
How to live in hard savings. How to save money correctly even with modest income in the family? Goods with defects are not always bad

Unfortunately, the habit of conducting a home accounting book to reduce the personal debit and credit, there is from the strength in 5 percent of the population. Such a pedanticity, by the way, causes a number of questions to a person and makes him a little terrible. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully and find more appropriate ways to save so that it is sometimes possible to save a few of our budget painlessly.

Whenever time is decent time, and in a wallet, a couple of thousands, you ask questions: "Where did my money go? They were recently so many! " Frequent problem. You need to pay bills, buy clothes, food and entertain yourself. But we will help you save money, because summer is in full swing, and you need to go somewhere!

1. Learn to postpone money in the bank

Yes, modern banks seem to be trusted. On the other hand, and who can you generally? A small increase at the end of each annual period is a pleasant little thing. I put a hundred thousand, after a year there were 110, a trifle, and nice. In order to choose the best conditions for storing money, learning all underwater stones and offers of all famous banks. Remember that old-timing banks most often offer a very small percentage, not very optimal conditions, but at the same time the chance of ruining such mastodonts is extremely small. Slightly younger banks will attract you more pleasant interest rates and a relatively good service level. At least you definitely do not have to go to the head of Moscow office to close the score. But confidence among the population is usually less. Of course, one-day suspicious banks should be treated accordingly.

Hold part of the salary and postpone it to the account. You can agree with the accounting department at work so that they do it for you.

2. Is there an account? Watch him

Sign up in the savings book interest, follow the new proposals of the bank.

3. Put the goal in front of you and watch the budget replenishment on it.

You have a certain handheld of money on, but you constantly have to take the money from there to bring ends with the ends? Forget about this money! They are inviolable, learn to live like that definitely you.

4. Use an ATM economically

Never use an ATM, which is not an ATM of your bank. At best, you will be removed 100 rubles, at worst - a decent percentage with your blood. Therefore, not benissed, learning all the locations of your ATMs within the radius of living or work and put there. Considering the fact that the devices constantly break or not give out a normal amount of money, you will be scary to want to take advantage of any other working machine for issuing money. Top! Take a minibus and go to the shopping center.

5. Use selected proposals and follow them.

Do you need to trim or end the beard? Sometimes famous Salons like "Chop-Chop" arrange shares of free haircuts or haircuts for half a power, often enough to look into the necessary groups in social networks to be in the subject. By the way, in a momentive VC and Facebook you will probably find a community of freezers of freebies, promptly reporting on tastings, not haircuts and some discounts.

It is worth remembering about sites that offer all sorts of coupons and discount cards.

6. Coupons, comprehensive lunches and checks

Foursquare. You probably know what it is. Many institutions give special buns to those who leave Chekin or write a little review. Sometimes for Chekin can drink coffee, and for feedback to give a cupcake as a gift. Here is a small snack. Of course, it works only once.

Another pleasant side of freebies and half-hotels are coupons. Some famous fast food franchises leave special coupons on their website, which can be printed and used. You can get two burgers at the price of one, add to this coupon on beer and get another glass foam for a comrade. As a rule, coupons are valid only until a certain point, then they are updated or completely disappeared.

7. Get a free haircut in schools of hairdressers

In any case, it will not be the worst haircut that you will do.

8. The same applies to tattoos

Make free drawings when they need models for conmenters, contests and photos. If the picture suits, you can beat.

9. Take care of themselves

The best of all tips is actually. If you eat right, to eat vitamins and play sports, it will have to hurt much less. Even a light cold costs with all the necessary drugs in one or two kosar, if it is treated, and not to run. Expensive now sick!

10. Excuse harmful expensive habits

One of the most harmful and at the same time spent habits is smoking. Why? Yes, because it has an unpleasant property of regularity. To the same habits include caffeine and alcohol addiction. The use of beer after work can always be painlessly cut to 1-2 times a week. By the way, the same can be said about fast food, if you use it no more than once a week.

11. Shaving cream can be replaced.

Than? Children's soap! By the way, new-fashioned soaps for shaving are complicated more difficult, you can see in their direction.

12. Cold shower and "short" shower

Shower of invigorating cold water helps to wake up and save hot water. If during washing you need to lay the body or head, turn off the water and do it. When it is time to wash off, turn on the water again. And do not say that if you do not have a counter, you don't need it! Water is worth protecting!

13. If you suffer from black dots, use coffee

Do you like to cook in the mornings of coffee and suffer from vile black dots? Coffee can be used as a scrub.

14. Looking for a job? Look at benefits and extra buns

When you work in the office, you have to spend money on food. It can be brought with you, but, as practice shows, it is not such a good idea with a tray. Free food is a huge help in choosing a place of work. If you are offered free gym and taxi services, you can agree to a smaller salary.

15. Use free classes in the gym

If the first trial task in the gym is free, use it! The same applies to free checks for Chekins and drive to the gym comrades.

16. Ballet yourself, but limited

If you do not indulge yourself, you can go crazy, dude. Because so you will stay longer.

17. Turn off the water when washing dishes

When we trust a sponge soap in plates, turn off the water that flows in vain. It is not only good for the environment - it is good for your wallet.

18. Dishwashing agent can be made independently

There are many recipes on the Internet. Most of them include soda, vinegar, olive oil and different fragrances. However, you can always spend the remedy economically.

19. Use air freshener economically

You can purchase a dispenser that, after each period of time, purses a mixture into the air, and you can simply use ventilation.

20. Do not even throw out the cheapest devices immediately

Pershed inexpensive columns? Try to fix yourself or attribute to the repair. If the amount of fixing significantly exceeds the cost of columns, throw away.

21. Choose less energy-proof instruments

Pay attention to the consumption class of electricity refrigerators and a lot of other consumer electronics.

22. Sometimes you can do without air conditioning

From air conditioners, we often support, and in the world there are a huge variety of ways to live without it. In the 90s, people somehow lived?

23. Follow the light shutdown

Before leaving and sleep, check if all household appliances turned off.

24. Turn off unnecessary channels

You rarely watch TV? Then why do you need a package from hundreds of channels? Read better scribble.

25. Time energy efficient light bulbs

Energy-saving light bulbs are very often found on the shelves in the store. They may be more expensive than their traditional counterparts, but they will pay off in the long run. LED lamps and compact fluorescent lamps (CLF) require less energy to start and maintaining. It may seem a crazy idea, but for a 10-year period, such light bulbs save about 300,000 rubles to pay for bill accounts.

Unfortunately, there are a situation in our life when almost everything is collapsed for many years.

Like the sand disappears from hands not only beloved, but also bringing a stable income work, with wind speed disappear. And even the car, faith and the truth served for several years, began to raise so closely and demand additional repair.

The family lives on the salary of one of the parents, or at all eats the remains of the airbags accumulated in the "fat years". And you still need to pay for the apartment, pay for the training of children, extinguish a loan. Yes, much more you need. And everything is missing for everything.

On the surface of the question of tough saving money.

Nobody wishes to be in such a situation. At the same time, even in the period of protracted financial crises, life does not stop, the children grow, I want to eat, it means that you will have to not only study, but also some time to live in hard saving money.

Yes, that the sin of Timing, they themselves were in such a situation several times when the money was not enough money. And I had to choose between buying a pantyhose, or apples to children. I think the answer is obvious, the money was spent in favor of children.

What is the hard savings regime? This is the situation when money is spent only on the critical needs, that is, the family spends money only on what cannot be vital.

Payments on which it is impossible to use hard money saving mode

The list of mandatory expenses, without which it does not do, each family has its own. And the ability to save on such expenses is usually absent. For example:

1. Commune

Communal payments for an apartment, be it your own apartment or municipal accommodation, you need to pay.

First, from municipal or departmental housing can simply evict for non-payment.

Secondly, accumulated utility payments, as well as fines and penalties, grow like a snowball. And, you do not have time to look back, as the guests are knocking the bailiffs demanding pay off debt.

On utility bills, you can save a bit, for example, turning off all unnecessary electrical appliances, as well as learning to turn off the light in the empty rooms, in the corridor or in the bathroom. Many money is saved and installed electric meters.

2. Training payments

In this case, too, without options. If a child is studying in a paid educational institution, then either you have to be patched and pay, or take action on the translation to the budget form of payment. True, even with excellent readiness of the younger generation is not always obtained.

3. loan payments

Also constant and irreversible expenses. Non-payment of payments on loans, as well as in the case of a communal, will lead to a colossal increase in debt. Yes, and the bank will not be ceremony.

4. Emergency payments

For example, the family is forced to constantly acquire expensive vital medications. Without it, nowhere ...

You can try to ask for help from charity organizations, although, in our time, in need of help, unfortunately, enough.

5. Food

You can save on products. The main thing is that this savings would not be to the detriment of health.

Highlights of savings on products:

  • we buy in small batches and in large packages. First, you can save on a discount for the purchase of a small-pool lot, secondly, the more product packaging, the cheaper it turns out the product. Usually, the fine-packaged goods is much more expensive than the same product, packaged by a large volume.
  • we buy products as much as we can eat. It often happens that non-eaten products have to just throw out. And this is definitely additional and not necessary expenses.

Costs to which you can apply hard saving money

I repeat, for each person its criteria and opportunities to save. But if you have been covered with a "black bar", you will have to not only limit the usual spending, but also to completely stop the costs that are not related to the obligatory expenditure.

1. Entertainment

For a period of tough savings, you will have to forget about everything that I liked to this period so much:

  • movies, theaters, concerts;
  • evening sites in the cafe;
  • vacation and other tourist departures outside the city;
  • buy new magazines and books;
  • buying cute heart "little things";
  • buying new children's toys.

2. Household appliances

Without a washing machine and a refrigerator, of course, do not do. In the event of a breakdown, you will have to choose what is cheaper - repair or buy a new one. However, in many cities you can find laundries self-service. Washing in them is cheaper than buying your washing machine.

Without the rest of the household appliances, it is possible to live. The dishes are perfectly clean, without a dishwasher. Food can be heated and without the help of a microwave oven. Yes, and coffee can be cooked in the usual "Turk", without resorting to help coffee.

3. Drive

If earlier you constantly traveled by car, I will have to put it on time, and move to public transport. To save money on passage, you will have to walk more. And it is useful for health, and you look, for the month you can save rubles 100 - 200 (depending on the type of transport).

In major cities, as a rule, a one-time passage on a taxi is much cheaper than the content of its own car.

4. Clothes and shoes

We carry everything that bought before. If necessary, and if possible, we repair clothes. Buying clothes and shoes in such a situation only in case of acute necessity.

Of course, if there are children in the family, fast-growing generation clothes and shoes will have to buy. Of course, in limited quantities.

5. Furniture and other things

About buying new furniture, as well as about the purchase of new household appliances, have to forget.

You have to forget about a new computer, telephone, tablet.

In addition to all the above. In the period of the regime of a tight savings of money, in no case can new loans be taken. Surely the situation they, of course, change. But then you have to allocate a part of the family budget, and so very limited, to repay a new loan.

Hello, dear readers of the site site! Now we will analyze all proven ways, how to save and save money correctly with a small salary.

We all strive for a good life And each of us would like to make your life even better, but in most cases we do not allow our finances, or rather, our small salary.

Unfortunately, in our modern world, you need to learn not only to make money, but also to know how to save them and correctly distribute.

Today we consider different trees How to save money with a small salary, how and what to do so that financial difficulties do not find you surprise, and there were no problems with finance.

To improve your financial situation (learn how to save and save money), just just follow the simplest rules, and then you will not have financial problems! Remember: Money come to the one who can handle them correctly!

So, from this article you will learn:

  • Whether to save on food, electricity, etc.;
  • How to save electricity;
  • How to save on products;
  • How to learn to save money and save with a small salary - proven ways;
  • How to accumulate a decent amount;
  • Folk signs about money.

In detail how to save money with a small salary in the family, as well as how to save them, read further in the article

The first thing to remember is: savings -this is not the worst in life, but on the contrary, the very important and necessary phenomenon in our modern life. Savings will help you competent, clever and right control and distribute your costs refuse From harmful food and habits for the body.

Very often, we appear, at first glance, petty, but but constant expenses that seem to us "trivial", but in fact create good holes in our budget.

To learn how to competently and properly save , you need patience and work on yourself. But then then you will understand what unnecessary costs are, and you may learn to incorporate funds and make money on it. If you want to know what you can make money, then our article "" - to help you.

Save - this does not mean that it will have to deny themselves, there are bad products, and it is generally bad to live. Save - it means to distribute your funds correctly, to avoid extra costs, wise money to distribute money and not spend them on trifles. Also in this article you will learn how to accumulate cash with the help of specialist techniques.

To begin with, you need motivation, that is, goal: For what you need to save, and most importantly, how to start it. Maybe you want to buy a new car or apartment? (In a separate article, we already wrote about, with a small salary). Or do you need a good repair in the apartment?

A few steps how to learn how to save and save money right

To understand how to start saving, you need to consider several stages.


  1. need to divide all costs for the necessary and not really Necessary, that is, extra or those that may wait;
  2. then we consider the resources for which you need to pay, and this is: electricity, water, gas, communication, etc.;
  3. then you need to calculate the costs of products, as well as pay attention to your power mode;
  4. we postpone the percentage, with saved money, whatever they just did not lie, and also worked.

Even if you try to postpone some 10 % (percent) from its monthly income, then for six months or a year you have an impressive amount.

And once again we repeat the rule: you do not need to perceive savings as a restriction or bad lifestyle. On the contrary, it will help to significantly improve your life.

Remember: You do not have to infringe upon yourself, you will not walk hungry, sit at home in the dark, saving light, or walk in hoops. To save it all do not relate!

2. Do I need to save on food and electricity?

Save on food (products) is not at all sitting hungry, and save on electricity - does not mean sitting in the dark. All necessary expenses remain, and only unnecessary and unnecessary are removed.

Food costs - These are the expenses for which we can affect, it depends on our desire and from our choice.

It is necessary to figure out what stores we buy products, which criteria choose these goods and in what quantity.

Usually extra expenses from us appear as a result. not right Power modes, the use of harmful semi-finished products, buying no on the list, unwillingness to cook food yourself.

This also applies to electricity: If everyone competently do, there will be no financial problems.

Ways to learn how to save money on electricity

3. How to save electricity - 5 simple rules of savings on electricity πŸ’‘

let's consider 5 simple rulesThanks to which you learn how to save electricity.

Rule 1.Proper use electrical appliances

for example, Charging for the phone or tablet, inserted into the rosette wasted, continues to spend our electricity, and we can not even pay attention to such a trifle or just forget to take it out of the outlet. It would seem that a trifle, and our electricity is invested.

This applies not only to mobile phones, but also other household appliances, multicooker, microwave, TV and so on.

This is one of the first important rules as you can save electricity.

Rule 2. It is important to use the correct dishes for the electric stove

Or rather speaking for the burner. After all, correctly selected precisely in size in the size of a pan, will heat up faster, and the stove will not just heat the air. Everything is simple, right? Probably, each mistress has frying pan and large houses and small. The main thing is to use them correctly! In this way, you can save electricity to significantly.

Rule 3. Need to know where to correctly put the refrigerator

Do not believe, but the refrigerator is also a "harmful" device, and it also "eats" a lot of energy if it is wrong to put it. Remember: The refrigerator will be less "to wind" electricity if it is supplied away from the electric stove.

Of course, not all of all large and spacious kitchens, but probably you can put the refrigerator so that he would at least be on one side with a stove and did not touch her.

Rule 4. Load the washing machine with linen needs correctly

On integers 10 – 15 Percent more electricity consumes our washing machine if you restart it, or not to be out. Did not know? So remember! Need to keep track of the weight of the lingerie! You will also insure the breakdown of the washing machine in the case of overload.

Rule 5. Disconnect electrical appliances for the night

Many electrical appliances should be turned off from the outlet at night and even during the day when you do not use them and even more so when you are not at home. This is not so difficult: I left the house - turn off, why should they work.

Only 5 These rules will help you save electricity in the apartment. Not difficult, right?

Here are another couple of savings on electricity:

  • If you decide to buy some kind of household appliances, then pay attention to its power consumption. It is clear that household appliances that use less energy is much more expensive, but believe me: In the future, this amount will pay off due to savings. And how much is the overpayment for the year!
  • Very good and useful habit - turn off, leaving the room. But, unfortunately, not all this is given and many people just forget about it. In this case, you can purchase infrared sensors that allow you to save electricity without your participation and unnecessary movements.
  • It is better to use energy-saving light bulbsrather than ordinary. It is also worth thinking about the bedside lamps, because it is economical to use them than a three-zeros.
  • Use the thermos It is more profitable than to boil the kettle several times, because the thermos can save heat for several hours.

If you follow these useful, and most importantly by simple tips and tips, then you will see changes in our receipts, and then in your wallet.

Consider in the article 10 Soviets how to save money for food:

Tip 1. Experts believe that choosing the product is not necessary for beautiful packaging, and the more expensive, the better, but you must first get acquainted with its composition. High price does not allow high quality guarantees. We also pay attention to shares, discounts, I. bonuses. Many supermarkets offer us such programs.

It is clear that at first glance it may seem that the difference in 5 rubles Alignment and a lot on it will not save. But this is the erroneous opinion of most people, because if you calculate the difference even in a month, you will be pleasantly surprised. And imagine how much saving per year?

Tip 2. We write a list of the most necessary products. And follow him. We buy only those products that are in the list. So you will avoid unplanned expenses. There are also all sorts of apps for the phone, and with them you can save not only your money, but also time. There will be saved all your information, and you will not need to constantly think about these lists.

Tip 3. It is important to take so much money with me as you needBut no more. Then you will be able to avoid extra expenses. Take a certain amount with you, Calculate it to be enough for you only on the necessary products, and then you just have nothing to buy not planned goods. Thus, it is possible to significantly save on products.

Tip 4. And you knew that the hungry person's brains do not work as well as well? So, in order to avoid temptations, you need to go to the store! And then you will realize that you do not need all these "yummy".

Tip 5. Try not to run to the store on the day of salary. After all, it is on this day a man feels richer than he really is, and can spend much more money than he has been calculated. From here and financial difficulties arise, there is not enough for nothing, and by the end of the month you can stay without a penny of money.

Tip 6. Experts believe that pay better cash, not plastic cards. Undoubtedly, a plastic card is the most convenient way to pay for purchases, but not the most economical, because the buyer does not feel real money, but it is harder to part with them.

Tip 7. Products - the best way to save! Completely every product has a replacement much cheaper than he himself. The main thing to run to shop, see and find this analog. You need to learn not to succumb to the temptations of marketers, because they will always find a way to "lie" to you, something more expensive.

Tip 8. Remember! Dear and beautifully packaged products will always come across the eyes. Look better on the shelves down, "smoothing" there, most likely, you will find a similar product cheaper than seen, because expensive goods will always be in sight.

Tip 9. The rule of similar products also concerns other goods, for example, drugs. Most drugs have analogues with the same healing properties, often they differ only by the title and manufacturer.

Tip 10. If possible, do not take with you in the store of children!Sure, children are happiness, and sometimes you want to pamper your baby, but the children rush to everything beautiful, and these products are most often expensive. Better leave the child at home, and you yourself buy him, for example, a chocolateer cheaper - the child is still sweet for joy, and you will avoid hysterical in the store.

We eat useful, and most importantly is not expensive!

Remember, eat healthy food - does not mean expensive, and you do not have to hungry forced to save. And quite the opposite, the costs of healthy diet even decrease.

Healthy food, eg Cereals, dairy products, low-fat meat, cheaper fast food. Especially, it is unknown, from which pies and hot dogs are cooked in the racket around the corner or in the nearest cafe. And then you cook with your own hands, and you know everything about your home meal.

Here are some more tips for buying healthy food products:

  1. It is more profitable to purchase products for weight, and not in factory packaging. Packaging cereals and pasta, as well as sugar and flour, are much more expensive than for a swim.
  2. If you buy products on the market, do not forget to bargain! And nothing in this shame is not. Sellers are important to sell your goods, but you benefit from buying.
  3. It is better to come closer to the market in the late afternoon, at this time the sellers slow down the price.
  4. The meat is better to buy a big piece, and at home is already divided into parts you need. For the price such meat is cheaper than if you bought it in a kilogram.
  5. If you have a lunch at work, then take food with you. Once again, we will repeat that you eat my own cooked food, which means that automatically, you avoid food poisoning and save on it!
  6. Try to make menus a week ahead - it will help you to purchase only the necessary products.
  7. The first dishes are considered useful than the second, and even more economical and cheaper!
  8. Compare prices in several stores. Do not be lazy, each store has its own chip and its shares.
  9. It is not necessary to buy expensive meat, for example, a pork, because from chicken you can also cook a lot of delicious and healthy dishes! Now on the Internet you can find a lot of recipes that you will fit, and not necessarily sit and invent your own. The main thing is not to be lazy!
  10. Yogurts can be replaced with kefir and ion. Yogurts contain all sorts of thickeners, dyes and sugars. So why not replace them with a more sparing for the body and cheap kefir?
  11. Pasteurized milk is much cheaper and more useful sterilized. In the box, the milk is stored longer than milk in packages. And this is the only one plus. So it is worth overpaying for it?
  12. Try to abandon sausages, it can be replaced by meat, it is more useful, and cheaper.
  13. Buy fresh fruits and vegetables in the season, then you can freeze them. All nutrients will remain in them, and you will significantly save, since in the winter season they are much more expensive.

When you review your food, and you will follow our advice, even at the end of the month you will see the difference. And it's not just money, but also in health. After all, all well-known nutritionists and doctors are cleaned fatty, sweet and especially fast food.

The use of these non-complex rules will help you significantly save on products, support your budget, as well as a healthy mind and shape!

Important tips how to save and save money

5. How to learn how to save money and save with a small salary πŸ’° - 15 useful tips

First we consider the rules and ways to save money. And even if you have a small salary, then it is not scary!

Tip number 1. Put for yourself financial priorities

After all, you should understand that your financial budget works only solely on you, and only you can depend on your financial well-being.

After all, the waste can be done both with benefit and without it. But how, how to understand how much useful is our cost? Let's deal with.

His costs are greatly dependent on the human lifestyle. for example, young people often givend to not the desired temptation. It is clear that little life experience, but it may lead to financial mistakes. Young people who acquire things are often seen on the goods that they are not needed rather, but here you can advise friends or advertising is beautiful, or the fashion one went ....

Tracts are divided into three types - this is urgered, not urgent and not at all urgent. Try to make a list of those and those costs, and perhaps you will understand that you absolutely do not need, and what can be deleted from the list.

Urgent waste - It is understandable, food, utilities, possibly clothes and if there are loans.

Not urgent - This is a family vacation, such as it can be postponed, or deposits to study.

Well not at all urgent We are very good for everyone familiar - these are restaurants, entertainment, buying a new phone, if there is still old, buying expensive fashionable clothes, only because of the fact that a new advertisement has been released. It is all possible to postpone it for a while, and if you reconsider, you can not spend on it at all.

On the last item cost to pay attention in the first place. After all, it is important to arrange your life priorities, and understand your goals in life.

If for you the purchase of expensive clothes is the necessary part of life, rather than, for example, get an education and invest in study, it is unlikely, you have get saving .

And also concerns entertainment and visits to establishments, such as coffee, restaurants, because it is not the most important thing in life.

All people successful financially lead such reporting. After all, on a visual example, you will see what exactly brings you holes in your budget. For example, it will be a hike in a cafe, every month such visits eat no small amount of money, and you will understand for yourself that it can be removed.

After all, when you see all the exact figures of your budget, and not so, the way to memorize, you will be surprised how much you used to spend without thinking.

As a very famous Orator of Anthony Robbins, said: " What can not be measured, the wrong " Remember this rule, and it will help you in achieving your personal material success.

If you have more additional income, then you need to keep records and on them. After all, if the methods of your additional income are somewhat, then the accounting will help you find out what source of income is more profitable and what to do more accent.

In general, now the 21st century, and information technologies have developed various programs and applicationsFor financial accounting, which means that you do not have to draw some tables from hand.

You just need to try several programs, and choose the one that you will be closer in spirit, who will have a convenient interface. Repeat, clarity, is financial literacy. Visuality will help determine and send your expenses and income to the right channel.

Specialists showed that up to 95 percent Russians spend much more than their money on the day of salary. And these percentages do not relate to the level of income.

If you are able to improve your financial literacy, it will help you to change your life simply by a radical way. And you will feel it.

To learn how to save money and save them, you need to abandon loans.

In conclusion of this chapter, we give you an example, how to properly compile the cost table.

6. How to save money in the family - Table of 3 types of expenses πŸ“Š

With this table you can follow and control your budget, as well as delete the not necessary costs. It will help you determine how to save money and save them correctly.

Table of three types of expenses:

β„– Required and urgent costs. Not very urgent, minor costs. Very urgent, or just rehearseers.
1 Food Obtaining education Cafes, clubs, restaurants
2 Municipal services (electricity, gas, water) Purchase of furniture Fast Food, Dear Sweets, Ghazering
3 Payment of travel, gasoline Acquisition of digital and household appliances Gambling
4 Mobile communication, Internet Dear fashionable things Harmful habits - Fast Food, alcohol, cigarettes
5 clothing Hobby Unnecessary connected services on the phone

As can be seen on the table, on the last column you need to pay special attention. After all, even if one point is deleted from here, you can see the result, on savings.

7. How to save money competently πŸ“ - 4 methods how to accumulate money

Of course, to postpone money, not so easily and easy. It is necessary to learn this, and you will need a little effort and patience. But even the most disciplined, calculating and responsible A person has a risk of making a mistake.

let's consider the most common mistakes among people, as well as study advice and rules of experts To eliminate these bugs.

If you have already begun to accumulate funds, it is already good. But how to save money correctly and do you choose the right way? And do not be blurred in half a year? Maybe your strategy is not so ideal as you think.

Method number 1. What remains, postpone!

So, you pay all your necessary accounts, utilities, buy products, and all that remains, send to the bank. But notice you have no goal, and you don't even know what particular amount you have after all costsAnd throw only the remnants there.

Try to rebuild your technique differently. When they got a salary the very first accountFor you there must be a cumulative account. Make it for yourself the Golden Rule.

Count how much you can give to the bank for a month, and do it first. And if you do not work, well, anything happens, for example, no time, or there are some kind of temptations to spend your money to spend more, then connect the service in the bank automatic write-off of money From your card a certain amount on your cumulative account.

In this way, you can and save money and save time. And you will forget about these troubles. And then your cumulative account will pleasantly surprise you.

Method number 2. Where is the money stored?

As we have learned that the cumulative account is wonderful. But it is important to know exactly where your funds are stored in a bank or on a plastic card?

After all, if the money lie on the map, then there is a great temptation to spend all the accumulated funds. And make it quite comfortable and easy, just use an ATM on the street. And even if this purchase was desirable, then, most likely you will regret the made.

Method number 3. Every account for a specific purpose

If you have only one cumulative account, you will most likely seem that everything is good and the money is fast enough and enough for all your desires. Sure. If you copy only one goal, for example on machine or apartment, then everything is fine, such a way for you.

But if you have a few desires, then one cumulative account will be not enough, because you will not see specific progress, and this complicates the calculation of your savings. It will be very difficult for you to calculate what you already accumulatedand what else can you wait.

Whatever such problems and difficulties do not have to get a few cumulative accounts. And let each the cumulative account will be intended for a specific purpose., eg, " on the carΒ», Β« on the apartmentΒ», Β« on educationΒ», Β« dacha" etc. Rather, exactly this way to save money correctly, since each "account" has its own "purpose".

Method number 4. Do not refuse all

Do not be through the CHUR, it is so looked at that postpone, postpone, postpone. You do not need to specifically refuse things that you bring pleasure, because it is on such things that our " happy indicator"I. good mood.

Of course, many, as we have said habits and entertainment, it is worth abandoning, but this does not mean that you need to become a hanger, sit in the injignment, not to walk anywhere, and even sit in the dark.

When your annual cumulative account end, it is worth thinking about more serious investments and for a long time. After all, you yourself will feel the difference and want to make your financial position better.

Tips how to accumulate a decent amount of money

In conclusion of our article, let's consider another 15 SovietsHow can you save money and quickly accumulate them. Some of the Soviets may repeat, but you have to beforeremember.

Of course, there are no specific set of rules and councils how to properly save money, but then consider the advice of experts who offer to use to simplify savings and accumulation of money.

So, tips How to create accumulations to accumulate a decent amount:

Tip number 1. Payment for cash purchases

Try to pay all your purchases and costs only in cash. So you will clearly feel the difference, and so much with money, which keep in your hands, and this is more noticeable than spending invisible money stored on a plastic card.

By the way, if you buy goods through cashback services You can save from 1-1.5% of the purchase price. We have already written in one of our articles.

Tip number 2. Sewing money to your account

Each month is postponing a certain amount on your cumulative account. At the end of a certain period, a pretty round sum is accumulated, which can be spent on a long-awaited purchase or invest in a profitable case. And as stated earlier, get the goal of what the funds you have accumulated will be spent.

Try to minimize entertainment costs. It is better to spend time with your family, do sports. After all, many useful ways to replace unnecessary costs of entertainment in cafes and restaurants, in the end experimenting new inexpensive recipes at home. And you have good skills, and your husband and children will be satisfied!

Tip β„–4. Do not give in to promotional offers

All that comes to your mailbox, various catalogs and advertising, just try to seduce you. But you do not give in, boldly throw away everything in the trash, and it is better to unsubscribe from these useless mailings that score your mailbox.

If you have such a bad habit, buy everything in a row, or just to buy something, then make a list of all that you want to buy. And view it monthly, you will see if you still need this thing, or was it just not the necessary temptation?

If you decide that this product is really needed, then buy. But most likely your opinion will change in a month.

Try to prepare food at home, do not snack in restaurants. It will be in a rapid penny. You do not have at the work of time for lunch at home, and you rush to the close side of the cafe to have a quick snack? Think about it!

Cook yourself lunch from the evening at home, there are special food containers in which you can warm up in a microwave oven. It will allow you to save on restaurants, and also agree, you know your home. It is also helpful for health.

Try to decompose your money on the conversion: "On a communal service", "on credit", "on the products", "on the phone" and so on. And your expenses will always be melted.

Tip number 8. Discuss the nearest costs with relatives

Every week discuss material issues with your spouse or wife. You must make sure that in the know about all the estates of each other. And the cohesion, it would be to success!

Distribute all costs on the table, see example such a table above. Or download the application on your mobile phone, which is much more convenient! And always with you!

Tip number 10. Pay first necessary accounts

First we pay all the necessary bills, then we already look at the need for other expenses.

Tip β„–11. Replace paid hobbies, hobbies, etc. for free

If you go to the gym, or do fitness, then this hobby can be replaced by charging and running on the street in the park. And useful, and free!

Tip number 12. Give gifts made by your own hands

You can also save and in gifts. After all, the best gift is a gift made by your own hands! On the Internet now you can find a lot of ideas.

Council β„–13. Buy brand appliances

Remember, not in money happiness. And including, not in fashionable, branded dear clothes. There are many similar things, but much cheaper "branded". In addition, fashion comes and goes, and then things are not needed.

Council β„–14. Use the exchange services

Try to use the barter. That is, share services and things. After all, it is much more profitable, and will help save good money!

Tip β„–15. Use electronic wallets

Try to save money on virtual wallets, such as Kiwi, Yandex-money, webmoney. To get money from there you will need time, so you will insure, from unforeseen and not planned purchases.

In addition, on the Internet, you can also earn a penny, the money is also displayed on these e-wallets.

9. Supervironment and signs for attracting money ☯

Folk signs about money:

  • Never let me go on Monday, otherwise you risk losing all the money!
  • Never betray money from hand to hand, better put them on the table, and then take them. And then the negative energy of a person through money can go to you.
  • If you take another person in the evening, then just put bills on the floor, and that let them raise them. It is better to remember that in the evening it is better not to give a debt.
  • You need to give a debt only in the morning and small money.
  • When you give you a debt, in your pocket on your left hand, keep the fig.
  • In the wallet store your money carefully, in the deployed form and that they are distributed on different bills.
  • Paper bills keep the front side.
  • To make money disappear, put yourself in a purse a piece of a tree from a swallow socket.
  • If you got a good profit, then take one bill from there and keep it in the wallet, do not waste it and do not explicate it.
  • If you solved someone to give a wallet, then put one money there, so that the wallet is not empty.
  • To make money in the house, put in every corner on a coin, and tell me: "Let it come to my house."
  • Keep money in converters or red bags.
  • Get yourself a money tree and take care well behind him.
  • Money loves to be considered. Always recalculate your surrender.
  • Never waste everything before a penny, follow the wallet to always be found and remained money.
  • If you have a newborn in your house, put money under the pillow.
  • Recalculate your money in pure Thursday.
  • Try to cut your nails on Tuesday or Friday.
  • Never discuss the material incomes of other people, otherwise there will be no one.
  • Do not treat with hatred of rich and poor, otherwise you yourself threaten to stay in a lack.
  • If you saw that a cat or a cat stretches, then this is profit.
  • If you have seen an evil or hissing cat in a dream, then it is to the steal. Be careful!
  • Houses Be sure to make a dog or a cat yourself, otherwise there will be no prosperity in the house!
  • There is such a sign that a black cat or a dog will be removed home from thieves.

So that nothing needs to be new:

  • New Year Meet New Socks and Linen. And do not forget to make yourself a new hairstyle.
  • Try at the table seven different dishes and put seven coins under the chair.
  • You need to give a debt to the New Year, you can even at the festive table.
  • When the first kraural strike occurs, make a desire, squeezing in my left hand coin.
  • Throw into a glass with champagne coin and drink it. And then in this coin, make a hole, and wear it as a pendant.
  • In the morning of January 1, you will smell with coins.

Supervironment, which in no case cannot do:

  • Put empty bottles on the table.
  • Sit on the table.
  • Putting bills on the table.
  • Revenge garbage at sunset.
  • Stand on the threshold.
  • Whistling, being at home.
  • By exchange large money on small.

Well, you want to believe, do not believe, and many people follow and follow all these signs. Signs because they went from our ancestors. The most important thing can be concluded that you need to treat money carefully, carefully, not to mine them, do not tremble. Do not spend all money, the wallet should not be empty.

10. Conclusion + video πŸŽ₯

From this article, we can conclude that it is not so difficult to save and save money, because to improve your financial situation, you do not need to make any ambitious feats. You just need to reconsider a little your attitude to finance, and in general to your life.

And remember one main thing, the money should not be crazy, in order to feel in a good financial situation, the money should be just enough.

Good and stable financial situation - This is not at all millions of earnings, a good financial situation may be every person and every family, even with the smallest salary. The main thing is to dispose of finances correctly. When you yourself figure out in your income and expenses, you yourself understand everything.

With a visual example, you will see how much a month you spend, which is superfluous in your life and from what you need to refuse. This is all not so difficult, the main thing to dispose of your life is correct, not to gain loans, and if it has already happened, then it is possible to get rid of them as soon as possible. Then not only your financial situation will change, but also a healthy spirit will be waging, there will be a great mood every day, since you will take care of at least half of your financial problems.

Let's hope that all these tips will be remembered, and the main thing will be useful. After all, as you already understood saving - This is not the most terrible thing, but rather, on the contrary, useful, which will make your financial and personal life easier and better!

We hope that this article helped you find answers to questions - how to learn how to save money with a small salary and at the same time accumulate them. We wish you successful savings, and good luck in all matters!

Many people in the modern world enjoy economy. Moreover, they are ready to save on everything: on electricity, water, purchases, costs, and it happens even make transfer to personal life and save on communication, emotions, and even love. The rational thinking of such people suggests them to lead a restrictive lifestyle, not to spend strength and time wasted, to look for certain benefits in every momism. Any slow or uneconomical behavior of other people immediately takes them out of themselves, as it prevents from implementing an internal desire to save. For example on the roads: how much is it possible? Brake! Barely rides! How long is in vain and wasted! This can bring a lot of stress. Time - money, penny ruble eats - So they say, and for all of whether it really works?

There are approximately 24% of people who possess rational, logical, pragmatic thinking. The rest is not!

Many people are not suspected of their innate tendency to the ability to keep budget, save, extract and make money. Very often they subconsciously choose a career of economist, broker, seller or lawyer. It is such people who are capable of the most clearly and complementary to show their properties in these industries. It happens the other way around. Instead of saving resources for a country or company, due to the lack of implementation in their own desires, a person begins to save on himself and its loved ones. A very weak thoughts are born in the head, for example, how to drive an extra 10 km to the store to buy something on discounts and save 30 rubles on this, or to defend half a day in line, but save 10%. What is the cause of such pathological greed and inclinations to savings? Who does the desire to save on everything appear?

Save on everything - spend your life

With flimsy to savings, savings, as well as to the most efficient use of something, is the properties and desires of a person with a skin vector. It is the leather that no one else understands the importance of saving resources. Food mining in primitive Savan was above all, he feels this desire for his skin, and also has all the necessary properties for its implementation. The full implementation of its skills in modern society may seem a difficult task, although it is not difficult for the carrier of the skin vector.

The highest adaptability, the ability to switches as much as possible from one case to another, the ability to see its benefit every thing, allows him to find his place in society. If a person is in excess of stress or he does not work to realize his desires, or they are in the undeveloped state, then the person will be pathologically greedy and economical. Economy very often can manifest itself not only in household matters, as saving on electricity, water, as well as saving food, but also by screwing magnets to counters, or so-called Plushkinism - I will not throw anything, everyone will leave everything, everything is useful, all for a black day, At the same time, a person justifies his behavior with the best rationalization.

Save on everything in a small and lose in everything in large

In connection with the urethral muscular mentality of the Russian man, the skin systems did not receive proper development in Russia, as a result of most people thinking remained at the level of the skin archetype. The archetype of the skin vector is the root, the desire to extract the added cost outside the cave and save it inside. This desire at the level of primitive flock and it is not at all adapted to the modern needs of society.


Discounts !!! Freebie!!! Three things for the price of one !!! Word for free, like no other, can improve the mood of the skin. For a short period of time, it creates an impression that saving, he wins, and in fact, in most cases, only loses. This is the problem of the undeveloped skin vector - save in a small and lose in large.

A person determine his desires, depending on the desires, certain thoughts are born, capable of implementing them. A person who strives for freebies and free, as well as not responsible for himself and the people around him will think with small categories, constantly around to look for how to earn apartments, where to surround their piece and more, putting less effort. People with a developed skin vector will be thought of completely different categories, how to benefit not for themselves, but for other people, for society. The engineer thinks about how to save time to people, and will build a bridge. Steve Jobs thought about how to find the most effective way to communicate between people, led the company with thousands of engineers to new innovations and discoveries.

Economic on everything in a small one always leads to losing a large

Without receiving proper implementation, people with a skin vector not only can save on everything, but also create a lot of inadequate prohibitions first for themselves and then for others. There is an inadequate restriction of itself in time, communication, emotions, pleasures and forces. In a state of stress, many desires in other vectors receive an inadequate ban. Of course, the logical thinking of such a person will find this explanation and rationalization. So, for example, a person with an auditorial vector strive to emotional communications, stretches to empathy - but is it logical? Why do you simply worry and get upset, is it, by the way, is harmful to health? This desire is reduced and as a result, a person remains with an unfimmed visual vector, which will very soon bring its problems in the form of phobias, hysterics and fears.

Enonel to save on everything - find the main thing

D depletion can only be obtained using your properties out. This is no longer an elementary restriction of oneself with your desires, but the restriction of people by law, the formation of different groups and organizations, resource savings for the state or a large company. Proper realization of their ambitions out in the skin vector makes a person not only useful for society, but also allows him to be equilibrium with the environment and receive a lot of pleasure from life. Modern only contributes to this. Properties directed internally to limit themselves and their desires give fine filling and force a person often to flow into the detriment of themselves, to lead a pity existence and not to experience joy from life.

Skin, skin phase, skin systems are the most sought-after people, where are they?
Since we now live in the skin phase of development, then all properties of the skin vector are especially in demand and allow its carrier to fully realize itself. Such skills as leadership, organization, discipline, ability to take responsibility, punctuality, ambitiousness, adaptability, limitations, composure, accuracy, economy, flexibility, ingenuity, legality are now in price and are very in demand in society. Aware of their internal desires and properties, feeling its position in society regarding other people, a person has the ability to maximize their properties to outward, contribute to the whole. Thus, each person is capable of achieving success in society at its level and take its decent position in it.

The definition of its own coordinates relative to the world occurs at trainings on systemically vector psychology Yuri Burlan. You not only understand your position relative to other people, but also the situation of others in relation to you, which allows you to enter the most balanced relationships that lead to greater pleasure from communicating with people and life in general. Undoubtedly, there are people who have achieved success. You can read their advice, admire them, try to repeat someone else's experience. However, it is worth understanding that all people are different as musical instruments. Each requires its configuration. This setting and occurs at the training of the systemically vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Last updated: 03-08-2019

The main card on which the money is stored, leave at home and do not use anywhere - this is for security.

For the rest of the cards exhibit Restrictions on purchases based on your expenses and limits that you previously identified for yourself. Now you can easily in the Internet bank to see all the costs of cards and control.

By the way, The cards are charged from 6% per annum to the residue, cachek is valid 1% - for all purchases, 5% for 3 categories to choose from, up to 30% for shares. This allows not only convenient to track costs, but even more save money in stores.

Accounting for family spending and adjustment every week

Control learned. Now you need to deal with expenses. To do this, you can use special programs, or make a typical table in Excel.

This is allowed to see a complete picture and understand where you are overrun, and where there is a stock of money. In the head, all the information is not allowed.

Preferably at least once a week to summarize and make adjustments.

I have accumulated statistics for several years. Sometimes it is quite interesting to see.You can always open a table for a whole year and trace what and when the expenses in the family budget are expected to prepare in advance.

5 main tips for aK save money on products and food

Think over your diet

Reducing meat food or sweet to tea can bring substantial savings.

For instance, At one time, the cost accounting was taking the cost in sufficient detail and after a couple of months I learned that the costs of buns, cake to tea occupy 30% of all food costs.

If a month spending on food constitute 9000 rubles, then 3000 rubles go on baking.

Control, whether everything is eaten

It happens that in the store I want a kefir, but at home this desire disappears, and the purchased product can stand up to the end of the shelf life, and for a month such overdue goods can accumulate in a good percentage of total products.

- What to do in this case?

Everything is simple. Now there are not the times when there were no products in the stores. You can buy everything you need almost at any time of the day and night, and the fresh. At least in cities.

So perishable products can only be taken if necessary, not to make stocks.

Packed and sliced \u200b\u200bfoods can cost more or cheaper

Compare products for products in different packaging, primarily dried fruits, fruits and vegetables.

Big packaging is not always cheaper - Some cereals, flour, pasta in a big pack can cost more than two small packs of the same weight.

- Why is this happening?

Those who are engaged in sales noted that buyers are accustomed to take a large bundle in order to save, and applied in their own interests.

Although sometimes it happens and vice versa.

A few examples:

  1. Packing vegetables can be pitched, in the package it is hard to see and in the end, instead of saving, you can throw out some of the products in the trash.
  2. Sliced \u200b\u200bbread or washed potatoes can cost several times more expensive than the same products, but without "extra. service. "
  3. Such a product is quite common as frozen vegetables. It seems that everything is fine, but I bought the assorted in the package a couple of times, most of the potatoes. It turned out that I bought 0.5 kg of potatoes 10 times more expensive.

In general, be careful. Such little things will save an extra penny, or vice versa to spend great.

Take lunch to work - why is the rule always work?

If you cook at home in advance and take with you, then a month you can save up to half the budget for food.

For instance, Salad for 100 grams can cost as half a kilo vegetables, a plate of puree stands like 2 kg of potatoes, a plate of porridge, like a floor pack of cereals, etc. Instead of one portion for the same money, it will be possible to prepare from 2 to 4 servings, and the homemade food itself is usually tastier.

Another example. If at home to make salads, sandwiches, sushi, pizza themselves, it also costs cheaper. The order of sushi in our city for two at least once a month costs 1,200 rubles, and for the year it will be about 12,000 rubles! If you do it yourself, the savings of 50% will give an additional 6,000 rubles of savings money.

200 grams at a price of 10 kg. How do you like?Hike in a cafe. On average, two is about 1500 -2000 rubles. Of which the order of some grill potatoes will cost 200-300 rubles, and these are 3 whole potatoes cut in half.

Buy products wholesale

This item is not so easy to implement, but it can safely save a family budget.

Purchase wholesale the most running products of your diet, and so that it is easier to type the volume, do it with friends or relatives - for example sugar, potatoes, juices, etc. (Such products are stored for a long time and are bought in more, they all eat).

It is also better to buy products in the season when they are cheaper.

And now try to fold all the saved money from this category. How much do you get for the month? And over the year?

10 ways to K. aK save money on shopping in stores

If you do not have a Cashbek card, then you already lose money. This card helps on average to save from 800 to 1,500 rubles.

Go to the shop with a list of purchases - 100% warranty

Banal rule, but works. I checked on my experience many times, and time spent at times less.

Came, saw, bought.

For example, the following situation, I forgot to buy milk, returned the next day, but with him buy something else, and these are additional costs.

Get bonus and discount cards and do not lose money

Most network stores have long been offering their customers a card to which you can accumulate bonus points and then spend on purchases in the same store. The percentage may be not very big, but if you consider the consistency of purchases, then in the same year the amount may accumulate significant.

Do not neglect. The same goes and discount cards.

A small pause eliminates the emotional component and allows us to eventually make a more profitable purchase. What in turn and saves money.

Look for what is easier according to the functionality - it goes cheaper and no worse

This Council refers to various techniques. Many many buy faded electronics, but in the end we use only 3-4 features of 20 (phones, washing machines, computers and other electronics).


  • Many buy chapped phones for several tens of thousands of rubles, and in the end only call, they write in a wagon and make pictures. For this, quite some kind of Chinese phone Xiaomi is the capabilities of the same, quality at the level, the price is lower.
  • Washing and dishwasher - from personal experience, have a bunch of modes, and it is really used 3.

Plan your purchases in advance

  1. In most stores with a certain periodicity, the promotion and sales are held, if you do not hurry and subjend the moment, you can get a big discount.
  2. Sometimes it is better to wait for holidays and large discounts, you can save 50% and more.
  3. The debit card Tinkoff Black has cachek 5% for purchases in certain category (read more review about the map link).

Example from personal experience:

Saving 50% - Instead of 90,000 rubles, about 40,000 for annual training came out.

I decided to expand the horizons and go to learn.

Before payment I checked, is there any bonuses from Tinkoff Bank? I went to my personal account and saw that when paying on the site of courses using a card, you can still return about 10%, which I actually did.

On the official website for this link you can order a map. Checked - an excellent card, with a bunch of buns (cacheki, a good percentage on the residue, super service, access to useful services).

Rent of things, tools

Things that just just once a few years are better billing for money or familiar.

For instance, Power tools (perforator, drill) is needed for one day, it is sometimes easier to take from familiar or relatives. Decide to buy, then get ready to post a few thousandAnd even more if you need a high-quality tool that will serve the year, and not throw it out after two inclusions.

Tell the new items and brands

As a rule, they cost more, wait for some time and can buy cheaper. Before buying, think about why you need a thing.

For instanceIf you need a camera for a hobby, you should not take the most expensive and best, as a rule, you can do it easier, the difference will not be noticeable.

Many Chinese quality products are not inferior to more expensive brands., and at a price cheaper several times. Again as an example, Xiaomi smartphones (Haiomi) in their parameter is a very worthy alternative at a price of only about 10 thousand rubles.

Goods with defects are not always bad

Even a little scratch in an invisible place may loosize the price of goods by 2 times. There is nothing crazy about it. It is stupid to spend a bunch of money if you can save.

Example: When the wife was looking for a bath with his wife, they saw a cast-iron with a very small scratch at a rapid place, and the price of this bath was 50% lower. Bought and saved 5,000 rubles - not bad.

Joint purchases are a good alternative to the store, but not always

Joint shopping sites have now become popular. This is when people together pick up orders for a wholesale party and get a discount. You can find many products are significantly cheaper.

  • I bought out rosettes in the apartment, so they cost almost 100 rubles cheaper than in stores and it's a thing, and they need to be minimized in the apartment. Savings of 1000 rubles.

But here you should also be careful And do not buy in untested places, compare prices for goods, do not buy goods that may not come in size.

  • For instance, I found chocolate for sale on joint purchases, the same brand in the stores cost cheaper by 20 rubles and this is excluding payment of transportation costs, storage and having to go to the place of issue.
  • Or another example, I found a nozzle for mixing construction mixtures, it seems to be cheaper by 100 rubles, but after the calculations it became clear that, with regard to the time for the order, payment of transportation costs and storage costs, such a purchase is not profitable.

8 ways to K. aK save money on tariffs

From time to time compare tariffs for services

Telephone, the Internet can do much cheaper, you only need to periodically check the tariffs and their changes, as well as look for additional bonuses.

For instanceBy summing up the cost of the phone, I came to the conclusion that the usual tariff with a monthly fee is suitable for me as a pleasant bonus - cheap Internet. Expenditures remained the same, and the possibilities grew up.

Refuse unnecessary services

For instance, I am cheaper to call once a month in cellular intercity than to have a home phone, Internet data calls is still cheaper.

Another example, started the second SIM card, after some time noticed that the money was disappeared on it. Began to watch carefully tariffs, it turned out some options were paid or became, and I began to write off the monthly fee. It seems to be some 50 rubles per monthBut if you eliminate such leaks in all spheres of your life, you can save a good percentage.

Look for options how to reduce commission

Periodically pay a number of services on the Internet, for the transfer of money I pay the commission. After comparing different payment methods, found more profitable. Thus, it was possible to reduce the costs of this category approximately 2 times.

Again, the amount itself may seem insignificant, which is a few hundred rubles, but in the amount of various areas of our life due to this kind of commissions accumulate a more significant figure.

Payment forward can bring savings in 50%

If you pay forward in a few months or a year, then sometimes give bonuses as% of the payment amount back to the account or good discounts.

For instance, Take the Lingvaleo service to explore English. For 3 months, the price of 690 rubles (for the year it is 2760 rubles), and when paying immediately for the year, the price of 1690 rubles. As a result, savings are obtained 1070 rubles or almost 40%.

Ask about discounts to save money

Many times have already heard such a way: Buying or order a service, then be sure to ask about a discount. Do it always and everywhere. If you give up - nothing terrible.

Sometimes you can get in just a couple of minutes in the form of a discount amount you earn in a few hours or days. I think it is worth it.

We also look for places where discounts are distributed. For instance, coupon site. You can find interesting offers cheaper than if you come to the same store just like that.

Do not save!

This Council may seem not logical with regard to the above described, but sometimes the best savings is to pay more.

ExampleFor training sought sneakers, I found rubles for 300, as a result, after the first classes, they began to crumble. I had to buy others for 700 rubles, and throw out for 300.

Another example with shoes, bought the winter boots of the Ricker brand, they cost more than ordinary percent by 50, but in the end I wore them 5 years.

Example from the health area. He treated his teeth for free on OMS (for two teeth 4,600 rubles), after half a year it was necessary to redo, but already in a paid clinic and it was worth it about 30,000 rubles.

3 Rules K. aK Save money on vacation in travel

Plan in advance the whole rest

If you book your trip in advance, buy tickets, etc., then vacation with a journey can do it much cheaper.

For instance, with his wife bought a tour to Thailand, a week later the same tour cost 10 thousand more, and if they bought a month 2 earlier, then could fly by thousands of 15-20 cheaper. Here is such arithmetic.

Find as much information as possible - this is important!

If the main activities are focused in one placeAnd you settle down in removal, it will inevitably lead to excess trips. Above this may be a significant cost of expenses.

Make all the places where I would like to visit and find the hotel, which would be within walking distance to the maximum number of these very places. Priority Give the entertainment that you will visit repeatedly. Build the route.

Also make a list of places where you eat, especially this is relevant for Asian countries, because local food can come to everyone to taste. One or twilight, and then search for something more familiar, these are extra spending. It is easier to find on the network recommendations in advance where you can have a snack.

Entertainment guides from tour of companies They can cost much more expensive, it is possible that it will be easier to find places where tickets sell. The more information we collect in advanceThe more save money during the holidays.

Rested in Vietnam, there one of the local tourist agencies distributed free map of the city. On these maps, attractions and discount coupons are 5-10% in different institutions.

There is never a hurry to buy anything on the spot, spending money somewhere. The first day ideally is better just to look and see where what and how much costs.

Do not buy large portions of unknown dishes. In Asian countries, it is fraught with the fact that do not eat, and pay the money is good.

With things the same thing, on the busy streets prices will always be higher than somewhere aside. As a rule, prices are significantly overestimated, therefore always try to bargain. They will refuse - not trouble, but if you throw off, then it will save you some money.

These rules will allow to significantly save money while traveling. Add your options in the comments.

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