
What to do with the found money according to the law. What to do if you accidentally find money. How to sign yourself with the sign of the cross

Any thing found can be called a find, which is exactly reflected in the Civil Code. Because in legal language, the definition of a find fits the discovery of any lost thing. And the finder must immediately notify the person who lost it, or the owner of the thing or anyone else about it and, in accordance with Article 227 Civil Code, return the thing.

If you find someone else's loss on the street, and it is impossible to determine the owner by the thing, then it is most reasonable to take the find to the police or another local government body. Police officers will draw up a report on the find, after which they can start looking for the owner. If you find a thing indoors or in public transport, then it should be handed over to the person who represents the owner this room or vehicle. You can also place an ad in the newspaper or stick it on the place where the find was found. The item should be returned to the person who, in the telephone conversation, will be able to give a sufficiently detailed description of the lost item. But do not forget that in this situation it is your responsibility to preserve and return the item you find. And if you turn over the find to the police or to the owner of the premises in which the thing was found, the responsibility will lie with the one to whom you handed over the find.

What to do if you find a perishable item or item, the storage costs of which are incomparably higher than its cost? It can be realized by a person who has found a thing, retaining written evidence certifying the amount of proceeds. The money received for the sale of the found thing must be returned to the owner of the find.

The finder bears responsibility for the loss or damage to the thing only if it was done by him intentionally or as a result of rough handling of the find, and only to the extent not exceeding the value of the thing.

Simply put, it makes no sense to rejoice at this or that found thing, since, most likely, this will only add to your hassle. And if you find a more or less valuable thing, your direct duty is to hand it over to its owner safe and sound. If you hide the fact of the find, you run the risk of incurring all sorts of troubles on your head. For example, every cell phone has an IMEI - an international identifier for mobile equipment - a unique number for each device. Thanks to this, you can find out about its owner.

Do not forget about all sorts of scams in which the found thing can drag you into. The most common types of fraud involve an ownerless wallet. Therefore, it is better to carry out each action in front of witnesses.

However, such a situation is also possible when the property of the find passes to the finder. This will become possible if, six months after the submission of your application for the found thing to the police or local government body, it is not possible to establish the person authorized to receive the found thing.

Regarding liability, it is worth mentioning that until 1997 there was a separate criminal article, which stipulated the punishment for the misappropriation of the find. Currently, for the appropriation of the find, a person is awaiting Civil responsibility, more precisely, material (compensation for damage, loss of profits, etc.). Therefore, do not lose your vigilance and be attentive.

Leaving the cross on the road to be walked on is a great sin, the clergy say. After all, this is a shrine, and it should not be trampled underfoot.

“In our time of troubles, unfortunately, elements of occult consciousness - superstition - are widespread among people,” says priest Father Dionisy Tolstov. - Of course, people who do not have sufficient faith and spiritual knowledge are afraid of everything. He who does not know God is afraid of his own shadow.

You should clearly understand what the cross is. The cross is the focus of all Christian confessions. The cross is the sign of the Son of God, the instrument of our salvation, the cross is the beauty of the Church. When we see the cross, we rejoice in the Risen Savior, which means that the pectoral cross for each of us is a constant reminder of Christ. The cross is the road to Heaven. Every Christian should have this understanding of the cross. Then there will be no fear of finding the cross. "

If you do not want to take such a cross home, then you can hang it on the branch of the nearest tree or on the fence. But it is best to take the cross to the temple and consecrate it, the priest advises. After that, you can wear it or give it to someone. You can donate a cross to some icon. By the way, when you are in church, pay attention: on many icons there are gold and silver crosses donated by parishioners.

How to deal with lost money? I walked with my child and on the road near our house where cars drive, I found money, started asking the nearest passers-by - no one lost money, many checked in their pockets, no one lost. Then one woman says that you can hardly find the owner, and if you do not take them, then someone else will take them, in general, not the owner. Now this money is on my shelf - 1000 rubles, and I sit and think: maybe someone has lost the last, I will go to church - I will give it to those who need it. Don't know how to relate to this?

I'm sitting with a child

Dear Daria, really, what you will not find in our capital city. Here you have found a thousand rubles. Probably, it seems absolutely impossible to find their owner, that is, you did not find a wallet, which contains documents and another thousand rubles, but just a piece of paper. Otherwise, I have no doubt that you would have returned them long ago, and no question would have arisen. If you find the banknote without any possibility of finding its owner, try in turn to find such a use so that it is not spent on yourself. Consider that it was sent to you by Providence so that you can do a little good to someone. Give your grandmother a bouquet, buy a briefcase for your younger sister, give out to the poor near the metro, lend to a friend who has asked you for a long time, and then not remind you of this debt. Everyone will find what to do with the money that suddenly fell on him, but it is better to spend it not on himself. You can take it to the temple, you can also use it for good in a different way.

A well-known expression says: "There is no money lying on the road." However, sometimes it turns out to be wrong. There are often cases when a person, walking down the street, finds a wallet with money or banknotes or coins lying on the ground. In connection with the find, a dilemma arises: to take or not to take. In order not to get into a mess, let's figure out what to do if we accidentally find money on the street.

Accident or fate

Nothing in the world happens by chance. As MABulgakov said in his novel: "Brick will never fall on anyone's head for no reason at all." If you are lucky enough to find money on the street, in the entrance, in the store, in general, no matter where, you should know: this is a whim of fate, which once again wants to test you for strength. Before picking up the coveted bill, a natural question arises: "And were you lucky?"

People's fears about money finds are not unfounded. There are 2 opinions among the people on this matter.

Some citizens consider the monetary find as good luck, and the rest - as a harbinger of trouble.

In folklore, there are many beliefs about the money found. They take into account a lot of additional nuances: who found, on what day, under what circumstances.

Good omen

People who believe that a money find is a good omen rely on a fairly simple theory, which says:

"Whatever is done - everything is for the best."

That is, if a person finds a wallet with money, it is a gift from the Almighty to him. As a classic of the genre, you can read the case when a person, experiencing financial difficulties and being practically in a hopeless situation, suddenly finds a banknote, which turns out to be a real salvation for him. However, this story has a second side to the coin: - after all, someone lost this money.

On this account, adherents of good omen have their own explanation. They believe that if a person has lost money, this means that the “lucky” person will receive something ten times more in return. It can be the birth of a long-awaited child, luck, love or wealth. There is also an opinion that the missing financial resources or a stolen wallet should be seen as a payoff from something bad.

Losing money in this case is an opportunity to avoid illness, misfortune, loss.

In the context of the above statements, a number of good signs about monetary finds:

  1. If a woman found money on the street during critical days, then soon a romantic acquaintance or marriage awaits her.
  2. If a man rushing on a date finds money, it will be successful.
  3. Rubles found in rainy weather promise unexpected profits. If money is found during a snowfall, you can count on success in business.

If a banknote is found on Monday, folk signs will soon predict an improvement in welfare, and this will happen unexpectedly. If you are lucky enough to make such a find on Tuesday, in the coming days you need to prepare to meet an influential person who will assist in important matters. Finding money on Wednesday - for a promotion or a lucrative job. There is a sign that says:

"If you find money on Thursday, you will make a profit."

If banknote or a coin was found on Friday, in speed you will be presented with an expensive gift. A found bill on Saturday is a harbinger of a successful purchase or a lucrative contract. And finally, finding money on Sunday - meeting a wealthy person. To be more precise, this meeting will improve matters.

Bad omen

In addition to the good omens associated with all sorts of monetary finds, there are many bad omens. The story goes that since the inception of money, people have treated it with trepidation and respect. In ancient times, coins were associated with a reward for hard work, and all actions associated with dishonest receipt were considered shameful and were subject to universal censure. Our ancestors considered it impossible to take something without giving something in return. Consequently, any find was considered as the appropriation of someone else's without any rights to it.

Having absorbed human labor, money became the owners of a powerful energy, which magicians and sorcerers often used and continue to use in their rituals. With the help of charmed coins, rituals are carried out to improve the financial situation, often kopecks are thrown at the crossroads as a ransom. People who practice magic throw their illnesses and misfortunes on money so that they go over to the person who raised the coins and leave their "owner" alone. If we consider a monetary find from this point of view, it becomes clear that picking up bills or coins on the street is extremely dangerous.

Now a little about the bad omens of finding funds:

  1. First, let's consider why to find paper money. Their discovery foreshadows impending losses, and they will be associated not only with the financial sector. The found banknote can also cost the finder health, love, peace of mind. In this case, it does not matter at all how many money was found: one or five. That is why, before picking up paper money, you need to think carefully about whether it is worth it.
  2. If there are a lot of scattered coins at the intersection, do not rush to pick them up. It is unlikely that anyone has lost them. Most likely, the coins at the intersection appeared as a result of some magical ritual, and therefore they can pose a danger to you.
  3. If these coins are scattered around the house in order for you to see and pick them up, do not do so in any case: it may be a lining. They should be gently swept away with a broom, carried away from the house and buried or thrown into running water.
  4. There are times when a person finds more than one banknote, and a whole wallet with money. A full wallet may indicate an accidental loss, therefore, picking it up and not returning it to the owner, a person spoils his karma. If this is a specially thrown thing, by means of which a person tried to remove illness and misfortune from himself, all these "delights" will be transferred to the finder as soon as he touches it. If this thing was found near the house or directly in the house, you must not touch it with your bare hands. The wallet can be tossed. You should think about who could have brought it and for what purpose it was done.
  5. An empty wallet is a bad omen, no matter what day and what hour this thing was found. Picking up a wallet in which there was no money, you can incur poverty.
If more than one money was found, but several, some of them must be left in place.
  • Before picking up the find, you should quickly whisper: “I accept the good, I leave the evil. Let it be so". Another option is to cross yourself and read a prayer.
  • If a large banknote comes across on the road, it is better to exchange it and give a part to the beggars or donate to the temple.
  • After the money is removed from the wallet that someone has lost, it is better to throw it away or burn it.
  • The found money should not be carried into the house under any circumstances - it is advisable to exchange it or buy something for yourself right away.
  • You can not borrow the money found: this is a bad omen. By giving back what was sent to you, you are deprived of Fortune's favor.
  • In no case should you raise money if it is at the intersection. To do this is to attract unhappiness.
  • If money is found during the growing moon, before spending it, you must say: "As the moon grows, so let my income increase."
  • You should not keep the money found during the full moon. It is better to give them to the needy or take them to the temple. To avoid trouble by picking up money during this period, you need to buy candles with them and put them in the church, asking for happiness and health for yourself and your loved ones.
  • If you find money for the waning moon, you should buy something edible with it.
  • There is folk omen, which prohibits raising money on an empty stomach.
  • A lot of people want to get rich or find a money bag with a bottomless bottom. Dreams - dreams, however, there is a large number of superstitions associated with the sudden finding of money, or their loss. After all, people at all times wanted to know what signs promise if they lose money.

    Loss of a wallet with money - what does such a sign mean?

    Having lost money, you will gain twice the amount

    Probably, every person at least once in his life lost a little one on the street, or large amount of money. At the first moment, annoyance always seizes: "Here I am a muddler!". And then the thought follows: "Next time I will be more attentive to my good." It is interesting that popular beliefs in this case also try to reassure a person:

    "Having lost money, you will find twice as much."

    The "iron" rule of energy conservation works here: if you lose something, then it will definitely arrive. A kind of return can even occur in the form of love, health, well-being, success and family happiness. They also say that a person who lifts someone else's wallet with money receives a piece of goodness from the owner of the wallet, but the thief, on the contrary, loses his positive energy.

    Bought a new wallet: what do these signs mean?

    Money will not be found in a bad wallet

    • whistling in the house is prohibited - there will be no money;
    • you can't spend your salary on the very first day - let it spend the night in your wallet;
    • the broom must be lowered with the handle down - this promises profit and wealth;
    • you cannot sweep the floor after sunset - this is how money is swept out;
    • nails need to be cut on Tuesday or Friday - favorable financial days;
    • some plant suddenly bloomed - money is expected to arrive soon;
    • a butterfly accidentally flew into the apartment, or a bat - to the receipt of money;
    • if a bird crumpled - money;
    • it is forbidden to lend salt - there will be no money;
    • you cannot leave empty bottles on the table - to poverty;
    • it is forbidden to put the keys on the table or sit on it yourself - there will be losses;
    • you can't lend money in the evening or at night - to be in trouble.

    Of course, the omen - losing your wallet always means new profit as a sign of consolation. And if you find money on the street and don't know what to do with it, a sign will always tell you. Is it possible to raise money on the street - a sign always leaves this on the conscience of the picker. But in order for money to always be found - they need to be constantly appeased!

    Are you making enough money?

    Check if this applies to you:

    • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
    • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
    • debts and loans take away everything that comes with great difficulty;
    • all promotions go to someone else;
    • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

    You may have been corrupted by money. This amulet will help to remove the lack of money.

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