
Return of funds to the tourist. How to pass a ticket and how much money will be returned. Refusal of trip by external circumstances

Depending on the circumstances, the reasons for refusing the tourist returns different amounts. The following situations are most common:

1. Termination of the contract and return vouchers due to a significant change in circumstances.

To such circumstances, in particular, belong:

    the deterioration of the travel conditions specified in the contract (let's say if the country in which the trip is planned, fires or floods are planned, and therefore restricted the possibility of movement, etc.);

    changing travel time;

    unexpected growth of transport tariffs; The impossibility of the tourist of the trip by circumstances independent of it (illness, refusal to issue a visa, etc.).

How much money will be returned?

According to Civil Code (Art. 451 of the Civil Code) with a significant change in the circumstances of the consequences of termination of the contract are determined by the court, "on the basis of the need for a fair distribution between the parties of the costs incurred in connection with the execution of the contract." In practice, everything will be solved individually in each particular case. According to experts, most likely, the buyer of the ticket will be returned to the amount paid by them minus the actual expenses of the company to implement the tour.

2. Failure to travel due to the fact that conditions of life threatening, health and (or) property of the tourist have developed in the host country (folk unrest began, natural disaster, etc.).

How much money will be returned?

If you refuse to travel before the start of the trip, the full cost of the tour is returned. If the threatening circumstances arose during the travel period, the tourist leaving ahead of time returns the amount equal to the value of unused days of the tour.

Please note: To take advantage of this rule about returning money, you need to prove the fact and degree of threat of a particular tourist's health. For example, confirm that the fires are not as a whole in the country, namely near the hotel in which the traveler will live.

3. Refusal of the voucher without explaining the reasons for personal circumstances, etc.

How much money will be returned?

If you refuse to services, at the request of a tourist, the company has the right to keep only the amount that has already managed to spend on the organization of travel. And all its expenses are obliged to confirm documented. Indication in the contract for solid sums The type of penalty for failure is illegally.

Why do you need insurance from unbearable?

In many agencies, simultaneously with the trip, it is recommended to arrange insurance from the unbearable. It will cost an average of $ 10 - 35 (the amount is calculated from the price of the trip), but if you have to take a ticket, you will be returned complete value Tour. Insurance from the unbearable is especially useful if you are going to go to the visa country and only at the last moment you learn, gave you a visa or not. In addition, it will help if you rent a ticket because of:

  • sudden illness (your or someone from family members) or the death of close relatives;
  • problems with property: the fire has happened in the apartment, they flooded, riffered, etc.;
  • before the trip you suddenly came the agenda from the court or from the military registration and enlistment office.

In this article, I will talk about all theantia and difficulties that have to experience someone who decided to return money for a batch tour. As a rule, to give money to the tour operator is much easier than then to return them back. The probability of return is small, but it is. Here I give at least possible ways to solve this issue.

Be sure to read the article to the end - there is a lifehak, which will help, for example, who could not relax in Egypt.

How to return a ticket when canceling a trip?

There are also people who, despite the big risk, buy Turputovka. Causes are different. Someone is still afraid to go to an independent rest (although it's time to start), someone thinks that organized holiday is more comfortable (often in vain), someone seems to be so cheaper (now it's quite rare) and t. d.
Increasingly, customers travel agencies face a variety of questions:

More than six months planned vacation, but a week before the departure fell ill. Is it possible to return money for a ticket?

I was denied a visa. Can I return money without fines?

Banned flights to Egypt. We had to fly in a week. What to do?

By virtue of different circumstances, we are forced to abandon vacation. Can we return the money?

I have litigation. I may not be released from the country. How can I learn everything for sure or give up a trip and return the money?

The reasons can be a million. First of all, you need to understand in advance - whether it is voluntary denial of voucher or forced. Now, when the entire tourist industry is indisputable by a storm, there may be completely different situations.
If we talk simple languageAll reasons can be divided into 3 categories:

  1. You voluntarily refuse to travel (You have no good documents that could confirm that you can not go).
  2. You are forced to give up the trip(The main thing here is not even your desire, but documents you can or cannot prove your forced refusal).
  3. Travel company can not allow you to rest (This in principle falls under the second point, but I allocated in separate categorySince the consequences are different). If you have this case - information at the very end of the article.

Forced refusal is negotiated in Article 10 of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation".

Each Party has the right to demand changes or termination of the Treaty for the implementation of the tourist product due to a significant change in the circumstances from which the parties proceeded when concluding the contract.
Substantial changes in circumstances include:

  • deterioration of the travel conditions specified in the contract;
  • changing travel time;
  • unexpected growth of transport tariffs;
  • the impossibility of the tourist's trip to the circumstances independent of him (tourist's disease, a refusal to issue a visa and other circumstances).

Forced return of the tour

To begin with, consider a simpler option - a forced refund.

For any tourist organization, your words, even be very honest, the roles are not playing. Most likely, your claims or requests will not be engaged in the person who you brought documents, but someone with whom you are simply physically able to communicate. Therefore, the most important thing here is the documents you provide.

For example, a child or an elderly person in need of your care is familiar - a certificate of disability or certified extract from the medical card.

Is there an agenda to the court? Ask to issue a document with printing and signature - you can not go to rest!

They did not issue a visa - just make a certified copy of the letter from the embassy and passport or other document that confirms it.

As for the money themselves. By law, you can choose either return the whole amount, or require change the terms of the contract (transfer your holiday to another time, reduce the number of tourists, etc.). The main thing is to remember that in this case you are the right to choose the most convenient option for you.

Everything in travel agency is configured to not return the money to you. And Dragon terms of contracts, and huge fines in case of refusal and the ability to enact documents. (later we'll talk about it)

But despite all the obstacles, you may have to return 100% of your sum, sometimes even without any problems.

I recommend not to forget that your refusal of the tour on this basis cannot be associated with the poor-quality provision of services from the tour operator. Consequently, the termination of the contract does not imply a refund of the amount paid.

Based on the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", Article 32, a travel agency can keep their expenses with you, which has already incurred in connection with the organization of your holiday.

Law "On Consumer Protection", Article 32 . The consumer has the right to abandon the execution of the contract on the performance of work (provision of services) at any time, subject to payment by the Contractor of the actually incurred costs related to the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement.

It should be remembered that the refund paid in travel agencies has never been simple. If your requirements do not want to satisfy, then you can sue, and it is better to contact Rospotrebnadzor. They will help with the court and, at the same time, send a check. By the way, I was told me that the employees were told that a travel agency would rarely come across without disturbances. And the punishment for them is serious. Therefore, the likelihood of solving issues is more seriously increasing.

Regarding the trial and retention of expenses - read this article to the end, do not rush to immediately submit all documents.

Return tour at your request.

There will be significantly more difficulties. As a rule, tourists contract for the provision of services are not read, and if you still read it, then you will not be given any changes. Somehow employees travel agencies easily forget that this is the contract and you have the opportunity to also enter your requirements and change the terms of the contract. But no one can take a choice - to sign it or not.

In any case, he must have it now and now it came to read it more carefully. As a rule, there are clearly (although finely font) stipulated penalties.

For example, the "Bibloglobus" conditions are:

  • From 0 to 7 days - losing 100%
  • From 8 to 14 days - lose 50%
  • From 15 to 21 days - lose 25%
  • From 22 to 30 days - lose 10%
  • 31 days and more - lose 1,500 rubles

And the "Pegasus" you lose:

  • From 29 to 11 days before the start of Touuslug - 25%
  • From 10 to 7 days before the start of the truus lug - 50%
  • From 6 to 3 days before the start of the Touus lug - 75%
  • From 2 to 0 days before the start of the truser - 100%

Most likely, without a court, you can not get anymore. So, if you decide to abandon the tour in your will, then it is necessary:

Firstly, to think well, is it worth doing it. Maybe other alternatives are possible.

Secondly, Change the dates will usually be easier and it can go much easier for you. But also note that it is most often done through the revocation of the tour. But while you do not require money, you will be treated much benevolent.

And then another opportunity arises. If you changed the term for a month or two forward, then the possibilities to refuse without a fine much more. There are already the terms of the contract playing your hand.

Thirdly, Be prepared to sue. Almost always you will return more money In this legal process, sometimes, all 100%. (Though to dream, it is possible ...) But you need to make a statement correctly, in which you are freed from the state duty.

If it came to court.

By law, only the costs that have already suffered a travel agency can be taken in the form of fines. As a rule, all expenses for your content and flights they pay with a delay or after the execution of services. In order to prove these expenses in court, the tour operator will have to be sick.

In this case, everything internal documents Travel agencies are another. Most likely you also sign in the contract. But always the laws of the Russian Federation are higher than internal acts and requirements.

For example, Pegasus: "The actual expenses of the tour operator (losses) must be compensated by the customer / agent, regardless of whether they are paid by the tour operator or will be paid to them in the future."

What needs to be done to return money for the tour:

    Write a statement or a claim for refusal to the contract Due to a significant change in circumstances.
    (According to the law, the tour operator is responsible for organizing your journey, therefore, even if the ticket you purchased through the travel agency, the statement will need to be submitted to the tour operator.) Sample claim in the annex to this article.

    Correct and file a claim.

  • Handing the tour operator personally under the painting on your instance of the claim;
  • If the tour operator is in another city, send a claim by registered letter with a notice of a presentation or a valuable letter with an attachment description to the tour operator, specified in the contract. Save mail receipts, notifications, sign as confirmation of the date of sending;
  • To speed up the permission of your question, duplicate the claim by email at the tour operator and hand it with an incoming travel agency where you bought a tour. Remember the date on incoming documents and there is a deadline for filing your application. All oral negotiations here do not count.
  • I would also recommend going to Rospotrebnadzor. They are on your side and help.
  • By the way, there is a practically a win-win version. Find the wishing to go through your ticket and get money from it. If the timing to departure is less than a month, then you will win for sure, even if you offer a friend with some kind of discount.

The tour operator will be able to prove only the amount that will be able to confirm officially. At the same time, in the payment documents, it should be exactly your name and you need to prove that at this place did not live or did not fly someone else. The situation is not very simple, so your chances for refund still have.

In fact, as a rule, the tour operator provides a bunch of papers on blocks of places, etc. without specification and surnames. (This is especially true when there is a long time before the trip.) But it is not necessary to rejoice in advance, there are opportunities to smear the tour operators. For example, ask the hotel to provide documents in your name. Often the hotel goes to a meeting tour operator, as his partner.
What can you do ourselves? First of all, to get similar documents before the tour operator will turn to these organizations. The main thing you prove that no one has listed for you and did not receive. Send your request to the hotel and in the airline and get a certified answer from them. If necessary, send an official request - this will help to make any lawyer.

Approximate text: "I ask you to confirm that I, FULL NAME, did not live in this hotel and neither I nor third parties paid for me to accommodation."

Remember that the same 32 article of the law "On the Protection of Consumer Protection" and the Federal Law on "On the Fundamentals of Tourist Activities in Russian Federation" (Links to documents below)

In fact, the costs incurred must be confirmed by the Contractor documented. At the same time, the predetermined amounts of fines are not subject to retention in the absence of evidence of their actual payments.

Tourist firm can not provide your vacation.

Here, the same options are somewhat and each option requires a different approach.

    Travel agencies broke out

    Other reasons (closed the direction of rest, etc.)

Travel agencies broke out

In this case, you must get 100% of paid funds. But, as a rule, it is quite difficult to get your money, because, together with you, many would like the same. But in practice it does not work from 5% to 20%. In this case, the amount of liability insurance is divided into all who filed a statement.

If a tour operator gives anything in this case - it is already good. Take what they give and then try to get the remaining.

Other reasons

Somehow the situation immediately comes to mind when some resort closes. This may be due to some natural factors (tsunami, earthquakes, hazardous animals - for example, sharks).

In this case, the most important thing is whether there is an official ban on visiting your planned resting area. If there is no such ban, regardless of those passions that appear in the media are just your desire. In this case, we see the item "Returning Tour at your request."

If this, the official ban is, it is already the impossibility of executing the contract, both from the tour operator and on your part. Here you need to contact the office where you purchased a tour. At the same time, the appeal itself goes to the name of the tour operator, and intermediaries in travel agencies.

I recommend to consider that when closing some kind of direction, and even more so, the mass direction (as, for example, Egypt), many people are addressed to return their money. This is a rather dangerous situation for tour operators, even for the largest. It is especially dangerous if for this tour operator is the only or main direction.

What is not necessary, but I would recommend to do - get a mark about the impossibility of your holiday. For example, when departing at the airport you will be stamp that your flight is canceled. Subsequently, this data can be very useful. Later, such documents will be made much more difficult.

By the way, often in this case the tour operator in order not to lose money can offer you some other direction with the surcharge. If you have the opportunity to agree - it is better to rest in another place. It will be one of the simplest outputs from this situation.

Perhaps the most faithful way to return the money.

As a rule, all the simplest lies on the surface.

In cases where the tour operator refuses you in vacation, you can simply return your money through the bank.

Now, in the age of computer technologies, 75% of people pay for services payment cards. Useful advantage - the ability to return funds.

There is such a thing - chargeback. This is the process of challenging the bank operation on the card produced by the holder in the outlet (online store). More often, the procedure is initiated by the card holder. For example, if appropriate services are not provided.

The procedure is made as follows. The card holder submits a corresponding statement to the bank-issuer, which indicates the reason why he considers an invalid or fraudulent operation. Further credit organisation Conducts an investigation and in the case of the correctness of the applicant, he writes off the protested amount of payment from the trading point and returns it to the payer, that is, Charges occurs due to the trading point.

In the case of refund of money for a batch tour, you must specify the reason - not the provision of services. This is a sufficient reason to return funds.

In such cases, I recommend especially to hurry. Already, in a situation with Egypt, many tour operators stated that they would not be able to return money to tourists. But in the event of a return with a chargeback, the return occurs without the knowledge - money is removed from the account automatically, without taking into account the desire of the tour operator itself.

If the tour operator's bankruptcy occurs (and this in this situation is quite likely), then the money will return much more difficult.

By the way, you can return the money in the same way

  • if you are not satisfied with the quality of the services provided;
  • in fact, the product differs from what was promised by the seller;
  • services are not fully provided.

The probability of solving the issue in this case (with the right approach) more seriously increases.

The probability of the tour operator's bankruptcy is rapidly increasing with an increase in the number of those who want to get their money back. If you take the situation with Egypt in early November 2015 for example, the number definitely passed into quality.

Most tour operators (if not all) are allowed into circulation or borrowed money, or (more often) work in debt. At the same time, their activity goes like a peculiar pyramid. That is, all the newly emerging customers make it possible to pay for hotels and airlines for those performed, and frequent trips of past customers.

Thus, most companies have financial difficulties not only when closing any directions, but also the inability to cover their expenses, especially with a decrease in the number of tourists.

With catastrophes, similar to Egypt, other directions of tour operators will not give enough money to cover current debts. Therefore, I expect a series of bankruptcies to travel firms in the near future.

If you still decided to take a batch tour, be sure to insure the unbearable or (which is better) from the breaking of the trip.

Read your contract very carefully and remember that this is the contract. You can agree on its content (although it is sometimes perceived in the bayonets from the travel agents).

Remember, the cheapest and seductive offers are given or on the fact that no one needs or those who no longer sees another way except for such a dumping. It is better not to risk.

  • Plan your holiday yourself not to depend on intermediaries!

    Only independent travel will allow you to minimize risks. According to my calculations, there are practically no areas where it was impossible to save significantly by going to rest on their own.

    This was convinced by the participants of several of our master classes on independent rest in Arab Emirates, Turkey and Maldives.

    These areas can be an optimal alternative to Egypt to relax in the autumn-winter period. In the Arab Emirates, autumn, winter and spring-high season. Air temperature from 25 to 30 degrees of heat. The most inexpensive resorts - Sharjah and Fujairah, especially if you go on your own. Read more on the workshop for rest in the UAE:

    So far, few know that the cost of living in the hotel category 3 stars in the Maldives can cost from 3-4 thousand rubles for two. It is winter-spring there is the best season for recreation. An independent holiday in the Maldives is simply cheaper than travel agencies. The main thing is to choose the right island, the hotel and, of course, the way there to get there.

    These and other useful tricks are in the recreation master class records in the Maldives:

    If you decide to choose Turkey in the fall-winter, I recommend choosing the southernmost resort of Alanya. There will be sunny and temperatures during the day up to 20 degrees of heat. Swimming in the sea can be replaced with a useful bathing in hot thermal springs, which are a great set in Turkey. In addition, in Turkey you will find a great excursion program - the country is famous for historical monuments.

    In most cases, independent holidays in Turkey will be cheaper than batch. Read more on the link:

Successful travel!

P.S. This information is extremely difficult to find on the Internet. Share this information with friends. You can send it in a letter, but you can simply click on the favorite button social network Under the text of the article.

Many people look forward to vacation, they are glad to be planning and deciding in advance, where will go. A good option is to contact a travel agency to choose the best option for holidays and again to purchase a ticket in advance. But life dictates its rules and unexpected circumstances can violate plans. Baby's disease, "challenge" at work, a refusal to provide a visa or other sad circumstances impose adjustments to cancel the planned trip. What to do when the trip is already chosen and decorated, and money is paid? Is it possible to oblige a travel agency to return the money spent and in what amount? In what situations to demand a refund for the junction correctly and in general is possible? It is about this that we will talk in the article.

In Russia acts the federal lawilluminating the basics of tourist activity in the country. Article No. 10 of this arch states, what grounds are legitimate and justified for the citizen to refuse the trip on the way and return money. These situations are obliged to wear a "significant character", the list looks like this:

  1. Emergency growth of tariffs for transport.
  2. Changing the time of travel (dates, rest reduction).
  3. Actual deterioration of the conditions prescribed in the contract.
  4. Situations, not allowed to tourist and not allowing the trip.

In the last item, the cases described in the entry into the material: a disease or death of relatives, the impossibility of obtaining a visa to the desired country and the like. Of course, upon the occurrence of these situations, a citizen must present relevant documents to travel agent: certificate from medical institution, certified by seal, for example.

Forced risk of trips

Refusal to the tour due to unforeseen circumstances is the inability to go on a journey, and, accordingly, use the acquired by the ticket. For a forced refusal follows a forced return of the tour. It is worth expecting that the travel agency this fact will not be delighted and simply present a ticket and report that the person has changed his mind to go on vacation. An unpleasant visit should be prepared thoroughly.

We have already discussed that if the refusal of a conceived trip is explained by the disease of someone from tourists, paper from the hospital will be required. As an option, for a time that a person wanted to spend on vacation, they can appoint a court hearing, where he should be present - then a travel agency must be submitted to the Court of Justice, pre-certified in the judicial office. If the trip broke due to a visa failure, prepare a copy of the paper from the embassy and passport, in order to demonstrate the absence of a visa stamp.

Important moment! It is possible that the travel company will refuse to return money instantly, and try to offer the client a similar tour or a country for visiting. Of course, the choice is always behind the tourist. If the reason allows a person to transfer his vacation on later or indeed, go to another place, give this consent - a good option. If the trip is postponed indefinitely, and the return of money is necessary, you need to act differently. Below we will return to this.

You need to know that the forced refusal is not the fault of the travel agency, because the services cannot be called rendered poorly. Conducting this fact, you should prepare for incomplete return money. It is difficult to name the number of percent of the cost of the ticket, which the firm agreed to return - each case is unique and everything depends on the troubles that happened in the life of the tourist. The law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" allows travel agents to keep part of the money, arguing this incurred in the process of organizing the tour costs. According to Article No. 32 of this document, in the case when the consumer refuses to receive the service, the Contractor may require compensation for its costs. If the amount that travel agency will agree to return voluntarily, it seems too small, it is possible to decide through the court.

We insure from breaking holidays

Before you pay an expensive way, you should protect yourself from surprises and arrange insurance from the unseason. This document guarantees all the money in the event that the vacation did not work. The only limitation - the "insurance policy" of the tourist will work only if there is a serious reason.

Thus, insurance applies to diseases and injuries (except for those received in a state of intoxication), problems with the law (litigation, prohibition of departure from tax Service), abnormal situations on the estimated resort (change of regime, folk unrest, natural disasters and the like).

How to return money if there is no reason?

The reason for which leave is canceled, of course, there is, otherwise the plans would not have happened. But this reason may seem a travel agency insignificant - say, if we are talking about a quarrel of beloved, the month of previously desired to go into a romantic tour. Let's just say - to return money in this situation an order of magnitude harder. Important will be paragraphs in the contract signed by the parties.

When signing the contract, of course, it is necessary to read it carefully, better several times. Travel agency has full law Include there limitations on the return of funds, if there is no serious occasion. The agreement may also include monetary sanctions when canceling a trip not by their fault. Consider such "fines" on the example of a contract with one of the Moscow companies engaged in the organization of travel.

Table 1. Fines when returning vouchers

If you signed such an agreement, and the trip will still be canceled, without a significant reason for money will not be returned. Yes, you can contact the court, but no one can guarantee any one hundred percent positive outcome of the case. There are also cases of a complete refund of funds through the court, but in the absence of guarantees, this option may turn into spending strength, time and additional money to pay for advocacy work.

  1. You agree to the points of the contract and receive (or do not receive) payment according to the document.
  2. You find an alternative, for example, replacing dates to others. A paid tour, of course, will need to cancel and it will take some time, but you will not lose money and you can go on a trip, although later.

Breakdown the fault of travel agencies

Another option for which the vacation can break - poor-quality services. It happens that it is not a tourist refuses to go, and the travel agency itself can not provide a trip. Consider two situations that occur most often.

First - the impossibility of the resort to take vacationers due to natural cataclysms or other situations, for example, the threat of terrorism or folk strikes. In this case, you need to show vigilance and check if the information is reliable. If the resort officially takes tourists, and citizens themselves refuse to travel, the reason is not considered essential and the troubles described above.

If official confirmation is obtained that the country is closed for visiting, the case is qualified as trains of travel agency and non-appearance of services. So, tourists can qualify for a full refund of the funds spent.

Important moment! When it comes to popular directions, and even "in season", there is a chance that the operator will not be able to return the money to everyone. If you feel that the situation may arise in this way, it is worth a documenting about what is happening - for example, to ask the airport employees in writing to confirm the fact of the impossibility of departure or to make a news screenshots from the official media reporting on the closure of the border.

There are no cases when tourist agents, in order not to lose money and customer loyalty, are offered to transfer the tour to another direction. In compensation, this may be a more expensive way, and in this case, the consent option can be considered.

Second - The ruin of travel agencies. The law states that in this situation the tourist relies on one hundred percent reimbursement. However, in fact, the process will be difficult, as the company "attack" a lot of tourists remaining with the nose. If you are lucky enough to be in the forefront, maybe it turns out to return the whole amount. Reality shows that at best, 30% of the price of the junction can be obtained at first after the ruin, the rest most often have to be demanded. Such a small return amount is associated with insurance reserves of travel agencies (responsibility for non-fulfillment of signed agreements), characterized by modest possibilities. Lawyers are advised not to refuse at the initial stage even from modest moneyso as not to stay with anything.

The process of returning money

When it becomes obvious that it is impossible to go on a journey and it is necessary to start the procedure for canceling the tour and return funds, you need to proceed to standard actions:

  1. Apply a personal visit to travel agency, having previously agreed on a meeting on the phone or in other way.
  2. Bring with you or on the spot to make a statement with a request to cancel the tour and return the money.

Important moment! The statement should be written in two copies, one of which will remain on the hands of a failed tourist. In it, the company's representative must sign, put the print on it and specify the reception date. Also, the client instance must be prescribed that the document is admitted to consideration. This is an adjustment in case you have to go to court.

It is possible that the manager will refuse to accept an application or take it, but disagree to sign an instance for the client. If you disksing it, you can use the replacement option. The statement must be sent to the address of the company by registered mail, to the application you need to make a paper that requires a response. When the letter delivery notification is received, expect ten days.

Travel agency can give two answers - negative or positive. In the second case, everything is simple. You need to contact the company's representative and agree on the monetary return procedure. In the first case, without proceedings do not do. You may be denied a return of funds or the answer will indicate a different amount of the return. Then the client can begin to prepare a pre-trial claim. By the way, you can still do it before getting a negative answer and send together with the application. Then the chances of receiving funds without intervention, the judges increase. The claim should be written in two copies that will contain data from this nature:

  1. Personal data of the applicant (Passport details, place of residence).
  2. Name and details of travel agencies.
  3. Information about the reasons for refusal.
  4. If the travel agency is guilty of canceling the tour, you need to specify the laws or acts disturbed by it.
  5. The amount of the required return, in terms of the situation - compensation for the work of the lawyer and moral damage.
  6. An indication that for each day of non-payment of a travel agency will be forced to pay a penalty (indicate what interest).

If within ten days the company does not respond to the letter, you can go to court. If the tourist arranged insurance, which was mentioned above, you can first contact insurance company. Both options require the preparation of a package of documents, including:

  1. Copy of passport data.
  2. The contract that services should have been provided.
  3. Documents that record the reason for the refusal of the tour (extract from the hospital map, refusal to visa, restriction on entering the country and the like).
  4. Copy payment documentstestifying to pay for the ticket.

If a travel agency agrees to return the funds in part, referring to the expenses incurred, it is obliged to provide their calculation, which is also included in the document package. On request, the company must provide documents that are a justification for keeping part of the money.

We solve the problem through the court

Return of money for the failed journey is a difficult process. There are many precedents that decided both in favor of tourists and in favor of travel agencies.

Consider one of the examples. The Lapina's married couple decided to spend his holidays in the UAE, chose and paid a ticket worth of 90 thousand rubles. However, the day before the departure, the spouse was denied a visa, about whom the tourist agent was notified immediately. Customers wrote a statement demanding to return the money, but in travel agency responded that they had already passed the funds of another company, which is the organizer of the rest, and they themselves are only intermediaries. Lapina filed a court, which ruled that the firm is obliged to return all the money. The management of the company with the court decision did not agree and filed an appeal.

As a result, the court decided that the affected tourists can be content only part of the money. As an argument, it was put forward that only his wife was denied a visa, her husband did not hinder anything to go on vacation alone. Consequently, the firm has fulfilled its obligations and except for a slightly compensation of tourists disorder - to pay moral damage. It was also noted that the travel agency does not specialize in the "pair" vacation, so it is not obliged to provide a family trip.

Lapina filed a complaint to the Supreme Court of the country, where the appeal arguments were found illegal. Guided by the laws "On the Fundamentals of Tourist Activities" and "On Consumer Protection", the court ruled that the firm should not only return the cost of the ticket, but also compensate for the moral damage. As an argument, seems:

  1. The company did not tell tourists about the rules and risks when receiving a visa.
  2. The company purchased from the company was a product for a "integrated family recreation," and therefore it was supposed to provide a joint trip.
  3. When changing the services provided, the client has the right to terminate the contract with the preservation of funds.

After consideration of the example, the conclusion suggests - it is best to hire a lawyer, going to defend "tourist rights" through the court. Only a specialist is able to take into account the nuances and subtleties of a particular situation.

Compensate the moral damage and work of the lawyer

If a travel agency does not want to solve disagreement and satisfy the client's demands world, the appeal to the court is inevitable. In this case, it is recommended to decide to pay for the ticket for more compensation for the services of a lawyer and moral damage, if such took place. The amount of compensation always depends on the judge, but it will go easier if the meeting will be provided already ready, reasonable calculation.

When the tourist just moved to go on vacation, of course, he will not be paid to a penny of compensation, and the total amount of the junction is also hardly. If the firm refuses with a serious reason, boldly demand payments from above. So, if the trip did not take place on illness, at least thirty percent of the cost of the trip permiss for moral damage. Explain this simply - unpaid money was required for the treatment or purchase of pharmaceutical preparations, and the firm's refusal to give money forced the client to take a loan or occupy funds from third parties.

The court will necessarily require documents recording the payment of legal services. This may include not only the work of a lawyer, but also a specialist who helped draw up a statement and a pre-trial claim. In the case when the documents are compiled honestly, the probability of obtaining compensation is committed to one hundred percent. Legally, demand from travel agencies is also a penalty for every day of non-payment. In the combination of these factors, you can get money substantially large than they were spent on the purchase of a trip.

Video - Return money for a ticket

By purchasing a tourist ticket, please contact the company with a reputation, it is desirable that it exists in the market for at least ten years. Do not "be kept" on a suspiciously low price or "delicious" conditions. Perhaps dumping is due to an unpleasant situation (imagine that the company on the verge of bankruptcy and is trying to lure tourists with any ways). In the case of poorly provided services or unexpected situations that impede rest from the client, return the money will be difficult.

By signing a contract, study it with special care. If some items cause distrust, suspicion or complete disagreement, report this to the manager of the company. Perhaps the travel agent will not agree to remove controversial points from the contract. So, look for a more loyal and customer-oriented company. If you are going to a particularly expensive journey or chose a country characterized by the difficulties in visual mode, we recommend buying insurance from the unbearable. By the way, it may contain items that outlines not only insecurity to the resort, but also the interruption of the trip for a number of reasons.

Remember about situations in which the law is greatest will be on your side:

  1. An unfavorable news from the resort (war began, a political regime or tourist policy has changed, a natural disaster happened).
  2. Changing the terms of the contract by Toufirma in unilaterally (not the country, not the hotel, other recreation times and similar).
  3. Increasing the price of a ticket (for example, due to the unpredictable increase in prices for carriers).

In other cases, do not forget that the law adheres to the part of the consumer, so you should not be afraid of unforeseen situations or shy to demand money back. If the trip can not take place, be prepared to defend your rights and your cash. Good luck!

There is always hundreds of reasons because of which trips can be broken abroad. If this is a tourist departure for a purchased ticket, will certainly be a question, can you contact the travel agency and ask your money back. This is the legal right of any citizen, although not everyone knows about it, so many are faced with a lack of understanding of the company's representatives who wave their hands and argue that it is impossible to return money.

In fact, the issue of returning funds for the ticket should not cause annoyance of employees to travel agencies. To his buyer, they are obliged to give only those money that at the time of refusal has not yet sent service providers, they should also document their expenses. Under such circumstances, the return of the money of them is much more profitable than to solve the problem through the court when the company may require much more.

In some cases, legislation provides for a complete return of the amount spent.

To return the money, the tourist needs to perform a number of conditions. It is possible that problems will not arise: in all companies in different ways refer to their customers. But it is better not to hope for it, the likelihood is that you have to go to court.

First you need to contact a travel company with a written application, which indicates the reasons for the abandonment and the requirements for the return of the amount during the ten-day period, if other terms were not spelled out in the contract. A copy of the statement with the printing of the company, the date of delivery of the document and the signature of the company's employee must be left at home. Next, you need to wait for the deadline of the specified period. During this time, the travel agency must prepare documentary confirmation of the perfect monetary operations At the time of refusal: registration of insurance, payment hotel numbers in the name of the client and so on. The balance from the initial amount is returned to the client.

Failure to confirm costs should alert customer. When he does not suit the amount of return, and he is ready to spend time on proof of his truth in court, a citizen may apply for professional legal assistance to a lawyer. But before reaching the court, it should be offered to the Travel agency to peacefully solve all the questions. If it does not help, you need to act according to the following scheme:

  • Prepare a claim for termination of the contract, which indicate the requirements, circumstances of the case and evidence. You can also ask compensation for moral damage (usually up to 10 thousand rubles).
  • Collect everything required documents. These include: a copy of the statement, contract with travel agency, documents on payment for services, booking application, written proof of contacting the company in pretty order, Document confirming the company's refusal to make a refund, as well as the calculation of the amount of the claim.
  • Apply and documents to court. If the amount is 50 thousand rubles and less, the business will deal with the world judge, under the conditions that the price of the claim is higher, the case will be directed to the district court. The plaintiff can be claimed at the place of registration of the tour operator or at the place of its registration.
  • Take part in court hearings. As soon as the judge accepts an application, he will define the preparation of the case, indicate that it is necessary to make both parties involved in the proceedings. Civil case will be considered in court within 60 days after receipt of the application. The world judge considers the case within a month after making a case for production.

For twenty days after the completion of the contract, the person has the right to contact a tourist company and demand from it to return a part of the money for services that were spelled out in the document, but in fact are not provided.

Make two copies of the claim. Specify what exactly you did not sit on the trip. Only facts are important, for example, instead of 7 days, you rested 6, or instead of the hotel with four stars, you have provided a room in a three-star hotel. One of the copies give a company to the representative, another, with an affiliated stamp, signature a claim and date of the claim, leave. Provided that the travel agency refuses to print and subscribe, send an application and a copy of the contract by mail, the letter must be with the notification and the description of the investment.

Wait 10 days. During this time, the tour operator should either offer and give the amount of compensation, or notify in writing why it considers not appropriate to satisfy your requirements.

Provided that the firm refuses to provide an answer, or you do not suit the amount of compensation, contact the court and Rospotrebnadzor.

According to russian legislation, poorly rendered services are divided into two types:

  1. Services with a significant drawback. You can require full compensation.
  2. Services with a minor defect. You can require partial compensation.

Travel agencies with a dubious reputation will always delay the solution to the issue, sometimes they are able to make false information. Therefore, you should not give up when you meet a serious opposition. There are norms of legislation with which everyone needs to be considered.

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