wrote a book with a colleague where I shared even more advice. It is available on the link.

The article visually issued the genius of presentations

Sample Summary for work 2019 Free Download Blank in Word


For the device to work by employers to consider your candidacy, as a rule, your resume is required. Below to download various resume options are offered: usual, with photos, without formatting, in English. You can download everything and choose the most suitable or convenient form. All samples for filling in Word format (DOC).

General Definition of the term Summary (Source: Wikipedia):
Summary (from fr. résumé or lat. Curriculum Vitae - "Life Lifestyle", Signing, is pronounced Kurikulum Vite, often reduced to CV) - a document containing information about skills, work experience, education and other information related to the case, commonly required when considering Human candidacy for hiring to work. Livestocking, that is, CV, differs from the summary volume and, as a rule, is written by candidates for high posts. It gives more detailed than in Summary, information about yourself, its education and qualifications.

Summary structure
Summary usually consists of several sections, information in each of which is designed in a short form to familiarize the potential employer with all information about the candidate necessary for its reception to work. The resume should not include information that does not have any attitude towards the estimated work. In the summary, only the information that will help maximize you to characterize you.

Unified standard shape, blank or template Summary does not exist.
The summary is drawn up in arbitrary form and usually contains the following data:
- year of birth (age);
- Contact phones (home and / or worker), e-mail.
- Objective and / or desired position, what character work is looking for.
- Data on your education:
- the start date of study - the date of graduation;
- the name of the institution;
- Faculty / specialty, qualifications.
- Experience (in reverse chronological order, that is, starting from the last place of work):
- the beginning and end date;
- organization name (the scope of its activity; MB a brief description of);
- your position;
- the number of subordinates (if was);
- description of your job duties, powers, level of responsibility;
- Examples of specific achievements.
- Additional education - courses, seminars, internships, etc.
- Additional skills (computer possession, degree of ownership of foreign languages, the presence of a / m, driver's license, typey, other).
- Your advantages (you can specify in the end of the summary several of your personal traits that distinguish you from others and help you achieve the necessary results in your work).

Sometimes in the summary also includes information about membership in professional associations, scientific publications and copyright patents. Also in the summary, you can enable information about your hobbies, better if these are active hobbies (for example, sports, tourism, dancing). You should not include in summary information about the desired wage level. It is better to specify in the accompanying letter to Summary (English Cover Letter). Here you can give any additional explanations to the resume. IN different countries The resume structure, or CV, may differ. IN lately We got widespread Internet summary filled by a specific template and placed on specialized websites of recruiting agencies. There are also professional services offering compilation of "competent" summary. Another, while a small-spread, summary is a video summary, which is a short video in which the candidate talks about himself, his skills, etc., and the same as in the case of an Internet summary, there are specialized sites for them, which you can accommodate them, and companies that are engaged in their recording and placement. A source:Wikipedia.

Also recently, it becomes quite convenient to store your resume "in the cloud" - on servers to which you can get round-the-clock access from any part of the world, for example, on specialized sites, for example, Hed Hunter (Head Hunter) Hh.ru. The service is convenient because you can fill out your resume in the specified fields. In addition, there you can search for employers and vacancies you are interested in. You can also configure the autopo.com to automatically selected vacancies on specified conditions by name, minimum salary, work schedule, etc. At the same time, the site has very flexible visibility settings for your resume. For example, if you want your resume to see only those companies where you sent it as a response to a vacancy, it can be easily installed in the settings and it will no longer be visible to anyone, according to the description of the site.However, while still many vacancies can be found on specialized professional forums, sites of the company themselves, etc. and such vacancies may not be published on such vacancies search sites. In such cases, the above variants of the samples of the summary may well come in handy.

News on the topic

New dated 21.02.2018: Rostrude told when the employer can deprive employees of the awards

(Prize is regulated by local regulatory act Organizations with which employees should be familiar with the painting before the signing of the employment contract). .

New dated November 30, 2017: Russian Ministry of Labor in the letter dated November 17, 2017 No. 14-2 / \u200b\u200bB-1012 clarifies how the employee must confirm the right to incomplete working time (day or week). Exposure: According to the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer must establish incomplete working time at the request of a pregnant woman, one of the parents of the child up to 14 years old (a child-disabled child under 18), as well as persons who carries out a sick family member.

New dated 10/31/2017: Ministry of Transport of Russia in a letter of 18.10.2017 No. 14-2 / \u200b\u200bB-935 clarifies the procedure for recovery from an employee of the amounts spent on his training in the case of early termination employment contract. Exposure: "When dismissing without good reasons before the expiration of the period specified in the labor contract or in the training agreement at the expense of the employer, the employee is obliged to compensate the costs incurred by the employer for his training."

New dated 10/30/2017: MINRRU RF in the letter dated 19.10.2017 N 14-2 / \u200b\u200bB-942 explained whether it is possible to sign a separate agreement at the conclusion of an employment contract, according to which, during the year, the employee undertakes not to employ about the company-competitors (the employer is not It is entitled to limit the employment of former employees).

New dated 10/30/2017: The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the letter dated 18.10.2017 N 14-2 / \u200b\u200bB-935 clarifies how the employment contract concluded with a temporary employee during the location of the main employee on the hospital (when the term of termination of the employment contract is determined by date in the hospital leaflet).

New dated 04.08.2017: Ministry of Transport of Russia in the letter dated 14.06.17 No. 14-2 / \u200b\u200bOOG-4765 explained whether it is possible to oblige an employee during a special break when working at a computer to engage in other work not related to the use of computer.

New dated 04/21/2017: The Moscow City Court in determining on February 14, 2017 in case No. 33-5687 / 2017 indicated that the employer at the request of the applicant for the vacancy was obliged in writing to inform the reason for the refusal of employment.The court also decided that in this case the company should be paid to the applicant compensation for moral damage associated with unreasonable refusal. Read more.

A successful search for the first or new place of work largely depends on your ability to pretend yourself. But, as a rule, before meeting with a potential employer, an interview study and selection of applications. Your chances will be the higher the more informative and competent will be your resume. When a device for work is half success.

Principles of compilation of summary

If it says briefly, then the summary is your business card, on which the employer becomes in absentia to you. Sometimes an illiterately composed presentation of its skills may cause even an experienced and qualified specialist for refusal. Therefore, it is important to remember the four principles on which a successful sample resume is based on a device for work:

  • Brevity. Remember that your resume should fit on one A4 page. Therefore, learn to express information about yourself the thesis, focusing on the most important thing. Do not retell your autobiography. Stop on key moments Education, experience and special skills. And do not try to sick, reducing the font size and reducing the distance between the rows. Information must be readable. Therefore, do not reduce the font size less than the 12th kebl.
  • Concreteness. The names of educational institutions, as well as organizations in which you had a chance to work, should be specified specifically (and not just a university, plant, office, and so on). Also pay attention to the time frame. It is advisable to specifically indicate dates.
  • Accuracy. Indicate only truth information about yourself. Do not assign yourself some non-existent regals and skills. Do not specify knowledge of a foreign language, if you have learned only a dozen words. The same applies to the knowledge of PC and other specific issues. Lies will open either at the interview or in the first weeks of work. If you are submitting documents to the personnel agency, you will be exposed even earlier, because employees carefully check the accuracy of the resume.
  • Selectivity. Indicate in the summary only those information that directly relate to the position you are applying for. If you, for example, plan to work with an accountant, keep the fact that you have completed the courses of hairdressers. Do not rewrite the information that includes summary examples for a job. The sample is only a hint.

Technical moments

The perfect sample resume in the device to work should be flawless in all respects. It is important to take care of the design, because a carelessly compiled document can scare the potential employer. That's what technical moments should pay attention to:

  • Most personnel managers converge on the header of the page undesirable to write the word "summary". And so it is clear what document represents. In addition, you spend an invaluable string in which you can specify significant information about yourself. Although, if the resume turns out short, it is permissible to specify the type of document, thereby making it visually more.
  • Text editor choose Times New Roman font. It is optimal for visual perception.
  • Text color is only black. This solution allows the reader to concentrate on the content of the document without being distracted by the details. The only detail of the resume that has the right to be color, is a photo.
  • The main text must be written by Kapel 12-14, depending on how much information you are going to put on the page. FULL NAME. It is advisable to highlight the font larger on 2 kebls. The names of subparagraphs select bold or underlining.
  • All fields, except left, must be equal to 2 cm. The latter is 1 cm. These are standard parameters for business documents. In addition, all the other paper of your personal case (if you are hired) will be issued this way.
  • The semi-rigid interval is optimal for reading. But if your sample resume in a device for work will contain a lot of information, then you will assume a single interval.
  • Do not write information with solid text. Share it into semantic paragraphs (it is advisable to skip the empty string between them). Also acceptable design in the form of a table.
  • Do not use decorative frames and drawings. Summary - this is primarily a business document.

Summary structure

Summary is a purely individual thing, nevertheless there is a certain generally accepted structure that can be supplemented or cut into your discretion. So, standard sample Summary for the work device (for 2017) includes five items:

  • Personal information.
  • Purpose of summary.
  • Education.
  • Work experience.
  • Additional Information.

Personal data

Any sample resume for a job device (for 2017) begins with the "Personal Data" section. This is what information you need to specify in it:

  • FULL NAME. It is fully indicated, without abbreviations.
  • Address. If the place of registration does not coincide with the place of residence, it is necessary to indicate. If you are temporarily rented accommodation, specify the time frame in which you can find on this place. The fact is that some organizations prefer to notify applicants for the position of their decision through ordinary letters.
  • Telephone. Indicate urban, and mobile numbers with an appropriate note in brackets. Also it will not be superfluous to specify the operator cellular communication. If there is some temporary framework in which you can receive calls, also specify this in the summary. For example, if you are not at home during the daytime, let the manager does not try to call your city number in vain. If you have a habit of disconnecting mobile in the evenings, the specification of the time frame will save the manager from the need to unsuccessfully type your number.
  • Email. In addition to the "soap", it is possible, but not necessarily, to specify your contacts in messengers and social networks.
  • Date of Birth.
  • Additional Information. Here may be your marital status, the presence of children, citizenship, the presence of specific diseases. Fill this graph at your discretion, if this requires the position to which you apply.

Purpose of summary

If you decide to create a resume for a job, the sample must contain a section on your purposes. The first is the position to which you apply. And if you apply for several vacancies immediately, it is desirable to make up for each individual summary. It is possible that each of them will consider the leaders of various units.

The second point of the "Purpose" section is the salary. If you do not get on this issue with the employer, it has the right to comply with your candidacy at the stage of consideration of the summary. As a result, you do not have to bargain on the level of wages during the interview. As a rule, it is decided to indicate the average amount, which was established in the labor market for this specialty. But if you objectively consider yourself a good specialist with extensive experience, you can increase this figure by 30%. But do not specify a specific number. Write: "From ... rubles per month."


To create a resume for a job device, the sample must necessarily contain information about education. Here specialists disagree in opinions. So, some consider it appropriate to mention school education, while the rest consider it superfluous. The main part is a secondary and higher education with an indication of the training period, educational institution, faculty, specialty and qualifications gained. Do not operate by abbreviations. The employer may well do not know the abbreviated name of universities and specialties, it will not spend time on the search for decoding on the Internet. All names write completely.

After basic education, specify additional. It can be some courses, trainings or electives. Write only about what is a confirmation in the form of diplomas and certificates. Indicate only those courses that directly or indirectly belong to the planned type of activity.

work experience

The sample of the correct summary for the device should contain information about professional experience. If you do not have any, you can talk about production practices in an educational institution. As for previous jobs, you need to specify such information:

  • The time interval from the date of entry to the post to dismissal.
  • Name of the organization. No abbreviations - only entirely!
  • Scope of the organization. If the name does not talk about specialization, be sure to give a brief description.
  • Position. Mark which post you occupied at the previous job site. Ideally, your approval must be supported by an employment record.
  • List the powers and responsibilities, as well as the production functions that you performed at the previous job site. It will be a kind of additional confirmation of your professional skills.
  • Achievements. If you have any thanks or recommendations from the previous employer, specify it. Perhaps you contributed to improving labor productivity or profit level? Be sure to specify a numeric value.

additional information

The sample of the correct summary for the device should contain not only dry facts, but also some additional information. In this section you can praise yourself. But, again, it is not worth far from the specifics of the planned work. This is what can be told in the section under consideration:

  • The degree of possession of a personal computer. If the work is not directly related to the work on the PC, you can limit yourself to a generalized "confident user" and the like. If the computer is your working tool, specify more specifically what programs do you own.
  • Possession of foreign languages. List the languages \u200b\u200byou own, indicating the level of knowledge. Such skill is useful in any organization, regardless of the position. Perhaps in the future it will serve you a good help to enhance.
  • Extra skills. It may be the presence of a driver's license, creative and any other abilities that can be a competitive advantage when choosing from several applicants.
  • Personal qualities. Specify everything that should help you win the location of the employer. For example, stress resistance, sociability and so on. Also valuable quality Maybe the willingness to work above the norm or go to long business trips.
  • Recommendations. If the previous employers or teachers are ready to personally call the word for you, specify their contacts in your resume.

Empty sample resume for work device

A person who has not previously dealt with the preparation of self-testing, this task may seem difficult. Fortunately, it is not difficult to find a blank template or a sample of a summary of a device for a job. Looks like a "dweller" of the document as follows.

Date of Birth: Photo
work experiencePeriodA placePositionResponsibilities

Additional Information

PC hold
Knowledge of foreign languages
Extra skills
Personal qualities

Sample Summary for a device for a student without professional experience

Announcements on vacancies for one position in 90% of cases are accompanied by the phrase: "work experience is required." This line sometimes causes laughter, because where to get this experience to a university graduate or technical school? Get the desired place will help a competent summary for the device to work. The sample is as follows.

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich
purposeCourt of Junior Specialist
Date of Birth01.01.1995 Photo
Email[Email Protected]
Additional Information
Knowledge of foreign languagesEnglish (with a dictionary)
PC hold

Office programs;

Graphic editor;

the Internet

Professional skills

Writing interesting and competent texts;

Administration of sites;

Psychological advice on youth

Personal qualities

Responsibility for the work performed;



Fast learner;

Ability to process large amounts of data


Healthy lifestyle;

Study of foreign languages;

Psychological research

RecommendationsDean Faculty of Psychology Pavlov Pavel Pavlovich

Sample summary for accountant

Accountant is one of the most responsible posts at any enterprise. We can say that this is the second person after general Directorbecause a specialist is engaged in financial flows. Therefore, it is important that the applicant for the position managed to compile a competent summary for the device to work. The sample is as follows.

Semenova Tatyana Semenovna
purposeOffice of the post of chief accountant
Wagefrom 40,000 rubles
Date of Birth:01.01.1975 Photo
Address:pushkin, ul. Pushkinskaya, 70 sq. M. nine
Email:[Email Protected]
Family status:married, 2nd children
2001 - 2009Moscow State UniversityAccounting, Analysis and Auditmaster
work experiencePeriodA placePositionResponsibilities
2011-2017LLC "Cafe-Pirozhova"Accountant

Processing of primary documentation;

Preparation of tax reporting;

Cash accounting

2009-2011LLC "factorial"Chief accountant's assistant

Registration of trafficking operations;

Accounting documentation;

Implementation of instructions of the chief accountant

Additional Information
Knowledge of foreign languagesEnglish at the conversational level
PC hold

Office programs;

Program "1C-Enterprise"

Personal qualities

Personal responsibility for the result;

Increased care to details;

Mathematical thinking;

Ability to work with large information flows

RecommendationsLeader: general director LLC "Cafe-Pirozhkovaya" Olegov Oleg Olegovich

Sample Summary for Sales Manager

Sales Manager is a pretty popular profession today. But competition among potential workers is rather big. Your success will largely depend on whether you can correctly write a resume for a job. The sample may be like that.

Andrey Andrei Andreevich
purposeOffice of the Sales Manager
Wagefrom 50,000 rubles
Date of Birth:01.01.1988 Photo
Address:pushkin, ul. Pushkinskaya, 70 sq. M. nine
Email:[Email Protected]
Family statusnot married
2005-2010 Kazan Social InstituteAdvertisingSpecialist
2010-2014 Moscow State UniversityTranslationBachelor
work experiencePeriodA placePositionResponsibilities
2014-2015 LLC "advertiser"Promotional Promotion Manager

Working client base;

Presentation of the company's services;

Conclusion of contracts

2015-2017 LLC "CAPITAL-CREDIT"Financial Services Sales Manager

Work with clients;

Conduct of negotiations;

Post-sales consultation

Additional Information
Coursesin 2013, coaching on "Professional Sales" (Certificate)
Knowledge of foreign languages

English (conversational);

French (with a dictionary)

PC hold

Office programs;

Accounting programs;

Graphic editor

Personal qualities


Care to customers;

Leader's deposits;

Stress tolerance;


Summary of school teacher

The vast majority of teachers work in state educational institutions. But this does not mean that a diploma for pedagogical education is enough. And at school you need to be able to present yourself. Sample Teacher's resume for a device for work.

Alexandrova Alexandra Alexandrovna
purposeSuitable teacher of junior classes
Family statusMarried, there is a child
Date of Birth:01.01.1990 Photo
Address:pushkin, ul. Pushkinskaya, 70 sq. M. nine
Email:[Email Protected]
2007-2013 Moscow State Pedagogical InstitutePsychology and pedagogymaster
work experiencePeriodA placePositionResponsibilities
2013-2017 Gymnasium №63, PushkinTeacher of elementary grades

Preparation and conduct of classes;

Knowledge control;

Work with parents

Additional Information
CoursesIn 2014, the training "Pedagogy of Modern Time" (Certificate)
Professional skills

Confident PC user;


Organizational abilities;

Knowledge of business etiquette and following rules;

Correct oral and written language;

English proficiency in perfection

Personal qualities

Sense of responsibility;


High level of self-organization;

Stress tolerance;

Love for children;


A standard sample resume for a job device is the first step to compile competent and efficient self-presentation. Some advice of professionals will help you even get closer to the work of the dream.

  • Make a base sample of writing a resume for a job device and adjust it whenever you look for a new place for work. Learn more about the organization itself and its leader. Based on this, add new items or exclude already available.
  • It is not always necessary to put your advantages at the bottom. The head of the Organization or your direct authorities may not like if your level of qualification, experience and competence is higher than that. Perhaps about some regals should be silent. You will have time to show ability during work.
  • Do not leave empty blocks. If you do not have experience, just lower this item. If you do not know foreign languages, do the same way. Adjust the resume templates for the device to work. The sample carries only a recommendation.
  • Always apply for a summary of the photo. According to statistics, such applications are much more likely approved than "faceless" summary forms for a job. A sample with a photo has to the applicant.
  • Be sure to print the document on the computer. Summary written by hand is poorly read and perceived non-serious.

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