
Description of achievements in the summary example. Professional achievements: examples in the resume

Over the past three years, I made a resume once twenty. Once - for yourself, when it was organized to work by the head of the copywriting department to the advertising agency, and the rest - for friends and acquaintances. Sometimes the goals were really complex and interesting: to arrange a friend without experience, but with great potential to a large company (from which he left and opened his own successful business) Or win in the "summary contest", where about 30 applicants were claimed.

You know why in 95% of cases the task was solved successfully? Because resume is the same selling text that sells man to the employer. With all the consequences. And, as practice shows, 99% of people do not know how to draw up resumes. In this I was convinced when I worked as the head of the department and gained employees. Every day, personnel managers (hrs) have dumped dozens of summaries of applicants, and most of these resumes I have not even read to the end: they were written either boring, like a copy-stock, or in the board creatively, but completely uninteresting to me as an employer.

Why do people write in resume unnecessary things?

Most people when making a summary allow several rough mistakes at once. First, they absolutely do not understand the task of their target audience (HR-manager, Head of the Department or Business Owner). Secondly, they all rewrite a summary of 1 in 1 by the template, which shaft on the Internet, "safely" merging with the gray mass of other such applicants.

Finally, thirdly, the overwhelming majority of people constitute one resume for a wide range of vacancies: from the personnel manager to the CNC machine operator, they say somewhere. As a result, such a summary contains a bunch of not necessary information and at best it goes to the folder "Consider, if you don't find anyone for half a year of searches."

What is needed by the employer

When it comes to selling goods and services, you can go in two ways: from the product (describe which product is cool and unique) and from the client (find the client's problem, its pain and present the product as a solution to this problem). The second approach in practice works much better.

You will also notice that in front of the employer is a very specific task: to get the maximum result for invested money. Those. Close vacancy with a suitable person with minimal (if possible) costs. The higher the result and the less money you need to spend - the better. This is called a profitable deal.

Fairly inverse: the greater value is a person within the vacancy, more money it costs. No matter how cynically sounds, but when we are talking about a summary, a person is a commodity on the labor market showcase. No more, no less.

Gross errors when making a summary

When I worked as the head of the copywriting department in a large advertising agency, I had about 40 people in submission. At that time, we actively closed vacancies on web risers and copywriters, and HR managers sent me tens of summary of applicants.

9 out of 10 of these resumes I sent in the urn during a quick look, because they were boring and compiled a completely mediocrous error: a lot of information, but not a hint of why a person is suitable for this vacancy. In other words, I was offered a product that I was absolutely not needed, and if I needed, no one explained to me why.

Another misfortune is about half of all sent abstracts is the wrong structure. I have many acquaintances who are excellent specialists of their business. But the problem is that, looking at their resume, you will not say that. It is important to understand that in a potential employer other than a summary there is no other information, and if the resume does not produce the necessary impression, the likelihood that no one calls.

Basics of the preparation of victorious resume

The rule of compilation number 1: good summary Always sharpening under a specific vacancy. There must be a certainty. Option: I will go a programmer or a tester, and maybe a sales manager, as a rule, works very badly.

Want to know why? I explain. Different vacancies differ in salary, sometimes even several times. The salary line of personnel managers know very well.

Now put yourself in their place. You see a resume of a person who is ready to work and a programmer (salary of which can reach up to 150 thousand rubles ($ 5,000) in Moscow, and sales manager, average salary which 60-80 thousand rubles ($ 2-2.5 thousand). Those. The same person is ready to receive 2 times less money at another work, and he does not care. This causes serious doubts about his account.

A sign of good tone in the resume - to indicate the goal. For example: "Obtaining a commercial director". Clearly, understandable and specifically.

Cheat code

To adapt the resume as accurately as possible, look at the requirements of existing vacancies and adapt the summary so that it matches them as much as possible to them (it was maximally relevant). Then the probability of the response increases significantly.

Summary structure

Speaking about the structure of the resume, it is important to remember and understand one thing. In most cases, your resume comes with a dozen others, so you need to draw the attention of the employer to key moments.

Another very common mistake is the use of direct chronology, when a person describes his professional experience consistently almost from school to the last place of work (from top to bottom).

The employer does not interest your studies. In any case, not first. He needs to close the vacancy with the most suitable candidate, therefore, the attention should be accepted first key moments. And then, as for more information, You can specify training, certificates, etc.

Important: The resume structure is based on priority information for the employer to the secondary, and not vice versa. At the end of this article, I will give a sample.


Now for the sake of the experiment, I raised my archive and pulled out selectively ten resumes. And I have not met key information in any of them. But in each one and the same error appears. See.

The vast majority of people, describing their professional experience, uses a bundle: "job-responsibility". But the employer is a little interested. Now I will explain why.

Imagine that you came to the grocery store. You take a cake from the shelf and pay attention to the label. But instead of the usual "Composition" you see on it another inscription: "There must be at the same product in this product ...". You round your eyes and put a cake in place with an unpleasant sediment. In the end, you are not interested in the product should be. You are interested in that it has in fact.

Therefore, a bunch in the summary is much better working: "Place of work, duties, achievements." It is much more informative and sells you at times more expensive in the labor market.



  • Cold calls
  • Producing a presentation
  • Conclusion of contracts

Too abstract, right? And now a more complete bunch.


  • Concluded 8 contracts with large companies $ 1.5 million each
  • Brought a company for three years a total profit over $ 10 million
  • Led to the company 119 clients, 38 of which became permanent
  • Exceeded the sales plan in the last 19 months in a row
  • Compiled his own client base of 1100 people (LPR)


  • Cold calls
  • Producing a presentation
  • Conclusion of contracts

Which example sells a person better and more expensive? This is a rhetorical question. Curiously different: value in the second case is an order of magnitude higher than in the first, and the salary may differ several times. Although it would seem, the duties alone and the same, the position is the same. Specifications decide.

Skills and technologies

Be sure to specify the skills and technologies that the employer are needed and you own.

For example, when I was arranged to work by the head of the copywriting department to the advertising agency, the skills of public speeches, teaching and a large base of web rheists became a big plus.

Please note: when you specify that or another technology, it is not necessary to specify how well you know it. You can, of course, write, experienced user MS Office, if it really is so. But otherwise it is better to list the packages with which you worked or who you know. For personnel managers (HR), which, as a rule, are not narrow specialists, it is particular technologies that are the key anchors that they are looking for a resume.

For example, you can write: I speak PHP programming language, and HR will search for Zend Framework (which is essentially written in PHP). Moral: Pay attention to vacancies.

Minor information

Many to my great disappointment to describe additional advantages Use beaten clichés: "Communicable, stress-resistant, responsible, etc." The problem is that these clichés are present in almost every resume.

But meanwhile, templates can be very easy to break: include in the summary of your beliefs, principles or objects of pride. Turn on your favorite books or blogs, interests. At first glance, this may seem unimportant, but it is this information that characterizes you as a person, and not as a robot that has consisted of a summary of the specified parameters. Moreover, if suddenly your hobbies and hobbies of the employer coincide, there will be an emotional connection between you, which will significantly increase your chances of success. And even if other candidates, your competitors will be stronger in one way or another, will choose you, due to the fact that a strong psychological trigger will work - a favor.

Finally, if you plan to use common phrases, expand them in more detail and explain how it is manifested in you or another quality.

for example

Stress tolerance

Withstand high emotional loads and keep calm in critical situations.

A responsibility

I can quickly analyze the situation and promptly make decisions, imposing full responsibility for them.


I quickly find a common language with people for effective solution Related working issues.


I know how to independently search for the necessary information and apply it in practice.

How to create a resume if there is no experience and achievements

When there is no experience, no achievements, you need to understand that you will not take you for individual vacancies for one simple reason: the employer needs a person. Capable and able to solve problems set before him, and not to create new ones.

Nevertheless, if you are aimed at some vacancy, you have two options:

  1. Purchase the necessary skills and experience independently to sell ourselves, providing guarantees to fulfill assignments.
  2. Get into another place in which you can get the necessary skills.

Even if you have no experience, you still have positive qualities that are useful to the employer. They need to be indicated. For example, if you are ready to stay overtime or work until the result is obtained - it will attract attention and allocate you against the background of competitors.

Again, if there are no achievements, but there is a minimum experience, you can write: "participated in the launch of a large-scale email campaign for 100,000 addresses via Mailchimp."

It will already give a person to understand that you are in the subject, own the terminology and you have any, but the knowledge base (even if you just watched your friends or colleagues launched an email campaign).

Transmittal letter

Often, the resume is not in its pure form, but with the accompanying letter by mail. And this letter plays a key role in the formation of the first impression.

The composition of the accompanying letter to the resume depends on three factors:

  • level of your qualifications
  • posts you apply for
  • the person you write and which makes a decision

In practice, sincere interest in the project, goodwill and readiness to solve the tasks set up is much better than talk about money or the establishment of our own conditions. All this is better to discuss at the interview.

Sample structure for resume

Summary, as well as selling text, is easiest to be on blocks. Here is an exemplary structure of such blocks.

Important: In the summary, the word "summary" is never written.


2. purpose (What position do you want to get - you need to choose some one; for different posts, different summaries are needed).

3. Professional experience and achievements (in reverse chronology).

  • Last place of work
    • Achievements
    • Responsibilities
  • Penultimate place of work
    • Achievements
    • Responsibilities
  • Previous jobs
    • Achievements
    • Responsibilities

It is worth paying attention to one thing. For example, I, in essence, the "multiclass character", expressing the language of computer games. This means that I have two (and now three directions): Engineer (radio electron profile and programming), copywriter and marketer, entrepreneur.

All three directions can be indicated in the summary, but at first they are those important for the employer. The rest are either followed or taken out in add. information.

4. key skills (Important for the employer).

5. Technologies (First of all, necessary for future work).

6. Education (If there is no work experience (yesterday's student), then education is indicated instead of block No. 3).

7. Additional Information and certificate of competence (certificates, rewards, achievement outside work, etc.).

8. Block S. personal information (interests, hobbies, books, resources; for example, if you read the same resources as your employer, and they are associated with your future work, it will become a big plus).

Important: God forbid you when drafting a resume allocate due to non-standard graphic design (bright fonts, creative phrases or something in this spirit). In practice, no one reads such a summary, and they are straightforwards to the urn.


A funny game of words is obtained: "Summary by summary." But, throwing jokes to the side, I want to once again draw your attention to three important points.

  1. Summary task - to sell the applicant to the employer as expensive as possible. Sales laws are fully valid. Therefore, it is not necessary to modest. All the benefits of your offer should immediately rush into the eyes.
  2. The resume must correspond to the vacancy that you apply and be as "sharpened" as possible.
  3. Do not overload resumes with unnecessary information. Use only the information that the employer needs to invite you to the interview. No more, no less.

Let your resume sell you expensive!

P.S. And you knew that copywriters could work well on drawing up a summary. So, average price This service starts from $ 100 and higher, especially when you help a person get a highly paid position.

P.P.S. For dessert today, a 4-minute practical and useful video on the topic.

A good resume is simply necessary when looking for work, especially when many candidates pretend to the same post. What should I write in it?

There is no ideal sample summary, and in different situations it may be necessary to emphasize its various aspects, whether education or experience. If you write a resume on a specific vacancy, it must be specifically designed for this post.

Read five or six similar ads and compare the requirements specified in them. Spend some research to understand what needs to employers.

If you are just looking for a job and send a resume in employment agencies, then it should be as detailed and deployed as possible.

Anyway there are several general rules and the principles of how resume should be written and what information to include it.

First of all, it should be short - no more than two pages of A4 format, better numbered.

It should clearly and objectively describe your achievements and strengths And create a positive impression about you.

So, consider what includes a resume:

Header (Header)

It should be noted that in Britain, the summary is called Curriculum Vitae (CV), Translated from Latin - "Lifestyle". In the USA and Canada CV, it is used more often in scientific circles and is a truly detailed and comprehensive description of the professional life of the candidate (recalculated "autobiography", which was required to fill in the personnel department in Soviet years). For the usual resume, the term Résumé is used.

Personal Data (Personal Details)

Be sure to specify your name, address and contact details - Phone, Email.

Whether to indicate the floor, age, marital status and nationality - to solve you. The employer must evaluate your skills and abilities without this information.

Objective (Objective)

Specify which vacancy you apply with the code (if available), for example: Software Tester (ST15 / 4).

Quick Help (Profile / Summary)

Describe your strengths - skills, personal qualities, achievements, work experience (briefly). Here you can specify your career goals (in the US, pay great attention to this item).

Help should take no more than a few rows and immediately attract attention. For example, if the position requires constant work with people, you can specify that you can work in a team and have good communication skills. Be concise - examples you can lead in further sections.

Employment History / Work Experience)

If you have extensive experience, start with this section. If your experience is not enough, you first write about your education.

It is recommended to start from the most recent place of work and move in reverse order. Specify the name of the organization, work period, position and your main responsibilities. Read more describe the work that is related to the current vacancy, give examples of applying your skills, mention the achievements. Use label lists for reading.

Try to emphasize the correspondence of your skills and experience of the specified vacancy. Also mention any temporary or volunteer work if it is related to the case.

Avoid unexplained gaps in your employment history. If you traveled for a long time, were in finding work or cared for a relative, specify it.

Education (Education)

Similarly, start with the last and move in reverse order. Specify schools, colleges, universities in which you have learned, the dates of obtaining diplomas and / or academic degrees. Mention the seminars, trainings, raising courses if they are related to work. For registration, use a labeled list or table.

Also here you can describe your hobbies, interests and achievements related to work, but this is optional.

How to talk about your education

Interests and Achevements (Interests and Achievements)

For example, if you are in any club or society, it may show that you like to get acquainted with new people. You should not write that you like to cook or read books are too common hobbies that do not represent interest for the employer. Indicate only specific and important.

Additional Information (ADDITIONAL INFORMATION)

You can enable this section in the summary if you need to add something else - for example, to explain the great break in the employment, due to travel or family reasons. This can also include other skills that can be useful, for example, the ability to drive a car or owning foreign languages.

Specify people who can give you a recommendation. It is desirable that at least one of them have to do with your previous place of work. If you have not worked anywhere else, specify a teacher or a person, under whose guidance passed practice.

If you do not want to immediately report contact details of other people, you can restrict ourselves to the phrase: References: Available Upon Request ("Recommendations are available at the request").

Registration of summary

The design of the summary plays a huge role. It should be simple, strict and from the first second to make an impression about you as a professional. Use a standard, well-readable font and a clear breakdown on the section. The design of the design should be everywhere the same.

Mirovetov already told her earlier. Now it is worth devoting a separate publication and how this document does not need to be, but rather, on the examples to tell about possible errors.
Hundreds of responses come to each vacancy. And for familiarization with one resume, the employer or personnel specialist takes a maximum of three minutes. According to the evidence of recruitment professionals, seekers too often make mistakes, the price of which is wasted spent time, the resume turns out to be in the basket.

Example Summary №1

Suppose some Natalia Petrova (all coincidences of names and names with real people and enterprises random) at the end of the university in the Volga region moved to Moscow. At first, he headed the household chemicals section in the store in the near Moscow region, then moved to the wholesale and retail company trading in household chemicals across the country, where sales was supervised not only in Moscow, but also in the regions.
She becomes closely as part of the current position, but the company's promotion options cannot offer. Natalia begins to look for a new job and responds to the vacancy of the deputy head of the sales department in another company, also selling household chemicals. Requirements for the candidate: experience in the field of work wholesale trade Household chemistry, manuals, interaction with regional offices.
Despite the compliance of Natalia to all the requirements, the employer, having received its summary, did not come to communicate.

File name: My resume
Summary Petrova Natalia
Age: XX years
Phone: 8-9xx-xxx-xxhh
Russian nationality
Marital status: divorced
Objective: Getting more decent work
SERVICE University of Economics, 2000
2001 - English courses
2002 - Sales Training
Work experience:
2005 - 2009 - LLC "Current Place of Work", Sales Manager
2000 - 2005 - LLC "Previous Place of Work", Vsegment
Languages: English - Intermediate
PC hold: Advanced user
Hobbies: Embroidery by the Bulgarian Cross

Work on bugs

The first and very, according to the testimony of recruiters, a common mistake - file name. The response account for each vacancy is on hundreds, and a summary of candidates who will be interested in the employer, usually save in one folder. In this case, each file is called "Summary". Even if it is different versions of the name (for example, "Rezume", "Resume", "Summary", "my resume", etc.), it is easier to distinguish them among themselves by the names of applicants. Therefore, the risk is very great that the acquaintance of the recruiter with the candidate will be completed by reading the name of the nested file.
From one of the latest vacancies on the job search site: "Files called" Summary "or" My Summary "will not open. Please use your last name for this. "
The word "summary" in the document is not accepted with this name. And so it is clear that it is it.
Personal data. The name of the name and patronymic of the candidate must be indicated completely and in order: name, patronymic, surname. An exception can only be if you address directly to the company, which you know exactly what the appeals by patronymic are not accepted there. This is inherent in mainly foreign companies.
Contacts must go immediately after the name. MirSovetov recommends highlighting the name, and contact information to a larger font. So the employer will be more convenient to read your resume. However, use more than 14 font. At the same time, too small text is inconvenient for reading, so the optimal version: the name and contacts are 14 font, the remaining text is 12th.
Nationality in the summary is no need to indicate - if this moment is important for the employer (and according to the law it should not), he will say everything and surname.
Written about a married position, there is no single opinion, so, probably, to solve everyone. But to inform about the divorce is certainly not worth it. If you ask, you will have to answer, and on your own initiative - nothing.
purpose. The wording "Obtaining decent work" can tell the employer only that the applicant is dissatisfied with the current one. At the stage of reading the summary, this information exhibits the candidate not in the best way.
It is also not clear to which position and in what field a person claims. In the case of Natalia, the optimal wording will be like this: "Getting the position of the Deputy Head of Sales Department in the field of trade."
IN real summary Sometimes we meet the wording in the Spirit "I am looking for a job of some director or a crash, guard, cleaners and any other, not requiring higher education."
Education. The section takes out its place. It makes sense to start with it when the candidate has no work experience. Natalia experience is quite solid, and it is he who interests the employer first.
In her case, the situation is aggravated by the fact that she graduated, most likely, a little-known university employer. If he, while getting to the place of study, managed to be interested in the experience of work, may not give this value. But the university dubious from the point of view of the employer can lead to the fact that it will not reach the work experience.
The chauvinism of the lion's share of Moscow employers in relation to regional universities does not secret for anyone. And in the regions, it is often preferred by graduates of local universities with a good reputation to candidates who have received education in other regions. The exception is the giants of the formation of a rank of Moscow State University, "Baumanki" or "Plekhanovka".
In the Altai Republic, there are no discrepancies to advertisements about vacancies: "Gaga graduates (Gorno-Altai state University, "Chief University" of the Republic - Ed.) We ask not to worry. "
And the graduate of the Ukrainian university who has worked in Moscow for more than 10 years and has long been having Russian citizenship, recruiter after reading the summary clarified the first thing, whether he has a Russian passport, since the position was offered only to citizens of the Russian Federation. Doubts from the recruiter arose after the section "Education" in the summary. Since then, this candidate indicates citizenship to personal data.
In the situation of Natalia, this section is better to break into two parts: basic education (higher) and additional. At first, the university, then - all courses and trainings.
When describing the university, you must specify the years of study, and not just the end, faculty, educational specialty or awarded qualification.
Courses and trainings are followed. They are listed, like the place of work, in reverse chronological order (Natalia - in direct). Be sure to specify the full name educational institution and course or training. In our example, this is especially important in the case of a "sales training": there are many such, and it is difficult to understand what meant.
Well, the place of this section in the summary of the experienced candidate, I repeat, after work experience or professional skills.
work experience. Natalia has the experience required for the relevant position, but here is all this of its resume, unfortunately, is not visible. Save the position just - to reveal the range of responsibilities on each of the occupied positions and the profile of each company. After all, in itself can not talk about anything.
For example, at least two companies in Moscow are called Gemini LLC. One of them specializes in logistics, the other - on retail trade in public consumption goods.
Additional Information. The name of the level of speaking English, adopted in language schools, can not talk about anything. This also applies to some of some recruiters. russian representative offices inofirm. So it is better to inform about your real skills: can you read without a dictionary or with a dictionary, talking how well you understand oral speech, what themes can be explained on. If you have an international certificate confirming the language proficiency, mention this may also be better not limited to it. "Welcome free" will always make a better impression than Fluent or the highest point for TOEFL. But provided that they own really freely.
The wording "Advanced PC PC" can also cause doubts. Everyone has the right to invest its meaning in this concept. Optimal: List the general and special programs with which you are "friendly."
But the presence of driver's license, category, real driving experience is worth mentioning, especially if the proposed position involves mobility.
And finally, the hobby. Their mention is sometimes welcome in the West, but in Russia may cause irritation if the hobby is not related to the future profession or corporate culture of the future employer.
The case is known when the applicant is knowing that the company cultivates love for Bolshoy tennis, mentioned that he knows about this fact and the avid tennis player himself. He was covered in plus such a manifestation of interest in the future employer. True, he mentioned his hobby is not in the summary, but in.
The applicant who is arranged in the network of salons cellular communication, indicated in the summary, which is a tolkienist. A similar hobby turned out to be a personnel manager, and it solved the case in favor of the candidate. But he then refused the proposed position himself: did not suit the salary.
Registration. The use of graphic effects is of great importance. In this example, they are ignored - and in vain. It is better to highlight the sections name bold. And the subsections "Responsibilities" and "Achievements" in the description of each place of work - italics.
The main requirement for a resume - it should not only be accurately informed about the most important for the employer's skills and qualities of the candidate, but also to make this information in a convenient form.
Several simple tricks. If the subsection and information in it go to one line (for example, "date of birth: DD.MM.YYYY.") It is better to separate them from each other to the tabulator. At the same time, the information in the following sections should begin at the same level. Assistants here are a tabulator and a space.

For example:

It looks better and more convenient perceived than:
Date of birth: DD.MM.YYYY.
Place of residence: Moscow
Marital status: Married

Before sending a resume, it is worth viewing it from the monitor and, if possible, print. This will make it possible to evaluate how convenient will it be to read if the most significant information is rushed into the eyes. If something is wrong, you will have to remake.
Instead of age, it is better to specify the date of birth: you never know how life will turn. Maybe you will still work on the same company on the same position and with the same duties, and then send a resume with an outdated number.
Any inaccuracy in such a document, employers are usually perceived as a manifestation of disregard for them and laziness. What does not add hunt to them to communicate with the candidate seen in this.
The same applies to grammatical and punctuation errors. Their presence in the summary often becomes a sufficient reason to put a cross on the candidate. It happens even if he does not claim the position of the editor, the corrector, the translator, a textbook or secretary, where one hundred percent literacy is required. At a minimum, when drafting a resume, use the spell check option in a text editor. If you fill out the online form, it will be more interesting to first dial text in the editor, and then copy. Important moment: In all sections where the listing (duties, achievements, additional information, personal qualities) is being transferred, after each item you need to put a point with a comma. After the last point. Speller usually does not recognize this error, and it matters. If the achievements or duties are exhausted alone, the point is placed after it.

Options from the Sycriter-Rifirend series series or "I will be an ideal slave" is a 100% guarantee that the summary will go to the basket.

File Name: Natalya_PetroVa_Resume
Natalia Sidorovna Petrov
Personal data:
Date of Birth: dD.MM.YYYY.
Place of residence: moscow
Purpose: position of the Head of Sales Department in the Trade Company
Work experience:
01.2005 - Naz. BP. LLC "Current Place of Work" (Moscow)
Organization's profile: wholesale I. retail Household chemicals
Position: sales Manager
- interaction with wholesale (trade enterprises) and retail customers;
- drawing up and conclusion of contracts, monitoring calculations;
- Coordination of activities of representative offices in the regions.
01.2000 - 12.2004 LLC "previous place of work" (Mytischi, Moscow region)
Organization's profile: shop of household goods
Position: head of Household Chemicals
- conclusion of contracts with goods suppliers;
- Maintain warehouse accounting In the section:
- organization of trade in the section;
- Personal leadership sellers.
Basic education:
1995 - 2000 SERVICE UNIVERSORY University (Ulyanovsk)
Faculty: economic
Qualification: economist
Additional education:
03 - 09.2001 English courses, Native English school (Moscow)
06.2002 Training "Skills of Effective Sales", "Institute of Successful Managers" (Moscow)
Additional information:
  • english: I am free to communicate on household topics;
  • PC - user (MS Office);
  • driver of the Sun category, driving experience 3 years.

Case Summary №2

Some Ivan Ivanov works by the head of the IT department in a company specializing in metalworking, and is looking for work on a similar position or at lower positions, but with a perspective of growth and higher and fully official salary.
However, the resume is directed to them on the vacancy of the head of the IT department. The reaction of the employer did not follow.

Incorrectly compiled summary
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

Place of residence: Moscow

Contacts: (499) XXX-XX-XX, (915) -ххх-ХХХХ, [Email Protected]

Purpose: getting a programmer's work, system engineer, sysadmin with an income of 40,000 rubles per month (strictly)

Work experience:
04.2004 - Present - CJSC "Last place of work": Head of the IT Department, System Administrator
Company Profile: Scientific and Production Enterprise
- writing special programs for the needs of the company
- quality control of programs written by subordinates
- Load distribution between employees of the department
- maintaining in the working condition of computers organization
- interaction with Internet providers

02.2001 - 03.2004 - Starter Place LLC, Programmer
Company Profile: IT-Holding
- Writing programs in C ++ for the needs of organization and third-party customers

09.1997 - 01.2001 - OJSC "First Place of Work", System Administrator
Company Profile: Wholesale
- Organization from scratch and maintaining in the working condition of the internal corporate network
- maintaining computers in the office in the office
- repair of computers in the office if necessary

1992 - 1997 - Moscow State University. Lomonosov, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics

Professional skills:
- Writing programs in C ++
- repair and diagnostics of computers
- creation and maintenance of internal corporate networks
- Guide to IT-division

Personal qualities
A highly educated enterprising specialist, ready for business trips, fluent English, non-smoking, family man, with good abilities and desire for professional growth.

Work on bugs

The resume structure is as a whole properly, but the contact information is better to specify immediately after the name. Experts advise also to allocate the name and contacts larger font - for the convenience of perception by the employer.
purpose. You need to specify a specific position - as in the description of the vacancy. In the case of Ivan Ivanova, this is especially important, as it works in a senior position and also claims to a leadership. In this case, the challenger's willingness to consider the position of lower rank will cause unnecessary doubts from the employer.
Do not specify in this section of the requirements for the salary.
There is no single opinion on the account of whether the requirements for salaries indicate in the summary, there are no personnel, but many believe that the topic of earnings is better to save before the interview, and indeed not affect it.
MirSovetov does not recommend indicating in a summary of everyday name titles, as "sisadmin". Better official, in this case, is a "system administrator".
work experience. Big problems are created by the position in the last place of work and the circle of responsibilities. There is an impression that the applicant either at the same time occupied two positions (which is unlikely), or rather imagined something relative to his leadership experience.
In the presence of career growth within the company Mirovsetov, it recommends delimiting the time and circle of duties occupied by time and circle:
The impression of the one who will read the resume is completely different. It can be seen that the candidate quickly received promotion in the company, which is unconditional plus.
When describing a senior position, it has great importance how many people were subordinate to the applicant. Reflect this information must be required.
If, during the work, the applicant has developed some important for the organization of the program, it is worth dedicated to a separate sublap "Achievements".
Not quite right in the candidate formulated the description of the duties in the first place of work. The fact that the intracorporate network was created from scratch, it is better to devote a separate sublap "Achievements":

- Creation and support of the internal corporate network
- monitoring the status of computers in the office and their software, prevention, if necessary
- Diagnosis and machinery and software.

- Creating an internal corporate network from scratch and ensuring its uninterrupted functioning.

The achievements of MirSovetov recommends to tell in each of the positions occupied and not to modify. But here the concrete is important. The best impression on the employer will produce words "increased sales by 10%" than "significantly increased sales."
After each place of work, it is desirable to indicate the city in brackets.
Important moment - experience does not always need to be described completely. Summary should take no more Page A4 format. This is an extreme volume than shorter, the better. Excess is fraught with sending resume in Cart.
Experience can be tightened on a much greater volume. MirSovetov recommends candidates with extensive experience to limit the description of the work places for the last five to seven, a maximum of ten years.
If this experience does not do anything in demand at the proposed position of the applicant's ability, they can be listed in the section on professional skills. It will help this attentive reading of the description of the vacancy, especially the circle of responsibilities at the proposed position.
Skills. There is no need to list everything, but focus on relevant for the proposed position. Since the circle of responsibilities of the head suggests, first of all, the setting of tasks to performers and the quality control of their work, in the example under consideration it is necessary to focus on this.
Skills should be listed in the sequence from the most significant to the least. In this case, you need to start, of course, with the skills of the head. If the candidate really wants to emphasize that he did not extend and do his work itself and, if necessary, is ready to take it for her, it is better to bring these skills at the end.
Personal qualities. Specialists in the selection of personnel of a uniform opinion regarding this section there is no. However, many consider it meaningless, as this is just a candidate, the loyalty of which is often subject to verification only during the work.
Owing languages \u200b\u200bto personal qualities does not apply, but is an additional and important skill, which deserves a separate section or subsection in the "Additional Information" section, which in this example is not. Be sure to also indicate the level of proficiency.
In any case, if you mention personal qualities, then transfer them not with one sentence, but one in the column, in the list format using Bulletpoints (the bold point before each point list) is so more convenient for perception.
The absence and willingness for business trips are likely to be perceived as the pros, but the place to these qualities in the section on personal qualities or additional information.
Names and contacts of recommenders in the resume do not specify. For the first acquaintance, there is enough phrase in "Recommendations are provided on the first requirement." But when it comes to recommendations, the employer must have an idea wherever each recommender works. If he changed her job or occupies another position, it is necessary to emphasize, at what time you worked under his leadership.

Summary example (correct option)

Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov
Contact Information: (495) XXX-XX-XX, Mob.8- 9xx-XXX-XXHH, [Email Protected]
Personal data:
Date of Birth: dD.MM.YYYY.
Place of residence: moscow
Purpose: obtaining the position of the head of the IT department
Work experience:
01.2005 - Naz. BP. CJSC "Last place of work" (Moscow)
Company Profile: scientific and production enterprise in the field
Metal processing
Position: head of the IT Department (number of subordinates - 5
  • development and implementation of proposals in the field of IT to optimize the company's work.
  • an increase of 20% of the performance of an intracorporate information exchange program, which reduced the company's expenses by 10%;
  • an increase of 30% of labor productivity of the IT department.
04.2004 - 12.2004 there
Position: system Administrator
  • writing programs based on the C ++ language;
  • tracking the current state of computer equipment and software;
  • prevention, diagnosis and repair of problems;
  • interaction with Internet providers.
  • development from zero of the program of intracorporate information exchange
  • reduced by 10% of the company's expenses to the Internet with an increase in the speed of the Internet by 5% by changing the provider.
02.2001 - 03.2004 LLC "PRESENTLY WORK OF WORK" (Moscow)
Company Profile: IT-Holding
Position: programmer
  • writing programs in C ++ for the needs of organization and third-party customers.
  • an increase of 15% of the company's orders in its direction.
09.1997 - 01.2001 OJSC "First Place of Work"
Company Profile: wholesale
Position: system Administrator
  • creating and maintaining in the working condition of the internal corporate network;
  • maintaining in the working condition of computers in the office;
  • repair of computers in the office if necessary.
  • creating an internal corporate network from scratch.
1992 - 1997 Moscow State University Lomonosov.
Faculty: computing mathematics and cybernetics
Qualification: programmer
Professional skills:
  • personal leadership of the work of the IT division of the company;
  • setting tasks to programmers and system administrators;
  • distribution of the load between employees;
  • quality control of programmers and system administrators;
  • setting tasks to eliminate shortcomings (if necessary);
  • training of employees of the company IT division;
  • monitoring the market of computer equipment and software;
  • development and implementation of proposals in the field of IT to optimize the company's activities;
  • thorough knowledge of processes in the responsibility zone of IT-unit: programming, creating and maintaining intracorporate networks, tracking the current state of computer equipment and software, prevention, diagnosis and troubleshooting.
Additional Information:
  • foreign languages: English - I own freely;
  • ready for business trips;
  • non-smoking;
  • married.
What we have in the dry residue. There is no one-acceptable form of a summary in nature, and the above samples claim this role cannot. There is no other opinion among specialists in the selection of personnel on some of the parties: that in the summary should be present, and what is not a place. And it is impossible to guess which views on this item adheres to the person who will have to read your resume.
But in what are united all employers and personnel - the summary should contain a clear answer, whether the applicant is the specialist who is looking for a specific vacancy. And do not take extra time to search for this answer.
In other words, the summary should inform about what you know, where and how they honed your professional experience, which I have achieved. And be sure to be readable.
If it meets these requirements, some non-accepted meanings will not give. For example, the fact that you first reported your education (but if the university you graduated, causes confidence), and then - about the experience of work or told about your personal qualities, that a specific recruiter believes excess. But here, let's say, grammatical mistakes or negligence in the design (which, however, by itself reduces the convenience of reading) - already a matter of principle.

"Give an example of your achievements." - This is one of the questions that are asked by a competence interview. This type of interview is a reliable and widely used method in the selection of personnel, which makes it possible to check the professional competence of the candidate for successful performance of work.

For those who have no experience in passing such a type of interview, the main thing is to understand the main concept:

On behavioral interview you should lead specific examples Successful use of skills and skills from past work experience.

Such a type of interview is based on the fact that on the basis of the employee's past behavior in a particular situation, it is possible to predict its future behavior on new work. And all that you need to make a candidate - it will lead to convincing examples, Which brightly demonstrate the mandatory competencies indicated in the description of the vacancy.

Most often explore the following competencies:

  • communication
  • teamwork
  • initiative
  • leadership
  • ability to solve problems
  • analytical thinking
  • stress tolerance
  • time Management
  • negotiating skills
  • planning
  • formalization
  • orientation on the process

For example, if the vacancy profile requirements indicate that the candidate should be able to analyze, the interviewer will definitely ask you to bring an example when you used this skill in your work and what results achieved.

Questions on competencies begin with:

  • Tell me about the time when you ...
  • Give me an example ...
  • What steps you have taken ...

Here are examples of the most popular questions:

  • Give an example of your achievements.
  • Describe the time when you had to overcome a serious obstacle to achieve results.
  • Tell me about the time when you needed to combine several important projects.

Bowl of all, it is all the questions for competence candidates do not pay due attention. And in vain. After all, if you manage to pass, and then fail the first behavioral question, you will all go from the interview with empty hands. Even if you have a huge many years of experience labor activityBut without prepared examples you will not be able to make a profitable impression and confirm your competencies. Answer such a question is quite difficult, because in your daily activities you cannot allocate or remember immediately without preparing something really worth what you should tell the potential employer.

Unfortunately, most often, it is candidates less competent, but with good preparation bypass more experienced employees. And so that this has not happened to you, it's time to remember everything and create a good story from your past work experience.

I recommend to have in stock at least three examples on the competencies specified in the vacancy in order to profitably emphasize their strengths on the interview. The easiest way to effectively respond to any question on behavioral interview is to prepare three bright examples of your main achievements.Remember the most interesting projects, difficult tasks, problem situations. If you have a little experience, you can use examples during the period of study or internship.

As always, we will use the Star method as a basis for the story, which will help you focus on key items and make your story structured, brief and memorable.

3. R.results

Word the results of your actions: what happened what was done that you learned. And finally, it is very important that your good story on the Star method has always had a happy end, as in a fairy tale. The last part of your response should describe the positive results of your actions. Specific results are always especially impressive, for example: an increase in sales by 32%, budget cuts twice, etc. But you can also refer to a positive result by an emotional assessment, especially from the boss or clients. It will be best way To convince the interviewer in the reality of the story you tell. For example: M. oh client was very pleased, my head appreciated my contribution to the end result and gave a high assessment of my work, etc.

An example of a response:

When I presented a new improved reporting to my supervisor, he was so impressed that he could not believe that I did it all myself in such a short period of time! I also received a high appreciation from the top leadership and I was included in the program "Bank of Talents" in our company.

6 Tips: How to answer the question: Give an example of your achievements. "

1) Take enough time to recall a bright example from past work experience or study.Select an example that really shows several competencies and personal qualities.

2) Listen to the questions carefully and in case you do not understand - do not rush to respond, and ask you to explain to you. It is better than answering the question completely in another direction and bring inappropriate examples.

3) Be prepared for clarifying issuessince the interviewer wants to get from you more information And check whether your answers are authentic. Here are examples of such questions:

  • Tell me why you did this
  • Explain how you achieved such a result.
  • As you think - it would be possible to do a different

4) Be specific.Do not attempt to meet with common wording that do not speak anything about you. For example: " I consider myself a very responsible and organized employee, since I always achieve high results and fulfill the tasks of the tasks. "So you do not answer the questioned question. You can consider everything you like, but you need to bring a real example from your past experience to prove your point of view.

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