
Message to the economic theme. Exemplary topics of abstracts for general economic theory. How the economy works on the example of the family

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Economy - This is an activity aimed at achieving the necessary needs.

Summary in the economy

Need - these are important and the necessary conditions, to ensure a person and its full-fledged existence: products, medicines, entertainment, and so on.

Every person who lives on the planet, without even thinking, performs a different economic role in importance and significance, which is part of the global economic process. Most people who do not often face finance on the scale of family needs, cannot be determined to determine the concept of the economy, simplifying to primitive meaning to saving resources and funds.

To some extent, the proportion of truth in such an interpretation is present, but is not limited to such a narrow concept. The purpose of the economy is much wider and includes an analysis of a huge number of human activity, acquired or manufactured goods, and also calculates the relevance and scope of consumer needs. The economy includes both scientific research and practical use Analysis of whole groups of social activities aimed at obtaining material goods.

High economic situation Countries, the basis of stability and well-being of ordinary citizens. The relationship between the standard of living of the population and the state of the general level economic activity States are related, and depend on both resource management and the availability of natural and production values \u200b\u200b(benefits).

Understanding the logic of the processes that encompasses the economy is incredibly important not only for the subjects of employed directly by their organization, but for any member of society, a simple town man. Economic literacy will help to figure out both in matters of a global nature covering the state in the country and the causes of decline or growth, and to understand more urgent and simple tasks. Choose the right, requested direction for business development, or even in the future a successful profession or a generation. Knowledge of the foundations and laws of the economy will help ensure stability and prosperity in any business undertaking.

Presentation: Economy with simple words

The concept of economics

Most people figuratively understand that this concept represents, but not everyone may explain. Moreover, there is an opinion that this science is incredibly difficult and hard for interpretation, which is mainly repulsted simple manWith no appropriate education. But not everything is so difficult, as it seems at first glance. To be confused forces several directions separating the subject.

Alternative definition

Economy - This is a social science that studies the needs of people. It analyzes how society uses, spends resources to their needs, to ensure the quality of life.

Economy as a factor of production

Resources are usually limited, and they can be distributed into three main categories that are generally called - production factors:

  1. Land. IN this category It includes useful natural reserves, such as lakes, meadows, arable land, minerals and so on.
  2. Capital. The category includes external investments, tools, mechanisms, construction - everything that a person uses for production and involves in labor.
  3. Work. An extensive and fragmented category that determines the usefulness and execution from the calculation of skills, skills, preferences of ordinary people. Labor provides the necessary goods and services to improve life and ensure the needs of a person.

To the factors of production you can add at least two items:

  1. Information. Services in the field of distribution and provision of important data, for the conscious activities of people, in the world of the economy. The value of the resource is incredibly large and is gaining momentum every year.
  2. Entrepreneurial abilities. The difference from simple labor is great and includes increased risks and the need to make a decision for the benefit of a large number of people. Not everyone has this resource, because its value is worth a mansion from the main group.

How does the economy work on the example of the family?

The main criterion and the primary goal of studying the economy is a person, his behavior and needs. Imagine the Society Cell - Familywhich leads its separate household. The component and an important part to ensure the needs of this family, that is, for example, the purchase of food, drugs, and so on, is the work for the benefit of its members of its members.

By providing labor resources and getting money for them, the family decides them to dispose, buy clothes, products, in other words necessary values \u200b\u200bthat cannot be obtained independently. Suppose in this cell of society have other available resources, such as arable land or enterprise. Additional incomes are spent in the same manner, distributed solely depending on the specific needs of a person.

Moreover, all citizens of the country are co-owners natural resourceswho manage the authorities from their face. Thus, all that the country produces or purchases from the outside, uses, belongs to people, behavior and the choice of which determines everything that happens in the country and how it develops.

The economy is aimed at studying the possible behavioral directions of the usual consumer to predict or calculate the rationality of manufactured and provided goods. Science is incredibly important when planning production, useful for enterprises and firms, allowing the latter to make more faithful and successful solutions in order to provide the population really necessary resources.

Basic principles of economics: specialization and exchange

Improving methods for the right and effective allocation of resources, humanity, and, therefore, the economy is created on two basic principles: specialization and exchange. What is specialization?

Specialization - This is the found of specific activities in the power of a certain individual or organization, more successful than others.

Each separate person has its own talents and special skills, data from nature or education. The essence of society is such that it can only rush together and distribute duties, so that every individual provided the best goods or services. What gives it easy to one, man, causes difficulties with another and vice versa.

  1. Than more man Specializing in a specific task, the ability, the better and better his work.
  2. The smaller he disperses knowledge, knowing other professions, concentrating on one, the more time and strength he saves.
  3. The longer time and skill, the higher the performance, which means that the surplus formed in the process of growth is possible.

That's why labor separation - the need, and playing important roleAnd the economy dictates the demand of the types of employment to ensure the prosperity of society and block all empty niches, providing the consumer with the necessary benefits.

Types of economy

For centuries, humanity by samples and errors improved production skills, calculating and organizing a more profitable and rational way to satisfy consumer needs. In other words, the organization of economic activity was established. To date, the economy is divided into 3 main types:


Tracks the behavior of individual owners of production resources (enterprises, companies, households, and so on). Analyzes individual markets and goods. He is studying for the behavior of individual subjects or organizations that make decisions on the distribution of resources, the overall perspective of human needs is simulated. Microeconomics is engaged in consideration of the efficiency of resource use.


Considers the overall focus of resources and the rationality of their use. Applicable, larger, usually covers the state as a whole. It is trying to calculate the causes and effects of excess capacity or their shortage.

World economy

Examines questions aimed at economic development states. He examines the theory of markets and the pattern of interaction between states, international exchange.

Traditional economy

The economy forms the production and exchange of goods, depending on the existing traditions of the state or community and built on the basis of collective property. Does not affect development issues, such as the benefit or rationality of the production increase of production. Founded on the skills established for the previous years, which became permanent and is found quite often, even in our time, although it is considered the most ancient of the existing options. Retains only residual controls and is recognized as not effective method Organizations.

Capitalist (Market) Economy

In highly developed states, the main role is given precisely this type Organization of cooperation of people. Market system Has the main components: personal property right, economic freedom and competition.

The right of personal property - This is a recognized and protected by legislation the right of an individual to use and dispose of a specific type and resource (land, enterprise, and so on). Having profits from production resources, the individual manages finances to his discretion and personifies economic freedom.

Free decisions are made by each entrepreneur at their own risk, excluding less successful, thereby forcing the supplier of goods or services to think through the production based on the need for the buyer. To receive stable incomeThe entrepreneur must take into account the preferences and needs of the buyer, who, in turn, obeying market prices, pays for the cost, choosing products for personal reasons and requirements.


This system completely eliminates or limits the rights of the private owner. The right to dispose of belonging exclusively by the state or completely excludes the ownership of industrial resources by private owners.


Combining various systems - the basis of a mixed type of economy. The organization's method is practiced by all highly developed countries. Unlike other management systems, this, is actually working and the most popular and convenient in the world.

Mixed economy type uses various ownership. The distribution of resources is made by both markets and the state.

Market mechanisms, competition and success of private owners of production resources lead to unlimited enrichment of some and decline other segments of the population. State intervention and management of certain types of resources allow you to preserve the balance and minimize injustice generated by the markets.

Tasks and goals of the economy

Depending on the situation, the goals and objectives of the economy can change, adjusting to the course of the country's current problems. For example, the active struggle with inflation leads to an increase in unemployment and so on. Often, many tasks are hit by a friend, a friend, gradually solving goals due to the infringement of others. However, regardless of the situation, the economy is designed to solve several important issues that are basic for any type of economic system.

  • How many and which items should be made?
  • What way and who should the goods should be produced?
  • How, and between who needs to distribute the products obtained?

In the process of use, mainly for the development of market savings, the following tasks are delivered to the economic system.:

  • development,
  • efficiency,
  • full-time,
  • rational distribution of income,
  • social Security,
  • well-being of the population
  • economic freedom For all existing agents.

In other words, the economy seeks to make the most effectively using all the resources that we know are limited. That is why science is trying to unite all aspects of production and consumption in order to achieve a rational distribution and ensure the quality of life of humanity.

Objects and Economics Subjects

By acquiring useful resources From nature and by production, the economy assesses and analyzes the shortcomings and excess of goods or services, distributes the resources between the subjects and the objects of the Company. The relevance and clarity of the well-established mechanism of the economic process eliminates such concepts as a shortage or transfusion, thereby providing harmony and balance between resource suppliers and consumers.

Objects economy

The objects of the economy include the processes involved in the organization of the system: production, implementation, consumption. The subject develops and functions, producing products to ensure uninterrupted operation of objects. From the complete amusement of which the whole economy And as a result, the economic development of the country. The life and prosperity of an ordinary person depends on the country's high economic growth of the country, which is the true goal and the task of the economy.

Most of the phenomena and situations in the country requiring interference or decision can also be attributed to the objects of the system: unemployment, stability national currency, price regulation, employment, investment.

Subjects of economics

Any organization or enterprise can be attributed to the subjects of the economy that produces goods or provides the necessary services. Also here include: the state, family (household) and even a separate person. In other words, subjects are both organizations and individualsAs resource suppliers and consumers. Everyone who can dispose of production capabilities at their discretion and in fact are owners economic Resources, as well as those who decide when choosing a specific necessary product.


By summing up, it can be concluded that, developing, society and humanity as a whole, seeks to improve the quality of life, to avoid limited resources and, if possible, to maximize themselves with economic benefit. Cover all possible needs, ensure a balance between consumption and production, distribution between the population and organizations of natural limited resources ( precious metals, minerals and so on), entrusted to the economy.

Municipal General Education

Secondary school №6

Intermediate certification

Essay by social science


"Economic systems and their functions"


Student 8 "A"

Kournicova Anastasia


1. Introduction

2. the concept and structure of economic systems.

3. main types of economic systems Traditional economic system, market system, mixed economic system.

4. comparative analysis of market and mixed economic systems.

5. transition period and market reforms in Russia.

6. Conclusion.

7. bibliography.

8. Annex


In order for the economy of any country to work normally, it is necessary to find a way to coordinate this choice of millions of people.

A variety of ways to coordinate economic life and making decisions on the main economic issues depends on the dominant form of ownership, methods of making decisions on the organization of production and distribution of goods, as well as methods of attracting people to economic activity.

In the most general form, you can call three ways to solve the Company's main issues in the society: according to the established customs (according to tradition); by returning orders and orders "top down" (by command methods); With the help of the market.

The concept and structure of economic systems:

The economic system is a set of interrelated and

certainly ordered elements of the economy,

Forming the economic structure of society. Outside systemic

the nature of the economy could not be reproduced (constantly

renew) economic relations. Existing economic systems find their reflection in

literature. In Soviet economic literature the most

famous researchers of the economic system of society were K. Marx, Y. Kornai. Let's start with the concept of the system, its use has a long history. Translated from the Greek "System" - this is some integer consisting of parts. Complained and forming integrity. The main elements of the economic system are socio-economic relations based on the ownership of the economic resources and the results of economic activity in each economic system. For the system, the presence of functions that are not able to perform none of the elements separately, but only an object as a whole. The economic system of society consists of small economic systems - households and enterprises. The household- This is a small system that represents resource owners and consumers within the family. The main function of the household and consumption of finite products and services produced by enterprises. Company- Small system, in which the necessary benefits and services are being created. Groups of interconnection enterprises are combined in the industry. Industry - This is a larger system that combines all enterprises producing certain products. Industries are combined into larger systems - intersectoral. In addition, the economic system of society may include other elements: socio-economic systems (economic and political, economic and demographic, nature-economic systems); Technical and economic system Sectoral, inter-sectoral, regional systems. All systems serve each other, combined the unified structure of the public organization and management, are related by means of product exchange, are in constant interaction. Economic system is a complex, ordered set of all economic relations and types of economic activities of the Company, the purpose of which is to meet the needs of society in material benefits and services.

The main types of economic systems:

Depending on the method of solving the main economic problems and type of ownership of economic resources, we can distinguish four basic types of economic systems:

1) traditional;

2) market (capitalism);

3) command (socialism);

4) Mixed.

Each of them is looking for their approaches to the decision of the main economic issues and ways to distribute limited resources. However, such a selection of economic systems is sufficiently conditionally. In real life, it is difficult to find a state with a purely pronounced type of economic system.

The world's existing economic systems use various combinations of the methods of organizing economic life above.


The traditional economic system is the most ancient system. Exists in weak developed countriesoh. This system is based on a multi-way economy, a wide distribution of manual labor and backward technology.

The multipliness of the economy means the existence of various forms; Management. In some countries, natural community forms are preserved based on community collective management and natural forms of product distribution. In countries with a traditional system, small-ware production based on private property On the production resources and personal labor of their host. This includes peasant and craft farms.

At the heart of the life of the traditional system, there are transmitted from generation to generation traditions and customs, religious and cult values, caste and class division, which protrudes the brake of socio-economic progress.Of course, traditions over time are also changing, but very slowly and only by virtue of significant changes in the external living conditions of the tribe or nationality. In the stability of these conditions, the tradition of economic life can be maintained for a very long time. In Russia, for example, to this day, it is possible to detect elements of the traditional economic system in organizing the lives of the peoples of the North. As for ownership of economic resources, in the traditional system it is most often collective, that is, hunting grounds, arable land and meadows belonged to a tribe or community. Over time, the main elements of the traditional economic system have ceased to arrange humanity. Life showed that production factors are used more effectively if they are owned by individual

people or families, not in collective ownership. Neither richest countries World The basis of the life of society is not collective property. But in many poorest countries The world remains of such a property. And it is not by chance. For example, Russia's rapid development was only at the beginning of the XX century, when reforms were destroyed by a collective (community) ownership of land, replaced by the ownership of land with individual families. Then came to power in 1917. Communists actually restored community land tenure, declaring the land "nationwide

property. " Having built his agriculture on collective ownership, the USSR could not have been under 70 years in. achieve food abundance. Moreover, by the beginning of the 80s, the provision with food was so bad that the CPSU was forced to accept a special "food

the program ", which, however, was also not fulfilled, although the money for the development of the agrarian sector was spent huge. On the contrary, agriculture of European countries, the USA and Canada, based on private ownership of land and capital, solve the task of creating

food abundance succeeded. And so successfully that farmers of these countries could have a considerable share of their products to be exported to other regions of the world. Practice has shown that markets and firms better solve the task of distribution of limited resources and an increase in production volumes, life benefits than elders' tips - bodies that have made fundamental economic solutions to the traditional system. That is why the traditional economic system has ceased to be the basis of organizing the lives of people in most countries of the world. Her elements went to the background and are preserved only by fragments in the form of different customs and

traditions having a secondary meaning. In most countries of the world, other ways of organizing the economic cooperation of people play a leading role.

Market system:

Market system - The system of organization of production and distribution of goods, based on private property rights on production factors and on decisions taken by individuals and firms independently and independently of each other . Law of private property - there is a recognized and protected law of a separate person to own, use and dispose of certain

the type and volume of limited resources (for example, the land plot, coal or factory deposit), and therefore receive income from this. Just the opportunity to own such a type of production resources as

capital, and receive revenues on this basis led to the second, often used, the name of this economic system - capitalism. At first, the right of private ownership was defended only by the power of weapons, and only kings and feudalists were owners. But then, having passed a long path of wars and revolutions, humanity has created a civilization in which every citizen could become a private owner if its income allowed to acquire property. Of course, the market system has its drawbacks. In particular, it gives rise to huge differences in income and wealth levels, when one bathe in luxury, while others are stirred in poverty. Watch it we can

today in Russia. Such differences in income has long encouraged people to interpret capitalism as

"Unfair" economic system And dream of a more perfect device of your life. These dreams led to the appearance in the XIX century. social movement called "Marxism" in honor of his main

the ideologist is a German journalist and economist Karl Marx. He and his followers argued that the market system had exhausted its capabilities

development and became a brake for the further growth of human welfare. Therefore, it was proposed to be replaced by a new economic system - team or socialism (from the Latin "Society" - society).

Command-administrative system - the system of organization of production and distribution of goods based on state ownership of production factors and on decisions centrally accepted government agencies economic management and imposed manufacturers and trade organizations.

The birth of a team economic system was the consequence of a number of socialist revolutions, whose ideological banner was Marxism. The concrete model of the command system was developed by the leaders of the Russian

communist Party and. The team system implies the complete elimination of private property and its replacement to the state. The main economic issues are solved by government governments and are implemented with the help of mandatory orders and plans. To this end, the state is forced to regulate all aspects of the economic life of society, including the establishment of prices and salary.

Economic activities Manufacturers in the command system of the USSR regulated:

State Planned Committee (what to produce and in what volumes);

industry ministry (how to produce), dotting the production technology and identifying funds for the purchase of equipment;

State Committee for Supply (to whom to sell and have to buy resources);

State Pricing Committee (at what price to sell);

The State Committee on Labor and Wage (how much to pay employees) and others.

In accordance with this system, all resources announced by common property are in fact state and party officials are fully disposed. As a result, the incomes of people and enterprises cease to depend on how rationally they use resources, as far as society really needs in their products. Assessment of the results of activity is carried out on formal criteria that often do not coincide with the real needs of society. In combination with the equalization wage system and the growth of the corruption of officials, this leads to loss of people interest in labor.

The ineffectiveness of the command system in the USSR and other countries of the former socialist camp became obvious by the beginning of the 1980s. Compared with developed countries, the overwhelming majority of products produced in these countries turned out to be non-competitive due to poor quality and outdated design; The level of welfare and life expectancy of citizens is lower, and child mortality is higher; The technical level of production is also much lower, environmental pollution is significantly higher.

Mixed system:

In real reality, however, there is no clean market economy anywhere. Instead, it has long been a system called mixed. In such a system, some of the factors of production belong to the state, and the government takes some part economic decisions. There are so many combinations of the market and public sectors in the world as there are countries. But there were still as far as the countries in which the command and administrative system acted. These include the USSR, GDR, Romania, etc., and today they remained Cuba, DPRK, and others. Different models of the mixed economic system.

American model Founded at a high level of productivity and orientation of citizens to achieve personal success. The state encourages entrepreneurial activity, enrichment of the most active part of the population. With absence public Policy Social equality The state due to partial benefits creates an acceptable standard of living with low-income groups of the population.

Japanese model It was built on the preservation of national traditions at the same time when borrowing from other countries all that is needed to develop their country. National traditions allow you to create such management and organization management models that give the greatest effect only in Japan. For the Japanese national model, developed planning and coordination of the activities of the government and the private sector. Economic planning of the state is a recommendatory (optional) character. Plans ( state programs) Oriente individual units of the economy to perform certain nationwide tasks.

Swedish model The economy is distinguished by the active participation of the state in ensuring economic stability and in the redistribution of national income in favor of the least diverse segments of the population. This task is solved by the state through a high tax rate, which is more than 50% of the gross national product.

Such a model is called "functional socialization", in which the production function falls into private enterprises operating on a competitive market basis, and the function of ensuring a high standard of living, including employment, education, social insurance, as well as individual elements of infrastructure (transport, etc.), - to the state.

The main advantage of the Swedish model is the high rates of economic growth, the level of employment and well-being of the population.

A characteristic feature of a mixed economy is the most effective use Resources, which contributes to the development and use of perfect technologies. The mixed economy is characteristic of a democratic society, therefore, personal freedom is its basis that allows the capital of entrepreneurs and work to move from the industry to the industry at their own request, without government directives in search of a rational offer.

Comparative analysis of mixed and market economy systems.

Differences between the two main types of economic systems are easy to understand if they analyze the ways of searching with them answers to the main economic issues.

The need to solve these issues is generated, above all, the limited resources that cause a wide variety of consequences. First of all, it leads to competition.

Competitioneconomic Competition Between citizens, firms and countries aimed at obtaining at their disposal the greatest number (or the best) of limited resources and achieve the maximum benefit from their use.

As a rule, competition plays in the economic life of society a positive role, encouraging citizens, firms and countries to look for the most rational ways to obtain and use limited resources of all kinds. However, competition can also take such forms that cannot be attributed to the number of productive. One of these most common forms are queues where it wins not the one who did better and has the greatest amount of money for purchases, but the one who first came. Another form can be called favoritism, privileges. This also includes bribery as a way to get around competitors at the expense of bribing officials distributing scarce resources.

Limitations inevitably gives rise to the temptation of a non-market allocation of resources called usually by incident. In the command-administrative system, it usually becomes one of the most common types of public supply in goods and services. So the entire history of the USSR is replete with examples of various "closed distributors", special shops, cards for goods, coupons, distribution of deficiency in factories and institutions, etc.

Knowing it, we will now try to look at the same economic task (for example, the satisfaction of the need for housing due to the distribution of newly built apartments) solve various systems - market and command-administrative.

In the market system, the satisfaction of this need for a normal case depends on income and savings, that is, from the person has funds to buy housing. In the end, as it is easy to see, the receipt of housing in such a system is directly dependent on personal abilities, diligence and good luck of each person. These factors decide the question not only about housing in general, but also about a specific housing (own home, one's own apartment, part of a joint house, etc.), its quality and size. Obviously, such a mechanism for finding a response to the question of which housing is being built, stimulates all citizens of society to intensive labor and the best (and therefore the highest paid) use of their natural abilities.

In the command system, where housing was not subject to purchase and sale, but the subject of administrative distribution, its receipt depended on other reasons. Here the mechanisms of inclusion in the many years of "queues in need of improvement housing conditions", Favoritism, bribery (bribing officials), the conclusion of fictitious marriages for the decline in" provision of living space "and divorces after receiving housing, direct violations of criminal law.

Transition period and market reforms in Russia.

Russia is at the stage of transition from the state-monopolistic economy to the market.

Strategic goals of economic transformation in Russia.

1. Formation of socio-market economy

2. Creating a multi-storey and multi-sector economy that provides the finding of each social group of its place in the economic system.

3. Transition to a new type of economic growth oriented needs different groups population.

4. Creation of material prerequisites for a favorable and comfortable living environment corresponding to the modern possibilities of technical and social progress.

The conditions for the transition to market economy in Russia.

1. Ensuring freedom of economic activity.

2. Through privatization and privatization, creating a variety of ownership forms.

3 Development of manufacturers' competition in order tostimulating entrepreneurial activity

4. Formation of free pricing mechanism.

5. Preservation along with the distribution of market relations of a significant non-market sector of the economy.

6. Sequential integration national Economy in the system of world-economic relations.

7. Providing from the state of social guarantees to citizens, providing equal opportunities in earning funds and support of disabled and socially vulnerable members of society.


The economic life of humanity can be arranged in different ways. These differences are most pronounced in the methods of adopting economic solutions and the type of ownership to the main types of resources. Four types of economic systems are known to humanity: traditional, market, command and mixed. The system's market system involves such a device for the economic life of society, in which all economic resources are in private property, and all decisions are accepted in relevant markets. The activities of these markets are not limited to anyone and is not regulated. Command system. Such an economic system involves the elimination of private ownership of production factors and its replacement for state ownership. The main economic issues are solved by government governments and are implemented with the help of mandatory orders and plans. For this, the state is forced to regulate all aspects of the economic life of society, including the establishment of prices and wages. The poor functioning of such a system is associated with

loss of people's interest in labor and the assessment of its results on formal

criteria that may not coincide with the real needs of society.

Mixed economic system. This economic system involves a combination of private ownership to the overwhelming part of economic resources with limited state property. The state participates in solving the main economic issues not with the help of plans, but by centralizing at its disposal part of economic resources. These resources are distributed in such a way as to compensate for some weakness of market mechanisms.


1. Fundamentals of the economy: Tutorial To the course "Introduction to Social Studies" for 10-11 CB. General education educational institutions. - M.: Enlightenment, 199s: Il.-ISBN -1.

2. Economy Making Tutorial. - M.: Forum Rior. 2005 - 192 p.

3. Economy: Tutorial / under. Ed. Doc. 2nd edition,

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4. Economy: Tutorial / under. Ed. Book 1, 2nd edition.

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5. Gerasimov System: Genesis, Structure, Development

Essay on academic discipline "Economics"

on the topic: "Economic systems and their protective mechanisms"


1. Introduction.

2. Types of economic systems.

3. The impact of internal and external factors on economic systems.

4. Ways to protect economic models in the global economy.

5. Conclusion.

6. References.

1. Introduction.

IN modern world There are many varieties of economic systems and models. Each state, choosing and changing its economic model of building relations within the country, is trying to take its place in the global global economy. As a rule, the construction of an effective economic system of the state is carried out taking into account the established business of traditions both within the country and the closest neighbors. It is difficult to imagine the economic system that does not take into account the traditions of the country's population, in which this system is functioning. But, B. lately The facts of the impact of economic systems of developed countries on economic systems developing countries, that is, the external factors of influence on the economic systems of many countries have become more significant than internal. Under such conditions of existence, economic systems must have protective mechanisms. This is the main idea of \u200b\u200bwriting this abstract. To know the types of economic systems and deal with what protective mechanisms currently exist. And also choose the most appropriate economic system for Russia.

2. Types of economic systems.

The traditional economic system is a rules system in the country's economy based on the customs and traditions of the peoples living in its territory. Of course, in any economy, customs and traditions of people living in the state are taken into account, but when using the traditional economic system, traditions are the main tool in the distribution of income between people from the use of resources.

The traditional economic system is considered the most ancient economic system that existed on Earth. As a rule, such a system is based on natural economy (cattle breeding, crop production, fisheries, etc.). Moreover, the stage of development of such farms is located, practically, at the level of the feudal system. Labor productivity is low, which, in turn, does not contribute to the development of trade and the economy as a whole. At the moment, the use of the traditional economic system is distributed in the countries of the Middle East, in Africa and South America countries. Despite this, the profit from the use of resources is distributed evenly among the population of the state. Everyone receives what he deserved. Such a system is stable, but little effective.

The market economic system is a system of relationship between people and their associations in the field of production, exchange and distribution of resources based on the significant effect of capital over people. In such a system, profit determines everything. Each market participant is configured to receive the greatest profit, regardless of his personal attitude to the product.

The market system maximally contributes to the development of trade in the country, but the income from the use of resources is usually distributed not evenly among the state's population. When using such a system, labor productivity is high. The stage of development of production and infrastructure technologies is also at a high level. Such a system is highly effective, but unstable. The pursuit of profit leads to resource consumption in a short period of time, which leads to military conflicts, the purpose of which is to obtain new resources. Military conflicts spoil relations between states, which negatively affects trade and leads to economic crisisAnd this, in turn, temporarily slows down the development of the global economy as a whole.

The command economic system is a model for building relationships in a society based on the execution of commands served from above. Practically, the whole business is regulated by the state, or rather state monopolies. Each sphere of vital activity of people is rigidly regulated by law. The choice of goods in the market with such a system is not large, and in the field of production, as a rule, a shortage of the product produced is preserved, which leads to a speculative effect on the market. External markets are closed or taxed by high taxes. From the point of view of the timing of the development of industries, the command economic system is ineffective. Such an economic system exists, most often, in states where the communist system is valid.

Having studied the main types of economic systems of the Willion described above, the conclusion is not suggested: the use of only one economic system does not contribute to the stable development of the country's economy. Therefore, often developed States apply mechanisms taken from different economic systems. Thus, mixed economic systems began to appear, the configuration of which is diverse.

3. The impact of internal and external factors on economic systems.

The main internal factors affecting the state economic system include: production capacity, education, consumer demand, condition banking system.

The most important internal factor affecting the state of the economic system is definitely the production. Only where the production has been well established, fully, an effective economic system can exist. Signs of well-established production, are: maximum employment of the population by labor, competent distribution labor resources, Proper storage of produced goods and timely delivery finished products consumer. Favorable working conditions also contribute to the development of production. A clear observance of labor legislation guarantees workers to preserve their health, and also makes it possible to improve professional skills, which contributes to the development of production and, accordingly, improving the quality of goods, while maintaining its initial cost.

For the development of new technologies and training qualified personnel, educational institutions are created, which, in general, increase the level of education of people.

The level of education of people employed in production is an internal factor influencing primarily to improve the economic system. Educational institutions We must keep up with the times and cooperate with transit enterprises. Only so you can raise the level of employee qualifications. Educational courses can also be carried out at the enterprise itself without tearing people from labor.

All labor I. educational activities It should be focused on consumer demand, which, when starting any production, must be carefully studied and analyzed.

Consumer demand is an internal factor characterizing the variability of the economic system and the volume of its turnover. After all, it is important not only to produce goods, keep it and develop new production methods, but and who will buy produced goods and in what volumes.

Consumer demand depends on the payment ability of citizens. It is important that the demand for the purchase of order, or other goods has been stable and projected. To maintain consumer demand stability, as a rule, the state appeals for help to credit organizations. Those, in turn, offer various options for banking services that provide financial support citizens.

The statistics of the economic system depends on the state of the banking system. Part of assets credit organizations must be protected from external influences. Another part should make a profit. At the same time, the risks of credit organizations from bankruptcy must be minimized.

The external factors affecting the state of the economic system include: distinction in political and economic views with neighboring states; Military conflicts; economic sanctions; Debt before the IMF.

One way or another, in the field of economy, any state has to interact with neighboring countries in which there is its own economic system. It can be an identical economy system, and may be different from our economic system. The similarity of economic systems of neighboring states can only only contribute to the development of the economies of the two countries. But if economic systems of neighboring countries are different, and, accordingly, economic views Also different, it can lead to conflict. The conflict may be preserved in the field of economy, and can go to other industries.

Due to the fact that the economy, in our time, is inextricably linked with political activities. Economic conflict can move from the economic sphere of activity in political. In turn, the political conflict can go to military conflict. The solution of military conflicts, as a rule, requires the costs of significant resources, which cannot but influence the state of the economic system of the state. If a military conflict affects the interests of other countries, it can lead to the introduction of international economic sanctions In relation to the state, unleashed military conflict, which, accordingly, will negatively affect the state of the economic system of this state. As a rule, not all states are able to withstand prolonged military conflicts. This leads to the fact that the country is unable to solve military conflict on its own and means forced to use borrowed funds of the International Monetary Fund. The use of IMF borrowed funds only aggravates the already severe condition of the country's economic system requested to help in the International Monetary Fund. Thus, the economic system comes into a significant decline, but it should be noted and positive momentwhich lies in the fact that as a result of severe economic conditions, a weak economic system can transform into a more efficient economic system, with a more complex configuration.

4. Ways to protect economic models in the global economy.

The main methods for the protection that exists in the country of the economic system are: the creation of reserve and insurance funds, binding securities of national companies to securities developed countries, support for national production, creating conditions for technology development.

And so, let's start in order. Creation of reserve and insurance funds. Formation of funds is necessary in order to delay negative impact External or internal factors affecting the country's economy. In order to protect the economic system of the state as a whole, based on surplus or additional income, formed specifically for these purposes, is created, the so-called reserve fund or, as they say in common: state airbag. Such a fund protects the state as a whole, but there are industries that, in the case of an economic crisis, are subject to the greatest negative impact in a short time. For example, such a branch as medicine, road industry, social sphere. The unstable functioning of these industries can lead to destabilization of the state. Therefore, additional funds are created to maintain these industries - insurance funds. They contribute to prevent the economic crisis in the embryo. Of course, in addition to the funds, each family forms, one can say, its own insurance fund, as they say in common: postpone money for a black day. But the significance of such reserves, and their volume does not have a decisive role for the state. Since the amount of money stored in the people objectively evaluate difficult, and it is not possible to control their movement, although there are many research work in this direction.

From what was written above can conclude that the effect of protecting the state economic system from funds is short-term. One or two years, the state economic system is able to withstand the negative impact, internal and external factors, with such support measures. On how to form a reserve fund and insurance funds can be arguing for a long time, but one thing is clear: the structure of the funds should have different configurations.

In continuation of the topic of funds, one important principle of the formation of a reserve fund and not only, which is as follows: Money intended for the formation of the Fund to invest in securities other countries ready to provide state support These securities and be responsible in full in accordance with the obligations committed. It is especially important to buy securities of states that have the greatest impact on the formation of the global economy. Thus, there is a binding of securities of national companies to securities developed countries, which, in turn, minimizes the chance of the complete and fast crash of the economic system of the state. This is due to the fact that if the state at the critical moment is needed to maintain the economic system existing in it, he will have to sell securities of other states, which will negatively affect the global economy and lead to the next world economic crisis, which leaders would like leaders in a series leading world countries. Thanks to such a scheme, and the economic balance is maintained all over the world, which indicates the globalization of economic relations in the world. Thus, the term of the stable functioning of the economic system of the state from the formation of funds increases, and the decline of the country's economy slows down. But again, it is worth noting that measures related to the formation of funds can preserve the stability of the economic system only for a short period of time.

Taking into account the forecasts of statistics and analysis of the existing economic system formed on the basis of statistics and analysis, a plan for support for national production should be created. To make effective production support measures, forecasting and planning the activities of the economic system should be continuous and comply with the current economic situation. Only the development of national production can contribute to the preservation of the sustainability of the economic system for many years. To make effective measures to support production, the structure of the economic system should have a mobile headquarters, or a list of employees must be created to form a mobile department capable of solving problems associated with national production. As a rule, such a department is formed from the most experienced workers. The structure of the economic system should include not only the mobile department associated directly with the production, but also the procurement department, the transport department, the department for the sale of produced goods, etc. All these departments must comply with the mobile department.

In our country, supporting national production is carried out by concluding between the state and manufacturers of long-term contracts for the production required for state needs, goods. An example of such a product is: cars, agricultural products, equipment for civil servants, etc. Conclusion of long-term contracts between the state and manufacturers contributes to the employment of the population by labor, as well as the presence of money supply in humans. The presence of money in people means the availability of purchasing power, and it, in turn, supports retail trade.

As with the support of production, the economic system of the state should have a set of tools for the development of production technologies. Unfortunately, in our country, technology development is not at the highest level. This is due, first of all, with minor financing of this direction by the state, as well as the absence of a clear idea where it is necessary to send monetary mass, i.e. what industry must be developed at the moment. The development of technologies, in fact, makes it possible to the economic system not only to preserve sustainability for many years, but also to succeed in the individual directions of the global economy.

5. Conclusion.

In the Epoch of World Globalization, the dependence of economic systems of developing countries from economic systems of developed countries is difficult to overcome, by virtue of a number of reasons related primarily with the favorable geographical location of developed countries that are skillfully use it. But to reduce the level of dependence and develop effective protective mechanisms for the economic system for each developing state, including Russia. The modern economic system on the one hand should be integrated into world economyAnd on the other hand, it must maintain their mobility to overcome economic difficulties. In a stable for the economy of the country, the economic system should function on the basis of generally accepted market laws, during destabilization, the economic system must be able to quickly switch to manual control, which is able to respond mobile to the difficulties. Therefore, the world is most often used by the Economic System of Mixed Type, which includes market mechanisms and mechanisms peculiar to the command type of the economic system.

6. References.

1. Economic theory: textbook. Salikhov B.V., Dashkov - 2014, 723Pr.

2. ECONOMIC ECONOMIC information Systems: Tutorial. Vdovin V. M., Surkov L. E., Shuupov A. A. - 2012, 386 pp.

3. Economic theory. Zhuravleva G. P., Velkhatov V. I., Gorshkov A. V. - 2007, 848 pp.

4. Modern political Economy. M.: Book House, 2005 Lemenesenko P.S., Shin N.V. Economy. Tutorial. M.: Unit, 2009.

5. GENERAL ECONOMIC THEORY. Spb. : Dobrynin A.I., Zhuravleva G.P. - 2009.

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