
What is a sign of a market economy. Tests. Both judgments are true

  • The necessary sign of the market economy is the answer: Free pricing use of new technologies High quality products Growth of the number of large enterprises

  • The economic system in which the decision regarding what, as for whom to produce, is the result of the interaction of sellers and buyers in the market, is called the answer: the traditional economy of the market economy is centralized (team) by the colonial economy

  • The main problem in any economic system is the problem

  • Survival of man

  • Limit resources

  • Fair distribution of benefits between people

  • Mandatory attraction to the work of the entire working-age population

  • Stock Exchange - a facility operating in the market

  • Raw

  • Labor

  • Financial

  • Consumer

  • Violation of the consumer rights guaranteed by law is

  • Commercial deficit

  • High price goods of mass consumption

  • No Product Information

  • Insufficient amount of goods in stock

  • In the country of N. The financial crisis caused price increases for the goods of the mass demand and the reduction of real incomes of the population. What economic phenomenon is this situation?

  • Denomination

  • Budget surplus

  • Inflation

  • Stratification

  • Are the following state budget judgments are true? A. The budget surplus is a situation where income exceeds costs. B. The budget expenditures include paying interest on public debt.

  • True only A.

  • Right only B.

  • Both judgments are true

  • Both judgments are incorrect

1. Do it approvals about production relations? A. Production relations are related to the receipt and retention of power. B.

Production relations are related to the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of vital goods.

1) It is true only a 2) is true only b 3) both judgments 4) both judgments are incorrect

2. The demand of the consumer is determined

1) Level individual income

3) costs for the production of goods

2) Limit natural resources

4) Quality labor resources

3. Main goal economic activity

1) decline in production costs

3) Achieving Social Equality

2) Satisfying the needs of people

4) an increase in individual income

4. If the income of the company is more of its costs, then the firm

1) reduces administrative apparatus

3) Increases product prices

2) reduces labor productivity

4) makes a profit

5. The main divisions of the production sector are
1) Stores 2) Firms 3) Buyers 4) Banks

5. The main producers of goods are considered

1) state farms and farm 2) banks and stock exchanges 3) industrial enterprises

4) Supermarkets

6. The role of consumers are

1) sellers and buyers 3) organizations and population, 2) owners and employees 4) adults and children.

7. In conditions market economy The manufacturer can independently:

1) to determine taxes 3) to assign social benefits 2) to set the size of the minimum salary 4) to decide what and how to produce

8. A sign of a market economy is

1) the predominance of state ownership 3) centralized pricing 2) policy planning 4) Competition of commodity producers

9. Competition of manufacturers in a market economy

1) contributes to the growth of monopolies 3) balances demand and supply 2) leads to a decrease in consumption 4) increases production volumes

10. Market system Management functions for mandatory condition 1) low level Unemployment 3) division of labor 2) high consumer demand 4) private property For means of production

11. The main purpose of economic activity is

1) Regulation of social relations 3) introduction of new technologies 2) Production of material benefits 4) Distribution of natural resources

12. In a market economy, unlike team, producer characterizes 1) Economic maintenance 3) Compliance with employment ethics 2) Economic independence 4) desire to improve qualifications

13. Are judgments about the command economy?

A. Command Economics is economic systemin which customs and traditions determine the use of limited resources.

B. The command economy is an economic system in which the centralized planning of production, distribution and consumption of material benefits 1) is true only and 2) is true only b 3) true a and b 4) both judgments are incorrect

Part 2 (B)

1. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column. Characteristic feature of the economic system

1) people are free from the authorities of traditions and

A) traditional orders "top"

B) Market

2) manual work is widely used.

C) team

3) economic decisions Accepted state body

4) Production resources are in private ownership, write down the selected letters in the table.

2. Find the position list in the list below related to the means of production, and write down in order of increasing the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) highway

2) production equipment

3) Transport

4) Country Park

5) Energy

6) urban beach

3. Read the following text in which a number of words are missed. Select from the proposed list of the words you want to insert into the place of pass.

"_________ (1) opens the capabilities independently, without dictate ________ (2), at its own risk and risk to produce and sell the necessary goods. The market is highly valued ________ (3). Entrepreneurs can succeed, benefit and ourselves, and _________ (4). " Words are given in the nominative case, remember that in the list of words more than it will be necessary to fill the spaces. Record write to the table. A) state b) state ownership C) traditions d) society D) enterprise E) team economy g) market economy

Part 3 (C)

1. According to scientists, the market economy is unthinkable without competition. Competition, in turn, has both positive and negative consequences. Fill in the table by specifying them. Consequences of competition positive negative

2. If you would get the opportunity to open your company, in what type of activity would you stop? Justify your choice.

In a market economy, in contrast to command:

A) production resources are free and bought and bought
B) the solid course of the official currency is established
C) leading position occupies state. own
D) make up economic proportions

In 1992, income federal budget amounted to 350 billion rubles, and expenses of 357 billion rubles. These data indicate:
A) the preservation of the planned began in the economy
B) increasing tax revenues
C) state deficit. budget
D) falling the ruble rate
Which of the listed belongs to factors (resources) of production:
A) Labor
B) goods
In trade for
D) demand
A distinctive feature of a market economy is:
A) centralized resource allocation
B) the introduction of income tax
C) free pricing
D) commodity deficit
Direct taxes include:
A) excise
B) customs duty
C) property tax
D) sales tax

Are the following market economy judgments are true?

A.Dlya Market economy is characterized by centralized production planning.
B. Zenenova Market Economy is the private ownership of the means of production
1) is true only
2) true only b
3) both are true
4) both are not true

For many years under the influence economic exercises Trade relations were formed. IN modern world The idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom of speech and actions that would not violate the rights of other people would dominate. This principle creates signs of a market economy. Previously, in many countries there was a team administrative system in which trade was under rigid control, but it did not check the time and underwent indigenous changes.

Basic signs of a market economy

Today, the market economy exists in many countries. Its main feature is self-regulation of the number of goods produced with customer requests. Freedom from manufacturers is provided by the presence of private property, namely regulatory frameworkwhich allows you to engage in any finance for starting capital affordable view Activities. At the same time, buyers may acquire goods and services within their moneyThereby satisfying their needs. In a free market environment, entrepreneurs are interested in a qualitative result of their type of activity for profit, which creates mutually beneficial conditions for manufacturers and consumers. The principle is regulating, it is constantly subjected

there are already established firms, in this case, weak enterprises are forced to leave the market. All of the above features are signs of a pure market economy, where the state only protects the manufacturers. It should be noted that in such a system all conflicts are solved by the courts. No less significant signs of the market economy are manifested at the conclusion of contracts between who have the right to regulate their points on their discretion. In organizing conditions for holding free business, the relevant infrastructure is developing. Its function serves as a buyer and seller. For this, institutions such as banks, stock exchanges, insurance and advertising agencies are created, etc.

Pricing in a market economy

Signs of market economy are always manifested in the formation of the price, which is under the influence of interaction and suggestions. At the same time, it performs the following functions:

  1. The distribution of income affecting
  2. Balancing of supply and demand indicators.
  3. Regulates the conditions for entrepreneurial activities.
  4. Informs both the buyer and the seller about the state of the market, which, above all, is manifested through a deficit or surplus of goods.
  5. Provides profit to entrepreneurs, which stimulates them to productive activities.

All these functions are manifested in the turnover of natural resources that turn into goods for buyers. The most important feature of the market economy is freedom in production and consumption, which provides mutually beneficial conditions and creates a favorable environment for the realization of the interests of each individual.

There are several basic definitions of a market economy. All of them are reduced to the basics of this type of business - private property, inventive money relations, freedom of choice. The formation of the system occurs during the transition from feudal relations (the main wealth - the land) to the capitalist (the basis of capital, finance).

  • Property is a variety of forms for funds and production results (private, state, collective). Individual property is at least 50% in national economy countries.
  • Demand and supply - are the main regulators of the development of one or another industries, pricing, relationship between entrepreneurs and consumers.
  • Competition is based on the relationship between supply and demand, cost of goods and services.
  • Free entrepreneurship is an opportunity to engage in entrepreneurship to all citizens of the country, the formation of their own structure and pricing policy of the enterprise.
  • The limited role of the state - it provides only legal regulation Market relations.
  • The market community is the penetration of commodity relations in almost all areas of society.

The market economy has a number of advantages compared to command-administrative:

  • Democracy of economic relations - freedom to choose all members of society.
  • Optimal (efficient) resource allocation.
  • High adaptation to changeable conditions.
  • Stimulating technical progress, maximum use of its achievements.
  • The exclusion of chronic deficit to certain groups of goods (price increases leads to an increase in the profitability of investments in this industry).
  • Material incentives - lack of money makes people work more.

Like any system, the market economy is subject to the development of negative points:

  • Monopolistic trends - monopoly associations are often formed in the conditions of natural development of the market. They limit free competition, create privileges for a limited circle, artificially reduce production, which leads to a deficit and price increase. In this case, there is a need to regulate prices by the state.
  • Production of public goods - with a market economy there is an insufficient amount or complete absence.
  • External influences - the market is not able to regulate side economic effects. With serious problems, the state introduces strict control, standards, a system of fines.
  • Social guarantees - in market conditions, stable employment of the population is not monitored. There is a differentiation of society, social tensions may occur.


Test tasks to the topic "Modern stock exchange in a market economy."

1. The values \u200b\u200bof securities performs the functions: a) the centralization of temporarily free funds and savings of owners to finance production and construction; b) growth of the current budget deficit; c) Captition overflow. 2. The action is: a) a valuable paper that gives the right to the owner (shareholder) to receive a dividend; b) Securities, which gives the right to receive tax benefits; c) Securities, giving the right to receive a loan. 3. Stock Exchange is: a) a permanent and managed market on which securities are sold and bought; b) the place where industrial goods are sold; c) Exchange specializing in trading futures (urgent) contracts. 4. The sign of a market economy is: a) the predominance of state ownership; b) centralized pricing; c) Competition of commodity producers. 5. The sign of the market economy is: a) free pricing; b) the use of new technologies; c) high quality products. 6.N. stock Exchange Sold and bought: a) foreign currency; b) securities; c) real estate. 7. Value is called ... a) any security issued in appeal by the state; b) a contractual obligation to return a certain amount of money within a certain time, including the agreed percentage of the amount taken into debt; c) a document that signed by a borrower taking a loan in jar.

8. Listing securities on the stock exchange E is: a) the sale of their investors; b) admission to trade on the stock exchange; c) Publication of data on the selling price of securities. nine. ONSA index: a) the total value of the shares of 30 leading enterprises of the United States; b) the total value of the shares of 50 leading technological enterprises in Europe; c) the total cost of bonds of 20 electric power enterprises in the world. 10. The securities include: a) shares; b) bill; c) all of the above. 11. The stock course is: a) the price requested by the seller; b) market price stock; c) nominal value of the action. 12. The stock exchange includes all the following, except: a) the organized securities market; b) secondary securities market; c) a non-profit organization. 13. Members of the stock exchange may be: a) owners of securities; b) professional participants in the securities market; c) self-regulatory organizations. 14. Quotation security - this is: a) a transaction with securities, concluded between participants in stock trade; b) admission of securities to trading on the stock exchange after verifying the financial position of the issuer; c) The mechanism for identifying prices, its fixation during the working day of the exchange and publication in stock bulletins. 15. The procedure for including securities into a quotation list is: a) placement; b) transfer; c) leasing.

16. Broker ... a) performs instructions to a member of the Exchange; b) represents the interests of the seller and the buyer; c) makes up contracts for sale.

17. Fiscal policy is restriction in case: a) reducing income tax rate; b) increasing the volume of government procurement of goods and services; c) Reducing the volume of government procurement of goods and services.

18) Dividends are called ... a) share in share capital, testifying to the right of ownership of the company; b) the fee is charged by a broker from the client for the purchase and sale of securities; c) the share of profit paid by the owners of shares to address the shareholders' meeting of the company.

19) The dealer is a professional participant in the securities market, which is valid: a) on behalf of and at the expense of the client; b) on behalf of the client and at their own expense; c) on his own behalf and at his own expense.

20) The market on which the sale of securities is coming to their first owners, is called: a) primary; b) secondary; c) the main one.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state