
Kirill Altukhov: We are not hiding the secrets of a successful business. Kirill Altukhov: We are not hiding secrets of successful business Altukhukh Kirill Viktorovich where it works now

In early April, in the Western Ural Bank of Sberbank of Russia, to which the Komi branch No. 8617 of OJSC Sberbank of Russia, referred to the head. The credit institution was headed by Kirill Altukhov, who had previously managed by the Vladimir branch of Sberbank. New chapter The West-Ural Bank gave an assessment of the economic situation in the country and spoke about the prospects for the development of the bank.

Cyril Viktorovich, let's start with the question that remains relevant: how do you assess the current economic situation in the country? How significant, in your opinion, are political risks?
- Unlike, probably, from many experts, I appreciate the situation in the economy as positive. After some exacerbation, which we observed at the beginning of the year, the situation began to align: the ruble is strengthened, the indicative quotes of the ruble in relation to the dollar and the euro after the fall are now
in the range that the government has laid, the MICEX quotes are straightened, world indexes are stable. The main risks are not in the field of economics, but in the field of politics. But since we are as bankers in this plane do not work, I would not like to comment on these events. In general, I see an absolutely correct and weighted policy of the state. I do these findings not only on the basis of those news that we read, but relying on key indicators and on the well-being of our customers. And customers feel confident - both individuals and business. Consumer activity is preserved bank products Still are in demand. Thus, in April last year, the number of enterprises credited by the West Ural bank was about 8.5 thousand. During the year, this amount almost reached 11 thousand. There is an increase of 28%. The number of new corporate clients is also growing - over the past 12 months, this figure increased by 37%.

- So you do not foresee any negative changes?
- In general, I see positive trends, but, of course, the economic situation in any case requires attention. Despite the fact that Sberbank feels confident and good, banking sector In general, it begins to feel the deficit of liquidity, many credit organizations There is an increase in credit risks and pay attention to the change in the model of behavior of private clients, which leads to a change in the structure and credit, and deposit portfolios of banks. However, the risk management system acting in Sberbank takes into account all possible changes And depending on scenario conditions, it provides for a particular model of behavior, which is taken into account when developing our main document - strategy until 2018.

- What are the plans for the development of the West Ural Bankfor this year and the medium term?
- The West Ural Bank, as well as Sberbank as a whole, develops within the framework of the strategy adopted last year. The main goal is to doubling assets and profit by the end of 2018. That is, every year we must grow by 20-25%. Initially, when the strategy was only announced until 2014, skeptical comments sounded on this score, but our successful results show that we carry out the tasks. And in the coming years, they intend to maintain leading positions in all market segments banking services and continue growth at a given pace.
If we talk about specific directions, you can not allocate some one as the key - business Sberbank is diversified. Of course, there are growth drivers. In the lending segment individuals They remain a mortgage. For three years, from 2010 to 2013, market mortgage lending Russia increased twice, our share on it exceeds 60%. We are actively lending to the administration of the subjects of the Federation, a large business. Level interest ratesLocated in the lower range, as well as a qualitative individual approach to each client, allows us to hold 48% of the corporate customer lending market.
We see good prospects for the development of small and medium-sized businesses and will increase the portfolio in this segment. The leading positions of the West-Ural Bank occupies in the market of attracted funds. Last year, the volume of private deposits in the bank rose by 21%, despite the fact that the entire market showed only 19% growth. Our share in this segment is now 64%. More than half, namely, 59%, we have in the market of resource attracting legal entities. And the main factor that allows us to maintain leadership is not even rates of attraction, but the level of service. Sberbank is the main participant in the settlement system in the Western Ural market and provides on-line holding payments of corporate clients and other banks.

The chairman of the West-Ural Bank of OJSC Sberbank of Russia is confident that the results of the Bank's efforts today will be ever more convincing for customers every year.

He graduated from the Moscow Suvorov Military School (1987), Leningrad Higher Military Engineering School (1991) in the specialty "Mathematical and software of automated control systems" as well

Moscow State Socio-Economic University in the specialty "Economics and Sociology of Labor".

In the banking sector, Kirill Altukhov has been operating since 1995. I started my career at JSC Gazprombank. In 2006, he went to Moscow Bank Moscow, since 2009 - Managing Director, Head of the Retail Business Coupler OJSC Bank of Moscow.

From November 2012 - Advisor to the Chairman of the Volga-Vyatka Bank of Sberbank. From December 2012 he headed the Vladimir branch of the Volga-Vyatka Bank of Sberbank of Russia. In April 2014, He headed the West Ural Bank of Sberbank of Russia.

Kirill Viktorovich, Prikamye for you - unfamiliar region. How comfortable do you feel here? Do you feel here at home?

I am on management work since 2000. When you manage people, business processes for so many years, life obliges not to sit still, and be where a new field of activity opens. This is not the first business trip to me in an unfamiliar region, not the first challenge.

I am absolutely calm, professionally about new circumstances. In addition, the activities of the West-Ural Bank of Sberbank Russia covers three territories: the Perm region, the Republic of Komi and the Republic of Udmurtia. Between the northern and southern points of the bank's presence distance of 1.5-2 thousand km. Each of the regions is attractive in its own way, each has its own history, prospects, problems.

IN Perm Territory Powerful production concentration, in Komi - abundant nature (logging, raw materials). The Udmurt region is known for a unique ethnic group and culture, and, of course, the industry. All this is very interesting.

The West Ural Bank itself is an essential part of these territories as one of the largest employers and taxpayers. According to the results of 2013, the Bank paid 5.5 billion rubles to regional budgets. taxes. Moreover, our corporate culture and culture of these territories are very integrated, we focus on local peculiarities.

In Perm, I like very good nature, Kama, I like people, quite open and sincere, which you will not always meet in the European parts of Russia. At the same time, they are quite well educated, educated.

In the Kama region is extensive cultural heritage. The region has very large personnel, human advantages. Prikamye has its own "chip": the region is exactly between the Western and eastern parts of Russia, almost in the middle of the country. In this center there is no predominance of European mentality (which is peculiar to Moscow and St. Petersburg), and there is no strong influence of the regions of the Far East, which have close ties with China, Japan. Here we see synergies that makes the Urals to the place of force, as if balancing between two poles.

You have 18 years of work in the biggest russian banks - Gazprombank, Bank of Moscow. In the Sberbank team you came relatively recently, in 2012. Did you attract the strategy of its development?

The tasks set before the Bank's team five years ago were successfully solved: Sberbank almost doubled the main income and profits. He not only restored his share in the domestic market, which was previously lost in some segments, but also increased it.

Now we have the following task - by 2018 to double business again. When such goals put a small bank, then the approach is clear. But for such a large structure like Sberbank, business doubling is an archent task.

It is real when the bank works systemically, and not only over volumes, but also on efficiency, over costs, on technology. When the bank looks at the market leaders, and not necessarily banking, but on those that work in dynamically developing segments.

What are the principles of building a business today for Sberbank are a landmark?

We have developed new strategy Sberbank's development based on five main principles:

- "With the client for life";
- "Technological breakthrough";
- « Mature organization»;
- « Financial performance»;
- "Team and Culture".

The first principle is our main direction. We strive to build deep, trusting relationships with the client to be with him at all stages of his life path. We want to find an individual approach to each client with the help of knowledge about its preferences, thereby ensuring the personalization of services for everyone. We want the client to choose us not because there is nowhere else to go, but because it's easier with us, more reliable, more convenient and more pleasant to communicate.

We understand that financial services themselves are not very interesting to customers, as they are only a key to committing any other action. We realize: the customers choose Sberbank for themselves, we must operate the knowledge and understanding of the end goals. To do this, we formulated our mission, and it remains relevant to this day.

There is a huge number of companies that customers with our help have created literally from scratch. Working in Sberbank, I often hear: "If it were not for Sberbank, it would not be my automotive company or my plant." That is, it would not be what it works, brings income, lists the taxes.

We want the client, his close, his business was built with us a long-term relationship so that we were the bank to be trusted.

In addition, our five-year strategy special attention It is paid to technologies. We need even more innovative, completely advanced, modern and light technological base, which will be based solely on innovation.

We want to become an unconditional leader in the use of modern digital, mobile and social technologies. We set ourselves the task of entering the world market leaders in cybersecurity. And most importantly, we must carry out a huge work with Big Data, or data supermasters.

Imagine a bank that works throughout the world, which has 240 thousand employees in Russia, 100 million clients and about 20 thousand offices. It can be imagined how much the system depends on the technologies, standardization, reliability, from all kinds of risks associated with failures. I think that in terms of investment in the technological development in Russia, Sberbank has no equal. We have such huge data arrays that there are almost units of solutions that are capable of processing them.

We would not be a bank if they were not told that financial performance is a priority. Every year we set ourselves the task of increasing income, profits. We have the number of shareholders. We trust us a huge number of people financial companiesorganizations. And if we are not an effective and efficient bank, then everything else does not make any sense.

The formation of a mature and balanced organization is also an important task.

What does this mean?

In the previous five years, we focused on the formation of continuity in management, holding key employees and the formation of best practices of corporate culture. Our goals are as follows: we intend to build a world-class managerial management system. We want to find the right balance between efficiency, speed and flexibility in our management processes. We will develop the Sberbank production system as the standard of our daily work and become leaders in the field of corporate social responsibility.

In addition, we plan to achieve high financial performance: over the next five years, double the size of assets and net profit. And the Cost / Income Ratio indicator (ratio of costs for income) - to reduce.

In order to maintain leadership in the market and show sustainable financial results, we must develop our corporate culture. Any technologies in our business can be copied, any products can be recreated, but it is possible to stand out and create a unique organization with the help of one - unique corporate culture. It is in such a culture aimed at innovation, for continuous improvement we see our main competitive advantage in the next five years. It is such a culture that we began to build five years ago and continue to develop in the future.

How do you see the place of Sberbank on russian market?

Sberbank in the Russian market goes ahead in all spheres of activity. It is difficult to say, in which segment he is not a leader. There are such banking niches in which its share is up to 80%. The dominant share of Sberbank in products such as contribution of the population, lending to individuals, crediting corporate clients.

In many regions of Russia, Sberbank is not just leading, but it comes with a very large margin from the nearest competitors. But at the same time there are territories where we have something to do in the next few years, increasing the share of your presence.

By the way, today Sberbank, probably, the only bank in a country that does not reduce, but gaining personnel, does not "optimize", but improves, improves its structure, retains the rate of movement forward. In particular, in April, we decided to receive additional 500 new employees in the regions of the West Ural Bank.

Is it possible to designate today's Sberbank location in the world financial System?

We approached the best international banks and thus laid the foundation for subsequent development.

Sberbank today is one of the most expensive brands Russian Federation. It is present in addition to Russia in the CIS countries, in Europe, some Asian countries.

In our international business last year we have achieved very good success. All our subsidiaries have strengthened their positions in national markets.

In Belarus and Kazakhstan Sberbank Third and fourth in the ranking, respectively. In Kazakhstan, this year Sberbank will become the third bank in terms of assets. In Turkey and in Ukraine he is in the eighth place. Net profit Abroad last year reached 25.1 billion rubles. Sberbank-Europe last year came out for the first time on profitability. He has 277 branches, over 500 thousand customers, and through this bank we will develop our services in Europe.

What role does the West-Ural Bank play in the economy of the Kama?

The West Ural Bank of OJSC Sberbank Russia is actively involved in financing the largest investment projectsaimed at the development of the Perm Territory. In a relationship financial support Regional projects and mutually beneficial cooperation with authorities The position of the bank remains unchanged.

Among the largest investment projects with Sberbank, it is possible to note the construction of an integrated tube-steel complex (TSC) in the city of Chusov, as well as a number of large infrastructure projects implemented by the Government of the Perm Territory and the administration of Perm. The total cost of these projects exceeds 80 billion rubles.

The development of which directions of banking business, in your opinion, is particularly relevant in the region?

There are a lot of such directions. Among them, I would like to allocate crediting of the corporate sector. Our expectations in the field of lending to enterprises are growing credit risks. However, the created risk management system should be the leading factor in the competitiveness in the market. The level of interest rates in the lower range, as well as a qualitative individual approach to each client, allow us to hold 49% of the corporate customer lending market.

In April last year, the number of enterprises credited by the West Ural Bank amounted to less than 12.3 thousand per year. This amount exceeded 15.5 thousand. There is an increase of 26%, and in the Perm region he was even more significant and amounted to 31%.

Extremely higher rates are growing portfolio of urgent loans on corporate clients. If in April 2013 it was 131 billion rubles, then in April of this year exceeded 184 billion. The growth was 40%.

In the Western Urals market, Sberbank is the chief participant in the settlement system, providing Online holding payments of corporate clients and other banks. The main factor in the leading position in the market for the attraction of legal entities (our share exceeds 50%) - not rates of attraction, but the level of service that the client receives.

We do not forget about the retail segment. So, in 2013, the West Ural Bank provided an increase in private deposits by 21%, while the market grew by 19%. Today, the share of the bank in this market is 64.3%.

In 2010-2013, the mortgage lending market in Russia increased twice, while one of the drivers of the growth of introduced housing became mortgage. Our share in the housing lending market is 65.5%.

In the current year, we also plan to improve and maintain leading positions on all segments of the banking services market in the region, thereby ensuring the implementation financial tasks.

What challenges of the bank sees in front of him in the next five years?

Customer needs will change. In particular, our risks will be associated with the fact that the so-called generations Y and Z are emerging to the market - today's teenagers. In many respects, they will affect the landscape of financial services.

The problem with which we will come together in the next five years is that we will not compete with traditional banks. We will compete with a lot of super-modern, quick Internet platforms.

Bill Gates, probably, expressed better than all the vision of what will happen by saying: "Banking services will always be needed, there are no banks." And this is a key threat to us. We will compete with Google, Amazon, Alibaba, with Yandex and with all other Internet platforms. In fact, all three key components of our business are traditional business, business consulting and financing business - will be under blow. And already under the blow.

Therefore, we must move from the strategy of catching development to the strategy of innovative development. And if we are not able to combine in our traditional bank, a very highly modernized in the last five years, innovative platforms and abilities to predict new trends in technology, new customer needs, unfortunately, we risk being out of the market.

Before arriving at Perm, you were headed by the Vladimir Sberbank office, which is considered a leader in terms of retail customer service. Are there any merits in the Sberbank system from the West Ural Bank?

Here we are not talking about leadership. On the territory of the Vladimir region a number of experiments were conducted, which had a positive result. After that, the tested solutions have already been broadcast on the entire territory of Sberbank. The Vladimir region was a certain starting platform, on which we honed our progressive know-how and solutions in the retail business.

As for the West-Ural Bank, it is so technological, so developed, so successfully working that is already in the leaders. And the high indicators of the market share of banking services primarily concern it. The team that works here is a leader of a priori: according to the results of 2013, he took second place in the Sberbank system, defeating the rest of the regions.

During the review, the contest is taken by approximately 30 indicators of the Bank's activities, ranging from the formation of the team, ending with the growth of the portfolio. This is a rather complicated rating, but very objective. And there is not a single indicator that would not fulfill the West-Ural bank.

Such a result - the result is complex comprehensive workwhich was held in the bank over the past 15-20 years. Every day, employees have improved their business. It helped to go to the advanced position.

Do you have your own secrets of building a successful banking business?

There is absolutely no secrets. There are clear control standards that we, by the way, are divided. We have already had a whole year, coming to the regions, tell the governors about our internal management system. And many of the heads of territories are interested in our system, invite the heads of cities, municipalities to meet with us. We share with them the experience of organizing work, experience in the formation of a team, experience of influence on the effectiveness and efficiency of management processes. The secrets of building a successful business we do not hide.

Facebook Twitter VK Google+ This material is published on the BEZFormata website January 11, 2019,
the following date is indicated when the material was published on the primary source website!

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Kirill Altukhov: We are not hiding secrets of successful business

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Many people spend their best years In a state of half, not quite aware that in life is truly important to reveal its potential, becoming the leader for himself. And then - to help others implemented fully, thereby making the world better and more comfortable. This basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe book of Robin Sharma "Leader without title" has largely become a guide to the action for Kirill Altukhov. The Chairman of Russia is confident that there will always be a decision to realize their highest destiny even in an unstable time.
Kirill Viktorovich, the Russian economy is licking, banks in one voice declare business optimization, and Russia speaks of the desire for leadership. Do not feel dissonance between objective reality and ambitions?
- Optimization, improving efficiency in a normal organization should not be associated with the crisis or, on the contrary, with increasing business. This is a process that must be present constantly. That is, it is necessary to deal with optimization and efficiency during the period of rapid development, not faressing with unnecessary processes and "unnecessary" regular blocks, and in the crisis period - just to win thanks to the accumulated forces.
You did not pay attention to the fact that countercycled athletes would often win? So, at the 2014 Olympics in the ski race, Alexander Light won. Most skiers start overtaking on the descents, this huge mass begins forward, faces, falls. It is easy, thanks to its sports training, technique, on the contrary, copied the strength on the descents, and did overtaking on the lifts. When most competitors waited, they saved the strength, "optimized", he broke out ahead and went around everyone.
- Classic example of countercycled bank. We use our main advantages - reliability, quality, guarantees - precisely at the time when not everything is good and not everything is on the market. And the customers are at this time choose as the strongest, competent and decent confidence. Therefore, in today's difficult situation, we have kept the footage, not a single process turned out, all offices work in normal mode.
From our side it would not be quite competent not to use the crisis as an opportunity to reduce costs. But we perfectly understand that difficult times are early or later end and you need to be ready for change in accordance with the old Russian proverb, "Prepare Sani in the summer, and the cart in winter."
The bank has increased attention to risks, by collateral, to guarantee - to those indicators that characterize reliability. But there is also the reverse side of the medal: we continue to provide the whole range of financial services. For example, even at the time when the key rate of the Russian Federation was 17%, we issued a mortgage from 14.5% per annum. In addition, we are not
cut credit programshave not reduced our communications with customers. The bank remained the same: this is not the first crisis that we overcome.
What is the point of investing in the concept of "leader"?
- A simple example: Imagine that there is a group of people through thickets in the jungle - a few people with a machete, making the rest of the rest, and someone who once or two sets them rhythm. So, he is not a leader. The leader is the one who climbs the highest tree, looks into the distance and chooses the direction of movement - a little right or to the left.
The leader is a congenital quality. If we recall the leaders of the era of creating Russian statehood, warriors who raised soldiers into battle during battles, then they had a clear principle: "do as me." Subsequently, unfortunately, this wonderful call was transformed into the opposite in meaning: "Do, as I said."
The leader is a man who knows how to do, shows his example, knows how to explain the meaning of action to people and is in the forefront. This is not a "talking head", but a mentor, coach, a manager that can lead any process yourself under the slogan "do as me."
And also: there is such a concept of "leader without title". This is the name of the book of Robin Sharma, in which we are talking about internal leadership. Many people believe that they are not very interesting, no one needs and work without motivation. Such and the hero of the book, but he was lucky: he meets with a mentor, thanks to which he understands that it is possible to be a leader, the organizer in any place wherever he is.
The author proves: if you change your psychology, you will change and life. You will change yourself, our surroundings, wherever he was and whatever. And this will achieve the most unexpected results.
How many leaders is required in order to successfully function a big company?
- I do not think that there is some canonical interest ratio. In, for example, we strive to ensure that every employee is the leader in its direction. In general, in large structures, it is important to create a specific corporate management standard. So, for each position in our bank there is a head profile. And the higher the position, the more stringent requirements are presented to the one who occupies this position.
President of one of the largest Swiss banks Hans Fontobel claims: "The main asset is an employee. It opens up new opportunities for us and asks some borders." Do you close this approach?
- I would expand the concept of an asset. In my opinion, the company has a number of assets, without which it simply cannot exist. For the first such asset is a team, our main competitive advantage. It is important that the team unites the value system, corporate culture.
No less significant asset is a client. There is no point in the team, in an organization, if there is no client.
The next important asset is a "mature organization". A successful company has a system that teaches, helps, engaged in mentoring, reveals the best and provides horizontal and vertical connections within itself.
Another value of the company is financial performance. A large structure with its costs, costs, a huge number of processes is obliged to apply the best practices in their activities.
Finally, modern technologies are an important asset of a successful company. The bank is generally a focus of technologies where large data arrays live, transform, transformed from one point to another.
All listed assets or, speaking differently, the values \u200b\u200bcomplement each other and are elements of a successful company strategy.
Speaking of efficiency, what are you planning to grow?
- Our fulfillment of the plan to attract funds from the beginning of the current year is more than 170%. While in Antiphase to today's trends, we are now very actively working with the population and see a big increase in the interest of private depositors, legal entities to interact with CO. It is at that moment that everything is not easy, it can be seen who is your friend.
For the remaining three quarters of 2015, we set ourselves the task of attracting deposits in the amount of 160 billion rubles. We do not limit lending to nor legal, nor individuals (including consumer), we continue the program of mortgage lending. We actively participate in investment contests, lending budgets of all levels. Recently won a competition for lending to the Perm Territory, which needs to be developed.
Another thing is that by a number of projects we have tested your risk appetite. We look at the guarantees more closely, on beneficiaries, more closely analyze the credit history.
Today, banks demonstrate various approaches in working with customers. Some immediately cut off from the loans of "suspicious" borrowers, fearing the growth of non-payment, others try to keep customers with any ways, not allowing their default. What is your position on this?
- We in no way throw our customers, do not stop their support. For refinancing, we recommend the schemes and various financial instrumentswhich client may not even know until recently. We have no desire to bring employee enterprises to financial problems.
Of course, there are situations when unilaterally Companies cease to fulfill obligations to the bank. In this case, there are tools that we do not hide: this is a dialogue, in which we try to find mutually acceptable solutions, options for the restructuring of debt, transfer of payments. We are engaged in banking business, customer assets as such are not interesting. We are interested in customer financing, and not the implementation of its collaterals.
At the same time, the overdue debt of the bank is in planned values. There are no galloping growth rates, there are certain plans to reduce, we even exceed them. In the Perm Territory, Udmurtia, the Komi Republic has fewer problems than in a number of other territories. This is due to the specifics of regions, more industrial enterprises, defense, raw materials.
What do you think for successful banking activities "Right" motivation is no less important than processes, technologies, staff work standards? - Motivation in the system of values \u200b\u200bof the employee occupies one of the main places. At the same time, the role plays not only the level of income, but also the atmosphere in the team, the moral climate, the attitude of the head to subordinate. And also - the possibility of career growth, the ability to receive additional education and feel part of a united family. That is, motivation is only part of the system, although very important.
It is straight and indirect. There is a motivation ruble for sale, there is a motivation by moving through a career ladder. Well, mentoring, rewarding for labor achievements works well as motivation. Self-education is also motivated. In addition, there are quite a few events that fure the team.
How do you rate the team working under your leadership?
- one of my interlocutor somehow said: "I don't really like the word" team ", because if you look at professional teams (for example, athletes), then it's worth someone in its composition to get injury or just not to show the maximum result as Departure from the team is immediately provided. " And explained that he likes the word "family". Because the family has a place and an elderly person, and a child, and who fell ill. Each is applied. "This is more significant for me. Because the" team "means that if he stumbled, take another," said my interlocutor.
I internally agreed with this thought and still thinking over it. Indeed, the family is both concern, and support, and return, and self-realization, which is definitely more valuable.
Russia has more than 170 years of history, so the concept of "family" is organic for him. We have many dynasties that work generations. Many employees come to the bank at the age of 17-20 and work until pension. In such a team without continuity, without the transfer of experience and knowledge, without family, hard.
In addition, in all three regions of presence is one of the main employers: about 11 thousand people work in its system.
How do you motivate employees? What method prefer: "whip" or "gingerbread"?
- Motivation through the "gingerbread" is more effective in the long run. It allows you to create a living community of people, sincerely charged for success. He conducted a study that absolutely clearly proved that involved, a motivated employee is five times more efficient than its unmotivated colleague, controlled by "whip". In such a team, there is less fluidity, more effective investments in training, employees better accept the value system, and most importantly - the client is pleased.
At the same time, in some, critical situations, the method of hard governance allows you to quickly achieve the desired result: the fire is not time for discussion. But this is a one-time recipe.
What qualities of the top manager could you make merit?
- If the head wants to understand that employees think about him, he can look at the annual number of personnel turnover and its involvement in the production process. These are measured indicators. If the personnel turnover is reduced from year to year if employees are satisfied with their workplace, then we can say that the head correctly makes his business and is true of the relationship within the team. If there is discontent, the staff "vote feet" or, if they have nowhere to go, show low involvement in the process of activity.
In Russia, last year Personnel fluidity decreased almost a half times, and the indicator of involvement grew by 15%. These are the data of independent analytical companies whose psychologists carry out appropriate measurements. I put on myself "Good". This year I want to achieve further growth.
Do your subordinates have the right to disagree with you?
- There are questions for which they do not have. Of course, I, of course, a supporter of an open discussion, until the decision of the decision is all free to discuss, argue, vote that in reality and happens. But after the decision is made, it must be performed.
We work in an open, transparency company, in the banking business are occupied by people with two, three higher education, so the entry into the discussion is welcome.
We have almost all solutions collegiate.
Do you explain to your employees what is in the principle of a career in a bank?
- necessarily. Each of them has their own career staircase, career elevators, a system of mentors and successors. Moreover, each manager - from the chapter to the ordinary head of the department - there are two successors. We clearly understand how, for what indicators the work of everyone will be appreciated. We try to accurate as much as possible from the personal factor. Modern assessment technologies allow you to do. Everyone has a dossier, which is contained both formal indicators and information on professional growth, assessment of competencies, opinions of managers, colleagues.
How legitimate for russian economy The very phrases "Professional Banker"? Do they exist in reality?
- I am in this profession 20 years. Does this mean that I am a professional banker? I think yes. To become a professional, it is necessary to deal with certain years to deal with definite activities, develop, improve and earn this affair to life. I think that in Russia today there has been a large class of professionals in different segments financial activities. The banking business has become with our science, and in its level, on the quality of personnel, we stopped to give up to Western banks for another 10 years ago.
At the moment of becoming banking systemSince 1995, it was very fashionable to hide in the financial sphere of foreign specialists. It was believed that we do not know much and do not know how, and it was correct. It so happened that a large number of top managers and simply managers of banks were invited from different countries.
In 2005, we found that our no worse, and the phenomenon went to the decline. Banks began to abandon invited in favor of our domestic professionals, which by that time a whole generation has grown. Many of them received foreign education, internship in international companies. I myself am in touching the program London Business School.
The central apparatus has foreign specialists related to international investment business. And this is normal.
Although the term "banker" is also impossible to be considered exhaustive. Minister Metallurgy necessarily metallurgist? I think he is, rather, manager, head, manager of the highest category. Banker, in fact, the same manager. And the higher his position, the more managerial skills, competences should be developed.
What, in your opinion, the main thing for the banker is the ability to count money or some intangible qualities like intuition, passion, erudition?
- When admitting work, we appreciate the applicants for nine key competencies. They are divided into managerial - business management and human management, as well as personnel competences - an employee must be able to manage information and interaction with colleagues, as well as to meet the values.
If we are talking about the head, he needs strategic thinking. He must have a planning horizon for at least three-five years, think not only across a narrow block, and on the scale of the bank, the country as a whole and world practice.
If you notice, among the list of competencies of the words "count money" is not at all.
For you, the crisis is really the time of opportunities, how do optimists say?
- It's a good idea. We have it called "time to win." I do not see the grounds for pessimism. We live in a flexible world, somewhere one will happen, then another. All processes are interconnected, it is impossible to hide and not react. Today's problems will inevitably end, others will appear. Never comes the time of general prosperity.
In the field of management, the book of the psychologist Micah Chixentmichei "Flow" is very valued, in which the author builds a slender and experimentally confirmed theory, in the center of which is the idea of \u200b\u200bflow. The author implies the condition of a complete merger with his business, absorbing them when you do not feel the time, yourself, when there is a constant tide of energy instead of fatigue.
The psychologist is trying to set out his version of happiness. She is controversial. But with some of his conclusions I absolutely agree. Reading the book, communicating with an interesting interlocutor, listening to music, a person is in a certain emotional state, the flow is fond of him, and he feels happy.
We have our own working stream of processes, technologies, employee actions, and everyone in it finds its place to feel his current.
Is your stream always focused on work?
- Not. I generally think that living with one work, probably, sin. Each of us has a family, there are close people, those who depend on us who need our help. Work is only part of our life, important, but not the only one. My stream is my relatives, my career, my friends, I myself, mine interior, my peace of mind. Not always, of course, it is possible to focus on this stream, but when it happens, you have nothing to do with anything.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state